Task Christian v. Barde

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1. To make the celebration of Christmas just perfect for everyone, as a teacher I should

always be a person with a good moral character. I just had this realization that teachers

should have a self-assessment, in a way that they will try to know the things that they

have to improve morally.

Morality is not just to know what is right from wrong but it is also trying to make

things right if it is wrong. A person should have a good moral character, especially

teachers even if they are from the past, present, and in the near future. The profession of

being a teacher should provide us with our own principles of morals. The identity of a

teacher includes the moral character and the way that they behave with their principles. It

is not enough that one has the professional license, because a true educator is educating,

and a true learner is a learned.

2. To address isolation and communication, teachers should always keep in their mind

that they are called for a duty, and that is to teach the students and impart the sense of

responsibility, good attitudes, and personality. Like other courses or degree, yes, it is a

profession. Being professional takes a lot of effort, dedication, sacrifice, and a long


Teaching is something that needs accomplishment, it is a mission. Whether a

teacher considers teaching as vocation, profession, or mission, the most important thing is

the goal in teaching. Initially, we can all combine these things together, as tool in

teaching and learning process. Teachers should know the importance and essence of their

existence inside and outside the classroom. As member of society, teachers should be a

responsible individual to impart his/her philosophies, morality, and values with the

students and even with the members of the community.


3. At the advent of technology students have a chance to have a quality education. With

this, technology is now a part of education. Being prepared for the present and upcoming

digital tools is important because a global teacher must evolve as technology does.

Students nowadays become explorative with different technology so as teachers,

we too must explore it to develop our technology skills. It is significant to our learners

that we teach and learn about technology, teach, and learn of technology and teach and

learn with technology. Knowing about its purpose and uses is not enough because we

must make it our instrument in teaching and bringing the world into the classroom.

Through different types of technology, we can have as many reference and sources of

knowledge as we can share with our students.

4. Teaching is complex work and it will become at ease when the teacher knows how to

facilitate learning. The way that a teacher teaches their students, socializes, and interacts

with them has an underlying philosophy. It starts with what we believe and includes the

things that we want to happen with our students. It is composed of our goals and aims for

education. No other person can make your own philosophy. There are guides in making

our own philosophy of education, and it is to enumerate our purposes, skills that we want

to impart, roles of teachers and students, and the way that we should assess learners.

Sometimes, answering the questions “what to teach?” and “how to teach?” can

reflect the kind of philosophy that is dominant to us. Formulating once philosophy of

education does not require us to use solely our minds but is not limiting us to use our

hearts in teaching.

5. When teachers’ grit is not available, education will no longer sustain its principles to

have a quality education. Enthusiasm that is expected from the teachers will now become

scarce and that will succumb to some challenges that will tremendously affect the

educational institution. In short, teachers should be encourage to promote good ambiance

of work and they will become more efficient to work and related task.

6. No students are the same and believe it or not, all students are unique and have

differences. As global teachers, we must accommodate the cultural differences and

commonalities of our students. They must feel that we can relate to their different culture,

and one must not be discriminated against because of being different. Diversity is always

there, and we can benefit from it by meeting with the challenges in the classroom setting.

Culture is a way of life that our students can perform without stereotypes. To handle

multicultural diversity, the teacher should help all students to acquire their social skills

for them to interact properly and effectively with other students from other racial, ethnic,

cultural, language of social groups. Fairness and equal opportunities for students is

important despite their multicultural differences and global teachers must take the

responsibility to understand and comprehend these diversities.

7. Teacher and principal can create a positive school culture when human resource

management is well organized. Harmonious relationship between the school head and his

subordinates is vital to smoothly run the institution. As a matter of fact, several things

affect the status of engaging the teachers to show their skills and level up their

performances. This can only be done when the school principal promotes a principle of

camaraderie together with the teachers.

8. Cultural awareness and diversity in school is integral part of educational institution. In

our increasingly diverse and multicultural society, it is more important than ever for

teachers to incorporate culturally responsive instruction in the classroom. The increase of

diversity does not only relate to race and ethnicity, it can include students of different

religion, economic status, sexual orientation, gender identity and language background.

9. For the school leaders to encourage teachers to view the school as an effective

incubator of learning, under National Competency-Base Teachers Standards (NCBTS) it

states that: A 21st century teacher must have the 21st century skills namely: (1)

communication skills (2) learning and innovation skills (3) information, media, and

technology skills and, (4) life and career skills. Communication skills are important, and

teachers must provide good teaming, interaction, collaboration, and orientation between

them and the learners. Good communication makes comprehensive discussion and the

understanding between the teachers and learners. As modern teachers one should have

creativity to produce creative students and take a risk for the use of critical thinking to

develop the learners’ skill in problem solving that will help in relieving their curiosity. It

is understood that every teacher must portray flexibility and have a sense of

responsibility, as well as leadership. 21st century teachers are also those who have social

and cross-cultural skills, initiative, productivity, accountability, and different values such

as moral, ethical, and spiritual. As teachers who are exposed to different forms of

technology they should have literacies in such visual and information, media, basic,

economic, technological and multicultural. The things that characterize 21st century

teachers are their ways of thinking and working, also the tools for working and skills for

living in the world.

10. Failure is not the parameter for a person to inhibit fulfilling his dreams when there is

hope there are still chances for success. Sometimes there are challenges that can devastate

aspiration life such as becoming a teacher who can change the lives of every individual.

There are obstacles that deviate the mind of an individual due to frustrations that are not

easy to forget despite having self-esteem and courage.

As a future educator, I surpass every barrier that seems to be a burden on my part.

With these burdens I have experienced, I learned a lot and fully equipped to face and

move straightforward to defend my stand.

On becoming a fully pledged teacher, one must know the dos and don’ts of this

profession. Awareness is a very important thing in teaching because the law excuses no

one. Professionals should have the knowledge of performing their ethics based on how

they are mold as individuals. Part of a long process in being a professional teacher is the

time that they should allot themselves to be exposed to different sections of this code of

ethics. It is a big help for us in this society to provide educated and learned professionals

who can abide by the law.

Teachers should not just teach without knowing their responsibilities inside and

outside the classroom setting. The importance of this code of ethics is that teachers are

guided by the things that are unethical of their profession, and they can avoid doing those

things. No one would like to have bad exposure to anyone, especially teachers, because

they are taking care of their image as a mentor and role model to their students. Ethics of

teachers should not just be memorized by teachers, but they must consider it in anything

that they do, they must perform it even if no one’s watching, and they have to put in in

their hearts and prove to the world that they can be the best teacher that they can ever be.

The Code of ethics is not just a law prohibiting us in doing unethical things, but it

is for us to understand that we are professionals that undergo this stage of

professionalism. Each section under the code of ethics is telling us what we should do in

terms of different cases that we can possibly encounter in the field of teaching. It is not

just reinforcement and a threat of getting the license in teaching; it is just providing us

with the consequences of our actions.

I believe that if we truly value the profession that is given to us, we will find a

way to maintain and protect it. Considering the code of ethics in teaching is the least we

can do in taking care of our image and our profession. The degree is not just the

measurement of being professional but also our capability of being ethically molded by

different laws. It will result in no harm, instead it will develop our humanity and


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