02 Reference For Elevation

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E-Learning Course 1.10 PEACE & LOVE

Scientific References
The Running Clinic 1.10 PEACE & LOVE Scientific References

2020-Dubois, B. & J.-F. Esculier. Soft-tissue injuries simply need PEACE and LOVE.
British Journal of Sports Medicine 54 (2): 72-73. 3
2020-Executive Committee. The Diagnosis and Treatment of Peripheral Lymphedema:
2020 Consensus Document of the International Society of Lymphology. Lymphology
53 (1): 3-19. 4
2018-Vuurberg, G., A. Hoorntje, L. M. Wink, B. F. W. van der Doelen, M. P. van den
Bekerom, R. Dekker, C. Niek van Dijk, R. Krips, M. C. M. Loogman, M. L. Ridderikhof, F.
F. Smithuis, S. A. S. Stufkens, E. A. L. M. Verhagen, R. A. de Bie & G. M. M. J. Kerkhoffs.
Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of ankle sprains: update of an evidence-based
clinical guideline. British Journal of Sports Medicine 52 (15): 956. 5
2017-Doherty, C., C. Bleakley, E. Delahunt & S. Holden. Treatment and prevention of
acute and recurrent ankle sprain: An overview of systematic reviews with meta-
analysis. British Journal of Sports Medicine 51 (2): 113-125. 6
2012-Bleakley, C. M., P. Glasgow & D. C. MacAuley. Price needs updating, should we
call the police? British Journal of Sports Medicine 46 (4): 220-221. 7
2012-van den Bekerom, M. P. J., P. A.A. Struijs, L. Blankevoort, L. Welling, C. N. van Dijk
& G. M. M. J. Kerkhoffs. What Is the Evidence for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation
Therapy in the Treatment of Ankle Sprains in Adults?. Journal of Athletic Training 47
(4): 435–443. 8

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The Running Clinic 1.10 PEACE & LOVE Scientific References

2020-Dubois, B. & J.-F. Esculier. Soft-tissue injuries simply need PEACE and
LOVE. British Journal of Sports Medicine 54 (2): 72-73.
Rehabilitation of soft-tissue injuries can be complex. Over the years, acronyms guiding their
management have evolved from ICE to RICE, then on to PRICE and POLICE. Although widely
known, these previous acronyms focus on acute management, unfortunately ignoring
subacute and chronic stages of tissue healing. Our contemporary acronyms encompass the
rehabilitation continuum from immediate care (PEACE) to subsequent management (LOVE).
PEACE and LOVE outline the importance of educating patients and addressing psychosocial
factors to enhance recovery. While anti-inflammatories show benefits on pain and function,
our acronyms flag their potential harmful effects on optimal tissue repair. We suggest that
they may not be included in the standard management of soft-tissue injuries.

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The Running Clinic 1.10 PEACE & LOVE Scientific References

2020-Executive Committee. The Diagnosis and Treatment of Peripheral

Lymphedema: 2020 Consensus Document of the International Society of
Lymphology. Lymphology 53 (1): 3-19.
This International Society of Lymphology (ISL) Consensus Document is the latest revision of
the 1995 Document for the evaluation and management of peripheral lymphedema (1). […]
The document attempts to amalgamate the broad spectrum of protocols and practices
advocated worldwide for the diagnosis and treatment of peripheral lymphedema into a
coordinated proclamation representing a "Consensus" of the international community based
on various levels of evidence. The document is not meant to override individual clinical
considerations for complex patients nor to stifle progress. It is also not meant to be a legal
formulation from which variations define medical malpractice. The Society understands that in
some clinics the method of treatment derives from national standards while in others access
to medical equipment, technical expertise, and supplies is limited; therefore, the suggested
treatments might be impractical. Adaptability and inclusiveness does come at the price that
members can rightly be critical of what they see as vagueness or imprecision in definitions,
qualifiers in the choice of words (e.g., the use of "may... perhaps... unclear", etc.) and
mentions (albeit without endorsement) of treatment options supported by limited hard data.
Most members are frustrated by the reality that NO treatment method has really undergone a
satisfactory meta-analysis (let alone rigorous, randomized, stratified, long-term, controlled
study). With this understanding, the absence of definitive answers and optimally conducted
clinical trials, and with emerging technologies and new approaches and discoveries on the
horizon, some degree of uncertainty, ambiguity, and flexibility along with dissatisfaction with
current lymphedema evaluation and management is appropriate and to be expected. We
continue to struggle to keep the document concise while balancing the need for depth and
details. With these considerations in mind, we believe that this 2020 version presents a
Consensus that embraces the entire ISL membership, rises above national standards,
identifies and stimulates promising areas for future research, and represents the best
judgment of the ISL membership on how to approach patients with peripheral lymphedema
in the light of currently available evidence. Therefore, the document has been and should
continue to be challenged and debated in the pages of Lymphology (e.g., as Letters to the
Editor) and ideally will remain a continued focal point for robust discussion at local, national
and international conferences in lymphology and related disciplines. We further anticipate as
experience evolves and new ideas and technologies emerge that this "living document" will
undergo further periodic revision and refinement as the practice and conceptual foundations
of medicine and specifically lymphology change and advance.

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The Running Clinic 1.10 PEACE & LOVE Scientific References

2018-Vuurberg, G., A. Hoorntje, L. M. Wink, B. F. W. van der Doelen, M. P. van

den Bekerom, R. Dekker, C. Niek van Dijk, R. Krips, M. C. M. Loogman, M. L.
Ridderikhof, F. F. Smithuis, S. A. S. Stufkens, E. A. L. M. Verhagen, R. A. de Bie &
G. M. M. J. Kerkhoffs. Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of ankle sprains:
update of an evidence-based clinical guideline. British Journal of Sports
Medicine 52 (15): 956.
This guideline aimed to advance current understandings regarding the diagnosis, prevention
and therapeutic interventions for ankle sprains by updating the existing guideline and
incorporate new research. A secondary objective was to provide an update related to the
cost-effectiveness of diagnostic procedures, therapeutic interventions and prevention
strategies. It was posited that subsequent interaction of clinicians with this guideline could
help reduce health impairments and patient burden associated with this prevalent
musculoskeletal injury. The previous guideline provided evidence that the severity of
ligament damage can be assessed most reliably by delayed physical examination (4–5 days
post trauma). After correct diagnosis, it can be stated that even though a short time of
immobilisation may be helpful in relieving pain and swelling, the patient with an acute lateral
ankle ligament rupture benefits most from use of tape or a brace in combination with an
exercise programme.

New in this update: Participation in certain sports is associated with a heightened risk of
sustaining a lateral ankle sprain. Care should be taken with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs (NSAIDs) usage after an ankle sprain. They may be used to reduce pain and swelling,
but usage is not without complications and NSAIDs may suppress the natural healing process.
Concerning treatment, supervised exercise-based programmes preferred over passive
modalities as it stimulates the recovery of functional joint stability. Surgery should be reserved
for cases that do not respond to thorough and comprehensive exercise-based treatment. For
the prevention of recurrent lateral ankle sprains, ankle braces should be considered as an
efficacious option.

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The Running Clinic 1.10 PEACE & LOVE Scientific References

2017-Doherty, C., C. Bleakley, E. Delahunt & S. Holden. Treatment and

prevention of acute and recurrent ankle sprain: An overview of systematic
reviews with meta-analysis. British Journal of Sports Medicine 51 (2): 113-125.
Background: Ankle sprains are highly prevalent with high risk of recurrence. Consequently,
there are a significant number of research reports examining strategies for treating and
preventing acute and recurrent sprains (otherwise known as chronic ankle instability (CAI)),
with a coinciding proliferation of review articles summarising these reports.

Objective: To provide a systematic overview of the systematic reviews evaluating treatment

strategies for acute ankle sprain and CAI.

Design: Overview of intervention systematic reviews.

Participants: Individuals with acute ankle sprain/CAI.

Main outcome measurements: The primary outcomes were injury/reinjury incidence and

Results: 46 papers were included in this systematic review. The reviews had a mean score of
6.5/11 on the AMSTAR quality assessment tool. There was strong evidence for bracing and
moderate evidence for neuromuscular training in preventing recurrence of an ankle sprain.
For the combined outcomes of pain, swelling and function after an acute sprain, there was
strong evidence for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and early mobilisation, with
moderate evidence supporting exercise and manual therapy techniques. There was
conflicting evidence regarding the efficacy of surgery and acupuncture for the treatment of
acute ankle sprains. There was insufficient evidence to support the use of ultrasound in the
treatment of acute ankle sprains.

Conclusions: For the treatment of acute ankle sprain, there is strong evidence for non-
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and early mobilisation, with moderate evidence supporting
exercise and manual therapy techniques, for pain, swelling and function. Exercise therapy and
bracing are supported in the prevention of CAI.

© 2020 6/8 TheRunningClinic.com

The Running Clinic 1.10 PEACE & LOVE Scientific References

2012-Bleakley, C. M., P. Glasgow & D. C. MacAuley. Price needs updating, should

we call the police? British Journal of Sports Medicine 46 (4): 220-221.
The acronym PRICE (protection, rest, ice, compression and elevation) has been central to
acute soft tissue injury management for many years despite a paucity of high-quality,
empirical evidence to support the various components or as a collective treatment package.
Treatment paradigms in sports medicine must be updated based on contemporary research
evidence. As a recent example, the widespread use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
in acute soft tissue injury management has been challenged, particularly with ligament and
muscle injuries.

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The Running Clinic 1.10 PEACE & LOVE Scientific References

2012-van den Bekerom, M. P. J., P. A.A. Struijs, L. Blankevoort, L. Welling, C. N.

van Dijk & G. M. M. J. Kerkhoffs. What Is the Evidence for Rest, Ice, Compression,
and Elevation Therapy in the Treatment of Ankle Sprains in Adults?. Journal of
Athletic Training 47 (4): 435–443.
Context: Ankle sprains are common problems in acute medical care. The variation in
treatment observed for the acutely injured lateral ankle ligament complex in the first week
after the injury suggests a lack of evidence-based management strategies for this problem.

Objective: To analyze the effectiveness of applying rest, ice, compression, and elevation
(RICE) therapy begun within 72 hours after trauma for patients in the initial period after ankle

Study Selection: Eligible studies were published original randomized or quasi-randomized

controlled trials concerning at least 1 of the 4 subtreatments of RICE therapy in the treatment
of acute ankle sprains in adults.

Data Sources: MEDLINE, Cochrane Clinical Trial Register, CINAHL, and EMBASE. The lists of
references of retrieved publications also were checked manually.

Data Extraction: We extracted relevant data on treatment outcome (pain, swelling, ankle
mobility or range of motion, return to sports, return to work, complications, and patient
satisfaction) and assessed the quality of included studies. If feasible, the results of
comparable studies were pooled using fixed- or random-effects models.

Data Synthesis: After deduction of the overlaps among the different databases, evaluation of
the abstracts, and contact with some authors, 24 potentially eligible trials remained. The full
texts of these articles were retrieved and thoroughly assessed as described. This resulted in
the inclusion of 11 trials involving 868 patients. The main reason for exclusion was that the
authors did not describe a well-defined control group without the intervention of interest.

Conclusions: Insufficient evidence is available from randomized controlled trials to

determine the relative effectiveness of RICE therapy for acute ankle sprains in adults.
Treatment decisions must be made on an individual basis, carefully weighing the relative
benefits and risks of each option, and must be based on expert opinions and national

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