The High Risk Newborn 1
The High Risk Newborn 1
The High Risk Newborn 1
Senior Editors
Academic Editors
Naveen Jain
Senior Consultant, Neonatology
Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences, Anayara
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
Srinivas Murki
Consultant Neonatologist
Fernandez Hospital, Hyderabad
Andhra Pradesh, India
Executive Editor
A Parthasarathy
Formerly Professor of Pediatrics
Madras Medical College and
Deputy Superintendent,
Institute of Child Health and Hospital for Children
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
All rights reserved. No part of this publication should be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
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recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the editors and the publisher.
This book has been published in good faith that the material provided by contributors is original.
Every effort is made to ensure accuracy of material, but the publisher, printer and editors will
not be held responsible for any inadvertent error(s). In case of any dispute, all legal matters
are to be settled under Delhi jurisdiction only.
In India, neonatal mortality has remained static over the last several years.
Majority of mortality could be explained by infection (52%), asphyxia
(20%) and low birth weight (17%), all of which are preventable. At the
community level, we have made a conscious shift from “diagnosis based”
approach to “illness based protocols” in the integrated management of
neonatal and childhood illness (IMNCI), a concept endorsed by both
National Neonatology Forum and the Indian Academy of Pediatrics. At
the tertiary level health care, Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs) across
the country have definitely improved the survival chances of many high
risk babies, who otherwise would have succumbed easily.
Now, the question asked more often is, whether we are increasing
the incidence of developmental delay and disability by saving more and
lower birth weight and other at-risk babies. Unfortunately we do not
have hard data on this. Our understanding of risk factors for neuro-
developmental disabilities has made definite progress, yet we still cannot
predict outcome in every individual case. But, we surely know that the
answer probably lies in promoting “developmental friendly well baby clinic”
concept and mother oriented early stimulation at home for all babies
especially for preterm/ IUGR babies. Infact, it may be now considered
unethical to have a level-II and level-III NICU, without having a neonatal
follow-up and developmental stimulation program. The lack of a “standard-
protocol” for neurodevelopmental follow-up and availability of trained
personnel has been the major limiting factors. The one year Postgraduate
Diploma in Developmental Neurology course for doctors and two years
Master of Health Science (MHSc) in Clinical Child Development course
for nurses, therapists and doctors, being conducted by Child Development
Centre, in association with Institute of Distance Education, University of
Kerala is a step in the right direction.
first two years, with the ultimate objective of minimizing child hood
disability. The emphasis in this book has been in organizing current
evidence into simple protocols that can be practiced at all levels
of care. We do hope that you would find this book useful and pardon
us for inadequacies inevitable in the first edition of any book.
1. Introduction to the High Risk Newborn ......................... 3
MKC Nair, Babu George, Elsie Philip
14. Pain and Analgesia ...................................................... 175
Jaikrishan Mittal
15. Neonatal Transport ....................................................... 186
Dinesh Kumar Chirla
16. Perinatal Steroids ........................................................ 194
Ravishankar K
17. Mechanical Ventilation ................................................. 198
Ashish Mehta
Introduction to the
High Risk Newborn
REFERENCES ........................................................................................
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Section 2
Prematurity and
Low Birth Weight
2. Preterm Brain Injury
3. Preterm/Low Birth Weight
Naveen Jain, Neetu Gupta
Preterm Brain Injury
The white matter is arranged such that tracts innervating the lower
extremities are nearest to the ventricles, followed by those innervating
the trunk, the arm, and, finally, the face. This anatomical arrangement
accounts for the greater degree of motor dysfunction of the extremities
as compared to the face (spastic hemiplegia in unilateral lesions and spastic
diplegia or quadriplegia in bilateral lesions).
Evidence of antenatal insult: Chorioamnionitis has been considered
as a serious risk factor for WMD. Histopathological evidence of acute
inflammatory placental lesions is the best predictor of occurrence of neonatal
Many of these ultrasound findings are noted late, around term gestational
age or even later. 30% of children who developed (Cerebral palsy) CP
after major ultrasound abnormalities would have not been diagnosed
if ultrasound scans had been restricted to the first 4 weeks after
IVH-PVH and WMD are major determinants of neurodevelopmental
outcomes in preterm born infants. In a review of 15 studies, Holling and
Leviton showed that 59% of neonates with periventricular echolucen-
cies developed CP. In EPIPAGE, a population based of nearly 3000
preterms from 9 centers in France, among 76 children with cystic PVL,
44 (58%) developed CP. As expected, the risk of CP is higher when
cystic PVL is bilateral and when the injury is in the parietal and
occipital lobes.
Incidence of CP increases with decreasing gestation–20% at
< 27 weeks, 12% at 27 to 28 weeks, 8% at 29 to 31 weeks, and 4%
at 32 weeks. Increased risk of CP with decreasing gestational age is partly
or may be wholly attributable to cerebral abnormalities. 17% of
children with isolated grade III IVH and 25% of children with white matter
damage had CP, compared with only 4% of children with normal ultrasound
Studies have shown that only preterm infants with IVH differ from
term infants in neurological examination findings. The rates of CP,
which were 20%–32% in group with IVH compared with only 5%–6%
for the group without IVH. This finding represents a 4-to 5-fold increase
among children with IVH.
PVL is the most powerful independent predictor of CP in
extremely preterm infants (27 weeks’ gestation or less).
Prevention of Prematurity
There is an inverse relation between neurodevelopmental disability and
gestation. The auto regulatory abilities of cerebral blood flow in neonates
vary inversely to gestational age at birth. Prevention of preterm birth
should decrease the risk of brain injury. (Some of the large population
studies have observed that gestation ceases to be an independent risk
factor if IVH-PVH and WMD are not present).
In-utero Transport
Encourage delivery in a tertiary center with a NICU. If preterm labor
is inevitable, babies must be transported to referral center in-utero (before
delivery) rather than after birth. Outborn or transported infants
consistently have higher rates of IVH and cystic PVL.
Correct Coagulopathy22,23
The role of bleeding in producing neurological deficit is now being
considered lesser in importance in IVH-PVH and WMD than to the
global ischemia that follows. Studies have demonstrated coagulation
defects (platelet count, function, PT, APTT) in babies who eventually had
IVH. Also, in thrombocytopenic VLBW babies incidence of IVH, severe
IVH and neurological deficits was higher. But, platelet transfusions did
not seem to reduce IVH rates in very preterm babies. The development
of IVH in a study was strongly associated with lower gestational age but
not with the severity or age of onset of thrombocytopenia.
Currently, there is not enough evidence to suggest that platelet
transfusion or coagulopathy correction by blood products would reduce
incidence or severity of IVH. Data based on clinical practices suggest that
in preterm sick babies, it may be appropriate to administer blood products
as per current transfusion practice guidelines.
Unproven Therapies
a. Magnesium sulfate14—The role for antenatal magnesium sulphate
therapy as a neuroprotective agent for the preterm fetus is not
yet established.
In a study, antenatal magnesium sulphate was given to women
threatening or likely to give birth at less than 37 weeks’ gestational
age – there was no significant effect of antenatal magnesium therapy
on neurologic outcomes. There was a significant reduction in the
rate of substantial gross motor dysfunction (RR 0.56; 95% CI
0.33 to 0.97; two trials; 2848 infants).
b. Ethamsylate, vitamin E—There is limited evidence that postnatal
vitamin E and ethamsylate reduce IVH.25
REFERENCES ........................................................................................
1. Vergani P, Patanè L, Doria P, et al. Risk factors for neonatal intraventricular
haemorrhage in spontaneous prematurity at 32 weeks gestation or less. Placenta.
2000; 21(4):402-7.
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thrombocytopenia. J Pediatr. 1987; 110 (3):457-64.
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practices for the prevention of brain hemorrhage and ischemic brain injury in
very low birth weight infants. Pediatrics 2003; 111(4): e497-503.
25. Brion LP, Bell EF, Raghuveer TS. Vitamin E supplementation for prevention of
morbidity and mortality in preterm infants. Cochrane Database of Systematic
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of intraventricular haemorrhage in preterm infants. J Pak Med Assoc. 1993; 43
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28. Committee on Fetus and Newborn. Non-initiation or Withdrawal of Intensive
Care for High-Risk Newborns. Pediatrics 2007; 119 (2) ,401-403.
Rhishikesh Thakre
Preterm/Low Birth Weight
The etiology of sensori-neural hearing loss is probably multifactorial, with
a variety of interacting factors that are related to illness severity. Hearing
Non-verbal reasoning, visuo-spatial skills and the ability to perceive, integrate
and process stimuli simultaneously are particularly compromised by very
preterm birth. Such impaired processing capacity may underlie the
behavioral, social and academic difficulties frequently observed in this
population. Learning difficulties are often associated with problems such
as visual or hearing impairment, but children can have isolated cognitive
problems. Learning problems among low birth weight children have been
documented by teacher or parent ratings of school performance and
direct assessments of academic skills in clinical settings. At school age,
up to 50% of infants born before 28 weeks’ gestation need some
form of additional educational support. Other reported problems at
school age include poorer vocabulary skills and significant delays in reading,
spelling and mathematics. In studies involving very low birth weight children,
rates of special education placements are reported to be closer to 50%
or higher.24,25 There is also a tendency for increasing rates of special
education with decreasing birth weight.
A study at 8 years of age documents lower rates of disability for ELBW
children born in the 1990s compared to the early 1980s.26 Meta-analysis
of the cognitive and behavioral outcomes of preterm school-age children
versus term born controls showed significantly poorer cognitive scores
(weighted mean difference 10.9; 95% CI (9.2-12.5) with scores being
directly proportional to the degree of immaturity. Longitudinal studies
have typically failed to find evidence of ‘catch-up’ growth over time,
with some identifying a trend towards deteriorating performance in
comparison to term peers.
Growth attainment of low birth weight children is less than that of their
normal birth weight peers. Birth-weight-related differences in mean weight,
height, and head circumference increase with decreasing birth weight.
Poor growth attainment is seen in both preterm and term children who
are born small for age following intrauterine growth failure, and also in
preterm children who have normal intrauterine growth but fail to grow
after birth because of severe neonatal complications of prematurity such
The most common medical conditions found in low birth weight children
are asthma, upper and lower respiratory infections, and ear
infections. Low birth weight children are re-hospitalized for the above
medical conditions as well as for surgeries, mainly of the eyes (strabismus),
ears, nose, and throat (ear tubes, adenoids, tonsils, tracheal complications);
orthopedic surgery is also performed for CP.29,30 Although respiratory
infections decrease after two years of age, health problems persist and
contribute to excessive bed days, restricted activity, school absence, and
poor school performance.
It is estimated that the academic achievement of approximately 30% to
50% of VLBW born children is in the subnormal range, fewer graduate
from high school, 20% to 30% exhibit the attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder, and approximately 25% to 30% are affected by psychiatric
disorders at adolescence.31, 32 Extremely preterm children have higher
rates of re-hospitalization, special health care needs and functional
limitations at school age. Reported rates of re-hospitalization for ELBW
survivors range from 31-82% over the first 2 years of life.33 Although
the rates of re-hospitalization decline after the first 2 years of life, the
higher rate of readmission for extremely preterm children continues into
later childhood. The most recent long-term study of extremely premature
infants’ now entering adulthood reports no significant differences
between the ELBW adults and term-born controls with regard to rates
of high school graduation, college enrollment, permanent employ-
ment and independent living status.34,35 A recent study of the children
has reported no difference in the self-reported health-related quality
of life between impaired and non-impaired ELBW children at young
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36. Saigal S, Stoskopf B, Pinelli J, Streiner D, Hoult L, Paneth N, et al. Self-perceived
health-related quality of life of former extremely low birth weight infants at young
adulthood. Pediatrics 2006;118(3):1140e8.
Section 3
4. Perinatal Asphyxia
5. Neonatal Seizures
Karthik Nagesh N
Perinatal Asphyxia
INCIDENCE/PREVALENCE ...................................................................
Approximately 23% of the 4 million annual global neonatal deaths are
attributable to asphyxia. Post-asphyxial hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
Athetoid (dyskinetic) CP
This type of CP is by far the most likely subtype to be caused by acute
perinatal hypoxic-ischemia at term and the evidence for a causal link is
strong.13 There is an acute fetal bradycardia (which may or may not be
associated with a ‘sentinel event’ such as uterine rupture, or cord prolapse),
followed by the birth of a baby with low APGAR scores needing resuscitation
and who then develops an encephalopathy and on neuro-imaging shows
abnormalities in the deep grey matter of the brain. Approximately 80%
of all cases of dyskinetic CP are caused by intra-partum hypoxic-
ischemia at term. Specifically, damage which occurs as a result of a
short period of profound hypoxic ischemia causes injury to parts of the
brain with a high metabolic rate, correspondingly high blood supply, high
glucose metabolism and a large number of excitatory glutaminergic inputs.
The brainstem is commonly affected in a very severe abrupt insult. Babies
with the basal ganglia/thalamus predominant pattern have the most intensive
need for resuscitation and most severe clinical encephalopathy and seizures.
Data suggests that cooling is most likely to be effective in this group
especially if started soon after the hypoxic-ischemic insult before the secondary
wave of neuronal death. One MRI study demonstrated a decrease in basal
ganglia and thalamic lesions in those who had a moderately abnormal
recording on the amplitude integrated EEG prior to the onset of cooling.15,16
Hemiplegic CP
In general, hemiplegic CP is not due to perinatal hypoxic-ischemia
and one important cause is focal cerebral infarction, e.g. a ‘stroke’
(either arterial or venous).18 Common risk factors for an arterial stroke
in the newborn period, include a ‘complicated’ delivery with a long, slow
primigravid labour in the occipito posterior position, and several inherited
thrombophilic tendencies.
Ataxic CP
This disability is very unlikely to be due to perinatal hypoxic-ischemic damage
at term.
Epilepsy is the most common additional disability (apart from learning
difficulty) affecting children with CP who had a potentially damaging
encephalopathic illness at term, affecting up to 50% of children with spastic
quadriplegia.13 It would be very unusual to see epilepsy without an
associated motor disability as the sole disabling condition as a result
of perinatal hypoxic-ischemic damage.
Isolated visual impairment is not likely to be due to perinatal
hypoxic-ischemia: Many children with hypoxic-ischemic brain damage
have visual impairment as part of their overall disability. Isolated visual
impairment or delayed cortical development, without accompanying damage
to the motor system, is not seen. Children with moderate basal ganglia
lesions have abnormal visual function with poor acuity and weak stereopsis
but did develop useful vision.13
Some view that hypoxia damages the hair cells of the cochlea and hearing
impairment is often due to hypoxic-ischemia.21
In general, the prevalence of hearing impairment in cohorts of children
who had an early neonatal encephalopathy at term is not significantly
increased compared to those without an encephalopathy.13
In addition to functional motor impairment, cognitive impairment is a
significant problem in children who have experienced intrapartum hypoxia-
ischemia at term.19 In general, learning difficulties that are caused by hypoxic-
ischemia at term occur in conjunction with CP that causes a severe
motor disability. The presence of abnormal cognitive outcomes, at later
time points to postnatal environment, socioeconomic conditions and access
to rehabilitation services.
Nitric Oxide
Nitric oxide is generated in the cell as the result of stimulation of nitric
oxide synthase [NOS]. This generates another reactive metabolite,
peroxynitrite, causing lipid peroxidation of intracellular membranes with
consequent loss of cell function.
It is now recognized that neuronal death may occur as a result of necrosis,
probably initiated through excessive calcium entry, or apoptosis in which
the cell appears to initiate its own demise. Necrosis is initiated by external
factors, mitochondrial injury and disruption of the cell. Apoptosis is regulated
by genetic factors with little loss of cellular membrane integrity,
leading to contraction of the cells, which are subsequently consumed
by macrophages. Other triggers of apoptosis include cytokines (tumour
necrosis factor alpha), reactive oxygen metabolites and NO.
NEUROPATHOLOGY .............................................................................
There is no single distinct or uniform pathological appearance of the brain
following hypoxia-ischemia. The pattern of injury depends upon the severity
of asphyxial insult (total versus partial), its timing and duration (acute versus
chronic), the developmental maturity of the brain and regional variations
in vulnerability (due to local vascular factors, distribution of NMDA receptor
a. Cerebral edema: Within 24-48 hours gross swelling of the cerebral
tissue may occur, with marked flattening and widening of the gyri plus
obliteration of the sulci, seen on imaging or at post mortem. It arises
through two mechanisms: ‘cytotoxic’, when membrane pump failure
leads to intracellular fluid accumulation, and ‘vasogenic’, when the
impaired blood-brain barrier permits capillary leak and interstitial fluid
b. Selective neuronal necrosis: This is the most commonly observed
pathology following hypoxia-ischemia in term infants, affecting neurons
in a scattered fashion and often widely distributed throughout the grey
matter. The cerebral cortex layers III and IV and the hippocampus appear
Accurate early detection is required in assessing the efficacy of potential
neuro-protective therapies. However, some of the newer imaging techniques
have not been still fully evaluated because accurate neuro-developmental
follow-up data is still awaited.
Cranial Ultrasound
Ultrasound has proved most useful in the detection of IVH and ischemic
lesions in preterm infants, and it can also be of use in asphyxiated term
infants.1,10,13 Initially, cerebral edema can be recognized by a generalized
increase in echo-density, a loss of anatomical landmarks, indistinct sulci
and compression of the ventricles. ‘Slit –like’ ventricles are seen normally
in the first 24 hours in term infants, and are only abnormal if persisting
for more than 36 hours. The presence of edema is not a useful
prognostic sign, but later ultrasound scan findings associated with a poor
neurodevelopmental outcome include bilateral, uniformly echogenic injury,
diffuse parenchymal echodensities (thought to represent neuronal necrosis);
multi-focal cystic changes; periventricular echodensities; and ventriculomegaly
with cortical atrophy.
CT Scan
CT scan is most useful as a prognostic help when done about
4-6 weeks13 after asphyxia. During acute stages, CT shows reversal
sign-diffuse cerebral hypodensity with loss of gray white differentiation but
with relatively increased density of deep nuclear structures. In chronic
cases CT shows changes in basal ganglia and thalamus (although the MRI
is more sensitive). These areas express a featureless appearance, with
loss of distinction of deep nuclear structures and usually clearly
decreased attenuation of these structures, which gradually deteriorates over
several months. Rarely the injury can develop calcification. Because
of the relatively superficial nature of the parasagittal cerebral injury
it is more difficult to appreciate it on CT scan unless it is very
severe. Periventricular leukomalacia in preterm infants can be seen in
CT scans as periventricular hypo density with a propensity for involvement
of anterior and posterior periventricular areas.
One systematic review and three subsequent RCTs37 found no significant
effect of hypothermia on mortality or neurodevelopmental disability in infants
with perinatal asphyxia. However, one RCT reported a significantly reduced
incidence of the composite outcome “death or moderate/severe disability”
in infants treated with systemic hypothermia compared with normothermia.
A large randomized study of whole body hypothermia by Shankaran
et al38 (demonstrated protection among all infants (irrespective of severity
of HIE) studied at 18 to 22 months. Death or moderate or severe disability
occurred in 45/102 (44%) in the hypothermia group versus 64/103 (62%)
in the control group (risk ratio 0.72, 95% CI 0.54–0.95, p=0.01) and
the number needed to treat (NNT) was 6 infants. The rate of CP
was lower in the hypothermia group, 19% vs 30% (risk ratio 0.68, 95%
CI 0.38–1.22, p=0.20). Combining the results of the above trials suggests
that mild hypothermia is associated with a significant reduction
in death and disability in neonates with HIE.
At this point in time, one may opine that the results of the brain cooling
studies in newborn infants with HIE appear favourable, but they do not
provide the necessary evidence of efficacy. The feasibility studies as well
as the randomized trials support the safety of mild to moderate hypothermia
with minimal adverse events in the infants studied.
The limited evidence from one small RCT found that, when assessing
reductions in the composite adverse outcome of survival, abnormal cranial
CT and EEG results, and failure to establish oral feeding by 14 days of
age, magnesium sulphate /dopamine combination was more effective than
no drug treatment.
One systematic review provided insufficient evidence from two small RCTs
about the effects of antioxidants in infants with perinatal asphyxia. One
subsequent small RCT found no significant difference in mortality between
infants treated with allopurinol and placebo. 35 No significant difference
was found between treatments in the composite outcome of rates
of death or developmental delay (method of assessment not reported).
< 3 (83% do not develop CP). These indices actually reflect clinical
status during the perinatal period than they do the ultimate long-term
outcome. However, clustering perinatal events does improve
prediction of CP. For example, seizures, occurring alone, are associated
with CP in only 0.13%, but low APGAR score, signs of HIE, and seizures
occurring together were identified a small subgroup in whom the risk
for CP was 55%.
• Acidosis: It is associated with a poor outcome only when it occurs
in combination with abnormal fetal heart rate patterns, depressed
APGAR scores and significant neonatal encephalopathy.
• Intra-uterine passage of meconium: This actually occurs in 10-
20% of all term deliveries and it is often taken is a marker of fetal
distress. However, only 0.4% of term infants with meconium stained
liquor develop CP. Richey et al found no correlation between the
passage of meconium and markers of acute asphyxia (umbilical
arterial pH, lactate and hypoxanthine).
Table 4.1: Predictors of long-term neurodevelopmental
outcome in perinatal asphyxia
• Neonatal seizures: Seizures of early onset (<12 hours) that are difficult
to control when accompanied by signs of asphyxia in multiple systems.
The neonate with seizures was 50 to 70 times more likely to have
CP than those without seizures. One half of babies who required
resuscitation for 5 minutes after birth and subsequently developed seizures
• Cerebral edema and increased ICP (>10 mm Hg): Uncommon,
when present, denotes extensive cerebral necrosis rather than swelling
of intact cells, and has a uniformly bad prognosis. ICP is regarded
as an effect rather than a cause of brain damage.
• MRI findings: MRI showing abnormality in DWI correlate with poor
outcomes in both premature and term neonates.
REFERENCES ........................................................................................
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encephalopathy by amplitude-integrated encephalography. Pediatrics1999;103:
Srinivas Murki
Neonatal Seizures
Seizures should be classified into one of the four categories
a. Subtle (ocular phenomenon, oral-buccal-lingual movements, apnea, limb
movements, and autonomic phenomenon)
Increasing seizure duration implies a higher risk for seizure-induced
brain damage. Uncoupling of clinical from electrographic seizures
could occur in 25% of neonates with seizures after the use of an antiepileptic
medication and in paralyzed neonates. Clinical seizures are often masked.
Use of continuous bed-side electroencephalogram is critical in evaluating
neonatal seizures. Scher et al identified that nearly one third of term neonates
having seizures exhibited electrographic status epilepticus, defined as either
30 minutes of continuous electroencephalographic seizures or 50% of the
electroencephalographic recording time, with or without the expression of
coincident clinical signs.
Seizures originating within deep gray matter structures (i.e., hippocampus
or basal ganglia) and neocortical regions (arcuate fibers within the depths
of cortical sulci, with gyral deformation i.e., ulegyria) are common after
an asphyxial insult. Injury to these regions is increasingly associated with
neurological morbidities including epilepsy. The model of “dual-pathology”
which has been applied to pediatric epilepsy patients may also apply to
neonatal seizure patients. Mesial temporal sclerosis and cortical dysplasias
seen on MRI are also associated with neonatal seizures and with subsequent
epilepsy or other neurologic sequelae. Deep white matter necrosis contributes
to the formation of acquired focal cortical dysplasia during fetal or preterm
life. This results in aberrant gray neuronal aggregate formation in response
to gliotic or cystic white matter regions. This type of injury may then leave
the fetus or infant vulnerable to further brain damage because of intra-
partum or neonatal diseases.
Ante-partum, intra-partum, and neonatal time periods each encompass
pathogenic mechanisms which separately or cumulatively can be responsible
for brain damage. Chronic placental lesions which occurred during the
ante-partum time period may result in a neonate with seizures, either as
a result of an ante-partum disease process or from an intra-partum asphyxial
event precipitated by uteroplacental insufficiency under conditions of fetal
stress. In a study of preterm and term neonates from 23 to 42 weeks
corrected age with electrically confirmed seizures, a significant association
(odds ratio of 12) was observed between infants with seizures after
intrapartum asphyxia and chronic placental lesions compared with
those having intrapartum asphyxia and only acute placental lesions.
Lower the gestational age worse is the outcome.
Infants with abnormal neuroradiologic studies (CT/MRI) are more likely
to have a poor outcome than those with normal studies. Furthermore,
infants with parenchymal brain injury are more likely to have poor
outcome than those with normal studies or those with extra-parenchymal
injury. Multifocal/diffuse cortical lesions or primarily deep gray
matter involvement on MRI are strongly associated with poor outcome.
Outcome is favorable in infants with MRI studies that either are normal
or show extra-parenchymal or focal cortical lesions.
EEG is a must in all neonates with seizures and encephalopathy.
Background EEG abnormalities would have bearing on long-term
outcomes. Background EEG patterns suggesting poor outcome (80% or
more abnormal) are isoelectric, burst suppression, undifferentiated low voltage,
diffuse slow activity and gross asynchrony. Serial EEGs are more
predictive than a one time record.
Seizure management in neonates may be improved with routine
monitoring of amplitude integrated EEG/ video EEG. Electroclinical
uncoupling could occur in nearly 30% of neonates with seizures. Monitoring
with aEEG improves detection of electrical seizures and control of
electrographic seizures with antiepileptic medications, would improve
A normal neurological examination during the neonatal period and
early infancy predicts a uniformly favorable outcome at 12 and 18 months;
an abnormal examination at these times is an unreliable predictor.
Treatment of Neonatal Seizures—Acute Event
Immediate management of seizures includes stabilization, identification
of the cause and specific treatment, and if needed, administration
of an antiepileptic drug (AED) to prevent seizure recurrence. Before AED
are administered, seizures caused by metabolic disorders, hypo-
glycemia, hyponatremia, hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, or hypophos-
phatemia require correction of the metabolic abnormality. It is a misconception
that metabolic abnormalities do not respond to AED.
AED: Phenobarbitone (Pb) and phenytoin (PHT) are effective as first line
AED for control of neonatal seizures. It is preferable to use monotherapy
for seizure control. Gal and colleagues studied Pb monotherapy and reported
ultimate seizure control in 85%, with effective concentrations between 10.1
and 46.4 mg/L. A total of 60% responded at levels of 20 mg/L or less,
28% responded at levels between 20 and 30 mg/L, and 12% were controlled
at a level greater than 30 mg/L. PHT when given as a 15 to 20 mg/
kg loading dose results a therapeutic level of 14.5±3 mcg/mL.
PHT should be infused no faster than 1 mg/kg per minute to avoid
cardiac arrhythmias or hypotension, and the cardiac rate and blood pressure
should be monitored. Fosphenytoin, the prodrug of phenytoin, does not
cause the same degree of hypotension or cardiac abnormalities, has high
water solubility (therefore can be given IM), and is less likely to lead to
soft-tissue injury compared with phenytoin. It is dosed in PHT equivalents
at 1.5 mg/kg (1.5 mg/kg of fosphenytoin is equivalent to 1 mg/kg of PHT).
If seizures do not respond to initial treatment with Pb, traditionally PHT
is administered, followed by Lorazepam (LZP) or midazolam. With ongoing
seizures, look for a specific cause requiring specific treatment,
such as basic metabolic disorders, the inborn errors of metabolism (IEM),
and certain dependency and deficiency states. Of special concern are
pyridoxine (B6) and folinic acid-dependent conditions.
If seizures continue despite Pb, PHT, and a benzodiazepine, other AEDs
are required (Intravenous: clonazepam, paraldehyde, midazolam, valproic
acid, thiopental, lidocaine, and pyridoxine. Oral: clonazepam, vigabatrin,
lamotrigine, topiramate, valproic acid and folinic acid).
BIBLIOGRAPHY .....................................................................................
1. Clancy RR. Summary proceedings from the neurology group on neonatal seizures.
Pediatrics 2006;117:s23-27.
2. Scher MS. Neonatal Seizures and Brain damage. Pediatr Neurol 2003; 29:381-
3. Tekgul H, Gauvreau K, Soul J, Murphy L, Robertson R, Stewart J, Volpe J,
Bourgeois B and Plessis A. The current etiologic profile and neurodevelopmental
outcome of seizures in term newborn infants. Pediatrics 2006; 117;1270-80
4. Westas LH, Rose I. Continuous brain function monitoring: state of the art in
clinical practice. Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 2006; 11: 503e511.
Section 4
6. Hypoglycemia
7. Neonatal Jaundice
8. Inborn Errors of Metabolism (IEM)
Suman Rao PN
as ketone bodies, lactate and possibly amino acids. The local adaptation
of the microcirculation, the interaction with other brain cells, and the
concurrent neonatal conditions such as hypoxia and sepsis also
determine the neuronal response to hypoglycemia.
The newborn brain is relatively resistant to the deleterious effects of
hypoglycemia compared to the adult brain. The major reasons for this
relative resistance are:
• Diminished cerebral energy utilization
• Increased cerebral blood flow with even moderate hypoglycemia
• Increased cerebral uptake and utilization of lactate
• Resistance of the heart to hypoglycemia.
Hypoglycemia however potentates the deleterious effects of hypoxemia,
asphyxia, ischemia and seizures. These suggest that degrees of hypoxemia
or asphyxia or moderate hypotension which alone would not cause brain
injury might do so when hypoglycemia is present concurrently. These
observations emphasize the importance of controlling ventilation, circulatory
function and seizures in hypoglycemic infants.
Hypoglycemia is asymptomatic on more than half the occasions. The signs
and symptoms of hypoglycemia, when present, are often non-specific.
Irritability, jitteriness, feeding difficulties, lethargy, cyanosis, tachypnea, and
hypothermia can all be manifestations of hypoglycemia, but these are
1. Hypoglycemic injury to the immature brain. Yager JY. Clin Perinatol 2002; 29:651–
1. Volpe JJ. Hypoglycemia and Brain Injury. Neurology of the Newborn, ed 4,
Philadelphia, 2001, WB Saunders 497-520.
2. Yalnizoglu D, Haliloglu G, Turanli G, Cila A, Topcu M. Neurologic outcome
in patients with MRI pattern of damage typical for neonatal hypoglycemia. Brain
Dev. 2007;29:285-92.
3. Yager JY. Hypoglycemic injury to the immature brain. Clin Perinatol 2002;29:651–
4. Koivisto M, Blanco-Sequeiros M, Krause U. Neonatal symptomatic and
asymptomatic hypoglycaemia: a follow-up study in 151 children. Dev Med Child
Neurol 1972;14:603–14.
5. Stenninger E, Flink R, Eriksson B, Sahlen C. Long-term neurological dysfunction
and neonatal hypoglycaemia after diabetic pregnanacy. Arch Dis Child 1998;
6. Lucas A, Morley R, Cole TJ. Adverse neurodevelopmental outcome of moderate
neonatal hypoglycemia. BMJ 1988;297:1304–8.
7. Duvanel CB, Fawer C-L, Cotting J, et al. Long-term effects of neonatal hypoglycemia
on brain growth and psychomotor development in small-for-gestational age
preterm infants. J Pediatr 1999;134:492–8.
8. Singh M, Singhal PK, Paul VK, et al. Neurodevelopmental outcome of
asymptomatic and symptomatic babies with neonatal hypoglycemia. Indian J
Med Res 1991;94:6–10.
9. Menni F, Lonlay P, Sevin C, Touati G, Peigne G, et al. Neurologic outcomes
of 90 neonates and infants with persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia.
Pediatrics 2001;107:476–9.
10. Brand PLP, Molenaar NLD, Kaaijk C, Wierenga WS. Neurodevelopmental outcome
of hypoglycaemia in healthy, large for gestational age, term newborns. Arch Dis
Child 2005;90:78–81.
11. Report of the National Neonatal Perinatal Database. National Neonatology Forum,
India, 2002-2003.
12. Sunehag AL, Haymond MW. Glucose extremes in newborn infants. Clin Perinatol
13. Koh THHG, Aynsley-Green A, Tarbit M, Eyre JA. Neural dysfunction during
hypoglycaemia. Arch Dis Child 1988;63:1353-8.
14. Cornblath M, Hawdon JM, Williams AF, Aynsley-Green A, Ward-Platt MP, Schwartz
R, et al. Controversies regarding definition of neonatal hypoglycaemia: suggested
operational thresholds. Pediatrics 2000;105:1141-5.
15. Hoseth E, Joergensen A, Ebbesen F, Moeller M. Blood glucose levels in a
population of healthy, breast fed, term infants of appropriate size for gestational
age.Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2000;83:F117–F119.
16. Haninger NC, Farley CL. Screening for hypoglycemia in healthy term neonates:
effects on breastfeeding. Midwifery Womens Health 2001;46:292–301.
17. Deshpande S, Platt MW. The investigation and management of neonatal
hypoglycaemia. Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 2005;10:351-61.
18. Lilien LD, Pildes RS, Srinivasan G. Treatment of neonatal hypoglycemia with
minibolus and intravenous glucose infusion. J Pediatr 1980;97:295–8.
19. Boluyt N, Kempen A, Offringa M. Neurodevelopment After Neonatal
Hypoglycemia: A Systematic Review and Design of an Optimal Future Study
Pediatrics 2006;117:2231-43.
Srinivas Murki
Neonatal Jaundice
In severe jaundice bilateral symmetrical hyperintense signals are seen in
the globus pallidus on both T1 and T2 weighted images (Fig. 7.1). High
signal intensity also has been seen in hippocampus and the thalamus.
These MRI changes could disappear with treatment of jaundice
but persistent abnormal signals on the MRI could predict long-
term neurological deficits.
Waves I, III, and IV/V complex are normally present in full-term neonates.
Wave I represents the auditory nerve, wave III the superior olive, and
wave IV-V complex the lateral meniscus and inferior colliculi, respectively.
The latter three sites are classically involved in kernicterus. Severe jaundice
leads to loss of waves IV and V, and prolonged latency of the brainstem
response (wave I-III, I-V, and Wave III-V: Fig. 7.2). These changes represent
aberrant brainstem function, at both upper and lower brainstem levels.
The auditory brainstem response reflects auditory neural function; aberrant
auditory brainstem response recordings may represent only a part of a
more widespread neural malfunction. Persistent abnormalities on the
Inborn Errors of Metabolism (IEM)
Substrate accumulation is the major pathogenetic factor in many IEM,
e.g. Tay-Sachs disease (accumulation of GM2 ganglioside leading to cerebral
neurodegeneration), urea cycle disorders (accumulation of ammonia resulting
in encephalopathy), phenylketonuria (accumulation of phenylalanine leading
to mental retardation).
This is another important primary consequence of many inherited metabolic
diseases. The extent to which it contributes to disease depends on the
importance of the product, e.g. Hartnup disease (deficiency of product
niacinamide leading to pellagra), lysinuric protein intolerance (deficiency
of product ornithine leading to hyperammonemia).
Urea cycle defects, organic acidemias, fatty acid oxidation defects (More
likely to present in neonatal period).
Seizures without other manifestations may be seen in some IEM e.g.
pyridoxine dependency, folinic acid responsive seizures, glucose transporter
IEM are important causes of stroke and stroke like episodes in children.
Examples of such IEM include homocystinuria, Fabry disease, organic
acidemias and mitochondrial disorders.
Extrapyramidal features like dystonias and choreoathetoid movements are
predominant features in some IEM, e.g. glutaric aciduria type 1, Lesch-
Nyhan disease.
Intermittent ataxias are seen in urea cycle defects, organic acidemias, pyruvate
dehydrogenase deficiency. Progressive ataxias are seen in abetalipo-
proteinemia, mitochondrial defects etc.
Glycogen storage diseases, fatty acid oxidation defects, mitochondrial
MANAGEMENT AND PREVENTION ...................................................
IEM clinically manifesting in the neonatal period are usually severe and
are often lethal if proper therapy is not promptly initiated. Clinical findings
are usually non-specific such as poor feeding, lethargy, drowsiness
and failure to thrive; and may mimic sepsis. A high index of suspicion
needs to be maintained in all acutely sick newborns, especially if the
illness occurred after a period of apparent normalcy. The following
circumstances increase the likelihood of the presence of an underlying IEM:
• Parental consanguinity
• Previous history of neonatal death
• Rapidly progressive encephalopathy of unknown etiology
• Severe metabolic acidosis
• Hyperammonemia
• Peculiar odor.
INVESTIGATIONS ..................................................................................
Metabolic investigations should be initiated as soon as the possibility is
considered. The outcome of treatment of many IEM, especially those
associated with hyperammonemia, is directly related to the rapidity
with which appropriate management is instituted.
First line investigations include:
• Blood counts (neutropenia and thrombocytopenia seen in organic
• Blood urea and electrolytes (low blood urea in urea cycle defects)
• Blood gases and lactate
• Blood ammonia
• Liver function tests (hepatic derangements in fatty acid oxidation defects)
• Urine reducing substances and ketones.
Second line investigations:
• Urine amino acids and organic acids
• Plasma amino acids
• Lactate/pyruvate ratio
• Urinary orotic acid
• Biotinidase levels.
Neuroimaging especially MRI may provide helpful pointers towards
etiology while results of definitive investigations are pending. Some IEM
may be associated with structural malformations, e.g. Zellweger syndrome
TREATMENT ...........................................................................................
In most cases, treatment needs to be instituted empirically before definitive
diagnosis. The aims of treatment are to:7
• Reduce the formation of toxic metabolites by decreasing substrate
availability (by stopping feeds and preventing endogenous catabolism)
• Provide adequate calories
• Enhance the excretion of toxic metabolites.
• Institute co-factor therapy for specific disease and also empirically until
diagnosis is established.
• Stop oral feeds, process/ store blood and urine samples before stopping
• Start parenteral fluids
• Correct dehydration, acidosis and dyselectrolytemias
• Start specific therapy if any: e.g. sodium benzoate for hyperammonemia
• Monitor and maintain vitals, blood sugar, electrolytes, and blood gases
• Severe hyperammonemia: peritoneal or hemodialysis may be needed.
The following modalities are available:
Dietary Treatment
This is the mainstay of treatment in phenylketonuria, maple syrup urine
disease, homocystinuria, galactosemia, and glycogen storage disease type
I and III. Some disorders like urea cycle disorders and organic acidurias
require dietary modification (protein restriction) in addition to other modalities.
PREVENTION .........................................................................................
Most of the IEM are single gene defects, inherited in an autosomal recessive
manner, with a 25% recurrence risk. Therefore, when the diagnosis is known
and confirmed in the index case, prenatal diagnosis can be offered, wherever
available for the subsequent pregnancies. The samples required are chorionic
villus tissue or amniotic fluid. Modalities available are10:
• Substrate or metabolite detection: useful in phenylketonuria,
peroxisomal defects.
• Enzyme assay: useful in lysosomal storage disorders like Niemann-
Pick disease, Gaucher disease.
• DNA based (molecular) diagnosis: Detection of mutation in proband/
carrier parents is a prerequisite.
REFERENCES ........................................................................................
1. Childs B, Valle D, Jimenez-Sanchez. The Inborn error and biochemical variability.
In: Scriver CR, Beaudet AL, Sly WS and Valle D (eds). The metabolic and
molecular basis of inherited disease, 8th ed, New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001:
2. ICMR Collaborating centres and central co-ordinating unit. Multicentric study on genetic
causes of mental retardation in India. Indian J Med Res 1991; 94:161-9.
3. Kaur M, Das GP, Verma IC. Inborn errors of amino acid metabolism in North
India. J Inherit Metab Dis 1994;17:1-4.
4. Cleary MA, Green A. Developmental delay: when to suspect and how to investigate
for an inborn error of metabolism. Arch Dis Child 2005;90:1128-32.
5. A Clinical guide to inherited metabolic diseases. JTR Clarke. 3rd Ed (2006),
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
6. Blaser S, Feigenbaum A. A Neuroimaging approach to inborn errors of metabolism.
Neuroimag Clin N Am 2004; 14:307-329.
7. Kabra M. Dietary management of Inborn errors of metabolism. Indian J Pediatr
2002; 69: 421-26.
8. Brady RO, Schiffmann R. Enzyme-replacement therapy for metabolic storage
disorders. Lancet Neurol 2004;3:752-56.
9. Saudubray JM, Sedel F, Walter JH. Clinical approach to treatable inborn metabolic
diseases: an introduction. J Inherit Metab Dis 2006; 29: 261-74.
10. Elias S, Simpson JL, Shulman LP. Techniques for prenatal diagnosis. In: Rimoin
DL, Connor JH, Pyeritz RE, Korf BR (Eds). Emery and Rimoin’s Principles and
practice of medical genetics. Churchill-Livingstone, London 2002: 802-25.
11. Radharamadevi and Naushad SM. Newborn screening in India. Indian J Pediatr
12. Nicholson JF, Pesce MA. Laboratory testing in infants and children. In: Behrman
RE, Kleigman RM, Jenson HB (Eds). Nelson textbook of pediatrics 17th edn,
Philadelphia: Saunder, 2004: 2393-96.
13. Malatack JJ, Consolini DM, Bayever E. The status of hematopoetic stem cell
transplantation in lysosomal storage disease. Pediatr Neurol 2003; 29: 391-403.
14. Sands MS, Davidson BL. Gene therapy for lysosomal storage diseases. Mol
ther 2006; 13: 839-49.
Section 5
9. Apnea
10. Meconium Aspiration Syndrome (MAS)
11. Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension
of Newborn (PPHN)
Sanjay Wazir
DEFINITION ............................................................................................
Most of the available literature defines apnea in infants as breathing pauses,
which last more than 20 seconds, or a shorter duration if associated with
bradycardia or oxygen desaturation.1 However, there is no consensus
about the duration of apnea, the degree of change in oxygen desaturation,
or severity of bradycardia that should be considered pathologic, i.e. we
don’t have an answer as of now, whether an apnea which last 20 seconds
will have the same connotation as a pause for 40 seconds and whether
apnea which leads to desaturation to a value of 30% will differ in
neurodevelopmental outcome from an apnea which results in a oxygen
saturation levels of 80%. Apnea events exceeding 30 seconds are
occasionally seen in both healthy term and preterm infants. 2 This suggests
that apnea duration per se may not be the critical feature of altered
breathing and its relation to circulatory consequences. Lack of standardization
of this data is the most important reason for ambiguity in outcome measure
in neonatal apnea.
Tocolysis has not been able to prolong a preterm birth for long time
in preterm labor. In fact, magnesium sulphate used for preeclampsia and
tocolysis in mother has been associated with increased risk of apneas
in neonates.16 Hypermagnesemia during parenteral nutrition has also been
a cause of apnea.17
Antenatal Steroids
Although antenatal steroids do not directly affect the maturation of respiratory
centers, it does decrease the incidence of respiratory distress syndrome
which can present as apnea in extremely premature babies.
Noxious Stimuli
Like deep suctioning, painful procedure should be avoided or done gently
as these promote a vagal inhibition of respiration.
Blood Transfusions
Classical teaching recommends red blood cell transfusions if apnea coexisted
with anemia. However, data available at present in preterm babies with
both mild (Hb 8-12 mg/dl)21 and moderate anemia (< 8 mg/dl)22 have
shown that giving transfusion to such babies does not decrease the episodes
of hypoxia/bradycardia. Given all the hazards associated with blood
transfusions in neonates, apnea of prematurity alone should not be
an indication for transfusions.
Sensory Stimulation
Introduction of pleasant odour in the incubator in preterm babies who
continued to have apneas despite pharmacological therapy has been shown
to decrease the incidence of apneas by almost 30%.23 Presence of a
pleasant odor in the environment may help the infant to regulate his
physiological state, however, it is possible that vanillin used in the study
possesses pharmacological properties and therefore, has direct or indirect
effects on the respiratory centers. Since some of the odors can have negative
influence on the respiration use of this modality should wait further
CO2 Inhalation
Although one of the pathophysiological mechanisms of apnea is decreased
respiratory drive to increased CO2 in the blood, inhalation of low
concentration of CO2 has also been proposed as an effective treatment.
In one study involving 10 preterm babies with gestational age between
31-33 weeks exposure to one hour of CO2 concentration ranging from
0.5 to 1.5 percent was associated with significant decrease in the episodes
of apnea and improved oxygenation. This data however, is too limited
to recommend this therapy at this time.24
Oxygen Supplementation
Oxygen may decrease the frequency of apneas. Oxygen replaces other
gases in the functional residual space of lung ensuring that during brief
episodes of apnea there is enough oxygen in the lungs to diffuse into
the blood and avert hypoxemia. However, oxygen therapy in the neonates
is fraught with dangers of oxygen mediated free radical injury like BPD,
ROP, etc. Hence, oxygen should be used to keep the pulse oximeter
values in the 88-93% range. If a newborn requires oxygen supplemen-
tation to keep oxygen saturation in that range, then one must search
for secondary causes of apnea like sepsis, PDA, etc. and not label as
apnea of prematurity.
Hypothermia is a known risk factor for apnea and should be avoided
or corrected before considering any further therapy. Increase in ambient
temperature to 30°C has been shown to increase the incidence of apneas
in preterm babies reaching term as compared to keeping the babies at
24°C.25 Even a slight increase in body temperature of 0.8°C increased
the indices of periodic breathing with apneic oscillations. 26 Air temperature
in an incubator should be kept near the lower end of the thermo-
neutral zone to lessen the episodes of apnea.
Extremes of flexion and extension should be avoided to decrease the
likelihood of airway obstruction. Although physiologically ventilation is better
in prone position, central apneas tend to be more in prone position 27
with less arousals emphasizing the importance of recommending supine
sleeping, after neonatal unit discharge for prematurely born infants.
Kinesthetic Stimulation
Physical stimulation by nursing staff is commonly used to arouse the apneic
infant and stimulate breathing. This led people to speculate whether frequent
physical stimulation by means of oscillating mattress to provide kinesthetic
stimulation might reduce the number of apneic events. Kinesthetic stimulation
has not been shown to prevent occurrence of apnea.28 Cochrane review29
on kinesthetic stimulation to treat established apneas has shown decreased
frequency of apnea of short duration but had no impact on the clinically
significant apneas (those more than 20 seconds) in duration or those
with hypoxia and bradycardia. All the studies included in the review used
a different method of providing stimulation and because of the cross
over design, later outcomes on neurodevelopment could not be studied.
Further research with larger trials is needed with focus on
neurodevelopment before recommending this modality.
Carnitine Supplementation
Preterm infants have lower muscle carnitine reserves compared to term
infants. This is probably related to poor tissue uptake due to immaturity
of the carnitine biosynthetic pathways, reduced placental transfer and
reduced intakes from breast milk. Treatment with carnitine has shown
benefit in the respiratory status of ventilator dependent adults, as well
as stabilization of respiratory parameters and increased physical performance
in adult patients with chronic respiratory insufficiency. Cochrane review30
on carntine for apnea in neonates has shown no benefit and hence
its use at present is not recommended.
There is an increase in adverse cardio-respiratory events following the
first dose of DTP-IPV-Hib in preterm infants. The increase in apnea has
been attributed to the whole-cell pertussis component.31 Investigators have
observed reduced morbidity with newer vaccines that contain acellular
pertussis.32 However, one recent study showed no difference between
those who received whole cell as compared to the acellular variant.33
Chronic diseases in preterm babies at the time of immunization greatly
increased the risk of apneas.34 If the neonate is in the NICU for chronic
diseases at 2 months post-birth, monitoring for apnea, bradycardia
and desaturation is recommended after vaccination. Healthy preterm
infants without chronic disease and therapy seem to be less vulnerable
to such adverse effects but still should be vaccinated in hospital
settings. Acellular pertussis should be used for immunization in preterm
babies if cost is not a factor.
Pharmacological Treatment
There are no definite guidelines, when to start pharmacological therapy,
but most would start treatment when apneic spells continue despite
supportive measures or if one apneic episode was severe enough require
bag and mask ventilation.
Most commonly prescribed drug therapy for AOP.
• Caffeine citrate (not available in India at present),
• Aminophylline and its oral substitute theophylline.
Mechanisms of action of methylxanthines
• Increased response to CO2 and decreased hypoxic depression of central
respiratory drive
• Increased diaphragmatic activity
• Increased minute ventilation.
Theophylline: Mean half life of theophylline is approximately 30 hours
in infants. Oral theophylline is given with a loading dose of 5 mg/kg
followed by a maintenance dose of 1-2 mg/kg every 8 hours. A therapeutic
effect is seen at a plasma concentration of at least 5 mg/L, although
a target plasma concentration is around 10. Plasma concentration of
theophylline may vary widely at the same dosage levels, which necessitates
frequent monitoring and dose adjustments.35 Toxicity usually starts
after 20 mg/L but can be seen at plasma concentration of more than
13 mg/L. Side effects include tachycardia, abdominal distension, feed
intolerance, seizures, hyperglycemia and electrolyte imbalances.
Caffeine citrate can be administered either orally or intravenously. The
recommended loading dose of 10 mg/kg of caffeine (equivalent to 20
mg/kg of caffeine citrate) followed 24 to 48 hours later by a single daily
maintenance dose of 2.5 mg/kg (5 mg/kg of caffeine citrate). Caffeine
toxicity is rarely observed at plasma concentration below 50 mg/L, which
is markedly higher than the therapeutic concentration of 5-20 mg/L. Side
Doxapram is a respiratory stimulant that acts on both peripheral chemoreceptors
and the central nervous system. Dose: 3 mg/kg bolus followed by 1.5 mg/kg/
hr as infusion. Cochrane review on doxapram (only one study) showed
decreased apnea in first 48 hours after starting the drug, but the benefit was
not sustained. No major side effects were reported. But, number of subjects
in the study was too small to make useful conclusions. Doxapram has been
shown to decrease the cerebral blood flow in preterm babies42 and even mental
developmental delay has also been associated with prolonged days of doxapram
therapy for apnea.43 Other short term side effects like hypertension, central
nervous system stimulation, gastrointestinal disturbances and even heart block
has been reported in some of the observational studies. Given that there are
no substantial data available on the benefit/side effects, doxapram use should
be restricted to scenarios where recurrent apneas are continuing despite use
of methyxanthines and facilities for ventilator support are not available.
Doxapram infusion could be used to transfer the baby to a NICU with such
VENTILATION ........................................................................................
CPAP delivered by a nasal interface is an effective treatment of apnea
of prematurity.44 Mechanisms proposed - patency of upper airways,
stabilizing chest wall, maintaining functional residual capacity. Cochrane
review45 comparing CPAP with methylxanthines suggested higher failure
rates with CPAP. The only trial included in the review, used mask CPAP
– a modality which is no longer being used. Masks require a complete
seal and improper use might have resulted in a higher failure rates. Recent
studies on VLBW babies show that early application of nCPAP and
1. Hunt CE, Apnoea and sudden infant death syndrome. In : Kleigman RM, Neider
ML, Super DM (Eds). Practical strategies in pediatric diagnosis and therapy.
Philadelphia: WB Saunders 1996:135-47.
2. Ramanathan: R, Corwin M , C. Hunt CE, et al. Cardiorespiratory events recorded
on home monitors: comparison of healthy infants with those at increased risk
for SIDS. J Am Med Assoc (2001); 285: 2199–2207.
3. Martin RJ, Wilson CG, Abu-Shaweesh JM, Haxhiu MA. Role of inhibitory
neurotransmitter interactions in the pathogenesis of neonatal apnea : implications
for management. Semin Perinatol. 2004 Aug;28(4):273-8. Review
42. Roll C, Horsch S. Effect of doxapram on cerebral blood flow velocity in preterm
infants. Neuropediatrics 2004 Apr;35(2):126-129.
43. Sreenan C, Etches PC, Demianczuk N, et al. Isolated mental developmental delay
in very low birth weight infants: association with prolonged doxapram therapy
for apnoea. J Pediatr. 2001 Dec;139(6):832-837.
44. Miller MJ, Carlo WA, Martin RJ. Continuous positive airway pressure selectively
reduces obstructive apnoea in preterm infants. J Pediatr. 1985 Jan;106(1):91-
45. Henderson-Smart DJ, Subramaniam P, Davis PG. Continuous positive airway
pressure versus theophylline for apnoea in preterm infants. Cochrane Database
Syst Rev. 2001;(4):CD001072.
46. Wintermark P, Tolsa JF, Van Melle G, et al Long-term outcome of preterm infants
treated with nasal continuous positive airway pressure. Eur J Pediatr. 2007
47. Kiciman NM, Andréasson B, Bernstein G, Mannino FL, Rich W, Henderson C,
Heldt GP. Thoracoabdominal motion in newborns during ventilation delivered
by endotracheal tube or nasal prongs. Pediatric Pulmonology 1998;25:175-81.
48. Ryan CA, Finer NN, Peters KL. Nasal intermittent positive-pressure ventilation
offers no advantages over nasal continuous positive airway pressure in apnoea
of prematurity. American Journal of Diseases of Children 1989;143:1196-8.
49. Lin CH, Wang ST, Lin YJ, Yeh TF. Efficacy of nasal intermittent positive pressure
ventilation in treating apnoea of prematurity. Pediatric Pulmonology 1998;26:349-
50. Garland JS, Nelson DB, Rice T, Neu J. Increased risk of gastrointestinal perforations
in neonates mechanically ventilated with either face mask or nasal prongs. Pediatrics
51. Sreenan C, Lemke RP, Hudson-Mason A, Osiovich H. High-flow nasal cannulae
in the management of apnoea of prematurity: a comparison with conventional
nasal continuous positive airway pressure. Pediatrics 2001.107(5):1081-3.
Amuchou Singh Soraisham
Meconium Aspiration
Syndrome (MAS)
Fetal heart rate monitoring, fetal scalp pH determination and fetal pulse
oximetry16 have all been used to help decision making in timing of delivery
with the hope of improving outcome. In fetuses with IUGR, Doppler
showing absent or reversal of diastolic flow in umbilical circulation are
now generally accepted as major predictors of death and neurodeve-
lopmental disability.
Amnioinfusion has been proposed to reduce the risk of MAS by diluting
the meconium, thus reducing its mechanical and inflammatory effects.
Amnioinfusion also helps by cushioning of umbilical cord, thus correcting
the recurrent umbilical compressions that lead to fetal academia.
A meta-analysis of 12 good quality studies involving 4030 pregnant
women reported that amnioinfusion was associated with an overall borderline
reduction of MAS (RR 0.47, 95% CI 0.22-0.99).17 However, in clinical
settings with standard peripartum surveillance, (10 studies, 3178
participants), amnioinfusion did not reduce the incidence of MAS (RR
0.59, 95% CI 0.28 -1.25) and did not reduce perinatal death either.
In clinical setting with limited peripartum surveillance (2 studies,
852 participants), amnioinfusion was associated with reduction in the risk
of MAS (RR 0.25, 95% CI 0.13-0.47). Amnioinfusion has been associated
with adverse events such as uterine overdistension, uterine hypertonia,
uterine rupture in association with previous scar, fetal heart rate abnormality,
umbilical cord prolapse and chorioamnionitis. Based on the current literature,
American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) stated that routine
prophylactic amnioinfusion for dilution of MSAF is not recommended
for prevention of MAS.18
The goal of intrapartum suctioning before the delivery of shoulder is to
clear as much meconium as possible from airway, before infant is able
Evidence of surfactant inactivation by meconium led to use of surfactant
therapy in the management of MAS. Bolus surfactant therapy for MAS
has been associated with reduction in the severity of respiratory distress
and decreases the number of infants with progressive respiratory failure
requiring extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO).29 Meta-analysis
of 4 randomised trials enrolling 326 infants showed reduction in the
severity of respiratory illness and decrease in the number of infants
with progressive respiratory failure requiring extracorporeal
membrane oxygenation (RR 0.64, 95% CI 0.46-0.91).29 However, there
was no significant difference in mortality, hospital stay, length of ventilation,
duration of oxygen use, pneumothorax, pulmonary interstitial emphysema
or chronic lung disease. In animal models, therapeutic lung lavage with
surfactant has been found to be effective in clearing meconium from
the lungs and thereby improving oxygenation, lung mechanics and degree
of lung injury.30 However, clinical trials of surfactant lavage in conventionally
ventilated infants with MAS found no difference between lavage infants
and controls in terms of ECMO requirements, air leak or duration of
Role of steroid therapy for MAS remains to be proven. Corticosteroids
possess a potent anti-inflammatory activity by modulating the action of
inflammatory mediators and reducing the activation and recruitment of
leucocytes in the lung. Four clinical trials of steroid in MAS in neonates
have been reported with conflicting results.32-35 Two trials showed decrease
in the duration of oxygen therapy and hospital stay in steroid treated
groups.32, 33 But one study showed prolonged oxygen requirement and
respiratory distress score in infants treated with steroid.34 Wu et al35 reported
that steroid treatment in infants with MAS showed decrease in the duration
of ventilation, but no difference in chronic lung disease or duration of
oxygen therapy. There is not enough evidence to recommend use
of steroid for treatment of meconium aspiration syndrome.
Routine antibiotic therapy does not affect the clinical course and outcome
related to infection in meconium aspiration syndrome in those without
any perinatal risk factors for infection.36-38 Unless there is definite risk
for infection, prophylactic use of antibiotics in MAS did not reduce infection.
If antibiotics are started for suspected infection due to perinatal risk factors,
consider to discontinue antibiotics once the blood culture results showed
Severe MAS is often associated with persistent pulmonary hypertension,
resulting in severe hypoxemia. Inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) causes selective
pulmonary vasodilatation by acting directly on smooth muscle. Nitric oxide
is proven helpful in the treatment of PPHN associated with MAS. For
hypoxic respiratory failure due to MAS, infants responded well with
combined inhaled nitric oxide and high frequency ventilation (HFV) as
compared to either treatment alone.26 The response to combined treatment
with HFV and inhaled nitric oxide reflects both decreased intrapulmonary
shunt and augmented nitric oxide delivery to its site of action.
Nitric oxide is costly and may not be easily available in resource-poor
settings. Approximately 30% of patients fail to respond to iNO. High
concentrations of phosphodiesterases in the pulmonary vasculature has
led to the use of phosphodiesterase inhibitors such as sildenafil. Two
studies enrolling 37 babies were included in the Cochrane review; 41 both
from centers in resource-limited settings (no HFV or iNO) and reported
significant improvement in oxygenation in Sildenafil group. No clinically
significant side effects were reported. Long term outcomes are still not
KEY POINTS – reducing NDD due to MAS
1. Some babies born through MSAF are at increased risk of CP, mental
retardation and neonatal seizures. Mere MSAF is not a predictor of NDD.
2. Perinatal asphyxia (fetal and immediately after birth may be reasons for
poor outcomes)
a. Meconium staining of amniotic fluid may be a sign of fetal distress.
Chronic fetal hypoxia and acidosis are common reasons for MSAF.
b. Of the infants born through MSAF with a low 5 minute APGAR, 9.4%
developed CP.
3. MAS is associated with severe hypoxia (acute respiratory failure/PPHN)
in its severest form. Among the babies with severest of hypoxia (acute
respiratory failure/PPHN, referred for ECMO) a good proportion had normal
4. Prevention of PPHN - Babies born through cesarean delivery, born late
preterm or postterm, large for gestational age and born to overweight,
diabetic, asthmatic mothers were more likely to develop PPHN.
5. Effective fetal monitoring reduces fetal mortality and likely to reduce poor
6. Amnioinfusion has shown benefit only in centers where intrapartum
monitoring is not easily available (resource limited) and cannot be
recommended as a routine.
7. Routine intra-partum suctioning of baby’s mouth after delivery of head is
now not recommended.
8. Resuscitation at birth includes intubation of only depressed (poor tone,
respiratory efforts or bradycardia) babies delivered through MSAF.
9. A large number of babies born through MSAF may require ventilator support.
10. High Frequency Ventilation may reduce barotraumas in babies requiring
high ventilator supports.
11. Wide variations are noted in practices (Alkali, hyperventilation, sedation
and paralysis) for management of acute respiratory failure (PPHN) indicating
that neither of them is proven superior.
12. Surfactant therapy improves respiratory outcomes of babies with MAS and
oxygen requirement >50 % on optimal ventilation.
13. There are no scientific data to endorse routine use of antibiotics or steroids
in management of MAS.
14. Newer therapies – iNO and ECMO have improved survival of babies with
severe respiratory failure and have not increased burden of handicapped
15. Newer untested therapies like Sildenafil must be used with caution and
as a part of systematic trials recording complications and long term outcomes.
REFERENCES ........................................................................................
1. Wiswell TE, Tuggle JM, Turner BS. Meconium aspiration syndrome: have we
made a difference? Pediatrics 1990;85:715-21.
2. Wiswell TE, Bent RC. Meconium staining and the meconium aspiration syndrome.
Unresolved issues. Pediatr Clin North Am. 1993;40:955-81.
3. Gelfand SL, Fanaroff JM, Walsh MC. Meconium stained fluid: approach to the
mother and the baby. Pediatr Clin North Am. 2004;51:655-67.
4. Nelson KB. Relationship of intrapartum and delivery room events to long-term
neurologic outcome. Clin Perinatol 1989;16:995-1007.
Persistent Pulmonary
Hypertension of Newborn (PPHN)
PPHN should be suspected in high risk neonates with progressive cyanosis
or lability in oxygen saturation within the first few hours of life. Diagnosis
of PPHN is made from the history, physical examination, preductal and
postductal blood gases and echocardiogram.
Hyperoxia/Hyperventilation Test
This diagnostic test with hyperventilation to a critical PaCO2 <25 mm Hg
test is not recommended any more due to deleterious effects of hypocarbia,
barotrauma and long term neurodevelopment impairment, hence of historical
interest only.
Diagnosis of PPHN is based on presence of high pulmonary artery pressures
(more than systemic pressures) with right to left shunting through patent
ductus arteriosus and/or patent foramen ovale. Deviation of interatrial septum
into the left atrium is seen in severe PPHN. Echocardiogram also excludes
the presence of serious congenital cyanotic heart disease.
Direct Measurement of Pulmonary Pressure by Cardiac Catheterization
Direct measurement of pulmonary artery pressure seems to be the most
optimal method to diagnose PPHN. However, it is difficult and invasive
procedure and not routinely used for diagnosis.
The goal of medical treatment of PPHN is to lower pulmonary vascular
resistance to systemic vascular resistance (PVR:SVR) ratio, reduce intracardiac
shunting and right ventricular afterload, improve postductal oxygen saturation
without systemic hypotension as well as correction of underlying cause
of PPHN.
Ten commandments of PPHN therapy are as follows:17
1. Minimal handling and maintenance of euthermia.
2. Correction of acidosis (metabolic and respiratory) and metabolic
imbalances (fluid and electrolytes).
3. Support blood pressure (e.g. plasma expanders/Inotropes).
4. Treat associated conditions (e.g. antibiotics, partial exchange
5. Sedation/paralysis (morphine, fentanyl, pancuronium).
6. Ventilation support.
7. Surfactant therapy.
8. Inhaled nitric oxide.
9. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO).
10. Other vasodilators (prostacyclin, magnesium sulfate, etc.).
Minimal Handling
Minimal handling, nursing in a quiet environment and maintenance in
thermoneutral environment is recommended. Infant should be monitored
using noninvasive monitors (transcutaneous O2/CO2 methods) and blood
gas sampling should preferably be done with indwelling arterial line.
Correction of Acidosis
Acidosis correction to achieve acceptable pH (7.35-7.45) is recommended
because acidosis is a potent pulmonary vasoconstrictor. Forced alkalosis
with sodium bicarbonate and hyperventilation were popular therapies before
nitric oxide. Extreme alkalosis and hypocarbia are not recommended as
it is associated with later neurodevelopmental deficit, including CP and
sensorineural hearing loss. Metabolic equilibrium is desired especially with
normal values of ionized calcium, lactate and glucose.
Correction of Hypovolemia/Hypotension
The goal is to correct systemic arterial hypotension and maintain adequate
systolic blood pressure (BP) to minimize right to left shunting. Aggressive support
of cardiac function involves judicious use of volumes along with inotropic agents
(dopamine, dobutamine, epinephrine and/or milrinone) to enhance cardiac
output and systemic oxygen transport. Dopamine is used frequently as the first
line but dose should be given at 2-10 mcg/kg/min to avoid alpha adrenergic
effects on pulmonary vasoconstriction and an increase in afterload. Dobutamine
is indicated in cases of poor ventricular function. Milrinone has been used to
improve inotropy and reduce afterload. Milrinone has also shown improvement
in oxygenation in severe PPHN.18
Mechanical Ventilation
The maintenance of adequate oxygenation is the primary goal in the
management of PPHN and mechanical ventilation is one of the treatment
modalities to achieve this goal. In the past, hyperventilation is used as
main therapy to increase blood pH, reverse ductal shunting and induce
pulmonary vasodilatation. However, it was associated with adverse
neurological sequelae. The use of gentler ventilation along with therapies
that reduce oxygen demand while maximizing oxygen delivery has been
advocated but it has been slow in becoming standard management.11
Recent management strategies usually aimed at accepting pH: 7.4-7.5,
PaCO2 at 40-60 mm Hg, PaO2 at 60-90 mm Hg to avoid barotraumas.17
Permissive hypercapnia promises to maintain gas exchanges with lower
tidal volume and thus decrease lung injury.19 High frequency ventilation
(HFV) is the alternative mode of ventilation in infants who are non-responsive
to conventional ventilator therapy.20 High frequency oscillatory ventilation
(HFOV) is the preferred mode when there is coexisting parenchyma disease
in PPHN.17 HFV is shown to improve lung inflation while decreasing the
lung injury due to volutrauma and barotrauma. HFOV has become the
mainstay of ventilating difficult PPHN with inhaled nitric oxide (iNO). HFOV
has been shown to augment an inhaled nitric oxide response by improving
lung inflation and allowing better alveolar recruitment.21,22
Surfactant Therapy
Certain causes of PPHN such as meconium aspiration syndrome, pneumonia,
respiratory distress syndrome and diaphragmatic hernia are associated with
surfactant deficiency or dysfunction. Surfactant therapy should be given
in patients with meconium aspiration syndrome and pneumonia associated
with PPHN. Surfactant therapy is found to improve oxygenation and decrease
the need for ECMO, particularly when given early in the disease in infants
with severe hypoxemic respiratory failure.23,24
CONCLUSION ........................................................................................
Management of PPHN is in New Era of “HFOV and iNO, rescued by
ECMO”, with remarkable success. PPHN may be a Neonatologist’s nightmare!
A Challenge. However, there can be no better satisfaction than when a
sick PPHN baby recovers and is ready for discharge!
REFERENCES ........................................................................................
1. Walsh-Sukys MC. Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn. The black
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2. Lipkin PH, Davidson D, Spivak L, Straube R, Rhines J, Chang CT. Neuro-
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3. Dakshinamurti S. Pathophysiologic mechanisms of persistent pulmonary
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4. Konduri GG. New approaches for persistent pulmonary hypertension of newborn.
Clin Perinatol 2004; 31(3):591-611.
5. Scher MS, Klesh KW, Murphy TF, Guthrie RD. Seizures and infarction in neonates
with persistent pulmonary hypertension. Pediatr Neurol 1986; 2(6):332-9.
6. Klesh KW, Murphy TF, Scher MS, Buchanan DE, Maxwell EP, Guthrie RD. Cerebral
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7. Oelberg DG, Temple DM, Haskins KS, Bigelow RH, Adcock EW. Intracranial
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8. Hendricks-Munoz KD, Walton JP. Hearing loss in infants with persistent fetal
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9. Bifano EM, Pfannenstiel A. Duration of hyperventilation and outcome in infants
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19. Thome UH, Carlo WA. Permissive hypercapnia. Semin Neonatol. 2002 Oct;
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infants treated for acute respiratory failure with extracorporeal membrane
oxygenation: present experience. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2006; 91(1):F21-
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cyclic GMP-specific phosphodiesterase (Type 5) by Sildenafil and related
compounds. Mol Pharmacol 1999;56(1):124-30.
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cGMP and cAMP in the hamster cremaster microcirculation. Cardiovasc Res
46. Bos AP, Tibboel D, Koot VC, Hazebroek FW, Molenaar JC. Persistent pulmonary
hypertension in high-risk congenital diaphragmatic hernia patients: incidence and
vasodilator therapy. J Pediatr Surg 1993;28(11):1463-5.
Neonatal Shock
In terms of physiology, the normal range for blood pressure is best defined
by the presence of intact organ/issue perfusion. However, the lower and
upper limits of this physiologic blood pressure range have not been
determined in the newborn. In clinical situations, decision to treat a
hypotensive newborn on the basis of “numbers” is without proven physiologic
Fig. 12.2: The flat portion represents the autoregulatory plateau. The upper
threshold is not known. Below the lower threshold (30 mm Hg), blood flow falls
more in proportion to BP. The critical closing pressure (CrCP) depends on arterial
elasticity and intracranial pressure. The ischemic threshold is assumed to be
around 50% of resting CBF but the BP at that point is not known14
Products used—albumin, blood or blood substitute or salt solutions. Osborn
et al34 reviewed the evidence from various trials on the subject and performed
a meta-analysis to study whether volume expansion is effective and what
type of fluid is most effective. Seven studies were included.35-42 Five studies,
four with data for mortality, compared volume to no treatment. Two studies,
comparing different types of volume expansion enrolled very preterm infants
with hypotension.
One study examined the effect of volume expansion on blood flow
but in normotensive very preterm infants. Comparing volume and no
treatment, 4 studies with a total of 940 very preterm infants reported no
significant difference in mortality (RR 1.11, 95% CI 0.88, 1.40). The large
NNNI 199641 study reported no significant difference in severe disability
(RR 0.80, 95% CI 0.52, 1.23), cerebral palsy (RR 0.76, 95% CI 0.48,
1.20) and combined death or severe disability (RR 1.00, 95% CI 0.80,
1.24). No significant difference was reported in grade 3-4 P/IVH and
combined death or grade 3-4 P/IVH. One study (NNNI 199641) reported
no significant difference in the incidence of hypotension.
Comparing albumin and saline in hypotensive infants, one study (Lynch
200240) reported a significant increase in mean BP and reduced incidence
of treatment failure (persistent hypotension). The other study (So 1997 42)
and the meta-analysis of the two studies found no significant difference
in treatment failure (RR 0.75, 95% CI 0.53, 1.06) or in any other clinical
outcome. They concluded that there is no evidence to support the
routine use of early volume expansion in very preterm infants
without cardiovascular compromise. There is insufficient evidence
to determine whether infants with cardiovascular compromise
benefit from volume expansion. There is insufficient evidence to
determine what type of volume expansion should be used in preterm infants
(if at all) or for the use of early red cell transfusions.
In most hypotensive preterm infants, cautious and limited volume
administration and the early use of dopamine are effective in improving
the cardiovascular status and renal function. However, a subgroup of
hypotensive preterm infants do not respond even when treatment is escalated
and aggressive volume resuscitation and dopamine doses well beyond the
conventional (2–20 μg/kg/min) dose range are used. In these patients with
volume- and pressor-resistant hypotension, several therapeutic
approaches have been attempted including additional escalation of dopamine
treatment, addition of epinephrine or nor epinephrine and more recently,
initiation of steroid administration. 51-55 Cochrane meta-analysis on this topic
identified two small studies and it was not considered appropriate to perform
a meta-analysis.56
Thus, there is no evidence linking various treatment modalities of shock
to the neurodevelopmental outcome.
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John BM, Daljit Singh
Neonatal Sepsis
DIAGNOSIS ............................................................................................
In early onset sepsis, the maternal history may provide important information
about maternal exposure to infection, maternal colonization and obstetric
risk factors (prematurity, prolonged ruptured membranes, maternal
chorioamnionitis). The signs and symptoms of neonatal late onset sepsis
are often nonspecific,1-5 and sepsis should be considered in any sick neonate.
INVESTIGATIONS ..................................................................................
No single laboratory test has been found to have sufficient specificity and
sensitivity and therefore, laboratory information must be used in conjunction
with risk factors and clinical signs.1-5
Gram stain and culture. CSF culture is the only reliable diagnostic
marker of meningitis. In a study in VLBW babies with meningitis, spinal
fluid abnormalities were sparse, regardless of etiologic organism. Of
38 non-bloody spinal fluid taps (<1,000 erythrocytes/mm3), only 6 had
>30 leukocytes/mm3, 5 had protein >150 mg/dl%, and 6 had glucose
<30 mg/dL (1.67 mmol/L). Only 10 infants (26%) had 1 or more of
these spinal fluid abnormalities. “Meningitis” survivors as determined
by CSF culures, had a higher rate of major neurologic abnormality (41%
vs 11%, p<0.001) and subnormal (<70) Mental Development Index (38%
vs 14%, p<0.001) than non-meningitis survivors.80
Other Cultures
Other cultures (urine, pus, limited utility for ET, catheter tip cultures) should
be obtained as indicated by clinical findings. One must also check maternal
cultures before and after delivery.
Leukocyte Counts
The ratio of immature to total neutrophils (I/T ratio) is 0.16 at birth and
declines to a peak value of 0.12 after 72 hours of age. I/T ratio of >0.20
is suggestive of infection. Total WBC less than 5,000/mm3, absolute neutrophil
count less than 1,000/mm3 and bands/ polymorphonuclear ratio greater
than 0.2 have been shown to have good predictive accuracy and sensitivity
for sepsis.
Acute-Phase Reactants34-52
Of the many different acute phase reactants C reactive protein has been
most extensively used and investigated. Serial determinations of CRP at
12-hour intervals after the onset of signs of sepsis has been found to increase
the negative predictive value of CRP, in excluding sepsis. Nonbacterial
infections can have a variable CRP response. CRP has a low positive
predictive value and should not be used alone to diagnose sepsis. 34-47
Serum procalcitonin has been claimed to be superior to other acute phase
proteins, including CRP, with sensitivity and specificity ranging from 87
to 100%.48-52
Cytokines are the chemical mediators of inflammatory pathway and are
detectable long before acute phase reactants or hematological changes
occur in response top bacteremia. They have been extensively studied
in the last decade—IL-6,53-55 IL8,56,57 CD64,58-61 CD11b,62-66 and many
others. They all suffer from limitations of use in clinical settings, and more
importantly have not been able to improve accuracy of diagnosis of sepsis
to the clinicians needs.
TREATMENT ...........................................................................................
Early recognition and treatment of neonatal sepsis and supportive
therapy probably account for recent improvements in outcome and survival.1-
5 When a toxic newborn or young infant presents with fever and
If CSF culture positive at 48-72 hours and/or suspicion of neurological
complications perform cerebral ultrasound and/or computed tomography
Neuroimaging is recommended to detect the complications of meningitis.
Complications should be suspected when the clinical course is characterised
by shock, respiratory failure, focal neurological deficits, a positive CSF culture
after 48-72 hours of appropriate antibiotic therapy, or infection with certain
organisms. Citrobacter koseri and Enterobacter sakazakii meningitis, for
example, are frequently associated with the development of brain abscesses,
even in infants who have a benign clinical course.The most useful and
non-invasive method early in the course is ultrasonography, which will provide
information regarding ventricular size and the presence of haemorrhage.
Computed tomography will be useful in detecting cerebral abscesses and
later in the treatment course in identifying areas of encephalomalacia that
may dictate prolonged therapy.
Discussed elsewhere in the book.
FAQ’s68-79 .........................................................................................................................................
REFERENCES ........................................................................................
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sepsis: value of procalcitonin in the emergency setting. Ann Clin Biochem
Pain and Analgesia
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY ............................................................................
Nociceptive pathways develop very early in fetal life. As early as 6 weeks
gestation, dorsal horn cells in the spinal cord form synapses with the
developing sensory neurons. These sensory neurons grow peripherally
to reach the skin of the limbs by 11 weeks, the rest of the trunk by
15 weeks and the remaining cutaneous and mucosal surfaces by 20 weeks.
At full term, the density of nociceptive nerve endings in the newborn
skin is at least as great as that of the adults. Myelination of nociceptive
thalamo-cortical radiations is complete by 37 weeks. In contrast, descending
inhibitory tract, which suppress the transmission of noxious stimuli, are
not fully functional at term. The lack of descending inhibition from
higher centers increases afferent nociceptive transmission in the spinal cord.
Although nociceptive connections are immature in the preterm, the larger
receptive fields, the immaturity of the descending inhibitory pathways,
and the ability of “non C nerve fibers” to transmit nociceptive inputs
into the dorsal horn (facilitated by “sub-threshold C-nerve fibers”) results
in under damped, poorly discriminated and exaggerated responses.
This concept is derived from Fizgerald’s observations on the cutaneous
withdrawal reflex.5
• Arterial puncture
• Heel lancing
• Lumbar puncture
• Retinopathy of prematurity examination
• Suprapubic bladder tap
• Venipuncture
• Bronchoscopy
• Endoscopy.
• Bladder catheterization
• Central line insertion/removal
• Chest tube insertion/removal
• Chest physiotherapy
• Dressing change
• Feeding tube insertion
• Intramuscular injection
• Peripheral venous catheterization
• Mechanical ventilation
• Postural drainage
• Removal of adhesive tape
• Suture removal
• Tracheal intubation/extubation
• Tracheal suctioning
• Ventricular tap
• Circumcision
• Other surgical procedures.
Both term and preterm neonates exhibit physiologic and hormonal responses
to painful stimuli - increased sympathetic activity, increased catecholamine
production, hyper dynamic circulation, increased oxygen demand,
insulin resistance, increased gluconeogenesis, and a catabolic
state. The responses may be exaggerated when compared with older
children and adults. Major stress e.g. surgery without analgesia can result
in serious complications and contribute to surgical mortality.
Acute Effects of Pain
The acute effects of nociception are
• Hemodynamic response: Rise in mean arterial pressure
• Rise in intracranial pressure
• Hormonal responses
• Greater nitrogen loss, post surgery: Delayed post-operative recovery.
Long-term Effects of Pain
• Post-injury hyperalgesia
• Allodynia
• Persistence of immature pain response.
Anesthetic agents
Lidocaine …………….. …………….. 2-5 mg/kg IV
(local/topical) 0.5-1 mg/kg
EMLA(local/topical) 0.5-2 mg/kg IV 0.5-1 mg/kg per 0.5-2 g under occlusive
hour dressing 1 hour before
the procedure
Ketamine 2-5 mg/kg IV ………….
Other agents
Acetaminophen 10-15 mg/kg orally; …………… ………………..
20-30 mg/kg rectally
Sucrose 12%-24% solution ……………… ………………..
given orally 2 min
before the procedure,
2 ml for term neonates
and 0.1-0.4 ml for
preterm neonates
KEY POINTS – reducing NDD related to pain and adverse effects of analgesia
1. Neonates have pain sensation – they have functional neuro anatomic and
neuro endocrine pain pathways at very early gestations.
2. Preterm babies may have exaggerated pain sensation; their descending
pain suppressing pathways may not be mature, although the pain sensing
ones are.
3. Pain causes several physiologic and hormonal responses - increased
sympathetic activity, hyper dynamic circulation, increased oxygen demand,
insulin resistance, increased gluconeogenesis, and a catabolic state.
4. Painful stimuli are implicated in causation and extension of IVH and PVL
in preterm babies.
5. Repeated painful experiences modify subsequent reaction to pain. Pain
may have a role in modifying neurological and behavioral outcomes.
6. There are not enough studies on long term outcomes of medication/non
pharmacological methods used for analgesia in painful procedures.
7. Morphine is considered safer than midazolam if analgesia is necessary.
But, even morphine should be used sparingly in very preterm babies and
babies already in shock.
8. Ideally pain assessment should guide need for analgesia and routine use
is not currently recommended. Pain assessment scales combine physiologic
and behavioral parameters.
9. Sucrose, breast milk, Kangaroo Mother Care and non-nutritive suck are
effective non-pharmacologic methods that reduce pain.
10. Venepuncture by trained personnel is associated with less pain than heel
11. Local application of EMLA reduces procedure related pain – canulation,
lumbar puncture etc.
12. A consistent effort must be made to reduce, club painful procedures and
use appropriate pharmacological and non pharmacological measures.
REFERENCES ........................................................................................
1. Anand KJ, Hickey PR. Pain and its effects in the human neonate and fetus.
N Engl J Med 1987;317:1321-9.
2. Fitzgerald M, Millard C, Mcintosh N. Cutaneous hypersensitivity following
peripheral tissue damage in newborn infants and its reversal with topical
anaesthesia. Pain 1989;39:31-6.
3. Fitzgerald M, Anand KJS. Developmental neuroanatomy and neurophysiology
of pain. In: Schechter NL, Berde CM, Yaster M editor(s). Pain in infants, children
and adolescents. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1993:11-32.
4. Giannakoulopoulos X, Sepulveda W, Kourtis P, Glover V, Fisk NM. Fetal plasma
cortisol and beta endorphin response to intrauterine needling. Lancet 1994;
5. Andrews K, Fitzgerald M. The cutaneous withdrawl reflex in human neonates:
sensitization, receptive fields, and the effects of contralateral stimulation. Pain
1994; 56:95-101.
6. Anand KJ, Barton BA, McIntosh N et al. analgesia and sedation in preterm
neonates who require ventilatory support:results from the NOPAIN trial. Neonatal
Outcome and Prolonged Analgesia in Neonates. Archives of Pediatrics and
Adolscent medicine 1999;153:331-8.
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2003, Issue 1. Art. No. CD002052.
9. Jacqz-Aigrain E, Daoud P, Burtin P, Desplanques L, Beaufils F. Placebo-controlled
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11. Shah PS, Aliwalas LL, Shah V. Breastfeeding or breast milk for procedural pain
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12. Ludington-Hoe SM, Hosseini R, Torowicz DL. Skin-to-skin contact (Kangaroo
Care) analgesia for preterm infant heel stick. AACN Clin Issues 2005;16:373-
13. Johnston CC, Stevens B, Pinelli J, Gibbins S, Filion F, Jack A, Steele S, Boyer
K, Veilleux A. Kangaroo care is effective in diminishing pain response in preterm
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14. Tadddio A, Ohlsson K, Ohlsson A. Lidocaine-prilocaine cream for analgesia during
circumcision in newborn boys. Cochrane Database of Systemic Reviews 2000
Issue 2. Art. No. CD000496.
15. Kaur G, Gupta P, Kumar A.. A randomized trial of eutectic mixture of local
anesthetics during lumbar puncture in newborns. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2003;
16. Abad F, Diaz-Gomez NM, Domenech E, Gonzalez D, Robayna M, Feria M. Oral
sucrose compares favorably with lidocaine-prilocaine cream for pain relief during
venepuncture in neonates. Acta Paediatr. 2001; 90:160-5.
17. Shah V, Ohlsson A. venepuncture versus heel lance for blood sampling in term
neonates. Cochrane Database of Systemic Reviews 2007, Issue 4. Art. No.
18. Shah V, Ohlsson A. The effectiveness of premedication for endotracheal intubation
in mechanically ventilated neonates: A systematic review. Clin Perinatol 2002;
19. Anand KJS, and the International evidence based group for neonatal pain.
Consensus statement for the prevention and management of pain in the newborn.
Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2001; 155:173-180.
20. KJS Anand, R Whit Hall. Controversies in An Introduction. Seminars in
Perinatology. Pain. Volume 31, Issue 5, October 2007, Pages 273-74.
21. Witt, catherine L. Are we doing enough for neonatal pain management? advances
in neonatal care. 7(3):109-110, 2007.
22. Prakesh S. Shah, Lucia Aliwalas, Vibhuti Shah. Breastfeeding or Breast milk
to Alleviate procedural pain in neonates: A systematic review. Breastfeeding
medicine. 2007;2(2):74-82.
Dinesh Kumar Chirla
Neonatal Transport
Sick neonates are transported routinely after birth from the maternal unit
(labor room) to the neonatal facility (intra-hospital transfer). Sometimes,
inter-hospital transport, from a primary hospital (level 1) to a better-
equipped center (level 2/level 3 units) immediately after birth and later
when the neonate is seriously sick, becomes necessary. The commonest
reasons for transport are respiratory distress, perinatal asphyxia, seizures,
preterm delivery and a newborn needing surgery.
A delay in management of illness – hypoxia, hypo perfusion, metabolic
problems like hypoglycemia and jaundice, all can cause increased risk
of disability. Units must have simple and easy to follow guidelines to
recognize severity of illness and facilitate early and safer transfer.19
It may not be beneficial to transfer all babies, difficult to manage at the
primary level, to a referral centre. Babies likely to have poor outcomes,
e.g. extreme preterm babies, severe incurable malformations, HIE grade-
III, etc. may not benefit by transfer. For example only infants weighing
more than 800 gm at birth showed a significant improvement in disabilities
at 3 years corrected age (49% vs 22%, p<0.001).7
Organization of referrals based on availability of beds (networks) improves
outcomes of extreme preterm babies.
Between parents, referring specialist and referral unit can minimize medical
and social issues.
This feedback will improve the neonatal care practices of referring unit.
It also takes care of a major inhibition for transport and referral i.e. loss
of patient confidence in referring unit.
It is very important to avoid criticizing the management of referring hospital.
Also it is important to speak to the parents before you start any procedures
on the baby.
Documentation of clinical status on leaving the referring hospital, during
transport and arrival is very important.
Equipments and drugs for transport should be kept in state of readiness.
Equipment should be regularly checked to ensure that batteries are charged,
gas supplies are adequate and emergency drugs and disposables present.
There should be a checklist, which the transport nurse uses before going
for transport services. Transport incubator with transport ventilator would
• Monitor: Multi channel monitor with ECG, NIBP with cuff, SpO2
monitoring, Thermometer, Stethoscope
• Airway: Self inflating bag and mask (all sizes), Endotracheal tubes
(all sizes), 2 Laryngoscopes, Oxygen cylinders, suction catheters and
portable suction device, nasogastric tube, chest drain, etc…
• Circulation: Intravenous syringe pump, IV catheter, tubing and
connectors, Three way taps, IV solutions, Umbilical catheter, syringes
• Others: Sterile gloves, cleaning solutions, IV cut down pack, suture
Resuscitation drugs, Adrenaline 1:10,000, Calcium gluconate 10% solution,
Dextrose 10% solution, Phenobarbitone, Phenytoin; Cardiovascular drugs,
Dopamine, Dobutamine, Adenosine, Frusemide, Prostaglandin E2, Antibiotics
– Ampicillin, Amikacin, Cefotaxim, Metronidazole; Sedatives/muscle relaxants
– Morphine, Midazolam; Others – Vitamin K, Heparinized saline.
Check heel-prick blood sugar, commence IV infusion with a syringe pump.
From sub-centers and PHC if IV access is difficult give 10 ml/kg of EBM
or 5–10% dextrose orally. Infants who have altered level of
consciousness or seizures with low blood glucose level are at risk
of adverse long-term neurological outcome. In case of suspected sepsis,
antibiotics need to be started after collecting blood culture. Delay in
antibiotics with progression of sepsis into septic shock or meningitis have
long-term implications in terms of neurological outcome.
REFERENCES ........................................................................................
1. Kollee LAA, Verloove-Vanhorick PP, Verwey RA, Brand R, Ruys JH. Maternal
and neonatal transport: results of a national collaborative survey of preterm and
very low birth weight infants in the Netherlands. Obstet Gynecol. 1988;72:729-
2. Towers CV, Bonebrake R, Padilla G, Rumney P. The effect of transport on the
rate of severe intraventricular haemorrhage in very low birth weight infants. Obstet
Gynecol. 2000;95:291-95.
3. Bucher HU, Fawer CL, von Kaemel J, Kind C, Moessinger A. Intrauterine and
postnatal transfer of high risk newborn infants: Swiss Society of Neonatology.
Schweiz Med Wochenschr. 1998;128:1646-53.
4. Simpson JM, Evans N, Gibbard RW, Heuchan AM, Henderson-Smart DJ. Analysing
differences in clinical outcomes between hospitals. Qual Saf Health Care.
5. Kitchen W, Ford G, Orgill A, et al. Outcome of extremely low birth-weight infants
in relation to the hospital of birth. Aust NZ J Obstet Gynaecol. 1984;24:1-5.
6. Truffert P, Goujard J, Dehan M, Vodovar M, Breart G. Outborn status with a
medical neonatal transport service and survival without disability at two years:
a population-based cohort survey of newborns of less than 33 weeks of gestation.
Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 1998;79:13-8.
7. Saigal S, Rosenbaum P, Hattersley B, Milner R. Decreased disability rate among 3-
year-old survivors weighing 501 to 1000 grams at birth and born to residents of
a geographically defined region from 1981 to 1984 compared with 1977 to
1980. J Pediatr. 1989;114 :839-46.
8. Chien LY, Whyte R, Aziz K, Thiessen P, Matthew D, Lee SK. Improved outcome
of preterm infants when delivered in tertiary care centers. Obstet Gynecol.
9. Shah PS, Shah V, Qiu Z, Ohlsson A, Lee SK, Canadian Neonatal Network.
Improved outcomes of outborn preterm infants if admitted to perinatal centers
versus freestanding pediatric hospitals. J Pediatr. 2005;146:626-31.
10. Towers CV, Bonebrake, Padilla G, Rumney P. The Effect of Transport on the
Rate of Severe Intraventricular Hemorrhage in Very Low Birth Weight Infants.
Obstetrics and Gynecology 2000;95:291-5.
11. Clark CE, Clyman RI, Roth RS, Sniderman SH, Lane B, Ballard RA. Risk factor
analysis of intraventricular hemorrhage in low-birth-weight infants. J Pediatr
12. Mori R, Fujimura M, Shiraishi, Evans B, et al. Duration of inter-facility neonatal
transport and neonatal mortality: Systematic review and cohort study. Pediatrics
International 2007;49(4):452–8.
13. Kitchen, W.H., Callanan, C., Doyle, L.W, et al. Improving the quality of survival
for infants of birth weight < 1000 g born in non-level-III centers in Victoria.
Med. J Aust 1993;158:24–7.
14. Leslie, A.J. and Stephenson, T.J. Audit of Neonatal intensive care transport. Arch.
Dis. Child. 1994;71,F61-66.
15. Neonatal Transport. Journal of Neonatology. 19, 2005.
16. Cloherty JP, Stark AR. Manual of Neonatal Care. 4th Ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott-
Raven; 2004:151–57.
17. David Field, Neonatal Transport. In :Janet Rennie, Roberton’s, Textbook of
Neonatology, 4th edition, 2005:242–46.
18. Yu VYH, Dunn PM. Development of regionalized perinatal care. Sem Neonatol
19. Reddy MH, Bang AT. How to identify Neonates at risk of death in rural India.
Clinical criteria for risk approach. J Perinatol 2005.
Ravishankar K
Perinatal Steroids
Premature infants are treated with a number of drugs in the NICU despite
a lack of long-term studies proving their safety, especially on the developing
brain. Of particular recent concern is the data that the use of postnatal
dexamethasone in VLBW infants is associated with abnormal neurodeve-
lopmental outcome.
Chronic lung disease (CLD) in preterm infants including the previously
commonly used term bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), is an important
cause of mortality and is associated with long-term morbidity, including
delayed growth, recurrent respiratory infections, impaired pulmonary function,
and neurodevelopmental delay. In the past, several randomized trials have
demonstrated the usefulness of postnatal dexamethasone in short-term
respiratory outcomes, although there was no actual impact on the survival
(Table 16.1). These have included early extubation and baby going off
oxygen earlier. Unfortunately long courses of very high dose dexamethasone
had been used for years despite the lack of follow-up studies on the safety
of such a potentially risky drug. Initial short-term studies have shown poor
weight gain and poor head growth in neonates treated with early postnatal
dexamethasone. The results of larger long-term follow up studies have,
now, conclusively proved that use of postnatal dexamethasone is
strongly associated with neuromotor delay (upto 40%), cerebral
palsy (CP) (2 fold) and PVL (Table 16.2).
The early (<96 hours) regimen of dexamethasone was associated
with greater risk of neurodevelopmental problems than moderately
early (7–14 days) or delayed (> 3 weeks) regimens. The mechanism
of injury could be dexamethasone-induced suppression of the release of
brain-derived neurotrophic factor, which is vital for neuronal development.
Apart from having direct neuronal toxicity, dexamethasone may also impair
mechanisms that protect against hypoxia and hypoglycemia. It is possible
Table 16.1: Benefits of postnatal corticosteroids
Outcome Timings RR(95% CI) NNT(95% CI)
D = delayed (>3 weeks); E = early (<96 hours); M = moderately early (7–14 days);
NNT = number needed to treat.
D = delayed (>3 weeks); E = early (<96 hours); M = moderately early (7–14 days);
NNH = number needed to harm.
BIBLIOGRAPHY .....................................................................................
1. Assisted Ventilation of Neonate, Goldsmith. 4th edition. Chapter Central Nervous
System Morbidity. P 429-448.
2. Follow-up at 15 Years of Preterm Infants From a Controlled Trial of Moderately
Early Dexamethasone for the Prevention of Chronic Lung Disease Steven J.
Gross, Ran D. Anbar and Barbara B. Mettelman Pediatrics 2005;115;681-7.
3. Management of BPD; guidelines for corticosteroid use. David G. Grier and Henry
L. Halliday. Drugs 2005:65(1);15-29.
4. Multiple courses of antenatal steroids. Sandesh Kiran, Dutta Sourabh, Narang
Anil et al. Indian J of Pediatrics. Vol 74, May 2007.
5. Perinatal Corticosteroids: A Review of Research Part 2: Postnatal Administration
Isabell B. Purdy. Neonatal Network VOL. 25, NO. 2, May/June 2004.
6. Perinatal Corticosteroids: A Review of Research Part I: Antenatal Administration.
Isabell B. Purdy,Dorothy J. Wile. Neonatal Network VOL. 23, NO. 2, March/
April 2004.
Ashish Mehta
Mechanical Ventilation
Availability of newer and better machines for ventilation and better care
of sick neonates has resulted in a great improvement in survival of ventilated
neonates. Ventilation strategies are currently targeted at minimizing lung
injuries. There is a paucity of data on neurodevelopmental implications
of different ventilation strategies.
Permissive Hypercapnea
The association between hypocapnea and adverse neurodevelopmental
morbidity has resulted in greater interest in the practice of allowing higher
PaCO2. Data available from the two studies in the Cochrane review do
not support the use of permissive hypercapnea to prevent morbidity/
mortality in ventilated new born infants. There are no serious adverse
effects reported with permissive hypercapnea (minimal ventilation
strategies) in the studies included. Therefore, it can be concluded that
hypercapnea at least in the range targeted (up to 60 mm Hg) is not
harmful in the short term. Long term neurodevelopmental evaluation
is yet to be seen. Gentler ventilation strategies are likely to result in shorter
duration of ventilation and lesser lung and possibly other organ injuries. 6
Until more evidence to support the safety and benefit of hypercapnea
strategy is available, it would seem wise to avoid exposure of ventilated
newborns to either severe hypocapnea (<20 mm Hg) or hypercapnea
(>55 mm Hg).
Sensory neural hearing loss is more common in infants with PPHN
treated with alkalosis and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
(ECMO). More than half (53%) of surviving infants with PPHN treated
with hyperventilation and respiratory paralysis had hearing impairment.7,19
It would be unethical to have studies comparing outcomes of babies with
hypoxia and those with appropriate therapy. It is still not known as to
how low levels of PaO2 would definitely be associated with brain injury.
Indirect evidence of tissue hypoxia (metabolic acidosis, lactate, etc). may
be a guide to oxygenation status at tissue level.
ROP awareness has mandated closer monitoring of oxygenation. With
continuous pulse oxymetry monitoring and judicious use of blood gases
low/high PaO2 can be avoided. Keep saturations between 87–93 % in
preterm babies. PaO2 should be between 60–80, use minimum FiO2 to
achieve above targets. Although direct brain injuries are not described,
hyperoxia is associated with ROP and BPD/CLD.
Synchronized Ventilation
Use of SIMV and SIPPV especially after the acute phase (in weaning)
reduces duration of ventilation and oxygen dependency.
Neuromuscular Paralysis
Cochrane review has shown that paralyzing with pancuronium reduces
the incidence of IVH in babies fighting the ventilator. But paralysis is
known to adversely affect other aspect of ventilation and long term outcomes
have not been addressed in these studies. Currently, paralysis is not
routinely recommended.12
Morphine: Neo pain trial suggested that pre-emptive morphine infusions
do not reduce IVH among mechanical ventilated babies. Morphine use
in extreme preterm babies and babies with poor perfusion are
at increased risk of disability.13
Midazolam: Studies, where midazolam was used for sedation of sick
ventilated babies, showed statistically increased incidence of adverse
neurological events (death, grade III/IV IVH and PVL). Cochrane systemic
review concludes insufficient evidence for the use of midazolam: lack of
clinical benefit and increased risk of poor neurological out come.
Both, Tracheal suctioning and chest physiotherapy are considered
risk factors for IVH. Vigorous deep tracheal suctioning produces fluctuations
in blood pressure leading to risk of IVH.
There is a documented relationship between number of days on the
ventilator and adverse developmental outcomes.
Results in sudden and severe fluctuations in cerebral circulation. In preterm
and unstable neonates, pneumothorax increases risk of IVH.8
Longer duration of ventilation and oxygen dependency increases risk of
NDD in preterm babies. Currently the effect of ventilation strategies, fluid,
nutrition, adjunct therapies like steroids, vitamin A, aerosolized and systemic
diuretics on incidence and severity of CLD and consequent NDD are
a. nCPAP—a less invasive form of ventilation, reduces the number of
days baby remains intubated. Currently, not enough data to show
difference in neurodevelopmental outcomes on nCPAP vs conventional
b. HFV—There were initial concerns of increased IVH with HFV. With
use of optimal lung volumes, HFV is now considered safe and a preferred
mode of ventilation when high mean airway pressures are required
on conventional ventilation
c. Volume targeted ventilation—with improving ventilators, it is now possible
to fine tune the targeted tidal volume at each breath and thus possibly
keep the CO2 tightly controlled. Duration of ventilation and incidence
of pneumothorax is reduced.17,18
Although drop in pulmonary pressure and increased cerebral perfusion
have been demonstrated, no increase in IVH rates and incidence of disability
are noted on long term follow up. Improved survival of smaller babies
(due to surfactant and ventilation) has not added to a greater proportion
of handicapped babies. It is only logical that reduced severity of lung
disease, less air leaks and shorter ventilation would indirectly act through
several mechanisms and reduce NDD.14
REFERENCES ........................................................................................
1. Greziani: Mechanical ventilation in preterm infant- neurosonographic and
developmental study. Pediatrics 1992;90:515-22.
2. Fujimoto S, Togari H, Yamaguchi N, et al. Hypocarbia and cystic periventricular
leukomalacia in premature infants. Arch Dis Child 1994;71:F107-F110.
3. Calvert: Etiologic factors associated with development of PVL in preterm infants
Acta Pediatr Scand 1987, 76:254-259
4. Wisewell, et al. Effect of Hypocarbia on development of cystic PVL in preterm
infants treated with HFJV. Pediatrics 1996;98:918–24 and 1035-43.
5. Greisen G, Munck H, Lou H. Severe Hypocarbia in pretem infants and
neurodevelopmental deficit. Acta Pediatr Scand 1987;76:401-04.
6. Woodgate PG, Davies MV. Permissive hypercapnea for the prevention of morbidity
and mortality in mechanically ventilated newborn infants- Cochrane systemic review
7. Hendriks-Munoz KD, Walter JP. Hearing loss in infants with persistent fetal
circulation. Pediatrics 1988;81:650-56.
8. Hill A, perlman JM, volpe J. Relationship of pneumothorax to the occurrence
of IVH in prematured new born. Pediatrics 1982;69:144-9.
9. Mirro R, Busija D, Green R, Leffler CB. Relationship between mean airway
pressure, cardiac output and organ blood flow with normal and decreased
respiratory compliance. J Pediatr 1987;111:101-06.
10. Perlman JM, McMenanim JB, Volpe JJ. Fluctuating cerebral blood flow velocity
in respiratory distress syndrome: relationship to subsequent development of IVH.
N Eng J med 1983;309:204-09.
11. Perlman JM, volpe JJ. Are venous circulatory changes important in the patho-
genesis of Hemorrhagic and/or ischemic cerebral injury ? Pediatrics 1987;80:705-
12. Cools F, Offringa M. Neuromuscular paralysis for new born infants receiving
mechanical ventilation. Cochrane database syst Rev 2005(2):CD 002773.
13. Anand KJ, Hall RW. Desai N, et al. Effects of morphine analgesia in ventilated
preterm neonates, Lancet 2004;363(9422):1673-82.
14. Suresh GK, Soll RF. Current surfactant use in premature infants. Clin Perinatol
15. Volpe JJ. Neurology of the new born. Fourth ed. Philadelphia:W.B. Saunders
company, 2001.
16. Deorari A, Chawla D, Maria A. Preterm brain injury. Journal of Neonatology;
17. Greenough A, Sharma A. What is new in ventilation strategies for the neonate?
European Journal of Pediatrics. 2007;166(10):991-6.
18. Mathur NB, Bhatia V. Effect of Stepwise Reduction in Minute Ventilation on
PaCO2 in Ventilated Newborns. Indian Pediatrics 2004;41:779-85.
19. Hendricks-Munoz KD, Walton JP. Hearing loss in infants with persistent fetal
circulation. Pediatrics. 1988;81(5):650-6.
Section 8
18. Risk Stratification for Neurodevelopmental
19. Clinical Examination Protocol
20. Screening Protocol
INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................
Optimal perinatal care is the most important determinant of
neurodevelopmental outcomes.
Appropriate follow up of these high risk neonates after discharge
from NICU is another “opportunity” to modify outcomes.
The understanding of neurodevelopment assessment has made
significant advances. But, the lack of a “user friendly standard-protocol”
that can be practiced at all levels of care has been the limiting factor
to “best-clinical practices”. This chapter attempts to organize currently
available knowledge on neurodevelopmental follow up – who should be
assessed, how, when, what to look for and who would be responsible.
Risk Stratification for
Neurodevelopmental Disability
detailed in the previous chapter. The previous chapters on high risk newborn
are summarized in the Table 18.1.
Table 18.1: Risk stratification (encircle risk factors), chose the column of
maximum severity as indicated by risk factors
Mild risk for NDD Moderate risk for NDD High-risk for NDD
< 2500 Gm Birth weight < 1500 gm < 1000 gm, preterm
with SFD, 10th centile
> 1 abortion, infertility Multiple births Metabolic disorders, Intra-
treatment (twins/triplets) uterine infections,
congenital anomaly
(nervous system/ multiple),
teratogens exposure
Clinical Examination Protocol
• OFC centile << length centile
• Static/dropping OFC centile (in relation to length centile) on serial follow-
• OFC centile >> length centile
• Increasing OFC centile (in relation to length centile) with/without
Measure weight and length; plot on appropriate growth chart and compare
• Poor growth— weight << length centile
• Growth centiles less than expected for gestation/dropping on serial follow
• Severe growth retardation (symmetric) with dysmorphism points to
genetic origin
• Poor growth may point to medical problems that can affect
• Poor growth may be seen in babies with NDD as the feeding is
not optimal
NEUROBEHAVIOR .................................................................................
In neonates, predictive power of isolated neurological signs is not great.
An overall impression of suspicious/abnormal neurological status is more
useful—tone, suck, feed, cry and activity (movements)—5-fold increase
in incidence of CP.
An overall impression of abnormal/suspicious neurobehavior is very useful
in prediction of (neurodevelopmental) outcomes.
Neurological signs in neonate (mostly term) Increased risk of CP
Abnormal Tone—limb, neck, trunk 12-15 fold
Diminished cry for > one day 21 fold
Weak or absent suck 14 fold
Need for gavage or tube feeding 16-22 fold
Diminished activity > one day 19 fold
Collaborative Perinatal Project of National Institutes of Health
Neurobehavioral assessment is a useful tool for assessment of young infants—
from preterm (> 32 weeks) to one month corrected age
• Research tools for assessment of neurobehavior
• NAPI (Neurobehavioral Assessment of Preterm Infants)
• APIB (Assessment of Preterm Infants Behavior)
• BNBAS (Brazelton Newborn Behavior Assessment Scale)
• Simple clinical tools assessment of neurobehavior
• Levene’s Grading for encephalopathy (for term babies) (Table 19.1)
• Simple KIMS* score
# Levene MI, Lornberg J, Williams THC. The incidence and severity of post-
asphyxial encephalopathy in full term infants. Early Human development 1985;
## Fails to maintain spontaneous respiration
*Constantinou JC, Adamson- Macedo EN, Mirmiran M, Ariagno RL, Fleisher BE.
Neurobehavioural Assessment predicts differential outcome between VLBW and ELBW
preterm infants. J Perinatol 2005;25(12):788-93.
** Naveen Jain. Predictors of adverse outcomes in sick neonates, abstracts. Neocon
NEUROLOGICAL EXAMINATION ........................................................
a. Optimality score has made neurological examination of newborn easy
and objective. (The neurological assessment of the preterm and full
term newborn infant, 2nd ed. Clinics in Developmental Medicine Series,
vol. 148. Dubowitz LMS, Dubowitz V, Mercuri E).
b. Some abnormal signs that point to NDD are cited in Table 19.2.
NEUROIMAGING ....................................................................................
May be done as Initial assessment of neurodevelopment (Before discharge/
first assesment of a young infant)/or decided on follow up based on abnormal
clinical findings.
• Preterm < 32 weeks gestation, < 1500 grams weight at birth
• Preterm with abnormal Neurobehavior/examination—seizures, lethargy,
apnoea, sudden onset pallor, bulging anterior fontanel, tight popliteal
Protocol—1st assessment at 3 to 5 days (desirable), 2nd assessment
at 40 weeks corrected gestation (mandatory).
Look for evidence of brain atrophy as in ventriculomegaly/cystic Peri-
Ventricular Leukomalacia (PVL)—white matter disease (WMD)
• Moderate (Grade 2, Levene)/prolonged or unexplained encephalopathy
• Encephalopathy and Seizures
1st scan as clinically indicated (1st 2 weeks of life, before discharge),
2nd at 2 to 6 weeks age (more useful for prognostication)
Look for Marked diffuse hypo density or major intra cerebral hemorrhage/
calcification/malformations/evidence of strokes (infarcts)
CT is not superior to Neurosonogram in picking up PVL.
• In sick preterm infants, neurosonogram is preferred, as it is portable,
can come to NICU, rather than baby move, and can be repeated serially
without risk of radiation hazards (in contrast to CT).
Sensitivity of MRI in diagnosis of brain atrophy in preterm neonates is
higher than neurosonogram (specificity similar). Diffusion weighted MRI
can prognosticate outcomes early (within minutes after the asphyxial insult)
in perinatal asphyxia. MRI is generally superior to CT in delineation of
many pathologies; but CT is superior to MRI in delineation of intracranial
Practical Difficulties
Deep sedation needed for MRI, difficulty in monitoring (metal incompatibility
of MRI) makes it unsafe in these at-risk babies.
The EEG of a baby must be evaluated keeping in mind the gestation;
EEG maturation and changes have been demonstrated at various gestations.
Always include a quite sleep EEG in evaluation of newborns; abnormalities
may be apparent only in this period.
Impairment of EEG developmental maturation persisting for more than
3 weeks of life (often associated with major EEG abnormalities) is predictive
of abnormal outcomes.
Major EEG abnormalities
• Disordered development
• Depression/lack of differentiation
• Burst suppression pattern
• Electro cerebral silence
• Unilateral depression of background activity
• Periodic discharges
• Multifocal sharp waves
• Central positive sharp waves
• Rhythmic generalized/focused alpha activity
• Hypsarrhythmia
Screening Protocol
Preterm baby < 33 weeks gestation/<1500 gm birth weight (some Indian
studies have reported ROP at older gestation/weights—the protocols may
be modified at individual centers, based on local experience. Most Indian
experts suggest < 34 weeks).
Any preterm baby with severe cardio-respiratory compromise.
Start at 4 weeks of life or after 31 weeks gestation (which ever is later)
Screen 1/2/3 weekly as per ICROP guidelines and more frequently if
“plus disease” noted.
The presence of “plus disease” (defined as dilation and tortuosity of the
posterior retinal blood vessels) in zones I or II suggests that peripheral
ablation, rather than observation, is appropriate.
Threshold ROP, as defined in the Multicenter Trial of Cryotherapy for
Retinopathy of Prematurity, may no longer be the preferred time of
Treatment may also be initiated for the following retinal findings:
1. Zone I ROP: any stage with plus disease
2. Zone I ROP: stage 3—no plus disease
3. Zone II: stage 2 or 3 with plus disease
ROP—Policy Statement
Screening Examination of Premature Infants for Retinopathy of
ROP is a pathologic process that occurs in immature retinal tissue and
can progress to a tractional retinal detachment, which can result in functional
or complete blindness. Peripheral retinal ablative therapy using laser
photocoagulation has resulted in the possibility of markedly decreasing
the incidence of this poor visual outcome, but the sequential nature of
ROP creates a requirement that at-risk preterm infants be examined at
proper times to detect the changes of ROP before they become
permanently destructive.
“The International Classification of Retinopathy of Prematurity Revisited”
(Arch Ophthalmology 2005) should be used to classify, and record retinal
findings at the time of examination.
The schedule of follow up is determined by stage of disease, plus
disease and zone.
The recommended eye drops are tropicamide 0.5-1% with phenylepherine
2.5%. Two to three instillations of each of these drops, five minutes apart
are usually sufficient to dilate the pupils in 15-20 minutes; and the effect
remains for 30-45 minutes. Cyclopentolate 0.5% to 1.0% can also be
used safely. Care should be taken to wipe (with sterile cotton/tissue) any
eye drops that spills onto the cheeks, as they can be absorbed from
the skin of the babies and cause increased heart rate. It is not advisable
to use 10% phenylepherine or atropine (drops or ointment) in premature
babies for screening, as severe tachycardia, and fatal hyperthermia and
dehydration can occur due to systemic absorption. Use of any dilating
eye drops (or even antibiotic or corticosteroid eye drops) in premature
babies can be life threatening and should not be taken casually.
[Note: In India only 10% (and sometimes 5%) phenylepherine is available
commercially. A 10% solution needs dilution in 1:4 ratio. To prepare 2.5%
solution, dilution can be done with methylcellulose eye drops or
commercially available distilled water.]
*Section of Ophthalmology American Academy of Pediatrics; American Academy of
Ophthalmology; American Association of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus.
AAP policy statement: Screening Examination of Premature Infants for Retinopathy
of Prematurity. Pediatrics 2006;117(2):572-6
SCREENING FOR HEARING IMPAIRMENT ** .................................
Desirable—all neonates, mandatory—all babies admitted to NICU/risk factors
for hearing impairment (see overleaf).
Desirable—before discharge from NICU, Mandatory—within 3 months of
Oto-Acoustic emissions (OAE)—for all babies
Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry (BERA)—babies who fail repeat
Babies at high risk of hearing impairment must undergo both (OAE
misses sensory-neural hearing impairment).
BERA is an objective means of evaluating hearing. This instrument measures
evoked responses in response to sound clicks at frequencies greater than
1000 Hz. The automated screener provides a pass-fail report and no
test interpretation by an audiologist is required. Automated BERA can
test each ear individually and can be performed on children of any age.
Motion artifact interferes with test results. For this reason, the test is
performed best in infants and young children while they are sleeping
or, if necessary, sedated.
The BERA and OAE are tests of auditory pathway structural integrity
but are not true tests of hearing. Even if BERA or OAE test results are
normal, hearing cannot be definitively considered normal until a child
is mature enough for a reliable behavioral audiogram to be obtained.
Behavioral pure tone audiometry remains the standard for hearing evaluation.
Children as young as 9 to 12 months can be screened by means
of conditioned oriented responses (CORs) or visual reinforced audiometry
Baseline Tests
Serum ammonia, blood gas analysis (for anion gap acidosis), urinary ketones.
Special Test
Serum, urine (stored cold during transfer), CSF for biochemical analysis
to metabolic lab.
Section 9
21. Discharge Protocol
22. Follow-up Protocol
23. Organization of Neurodevelopmental
Naveen Jain, MKC Nair
Discharge Protocol
Growth (weight,
OFC for length,
corrected age)
personal social
Neurologic exam
(Amiel Tison)
Limited utility
Gross motor (DDST)
before 3 months
Use DDST for
Fine motor (DDST)
moderate risk (done
by developmental
Language (DDST)
Use DASII for high-
DASII score
risk done by
DASII score therapists
CDC grading
Corrected age
DATE Term 1 month 3 months 12 months
Labs (Hb, Ca, P, * * Calcium MV till (3.5- Clinical and lab Iron
ALP), 4.5kg) assessment for iron-
deficiency anemia
Follow-up Protocol
If the infant is being assessed for the first time beyond neonatal period
please check whether initial assessment is complete.
Encourage breast-feeding even in VLBW, ELBW babies. There is no
evidence to recommend fortified formula over breast-feeding, if breast
milk is available sufficiently
• Mothers must express breast milk for the sick preterm baby from as
early as possible (breast pumps may be used).
• Even in very preterm (< 32 weeks corrected age)—practice non-
nutritive sucking and kangaroo mother care.
All preterm infants (<35 weeks) should receive supplements
• Iron - starting at 4-6 weeks (can start at 2 weeks) till 1-year of age
(3 mg/kg/day of elemental iron)
• Calcium (as phosphate salt) - start when on full feeds—150 mg/kg/
day of elemental calcium till term
(Monitor Hb, Ca, P, alkaline phosphatase, nearing 40 weeks corrected
• Multi-vitamin supplementation till approximately 3.5 kg (approximate,
expert opinion)
• Protein supplementation -using human milk fortifiers or special formula
for preterms has demonstrated only short term growth advantages,
the advantage of supplementation does not carry into childhood
(Indication—poor linear growth poor and by medical prescription only).
Weaning may start early (at 4 months corrected age) in preterm
Word of Caution
It has been seen that, tight angles at 4 months (<2000 gm birth weight)
do not always predict abnormal outcome, many of which become normal,
where as persisting hypertonia at 8-12 months is associated with poor
There should be no head lag at 3 months of age, should be possible
to pull to sit by 6 months and pull to stand by 9 months age.
• Frog legs—hypotonia
• Scissoring—hypertonia
• Early rolling 1-2 months (hypertonia)
• Persistent fisting at 3 months of age
• Pulling directly to stand at 4 months (instead of to a sit)
• Delay in appearance of postural reactions
• Hand dominance prior to 18 months.
For Babies at Mild Risk of NDD/All Babies
• Trivandrum Development Screening Chart (TDSC)
• Development Observation Card (DOC), Schedule: 2, 4, 8, 12 months
at well baby/immunization visits.
Organization of
BIBLIOGRAPHY .....................................................................................
1. Allen MC. Risk assessment and neurodevelopment outcomes. In Avery’s
Diseases of Newborn. 2005;1026-42.
2. Als H. Neurobehavioral assessment in the newborn period: opportunity for
early detection of later learning disabilities and for early intervention. Birth
Defects Orig Artic Ser. 1989;25(6):127-52.
Developmental Evaluation
the chart, carefully chosen after repeated trial and error. The age range
for each test item is taken from the norms given in the Bayley Scales
of Infant Development (BSID).
Age range—0-2 years.
Test Material
TDSC is a simple tool which doesn’t require a developmental kit. A pen
and a bunch of key are probably the things required.
This instrument was designed to be a quick and simple screening tool
to be used in clinical settings by people with little training in developmental
assessment. The test is comprised of 125 items, divided into four categories:
• Gross Motor
• Fine Motor/Adaptive
• Personal Social
• Language
The items are arranged in chronological order according to the ages
at which most children pass them. The test is administered in 10–20
minutes and consists of asking the parent questions and having the child
perform various tasks. The test kit contains a set of inexpensive materials
in a soft zippered bag, a pad of test forms, and a reference manual.
The manual includes instructions for calculating the child’s age, administering
and scoring each item, and interpreting the test results.
The test items are represented on the form by a bar that spans the
age at which 25%, 50%, 75%, and 90% of the standardization sample
passed that item. The child’s age is drawn as a vertical line on the chart
and the examiner administers the items bisected by the line. The child’s
performance is rated Pass, Caution, or Delay depending on where the
age line is drawn across the bar. The number of Delays or Cautions
Neurological Evaluation
Generally in children who present with symptoms of CP, the earliest
manifestation is the abnormalities in the muscle tone. It may be either
Grading—for what ?
• To form a common opinion about the developmental status of the
• Make out the improvements in the therapy procedures.
– To convince the mother about the improvements in the development
of her child.
DOC—Major Milestones
Social Smile - achieved by completed 2 months.
(Baby smiling back in response to your smile)
Head holding - achieved by completed 4 months
(Keeping head steady when baby is held upright)
(Lifts head and shoulder supported on fore arm
in prone position)
Sitting alone - achieved by completed 8 months.
(Baby is able to sit alone with back straight, no
Standing alone - achieved by completed 12 months.
(Baby is able to stand bearing weight on both
legs with minimal or no support).
Make sure that the child can see, hear and listen. Those who fail
these simple milestones must have a formal developmental assessment.
• At birth—babies show visual perception and will follow a moving person
with his eyes. Baby can follow a dangling ring with difficulty.
• 3-4 weeks—will watch mother intensely as she speaks to him, fixating
on her face.
• 4 weeks—can follow in a range of 90 degrees.
• 4-6 weeks—begins to smile at mother’s face.
• 3 months—can follow a range of 180 degrees and can fixate well
on near objects.
• Before 6 weeks there is little convergence.
• 4 months—can fix his eyes on a half-inch brick.
• The eyes of the newborn tend to move independently. Binocular vision
begins at 6 weeks and is well established by 4 months
• 12-20 weeks—hand regard starts as he lies on his back
• 5 months—excited when his feed is being prepared.
– 6 months—adjusts his position to see objects. Bending back to see
things he is interested in also starts at this age.
Points to be Remembered
• Babies cannot speak if they cannot hear
• If the problems of hearing are undetected it will cause problems with
speech, language and cognitive development
• It is important to have the baby’s hearing tested as early as possible,
if there are risk factors for a hearing abnormality
• Hearing loss may not be apparent until children show signs of
developmental delay, often in their speech and language.
1. Air and bone conduction threshold are same in normal ear and in
ear with sensory neural deafness.
2. In conductive hearing loss there is difference between air and bone
conduction threshold.
3. In mixed hearing loss both air and bone conduction thresholds are
4. In children with functional hearing loss the test is not valid.
Developmental Changes
Waves I, III and V are better featured at birth.
Wave I stabilizes by 3 months and wave V by 1.5 years.
With age, amplitude of wave increases while threshold decreases.
The time difference between wave I and wave IV-V complex is dependent
upon transmission through brainstem auditory pathway.
Early Stimulation in NICU
PRECAUTIONS .......................................................................................
• Monitored stimulation with an awareness of and willingness to decrease
environmental hazards is necessary.
• The stimulation provided has to be developmentally appropriate.
• The smallest babies need the quietest of places that can be provided.
• The quality of stimulation given is more important than the quantity
of time spent.
• Stimulation should be introduced gradually followed by a developmental
• The younger the infant, the more disorganized his neurological systems
are and the less likely he will be able to process stimulation, whether
positive or negative.
Early Stimulation after Discharge
• Vision is one of the most primitive senses at birth-newborns can only
focus about 8 inches away, and their sight is two dimensional. Because
vision develops so quickly and so dominates the human sensory
experience, it soon becomes the major means through which children
learn about the people and properties of their world. The following
are some ideas to stimulate the baby’s developing sense of vision.
• The most intriguing object for newborns is the mother’s or father’s
• Try to catch the baby’s attention and make a face— one can stick
out the tongue, make an ‘O’ with one’s lips, or raise and lower one’s
• Vision involves the complex process of tracking objects as they move
through space.
• Lay the baby on the lap. Take a toy, small picture, or one’s hand
and slowly move it in an arc from your baby’s left to right, and then
back again. Newborns cannot track the object as it moves across their
centre line—this will develop in the first few months.
HEARING ................................................................................................
• At birth the sense of hearing is considerably more advanced than
vision. Although it is more advanced, hearing develops gradually.
• Music stimulates more than just the auditory brain centers and connects
powerfully to the baby’s emotions.
• Test how music affects the baby-play a lively, fast-paced song, then
a slow, soothing song.
• Babies have an innate response to music, which can be very useful
when trying to soothe an overtired, over stimulated, or colicky newborn.
• Classical music is particularly good for the baby’s developing brain;
it is closely linked with an improved ability to solve spatial problems.
Playing classical strains to the newborn could help lay down important
spatial reasoning pathways, as well as connections within the auditory
The purposive, non-repetitive contact with human hands on the baby’s
bare skin is a soothing way to stimulate the baby’s sense of touch. Routine
massaging the baby is essential for her optimum growth and development.
Ideally it should be done by the mother, father or grand parents. The
masseur should be relaxed and unhurried and won’t be interrupted. Don’t
massage the baby when he is hungry or full of stomach.
Mother sit relaxed on the floor with baby on a towel or rubber sheet.
Newborns like massaging for about 2-5 minutes and children over 2
months of age will like even more time.
Application of oil before massaging reduces friction. Gentle firm strokes
can be used. Apply at least 12 strokes to each area. Do not kneed or
squeeze. The stroke should not be too light or else they will cause a
tickling sensation to the baby that may be discomforting.
• Make tiny circles on the face, then smooth the baby’s forehead with
both hands at the centre, gently press outside as if stroking the pages
of a book. Make small circles around the baby’s jaw, massaging around
the baby’s mouth may comfort him during teething.
• Rub the hands to make them warm and gently stroke the baby’s
chest as if stroking the pages of a book.
• Stroke each arm alternately from central outwards, open the palms
and massage each finger separately.
• Massage the tummy from baby’s right side to the left in a clockwise
• Stroke and massage each leg and foot separately.
• Stroke the baby’s back— first back and forth across, then in long, sweeping
lines from shoulders to feet. Always keep one hand on the baby.
• Stroke the buttocks in a circular motion.
• Gentle passive exercises can be given in the joints of both hands and
legs by bending and stretching. Make sure the baby is enjoying the
stimulation. Reassure him if he cries or protests and restart again.
Continue massaging according to his wish and end up with a kiss.
Touch is the natural extension of stimulation as it is an extension of what
the baby has experiences in utero. Nature intended development to occur
in an environment filled with stimulation and sensations. Tactile kinesthetic
stimulation is continuously provided in utero as the mother moves, walks,
sits and bends, the amniotic fluid creates a whirlpool like milieu which
as both stimulating and protective to the actively developing fetus. Since
the fetal volume increases and amniotic fluid decreases as the pregnancy
near term, the opportunities for touch and contact with the placenta,
uterine surfaces and the fetus, own body becomes greater in the last
part of the pregnancy.
This constant tactile— kinesthetic stimulation has been shown to be
essential for the developing brain in terms of positive feedback messages.
• Non-nutritive sucking for LBW babies are associated with better
oxygenation during feeding.
• Improves weight gain—by increasing growth hormones or better
utilization of nutrients due to better production of gut hormones.
• Effect on neurodevelopment.
Resmi VR, Latha S, MKC Nair
Early Stimulation Protocol
• Make the child listen to different sounds such as squeeze toy, rattle,
bell, music, high pitched and low pitched human sounds etc.
• Always humming in a soft low voice.
• Hang brightly colour clothes (red/orange/fluorescent), shining mobiles,
colour balls; B & W striped clothes etc across the crib. Don’t interchange
them frequently.
• Put the baby in a well-ventilated room having good light.
• Frequently change child’s position. Put the child on his sides, on his
back, on his tummy etc.
• Put the baby in different surfaces like soft mattresses, form rubber
mat, on soft clothes, on mother’s lap etc.
• Gently rock the child, avoid fast changes of position
• Avoid sudden jerky movements, always support his head.
• Always try to maintain eye-to-eye contact while communicating with
the child.
• Cuddle the baby closely, making it a joyous interaction with the mother
and the baby.
• Talk and sing to baby when you bathe him, dress him, and when
you feed or rock him.
• Encourage and help the baby to turn his head towards the source
of sound and sights.
• Hang brightly colored objects/shiny mobiles about 12-15 inches above
the crib, this will enable the child to watch it constantly and slowly
starts to babble.
• Maintain eye contact while talking with the child
• Show brightly colored clothes when the child is awake.
• Give the child various things to bite and suck and paper to crumble.
• Give your child the experiences of soft, hard, rough, cold, warm etc.
• During daytime place the child on a foam rubber mat on the ground
and allow him to move freely.
• Always hold the baby at shoulder
• Child should be carried straight at shoulder with hand supported, on
both sides (right and left) after the attainment of head control, he
can be carried crossed astride the hips on both sides.
• Place the child on his tummy, with both hands supported. Shake a
sound making rattle in front of his head and gently lift the rattle just
a little to encourage the child to lift the head and upper chest. Make
sure that the baby is watching the rattle.
• Rub small toys or rings across the palm of the baby’s hand to help
him to grasp it. As he wraps his fingers around the toy, let him hold
it. This will promote the child to grasp things.
• Place things just out of reach of baby’s hands. Stimulate him to reach
out and grasp it.
• When talking the baby crossed astride the hip some babies have the
tendency to turn their head towards one side only. Play with the child
or show colourful toys or make noises from the opposite side. This
will promote the child to turn head towards the desired side.
• Babies will turn their head towards the source of sound at this age.
Shake a bell or a squeaky toy over his head. Then slowly shake it
near to the side of his head. Encourage him to turn his head and
find the sound. Repeat on the other side also.
• Place the child flat on his back on the ground over a soft blanket.
Sit near to him/her, showing a colorful toy, slowly turn him/her by
flexing the far away leg, and assist him to turn over to her tummy.
Repeat it on both sides.
• Sit the baby on your lap and gently bounce your knees, by singing
songs. This will promote child’s ability to locate sounds almost he bounce
• Encourage reaching by showing an attractive toy, just out of reach
of child’s hands. With this increased interest the infant moves his hands
towards it.
• Strengthen the leg muscles: put your hands under child’s feet and
move her legs up and down as if she were pedalling a bicycle. Stimulate
her to push on your hands with her feet.
• Start calling the child by his name. He should be spoken to quite
often. Banging toys such as drums, pans or pots can be given at
this age.
• The child can be carried crossed astride at this age.
• Give the baby pieces of paper to tear. The paper can be made attractive
by changing colors and textures. Talk with baby about what she is
doing, how it feels and how it looks.
• As long as possible make the child sit; a walker can be used and
the child can be made to sit comfortably.
• Lay the baby back on the floor over a mat. Show him attractive
toys on one side. Encourage him to roll over on his tummy. Then
stimulate him to roll on his back by gently pushing back the child’s
shoulder by folding the hand under his chest towards which he is
turned and showing a colorful sound producing toy from front to
• Make the child on his tummy and put a roll under his chest. By
showing a colorful toy above his head, stimulate him lift his head
and rise up on his hands.
• Child lying flat on his back. Stabilize the legs by pressing the knees.
Raise the child’s right shoulder (directing the movement over to the
left). Let him lean on his left shoulder, then on his elbow, then his
hand, till finally he is able to sit. To make him lie down again, lean
him on his hand, elbow and left shoulder. Repeat the same movement
on other side also.
• Help the child to sit on the ground by giving support on his pelvis.
• Child can be made to sit on small chairs with hand rest on the sides
so he can sit comfortably.
• Put the child in all fours over a roll. Gently move the roll from front
to back, making the child lean alternating on his knees and hands.
After a very short time, he will make active use of his hands and
knees. This will stimulate him to rise on his knees.
• Encourage the child to stand on by hold on furniture
• Put him in all fours on the ground. Bring the child’s buttocks on
to his heels with the upper part of his body erect. Show him a toy
at shoulder level so that he turns from one side to the other. This
will allow the trunk independent of the legs and also stimulate him
to rise on his knees erect.
• Mother sit on the chair, make the child stand on mother’s knees and
bounce her legs gently up and down. Stimulate the child to support
as much of her weight as she can help to strengthen her leg muscles.
• Encourage the child to clap hands by demonstrating while listening
to music. Give him some banging toys and help him to bang it so
as to produce sound.
• Give him a small container and encourage him to drop small thing into it.
• Encourage the child to produce monosyllables.
• Show him/her picture books of birds/flowers/animals and assist to turn
the pages of books. The pages of the books should be harder enough
for the baby to turn it.
• Allow the child to play with other children.
• Balls with different sizes, dolls, puppets, push and pull toys, rocking
toys, small containers, pegboards, etc. can be used.
• Allow the child to move freely on the ground.
• Naming the body parts can be done while bathing the baby.
• Child can be carried out for a walk and different animals and birds
can be shown on the way.
• Lightweight toys, colour balls, squeaky toys, mirror etc. can be given.
• Do simple actions in front of the child and encourage copying the
actions like clapping hands, tilting head throwing ball, waving bye-
• Encourage the child to crawl over and stimulate him to crawl over
moving things by pulling a toy.
• Stimulate the child to stand up by keeping his favourite toy on as
low stool. Encourage him to pull to stand by holding on the stool.
• Give toys with large holes to poke and to feel with fingers. Care should
be taken to avoid dangers on fingers.
Motor Stimulation in
Early Infancy
Various physical therapy techniques have been used all over the world
for children with motor delay with encouraging results but not supported
by randomised controlled trials. But what has been clinically observed
is that child’s potential to achieve motor milestones, even if late by months
or years is prevented by late onset of therapy and stimulation.
6. Place the child in supine position. Encourage the child to lift and
hold his head by pulling him to sitting position, holding under the
axilla and supporting the neck only if needed. Gradually, bring him
to sitting position and then slowly put him back to lying position.
7. Place the child over a soft roller. Gently tilt the roller to and fro.
8. Encourage the child to hold his head steady by carrying him in an
upright position (supporting the head only as needed).
9. Make the child sit over his mother’s lap. Mother tilts her leg up and
down so that the child tries to balance his head.
10. If the baby makes almost no efforts to lift or hold his head, when
you feed him, instead of putting the nipple or food into his mouth,
barely, touch his lips with it and make him come forward to get
11. Place the child over a bed with 4-inch thickness with hand supported
on the floor.
12. The child must be made to lie on his stomach and is guided on
his elbows (a roll can be used if necessary). Encourage the child
to lift and hold his head by showing a colorful toy. The head holding
can then be maintained as long as the child enjoys and then gradually,
the child is stimulated to rotate the head laterally by moving the
13. Encourage the child to lift and hold head by pulling him to sitting
position in a playful manner and then gradually, putting him back
to lying position.
14. Hold the child at a distance from our body by placing one hand
under his knee and other on the chest. Stand near to a mirror and
encourage him to raise his head and shoulder.
15. Hold the baby crossed astride, give support to the neck if needed.
16. Weight bearing on forearms will also help the child’s head control.
Use visual and auditory stimuli in these positions. Check that the child’s
forearms are well away from the body, with elbows at right angles to
the body (Place a roll of towels between his body and upper arms) and
if possible, hands open.
CREEPING ..............................................................................................
If the child can lift her head well when lying on his stomach, encourage
her to begin creeping.
1. Put a toy or food the child likes just out of reach and encourage the
child to move towards it.
2. If the child cannot bring her leg forward to creep, help her by lifting
the hip.
4. Child flat on his stomach. Bend one leg brings it forward and move
the opposite side upper arms forwards. Repeat on the other side also.
5. Once the child have started crawling, encourage him to crawl on all
5. Make the child stand with support on both hands and then to one
6. Place the child on kneel standing holding to a support. Gradually
bring one of his feet forward and place it in front, thus bring him
to half kneeling position. Do the same on the other side also.
7. Make the child kneeling holding on to a support. Encourage the child
to ride up to standing position, holding on to the support. If needed,
help him by supporting his pelvis, while he attempts to stand.
8. Child stands first with and then without support. Just push him forwards,
backwards and laterally. Encourage him to catch himself.
9. Help him too balance on an inclined surface.
10. Encourage him to stand on one leg with support on both hands.
11. Gradually, withdraw the support.
12. Help him to walk with support on both hands.
13. Encourage him to walk on a parallel bar.
1. Stroke the outer edge of hand from little finger to wrist.
2. Press the heal of his hand on a firm surface while keeping his shoulder
and elbow straight.
3. Open hands when the child is leaning on hands while in prone, sitting
or standing positions. Pull the thumb or fingers out from the base and
not from there.
4. Once the hands are open, help the child to rub his palms together,
touch his face and body and later clasp and unclasp hands.
1. Place an object in his hand, and bend his fingers around it. Be sure
the thumb is opposite the figures. Gradually, twist the object from side
to side and let go off hand. The object should be of a size that fit
into the whole palm of his hand. Avoid toys that can be squeezed.
Use objects of different shapes and textures (wooden, metal and plastic
objects, sand, dough, clay, etc).Name the textures for him as he feels
2. Encourage the child to reach and grasp an object that just touches
his fingertips. First touch the back of his hand and then place it below
the fingertips.
3. Hang interesting toys, bells and rattles around large hands grips, bars,
handlebars of a cycle, etc.
Begin with large objects. Then progress to smaller ones. Thumb and all
finger tips are used first before thumb and index finger are used.
1. Use child’s index finger to press in to sand. Later make lines and scribbles
in sand.
2. Put paint on the child’s fingertips and encourage him to make dots
and scribble.
3. Encourage the child to pick up small objects like buttons or pebbles
and place them in a container.
4. Make the child hold thick pencils or chalk for making marks on a
5. Encourage the child to hold a small cup handle for drinking.
6. Use toys, which have buttons and knobs to press and turn.
7. Allow the child to attempt the activities on his own. If he cannot manage
to isolate his index finger, hold his little, ring and middle finger flexed
for him until he can do this alone.
show by their reaction, which they prefer and will not be bothered with
a toy if they do not find it interesting.
Vision and Hearing Stimulation
in Early Infancy
VISION ....................................................................................................
There are some assumptions that are basic to an understanding of how
the visual system contributes to early development and that must be
understood if a foundation for stimulation is to be established.
Arrange a room that is bright, stimulating, and colorful—full of toys and
materials that are both interesting and attention grabbing. Some decorative
items for a room are helpful for increasing visual awareness.
a torch light close to the child’s eye. The mother can attract his attention
by face-to-face singing or talking
• Draw the child’s attention to different body parts. Place a small pillow
over his legs and encourage him to knock it off.
• Place an over sized plastic ring on the baby’s wrist or ankles and
encourage him to remove the ring.
• Guide the baby’s hand to each part of the body as related nursery
rhymes are sung.
• Help the baby hold on to the spoon while feeding, this will help
him to learn to hold it and feed by himself later.
• Guide the baby’s hand to a hidden toy or tap the toy on the floor
to give him a clue.
• Peek-a-boo games, pulling a scarf off a hidden musical toy, etc. can
be made fun.
• Encourage independent mobility at home.
Without adequate sound stimulation in infancy and early childhood, speech
and language development will be compromised. Later treatment may
never fully compensate for this early deprivation. The critical period for
language and speech development is the first 2 years of life.
• Encourage him to produce new sounds by imitation or by continuous
repetition of words
• Maintain face-to-face conversation while talking to him.
• The child could sing thorough a mouthful of cereal—‘mum-mum-
mum’ and think that he is at least saying Mom. The mother could
reward him with a smile and cuddles
• Make a variety of sounds in the environment—patting plastic chairs,
banging a wooden table, banging the rattle across the wall, banging
a cup and spoon together. The child will gradually begin to associate
certain sounds with a sequence of events.
• The ding-dong of the doorbell, the sound of the bath water running,
noises of family pets—such sounds will contribute to the baby’s idea
of home and security
• Provide plenty of noisemakers for the baby to shake, bang, kick, hit
or drop
• Have a code sound for a certain activity—e.g.using a little rattle to
announce mealtime, or splashing a hand in the water before bathing.
• Speak to the baby as much as possible. All young babies need to
listen to speech for many months before they can sort out and imitate
the sound of words. With a hearing-impaired child this listening stage
often lasts for a long time and because the child does not appear
to respond, it can be very easy to forget to talk to him.
• Make the child listen to record players, the radio and the TV, etc.
• Making sound pictures—first think of a situation and then create the
appropriate noises, which will conjure up that image. An easy one
is ‘a walk down the street’. This includes traffic noises, scraps of
conversations, footsteps of different people, a police siren, sounds from
different shops, supermarkets, etc.
• Do not overprotect the child. Treat him like a normal child.
• The anticipatory movements should be accurate. For example, call
the baby to lift his head while holding his shoulders and axilla.
• Encourage moments of experimentation in every day situations, which
create sounds and sensations.
Section 13
30. Prenatal Risk Factors
31. Multiple Fetal Pregnancies
32. Assisted Reproductive Technique—Is It Safe?
Archana P. Bilagi, Ranjan Kumar Pejaver
Prenatal Risk Factors
During the last two decades, the improved neonatal care in our country
has resulted in increasing numbers of high risk neonates surviving and
being discharged from neonatal intensive care units (NICU). However,
the quantum of neurodevelopmental disability (NDD) noted at follow-
up has not decreased; reasons for this vary from poor implementation
of potentially best practices (PBPs) in neonatal care to insufficient attention
to a crucial period of brain development—prenatal period.
Intra-partum and neonatal events are just a continuation of the
antenatal life of the fetus. Several antenatal factors influence the well
being of the baby and the neurodevelopmental outcome is dependent
on these factors that operate during the prenatal period.
1. Prematurity
2. Growth restriction
3. Maternal nutrition
4. Intrauterine infections
5. Maternal diseases
6. Maternal factors
7. Teratogens.
PREMATURITY ......................................................................................
The risk of NDD in newborns is inversely proportional to their gestational
age. The gestation represents a composite of all the morbidities likely
to occur after birth. Babies born before 28 weeks gestation have been
observed to have some degree of neurodevelopmental compromise even
when the NICU stay has been “uneventful”. 2 Despite description of several
antenatal strategies, only one strategy has proven benefit.
Maternal History
Previous pregnancy IUGR, advanced maternal age, maternal medical
illnesses—SLE, bowel, renal, cardiac, obstetric—PIH, GDM, maternal
habits—smoking, alcohol, maternal nutrition, socioeconomic status, etc.
Biochemical Screening
The OR for delivering an SGA infant for women with a low PAPP-A
level at 8-14 weeks gestation was 2.8 (with 95% CI 2-4) and when levels
Ultrasound Screen
Uterine artery Doppler done at 23 weeks identifies those pregnancies
at high risk of adverse obstetric outcomes, with a high positive predictive
value for early delivery.
Intrauterine infections that involve the fetal central nervous system result
in devastating neurological sequelae. Most infections occur during the first
and second trimesters with some exceptions. Etiological agents are popularly
remembered by the acronyms TORCHS (toxoplasmosis, others, rubella,
cytomegalovirus, herpes, syphilis) or SCRATCHES (syphilis, cytomegalovirus,
rubella, AIDS or HIV infection, toxoplasmosis, chickenpox, herpes, entero-
These infections are often missed during pregnancy as maternal infections
can be asymptomatic or can cause just mild mononucleosis-like symptoms.
Route and timing of transmission are shown in the Table 30.1. Severity
of CNS involvement can vary with the timing of transmission.
Intrauterine central nervous infections are characterized primarily by
inflammatory and destructive processes. Meningoencephalitis can involve
all cellular elements of the brain parenchyma resulting in necrosis and
reactive gliosis. Multicystic encephalomalacia, porencephaly and hydrancep-
haly can result. Microcephaly is the result of these multifocal necrotizing
lesions as well as inhibition of neural proliferation. Delayed myelination
may also be seen. Intracerebral calcifications are seen in 51-75% of
symptomatic CMV infections and in 15% of toxoplasmosis infections;
calcifications tend to be periventricular in the former as compared to
the diffuse calcifications in the latter. Herpes simplex meningoencephalitis
can be devastating with serious consequences. Microcephaly is seen in
infections acquired during early pregnancy; other features include
chorioretinitis, microophthalmia, multicystic encephalomalacia and cerebral
Hydrocephalus is commoner in toxoplasmosis; it can result from
occlusion of the aqueduct with periventricular inflammation and thrombosis
with resultant infarction. Migrational disorders such as lissencephaly,
polymicrogyria, pachygyria and schizencephaly have been described in
congenital CMV infection thus giving it a teratogenic potential. The early
stage of congenital syphilis is characterized by acute and subacute
meningitis, hydrocephalus, cranial neuropathies and cerebrovas-
cular infarcts. Optic atrophy and auditory nerve injury, juvenile
general paresis and tabes dorsalis are seen in the late stage of congenital
syphilis. HIV differs in that the neuropathology is more related to the
immune response of the host. Cerebral atrophy and resultant microcephaly
is a prominent feature resulting from loss of neurons and myelin. Entero-
viruses cause primarily meningoencephalitis. Neuropathological features
in congenital varicella infection include meningoencephalitis, myelitis,
dorsal root ganglionitis and denervation atrophy of muscle in segmental
Cytomegalovirus26 (CMV)
Congenital CMV infection is a leading cause of hearing loss and
neurodevelopmental disabilities, and of the common IU infections. Of
those children with congenital CMV, 80-90% have a normal developmental
outcome. One third of children with symptomatic congenital CMV infection
are normal.
Infection in early gestations results in neuronal migrational disorders,
whereas later gestations produce only myelination defect. Microcephaly
and abnormal neuroradiologic imaging are associated with poor
neurodevelopmental outcomes and the normal head circumference and
normal neuro—imaging favors good prognosis. Neuroradiological findings
include multifocal lesions predominantly involving deep white matter,
ventriculomegaly, intracranial calcification, and brain atrophy, destructive
lesions, with or without gyral abnormalities. The presence of abnormalities
in the anterior part of the temporal lobe, increases the likely hood
of CMV infection. Based on a data from MacDonald (80 infants), the
outcome correlates with the presence of symptoms at birth. In the
symptomatic group, with overt neurological disease with microcephaly,
calcifications or chorioretinitis, almost 95% exhibited major neurological
sequelae or died.
If systemic signs without neurological involvement were present, almost
50% of these infants were normal and 16% exhibited major neurological
sequelae or died. Major neurological sequelae included mental retardation,
seizures, deafness or motor deficits.
In the asymptomatic group, sensorineural hearing impairment was seen
to progress during early childhood underlying the importance of evaluating
these infants periodically (can be as late as 6 years of life). In studies,
11% developed bilateral hearing loss with moderate to severe loss noted
in 6%.
Visual impairment and strabismus are common due to chorioretinitis
and involvement of other eye structures. It is unusual to have eye
involvement in children who were asymptomatic neonates.
Infection acquired during breastfeeding and delivery is not associated
with neurodevelopmental sequelae.
IgM test is useful when it is done 3 weeks after birth. It is positive
in only 70% cases. Ideal diagnosis is by demonstration of virus in urine
or saliva.
Currently there is no evidence to suggest antiviral therapy for
congenital CMV. In an RCT, 6 weeks of Ganciclovir at a dose of 6
mg/kg/day resulted in improved hearing compared to controls at 6 months
follow up. In addition 68% in untreated group had deterioration of hearing
About 20-25% of infants will be affected if maternal infection occurs during
the first or second trimester. In maternal infections during the third trimester,
about 65% of infants will be affected. Although the risk of transmission
is higher later in pregnancy, the severity of fetal involvement is greater
in early pregnancy and can involve the ocular and CNS systems. Treating
the mothers decreases the risk of transmission and severity of the
intracranial lesions, but has no impact on eye involvement.
Reduction in maternal—fetal transmission requires treatment within 3
weeks of infection in mother.
Affected newborns are mostly asymptomatic. In symptomatic infants,
two-thirds can have neurological signs. Chorioretinitis mainly involving
the macular region is seen in 90% of these infants. Microcephaly
is seen in 10% of cases. Infants with neurological involvement have a
poor outcome, with only 9% normal on follow up. Major neurological
sequelae include visual loss.
In systemic syndrome with predominantly signs referring to the
reticuloendothelial system, approximately two-thirds will have chorioretinitis.
Neurological involvement is less prominent. 50% are normal on follow
up and severe visual impairment is seen in 40%. Asymptomatic cases
can also develop chorioretinitis and eventually visual loss; neurological
deficits and hearing loss may also result.
Early treatment of toxoplasmosis can result in better outcome. Treatment
for 3 months seems to be as effective as longer courses pf 6-12 months.
Spiramycin was effective in reducing mother to baby transmission; there
is no evidence for efficacy of sulfa, pyrimethamine.
Currently, there are no recommendations on screening of pregnant
women for toxoplasma infections.
The risk of transmission and severity of infection is greatest during early
pregnancy. CNS, ocular involvement, and hearing loss are seen in infections
acquired during the first two months; these are not seen in maternal
infections after the fourth month of pregnancy.
Two-thirds of infants can be asymptomatic in the newborn period.
Neurological involvement is seen in 50-75% of cases. Prolonged
progressive infection occurs during early childhood. Hearing loss can
be detected later during childhood. A great number of cases will have
major neurological sequelae.
CNS involvement occurs in a majority of cases if untreated. 65-90% of
cases are asymptomatic in the newborn period. Symptoms may be seen
in the first two years of age in the early stage of congenital syphilis.
Neurological signs are seen rarely although abnormal CSF findings
can be seen in most of the cases in symptomatic disease.
CNS involvement in the late stage of the disease is characterized by
optic atrophy, auditory nerve injury, tabes dorsalis and general paresis
presenting at 10-15 years of age.
The prognosis in congenital syphilis depends on the severity of
neurological injury. Symptomatic newborns have a worse prognosis than
asymptomatic cases. Neurological sequelae can be prevented by early
adequate treatment.
Herpes Simplex
The risk of transmission during primary infection in the presence of visible
lesions is almost 50% if the infant is born vaginally. Ascending infection
during labor can also occur especially if the duration of rupture of
membranes is more than 6 hours.
Most of the affected cases are symptomatic in the newborn period.
Disseminated disease almost always involves the CNS although overt
neurological signs may not be seen in one third of the cases. Left untreated,
the mortality rate is as high as 80% and 50% of the survivors have
severe neurological sequelae. Even with early recognition and antiviral
treatment, the mortality rate is high at 60% and only 10-20% normal
on follow up.
Localized disease may involve the CNS in as many as 30-60% of
cases. These usually present in the second or third week of life with
neurological signs. Mucocutaneous lesions may be absent. If untreated,
the mortality rate is about 60-80%; almost all the survivors exhibit significant
neurological sequelae. With early recognition and antiviral treatment, the
mortality rate is 15% with only 30-40% normal on follow up. In muco-
Two syndromes are recognized: congenital varicella syndrome and prenatal
varicella infection. The former occurs with transplacental transmission during
the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. The risk of fetal infection is reported
to be about 0.4% during the first 12 weeks and 2% during 13-20 weeks
of pregnancy. CNS involvement is significant. Seizures, muscle weakness
and bulbar signs manifesting as difficulty swallowing may be seen in 26-
50% of cases. Retarded neurological development may be seen in 51-
75%. Ocular abnormalities occur in 76-100% of cases and include
chorioretinitis, cataracts, Horner’s syndrome or optic atrophy.
Perinatal varicella results when infection is transmitted close to or at
the time of delivery and is clinically apparent in the infant within 10
days of delivery. CNS involvement is rare.
Most of these infections occur postnatally. Transmission may occur during
delivery. Transplacental transmission can occur near the time of delivery
if maternal viremia is present. Coxsackie B infection can result in serious
involvement of the CNS along with myocarditis. CNS signs may be seen
in only about 25% of cases. Prognosis with coxsackie B infection is generally
good; exception being those cases with encephalitis. They may develop
neurological or cognitive deficits.
Chorioamnionitis has emerged as an important risk factor for adverse
neurodevelopmental outcome in both term and preterm infants.
Chorioamnionitis can be overt or subclinical. Overt infection is manifested
by well known clinical features like maternal fever associated with fetal
or maternal tachycardia, uterine tenderness, or foul-smelling amniotic fluid.
Eastman et al reported in the 1950s that intrapartum fever occured
7 times more common in mothers of infants with CP.3 Nelson et
al analyzed characteristics of a population registry of infants with CP and
reported that a clinical or histologic diagnosis of chorioamnionitis was
associated with an 8-fold increased risk of CP. Several studies have
noted an association between placental infection/inflammation in term infants
and the development of CP in early childhood.7-10
A significant number of cases of preterm labor with premature rupture
of membranes may be accompanied by sub-clinical microbial invasion
of the amniotic fluid producing a condition called sub-clinical chorioamnio-
nitis. This condition is associated with increased fetal and amniotic fluid
cytokines such as interleukin-6, interleukin-8, interleukin-1-beta, and tumor
necrosis factor-alpha. Interleukin-6 in particular, is a pro-inflammatory
mediator produced in response to infection and can elicit various bio-
chemical, physiologic and immunological host responses that can then
result in a condition called fetal inflammatory response syndrome (FIRS).
Funisitis is considered a hallmark feature of FIRS. FIRS can progress on
to septic shock, multiple organ dysfunction, encephalopathy and death.
IL-6 has been shown to be increased in FIRS. It can directly or indirectly
(by producing systemic hypotension) produce white matter lesions in the
brain that can result in periventricular leukomalacia. PVL has been linked
in several studies to the later development of CP.
• Renal disease
women with moderate (defined as serum creatinine concentration of
124-220 mm/L) and severe renal impairment (defined as serum
creatinine concentration >220 mm/L), 37% of births were SGA (<10th
centile birth weight).
• Connective tissue disease
Incidence of growth restricted fetus 28.5% in women with active systemic
lupus erythematosus, but 7.6% in those with inactive lupus.
• Thrombophilia
Although there is evidence for adverse pregnancy outcome with
antiphospholipid syndrome, with IUGR occurring in around 30%, the
risks for other thrombophilias are less clear. A systematic review concluded
that women with poor obstetric outcomes (such as IUGR) are more
likely to test positive for thrombophilia, but routine screening currently
not be recommended.
• Cardiac disease
A prospective study of over 500 women (with heterogeneity of cardiac
disease) found significant maternal morbidity or mortality in up to
13% of pregnancies. In this series, the incidence of a <10th centile
SGA birth weight was not significantly higher than in controls (4%
versus 2% in controls). However, there was a significantly increased
risk of fetal death, premature delivery and respiratory distress syndrome.
Maternal condition prior to the pregnancy appears to predict to some
extent the maternal and possibly fetal outcome.
• Smoking, alcohol and caffeine use
Many studies report a reduction in birth weight at term of around
150-330 g in smokers compared with non-smokers. Comparisons have
been made of anthropometric measurements of infants born to women
who continued to smoke (>1 cigarette/day) throughout pregnancy,
with those that stopped after the booking visit. There is an association
between continued smoking and reductions in birth weight, head
circumference and crown-heel length, with more pronounced effects
in heavier smokers (>10 cigarettes/day).
Alcohol at low doses (less than 1 unit/day) translate to an odds ratio
(OR) of delivering an infant below the 10th centile for gestational age
of 1.1 (95% confidence interval (CI) 1.00-1.13). With consumption of 1-
2 units a day, the corresponding OR is 1.62 (95% CI 1.26-2.09) and
with 5 units a day, the OR is 1.96 (95% CI 1.16-3.31).
Caffeine: The effects of reported caffeine consumption on birth weight
in over 2000 women in Connecticut and Massachusetts showed small
observed reductions in birth weight. At high doses (600 mg/day) caffeine
reduced mean birth weight by the equivalent of smoking about 10 cigarettes
a day. However, when smoking was controlled for, moderate intake seemed
to have little effect on the risk of birth weight under the 10th centile.
Drugs of abuse: Most studies report a high incidence of IUGR in opiate
users but multiple confounders exist. The most likely drug with a particular
effect is cocaine because of its associated constrictor effects, although in
a review of 200 babies born to women using drugs of abuse, 11% were
found to be SGA (under 10th centile), which suggests the effects may
not be as great as commonly thought.
Prescribed drugs: The fetus may be exposed to drugs during pregnancy
because of pre-existing maternal problems or complications of pregnancy
itself, such as hypertension, or anticipated preterm delivery. Beta-blockers
(including labetolol), for example, do appear to be associated with an
increased risk of a SGA infant when used to treat hypertension.
TERATOGENS .......................................................................................
There are two important mechanisms by which drugs affect the developing
CNS: teratogenic effects and passive addiction. Teratogenic effect refers
to the effects of any agent that causes a structural abnormality following
Table 30.2: List of well known teratogens that affect the fetal CNS
Drug Fetal effects of intrauterine exposure
Phenytoin 1. Fetal hydantoin syndrome (craniofacial dysmorphology especially
ocular hypertelorism, hypoplastic distal phalanges and nails, growth
retardation, delayed neurological development and cardiac defects.
2. Intracranial bleed (hemorrhagic disease of newborn)
3. Cleft lip/palate, cardiac defects
Phenobarbital 1. Dysmorphic features, growth retardation
2. Intracranial bleed (hemorrhagic disease of newborn)
3. Cleft lip/palate, cardiac defects
4. Passive dependence (withdrawal symptoms)
Valproic acid 1. Dysmorphic features
2. Cardiac defects
3. Neural tube defects especially myelomeningocele (risk 1-2%)
Carbamazepine 1. Craniofacial defects
2. Neural tube defects especially myelomeningocele (risk 1-2%)
3. Developmental delay
4. Intracranial bleed (hemorrhagic disease of newborn)
Trimethadione 1. Impaired growth
Paramethadione 2. Craniofacial dysmorphology (v-shaped eyebrows, malformed ears,
cleft lip/palate)
3. Microcephaly, mental retardation, developmental delay
Alcohol 1. Fetal alcohol syndrome (impaired growth, microcephaly, developmental
delay, facial abnormalities: low nasal bridge, midface hypoplasia, long
featureless philtrum, small palpebral fissures and thin upper lip; cardiac
defects, hearing loss, optic nerve hypoplasia)
2. Cognitive and behavioral deficits
Isotretinoin 1. Craniofacial dysmorphology (malformed ears, atretic ear canals,
2. Cleft palate
3. CNS defects (hydrocephalus, migration defects, cerebellar and brain
stem abnormalities)
4. Cardiac defects
Cocaine 1. CNS defects (Micrencephaly, migration disorders, callosal agenesis,
neural tube defects)
2. Microcephaly
3. Cerebral infarction, intracranial hemorrhage
4. Neurobehavioral abnormalities
5. Abnormal EEG and brainstem auditory evoked responses
Warfarin 1. Facial dysmorphology (nasal hypoplasia, depressed nasal
(coumadin) bridge)
2. Severe mental retardation, seizures, microcephaly, hydrocephalus
3. Stippled bone epiphysis
4. Growth retardation
Methotrexate 1. Facial dysmorphology
2. Microcephaly
3. Growth retardation, talipes equinovarus
Radiation Microcephaly, growth restriction, mental retardation
Lead Spontaneous abortion, neurological abnormalities
fetal exposure during pregnancy. Passive addiction of the fetus is the
physical dependence that occurs due to maternal exposure to the drug.
The teratogenic effect of agents depends on dose of the agent, timing
and duration of exposure to the agent, genotype of the pregnant woman,
genetic susceptibility of the fetus, physical characteristics of the agent
including size, solubility and polarity. In general, the embryonic stage (first
trimester) is more vulnerable than the fetal period (second and third
trimesters) (Table 30.2). The embryonic period, from 18 to 54-60
days after conception, the period of organogenesis is the period
of maximum risk of teratogenicity. Since teratogens are capable of
affecting many organ systems, the pattern of anomalies produced depends
upon which systems are differentiating at the time of teratogenic exposure.
Teratogen exposure during the fetal phase, from the end of the embryonic
stage to term which is the period of growth and functional maturation,
will affect fetal growth (e.g., intrauterine growth retardation), the size of
a specific organ, or the function of the organ.
Strategies to prevent or decrease the risk of fetal abnormalities include: use
of the lowest dose possible, the avoidance of combination drug therapies (for
the treatment of seizure disorders), the use of a different agent (heparin instead
of coumadin for thrombophlebitis), the avoidance of first trimester exposures
(preconception diabetes or PKU control), and folic acid supplementation.
REFERENCES ........................................................................................
1. Volpe JJ. Neurology of the newborn (4th edition). Philadelphia: WB Saunders,
2. Fanaroff AA, Martin RJ. Neonatal-Perinatal medicine (7th edition). St Louis:
Mosby, Inc, 2002.
3. Eastman NJ, De Leon M. The etiology of Cerebral Palsy. Am J Obstet Gynecol
4. Wu Y, Colford J. Chorioamnionitis as a risk factor for Cerebral Palsy: A meta-
analysis. JAMA 2000;284:1417-24.
7. Grether JK, Nelson KB. Maternal infection and Cerebral Palsy in infants of normal
birth weight. JAMA 1997;278:207–11.
8. Roberto Romero, Tinnakorn Chaiworapongsa. Preterm Labor, Intrauterine
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9. Leviton A, Paneth N, Reuss ML, et al. Maternal infection, fetal inflammatory
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10. Naccasha N, Hinson R, Montag A, Ismail M, Bentz L, Mittendorf R. Association
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12. Alan H Jobe. Prenatal Corticosteroids: A Neonatologist’s Perspective. NeoReviews
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trial. JAMA 2001;286:1581-7.
16. French N, Hagan R, Evans S, Godfrey M, Newnham J. Repeated antenatal
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17. Smolders-de-Haas H, Neuvel J, Schmand B, Treffers P, Koppe J, Hoeks J. Physical
development and medical history of children who were treated antenatally with
corticosteroids to prevent respiratory distress syndrome: a 10-12 year follow-
up. Pediatrics 1990;86:65-70.
18. Esplin M, Fausett M, Smith S, et al. Multiple courses of antenatal steroids are
associated with a delay in long-term psychomotor development in children with
birth weights grams. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2000;182:S24.
19. Baud O, Foix-L’Helias L, Kaminski M, et al. Antenatal glucocorticoid treatment
and cystic periventricular leukomalacia in very premature infants. N Engl J Med.
20. Volpe JJ. Neurology of the newborn (4th edition). Philadelphia: WB Saunders,
21. Cloherty JP, Stark AR. Manual of neonatal care (3rd edition). Boston: Little Brown
and Company, 1991.
22. Bhargava SK, Kumari S, Pandit N, et al. Outcome of low birth weight children.
IAMS 1975;11:77-99.
23. Saigal S. Follow up of very low birth weight babies to adolescence. Semin Neonatl
24. Perlman JM. Neurobehavioural deficits in premature graduates of NICU. Pediatrics
25. Breez ACG, Lees CC Prediction and Perinatal outcomes of fetal growth restriction.
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and neonatal medicine 2007;12:154-9.
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29. Smith GCS, Shah I, Crossley JA, et al. Pregnancy associated plasma protein—
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30. Baschat AA, Cosmi E, Bilardo CM, et al. Predictors of neonatal outcome in early-
onset placental dysfunction. Obstet Gynecol 2007;109(2):253-61.
31. Kok JH, Lya den Ouden A, Verloove-Vanhorick SP, Brand R. Outcome of very
preterm small for gestational age infants: the first nine years of life. Br J Obstet
Gynaecol 1998;105(2):162-8.
32. Schreuder AM, McDonnell M, Gaffney G, Johnson A, Hope PL. Outcome at school
age following antenatal detection of absent or reversed end diastolic flow velocity in
the umbilical artery. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2002;86(2):F108-14.
33. Scherjon SA, Oosting H, Smolders-DeHaas H, et al. Neurodevelopmental outcome
at three years of age after fetal ‘brain-sparing’. Early Hum Dev 1998;52(1):67-79.
34. Scherjon SA, Briet J, Oosting H, Kok JH. The discrepancy between maturation
of visual-evoked potentials and cognitive outcome at five years in very preterm
infants with and without hemodynamic signs of fetal brain-sparing. Pediatrics
Arvind Shenoi, Mohan BK
Multiple Fetal Pregnancies
There is inconclusive information on effect of relative growth restriction
of one twin as compared to other. Some considered it a reassuring
sign in twins and explained it a natural mechanism to reduce total uterine
volume and prolong pregnancy. Others suggest that growth discordance
possibly reflects a hostile intrauterine environment at least to the smaller
twin. The outcomes are related to birth weight in the absence of
monochorionicity and TTTS. Consequently, increased surveillance of
discordant twins is commonly practiced.
Mode of delivery
Caesarian delivery offered no advantage in VLBW, ELBW babies even
when fetal presentations and growth concordance by more than 1 kg
were taken into consideration.22
KEY POINTS–Reducing NDD due to multiple gestations1,3,22
1. MFP are associated with an increased risk of CP. There is an exponential
increase in risk of CP with increase in number of fetuses. Quadruplets have
a poorer outcome than triplets and triplets do poorer than twins.
2. Low birth weight and prematurity are commoner in MFP.
3. The true difference in NDD between singleton and MFP becomes evident
nearing term gestation. The risk of CP is higher for twins delivered after
37 weeks or later as compared to singletons.
4. As complications of pregnancy and delivery in MFP are higher, closer fetal
monitoring is recommended.
5. Risk of CP is lower in spontaneous MFP as compared to product of ART
with transfer of more than one embryo.
6. The surviving twin, in case of demise of other monochorionic twin, has higher
risk of CP.
7. Monochorionic twins, are at higher risk of CP than dichorionic twins even
when both are live born.
8. In TTTS there may be an increased risk of CP, even if both twins survive
and TTTS is treated.
9. There is not clear data on vanishing twin and fetal reduction, but may increase
NDD. Concerns are expressed on fetal reduction.
10. Caesarian delivery does not reduce NDD in twin term / preterm pregnancies.
11. There is no significant difference on the occurrence of CP in MFP caused
by in vitro-fertilization or intra-cytoplasmic injection of sperm.
REFERENCES ........................................................................................
1. Blickstein I. Cerebral Palsy in multifoetal pregnancies. Dev med Child Neurol
2. Grether JK, Nelson KB, Cummins SK. Twinning and cerebral palsy: experience
in four northern California counties’ births, 1983 through 1985. Pediatrics 1993;
3. Pharoah P.O.D. Risk of Cerebral palsy in multiple pregnancies. Clin Perinatol
4. Pharoah POD, Price TS, Plomin R. Cerebral palsy in twins: a national study.
Arch Dis Child.Fetal Neonatal Ed 2002;87:F122-124.
5. Sherer DM. Adverse Perinatal Outcome of Twin Pregnancies According to
Chorionicity: Review of the Literature. Amer J Perinatol 2001;18(1):23-37.
6. Antonia Manoura, Eftyhia Korakaki, Eleftheria Hatzidaki, Stylianos Bikouvarakis,
Maria Papageorgiou, Christine Giannakopoulou. Perinatal outcome of twin
pregnancies after in vitro fertilization. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2004; 83 (11):
7. Pinborg A, Loft A, Schmidt L et al. Neurological sequelae in twins born after
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8. Gaucherand, P., Rudigoz, R.C. and Piacenza, J.M. Monofetal death in multiple
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J. Obstet. Gynecol. Reprod. Biol., 1994;55(2):111–5.
9. Murphy, K.W. Intrauterine death in a twin: implications for the survivor. In Ward,
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10. Arts H, van Eyck J, Arabin B. Fetal death of one twin in a monochorionic
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12. Machin, G, Still K Lalani T. Correlations of placental vascular anatomy and clinical
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13. Bajoria R. Vascular anatomy of monochorionic placenta in relation to discordant
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14. Fusi L Gordon H. Twin pregnancy complicated by single intrauterine death.
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15. Benirschke, K. Intrauterine death of a twin: mechanisms, implications for surviving
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16. Okamura K, Murotsuki J, Tanigawara, S et al. Funipuncture for evaluation of
hematologic and coagulation indices in the surviving twin following co-twin’s
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17. Bajoria R. and Kingdom, J. A case for routine determination of chorionicity and
zygosity in multiple pregnancies. Prenat. Diagn., 1997;17 (13),1207–25.
18. Bebbington MW, Wilson RD, Machan, L., Wittmann BK Selective feticide in twin
transfusion syndrome using ultrasound-guided insertion of thrombogenic coils.
Fetal Diagn. Ther., 1995;10(1):32–36.
19. Deprest, J.A., Evrard, V.A., Van Schoubroeck, D. and Vandenberghe, K..
Endoscopic cord ligation in selective feticide. Lancet, 1996;348 (9031):890–1.
20. Gonen R. The origin of brain lesions in survivors of twin gestations complicated
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21. Gonen R, Heyman E, Asztalos EV the outcome of triplet, quadruplet, and
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up data. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1990;162(2):454-9.
22. Rand L., Eddleman KA, Stone J. Long-term outcomes in multiple gestations.
Clin Perinatol 2005;32:495-13.
Sathy M Pillai
Assisted Reproductive
Technique—Is It Safe?
Retrospective Studies
In the Australian study of Hansen and colleagues concerning congenital
malformation at 1 year of age the odd’s ratio remained 2 after adjusting
for confounders.2 In two other Swedish retrospective studies by Wennerholm
and Ericson and Kallen, there was an increase in congenital malformations
in ICSI and IVF.9,11 But adjustment for maternal age and other confounders
showed no increased risk.
Prospective Studies
In one prospective control study by a German group, 3372 ICSI children
were compared with a control group of 8,016 children from natural
conception. The major malformation rate was 8.7% (295/3372) for the
ICSI group and 6.1% (488/8016) for the population based control cohort.
Even after adjusting for confounding factors, the risk was still slightly higher
(1.24) than that of the natural population.12
A Swedish study has shown that children born after IVF have an increased
risk of developing neurological problems particularly cerebral palsy (CP). 26
There was a 4 fold increase in CP in these children compared with matched
cohorts (OR 3.7). The risk in singletons was nearly 3-times (OR 2.8).
After adjusting for birth weight and a gestation of more than 37 weeks
the risk remained with an OR 2.5. However, Sutcliffe noted that the
study used proxy measures for disability and it was unexplained why
CP seemed higher in the singleton group than the IVF group, in
contradiction to the entire twin literature!
HOMP and premature births related to assisted conception has led to
an increase in retinopathy, because of early birth and low birth weight.
Anteby and colleagues reported that 26% of children (out of a small
cohort of 47 children studied) born after IVF had major ocular malforma-
tions. The defects included congenital cataract, optic atrophy and
Saunders and colleagues studied children conceived by ART and found
that physical outcomes, weight, head circumference and malformation
rates were not different between groups. The IVF group had a greater
mean length centile. The twins in each group had poorer physical outcomes,
with an increase in prematurity and low birth weight, and reduced height
and weight at age two when compared to singletons.20 The ICSI-CFO
study also showed that the growth standard deviation scores (SDS) for
both IVF and ICSI are higher than for naturally conceived children.16
The UK Medical Research Council (MRC) working party and a Swedish
national cohort study of IVF children found no increase in cancer rates
in children conceived through ART. But the power of the studies was
limited by too small a number.22,23
Similarly an Australian study, and more recently Klip and associates
found no increase in cancer risk in IVF/ICSI children.24 But Doyle and
colleagues estimated that 20,000 ART children would be required to observe
a doubling or halving of the risk of childhood cancer.25
1. Lancaster P. Congenital malformations after in vitro fertilization. Lancet 1987;2
2. Hansen , Kurinczuk JJ, Bower C, Webb S. The risk of major birth defects after
intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection and in vitro fertilization. N Engl J Med 2002;
3. Wramsby H, Sundstrom P, Liedholm P. Pregnancy rates in relation to number
of cleaved eggs replaced after in vitro fertilization in stimulated cycles monitored
by serum levels of oestradiol and progesterone as sole index. Hum Reprod
4. Adamson D, deMouzon J, Lancaster P, Nygren KG, Sullivan E, Zegers-Hochschild
F. World collaborative report on in vitro fertilization. Fertility Sterility 2006;85:
5. Sutcliffe AG. Health risks in babies born after assisted reproduction. Br Med
J 2002;325:117-8.
6. Bergh C. Single embryo transfer: A mini review. Hum Reprod 2005;20: 323-
7. Nygren KG. Is there an association between ART and birth defect?—An appraisal
of outcome data and their clinical implications. Kruger TF, van der Spuy ZM,
Kempers RD (eds.). In: Advances in fertility studies and reproductive medicine
IFFS 2007; published by Juta and Co. Ltd.
8. Westergaard HB, Johansesn AM, Erb K, Andersen AN. Danish National In-Vitro
Fertilization Registry 1994 and 1995: A controlled study of births, malformations
and cytogenetic findings. Hum Reprod 1999;14(7):1896-1902.
9. Ericson A, Kallen B. Congenital malformations in infants born after IVF : A
population based study. Hum Reprod 2001;16:504-9.
10. Anthony S, Buitendijk SE, Dorrepaal CA, et al. Congenital malformations in
4224 children conceived after IVF. Hum Reprod 2002;17(8):2089-2095.
11. Wennerholm U-B, Bergh C, Hamberger L, et al. Obstetric outcome of pregnancies
following ICSI classified according to sperm origin and quality. Hum Reprod
12. Katarlinic A, Rosch C, Ludwig M. Pregnancy course and outcome after ICSI:
A controlled prospective cohort study. Fertil Steril (in press).
13. Bonduelle M, Liebaers I, Deketelaere V et al. Neonatal data on a cohort of
2889 infants born after ICSI (1991–1999) and of 2995 infants born after IVF
(1983–1999). Hum Reprod 2002;17(2):671–94.
14. Orstavik KH, Eiklid K, van der Hagen CB, Spetalen S, Kierulf K, Skjeldal O,
Buiting K. Another case of imprinting defect in a girl with Angelman syndrome
who was conceived by intracytoplasmic semen injection. Am J Hum Genet 2003;
15. Powell K. Fertility treatments: Seeds of doubt. Nature 2003;422:656–58.
16. Barnes J, Sutcliffe AG, Kristoffersen I, et al. The influence of assisted reproduction
on family functioning and children’s socio-emoitonal development: Results from
a European study. Hum Reprod 2004;19:1480-7.
17. Bowen JR, Gibson FL, Leslie GI, Saunders DM. Medical and developmental
outcome at one year for children conceived by intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection.
Lancet 1998;351:1529-1534.
18. Sutcliffe AG, Sebire NJ, Pigott AJ, et al. Outcome for chidren born after in utero
laser ablation therapy for severe twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. Br J Obstet
Gynaecol 2001;108(12):1246-50.
19. Sutcliffe AG, Taylor B, Saunders K, et al. Outcome in the second year of life
after in-vitro fertilization by intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection: A UK case control
study. Lancet 2001;357:2080-2084
20. Saunders K, Spensley J, Munro J, Halasz G. Growth and physical outcome of
children conceived by in vitro fertilization. Pediatrics 1996;97:688-692.
21. Anteby I, Cohen E, Anteby E, BenEzra D. Ocular manifestations in children born
after in-vitro fertilization. Arch Ophthalmol 2001;119(10):1525-9.
22. Lerner-Geva L, Toren A, Chetrit A, et al. The risk for cancer among children
of women who underwent in-vitro fertilization. Cancer 2000;88:2845-7.
23. Bergh T, Ericson A, Hillensjo T, et al. Deliveries and children born after in-vitro
fertilization in Sweden 1982 to 1995: A retrospective cohort study. Lancet 1999;
24. Bruinsma F, Venn A, Lancaster P, et al. incidence of cancer in children born
after in-vitro fertilization. Hum Reprod 2000;15:604-7.
25. Doyle P, Bunch KJ, Beral V, Draper GJ. Cancer incidence in children conceived
with assisted reproduction technology. Lancer 1998;352:452-3.
26. Stromberg B, Dahlquist G, EricsonA, et al. Neurological sequelae in children
born after in-vitro fertilization: A population based study. Lancet 2002;359:
27. Sutcliffe A, Peters C, Bowden S, et al. ART and imprintable disorders: British
Isles survey. Human Reprod 2005;20(suppl.1).
28. Maher ER. Imprinting and assisted reproductive technology. Hum Mol Genet
2005;14(spec no.1):R133-8.
Section 14
33. Nutrition, Fluid and Electrolytes
34. Follow-up Research—Some Methodological
Pankaj Garg, Manoj Modi
Nutrition, Fluid and
• Prevent dehydration or hypervolemia
• To allow 1-2% daily weight loss during first week (up to 7-10% in
term and 10-15% in preterm infant).
The accurate assessment of hydration status in term babies is based
on clinical perfusion, serum osmolarity, serum sodium, blood urea nitrogen,
hematocrit, blood gases and electrolytes, urine output and urine specific
gravity , daily weights (and more frequently in smallest babies), and hepatic
size and edema. In preterm and more so in extreme preterm babies none
of the above said tools individually remain reliable and an attempt to
homeostasis is the only end point.
Restriction of Fluids
Preterm babies: High fluid intake may be associated with higher incidence
of NEC and symptomatic PDA,2,3 which may lead to prolongation of
ventilation and associated neurologic morbidity. The most prudent prescription
for water intake to premature infants would seem to be careful restriction
of water intake so that physiological needs are met without allowing significant
Perinatal asphyxia: Although a convention, there is no evidence from
randomized, controlled trials to support or refute that the practice of fluid
restriction in neonates following perinatal asphyxia affects mortality and
Ventilated neonates: In ventilated, VLBW babies, fluid restriction in the
perinatal period is proposed to reduce CLD. Colloid infusion, however,
is associated with increased duration of oxygen dependency.6
GLUCOSE ...............................................................................................
Hypoglycemia should always be prevented and is probably the easiest
to prevent cause of NDD in neonates.9-11
Whole blood sugar >125 or plasma sugar >140 mg/dl.9
Prematurity (especially ELBW babies), high glucose infusion rates, sick
neonates like sepsis (especially fungal sepsis), postoperative period, Drugs
(Steroids, aminophylline).
Each 18 mg/dl increase in blood sugar raises the osmolality by 1 mOsm/
dl and increases the risk of cellular dehydration. High osmolality may lead
to osmotic diuresis, dehydration and even cerebral hemorrhage, which
might have long-term implications.12
High blood glucose concentrations increase the risk of early death and
grade 3 or 4 intraventricular hemorrhage and the length of hospital stay
among survivors without intraventricular hemorrhage, which suggests that
prevention and treatment of hyperglycemia may improve the outcomes
of extremely low birth-weight infants.
Down regulate glucose infusion rate by 1-2 mg/kg/min every 1-2 hr. If
the glucose concentration still remains dangerously high (>250 mg/dl),
insulin may have to be used.
In ELBW, one may start with 5% dextrose. Start early feeds: promotes
insulin secretion, early aminoacid promotes insulin secretion.
Na >150 mEq/L.
More commonly pure water loss or water loss coupled with lesser degree
of sodium deficit, e.g. diarrhea, lactation failure, increased insensible losses
under warmer, osmotic dieresis, diabetes insipidus, renal imaturity. Rarely
net sodium gain, e.g. excess administration of normal saline boluses or
soda bicarbonate or improperly prepared formula.
Acute hypernatremia: Hypertonic ECF results in cell shrinkage, which
can lead to intracerebral bleed or cerebral venous thrombosis.
Chronic hypernatremia: Cells generate osmoprotective amino acids and
idiogenic osmoles to preserve neuronal cell volume.
Clinical features: Irritability, drowsiness alternating with irritability, excessive/
high pitched crying, hyperpnoea, doughy skin, fever, tremulousness, seizures,
focal deficit, coma.
• Signs of dehydration: weight loss, Urine Output >5 ml/kg/hr, Sp. Gr.
<1005, Urine osmolarity < 200 (e.g. renal tubular immaturity, diabetes
• Signs of over hydration, weight gain, UO normal or, Urine Na high,
e.g. excess NaHCO3/saline administration.
Treatment: Rate of decline in serum sodium should not be > 12 mEq/L
per day as abrupt fall in serum osmolality may lead to movement of water
into brain leading to brain edema with deleterious consequences.14
They are both associated with disturbances in systemic circulation and
indirect effects on neurodevelopment. Hyperkalemia can occur even when
urine output is normal and can result in sudden severe bradycardia and
circulatory collapse. Routine monitoring of serum potassium is indicated
NUTRITION .............................................................................................
• Calorie intake 80-100 cal/kg/day for term infant, and 110-165 cal/kg/
day for preterm infant.
• Protein intake 3.5 gm/100 cal is appropriate, particularly in preterm
Start enteral feeds as early as possible and increase as per tolerance.
Breast Milk
Numerous beneficial effects of breast milk have been demonstrated for
term and near-term infants, including improved cognitive skills,15-24 improved
behavior ratings,25-27 Improved neurodevelopment has been related to the
presence of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA; arachidonic
and docosahexaenoic), which are found in human milk but not bovine
milk. . ELBW babies in the breast milk group were more likely to have
a Bayley Mental Development Index >85, higher mean Bayley Psychomotor
Development Index, and higher Bayley Behavior Rating Scale percentile
scores for orientation/engagement, motor regulation, and total score. For
every 10 ml/kg per day increase in breast milk ingestion, the Mental
Development Index increased by 0.53 points, the Psychomotor Development
Index increased by 0.63 points, the Behavior Rating Scale percentile score
increased by 0.82 points. In preterm babies breast milk should be
the feed of choice and all efforts should be made to encourage
mother and enhance milk production.28,29
If formula milk is used, several components have come under discussion:
• Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) are component of human milk and
many formulas and have been associated with body growth vision and
• Adding milk fortifier to human milk improves calcium and protein accretion
and greater weight gain and linear growth (short-term increase in OFC)
compared with unfortified human milk.32
Minimal Enteral Feeding and Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC)
Continuation of small non-nutritive amount (10 ml/kg/day) of enteral feed
during initial days might be trophic for gut mucosa and intestinal enzymes
and leads to better feed tolerance, once started and reduces total duration
of parenteral nutrition.33 Also, the risk of NEC is reduced. Among ELBW
infants, surgical NEC is associated with significant growth delay and adverse
neurodevelopmental outcomes at 18 to 22 months’ corrected age compared
with no NEC. Medical NEC does not seem to confer additional risk. Surgical
NEC is likely to be associated with greater severity of disease.34
Early use of parenteral nutrition may minimize protein loss and improve growth
and neurological outcome in NICU graduates. There is significant negative
protein balance (2% per day), if there is no amino acid supply in immediate
postnatal period. Amino acid intake of 1.1 to 2.3 gm/kg/day can change protein
balance to neutral to slightly positive side, even at low caloric intake.35 Higher
amino acid intake is required for optimal protein accretion. Early amino acid
(AA) were associated with significantly better growth outcomes at 36 weeks’
postmenstrual age, and fewer infants who received early AA were found to
have suboptimal head growth at 18 months’ CA.
SUMMARY ..............................................................................................
Maintenance of normal fluid and electrolyte status and good nutrition is
essential for normal functioning of all body systems and plays vital role
in improving survival and optimal neurodevelopmental outcome in sick
neonates. We should try our best to use evidence based practices in the
management, but unfortunately evidence may not be available for many
current standard practices. So it is of utmost importance to keep our mind
open and adopt evidence based changes in the management which is
bound to happen in times to come.
REFERENCES ........................................................................................
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3. Bell EF et al: High volume fluid intake predisposes premature infants to necrotising
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4. Bell EF, Acarregui MJ. Restricted versus liberal water intake for preventing morbidity
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of parenteral amino acids in extremely low birth weight infants: relation to growth
and neurodevelopmental outcome. J Pediatr 2006;148(3):300-5.
Rhishikesh Thakre, MKC Nair
Follow-up Research—Some
Methodological Issues
High mortality rates may indicate poor perinatal management, which may
have a detrimental effect on the long-term outcome of the survivors.
Increased mortality among high-risk infants may also be associated with
apparently improved outcomes in the surviving low birth weight children,
as those with the greatest potential for a poor outcome may have died.
Outcomes are likely to vary in relation to differences in how the samples
are constituted. Sampling parameters to consider include;
• The range of birth weight and gestational age under study
• The rate of intrauterine growth failure
• Whether, children with congenital malformations or congenital infections
are included
• Perinatal and neonatal therapies used and rates of complications
• Socio-demographic indicators
Children must be followed to at least 18 to 24 months to assess severe
neurodevelopmental problems. Follow-up to early school age is required
to measure more subtle disturbances in areas such as fine motor ability,
visual-motor skills, behavior, and learning.
Adverse effects of low birth weight vary in accordance with how outcomes
are assessed. Medical outcomes include abnormalities on physical and
neurological exams, growth attainment, illness, and re-hospitalizations.
Neurological outcomes, such as rates of CP or blindness, are not affected
by socio-demographic factors and, thus, are good markers of biological
risk. Neuropsychological measures that are sensitive to subtle degrees of
dysfunction include intelligence, memory, speech and language, psycho-
motor abilities, academic achievement, behavior, and attention. Social
competence, child temperament, and the impact of having a low birth
weight or very low birth weight child on the family system are additional
outcomes, but ones rarely considered in research studies.12-14 The
measurement of functional abilities include ratings by the physician or
caretakers15 of the child’s ability to perform age-appropriate activities of
daily living.
Children lost to follow-up are more likely to come from lower socioeconomic
groups who generally have poorer outcomes. If the attrition of children
with poorer outcomes does not occur evenly from the study groups,
then the study outcomes will be heavily biased.
The study design to be used in follow-up depends on the research
question. For example;
• A randomized controlled trial for showing the effectiveness of an early
intervention program
• A case control design for measuring and quantifying the risk factors
• A diagnostic test evaluation for comparing a screening test against a
confirmatory test (gold standard)
• Descriptive (observational) studies to report neurodevelopmental
outcomes at different ages.
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for design, analysis and reporting. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology
4. Aylward GP, Pfeiffer ST, Wright A, Verhulst SJ. Outcome studies of low birth
weight infants published in the last decade: A metaanalysis. Journal of Pediatrics
5. Ornstein M, Ohlsson A, Edmonds J, Asztalos E. Neonatal follow-up of very low
birthweight/extremely low birthweight infants to school age: A critical overview.
Acta Paediatrica Scandinavica 1991;80:741-48.
6. HIFI Study Group. High-frequency oscillatory ventilation compared with
conventional intermittent mechanical ventilation in the treatment of respiratory
failure in preterm infants: Neurodevelopmental status at 16 to 24 months of
postterm age. Journal of Pediatrics 1990;117:939-46.
7. Horwood SP, Boyle MH, Torrance GW, Sinclair JC. Mortality and morbidity of
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geographic region before and after neonatal intensive care. Pediatrics 1982;69,5:
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broader spectrum of morbidity during infancy and early childhood. Journal of
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9. Dunn HG, ed. Sequelae of low birthweight: The Vancouver Study. Clinics in
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10. Sameroff AJ, Seifer R, Baldwin A, Baldwin C. Stability of intelligence from preschool
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11. DePietro JA, Allen MC. Estimation of gestational age: Implications for
developmental research. Child Development 1991;62:1184-99.
12. Landry SH, Chapieski ML, Richardson MA, et al. The social competence of children
born prematurely: Effects of medical complications and parent behaviors. Child
Development 1990;61:1605-16.
13. Crnic KA, Greenberg MT, Ragozin AS, et al. Effects of stress and social support
on mothers and premature and full-term infants. Child Development 1983;54,1:
14. Ross G, Lipper EG, Auld PAM. Social competence and behavior problems in
premature children at school age. Pediatrics 1990;86:391-97.
15. Overpeck MD, Moss AJ, Hoffman HJ, Hendershot GE. A comparison of the
childhood health status of normal birth weight and low birth weight infants.
Public Health Reports 1989;104:58-70.
16. Marlow N, Green B. Editorial: The need to understand perinatal outcomes.
Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 2007;12:329-31.
17. Andrew Lyon. How should we report neonatal outcomes? Seminars in fetal and
neonatal Medicine 2007;12:332-36.
Section 15
35. Genetic Counseling—High Risk
36. Parent Counseling
Sankar VH
Genetic Counseling—
High Risk Pregnancy
AMNIOCENTESIS ..................................................................................
Advances in techniques in prenatal diagnosis have added new dimensions
to the genetic counseling. It is now possible to determine, in advance,
whether the fetus is affected or not with a specific genetic disorder.
Amniocentesis is the commonly used technique.
Amniocentesis is the aspiration of amniotic fluid for various biochemical
and genetic tests. The test is best performed at 16-17 weeks of gestation.
At this time, there is sufficient number of viable amniocytes. At this gestation
medical termination of pregnancy is considered safe for the woman, should
an abnormality be found.
• Amniocentesis is routinely performed in an outpatient facility under
aseptic precautions. An ultrasound examination is done before the
procedure to evaluate fetal number and viability, perform fetal biometric
measurements, establish placental location and estimate amniotic fluid
volume. It is preferable to screen the fetus for any congenital malfor-
• The needle insertion site is chosen in the abdomen so that an optimal
pocket of amniotic fluid is present. If possible, it is preferable to avoid
the placenta; if not possible select the thinnest portion of placenta
possible through which the needle can be inserted. The umbilical cord
1. Montan S. Increased risk in the elderly parturient. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol
2007 Apr;19(2):110-2.
2. Delbaere I, Verstraelen H, Goetgeluk S, Martens G, De Backer G, Temmerman
M. Pregnancy outcome in primiparae of advanced maternal age. Eur J Obstet
Gynecol Reprod Biol 2007;135(1):41-6.
3. Pellestor F, Anahory T, Hamamah S. Effect of maternal age on the frequency
of cytogenetic abnormalities in human oocytes Cytogenet Genome Res.
4. Yeo L, Vintzileos AM. The use of genetic sonography to reduce the need for
amniocentesis in women at high-risk for Down syndrome. Semin Perinatol 2003
5. Gaulden ME. Maternal age effect: the enigma of Down syndrome and other
trisomic conditions. Mutat Res 1992;296(1-2):69-88.
6. Donoso P, Staessen C, Fauser BC, Devroey P Current value of preimplantation
genetic aneuploidy screening in IVF. Hum Reprod Update 2007;13(1):15-25.
7. Caglar GS, Asimakopoulos B, Nikolettos N, Diedrich K, Al-Hasani S Preimplan-
tation genetic diagnosis for aneuploidy screening in repeated implantation failure.
Reprod Biomed Online 2005;10(3):381-8.
8. Leung WC, Lau ET, Lao TT, Tang MH. Rapid aneuploidy screening (FISH or
QF-PCR): the changing scene in prenatal diagnosis? Expert Rev Mol Diagn 2004;
9. Hook EB. Chromosome abnormalities: prevalence, risk and recurrence. In Brock
DH, Rodeck DH, Ferguson-Smith MA (eds): Prenatal Diagnosis and screening,
Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh 1992:p.351.
10. Evaluation of Mental Retardation: recommendations of a Consensus conference.
Am J Med Genet 1997;72:468-477.
11. Battaglia A, Carey JC. Diagnostic evaluation of developmental delay/mental
retardation: An overview. Am J Med Genet 2003;117C:3-14.
Meharban Singh
Parent Counseling
BREASTFEEDING ..................................................................................
Breastfeeding is the birth right of every baby and like mother’s love there
is no substitute for mother’s milk. Breast milk is an ideal drink for all
The newborn babies lack the coping mechanisms to keep themselves
warm due to their poor capability to generate body heat. After birth
the baby should be promptly dried and effectively covered to prevent
fall in body temperature. Bath should be delayed to next day or till
the body temperature of the baby has stabilized. The cultural practice
of keeping the baby next to the mother in her bed is useful to provide
warmth to the baby and promote breastfeeding. During winter special
Early stimulation after discharge 264
Follow-up protocol 230
babies need ‘walls’ around them 264
behavoral problems/learning disorders 234
babies need peace and quiet 264
developmental assessment 234
hearing 266 recommended schedule 234
playing music 266 function assessment 235
talking and imitation 266 general care/medical issues 231
newborn stimulation at home 265 growth, nutrition and medical assessment
bold patterns with strong contrast 265 230
neurological examination 232 best screening tools 77
abnormal neurological signs on clinical diagnosis 77
newborn 233 epidemiology 75
active tone 233 impact on neurodevelopment 74
assessment of passive tone 232 pathophysiology 73
cranial nerve examination 233 prevention 78
postural reflexes at 9 months 233
primitive reflexes at 3 months 233
red flags 233 I
nutrition 231 Impact of perinatal asphyxia on
Follow-up research—some methodological neurodevelopmental outcome 42
issues 338 attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and
bias in outcome research 341 behavioral probems 45
controlling for measurement bias 342 autism and pervasive devel opment
controlling for selection bias 342 disorders 45
policy perspectives 343 cerebral palsy 42
evaluating long-term outcome studies 339 ataxic CP 43
correction for preterm birth 340 athetoid (dyskinetic) CP 42
duration of follow-up 340 hemiplegic CP 43
nature of control and comparison spastic tetraplegic CP 43
groups 340 epilepsy 44
outcomes measured 340 hearing impairment 44
representativeness of the study sample learning disability 44
339 visual impairment 44
sample attrition 341 Impairment of placenta or pulmonary gas
sample characteristics 339 exchange 41
survival rate 339 Inborn errors of metabolism (IEM) 88
common neurological presentations
associated with IEM 89
G acute encephalopathy 90
ataxia 90
Genetic counselling high risk pregnancy 347
chronic encephalopathy with non-
advanced maternal age 347
neural involvement 90
amniocentesis 353
chronic encephalopathy without non-
neural tube defect (NTD) 352
neuronal involvement 90
previous child with Down syndrome 349
movement disorders 90
previous child with malformations 352 myopathy 90
previous child with mental retardation 350 seizures 90
previous child with single gene disorders stroke 90
351 current understanding of pathophysiology
Granulocyte transfusions 167 88
accumulation of a normally minor
metabolite 89
H accumulation of a substrate 88
Hearing stimulation in early pregnancy 291 deficiency of a product 89
early stimulation for hearing impairment secondary metabolic phenomena 89
291 impact on neurodevelopment 89
general activities 292 investigations 91
techniques 292 management and prevention 91
treatment 92
High risk newborn 3
immediate therapy 92
at-risk concept 3
long-term treatment 92
environmental factors 7
follow-up and early intervention 4
intrauterine infections 6 L
low birth weight 5
newborn encephalopathy 5 Late neurological disability associated with
policy implication 7 hypoxia-ischemia 57
Hypoglycemia 73 Lesch-Nyhan disease 90