Formal and Informal Vocabulary in Writing Letters
Formal and Informal Vocabulary in Writing Letters
Formal and Informal Vocabulary in Writing Letters
Beginning ▪Dear Sir/Madam / Dear Mr/Ms ▪Dear Mark/Laura
Ending Brown ▪Best/kind regards
▪Yours faithfully / Yours sincerely
Reason for ▪I am writing ▪This is a short note
writing -with regard to … -to thank you
-to request -to apologise
-to enquire about … -to mention
-to inform you that… ▪I thought you might like to
-in response to … know that …
Recalling ▪As you may recall, we recently ▪As you know, we talked
facts discussed the possibility of … about…
▪As you know, our company is ▪You probably remember our
interested in … recent conversation about ...
What you ▪In order to develop this idea ▪If you agree, we could …
propose ▪To allow us to take the matter ▪It might be a good idea to …
further, may I suggest that.. ▪What I suggest is …
▪To enable us to move forward on ▪One /another possibility
this, we would like to propose … would be to …
▪I/we/our firm would be pleased to …
Further ▪Please do not hesitate to contact us if ▪Feel free to contact me at
contact you require further details / more any time for more details.
information. ▪Let me know how you feel
▪We would be happy to provide more about my suggestion.
detailed information.
Signing off ▪We would be pleased to have an ▪We could discuss this over
opportunity to work with your firm. lunch one day.
▪I look forward to hearing from you. ▪Hope to hear from you soon.