En 933-09
En 933-09
En 933-09
EAOT EN 933.09
2' *E~6oarl
EMHNIKO npomno
National Fomword
English Version
CEN members are bound fo wmply wlth the CEWCENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the condlUona for givlng lhi Eumpean
SLandard ihe status of a natlonrrl standard without anv alteration. Upto-&te lists and bibliwrs~himl
referencesconcemlngsuch nathal
W W s may be oblatned on applicafm to the CEN ~ana~emeni Centre or to any CEN rbmber.
THE Eumpean Stendarn exists In three ofaual versions (Endish. French. German). A veroion In any ocher w g e made by tmnala(ion
u e the rabWnslMllW of a CEN member IntoIts own Iananauage
- an9 nollfied to the CEN Menagemenl Cenlfe has the same slmus as the
official versi&s.
CEN members era me national standards bodies of Austria, Belglum, B~lgaria.C y p ~ sCzech
. Republic. D m . Estonia, Flnland.
Franca, Germany, Greece. Hungsry. Iceland. Ireland, IWy, ktvla. Lllhsanla. Luxembourg, Mrrlla. Nsmsrlands. Nomy. Poland. Portugal.
Ranania. Slovakia, Slovenia, &tin, Sweden. ~wltzetlandand United Kingdan.
02009 CEN An rights 01 explotlatiar in any form and by any means resewed Ref. No. EN 9359:2Wg. E
rrorkiwide for CEN national Members.
EN 933-9:2009 (E)
Contents Page
1 scope....................................................................................................................................."...............4
2 Normative references ................................................................................................................. 4
3 T e n s and definitions...........................................................................................................................
6 ....................................................................................................................................
Apparatus 5
7 Preparation of test portions .................................................................................................................6
6. .
Procedure ....................................................................................................................................
8.1 DascripUon of the stain test........................................................................................................... 6
82 Pmpantlon d suspension............................................................................................................... 6
8.3 Determlnatlonof the quantity of dye adsorbed ................................................................................. 7
9 Cakulltion and expression of results ........................................................................................ 7
10 Testrepoft ...................................................................... ............................................................... 8
1 0 R e q u M data ..................................................................................................................................8
10.2 Optional data ...................................................................................................................................8
Annex A (normative) Procedure for the determination of the methylene blue value ( M q )
of the 010.125 mm fraction................................................................................................................ 9
Annex B (informative) Test of conformity In relation to a specified MB value ...........................................10
Annex C (normatiwe) Preparation of 10 gll methylene blue solution....... .................................................11
Annex D (normative) Procedure for the determination of the rrtethylene blue value of
kaotlnite (M&) ...................................................................................................................................
Annex E (informative) Example of a test data sheet .....................................................................................14
EN 933-9:2009 (E)
This document (EN 933-9:2009) has been prepared by Technical Committee CENKC 154
'Aggregates', the secretariat of which is held by BSI.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an
Mentical text or by endorsement, at the latest by January 2010, and conflicting national standards
shall be withdrawn at the latest by January 2010.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of tha elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN [andlor CENELEC] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such
patent rights.
This Standard forms part of a series of tests for geometrical properties of aggregates. Test methods
for other properties of aggregates will be covered by parts of the following European Standards:
1 Scope
This standard describes the reference method used for type testing and in cases of dispute for the
determination of the methylene blue value of the 012 mm fraction in fine aggregates or all-In
aggregates (MB). It also describes the reference method for the determination of the rnethylene blue
value of the W0,125 mrn fraction (MB,) in Annex A. For other purposes, in particular factory
productioncontrol, other methods may be used provided that an appropriate working relationshipwith
the suitable reference method has been established.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (mncluding any amendments) appbes.
EN 932-2, Tests for general propetties of aggregates - Patt 2: Methods for reducing laboratory
sample obtained by means of a sample reduction procedure
test poltion
sample used as a whole in a single test
particle size fraction of an aggregate which passes the 0.063 rnm sieve
palticle slze fraction
fraction of an aggregate passing the larger of two sieves and retained on the srnalter
constant mass
successive weighings after drying at least 1 h apart not differing by more than 0,l %
NOTE In many cases constant mass can be achieved after a test spedmen has been dried for a pre-
determined period in a specified wen at (110 i 5) 'C. Teat laboratories can determine the time required to
achieve constant masis for specific types and sizes of sample dependent upon the drying capacity of the oven
4 Principle
Iffirements of a solution of methylene blue are added successively to a suspension of the test portion
in water. The adsorption of dye solution by the test portion is checked after each addition of solution
by carrying out a stain test oifilter paper t
6 detect the presence of free dye.
When the presence of free dye is confirmed the methylene blue value (ME or Mg)is calculated and
expressed as grams of dye adsorbed per kilogram of the size fraction tested.
NOTE A mnformlly rAW, adding a single quantity of dye solution equivalent to a s p e d limiling value
and which may be used as part of a production control process, is described in Annex 6 .
5 Reagents
5.1 Dye solution, solution of standard or technical quality methylene blue, (10,O i 0,l) gn (See
Annex C). The maximum period of use of the solution shall be 28 days. It shall be stored away from
NOTE Kaotinlte of MBK value between 1 g and 2 g per 100 g of kaolhite is preferaMe in order to avoid
excassive usa of dye.
8 Apparatus
All apparatus shall wnfoml to the general requirements of EN 932-5.
6.1 Burette, with capacity of either 100 ml or 50 ml and graduation of either 1/10 ml or 115 ml, or
one 5 rnl and one 2 ml micro-pipette.
6.2 Nbr paper, quantitative and ash-free (< 0,010 '46); 95 glmz; thickness 0,20 mm; filtration speed
75 s; pore size 8 vrn.
6.4 Impeller agitator, capable of wntrolled variable rotation rates up to (600 60) mid' with three
or four impeller blades of (75 i 10) mm diameter.
NOTE Alternative types of mixer can be used if it can be shown that resub obtained agree with results
produced ustng an impeller agitator as specMed above.
6.12 Spatula.
6.13 Desiccator.
Weigh one of the subsamples as M. Dry it to constant mass, then weigh it again as M'. Determine and
record the water content of this subsample as W (%) = 100 x (M - M')/M'. Discard this subsample.
NOTE The detennlnatiinof Me water content may be achieved by other means than drying In a ventilated
oven, such as drying in a mimiwave for example.
Take the other subsample and, if necessary, achieve further reduction in accordance with EN 932-2
to obtain a test portion of mass at least 1200 x (1 + W/l00)] g. The mass of the test portion shall be
larger than [ZOO x ( I + W1100)l g but not of an exact predetermined value. We~ghthe test portion as
MOand determine its dry mass M, to the nearest 1 g according to the following:
M, =M.,l(l+WflOo)"
8 Procedure
The amount of drop taken shall be such that the diameter of the deposit is between 8 mm and 12 mm.
The test is deemed to be positive if, in the wet zone, a halo consisting of a persistent light blue ring of
about 1 mrn is formed around the central deposit
NOTE As Me end-point is approached, the halo will appear, but can then disappear again, because Me day
minerals can take some time lo complete Wir adsorption of the dye. For this reason the enbpoint is confirmed
by repeatingthe staln test at 1 mm intervals for 5 min wilhoui adding more dye solution.
Set the agitator to a speed of 600 rnin" and position the impeller about 10 mm above the base of the
Switch on the agitator and start the stopwatch, agitating the contents of the beaker for 5 min at
(600 60) min-'and subsequently (see 8.3) agitate continuously at (400 i 40) r/min for the remainder
of the test
EN 933-9~2009(E)
If insufficient fines are present in the test portion to obtain a halo, kaolinite should be added together
with additional dye solution as follows:
Add to the beaker (30,O * 0,l) g of kaolinite (5.3), dried at (I10 * 5) "Cta constant mass;
Add V' ml of dye solution to the beaker where V = 30 M&, is the volume of dye solution adsorbed by
30 g of kaolinite.
Pbce the filter paper (6.2) on top of an empty beaker, or some other suitable support, so that most of
its surface is not in contact with any solid or liquid.
After agitating for 5 min at (600 f 60) min", inject a dose of 5 ml of dye solution (see 5.1) into the
beaker; agitate at (400 f 40) mln-' for at least 1 min and cany out a stain test (see 8.1) on the fllter
paper. If after the addition of this initial 5 ml of dye solution the halo does not appear, add a further
5 ml of dye solution, continue agitating for 1 min, and carry out another stain &st. If a halo still does
not appear, continue agitating, m a k i additions of dye and doing stain tests in this manner ulnit a
halo is observed. When this stage is reached, continue agitating and without further additions of dye
solution, perform stain tests at 1 min intervale
If the halo disappears during the first 4 min, add a further 5 ml of dye solution. If the halo disappears
during the Mth minute, add only 2 ml of dye solution. In either case. continue agitabng and doing stain
tests until a halo persists for 5 min.
Record the total volume of dye solution V, added to produce a halo that persists for 5 min. to the
nearest 1 ml.
NOTE Containers should be deansed thoroughly with water as soon as the tests are mrnpleted. Traces of
any dete- used should be removed by thorough rinsing. It is remmended that containers used In
methyhe blue tests are reserved spedfically for that test.
Record the MB value to the nearest 0,l g of dye per kilogram of the 012 mm fraction.
If the test is carried cut with the addition of kaolinite, the above equation becomes:
EN 933-9:2009 (E)
NOTE 1 The fadw 10 in the above equations converts the volume of dye dutbn used to the mass of dye
adsorbed per kilogram of the size fraction tested.
10 Test report
1 0 . General
The test report shall include the information referred to in 10.1 and can include the information
referred to in 10.2.
C) date of test.
EN 933-k2009(E)
Annex A
A.l Prepare test portions as specified in Clause 7 and follow the test procedure in Clause 8, but
with a test portion mass M, of (30,O f 0 , l ) g of the 010,125 mm frachon.
A.2 Calculate the methylem! blue value (M&) in grams of dye per kilogram of the 010,125 mm
fraction as:
A.4 Test reports shall include appropriate information in accordance with Clause 10.
EN 933-9:2009 (E)
Annex B
A check on conformity with a specified ME value can be carried out by making a single addition of dye
solution in the following manner.
If the specified MB value expressed as grams of dye per kilogram of 012 mm fraction is 'ME,' then the
volume of dye solution to be injected at one time, Vz,is given by the following equation:
ME, is the specified ME value, in grams of dye per kilogram of 012 mm fraction;
V' is the volume of dye solution in miliilitres adsorbed by any added kaolinite
M e r preparation of a test portion in accordance with Clause 7, the suspension should be prepared
using the test portion, the water and, if necessary the kaolinite, all in accordance with 8.2, but
including V2 ml of dye solution.
The stain test should be carried out after stirring the suspension for 8 min at (400 i 40) min". If the
stain test (see 8.1) is positive, the sand can be assumed to conform to the specification.
If this stain test is negative however, the complete determination described in 8.3 should be carried
EN 933-9:2009 (E)
Annex C
C.l Prepare the 10 gll dye solution following the procedure given in C.l.l to C.1.7.
Weigh approximately 5 g of methylene blue powder and record the mass to the nearest 0,01 g as Mh.
Dry this powder at (100 i 5) "C to constant mass. Cool in the desiccator, and then weigh irnmedrately
after taking out of the desiccator. Rewrd the dry mass to the nearest 0,01 g as M,.
NOTE At temperatures above 105 "C, rnethylene Mue powder can be modified.
Calculate and record the water content Wto the nearest decimal place fmm the following equation:
The water content shall be determined for the preparation of every new batch of dye solution.
C.1.3 Take a mass of rnethylene blue powder of ((100 + W)/10) g 1 0,01 g (equivalent to 10 g of dry
C.1.4 Warm 500 ml to 700 mi of distilled or dernineralised water in a beaker to a temperature not
exceeding 40 'C.
C.l.6 Agitate the contents of the beaker whilst slowly pouring the methylene blue powder into the
warm water. Continue to agitate for 45 min, until wmplete dissolution of the powder, and then allow to
cool to 20 "C.
C.1.6 Pour into a flask of capacity 1 I, rinsing with distilled or demineralised water to ensure
complete transfer of all dye into the flask. Make sure that the flask and the water are at a temperature
of (20 t 1) "C to conform with the calibration of the flask and add more distilled or demineralised water
to the 1 I graduation mark.
C.1.7 Shake the flask to ensure complete dissolution of the powder and pour into a conservation
bottle in tinted glass.
b) date of preparation;
C.3 Methylene blue solution shall not be used more than 28 days after preparation. The stock of
dye solution shall be stored in a dark place.
EN 933-9:2009 (E)
Annex D
D.2 *
Weigh (30,O 0,l) g of dry kaolinite.
D.3 Pour the (30,O i 0.1) g of kaolinite into the beaker (6.8) together with 500 rnl of demineralised
or distilled water.
D.4 Agitate for 5 min at (600 i 60) min" with the impeller about I?
mm above the base of the
container and subsequently agitate continuously at (400 k40) min' for the remainder of this
D.5 Inject a dose of 5 ml of 10 gll dye solution into the beaker and,after at least Imin of agitating at
(400 40) min". carry out a stain test (see 8.1) on the filter paper.
D.6 If necessary continue to add dye solution in 5 ml doses unhl a positive result is obtained without
adding any more solution. Leave the adsorption of blue, which is not instantaneous, to proceed white
carrying out stain tests each minute.
If the light blue ring diippeers on the fifth stain, further increments of 2 rnl of dye shall be added.
These operations shall be repeated unW the test remains positive for 5 consecutive min. The
determination is then complete.
D.7 Record the total volume of dye solution adsorbed as V' in millilitres.
D.8 Calculate and record the methylene blue value of the kaolinite to the nearest 0,l g of dye per
100 g of kadinite from the following equation:
NOTE A test on M n i t e of known MBK value should be can?ed out at regular intervals to check the
constancy of results. This procedure shwld also ba wed to chadr a new dye solution.
EN 933-9~2009(E)
Annex E
EN 933-9 Labaatory :
Date :
I d e n t i i o n of the sample :
Oprator :