Kaltenborn 1993
Kaltenborn 1993
Kaltenborn 1993
II. Treatment
A. To Relieve Pain
1. Immobilization
- General: bed rest
- Specific: corsets, splinting, casting, taping
3. Special procedures
- Manual traction: pre-positioned, three-dimensional
- Vibrations, oscillations, etc.
B. To Increase Mobility
1. SonTissue Mobilization
- Massage: classical, connective tissue and functional massage,
transverse friction
- Active relaxation of muscles, e.g., hold-relax, reciprocal inhibition, etc.
• Passive stretching of shortened muscles and associated connective
Joint MobUlzatiOD
• Basic manual mobilization in the resting position of the joint
• Advanced manual mobilization in all possible joint positions
• Translatoric Thrust Technique (TIT): high velocity, short amplitude,
linear movement
4. Exercise
• To increase or maintain joint and soft tissue mobility
c. To Umlt Movement
III. Research
Clinical trials to determine the efficacy of various, single and combined treatment methods.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2 Fig. 4
Fig. 8
Fig. 6
1. Mennell J: The science and art of joint manipulation. Vol. 6. Kaltenborn FM, Evjenth, 0: Manual mobilization of the
1, London: Churchill Ltd., 1949. extremity joints. Minneapolis, MN: OPTP, 1989.
2. Cyriax J: Textbook of Orthopaedic medicine. Vol. 1, 8th 7. Kaltenborn FM, Evjenth 0, Kaltenbom TB, Vollowitz E:
ed. London: Bailliere Tindall, 1983. The spine: basic evaluation and mobilization techniques.
3. Cyriax J: Textbook of Orthopaedic medicine. Vol. 2, 8th Minneapolis, MN: OPTP, 1993.
ed. London: Bailliere Tindall, 1974. 8. Evjenth 0, Hamberg J: Muscle stretching in manual ther-
4. Stoddard A: Manual of osteopathic technique. 2nd ed. Lon- apy, the extremities. Sweden: Alfta Rehab Forlag, 1985.
don: Hutchinson, 1966. 9. Evjenth 0, Hamberg J: Muscle stretching in manual ther-
5. Stoddard A: Manual of osteopathic practice. London: apy, the spinal column and the TMJ. Sweden: Alfta Rehab
Hutchinson, 1969. Forlag, 1985.