2023 - AAFP - Membership - Application
2023 - AAFP - Membership - Application
2023 - AAFP - Membership - Application
Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) – Veterinarian Membership Application
Membership Effective January ‐ December
750 US Highway 202, Suite 200, Bridgewater, NJ 08807 | Phone (800) 874‐0498 | Fax (908) 292‐1188
Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
First Middle Last
Clinic/Practice/Company: _______________________________________________________________________________
Work Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________
City State Zip Code Country
Work Phone: (________) ________________ Website Address: _________________________________________________
Email Address (Your email address will be your username.): _____________________________________________________
Home Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________
*If provided, AAFP membership mailings will go to your home address.
City State Zip Code Country
Practice Position: __________________________________ Diplomate of: _______________________________________
Practice Type: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Veterinary School: ___________________________________________________ Graduation Year: ____________________
Would you like to be included in the “Find a Veterinarian and Practices” database that is posted on (www.catfriendly.com) for public
referrals? (Please note we only list practice name, address, phone, and website. We do not list personal information.)
Please DO NOT include me in the public “Find a Veterinarian and Practices” search
Please DO NOT include me in the online member‐to‐member search
Veterinary Team Members: Each Veterinarian member can invite up to 3 team members to receive feline resources via
communication from the AAFP and access to exclusive AAFP webinars and other discounts.
Individual Veterinarian Membership: $229
Two Members in Practice Reduced Rate (per person): $214
Three or more Members in Practice Reduced Rate (per person): $204
Recent Graduate Member (Graduated in the last year and a half): $149
Notice of Consent:
I agree that an application to the AAFP constitutes consent to receive email, and mail from the association, and to make you aware
of select products and services including consent to the AAFP Privacy Policy (www.catvets.com/privacy).
Signature: _______________________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________________________
Check___ (payable to AAFP and drawn in US funds) or Charge to: VISA__ MasterCard__ American Express___ DISCOVER___
Make my membership Auto‐Renewed ‐ By selecting this box, you agree to have your membership fee automatically
charged in future years on December 31 with the credit card information below.
Card No.: ____________________________________________________________________________ Exp. Date: ________________________________________
Name on Card: ____________________________________________________Signature: ___________________________________________________________
Note: Contributions or gifts to associations which are exempt under IRS 501(c)6 are not tax deductible as charitable contributions. However, they may be deducted as ordinary and necessary
business expenses.
AAFP Federal Tax ID # 43‐1397996