GROUP 1 Construction Project Organization

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Group 1_Construction Project Organization

COMA, Joshua Martin M.

SOMERA, Jan Mark M.
BSCE 4-2

Construction Project Organization

The driving force behind every organization is its management team. Different teams
operate in different ways. There is no universal accurate management to define the one that is best.
Just the accept that explains why some operations were managed successfully in the past to suggest
what can be done for future success.
The organization structure of small enterprise may be very simple. The owner is usually
the manager. He has daily contact with all the people of his organization. He is the one who
established the policies. He assigns the job to be done, and follow up on the job for the purpose of
direction and coordination. As his company grows, bigger, the problem of organization of
grouping, supervising and serving operations become more complex.

What is Organization?
Organization is a group of individuals who are cooperating willingly and effectively for a
common goal. It is nothing more than the mechanism by which administration directs, coordinates
and controls its business. It is indeed, the very foundation of administration. To be specific,
organization seeks to know who is to do and what is to be done.
Organization are structured to promote better management. However, it is the performance
of the people who fill the positions that determines the success of the enterprise and not
organization design itself.
When an organization is structurally ill designed, when it passes for a makeshift
arrangement, administration is made difficult and ineffective. On the other hand, when it is logical,
clear cut and streamline, the paramount need of administration has been met.
Apparently, there is no ideal organization designed to emulate. A management structure is
only a vehicle used to attain the objectives and goals of an institution, and therefore, must be
realistic and responsive to the call for a change of those needs.

The Structural Elements of an Organization

1. Men. These are the different members of the organization starting from the very top of
the last workman in the enterprise.
Group 1_Construction Project Organization

2. Materials. Represents the materials necessary in the distribution of functions or in the

attainment of its objectives.
3. Machine. The tools necessary in producing its desired output.
4. Methods. The procedures and ways used in the course of its actions.

The Major Elements of Organizational Structures

1. Distribution of Functions. The functions to be performed, the groupings of functions, and
the vertical and horizontal task relationships among functions.
2. Vertical and Horizontal Authority Relationships. Who are the authority to do what.
3. Communication and Decision Processes. The manner in which formal decisions are made
and by whom.
4. Policies. The decision, rule or guidelines established.


Project Organization and Staffing is the part where organization structure, individual
positions, and functions are developed. Duties and responsibilities are defined. Teams are formed
and training programs are formulated.
Organization structure is developed based on certain parameters, such as determination and
grouping of activities; assigning of activities to departments, decisions and actions defining
hierarchy of relationships among the departments, divisions and sections; and providing
coordination lines among peoples and tasks.
In actual construction practice, organization structure are group either by skill (i.e.,
masonry, carpentry, plumbing steelworks, equipment), by discipline (i.e., civil, electrical, sanitary,
mechanical, architectural), or by gang or clusters of workers usually headed by a foreman.
The objectives of training are varied depending on the requirements of the project. enumerated
below are the typical objectives of training:
a) to orient new recruits or workers;
b) to ensure that the project engineers and workers know exactly their tasks;
c) to improve skills, productivity, job performance and aptitude based on acceptable
Group 1_Construction Project Organization
Group 1_Construction Project Organization
Group 1_Construction Project Organization

Construction Management plans

A construction management plan is a document that entails detailed information on
mechanisms, tools, resources, and the knowledge transfer necessary to deliver complex
construction projects. The plan enables project managers to determine project feasibility and
develop resource schedules that align with the goals and objectives. It further facilitates efficient
project resource planning and management.
With an organized plan and schedule, managers can be held accountable and ensure that the
workforce is committed towards timely and quality accomplishment of the construction work.
Overall, it is a handbook for the project managers that can help them in managing construction
projects to succeed.

1. Planning and Scheduling

Proper construction planning and scheduling are important in ensuring that your construction
project gets completed on time and within budget. A thoroughly planned construction schedule
not only outlines the pace of your work but it dictates how your work gets done. It also helps define
your processes, methods, and sequences for when materials are put in place.
Construction planning essentially covers the choosing of relevant policies, procedures, and
processes to achieve your project goals. Construction scheduling adapts your construction project
action plans for scope, time, cost, and quality into a functioning calendar.
a. Formulate Work Plan
b. Determine and Schedule Resources
 Manpower
 Equipment
 Materials
 Financial/Budget
c. Formulate “Construction Methods”
d. Ensure all pertinent data/information are available
e. Develop a “Rebar Cutting List”

2. Organization and staffing

A construction company’s organizational structure refers to both the arrangement of job roles
and the reporting and operational relationships between and within these roles. A variety of roles
and responsibilities – including marketing, purchasing, human resources, finance, pre-construction
tasks and construction operations – most often make such a corporate structure organized
according to departments, functions or areas of responsibilities most appropriate to organizational
A. Develop an Organization Structure of the project team and other major participants
Group 1_Construction Project Organization

B. Devise a Functional Chart

C. Prepare a Position of the Project Team

3. Direction, Supervision and Reporting (Construction)

Project management and construction also involves expert supervision to ensure that clients
get the technical quality they expect. It enables you to direct and coordinate resources to ensure
that the project goals are met. Engaging an effective project management solution is critical to
ensure that deliverables are completed in a timely and cost-effective manner.
A. Direct daily project activities (job assignments, canvassing, etc.) give instructions.
B. Supervise project execution.
C. Prepare monthly accomplish report or progress report including weather reports,
this includes statements of problems encountered and recommended solutions. (Note:
Develop and undertake progress reports or accomplishment reports)
D. Prepare project incident reports, as appropriate.
E. Prepare project completion report. (Note: draft a sample form)

4. Project Monitoring and Evaluation

Project monitoring and evaluation is used to measure a project’s progress. It’s important because
it lets you keep tabs on a project and identify potential problems. A lack of goals and measurable
objectives (37%) is the primary reason why projects fail.
A. Conduct monthly monitoring of project activities, materials, consumption, equipment
utilization and disbursements.
B. Undertake project evaluation every three (3) to six (6) months depending on the
magnitude and complexity of the project, and assess the impact of the
accomplishments to the overall attainment of the project objective.

5. Financial Management/Project Accounting and Auditing

Construction financial management is allocating and accounting for financial resources to cut
project costs, maximize profits and assure long-term company financial health.
Every decision impacts your financial position. That's why in proper financial management,
every process matters, from small purchases to structural changes on a business level.
A. Prepare monthly budget
B. Control disbursements
C. Maintain project accounting and auditing system
Group 1_Construction Project Organization

6. Construction Administration
Construction administration (CA) is also sometimes called “construction observation.” It’s the
process that the designer goes through to stay involved during the construction process to help
solve problems and assist with delivering a high-quality projects. Typically it entails only a couple
hours a week, regular meetings on site with the contractor and owner, and every once in a while a
larger chunk of time if there is an issue that needs resolving.
Many times clients like to remove the designer involvement after they get their plans..
However, this is not a good idea and not how we work at New Avenue. We find it is immensely
valuable to have the design-build team involved from beginning to end, and often this saves money
at the end of the day.

7. Project Coordination/Control
Project coordination is the day-to-day management of tasks within your department. The
purpose of coordinating projects is to streamline the workflow of your tasks. A project manager
informs employees about who's responsible for each section of a project and its deadlines. In this
role, you might also be required to take meeting minutes documenting important information
employees can use to execute their projects.
A. Conduct periodic meetings (Define specific dates for regular meeting)
B. Coordinate and/or collaborate with the client and the project designers/consultants.
C. Coordinate with suppliers, sub-contractors and equipment lessors, as appropriate.
D. Ensure effective coordination among project participants.
Group 1_Construction Project Organization


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