Informal Observation 2022

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Department of


Teacher Name; Francelle Esteban Teacher ID: 1=71~674=7~5=-cc----,c.,,...,,---=-------
School Year: 2021-2022 School Name!DBN: 02M033-P.S. 033 Chelsea Prep


In each observation , all c:omponent.s for which there is observed evidence must be rated . Each form must
contain lesson-specific evider,c:p for each of the components observed during a classroom observation.

This observation was: (cherk one)

D Formal Observatio" (ful! period) I X IInformal Observation (15 minutes minimum)
Date of Observation: 04/07/2022 Time/Period : ' - P - = D _ 6 = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Component Ratings
1a (obs): Demonstrating knowledge of content and pedagogy 3- Effective
The teacher provides clear explanations of the content.
--- -...
1e (obs): Designing wt>,. rer:t instruction 3- Effective
The learning activities have reasonable time allocations; they represent significant
cognitive challenge, with some differentiation for different groups of students and
varied use of instructional groups.

2a: Creating an environment of respect and rapport 4- Highly Effective

Classroom interactions between the teacher and students and among students are
highly respectful, reflecting genuine warmth, caring, and sensitivity to students as

2d: Managing student behavior 4- Highly Effective

Student behavior is entirely appropriate.

3b: Using questioning and discussion techniques 3- Effective

Teacher poses questions designed to promote student thinking and

3c: Engaging students in learning 3- Effective

The learning tasks and activities are fully aligned with the instructional outcomes
and are designed to challenge student thinking, inviting students to make their
thinking visible.

3d: Using assessment in instruction 3- Effective

The teacher elicits evidence of student understanding.

Last Revised: 04/26/22 11 :26:22 AM By cwang

4e (obs}: Growing and developing professionally N/A

Last Revi sed : 04/26/22 11 :26:22 AM By cwang

reacherID_1_7_16_4.;...7....:5_ _ __ Teacher Name Francelle Esteban


In this section of the form , evaluators should rate evidence for components 1a, 1e, and 4e that was
observed within fifteen (15) school days prior to the classroom observation as part of an assessment
of a teacher's preparation and professionalism. Each form must contain teacher-specific evidence
for each of the components observed.

Component Ratings

1a (p&p) : Demonstrating knowledge of content and pedagogy N/A

1e (p&p) : Designing coherent instroction N/A
4e (p&p) : Growing and developing professionally N/A

Additional Evaluator Notes (please attach more pages, as necessary):

Thank you for having me in your classroom for CGI. It was great to see differentiated sets of numbers to
support the range of students in your classroom. You also told students if they needed help, they can get a
bin of blocks to support their problem solving. You prompted a student to specify the unit in the problem.
You asked a student to share her thinking by saying, I'm h~Jl': : :.1ricu;; about this. This is the first time I have
seen you do this". And you invited the student to explain her work. V\ihen a student wanted to stand at the
rug area, you asked the student, "Will it help you"? When 11·,e stu:.1;,11t said yes, you permitted him to stand,
accommodating his needs at the moment.
I would love to schedule time together to meet with you and your r:o-teacher to analyze the student work to
discuss the range of strategies that we are seeing during CCJ ·:·n:s will help further deepen student's
mathematical understanding. Looking forward to this coll aborative analysis of student work.

Teacher's signature: - - - , --,-''--f''-"--,ll-""- - - - - -- - -- - -

(1 have read and received a

Evaluator's name (print): _C_h_in~g~c_h_ie_n_W_a_n__..g'-----------

Evaluator's signature: - - - - - t:_-=-

b - - ----="'e=::::!'!'.:::=:::::~---- Date
J Last Revised: 04/26/22 11 :26:22 AM By cwang

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