Layout - Rules Telangana

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Draft Rules

Telangana Municipalities Development of Land &Layout Rules-2019.

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 238 of the Telangana

Municipalities Act-2019, the Government of Telangana hereby makes the following
rules with immediate effect as required under section 172 of Telangana Municipalities
Act-2019 (Act No. 11/2019).
1. Short Title, Commencement and Applicability:
(1) These rules may be called “The Telangana Municipal Land Development
(Layout & Sub-division) Rules - 2019".
(2) These rules supersede the earlier rules issued in G.O.Ms.No.62 MA,
dated 28-01-1970, G.O.Ms.No.1095 MA dt:24-08-1965.
(3) They shall come in to force from the date of publication of notification in the
Telangana Gazette.
(4) These rules shall apply to
a) All land development through formation of layouts, sub-division of land
into plots duly providing the infrastructure and other amenities,
b) To use of any land, where sub-division of land is undertaken and use of
land is changed.
(5) These rules shall apply to Municipalities and Municipal Corporations other than
(6) All the existing rules, regulations, byelaws, orders that are in conflict or
inconsistent with these rules shall stand modified to the extent of the
provisions of these rules.

2. Definitions:
In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires the definitions given below
shall have the meaning indicated against each term. The terms and expressions
which are not defined in these rules shall have the same meaning as in the
respective rules / regulations / bye-laws of the respective Municipalities &
Municipal Corporations and the National Building Code, as the case may be.
“Act” means the Telangana Municipalities Act, 2019.
"Agricultural Use" means use of land for the purpose of agriculture, horticulture,
sericulture, animal husbandry, poultry farming, plant nursery, piggery, dairy farming,
vegetable farming and any activity related to agriculture or milk chilling plant;
“Amenity”Includes roads, streets, open spaces, Social Infrastructure, Common
parking space, water supply, electric supply, street lighting, sewerage, drainage and
other utilities including services and conveniences.
"Approach Road" means an existing public access formed on ground, a road, street,
passage, village road, whether pucca or kutcha and gives way to the land or site or

plot whether having an approved layout or not or whether belonging to private or
Government or Municipalities & Municipal Corporations and over which public have a
right of way whether a thoroughfare or not.

"Contour" means the form of the land, existing or proposed; a part of the topology,
indicated by map lines at intervals as desired.
"Corner site" means a site at the junction of and fronting on two or more
intersecting streets;
“Development” means the carrying out of building, engineering, mining, or other
operations in, or over, or under land or water, or the making of any material change,
in any building or land, or in the use of any building or land, and includes
redevelopment and layout and sub-division of any land; and "to develop" shall be
construed accordingly;
“Layout” means the laying out a parcel of land or lands into building plots with
laying of roads/streets with formation, leveling, metalling or black topping or
paving of the roads and footpaths, etc. and laying of the services such as water
supply, drainage, street lighting, open spaces, avenue plantation. etc;
“Owner” means a person, group of persons ,a Company, Trust, Registered Body,
State or Central Government and its attached subordinate departments ,Public or
Private Undertakings or Corporations and the like, who has title for the property or
in whose name the property stands registered in the Revenue Records;
“Licensed Technical Person” is an architect or Engineer or Town Planner or
Structural engineer or Surveyor or any other technical person as prescribed to plan,
design and supervise for carrying out layout development activities, and also to
issue certificate of supervision of such development of land in Municipalities and
Municipal Corporations.
“Master Plan / General Town Planning Scheme” / “Detailed Town Planning
Scheme” / Local Area Plan means the a comprehensive plan showing therein the
existing and proposed locations and general layout of (a) arterial streets and
transportation lines, (b) Residential area, (c), Commercial areas, (d) Industrial
areas, Education institutions, (f) Public parks, playgrounds, and other Recreational
“Open Space” means an area forming an integral part of layout and left open to
“Plot” means a continuous portion of land held in a single or joint ownership other
than the land used, allotted, earmarked or set apart for any street, lane, passage,
pathway, conservancy lane or for any other public purpose.

"Parking Space" means area reserved for parking of vehicles.

"Road/Street" means any access viz. highway, street, lane, pathway, alley or
bridge, whether a thoroughfare or not, over which the public have right of passage.

"Road/Street width" means the whole extent of space within the boundaries of a
road when applied to a new road / street as laid down in the city survey or
development plan or prescribed road lines by any act of law and measured at right
angles to the course or intended course of directions of such road;
"TSBPASS Committee" is the committee notified under rule 3 of Telangana
Municipal Land Development (Layout & Sub-division) Rules - 2019.
"Underground / Overhead Tank" means underground / overhead water tank,
constructed or placed to store water;
"Water Course / Nala" means a natural channel or an artificial one formed by
draining or diversion of a natural channel meant for carrying storm and

3. Constitution of District Level TS-BPASS Committee:

The Committee consists of the following members:
1. District Collector : Chairman
2. Commissioner of concerned Urban Local
Body and Vice-Chairman or his nominee in : Member Convener
case of UDA area.
3. Director of Town and Country Planning : Member
or his Nominee
4. Superintending Engineer / Executive : Member
Engineer of Public Health Dept.
5. Superintending Engineer / Executive : Member
Engineer of Irrigation Dept.
6. Revenue Divisional Officer / Tahsildar of : Member
Revenue Dept.
7. Assistant Director for Survey and Land : Member
8. Any other officer designated by the : Member
District Collector.
4. Functions of the District Level TS-BPASS Committee:
i. To examine and recommend its approval or rejection on the tentative
layout plan proposals.
ii. To conduct field inspection and verify the infrastructure & amenities
provided in the site, such as roads, water supply, drainage, street lighting,
avenue plantation etc., whether it is in conformity with the standards &
iii. To verify the proposals with respect to the boundaries of the water bodies
or water courses and buffer to be maintained from water bodies or water
courses and also to verify the ownership aspects of the proposed site.
iv. To issue Land Conversion Certificate for layout proposals which attract the
provisions of Telangana Agricultural land Assessment Act 2006.

v. To issue Certified Demarcation Plan along with Certified Tounch map issued
by concerned ADSLR / Tashildar.
vi. To issue NOC's if the site is located nearby water bodies i.e., within 200
Mts. distance from the River / Lake / Pond / Cheruvu (or) Kunta, FTL of
River / Lake / Pond / Cheruvu (or) Kunta / Shikam lands shall be reckoned
as measured and certified by the Irrigation Department not below the rank
of Executive Engineer Irrigation Department and Revenue Department not
below the rank of Joint Collector.
vii. In respect of proposals falling in site area upto 2.5 Acres, concerned
Regional Deputy Director of Town & Country Planning and site area above
5.00 Acres the Director of Town & Country Planning shall give Technical
viii. The Committee shall pass the remarks for shortfall / rejection for approval
after verification of the proposals in the above-mentioned aspects and
communicate to the concerned ULB to take necessary action by
ix. The Committee shall verify the actual development and implementation of
the layout and whether it is in conformity with the tentative layout
approval and to recommend for approval / rejection on final layout plan
x. To review and monitor the Enforcement activity every fortnight and also
committee shall constitute required number of squads to detect and take
action on unauthorized development.
xi. The District Level TS-BPASS Committee shall meet at least once in 15 days.

5. Application for Land Development/Layout Permission:

i. Every owner or developer or a corporate body of the Government or a private
corporate body to make layout and to form road / street and to provide
infrastructure & other amenities shall submit on online, under sub-section (1)
of section 172 of the Act.
ii. Every such application shall bear the signature of the owner/developer and
licensed technical person (LTP).
iii. The ONLINE application shall be accompanied/uploaded with the following
a) Geo location plan showing the topo details of the land, approved layouts,
plots / layouts regularized by competent authority prior to these
regulations and change of land use effected by Government if any, Road
network within a distance of 500 meters of the site, buildings, natural
water courses, big trees and any other permanent features which cannot be
disturbed normally.

b) Layout plan drawn to a scale of not less than (1:500) with the particulars
mentioned below (to be uploaded in dwg format and pdf format)
i. The boundaries of the land based on certified survey records duly
indicating survey numbers.
ii. Alignment and width of the proposed roads
iii. The proposed plot sizes and numbers
iv. Land set apart in the layout for open space, common parking place and
social infrastructure, solid waste management.
v. Electric lines (high tension or low tension), water mains , water bodies,
nalas and sewers if any telephone and telegraph lines, etc. alignment of
National and State Highways and major and minor district roads passing
through the land.
vi. The contour plan.
vii. Avenue plantation.
6. Documents,
i. Self -Certification Certificate on Rs. 100/- Non-Judicial stamp paper
as prescribed in Appendix ‘A’.
ii. E-Challan of initial layout permit fee of Rs. 10,000/- paid.
iii. A self-attested copy of ownership documents of the site and the link
iv. Latest Encumbrance Certificate (EC) issued by the Registration
v. Land Conversion Certificate (LCC) issued as per Telangana Non
Agriculture Land Assessment Act 2006.
vi. Extract of approved Master Plan / General Town Planning Scheme /
Detailed Town Planning Scheme / Local area plan.
vii. Extract of Revenue Village Map showing the proposed layout
viii. Site Demarcation Certificate from the concerned Assistant Director,
Survey and Land Records Department/Tahsildar.
ix. NOC if the site is located nearby water bodies i.e., within 200Mts
distance from the River/Lake/Pond/Cheruvu (or) Kunta, FTL of a
River/Lake/Pond/Cheruvu(or) Kunta/ Shikam lands shall be reckoned as
measured and certified by the Irrigation Department not below the rank
of Executive Engineer and Revenue Department not below the rank of
Joint Collector.
x. Agreement/ undertaking in the form prescribed in Appendix ‘B’.
7. Provisions in the Layout:
a) Minimum width of the existing ‘approach road’ to a layout shall be
b) Road network and Land use of the Master Plan or any other development
plan – draft or sanctioned shall be incorporated.
i. The minimum width of the roads, carriage way shall be as indicated in
the Table-I.
Sl.No Length of Minimum width Splay Minimum width
Road of the Road required carriage way
1 2 3 4 5
1 Up to 600 12.00 Mts. (40'-0") 3.00Mts. 6.00 Mts.
2 Above 600 Mts. to 18.00 Mts. (60’-0”) 4.50Mts. 11.00 Mts.
1000 Mts.
3 Above 1000 Mts. 24.00 Mts. (80’-0”) 6.00Mts. As per IRC

c) Open Space: An extent of not less than 10% of the layout area shall be
reserved towards public purpose in following manner
• 7.5% for parks and playgrounds,
• 1.00% for social infrastructure.
• 1.00% for utilities such as water reservoir, Septic tank/ Sewerage
Treatment Plant, Electric transformer, Solid Waste Management
• 0.50% for common parking space.
d) Minimum Plot Area: 50 Sq. Mts.,
e) Minimum Width of the Plot: 6.00 Mts.

f) The layout Owner shall mortgage minimum 15% of plotted area with the
Municipality and shall indicate the same in the proposed layout plan.
g) Layouts having extent Ac.50.00 and above, facilities such as Educational,
Health, Commercial, Social, Communication, etc are required to be
provided additionally as prescribed in Appendix C.
8. Restrictions of Layout Development in the vicinity of certain areas:
i. Water Bodies
(a) No approval shall be accorded for Land Development/Layout in the bed
of water bodies like river or nala and in the Full Tank Level (FTL)as
specified by the Irrigation/Revenue Department , pond, cheruvu or
kunta/ shikam lands.
(b) The above water bodies and courses shall be maintained as
Recreational/ Green Buffer Zone and no building activity/ Land
Development shall be carried out within:
(i) 50m from the boundary of the river shall be as fixed and certified
by the Irrigation Department and Revenue Department.
(ii) 30m from the FTL boundary of Lakes/Tanks/Kuntas of area10Ha
and above/ other than major rivers.
(iii) 9m from the FTL boundary of Lakes/ Tanks/Kuntas of area
less than10Ha/ shikam lands;
(iv)9m from the defined boundary of Canal, Vagu, Nala, Storm Water
Drain of width more than 10m.
(v) 2m from the defined boundary of Canal, Vagu, Nala, Storm Water
Drain of width upto 10m.
(c) Unless and otherwise specified in the Master Plan/ Detailed Town
Planning Scheme / Local Area Plan / Zonal development Plan.
(i) In case of (b) (i) & (ii) above, the buffer zone may be utilized for
road of minimum 12m width, wherever feasible.
(ii) In case of (b) (ii) above, in addition to development of
recreational/ green belt along the fore shores, a ring road or
promenade of minimum 12m may be developed, wherever
feasible 3.6mwalking/ cycle track within the 30m buffer strip may
be provided.
(iii) The above buffer zone to be left may be reckoned as part of
open space and not for setback requirements.
ii. Railways
a. In case of site abutting to Railway property NOC from Railway
Authorities need not to be insisted. However it will be the
responsibility of the applicants to follow the applicable rules as
prescribed by the Railway Authority in their rules.
iii. Electrical Lines
a. In case of sites in the vicinity of High Tension Electricity Transmission
Lines besides taking other safety precautions, a minimum safety
distance (both vertical and horizontal) of 3m shall be maintained
between the building and the High Tension Electricity Lines and 1.5m
shall be maintained between the building and the Low Tension
Electricity Lines.
b. In case of Electricity Tower lines, the land below the tower line to the
width of tower base shall be developed as green belt and on either side
of green belt there shall be a minimum of 10m wide roads or as
defined in the Master Plan
c. Wherever the road is not feasible below the HT Line, green belt can be
provided below the HT Line and this will be in addition to 10% open
space to be provided as per the rules and for such cases, TDRs as
applicable to road widening cases shall be given.
iv. Vicinity of Airport
The Land/Layout development in the vicinity of the Airport shall be
guided by the Color Coded Zoning Map (CCZM) prepared by the Airport
Authority of India, the guide lines issued along with the CCZM shall be

v. Defense Establishments
a. In case of sites abutting to defence establishments, NOC from defence
authorities need not be insisted. However, it will be the responsibility
of the applicants to follow the applicable rules as prescribed by the
defence authorities in their rules.
vi. Environmental Impact Assessment Notification- 2006
Prior Environmental Clearance (EC) from State Environmental Impact
Assessment Authority (SEIAA) ,Ministry of Environment and Forests,
Government of India in case of land Development having an extent 50 Ha
and above.
vii. Vicinity of Heritage Structures
a. As per notified the Archeological Monuments and Ancient Sites and
Remains Act, 1955 no development is allowed within the distance of
100 Mts from the protected monument. Hence no plot shall be
b. proposed within this distance.
c. Prior permission of National Monument Authority is required if the Site
located within distance of above100m and upto 200m from the
protected monuments.
d. Prior clearance of the concerned authority is required if the site is
located within the vicinity of any Heritage Structure.
viii. Oil/Gas Pipelines
Prior clearance of Oil/Gas Authority is required if the site is located with in
the vicinity of Oil/ Gas pipeline
ix. Religious Structures
a. In case of Sites located within a radius of 100m from the notified
religious structure from time to time by the sanctioning authority, the
construction is allowed up to 12m height only.
b. For the Sites located within a radius of above 100m and upto 300m
from the notified religious structure as notified from time to time,
only non-high rise structures are allowed.
x. Site and Land Use Pattern
Not with standing anything contained in these Rules, no Land
Development/ Layout permission on any site shall be sanctioned if:
a. The proposed land use does not correspond to the land use in the
Master Plan/ Detailed Town Planning Scheme / Local Area Plan /
Zonal development Plan or any draft/ sanctioned plan for the area or
the zoning regulations.
b. The use of Layout and building or place will be a source of Annoyance
to, or injurious to the health of the inhabitants of the
c. The construction of any building is for public worship, which in the
opinion of the Sanctioning Authority will affect the religious feelings
of any class or persons in the vicinity there of.
d. There is deposited refuse, excreta or other offensive matter, which is
considered objectionable, until such refuse ,excreta or other
offensive matter has been removed there from and the plot has been
prepared or left in a manner suitable for land development,
redevelopment or building purpose.
9. Approval of Tentative Layout:
a) The layout application shall be processed through the Self-Certification
system wherein Layout Owner/Developer shall upload the information in
online application & all the documents specified in rule 5 & 6 and shall
pay initial fee, through online system.
b) The Committee shall examine the proposals and recommend / reject or
call for additional information, shortfalls or incompleteness or
clarification, if any required within 10 days of receipt of the application
on online system. The applicant shall comply with the shortfall notice
within 15 days, falling which application will be auto closed.
c) On receipt of any further information required, the Committee members
shall examine and recommend for approval / rejection to the
Commissioner of the ULB within 5 days.
d) upon the recommendations of the Committee, an intimation letter with
conditions and additional documents required, if any by the applicant,
which will be auto generated in the name of Commissioner and will be
communicated to the applicant
e) Upon complying with the additional documentation and acceptance to the
conditions communicated to the applicant, the committee will send final
fee intimation letter to the applicant.
f) The applicant shall comply with the requirements as specified in the final
intimation letter for payment of fee and submission of mortgage deed
etc., within 15 days. If the same is not complied within 15days, shall be
allowed to pay the same within another 15 days of time on payment of
10% interest. Failure in payment of fee and submission of documents the
application shall be auto closed.
g) Once the mortgage deed is submitted and fee paid, the tentative layout
plan shall be approved and shall be auto generated and communicated
through online in the name of concerned Municipal Commissioner to the
owner / developer to carry out all the infrastructure and amenities as
stipulated in Appendix E.
10. Conditions of Tentative Layout,
a) The owner/ developer shall complete the infrastructure and amenities
within in a period of 2 years from the date of approval of tentative
layout plan.
b) On specific request from the applicant, the Commissioner shall extend
the validity of the layout for execution of works by one more year.
c) If the owner / developer of the layout fails to execute the infrastructure
and amenities within a time specified, the Commissioner shall meet the
expenses incurred for executing such works by selling the mortgaged
d) Failing which, the owner or developer shall be black listed and shall not
be allowed to undertake any further layout development works in entire
State either individually or in partnership.
11. Approval of Final Layout
a. After completion of development of layout in all respects and
complying with conditions imposed at the time of approval of Tentative
Layout, the owner shall upload an application along with the following
i. Layout plan as developed on the ground signed by owner /
developer and LTP.
ii. Self Certification Certificate on Rs. 100/- Non-Judicial Stamp
Paper duly signed by the Owner and LTP, declaring that layout
Plan has been executed on ground & developed as per norms, as
prescribed in Appendix F.
iii. Registered Gift Deed transferring all the roads, open spaces, social
infrastructure and common parking areas earmarked in the layout
in favor of Municipality / Municipal Corporation.
iv. Attested copy of registered mortgage deed.
v. Certificate of Encumbrance on property one day prior to mortgage
and one day after mortgage from the concerned Sub-Registrar,
indicating that the area under mortgage is not sold to any other
persons and vests with the authority.
vi. Geo Location Plan of earmarked total layout and open spaces.
vii. Photographs showing the developmental works taken up at layout
under reference.
b. The member convener of District Level TSBPASS Committee shall
consolidate all such reports and place before the District Level
c. The District Level TSBPASS Committee shall inspect and verify the actual
completion of all infrastructural, amenities and other civil works such
as roads, drainage networks, water supply, street lighting, construction
of culverts / bridges, avenue plantation etc., as per the specifications,
design standards, norms and guidelines and to be certified that the
infrastructural work has been completed in all aspects.
d. The District Level TSBPASS Committee then recommend for Final
e. Upon the recommendation of the District Level TSBPASS Committee the
Commissioner shall release the mortgaged area within 21 days as
12. Release of mortgaged plots and Final Layout Plan.
After receipt of recommendations of District Level TSBPASS Committee, the
Municipal Commissioner shall release final layout plan along with mortgaged
plots within 21 days, on compliance of the payment of necessary fee &
charges as prescribed and receiving the copy of Relinquishment Deed.
13. Revocation of permission
The Commissioner may revoke any permission issued under these rules
whenever it is found that there has been any false statement or wrong
permission was sanctioned.
14. Modifications during construction / undertaking of layout works:
If during the execution of any layout, any deviation is made from the
sanctioned plan the owner shall obtain revised permission as per the above
procedure and rules and the owner / developer shall stop the work until the
permission is obtained.

15. Penalties,
a) Compliance with the self-certification lies with the Owner, Applicant
and Licensed Technical Personnel.
b) False declaration, misrepresentation of facts, sale, misuse of land/plots
set apart for public purpose the applicant and the Licensed Technical
Personnel shall be liable for punishment under section 177 & 180 of Act.
c) In case layout was obtained by making a false statement or
misrepresentation of any material facts, the Commissioner shall revoke
the layout permission.

16. Blacklisting the owner/developer:

If Owner/Developer fails to execute the required works as mentioned in
Appendix ‘B’ and Appendix ‘C’ within a stipulated period, the Commissioner
shall take action as per sub-section (8) of Section 172 of TM Act, 2019 for
executing such works by selling mortgaged plots. The Commissioner shall also
Blacklist the owner/Developer.

Director of Town &

Country Planning.


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