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(A Qualitative Descriptive Study)

A Skripsi

Presented to the Faculty of Educational Sciences in Partial Fulfilment of the

Requirement for the Degree of S.Pd. (S-1) in English Education

Cita Purnamaning Pertiwi




(A Descriptive Study at Seventh Grade English Teachers of SMP Al-Fath

A Skripsi


Cita Purnamaning Pertiwi


Approved by:

Advisor I Advisor II

Siti Nurul Azkiyah, M.Sc., Ph.D. Atik Yuliyani, S.Pd., M.A. TESOL.
NIP. 19760511 200501 2 003 NIP. 19840410 201503 2 003






Cita Purnamaning Pertiwi. 11160140000096. “Investigating EFL Teachers’

Classroom Management during COVID-19 Pandemic (A Qualitative
Descriptive Study)”. “Skripsi” of English Education Department, the Faculty of
Educational Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, 2021.
Advisors : 1. Siti Nurul Azkiyah, M.Sc., Ph.D.
2. Atik Yuliyani, S.Pd., M.A. TESOL
Keywords : Classroom management, online learning, EFL teacher, learning
during COVID-19 pandemic

Managing the classroom is a prominent skill that a teacher should master. With all
the limitations due to the COVID-19 pandemic, practical yet effective classroom
management is highly needed to support the teaching and learning process. The
study aims to describe and investigate the implementation of classroom
management during the COVID-19 pandemic by seventh grade EFL teachers at
SMP Al-Fath Cirendeu. Qualitative descriptive was used as the method of the
research. The data was collected through classroom observation, interviews, and
document analysis. The participants of the study were two seventh grade English
teachers and four seventh grade students from SMP Al-Fath Cirendeu. From the
data, it was found that the EFL teachers managed the class by using various
synchronous and asynchronous media. All teaching routines, student-teacher
interaction, assignments, assessment, and evaluation were constructed through
online platforms. Teachers also faced several challenges while managing the online
classroom, but they also prepared strategies to overcome them.


Cita Purnamaning Pertiwi. 11160140000096. “Investigating EFL Teachers’

Classroom Management during COVID-19 Pandemic (A Qualitative
Descriptive Study)”. “Skripsi” of English Education Department, the Faculty of
Educational Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, 2021.
Advisors : 1. Siti Nurul Azkiyah, M.Sc., Ph.D.
2. Atik Yuliyani, S.Pd., M.A. TESOL
Keywords : Manajemen kelas, pembelajaran online, guru Bahasa Inggris,
pembelajaran selama pandemi COVID-19

Mengelola kelas adalah keterampilan utama yang harus dikuasai guru. Dengan
segala keterbatasan yang disebabkan oleh adanya pandemi COVID-19, pengelolaan
kelas yang praktis namun efektif sangat dibutuhkan untuk mendukung proses
belajar mengajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan
menginvestigasi penerapan manajemen kelas pada masa pandemi COVID-19 oleh
guru EFL kelas VII SMP Al-Fath Cirendeu. Deskriptif kualitatif digunakan sebagai
metode penelitian. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi kelas,
wawancara guru dan siswa, serta analisis dokumen. Partisipan penelitian ini adalah
dua guru bahasa Inggris kelas VII dan empat siswa kelas VII SMP Al-Fath
Cirendeu. Dari data tersebut diketahui bahwa guru EFL mengelola kelas dengan
menggunakan berbagai media sinkron dan asinkron. Semua rutinitas pengajaran,
interaksi siswa dan guru, penugasan, penilaian, dan evaluasi dilaksanakan melalui
platform online. Guru menghadapi beberapa tantangan dalam mengelola kelas
selama mengelola kelas daring, namun guru juga telah mempersiapkan strategi
untuk mengatasinya.


All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, the Almighty God, and there
is no God but Allah, who has given the gracious mercy and very great blessing so
the writer can accomplish her skripsi. Peace and salutation may be addressed to the
Prophet Muhammad, Peace be upon him, his family, his companions, and his
This research entitled “Investigating EFL Teachers’ Classroom
Management during COVID-19 Pandemic (A Qualitative Descriptive Study)” is
presented to the Department of English Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences,
State Islam University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta in partial fulfillment the
requirements for the degree of "S.Pd" in English education. Many challenges and
obstacles were encountered by the writer in the process of completing this paper.
Indeed, it could not be resolved without the help and support from many important
people, including lecturers, families, friends, and school institution.
Firstly, the writer would like to express her deepest gratitude to her family,
especially her dearest mother, Mrs. Lia Rohaya for the unconditional love, support,
advice, prays, and encouragement throughout the study to get the best result.
Moreover, the writer would like to express her greatest honor and plenty of gratitude
to the advisors, Mrs. Siti Nurul Azkiyah, M.Sc., Ph.D. and Mrs. Atik Yuliyani,
M.A. TESOL., and the examiners, Mr. Dr. Alek, M.Pd and Drs. Nasifuddin Jalil,
for their time and patience in guiding, giving useful advice, suggestions, powerful
feedback, and supports.
Furthermore, the writer also would like to express her sincere thanks and
appreciation to:
1. Dr. Sururin, M.Ag., the Dean of Faculty of Educational Sciences.
2. Didin Nuruddin Hidayat, Ph.D., the Head of Department of English
3. Zaharil An’asy, M.Hum., the Secretary of the Department of English
4. All lecturers in English Education Department that the writer cannot
mention all the names. Thank you for the knowledge, motivations, advices,

supports during the studies, and also for creating memorable learning
5. Mr. Aos Uswadi, S.Pd., the Headmaster of SMP Al-Fath Cirendeu, who had
given permission to conduct the research.
6. Mrs. Nisa and Mrs. Bella, the English teachers of SMP Al-Fath Cirendeu.
Big thanks to their great supports, guidance, and advice so that the writer
could finish this research.
7. All students of 7B and 7T in academic year 2020/2021 who gave their effort
to be the participants in this research.
8. All of her dearest friends especially Salma, Triana, Classic Class, Diligent
Club, Triplets, and Moba. Thank you for the friendship, time, love, prays,
happiness, motivation, advice, and big support in this research.
9. Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim
Taehyung, and Jeon Jungkook, who had always accompanied and
entertained her during the writing of this research.
10. To everyone, whose name cannot be mentioned, thank you for helping and
giving big contribution in completing this research.
Finally, the writer realizes that this paper is far from perfect. Hopefully, this
research will be useful not only for the writer but also to the readers and further
researchers. Therefore, the writer is very welcome to accept the constructive
feedback, suggestion, and critiques to make this paper better.

Depok, June 30th 2021

Cita Purnamaning Pertiwi


APPROVAL SHEETS ............................................................................................. i

ENDORSEMENT SHEET ..................................................................................... ii
SURAT PERNYATAAN KARYA SENDIRI....................................................... iii
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... iv
ABSTRAK .............................................................................................................. v
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................................... vi
TABLE OF CONTENT ....................................................................................... viii
LIST OF APPENDICES ........................................................................................ ix
LIST OF PICTURES .............................................................................................. x
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................ 1
A. Background of Study ................................................................................... 1
B. Identification of the Problem ....................................................................... 3
C. Research Focus............................................................................................. 4
D. Research Questions ...................................................................................... 4
E. Research Objective....................................................................................... 4
F. Significance of the Study ............................................................................. 4
CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .................................................. 6
A. Research Setting ........................................................................................... 6
B. Research Method and Design ...................................................................... 6
C. Research Participant ..................................................................................... 6
D. Research Instrument ..................................................................................... 7
1. Interview Questions .................................................................................. 7
2. Observation Checklist .............................................................................. 8
3. Document ................................................................................................. 8
E. Data Collection Procedure ........................................................................... 8
CHAPTER V. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ......................................... 10
A. Conclusion ................................................................................................. 10
B. Suggestion .................................................................................................. 10
REFERENCES...................................................................................................... 12
APPENDICES ...................................................................................................... 22


Appendix 1. Teacher’s Interview Questions ......................................................... 23

Appendix 2. Students’ Interview Questions ......................................................... 25
Appendix 3. Classroom Observation Checklists ................................................... 27
Appendix 4. Teachers’ Interview Transcript ........................................................ 30
Appendix 5. Students’ Interview Transcript ......................................................... 59
Appendix 6. Observation Checklists in EFL Online Classroom........................... 66
Appendix 7. Lesson Plan ...................................................................................... 82
Appendix 8. Fotoes Documentation of Online Classroom ................................... 90
Appendix 9. Surat Bimbingan Siti Nurul Azkiyah, M.Sc., Ph.D. ......................... 91
Appendix 10. Surat Bimbingan Atik Yuliyani, S.Pd., M.A. TESOL ................... 92
Appendix 11. Surat Izin Penelitian ....................................................................... 93
Appendix 12. Surat Keterangan Penelitian ........................................................... 94
Appendix 13. Reference Examination Paper ........................................................ 95


Picture 4. 1. Teacher used Pearson Gold Experience (E-book) .. Error! Bookmark

not defined.
Picture 4. 2. Teacher and students had discussion in Zoom Error! Bookmark not
Picture 4. 3. Learning videos.................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.


A. Background of Study
Teaching English is very different in the period before and during COVID-19,
especially teaching English as a foreign language in Indonesia. Since COVID-19’s
first appearance in Indonesia in March 2020, the government has regulated to
temporarily close the schools and other educational institutions. Thus, students and
teachers were not able to come to school and conventional teaching is not possible
to be conducted. Therefore, the Ministry of Education and Culture encouraged the
learning activity to be done at home through online learning or e-learning.
Hartley (2001) as cited in Yuliana (2018) defined e-learning as a form of
teaching and learning activity which enables teaching materials to be delivered to
students via internet, intranet, or other computer network media. From that
definition, it is obvious that e-learning becomes the only solution to maintain the
learning process without violating the health protocol. It also has advantages which
according to Tanveer (2011) as cited in Rahmawati (2016) e-learning makes
students to be autonomous, increases intrinsic motivation to learn, offers numerous
activities, encourages introvert students to communicate more, gains practical study
experience and time management skills, and gives opportunity for teachers to
provide a more student-centered learning.
Before the COVID-19 outbreak, e-learning was only utilized to complement
conventional learning, teachers used to give tasks and sources of material through
e-learning applications, yet at this time it is fully used in the current learning
process. However, during the pandemic of COVID-19, the use of e-learning spread
in all regions in Indonesia. Teacher gives instruction, checks on attendance,
provides learning resources, assesses students’ work and performance, or overall,
manages the classroom through an online platform. The platforms that are usually
used in conducting online learning are Google Classroom, Google Meeting, Skype,
Zoom, WhatsApp group, Edmodo, the school or university’s official e-learning
website, and so on.

Still, the main requirement to enable this method to be conducted is the
availability of the internet to connect teachers and students without having physical
contact. It triggers new problems for students and teachers in Indonesia. Agung,
Surtikanti, & Quinones (2020) found issues that emerged were poor internet
connection, unavailability devices, and low IT literacy level. Many of them have
difficulty in getting internet access, especially those who lived far from big cities.
Nevertheless, the problem is not only the internet, but also smartphones and internet
data. The similar problem was also found in Alchamdani et al. (2020), the internet
connection was unstable and the wasteful data packets. Therefore, e-learning is
considered to cost more, and not everyone can afford it.
Another problem in applying e-learning during COVID-19 has been found
from the study conducted by Sadikin and Hamidah (2020), online learning has
special challenges, the separate location between teacher and students causes
teachers to not be able to directly supervise student activities during the learning
process. There is no guarantee that students listen to teacher’s reviews well. Also,
not a few students had difficulty understanding the material provided online.
Teaching materials are usually delivered in the form of reading that is not easily
understood by students. They assumed that the material was insufficient because
they needed direct explanation by the lecturer. Misinterpretation of the delivered
materials and assignment occurred at times because they had no direct guidance
especially for students who had late access to the scheduled course.
The teacher's role now is very critical because the learning process in the
current situation has changed significantly. The role of teachers as motivators,
innovators, and controllers must be put into action. The provided material and
assignments needs to be more encouraging, the online media used needs to be more
varied and attractive, and the learning environments should offer learning
opportunities and behavioral change, in which pupils are well managed and
motivated for learning. Additionally, teachers need to be able to do evaluation.
After the online learning process is carried out, they must be able to self-reflect the
shortcomings that they had, and attempt to fix problems that arise in students and
during the learning process. Evaluation is aimed to correct the mistakes and find

the solution, so that effective learning can be realized (Sutarto, Sari, &
Fathurrochman, 2020).
Effective learning demands good classroom management. By acquiring the
knowledge, skill, and good attitude in managing a classroom, teachers will easily
create effective learning. It is in line with Alicia (2018) statement that classroom
management is important since it can determine the success of the learning process.
According to Gujjar and Naoreen (2009) classroom management involves planning
curriculum, coordinating activities and resources, setting up the environment to
optimize efficiency, tracking students’ progress, and anticipating potential
Based on the researcher’s pre-research, she had interviewed several students
from one of junior high school, which is SMP Al-Fath Cirendeu, about their
experience in learning English during this pandemic. The respondents mostly
claimed that they enjoyed the learning, could keep up with the material, and did not
face such significant issues. From the result of pre-research, the researcher was
interested to conduct the research to investigate the EFL teachers of the seventh
grade of SMP Al-Fath Cirendeu’s online classroom management during COVID-
19 pandemic, icluding the struggles and how they set the strategies to solve the
problems. Moreover, the researcher also intends to perceive the students’
perception toward EFL teachers’ online classroom management. Therefore, the
researcher conducted research at SMP Al-Fath Cirendeu, and focused the study on
seventh grade English teachers. This title of this research is Investigating EFL
Teachers’ Classroom Management during COVID-19 Pandemic (A
Qualitative Descriptive Study)
B. Identification of the Problem
Based on the background of study, the problems were identified as follows:
1. Indonesian’s government rule to close the school and other educational
institutions led students and teachers to not be able to come to school.
2. Unavailability of learning support tools such as smartphones, internet, and
internet data; students’ difficulties in understanding learning material caused
by a lack of material explanation, visualization, and guidance from teachers;

misunderstanding between students and teacher; and low level of IT literacy
becomes the problem in conducting online learning.
C. Research Focus
Based on the problem above, this research was focused on what seventh grade
EFL teachers of SMP Al-Fath Cirendeu actually experience in managing
classrooms and their perspective related to the classroom management including
the challenges and strategies.
D. Research Questions
The research questions were formulated as follows:
1. How did the EFL teachers of the seventh grade of SMP Al-Fath Cirendeu
implement classroom management during COVID-19 pandemic?
2. What challenges were faced by the EFL teachers of the seventh grade of SMP
Al-Fath Cirendeu in managing classrooms during COVID-19 pandemic?
3. What strategies were employed by the EFL teachers of the seventh grade of
SMP Al-Fath Cirendeu in managing classrooms during COVID-19 pandemic?
E. Research Objective
The followings are the objectives of the research:
1. To know and describe the way of EFL teachers manage their online classroom
at the seventh grade of SMP Al-Fath Cirendeu during COVID-19 pandemic.
2. To reveal the challenges faced by the EFL teachers in managing classrooms at
the seventh grade of SMP Al-Fath Cirendeu during COVID-19 pandemic.
3. To unlock the teachers’ strategy used to manage classrooms at the seventh
grade of SMP Al-Fath Cirendeu during COVID-19 pandemic.
F. Significance of the Study
By doing this research, it was expected to give some significances not only
theoretically but also practically.
1. Theoretical Significance
The findings of this study are expected to contribute some support to the online
classroom management. In other words, it is expected to add and complement
the previous studies related to online classroom management. This study also
expected to be used as reference for other researchers who are going to do
similar research.

2. Practical Significance
Aside from the theoretical objectives, the specific objectives were useful,
particularly for the following individuals.
- Students
This study could present knowledge to learners about the implementation
of classroom management in an EFL setting.
- Teachers
This study could be utilized by the EFL teachers to help them in
constructing and organizing method to manage online classroom. The
teachers could learn from the challenges appeared while managing online
classroom and choose the appropriate strategies which can be applied in
their classroom.
- Institution (Schools)
This study could be utilized by the school to improve quality of the
classroom management in EFL settings and notice the alternative teaching
methods to improve school for educational policy as an institution in a
- Further Researchers
This study could contribute as references for further researchers who are
interested to conduct research related to online classroom management.
The further researcher could compare it with other studies or utilize it as a


A. Research Setting
1. Setting of Place
The research took place in SMP Al-Fath Cirendeu, located at Jalan Cirendeu
Raya No. 24 Kecamatan Ciputat Timur, Tangerang Selatan.
2. Setting of Time
The research was started in February 2021 and ended in March 2021.
B. Research Method and Design
In the present study, the researcher uses a descriptive qualitative method.
According to Creswell (2012), a qualitative research method is applied to
investigate a problem in order to obtain a better understanding of certain
phenomena. In addition, William (2007) as cited in Murtadho (2018) stated that
qualitative research is a method which is used to interpret a participant’s point of
view toward social phenomenon. This method allows the researcher to examine the
data specifically and gains deeper understanding of participants’ perspectives.
The study is conducted to get the broad description of EFL teachers’ classroom
management and students’ perception against their teachers’ classroom
management; therefore, a descriptive method is chosen to support this study. Elliot
(2000) as cited in Nabilah (2020) defines a descriptive method as a study in which
the researcher investigates and reports the data as the way they are as an attempt to
comprehend and describe them. It also describes the phenomenon in the sense of
real life, enables the exploration of individuals and their relations, and relies on
one’s viewpoint (Yin, 2009, as cited in Alicia, 2018). Thus, the study would
describe seventh grade EFL teachers’ at SMP Al-Fath Cirendeu classroom
management in the real-life context through classroom observations and
documents, and also figure out more detailed information to understand teachers
and students’ perception through interview.
C. Research Participant
The subjects of this research are English teachers in the seventh grade of SMP
Al-Fath Cirendeu and some seventh grade students. There are two English teachers

who teach seventh grade and the researcher chose both of them as participants. The
researcher also interviewed several students to see their perception towards the
English teachers’ implementation of classroom management. Since the seventh
grade students were divided into two classes which are 7T and 7B, the researcher
selected two students from each class, so that the total of students who were being
interviewed were four students. The selection was based on researcher’s classroom
observations which were later confirmed by the EFL teachers.
D. Research Instrument
In collecting data, the researcher used interview questions, observation
checklist, and document. Each instrument is explained below.
1. Interview Questions
Miller (2010) as cited in Sibarani (2017) defined interview as a technique of
collecting information which is characterized by the presence of interaction
between the interviewer and the interviewee. Gathering data through
interviews tends to be more personal and provides opportunity to obtain in-
depth information and flexible response (Sliger and Shohamy 1989, as cited in
Setiawan, 2017). The researcher used a personal interview which means it
would interview the teachers and students individually. The interview would
be open-ended or free-response which enable the respondents to provide
unconstrained answers (Kidder and Judd 1986, as cited in Rajasa, 2018).
In interviewing both teachers and students, the researcher could not meet
them directly, so that it was done through video call. It was aimed to gather
specific information about the implementation of online classrooms during the
pandemic, the struggles in using teaching media and monitoring students’
behavior, the strategies to create conducive classrooms and convey the
material, how the teachers encouraged students to use English and kept
students motivated, and so on. Meanwhile the questions for students were about
students’ perception toward online learning during a pandemic, opinion about
online learning based on their experience, behavior they have shown during
online learning, interaction with their English teachers, and input for future
English learning in online classroom. Both interviews were recorded and

2. Observation Checklist
Based on Creswell (2012), observation is the process of collecting open-
ended and first-hand information by observing individuals and places at the
research site. Observation allows the researcher to explore non-elicited
behaviour, such as intonation, interactional behaviour, and etc. which lead into
much more “holistic” view of how language is applied in context and it is easier
for researcher to figure out the relevant information (Wray 1998, as cited in
Rajasa, 2018). The result of observation was recorded in field notes. The
observation was done by joining the seventh grade online classroom in Zoom.
The researcher played role as “nonparticipant observer” which means the
researcher did not participate in the learning process and only paid attention to
the whole class and recorded the necessary information. The observation was
aimed to validate the information from interview and enabled the researcher
understand the real situation of EFL teachers’ classroom management. The
researcher organized the observation checklists based on Creemers and
Kyriakides’ (2008) School Level Factors as cited in Azkiyah (2017).
3. Document
Bowen (2009) as cited in Rajasa (2018) mentioned that document-collection
is a regular method to review or analyze documents, both printed and electronic
(computer-based and internet-transmitted) materials. Type of documents
examined in the study is public records documents, which according to Leary
(2014) also cited in Rajasa (2018) is schools, institutions, or organizations’
certified documents which record current activities both in printed or electronic
form. Teachers’ lesson plans for four meetings were documents that were
collected by the researcher. The collected documents become proof that
teachers have implemented classroom management and the researcher could
also check on the synchronization of teachers’ action in the classroom with the
lesson plan. In addition, the researcher was able to discover more information
through analysing learning material and students’ worksheet.
E. Data Collection Procedure
In the present study, the data which have been collected by the researcher
through interviews, observations, and documents were analyzed by using

techniques of data analysis suggested by Miles, Huberman, and Saldaña (2014).
The data analysis consists of data condensation, data display, and conclusion
drawing and verification. The steps are explained as follow:
1. Data Condensation
Data condensation refers to the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying,
abstracting, and transforming the data which are taken from written-up field
notes, interview transcripts, documents, and etc. The data which was obtained
from interviewing both EFL teachers and several students, observing online
classroom, and analyzing teachers’ lesson plans were being summarized,
sorted, and focused on only necessary information for the study. Determining
the theme and pattern of discussion was done afterward to help the researcher
view a clear picture of discussion. Furthermore, data was displayed for an
2. Data Display
In qualitative research, data are frequently displayed in narrative text, table,
flow chart, graphic, and so on. After being reduced, the data was rearranged
and elaborated systematically. In the present study, the data which have been
summarized and sorted were being organized and arranged in a cohesive
pattern, so that it will be more comprehensible for the reader. The results of
observation, interview, and data analysis were classified and displayed
according to the topic, including the interview transcripts.
3. Conclusion Drawing and Verification
This step involves stepping back to consider what the analyzed data means
and to ensure its implications toward the research question. Then, the
researcher interpreted the collected data of how EFL teachers manage the
online classroom during pandemic then drew the conclusion from there.


A. Conclusion
The changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic are forcing all individuals
from various fields to find ways to adapt, as well as educational institutions. All
educational instruments must take advantage of existing technology due to changes
in learning methods that were originally face-to-face, now changing to online
learning through various synchronous and asynchronous media. This also greatly
influences the way the teacher manages the class. The seventh grade teacher of SMP
Al-Fath Cirendeu uses various platforms to manage their class, which are: Zoom,
WhatsApp, and LMS. Teachers carry out teaching routines, interact with students,
give assignments, assess students’ works, and evaluate learning through these
Still, challenges cannot be avoided, teachers have difficulty dealing with
students' undisciplined behavior towards rules, managing time, and getting student
engagement while teaching online. Students also have difficulty accessing the
classroom due to internet problems and the unavailability of communication tools.
In facing these challenges, teachers create rules and give consequences to students
who violate them. To motivate students to participate in class, teachers do various
ways, namely providing questions to stimulate students, providing fun learning
activities, and giving rewards for students who show positive responses during the
learning process. In addition, to facilitate student learning, the teachers also create
learning videos which students can use as learning materials when they are studying
on their own.
B. Suggestion
To achieve success in implementing online learning during this COVID-19
pandemic, EFL teachers must manage the classroom effectively. Teachers must be
able to position themselves well, know when to be assertive and when to be flexible.
To make the classroom atmosphere to be more interactive, the teacher must be able
to communicate well with students and build good relationship with them. Teachers
must also be up-to-date with technology in order to extend their range so that the

alternative learning media used can be more varied. Students, parents, schools, and
the government must also take part in the success of online learning. Students must
focus on their learning and not be easily distracted, parents must be willing to guide
and facilitate students’ learning at home, schools must improve the quality of their
services and facilitate the teachers, and the government must create online learning
regulations wisely and provide support such as improving internet connections and
free internet access to online learning. If all elements have been synergized, online
learning in Indonesia will be well-developed and the quality of learning will be
improved for future education.


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Appendix 1. Teacher’s Interview Questions

No. Questions
1. What is your opinion about managing online classroom during pandemic?
Including its challenges and opportunity.
(Apa pendapatmu tentang pengelolaan kelas online selama pandemi?
Silahkan disertakan kekurangan dan kelebihannya.)
2. Do you use different strategy to manage class in online classroom which
different with the offline classroom? Is there any innovation?
(Apakah Miss menggunakan strategi mengelola kelas yang berbeda untuk
kelas online dibandingkan dengan kelas offline? Apakah ada inovasi?)
3. How do you prepare teaching material for online classroom?
(Bagaimana cara Anda mempersiapkan materi mengajar untuk kelas
4. How do you make your instruction clear and effective, also avoid
ambiguity in online classroom?
(Bagaimana Miss membuat cara mengajar Miss jelas dan efektif, dan juga
terhindar dari ambiguitas di kelas online?)
5. How do you explain grammar and make it comprehensible in online
(Bagaimana cara Anda menjelaskan materi grammar yang mudah dipahami
siswa di kelas online?)
6. What do you do if students do not understand your explanations?
(Apa yang Anda lakukan jika ada siswa yang belum memahami penjelasan
7. How do you keep students motivated and actively participated in online
(Bagaimana cara Anda membuat siswa terus termotivasi untuk belajar dan
aktif berpartisipasi di kelas online?)
8. How do you monitor your students individually during learning activity in
online classroom?

(Bagaimana cara Anda memonitor siswa secara individual selama kegiatan
belajar di kelas online?)
9. What are the rules that you set in online classroom?
(Apa saja peraturan yang Anda tetapkan di kelas online?)
10. What kind of violations that students did during online classroom? How do
you deal with their misbehavior?
(Pelanggaran apa saja yang siswa lakukan? Dan bagaimana cara Anda
11. How do you give feedback in online classroom?
(Bagaimana cara Anda memberi feedback?)
12. What kind of assignments that you usually give to the students while online
(Apa saja jenis tugas yang Anda berikan ke murid selama mengajar kelas
13. How do you conduct evaluation in online classroom? Either learning
evaluation or teaching evaluation.
(Bagaimana cara Anda melakukan evaluasi? Baik evaluasi hasil belajar
siswa maupun evaluasi mengajar.)
14. How do you keep up good communication with students and parents?
(Bagaimana cara Anda mempertahankan komunikasi yang baik dengan
siswa dan orang tua murid?)
15. What do you expect for future online teaching?
(Apa yang Anda harapkan untuk pengajaran online kedepannya?)

Appendix 2. Students’ Interview Questions

No. Questions
1. What do you think about learning English in online classroom during
pandemic? Including its benefits and shortcomings.
(Apa pendapat kamu tentang belajar Bahasa Inggris selama masa pandemi?
Sertakan kekurangan dan kelebihannya.)
2. Do you face any difficulties in the use of learning tools? Do the teachers
help you to solve the problem?
(Apakah kamu memiliki kesulitan dalam menggunakan media belajar?
Apakah gurumu membantumu dalam menghadapi kesulitan itu?)
3. What are the rules that your English teacher had set during online class?
(Apa peraturan yang guru Bahasa Inggris tetapkan di kelas online?)
4. Have you ever violated your English teacher’s rules? What did the teachers
do to you?
(Apakah kamu pernah melanggar peraturan tersebut? Apa yang kamu
5. Is your teacher’s explanation clear?
(Apakah penjelasan materi dari gurumu sudah jelas?)
6. Are you able to catch up with the material and English teacher’s
explanation during online classroom?
(Apakah kamu mampu mengikuti materi dan penjelasan guru Bahasa
Inggris selama kelas online?)
7. What do you do if you do not understand the material? Did your English
teacher help you?
(Apa yang kamu lakukan jika kamu tidak memahami materi Bahasa
Inggris? Apakah guru Bahasa Inggris membantumu?)
8. Do you think the English teacher pay attention to you? Do they give you
(Apakah menurutmu guru Bahasa Inggris memperhatikanmu? Bagaimana
respon yang biasa dia berikan?)

9. How do you communicate with your English teacher? Do you have a good
relationship with them?
(Bagaimana cara kamu berkomunikasi dengan guru Bahasa Inggris?
Apakah kamu memiliki hubungan yang baik dengannya?)
10. Do you have any suggestions for future English learning in online
(Apakah kamu ada saran untuk pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di kelas

Appendix 3. Classroom Observation Checklists


Adopted from Creemers & Kyriakides’ (2008) School Level Factors as cited in
Azkiyah (2017)
No Factors Comments
Yes No
1. Teacher states the purpose of study
Teacher makes sure the students
recognize the purpose of learning activity
Teacher gives brief review of the
previous material
4. Teacher checks on students’ homework
Teacher delivers the material according
to the topic
Teacher builds transitions from
6. delivering material to another learning
Teacher asks for students’ attention
during material delivery

8. Teacher provides questions

Teacher raises different types of


10. Teacher gives students time to answer

11. Teacher stimulates students to answer

12. Teacher responds to students’ answer

13. Teacher stimulates students to ask

14. Teacher responds to students’ questions

15. Teacher responds to students’ request
Teaching Modelling
Teacher and students use problem
solving strategy
17. Teacher determines grouping activity
18. Students are kept on-task
Teacher uses additional media to provide
learning activity
The Classroom as a Learning Environment
20. Teacher keeps the classroom conducive
Teacher interacts with students
Teacher makes sure the students obey
classroom’s rules
Teacher handles students’ undisciplined
Teacher and students show respect to
each other
Management of Time
Teacher maximizes the learning time to
engage students to the learning activity
Teacher uses appropriate assignment to
examine students’ knowledge and skills

Teacher assess students’ individual and
group works
Teacher provides opportunity for
students who have low score

Appendix 4. Teachers’ Interview Transcript

(Interview with the seventh grade English teacher of SMP Al-Fath Cirendeu)

Interviewee : Teacher 1 (the seventh grade English teacher of SMP Al-Fath

Interviewer : Cita Purnamaning Pertiwi (the writer)

Date : February 22nd, 2021

No. Questions and Answers

1. What is your opinion about managing online classroom during pandemic?
Including its challenges and opportunity.
(Apa pendapat Miss tentang pengelolaan kelas online selama pandemi?
Boleh disertakan kekurangan dan kelebihannya.)

Okay, so during this online learning Al-Fath school uses Learning

Management System combined with Zoom meeting. The formation is 40
minutes online, 40 minutes studying independently. So we are using
Pearson's book, the Gold Experience edition, which is very helpful for
learning English during this pandemic, because everything is integrated
from the lesson plan, how many management timings are, how many
minutes do this exercise, and so on, so it really helps. After we finished the
40 minutes Zoom Meeting, we are intensely communicating with the
students through WhatsApp group or personal chat for those who have
questions while working on a workbook, outside of Zoom hours.
The biggest and most noticeable obstacle is how to make students active
during the Zoom meeting. Stimulating them to be interactive,
communicative, which is the most challenging because it takes a process,
especially when 7th graders just got to know them directly at the Zoom
Meeting, they have never met face to face at all so they feel strange. But

over time because we require the camera to be on, if the camera is off it is
considered absent, so the school rules are like that, so it is really helpful,
I’ll ask “where's your face?” “Show me your face”, so it can be more
communicative there even though it is wasting time, honestly, but it is okay
to keep in touch with the students better like that.
The advantages are, it is good that time is more efficient, one. Secondly,
while multitasking, children can also look for other sources, can look up
the dictionary, ask questions here and there, maybe that is it from students’
(Oke, jadi selama online learning ini kan sekolah Al-Fath memakai
Learning Management System kombinasi dengan Zoom Meeting ya.
Formasinya sih 40 menit online, 40 menit belajar mandiri gitu. Jadi kita
memakai buku Pearson itu ya yang edisi Gold Experience sangat
membantu banget untuk pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di masa pandemi ini,
karena disitu semua udah integrated dari lesson plan-nya, terus
management timing-nya berapa, ngerjain exercise ini berapa menit, dan
sebagainya gitu, jadi sangat terbantu. Terus untuk komunikasinya, setelah
selesai di Zoom Meeting 40 menit, kita intens sama anak-anak tuh di
WhatsApp grup, baik grup ataupun japri (jalur pribadi). Yang punya
pertanyaan saat sedang pengerjaan workbook, di luar jam Zoom.
Kendalanya yang paling besar dan terasa adalah memang cara
mengaktifkan anak-anak ketika lagi Zoom Meeting sih. Memancing
mereka untuk bisa interaktif, komunikatif, itu yang paling menantang
karena butuh proses ya apalagi kelas 7 kan baru kenal langsung masuk ke
Zoom Meeting, belum pernah sama sekali kenalan tatap muka jadi ngerasa
asingnya tuh berasa gitu. Tapi lama kelamaan karena kita mewajibkan
kamera on, dimana kalau kamera off itu dianggap alfa (absen), jadi
peraturan sekolahnya seperti itu, jadi ngebantu banget tuh, “mana
mukanya?” “tunjukkin mukanya”, jadi bisa lebih komunikatifnya di situ
sih walaupun itu wasting time, jujur, itu satu, tapi ga papa lah demi bisa
keep in touch sama anak-anak lebih baik seperti itu.

Kelebihannya, enak sih waktu lebih efisien, satu. Kedua, bisa sambil
multitasking, anak-anak juga bisa sambil mencari sumber lain, bisa buka-
buka kamus, bisa nanya sana-sini, gitu ya dari segi siswa mungkin.)
2. Do you use different strategy to manage class in online classroom which
different with the offline classroom? Is there any innovation?
(Apakah Miss menggunakan strategi mengelola kelas yang berbeda untuk
kelas online dibandingkan dengan kelas offline? Apakah ada inovasi?)

Actually, long before the arrival of this pandemic, Al-Fath already had
Learning Management System, so we have been used to blended learning,
there are offline and online. Being said as innovation, yeah, before the
pandemic we had innovated for Al-Fath itself in terms of online learning,
because they already had their own usernames and passwords for the
students when they entered Al-Fath, they had their own online classes, it is
at LMS Al-Fath. Then what is the innovation? Yes, all EL teachers, most
of them have their own Quizzes, make their own quiz questions from
Quizzes, we make it ourselves. Then the fun thing is if I give a project in
the form of Zoom meeting that is being recorded, it is an innovation that
we just got, so the students will let out more their expressions, the speaking
is also cool when they get a project for speaking dialogue in group then
being recorded in Zoom, I really feel the benefits of Zoom Meeting.
Compared to offline, they feel embarrassed in front of the class, sometimes
in front of friends and so on.
(Sebetulnya, jauh sebelum datangnya pandemi ini di Al-Fath memang
sudah punya Learning Management System, jadi kita udah terbiasa blended
learning ya, ada offline dan online. Dikatakan inovasi, ya kita sebelum
pandemi memang sudah berinovasi untuk Al-Fath sendiri dari segi online
learning-nya, karena sudah punya username dan password untuk anak-
anak sendiri ketika masuk sebagai murid Al-Fath, mereka punya kelas
online-nya masing-masing itu di LMS Al-Fath. Kemudian inovasinya apa?
Ya semua guru EL ya, rata-rata punya Quizzes sendiri sih, bikin sendiri
soal kuis gitu dari Quizzes, itu yang bikin kita sendiri. Terus yang serunya

memang kalau ngasih project yang bentuknya Zoom Meeting terus di
record, itu inovasi yang kita baru banget dapetin sih itu, jadi lebih keluar
anak-anak untuk ekspresinya, speaking-nya juga keren-keren ketika dapet
project untuk speaking dialogue yang berdua terus di Zoom recording, itu
sih bagus-bagus banget untuk di online ini, ngerasain banget manfaat dari
Zoom Meeting. Dibanding dengan offline, itu kan malu-malu ya di depan
kelas, terus kadang di depan temen-temennya dan sebagainya.)
3. How do you prepare teaching material for online classroom?
(Bagaimana cara Anda mempersiapkan materi mengajar untuk kelas

Because we are using Pearson’s Gold Experience Book, all materials have
been integrated there from 4 skills, then the management exercise, the
lesson plan, what’s next, what exercise will be discussed, there is also video
there, listening audio, so the book is complete, so we are no longer
preparing unnecessary things because everything we need is already there.
But we can insert fun things outside of the book, for example is games, like
guessing games, or just guessing words, or even just making sentences in
the Zoom’s chat box. But to prepare the material itself, we only open the
book from the Gold Experience, we also have an application for teachers,
there is already a guide, so that is all we prepare for teaching, so it is ready
when we share the screen we have known the steps and what exercise we’ll
give to them, Alhamdulillah.
(Karena kita pake seri Gold Experience Book punya Pearson, disitu semua
udah integrated dari 4 skill, kemudian management exercise-nya, lesson
plan-nya, setelah ini kemana, setelah exercise ini apa yang dikupas, ada
video disitu, ada listening audio-nya, jadi udah paket lengkap, sehingga
sudah tidak lagi mempersiapkan hal-hal yang unnecessary ya, jadi semua
kepentingannya udah disitu. Tapi kita bisa menyisipkan hal-hal yang fun di
luar buku itu, contohnya ada games, misalkan kita guessing game, atau
cuma tebak kata, atau pun sekedar bikin kalimat di chat Zoom, kayak gitu
modif-modifikasinya. Tapi untuk menyiapkan materinya sendiri itu hanya

membuka buku dari Gold Experience-nya, kita juga punya aplikasinya
khusus teacher, sudah ada guide-nya, jadi hanya itu aja yang kita
persiapkan di h-mengajar, jadi udah siap ketika kita share screen udah step-
nya setelah ini apa, abis ini exercise-nya apa, gitu sih sudah Alhamdulillah
banget dimudahkan.)
4. How do you make your instruction clear and effective, also avoid
ambiguity in online classroom?
(Bagaimana Miss membuat cara mengajar Miss jelas dan efektif, dan juga
terhindar dari ambiguitas di kelas online?)

Certainly, we have to make sure if it is not clear, right, we have to ask the
students for the confirmation, “is it clear?” “Do you understand?” “any
questions or not? Because we want to close the Zoom meeting”. If in the
Zoom meeting they are too shy to ask, we can chat privately on WhatsApp,
there are many ways. So far there has never been any ambiguity, because
for one thing, both teachers and students’ learning resources are the same
which is from the Pearson book, so there will be no multiple interpretations
of things outside of that. Since we keep on track, In Sha Allah it is safe,
nothing is ambiguous. Unless they do not understand the instructions, the
teacher has to put more effort to approach them personally on WhatsApp,
so that is usual case in grade 7.
(Jadi yang pasti sih kita harus make sure kalau tidak jelas gitu kan, kita
harus tanya ke siswa, confirmation gitu ya, “is it clear?” “do you
understand?” terus make sure lagi, “ada pertanyaan tidak? Karena kita mau
close Zoom meeting-nya”. Atau misalkan dia Zoom Meeting malu
bertanya, silahkan japri, atau chat pribadi ke Whatsapp bisa, pas Zoom
Meeting juga bisa, jadi banyak cara. Dan sejauh ini tidak pernah sih ada
ambiguitas, karena satu, sumber belajar mereka dan guru sama dari buku
yang Pearson tadi, jadi ga aka nada hal-hal di luar itu yang bercabang atau
multitafsir ya. Jadi karena kita punya track-nya jadi In Syaa Allah aman
tidak ada yang ambigu. Kecuali kalau mereka emang ga paham

instruksinya baru itu yang harus guru effort lebih untuk personal
WhatsApp-an ya biasanya gitu sih kalo kelas 7.)
5. How do you explain grammar and make it comprehensible in online
(Bagaimana cara Anda menjelaskan materi grammar yang mudah dipahami
siswa di kelas online?)

Once again you need to know, so at Al-Fath grammar is not a priority at all
in learning English, we prioritize communicative skills more, then we also
highlight the integrated skills. Grammar is important, but it is not in the
spotlight, you know, they just need to know “oh in this unit we learn about
the present continuous, the characteristics of the present continuous are
that there is to be and –ing” from what is in the unit we discuss it, the
sentence, the dialogue, and the reading passage. From reading passages, we
usually highlight or use annotation, so we can colorize the examples that
use the present continuous, there is to be and -ing, in each unit there is a
focus grammar box, this helps students to be able to distinguish the
difference between the previous tenses or what grammar is discussed in this
unit. But once again we do not emphasize the grammar, so they just need
to know, and they can use it properly. The method was, while we were
sharing the screen, they knew like to be plus –ing, “oh it means present
continuous”, no need to memorize tenses like we used to, patterns, verb
plus -ing we have abandoned it for a long time. The main thing is students
can produce in written, spoken, and know the grammar rules, that is
enough. So the method is from giving examples, students do the reasoning
themselves, exploring themselves, then at the end we can tell “oh that was
the material for the tenses, this is the structure” just like that. But not
focused on theory, we are more focused on the process of children
gathering information, gaining new knowledge.
(Sekali lagi kita perlu diketahui, jadi di Al-Fath itu grammar itu sama sekali
bukan hal yang menjadi prioritas dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, kita
lebih mengedepankan communicative ya, kemudian juga integrated skills-

nya juga kita highlight gitu ya. Grammar memang penting, tapi tidak
menjadi sorotan gitu lho, mereka hanya cukup tau aja “oh di unit ini kita
belajar tentang present continuous, present continuous itu ciri-cirinya
adalah ada to be ada –ing gitu ya” melalui apa yang ada di unit itu kita
kupas, kalimatnya, dari dialogue-nya, dari reading passage-nya. Kita
biasanya caranya gimana dari reading passage itu banyak yang kita
highlight atau pake annotation gitu ya kita warna-warniin nih contoh yang
pakai present continuous, ada to be sama –ing, di setiap unit itu kan ada
fokus grammar box ya, grammar explore namanya nah itu yang membantu
anak-anak untuk bisa membedakan perbedaannya dengan tenses yang
sebelumnya atau apa sih yang dibahas grammar-nya di unit ini. Tapi sekali
lagi bukan menjadi penekanan, jadi hanya untuk sekedar tau aja, dan ketika
mereka memakai bisa gitu dan benar. Caranya itu tadi, sambil kita share
screen mereka tau kayak tadi ya to be plus –ing, “oh it means present
continuous” gitu, ga usah tuh hafal-hafal tenses kayak jaman kita dulu ya
pattern, verb plus –ing plus apa gitu udah sudah kita tinggalkan lama. Yang
jelas anak bisa secara written, spoken, kaidah grammar-nya ok, cukup
disitu. Jadi metodenya betul-betul dari contoh-contoh, dari anak-anak
menalar sendiri, mengeksplor sendiri, maka di akhir bisa kita beritahu “oh
yang tadi itu adalah ini loh materi tenses-nya, grammar-nya ini loh
structure-nya” gitu aja, tapi tidak fokus pada teori. Kita lebih fokus
terhadap proses anak-anak menggali informasi, mendapatkan ilmu baru.)
6. What do you do if students do not understand your explanations?
(Apa yang Anda lakukan jika ada siswa yang belum memahami penjelasan

Those who do not understand are hard to ask more intensely to the teacher
because of the limitation, even using video call is still hard, and they still
do not understand, so the most effective way is to give them example. So
far the children who are having difficulties, for example, "What does this
exercise mean, miss?" we immediately give them the example, then they
easily understand.

(Yang ga ngerti sulit untuk bertanya lebih intens ke gurunya karena susah
juga, mau pake video call agak susah, tetep aja ga ngerti, jadi cara paling
efektif adalah dengan memberikan contoh. Sejauh ini anak-anak-anak yang
kesulitan, misalnya, “Miss exercise ini maksudnya apa sih?” kita langsung
kasih ke example-nya, langsung ngerti.)
7. How do you keep students motivated and actively participated in online
(Bagaimana cara Anda membuat siswa terus termotivasi untuk belajar dan
aktif berpartisipasi di kelas online?)

There are plus points for students who participate actively, and all the
teachers each have a recap of today who spoke up without being asked, like
raising hand, then answering quizzes without having to be called first, it
also triggers other students who are high competitive, they’ll be lucky to
be able to get reward points. Those who don not, we do not have any choice
other than forcing them, like we have to say their name, for example “Gaza,
please read and answer. If you cannot answer, Miss will help you, your
friends will help you” that way, it can raise his self-confidence so that he
can speak out at Zoom meeting because that is the most difficult thing.
There is no need to be right or wrong, the important thing is that the
students want to speak or listen the instructions the teacher has ordered.
The motivation is that by saying their names one by one, it has to be like
that, if not, the student who is inactive or does not make any sound at all
will be silent while at the Zoom meeting. So the teacher must be very clever
to plot which students have participated, which ones are still passive, they
must be called and directed to answer questions. Also, in every meeting I
always have top 3 students in each meeting who are always active, fast, and
providing a good response. So they get stars, which can be used as an
additional score or a bonus for their exam in PTS or PAS, so if the PTS
score is not quite good they still have the daily points.
(Ada sistem plus points ya untuk siswa yang berpartisipasi aktif, dan semua
guru masing-masing memiliki rekapan hari ini siapa yang speak up tanpa

disuruh ya kayak raise hand, kemudian menjawab kuis tanpa disebut nama
itu memicu juga untuk anak-anak yang jiwa kompetitifnya tinggi ya
beruntung untuk bisa mendapatkan reward points. Yang tidak, dengan
sangat terpaksa ya memang kita harus cemplungin ya, kayak harus sebut
nama gitu, misalkan “Gaza, please read and answer. If you cannot answer,
Miss will help you, your friends will help you” gitu, jadi membangkitkan
rasa percaya dirinya aja dulu untuk dia bisa bersuara di Zoom Meeting
karena itu yang paling susah. Ga perlu bener salahnya yang penting anak-
anak mau mengutarakan atau mendengar instruksi yang guru suruh.
Motivasinya sih ya dengan menyebut nama satu-persatu harus seperti itu,
kalo engga ya emang anak yang tidak aktif atau sama sekali ga bersuara
akan diam selama berada di Zoom Meeting. Jadi guru harus pandai-pandai
untuk ngeplot mana nih anak yang sudah partisipasi, mana nih yang masih
pasif maka harus di mention dan di arahkan untuk bisa menjawab
pertanyaan. Juga, setiap pertemuan kalo aku selalu punya top 3 siswa setiap
pertemuan yang selalu aktif, cepet, responnya bagus. Jadi mereka punya
stars lah, nah itu bisa dijadikan nilai tambahan atau bonus ketika nanti ujian
di PTS atau PAS, jadi kalau nilai PTS-nya ga terlalu bagus mereka punya
point-point di hariannya itu.)
8. How do you monitor your students individually during learning activity in
online classroom?
(Bagaimana cara Anda memonitor siswa secara individual selama kegiatan
belajar di kelas online?)

We have WhatsApp group, for grade 7, they have group with teachers from
all subjects. Well, coincidentally everyone also knows that in Al-Fath the
rules for any lesson, they must contact directly with the teacher who
teaches. So the monitoring method is easy, first we check the students’
assignments viia LMS, so from there it can be seen who are the ones who
still owe their duties, who does not work on it at all, who is diligent. From
there, of course, we will forward it to the students, plus report it to the
homeroom teacher, so there is two-way communication. So usually the

students immediately contact the teacher personally and try to complete
what is lacking. Mostly on WhatsApp, though. The most difficult is
collecting assignments, so you need help of the homeroom teacher.
(Punya grup WhatsApp khusus ya, kayak kelas 7 kan punya sama guru
mapel. Nah, kebetulan semua juga sudah tau kalo di Al-Fath peraturannya
untuk pelajaran apapun harus berhubungan langsung dengan guru yang
mengajar. Jadi cara monitornya mudah, pertama kita ngecek tugas anak-
anak ‘kan via LMS ya, nah dari situ kan keliatan mereka yang masih hutang
tugas siapa, yang gak ngerjain sama sekali siapa, yang rajin siapa. Dari situ
pastinya kita akan mem-forward ke anaknya langsung ditambah lapor ke
wali kelas, jadi ada dua arah. Nah biasanya anak-anak langsung japri dan
coba melengkapi apa yang kurang gitu. Lebih banyak WhatsApp sih.
Paling agak sulitnya menagih tugas, jadi harus butuh bantuan wali kelas.)
9. What are the rules that you set in online classroom?
(Apa saja peraturan yang Anda tetapkan di kelas online?)

For the general rules, on camera is a must, if not, they will be taken as
absent while in Zoom meeting, so they are present but considered absent
especially those who do not make any sound. But indeed the teacher must
remind again to be on cam at the beginning, that is one, so without camera
on means he is not present at Zoom, unless they have given the excuse, the
network is not good, or the cell phone camera is damaged, the laptop is
damaged. Then, secondly, in English class you know like 99% speak
English, that is what we expect. So it really eliminates the use of Indonesian
language, we keep trying for that, still in process, but so far it has started to
run around 90% full English. Then the plus points and minus points are for
those who do not answer, do not make a sound, do not participate, keep
going, and the points will be accumulated later so that they can be added to
the PTS or PAS scores. The general rules and all the lessons are the same.
(Kalau peraturan secara general ya, on camera wajib, kalo ga on camera
dianggap alfa (absen) selama Zoom Meeting, jadi dia hadir tapi dianggap
ga ada, terutama yang ga bersuara sama sekali. Tapi memang guru harus di

awal mengingatkan kembali untuk on cam, itu satu, jadi without camera on
artinya dia tidak hadir di Zoom gitu, kecuali dia memang udah permisi,
jaringan ga bagus, atau kamera hpnya rusak, laptopnya rusak. Kemudian,
kedua, in English class you know like 99% berbahasa Inggris gitu,
expected-nya kayak gitu. Jadi sangat mengeliminasi berbahasa Indonesia,
mencoba seperti itu, in process, tapi so far sudah mulai berjalan sih sekitar
90% Bahasa Inggris full. Kemudian tadi poin plus dan minus bagi yang
tidak menjawab, tidak bersuara, tidak berpartisipasi, terus berjalan, dan
poin itu akan terakumulasi nanti untuk bisa ditambahkan ke nilai PTS atau
PAS kalau ada ujian. Peraturan secara general dan semua pelajaran sama
10. What kind of violations that students did during online classroom? How do
you deal with their misbehavior?
(Pelanggaran apa saja yang siswa lakukan? Dan bagaimana cara Anda

For grade 7 the violation that they did the most while online learning was
off camera, that was the only obstacle. How to solve it, we sent direct
message in Zoom, there is option to ‘ask video’, usually if we have asked
video they will directly turn it on or if there is ‘turn on video later’ it means
they rejected it, I usually say “ok you will be considered absent”, by doing
that they will realize themselves to never violate the rule ever again.
(Untuk grade 7 pelanggaran yang paling sering dilakukan ketika online
learning ya off camera, itu saja yang menjadi kendala kita. Bagaimana cara
menanggulanginya, kita direct message di Zoom terus kan ada menu ‘ask
video’ ya, biasanya kalo kita sudah ask video biasanya langsung di on-in
atau ada tulisan ‘turn on video later’ nah kalo dia me-reject gitu ya,
biasanya langsung saya bilang “ok kamu alfa ya” gitu, biasanya dengan
seperti anak-anak juga akan sadar diri untuk tidak melanggar lagi
11. How do you give feedback in online classroom?
(Bagaimana cara Anda memberi feedback?)

Surely in each meeting at the end we try to give light feedback, like
appreciation, what did you learn that day, “any questions?” “Is there any
difficulties? Please chat miss on WhatsApp, we will communicate later”,
then “open the LMS” like that, lightly, the important thing is there is two-
way communication between teachers and students.
(Pasti setiap pertemuan at the end mencoba untuk memberikan feedback-
feedback ringan lah ya, kayak mengapresiasi, hari itu belajar apa, “any
questions?” “yang sulit apa? Silahkan japri miss ya WhatsApp, nanti kita
komunikasi”, terus “buka LMS nya” seperti itu aja sih ringan-ringan yang
penting ada komunikasi dua arah antara guru dan siswa.)
12. What kind of assignments that you usually give to the students while online
(Apa saja jenis tugas yang Anda berikan ke murid selama mengajar kelas

The task is based on speaking project, Zoom recording, the students

continue to record in dialogue with both of them or one of them, or a
monologue can also be done. There must be a video form, then the digital
poster form is for writing, then free writing is still being worked on, usually
for projects in the final exam when writing is like descriptive text. But for
daily work we maximize existing workbooks. So other than the workbook
exercise in the book, the addition is video speaking project, or making a
digital poster, or monologue presentation.
(Tugas itu base-nya ada speaking project, Zoom recording, anak-anak nge-
record terus disitu dialogue yang berdua ya, salah satunya atau monolog
juga bisa. Bentuk video pasti ada, kemudian bentuk digital poster itu ada
untuk writing, kemudian free writing masih digarap biasanya untuk project
di ujian akhir kalau menulis kayak descriptive text. Tapi untuk harian kita
memaksimalkan buku workbook yang sudah ada. Jadi tugasnya selain
workbook exercise yang ada di buku, tambahannya adalah video speaking
project, atau membuat digital poster, atau monologue presentation.)

13. How do you conduct evaluation in online classroom? Either learning
evaluation or teaching evaluation.
(Bagaimana cara Anda melakukan evaluasi? Baik evaluasi hasil belajar
siswa maupun evaluasi mengajar.)

Evaluation is usually done directly in the LMS, yes, the score in the
workbook we usually use A B C, A+ or A or B+ depending on how many
mistakes are on one page. The feedback was directly on the LMS, so the
children opened it up right away. There are a lot of kids who do not open
again after submitting, that is okay, because the assessment was made for
the teacher. So the evaluation is usually after ‘unit review’ or formative, so
we immediately give feedback to those who are under KKM (Minimum
Learning Mastery Standard), those who already passed that usually do not
need one by one. Those who specifically need help are like “oh they answer
incorrectly almost all questions in one page,” so we immediately contact
them. Usually we help them if they really enable to do it, the parents ask
for extra class, some are studying via personal chat, some are asking for
another Zoom meeting, kind of a remedial.
(Evaluasi biasanya kita langsung di LMS ya, nilai kalau di workbook itu
biasanya kan kita pake A B C ya, A+ atau A biasa atau B+ tergantung
salahnya berapa dalam satu halaman. Itu langsung feedback-nya ada di
LMS, jadi anak-anak langsung ngebuka. Emang banyak sih anak-anak
yang ga ngebuka lagi setelah submit ya itu gapapa, karena kan penilaian itu
buat guru assessment-nya. Jadi evaluasinya biasanya setelah review unit
atau formatif, ya kita langsung berikan feedback bagi yang di bawah KKM,
kalau yang sudah di atas biasanya ga perlu one by one gitu. Yang khusus
butuh bantuan kayak “aduh ini dalam satu halaman dia salahnya hampir
semua” nah itu langsung kita hubungi. Biasanya itu kita bantu kalo yang
bener-bener ga bisa, orang tuanya minta extra class ada yang belajar via
japri lagi ada juga yang minta Zoom lagi, gitu sih semacam remedial.)
14. How do you keep up good communication with students and parents?

(Bagaimana cara Anda mempertahankan komunikasi yang baik dengan
siswa dan orang tua murid?)

Students who need extra drill must communicate via the homeroom
teacher. The subject teacher cannot go directly to their parents, but through
the homeroom teacher first. But the homeroom teacher can immediately
execute via the students, for example if A really cannot, then I have to go
straight to him, I can call, I can also WhatsApp, then he responds, then he
takes a photo of his difficulties. There must be communication and so far
it has been successful, we can do it, so we can Zoom meeting, can use
WhatsaApp video call or voice note and chat, WhatsApp is very helpful.
(Kayak gitu tadi, bagi siswa-siswa yang butuh drill ekstra harus
komunikasi via wali kelas. Guru mapel tidak bisa langsung ke orang
tuanya, tapi melalui wali kelas dulu. Tapi guru kelas bisa langsung eksekusi
via anaknya, misalkan A bener-bener ga bisa nih, maka saya harus
langsung japri ke dia, bisa saya telfon, bisa juga saya WhatsApp, entar dia
respon, terus dia foto kesulitannya dimana. Itu pasti ada komunikasi dan
sejauh ini berhasil sih, bisa kita lakukan, jadi bisa Zoom Meeting, bisa
pakai WhatsaApp video call atau voice note dan japri by chat, WhatsApp
sangat membantu.)
15. What do you expect for future online teaching?
(Apa yang Anda harapkan untuk pengajaran online kedepannya?)

What I expect is that it I must continue to be updated about technology,

then must also be innovative, not monotonous because students can get
bored easily. It is just too bad for them to just be like this again so it has to
be varied, the teacher also has lots of fun games, then apart from the book,
how to work around it every now and then by playing videos or songs or
quizzes, just like that. Or games that take about 2-3 minutes to just for ice
breaking. That is all, to be innovative and up-to-date with technology,
information, and many applications. The teacher has to learn much to make
the learning not monotonous and more varied, the important thing is that

you have to be creative and also be able to manage the class well. I hope to
not making students bored, can be comfortable while learning.
(Yang diharapkan memang harus terus update ya secara teknologi,
kemudian juga harus inovatif, ga boleh monoton karena anak-anak mudah
bosenan. Kasian juga mereka cuman begini lagi begini lagi gitu jadi harus
variatif ya, gurunya juga harus banyak game-game yang fun, terus selain
dari buku tadi cara mensiasatinya ya sekali-kali selingan dengan puter
video atau lagu atau kuis, gitu aja sih dadakan. Atau games-games yang
sekitar 2-3 menit selesai hanya untuk ice breaking. Itu aja harus inovatif
dan up-to-date terus sama teknologi, informasi, dan banyak aplikasi.
Emang harus belajar sih gurunya supaya ga monoton dan lebih variatif,
yang penting memang harus kreatif dan juga bisa me-manage kelas dengan
baik. Harapannya supaya anak-anak ga boring, bisa nyaman gitu

(Interview with the seventh grade English teacher of SMP Al-Fath Cirendeu)

Interviewee : Teacher 2 (the seventh grade English teacher of SMP Al-Fath

Interviewer : Cita Purnamaning Pertiwi (the writer)

Date : February 12th, 2021

No. Questions and Answers
1. What is your opinion about managing online classroom during pandemic?
Including its challenges and opportunity.
(Apa pendapat Miss tentang pengelolaan kelas online selama pandemi?
Boleh disertakan kekurangan dan kelebihannya.)

How to manage class? Since beginning we just followed school’s policy.

In the early days of pandemic, the school policy was to remain face-to-face
learning method without reducing the effectiveness as we used to have in
regular learning. We are not just giving students assignments, there is also
a little explanation of the material, chatting, so the students are not only
doing the assignments, even we still give them afterwards, though. In
pandemic like this, students have more free time so that they can use it to
do the tasks. Other than that, we use Zoom for meeting and LMS (Learning
Management System). We used to use Google Classroom, but since Al-
Fath also has its own website, we use it to upload assignments and provide
material for all grades through it. We also use WhatsApp group, so the
WhatsApp group is more active for chatting and if there are students who
want to ask, they can ask directly there. We also have WhatsApp group that
consists of students and teachers from all subjects, there is also WhatsApp
group with the homeroom teacher.
The pluses and minuses must be a lot. The pluses are many, the minuses
are also many. As for the plus, this affects not only the school and students,
but also to teacher, personally. On the plus side, it is more personal because
we have a lot of free time at home, so because we are more at home, there
is more thing we can do, like teaching and doing other things too. For
students, they should be grateful that they can still learn even in these
conditions through online classes.
Usually, we already know the level of difficulty, whether it is from the
environment or the classroom atmosphere. In online, it is really limited, if
we want them to talk we have to say, “Okay, unmute!” while in the offline
class there are students who are like chatting, unfocused¸ or all kinds of

things, we can ask them to be quiet and focus again. Now, we do not know,
because we cannot see what they really do behind the screen, we do not
know what they are doing.
(Cara mengelola kelas? Jadi kalau cara sih ya, dari awal itu kita ‘kan
ngikutin kebijakan sekolah. Waktu di awal-awal pandemi kebijakannya
ingin tetap ada tatap muka tapi juga tidak mengurangi efektivitas seperti
kita ketemu di sekolah. Jadi maksudnya adalah engga cuma sekedar ngasih
tugas gitu ya, pokoknya tetep kayak di sekolah lah. Ada sedikit penjabaran,
ngobrol, jadi engga melulu tugas walaupun memang setelah itu mereka ada
tugasnya. Lagi pandemi gini ‘kan mereka lebih banyak waktu luang jadi
dimanfaatkan untuk mengerjakan tugas. Selain itu, karena ada lebih banyak
free time, jadi kita pakai cara meeting lewat Zoom sama ada website
Learning Management System LMS). Tadinya kita pake Google
Classroom, tapi karena Al-Fath juga punya websitenya sendiri, jadi kita
pake itu untuk upload tugas dan pemberian materi dari semua jenjang lewat
situ. Dan juga kita pake WhatsApp grup, jadi lebih aktif di WhatsApp
grupnya, ngobrol dan kalau ada anak yang mau tanya langsung disitu. Jadi
‘kan kita ada grup WhatsApp yang gabung semua guru mapel dan murid,
ada juga grup yang sama wali kelas.
Kalau plus minus sih pasti banyak ya. Plusnya banyak, minusnya juga
banyak. Kalau plusnya, ‘kan ini ngaruhnya ga cuma sekedar ke sekolah dan
anak-anak aja, tapi juga ke personal. Kalau plusnya sih lebih kayak
personal karena kita jadi punya banyak waktu luang di rumah, jadi karena
lebih banyak di rumah, lebih banyak juga yang bisa dilakuin, sambil ngajar
juga dan mengerjakan kerjaan lain juga. Kalau yang plusnya juga buat
anak-anak, ya harus disyukuri masih bisa belajar walau di kondisi seperti
ini melalui kelas online.
Biasanya ‘kan kita sudah tau kadar kesulitannya gitu, entah itu dari
lingkungannya atau suasana kelasnya. Online ‘kan kita benar-benar
terbatas, mereka itu kalau untuk mau ngomong aja kita harus pancing “Oke,
di unmute!” gitu ‘kan ya, sedangkan kalau lagi di kelas aja ‘kan malah ada
yang kayak ngobrol, unfocus¸ atau segala macem bisa kita suruh diem dan

fokus lagi. Kalau sekarang ya entah, karena emang kita gabisa lihat mereka
secara langsung apa yang benar-benar mereka kerjakan karena ‘kan dibalik
layar ini ‘kan kita gatau mereka lagi ngapain.)
2. Do you use different strategy to manage class in online classroom which
different with the offline classroom? Is there any innovation?
(Apakah Miss menggunakan strategi mengelola kelas yang berbeda untuk
kelas online dibandingkan dengan kelas offline? Apakah ada inovasi?)

It is obviously different. The innovation is more like this, if we teach in

class, we have to look for games. There are many kinds of games like
moving around, or also interact with Smartboards in class, but it cannot be
done right now. For online class, there are many websites that are free,
some are paid, they present a game that we can make a puzzle or just like
a game like matching things. Actually, we often do that, but it is in different
way. So we just have to look for websites which make students pay
attention to us. If we just give them text, they would be bored. The point is
in the different way of presentation.
As for innovation, every teacher has a learning video about their materials,
so if the students want to review the explanation again, they can learn from
there, it has been accommodated from the school. Then, for the textbooks
we use, students have the physical book, besides that we also have an
application that students can actually use on their own smartphones.
(Kalau beda sih jelas beda. Kalau inovasi sih lebih ke gini ya, kita kalau
ngajar di kelas ‘kan kita harus cari game, game nya tuh banyak bermacam-
macam ada yang moving around, bisa juga interaksi sama Smartboard,
cuma kalau sekarang ‘kan engga. Kalau untuk di kelas online ‘kan banyak
website ada yang free ada yang berbayar, dia menyajikan game yang kita
bisa bikin puzzle atau kayak sekedar game yang untuk matching-in apa gitu.
Sebenernya itu ‘kan udah biasa ya, cuma ini caranya aja yang berbeda. Jadi
kitanya harus cari website-website yang mendukung anak-anak tuh jadi pay
attention jadi kita tuh diperhatikan sama mereka. Kalau cuma sekedar kasih

bacaan itu ‘kan juga agak bosen. Pokoknya cara penyajiannya yang
Kalau inovasi, jadi setiap guru tuh punya video pembelajaran tentang
materi-materi mereka, jadi kalau mau me-review lagi tentang
penjelasannya jadi mereka bisa belajarnya dari sana, kalau ini memang
udah diwadahi dari sekolahnya. Terus ‘kan untuk buku yang kita pake,
anak-anak ‘kan ada buku fisiknya, selain itu juga kita punya aplikasinya
yang sebenernya anak-anak juga bisa gunain di handphone-nya masing-
3. How do you prepare teaching material for online classroom?
(Bagaimana cara Anda mempersiapkan materi mengajar untuk kelas

At least the day before I teach I prepare it. Previously, we knew what page
we wanted to teach, at least I read it first, because we already have the book,
the students also already had their own students book, then we have the
website (LMS), so we can give the assignment there. And also because the
time is limited, we cannot teach all the material. At least I read the material
first, then see what parts are important, which parts do I want to teach, then
I just have to find more interesting method. Choose activities that are
simple but can be interesting for students, because we do not have much
time, and sometimes we have set the time in such a way but the signal is
not possible, or sometimes we are okay but the output to the students is
(Minimal banget sehari sebelum sebelumnya dipersiapin. Sebelumnya ‘kan
kita tau page berapa kita mau ngajar, setidaknya aku baca-baca dulu,
karena ‘kan kita udah ada bukunya ya, jadi bukunya tuh anak-anak udah
pada pegang, terus kita ada websitenya, jadi kita bisa buka websitenya terus
nanti kita assign mereka gitu dan juga karena waktunya limit jadi emang
gabisa semua. Paling setidak-tidaknya aku baca itu dulu materinya di bab
yang mau aku tunjukkin gitu. Jadi part apa nih yang penting, bagian mana
yang mau disampein, terus nanti tinggal cari cara yang lebih menarik lagi.

Pilih kegiatan yang simple tapi bisa menarik bagi anak, karena kita berpacu
sama waktu, dan kadang waktunya sudah kita set sedemikian rupa tapi
sinyal tidak memungkinkan, kadang kitanya oke tapi output ke anaknya
4. How do you make your instruction clear and effective, also avoid
ambiguity in online classroom?
(Bagaimana Miss membuat cara mengajar Miss jelas dan efektif, dan juga
terhindar dari ambiguitas di kelas online?)

I have said before, right? Look for a really simple method, but the students
get the lessons. For example, when I taught grammar past continuous in 8th
grade, the point is students understand past continuous, how to use it and
when. The point is like that, so I do more exercise and continue to deliver
it in a very simple way. So tell me definition of past continuous, then get
straight to the practice. For example, there is a sentence that says “the boy
blah blah” we will help them first, then we will change it and give it more
exercise until they really understand it.
(Sebelumnya aku udah pernah bilang ‘kan ya, cari caranya tuh yang bener-
bener simple tapi anak dapet pelajarannya. Misalkan waktu aku ngajar
grammar past continuous di kelas 8, nah gimana poinnya tuh anak ngerti
past continuous, cara makenya dan kapan sih. Udah intinya gitu, jadi
exercise-nya dibanyakin terus nyampeinnya dengan cara yang sangat
simple. Jadi kasih tau definisinya past continuous, lalu langsung ke
prakteknya. Misal ada kalimatnya itu “the boy bla bla” kita bantuin dulu
tuh, nah nanti kita ubah-ubah dan kasih exercise-nya lagi sampe mereka
bener-bener ngerti ini harus ini jawabnya gitu.)
5. How do you explain grammar and make it comprehensible in online
(Bagaimana cara Anda menjelaskan materi grammar yang mudah dipahami
siswa di kelas online?)

In 7th grade, it is mostly the same. The point is, how do we deliver it as
simple as possible, for example, we told them about its function, how to
use it, but we did not tell the form, this plus this, so we straightforwardly
told when to use it, so they are immediately asked to do exercises. The
grammar material is taken from the E-book because it already includes
material that they have to learn (according to the curriculum) and there are
even some materials that if it is according to the government they should
not have studied like past tense.
(Kalo di kelas 7 sih, mostly sama ya. Intinya gimana cara kita nyampeinnya
tuh se-simple mungkin, misalnya lagi kalo grammar ‘kan kayak tadi gitu
ya, dikasih tau fungsinya, cara makenya, cuman kita ya ga ngasih tau form-
nya ini tambah ini tambah ini, jadi langsung gitu, ini pakenya pas lagi ini,
jadi langsung diajak exercise biar mereka engga pusingin ini tambah ini
tambah ini. Materi grammar-nya cukup ngambil dari E-book karena udah
mencakup materi yang harus mereka dapatkan (sesuai kurikulum) bahkan
ada beberapa materi yang kalau sesuai pemerintah seharusnya belum
mereka pelajari kayak past tense.)
6. What do you do if students do not understand your explanations?
(Apa yang Anda lakukan jika ada siswa yang belum memahami penjelasan

In online learning, it is a bit difficult to make sure the students pay attention
to us, but we seem to have instincts like that, this student doesn't seem to
pay attention, this student doesn't seem to understand, and already has
instincts about who is not interested in English at all. In that case, for
example I ask the student who I think do not understand the easiest
question, well if they cannot answer then I'll give a hint like examples, later
if they’re still not able to answer, I will throw it to another student, then I'll
ask “can you repeat what was it?”. So at least even though they weren’t
the one who answered but they still know the meaning of my question and
what the answer was. It did not mean to offend them but I want them to
keep following the lesson.

(Kalau misalnya online ini ‘kan kita make sure anak-anaknya juga agak
susah ya, tapi ‘kan kita kayak udah punya naluri gitu loh, anak ini kayaknya
ga pay attention, anak ini kayaknya ga ngerti, dan udah punya naluri juga
tentang anak-anak yang memang gamau sama sekali sama bahasa inggris
gitu. Kalau kayak gitu misalnya soal yang paling mudah jawabannya aku
tanya ke anak yang aku anggep sekiranya ga bisa, nah kalo dia nya gabisa
jawab nanti aku kasih hint kayak contoh-contoh, nanti kalo emang masih
ga bisa juga aku lempar ke anak yang bisa, nanti aku balikin lagi ke dia,
“coba ulangin tadi apa?”. Jadi setidaknya walaupun bukan dia yang jawab
tapi dia ngikutin maksud dari pertanyaan aku dan jawabannya apa.
Maksudnya sama sekali bukan memojokkan dia tapi dia harus ikut dengan
pelajaran itu dan dia harus tau cuma memang terbatas.)
7. How do you keep students motivated and actively participated in online
(Bagaimana cara Anda membuat siswa terus termotivasi untuk belajar dan
aktif berpartisipasi di kelas online?)

Yes, this is a bit hard too, to encourage the students it feels like we
encourage ourselves, sometimes we also get less motivated, when we want
to teach but there is any obstacle. Especially children, they may feel bored
or lazy or what. We must always remind them, we just keep being their
‘alarm’, we keep motivating them, just the words that encourage them to
learn so they do not get bored. Besides that, we also have to be self-aware,
if I want them not to be bored, then we must not be boring, keep creating
fun activity. In case, they were supposed to learn this that day but they did
not seem motivated, for example, we could use other methods, like games,
we played spelling bee, crossword, but we did not finish the material right
If the learning process was running, we would have to keep asking
questions to let the students answer, because if they do not get called they
do not want to talk, it seems like it is really hard to make them saying
something. There are one or two students who are a bit vocal, sometimes

we tell him to “you may choose your friend”. In speaking session, I made
a breakout (grouping), but once again due to the limited of time so they are
told to make their own Zoom meeting according their group then later it
will be recorded. Because the learning time only takes 40 minutes, it just
so happens that there are Zoom ones that pay, and some are free, so those
who is free in 40 minutes it will be off.
(Iya ini agak berat juga sih, untuk semangatin anak-anak tuh kayak kita
nyemangatin diri sendiri, kadang kita-kitanya juga agak-agak, kepengen
ngajar tapi kalo ada halangan juga jadi malah gimana gitu. Nah apalagi
anak-anak, dia mungkin merasa jenuh atau males atau gimana ya, kita pasti
selalu reminder mereka pokoknya kita jadi alarm mereka terus lah, kita
motivasi terus, pokoknya kata-katanya yang nyemangatin mereka belajar
biar ga bosen. Selain itu juga kita harus sadar diri ‘kan, kalau mau mereka
ga bosen ya kitanya jangan ngebosenin, bikin activity-nya yang fun gitu.
Kalau mereka di hari itu harusnya belajar ini tapi mereka keliatan ga
nyambung gitu misalnya, kita bisa pake cara yang lain, kayak game, kita
main spelling bee, tebak-tebakan pake crossword, tapi materinya jadi ga
langsung kita habisin.
Kalau misalnya pas proses KBM berjalan, kita pasti akan terus-terusan
tanya biar anaknya tuh jawab, karena kalo ga dipanggil tuh mereka ga mau,
kayaknya susah banget buat ngomong sesuatu. Terus suka ada lah satu dua
anak yang agak vokal gitu, kadang dia kita suruh “coba kamu mau panggil
siapa”. Kalau misalkan speaking aku pernah bikin breakout (grouping)
sampe yang berapa gitu breakout-nya cuma lagi-lagi memang karena
kendala waktu jadi kita rada terbataslah jadi nanti mereka disuruh bikin
sendiri di Zoom nanti direkam. Karena belajarnya ‘kan cuma 40 menit,
kebetulan ‘kan Zoom-nya ada yang berbayar ada yang engga ‘kan, jadi
yang engga berbayar pasti 40 menit udah off. Tapi emang kebetulan durasi
ngajarnya emang 40 menit.)
8. How do you monitor your students individually during learning activity in
online classroom?

(Bagaimana cara Anda memonitor siswa secara individual selama kegiatan
belajar di kelas online?)

For learning activities, it is not just in Zoom meeting, after that they have
their own assignments at LMS, there are lists of students who have
submitted assignments and those who have not. Those who have not
submitted will be shared in group to be a reminder. Normally, the time limit
is until 3 pm according to school hours, but we finish Zoom meeting at
10.40 or 11.00. So from that time the students can start to work on it
because surely the teachers have uploaded it, we will monitor it later. This
is not finished, this has not been done, or someone has already done it but
I think the answer is still not good, later we can ask to change it again then
they will re-upload. When we are in Zoom meeting, since beginning we
have set rules to always turn on their video, that is also a proof of their
presence if they have joined the class, and it is proven if for example they
did not turn on video, we also have to remind them that at that hour they
are absent. Somehow, there are some teachers who still seem to give
compensation, if they (student) at the beginning of Zoom are on but in the
middle are not, in the ending on again, it is okay. But for those who never
turn on along the learning activity, no sound, and do not even give an
excuse, so we take them as absent.
(Kalo kegiatan belajar ‘kan ga cuma pas kita zoom aja ya, setelah itu
mereka ‘kan punya tugas masing-masing di LMS, disitu ada listnya anak-
anak yang emang udah submit tugas-tugas dan yang belum. Yang belum
biasanya nanti kita akan share di grup, jadi kita langsung list di grup siapa
gitu nanti kita reminder. ‘Kan biasanya limit time-nya tuh sampe jam 3 sore
ya sesuai dengan jam sekolah, tapi kita selesai nge-Zoom tuh 10.40 atau 11
lah. Nah dari sana anak-anak udah mulai bisa ngerjain karena pasti guru-
gurunya udah upload, nanti kita pantau, si ini belum selesai, ini belum
ngerjain, atau ada yang udah ngerjain tapi kayaknya jawabannya masih
ngasal nih, nanti kita bisa minta ubah lagi entar mereka re-upload. Kalau
pas lagi nge-Zoomnya, kita emang dari awal itu udah ada rules ya untuk

selalu on video, itu juga salah satu bukti kehadiran mereka kalau mereka
ikutan kelas gitu, dan itu memang terbukti kalau misalkan dia ga on video,
kita juga harus ngingetin mereka kalo di jam itu mereka alfa (absen).
Somehow, ada beberapa guru yang masih kayak ngasih kelonggaran gitu,
kada dia (murid) di awal on di tengah engga, di ending-nya on lagi yaudah
gapapa. Tapi untuk yang bener-bener ga on, ga ada suaranya, dan dia ga
ada excuse yaudah kita kasih alfa hari itu.)
9. What are the rules that you set in online classroom?
(Apa saja peraturan yang Anda tetapkan di kelas online?)

Because online and live are so different, the feel is also different. Other
teacher and I also agreed, so we minimized everything to be too strict, but
at the beginning students also had to know the school rules like uniforms,
on video it had to always be on, then they should always be on time. Well,
if there is a student who wears the wrong uniform, at school maybe this
will get sanctioned, but if online, 5 minutes is really valuable, so when the
ending we tell them, or when we want to make a transition, we'll just call
out his name, he seems to realize himself, or says “where's your uniform?
How come you do not wear it?”, There is nothing specific. If they answer
questions, so far they will answer in English, but for example, if they do
not use English, we will help them to translate it, there are some students
who still seem a little bit not be able (to speak English) so they are still
stuttered, so it is okay, we accept all their English. We will ask, “oh do you
mean like this?” “Yes miss” “try to repeat”. The important thing is they
just follow the lesson.
(Karena online dan secara live itu beda banget gitu ya, feel-nya tuh juga
beda. Aku dan guru lain juga udah setuju sih ya, jadi kita meminimalisir
untuk terlalu ketat segala macemnya, tapi di awal siswa juga harus udah
tau peraturan sekolah kayak seragam, on video itu harus selalu on, terus
join-nya tuh harus selalu on time. Nah, kalau ada anak yang salah pake
seragam gitu, kalo di sekolah mungkin ini (kena sanksi), tapi kalo online,
5 menit itu ‘kan berharga banget, jadi pas udah ending kita kasih tau, atau

pas mau transisi apa gitu nanti kita cuma sekedar manggil namanya entar
dia kayak sadar sendiri sih, atau bilang “seragam kamu mana? Kok ga
dipake?”, gitu aja sih, ga ada hal yang spesifik. Kalau mereka jawab
(pertanyaan), so far sih mereka jawabnya pake Bahasa Inggris, jadi kalo
misalnya mereka ga pake Bahasa Inggris, baru coba kita bantu translate-
in, soalnya ‘kan ada anak yang masih kayaknya agak belum terlalu bisa jadi
masih terbata-bata gitu, jadi ya gapapa, pokoknya kita terima lah semua
Bahasa Inggris mereka, nanti kita perbaharui gitu, “oh maksud kamu kayak
gini ya?” “iya Miss” “coba repeat, diulangi”. Yang penting dia follow
pembelajaran aja sih.)
10. What kind of violations that students did during online classroom? How do
you deal with their misbehavior?
(Pelanggaran apa saja yang siswa lakukan? Dan bagaimana cara Anda

Apart from those that have been mentioned earlier, they do not, the main
thing is they have to do their tasks, if not, their tasks will be piled up, they
cannot do anything, they definitely have to do it. It means, if they skip
doing task for this week and next week, they must also work on tasks for
week 1 and 2.
(Selain yang udah disebutin tadi ga ada sih, pokoknya mereka harus
ngerjain tugas, kalo engga, akan ketumpukan gitu, ga bisa di apa-apain,
pasti harus dikerjain. Maksudnya, kalo minggu ini dia skip, minggu depan
dia skip, dia harus tetep ngerjain juga tugas minggu 1 dan 2 nya.)
11. How do you give feedback in online classroom?
(Bagaimana cara Anda memberi feedback?)

For feedback, of course we must always appreciate them. Every single

thing they do, whether they are right or wrong, we have to appreciate it, in
a way that doesn't embarrass them, or anything else. Mostly human like to
be praised but we must also know if the praise is constructive or not.
Usually, we praise them when they have the correct answer, but for the

incorrect one we say “almost” not “no, it is wrong” not judging them that
it is wrong, we do not want to let them down.
(Kalau untuk feedback, pastinya kita harus selalu appreciate mereka ya.
Every single thing yang mereka kerjakan, even itu benar atau salah kita
harus appreciate gitu, dengan cara yang ga bikin malu mereka, ga juga
yang terlalu gimana gitu ya. Namanya manusia ‘kan kepengennya dipuji,
tapi kita harus tau juga pujiannya yang membangun apa ga membangun
nih. Biasanya sih kita puji mereka ketika mereka lagi jawabannya bener,
terus kalo untuk yang misalnya kurang bener kita bilang “almost” ga “no,
it is wrong” ga yang nge-judge dia salah, entar dia malah nge-down.)
12. What kind of assignments that you usually give to the students while online
(Apa saja jenis tugas yang Anda berikan ke murid selama mengajar kelas

We just focused on the workbook so they already have the media and the
material is not becoming unorganized. Usually for listening and speaking
session, for listening we need audio, and that is already available in the
book, so that we just upload it on the LMS, then they can download it and
do their assignment. For speaking, they will be divided like in pairs then
they have to record while in Zoom (group), later I will ask for the recording
to be uploaded. For individual video, once other teacher had ever told them
to do storytelling, students were asked to make slide (PowerPoint) then they
have to present it.
(Di bukunya itu ‘kan ada workbook-nya ya, jadi ada buku exercise-nya gitu,
jadi kita fokus ke buku exercise-nya juga biar mereka langsung ada
medianya ga yang kemana-mana. Biasanya kayak listening dan speaking,
kalo listening ‘kan butuh audio, di bukunya ‘kan ga ada tuh, jadi kita
upload-in audionya di LMS, nanti mereka download terus dikerjain gitu,
atau misalnya kayak speaking, mereka dibagi kayak in pairs terus nanti
mereka nge-Zoom berdua terus direkam, nanti aku minta videonya nanti
mereka upload. Kalau video yang individual waktu itu pernah juga guru

lain suruh storytelling, waktu itu anak-anak bikin slide (PowerPoint) terus
disuruh presentasi.)
13. How do you conduct evaluation in online classroom? Either learning
evaluation or teaching evaluation.
(Bagaimana cara Anda melakukan evaluasi? Baik evaluasi hasil belajar
siswa maupun evaluasi mengajar.)

As for the learning evaluation, it happens that in every unit (students'

textbook and workbook) there is a unit check, right, so we Alhamdulillah
helped by that, so sometimes we just need to modify the method. For
example, like the unit check or the review is done at Quizzes, so they will
work on Quizzes later, even though the contents are from that book. Or, the
review is just like formative (a kind of daily test), then there will be a
session that we will discuss together too.
For teacher evaluation, we have a group with other EL teachers. So we will
definitely chat there, for example discussing material, or if someone wants
to ask, they can directly ask there, since we never met, so we just chat
through WhatsApp, if for example we want to make material we just video
call via Zoom.
(Kalau evaluasi belajar ya, kebetulan di setiap unit (students’ textbook dan
workbook) itu ada unit check-nya ya ‘kan, jadi kita Alhamdulillah terbantu
sama itu, jadi kadang kita tinggal modif aja caranya. Misalnya kayak naro
unit check atau review-nya itu di Quizzes jadi mereka nanti kerjainnya
Quizzes gitu, padahal isinya dari buku itu. Atau ga, review-nya pas mau
formative (semacam ulangan harian) gitu ya, nanti akan ada sesi kita bahas
barengnya juga gitu deh.
Kalo evaluasi guru, itu kita punya grup gitu ‘kan bertiga sama guru EL
lainnya. Nah itu kita pasti ngobrol, misalnya bahas materi, atau kalau ada
yang mau ditanyain langsung aja sih, karena kita ga pernah ketemu jadi
ngobrolnya by WhatsApp, kalau misalnya mau bikin materi kita nge-Zoom
14. How do you keep up good communication with students and parents?

(Bagaimana cara Anda mempertahankan komunikasi yang baik dengan
siswa dan orang tua murid?)

Since we are contacting on WhatsApp, so of course we do not communicate

too much in the parents’ group, it means we only say important thing. For
personal approach if there is a problem with the student, we will try to talk
to the parents, so that there is no miscommunication, later the parents will
know what happened then, indirectly, we will also be assisted by them,
If with students, we must be in that group really fussy, for example, if there
are some who have not joined (class) I will chat or call so they will be
hurry. If there is an absent report, the subject teacher will immediately tell
the homeroom teacher, then it will immediately be forwarded to the group
and then ask “why I did not get any news from Mom?” then they
immediately explained it.
(Kita ‘kan kontakannya by WhatsApp ya, jadi pastinya tuh kalo di grup
parents kita ga terlalu banyak komunikasi, maksudnya biar yang penting-
penting aja. Kalau untuk yang secara pendekatan ya personal gitu ya, kalo
emang ada kendala sama anaknya nanti kita coba ngomong sama parents-
nya, juga biar ga ada yang miss, nanti parents tau apa yang terjadi gitu,
secara tidak langsung kita juga dibantu ‘kan sama mereka jadinya.
Kalo sama anak-anak sih kita pasti di grup itu udah bawel banget,
misal’kan ada yang belom join (kelas) aku chat atau sampe aku telfon gitu
biar mereka buru-buru. Kalau ada report alfa nanti guru mapel langsung
bilang ke wali kelas, nanti langsung di-forward ke grup terus tanya “kenapa
kamu ga ada kabar nih dari mama?” terus mereka langsung ngejelasin gitu.)
15. What do you expect for future online teaching?
(Apa yang Anda harapkan untuk pengajaran online kedepannya?)

I definitely hope for the better, no matter how, I hope that they can feel like
even though learning through online, they do not feel lacking than when
they were at school.

(Kalau harapan sih pastinya yang lebih baik ya, bagaimanapun caranya
setidaknya kita berharap buat mereka tuh bisa merasakan seperti
sebelumnya walaupun secara online ini tapi mereka ga kurang seperti saat
mereka ada di sekolah gitu.)

Appendix 5. Students’ Interview Transcript

(Interview with the seventh grade students of SMP Al-Fath Cirendeu)

Interviewee : Student 1 (7T class students of SMP Al-Fath Cirendeu)

Student 2 (7T class students of SMP Al-Fath Cirendeu)
Student 3 (7B class students of SMP Al-Fath Cirendeu)

Student 4 (7B class students of SMP Al-Fath Cirendeu)
Interviewer : Cita Purnamaning Pertiwi (the writer)

No. Questions and Answers

1. What do you think about learning English in online classroom during
pandemic? Including its benefits and shortcomings.
(Apa pendapat kamu tentang belajar Bahasa Inggris selama masa pandemi?
Sertakan kekurangan dan kelebihannya.)

Student 1: I think it is exciting. The advantage is that I can understand

more. There is no disadvantage.
(Menurut saya seru. Kelebihannya, dapat mengerti lebih.
Kekurangannya, ga ada.)
Student 2: I can be relaxed, but not being able to meet in person is less
exciting. The drawback is, when teacher shares the screen, the
screen was sometimes lagging so I needed to wait quite a long
time. The advantage is, it is easy to understand.
(Enaknya bisa santai-santai, tapi ga bisa ketemu langsung jadi
kurang seru. Kekurangannya, pas share screen kadang-kadang
nge-freeze jadi suka lama nunggu. Kelebihannya, mudah
dipahami sih.
Student 3: The advantage is that it is more comfortable and easy to
understand. If the drawback is, maybe because of internet
problems, sometimes it is difficult to understand and the
learning is hampered.
(Kelebihannya, lebih nyaman dan mudah dipahami. Kalo
kekurangannya, mungkin karena masalah internet terkadang
susah dipahami atau pembelajarannya terhambat.)
Student 4: It feels nice. I do not have to get up early. The drawback is the
unstable signal. The strength is not difficult to learn.
(Enak, ga harus bangun pagi. Kekurangannya sih sinyal yang

ga stabil. Kalo kelebihannya belajarnya ga sulit.)
2. Do you face any difficulties in the use of learning tools? Do the teachers
help you to solve the problem?
(Apakah kamu memiliki kesulitan dalam menggunakan media belajar?
Apakah gurumu membantumu dalam menghadapi kesulitan itu?)

Student 1: No, I have no trouble learning English online, and my teacher

will help when my friends and I have a hard time.
(Tidak, saya tidak mengalami kesulitan saat belajar Bahasa
Inggris online, dan guru saya akan membantu saat saya dan
teman saya mengalami kesulitan.)
Student 2: I do not think there is any problem
(Sepertinya tidak ada.)
Student 3: I rarely have trouble using learning media, but if I really need
help or have a hard time, I will be helped.
(Aku jarang dapat kesulitan menggunakan media belajar, tapi
jika aku memang bener-bener membutuhkan bantuan atau
kesulitan, dibantu.)
Student 4: Nope. Alhamdulillah.
(Alhamdulillah ga ada.)
3. What are the rules that your English teacher had set during online class?
(Apa peraturan yang guru Bahasa Inggris tetapkan di kelas online?)

Student 1: I have to turn on the camera during meeting and actively answer
questions when asked.
(Harus membuka kamera saat pelajaran dan aktif menjawab soal
saat ditanya.)
Student 2: I must turn on video.
(On video wajib.)
Student 3: Pay attention, answer questions if it is addressed to me, and
answer questions as much as possible, and also turn on the

(Memerhatikan, menjawab pertanyaan jika memang ditujukan,
dan menjawab pertanyaan sebisa mungkin, dan juga nyalakan
Student 4: The rule is we must turn on the camera.
(Peraturannya wajib on cam.)
4. Have you ever violated your English teacher’s rules? What did the teachers
do to you?
(Apakah kamu pernah melanggar peraturan tersebut? Apa yang kamu

Student 1: I have never violated the rules.

(Sepertinya saya tidak pernah melanggar.)
Student 2: I do not think so.
(Sepertinya tidak pernah.)
Student 3: I do not pay attention once, but later I will remind myself to
focus on the lesson. I also did not answer question once, actually
not a question that was addressed to me but I did not answer it
because I had difficulty constructed the words or I really did not
know the answer. I did not turn on the video once, because the
camera had a problem.
(Aku pernah ga memerhatikan, tapi nanti aku bakal
mengingatkan diri aku untuk fokus ke pelajarannya. Aku
pernah ga jawab pertanyaan, sebenernya bukan pertanyaan
yang ditujukan ke aku tapi aku tidak menjawabnya karena aku
sulit menyusun katanya atau aku memang tidak tau
jawabannya. Aku pernah tidak menyalakan video karena
memang kameranya lagi bermasalah.)
Student 4: Never, Alhamdulillah.
(Alhamdulillah tidak pernah.)
5. Is your teacher’s explanation clear?
(Apakah penjelasan materi dari gurumu sudah jelas?)

Student 1: The explanation of the material from my English teacher was
very clear.
(Penjelasan materi dari guru Bahasa Inggris saya sangat jelas.)
Student 2: It has been clear Alhamdulillah.
(Sudah jelas Alhamdulillah.)
Student 3: It has been clear.
(Sudah jelas.)
Student 4: It has been clear.
(Sudah jelas.)
6. Are you able to catch up with the material and English teacher’s
explanation during online classroom?
(Apakah kamu mampu mengikuti materi dan penjelasan guru Bahasa
Inggris selama kelas online?)

Student 1: Yes, I am able to understand the English teacher material and

explanations during online classes.
(Iya saya mampu memahami materi dan penjelasan guru
Bahasa Inggris selama kelas online.)
Student 2: It can be yes or no.
(Bisa mampu bisa tidak.)
Student 3: Yes, I can.
(Iya, aku bisa.)
Student 4: It depends, sometimes I was left behind because of problem
with signal.
(Tergantung kadang-kadang suka ketinggalan karena masalah
7. What do you do if you do not understand the material? Did your English
teacher help you?
(Apa yang kamu lakukan jika kamu tidak memahami materi Bahasa
Inggris? Apakah guru Bahasa Inggris membantumu?)

Student 1: If I do not understand the material, I will ask the teacher directly

via WhatsApp and my teacher will help.
(Jika saya tidak memahami materi, saya akan bertanya kepada
gurunya langsung via WhatsApp dan guru saya akan
Student 2: Search Google if it is an assignment, search on Youtube, and
open the Gold book, then ask the teacher too.
(Search Google kalau tugas, cari di Youtube, dan buka buku
Gold-nya, terus nanya gurunya juga.
Student 3: Of course I asked the teacher, or if the Zoom time was up I
would search it on Google, but if there was more time, I would
ask and she would answer and help me.
(Tentu saja aku menanyakan, atau kalo memang waktu
Zoomnya sudah habis aku akan searching di Google, tapi kalo
memang ada waktunya aku akan menanyakan dan mereka
akan menjawab dan membantuku.
Student 4: I usually ask the teacher and my friends through WhatsApp.
Yes, I was helped.
(Biasanya sih nanya guru dan temen lewat WhatsApp. Iya
8. Do you think the English teacher pay attention to you? Do they give you
(Apakah menurutmu guru Bahasa Inggris memperhatikanmu? Bagaimana
respon yang biasa dia berikan?)

Student 1: My English teacher really cares for her students. Her usual
response was to remind his students to submit assignments.
(Guru Bahasa Inggris saya sangat memperhatikan murid-
muridnya. Respon yang biasa dia berikan yaitu mengingatkan
murid-muridnya untuk mengumpulkan tugas.)
Student 2: The response is always directly on video during Zoom, if
someone asks, she will help.
(Responnya selalu langsung on video saat Zoom, kalo ada

yang nanya ya dibantu.
Student 3: They pay attention to me, but not all the time because there are
many students who need attention too. The usual response she
gave to me was similar with the other students.
(Memperhatikanku iya, tapi tidak setiap saat karena banyak
murid yang perlu diperhatikan juga. Respon yang biasa dia
berikan seperti murid yang lain.)
Student 4: Yes, the response was like if I asked about assignment then she
would explain it for me.
(Iya, responnya itu kayak misalkan aku nanya tentang tugas
terus dijelasin sama miss.)
9. How do you communicate with your English teacher? Do you have a good
relationship with them?
(Bagaimana cara kamu berkomunikasi dengan guru Bahasa Inggris?
Apakah kamu memiliki hubungan yang baik dengannya?)

Student 1: The way I communicate with my English teacher is by chatting

on WhatsApp, I have a good relationship with her.
(Cara saya berhubungan dengan guru Bahasa Inggris saya
yaitu dengan chat di WhatsApp, saya memiliki hubungan baik
Student 2: Only WhatsApp so far. Good, Alhamdulillah.
(WhatsApp saja sepertinya selama ini. Baik Alhamdulillah.)
Student 3: Good relationship, yes, but not very close. And if I
communicate with them, it is like I communicate with other
(Hubungan yang baik, iya, tapi tidak terlalu akrab. Dan kalo
berkomunikasi ya seperti aku berkomunikasi dengan guru
yang lain.)
Student 4: Through WhatsApp, hmm so so.
(Lewat WhatsApp, hmm biasa aja sih.)

10. Do you have any suggestions for future English learning in online
(Apakah kamu ada saran untuk pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di kelas

Student 1: Nope
Student 2: Nope, it has been good already. Alhamdulillah it is also clear.
(Tidak ada, bagus, Alhamdulillah jelas juga.)
Student 3: No, I think it is good, it is suitable. But for other students I do
not really know.
(Tidak, menurut aku udah bagus, udah cocok. Tapi untuk
siswa lain aku tidak terlalu tau.)
Student 4: Alhamdulillah, it has been good, no more advice.
(Alhamdulillah sudah bagus, tidak ada saran lagi.)

Appendix 6. Observation Checklists in EFL Online Classroom


Setting : 7T and 7B Online Classroom Teacher : Teacher 2

Date : Wednesday, February 10th 2021 Activity : Teaching-Learning Activity
Observer : Cita Purnamaning Pertiwi Duration : 40 minutes

No Factors Comments
Yes No

1. Teacher states the purpose of study √ -
Teacher 2 gave students
Teacher makes sure the students
2. √ example with kinds of food that
recognize the purpose of learning activity
the students usually eat.
Teacher gives brief review of the
3. √ -
previous material
4. Teacher checks on students’ homework √ -
Teacher delivers the material according
5. √ -
to the topic
Teacher 2 started the class by
showing pictures of food then
Teacher builds transitions from
explained to students what
6. delivering material to another learning √
topic would be learnt. After
that, she kept giving exercises
to the students.
Teacher 2 always asked the
Teacher asks for students’ attention
7. √ students one by one to get
during material delivery
students’ attention.
Teacher 2 always asked the
students one by one to interact
with them individually, get
8. Teacher provides questions √
their attention, stimulate them
to answer questions, and check
their comprehension.
Kinds of questions that raised
Teacher raises different types of “do you know what is it?”
9. √
questions “is it clear?”
“can you mention the food that
was talking by speaker 2?”

Due to the limited of time
10. Teacher gives students time to answer √ teacher 2 always hurried the
students to answer.
11. Teacher stimulates students to answer √ -
Teacher 2 always said “thank
12. Teacher responds to students’ answer √ you” whenever students gave
responses, and praised them.

13. Teacher stimulates students to ask √ -

14. Teacher responds to students’ questions √ -

Some students did not hear
teacher 2’s instruction clearly,
15. Teacher responds to students’ request √
then she repeated her
Teaching Modelling
Teacher and students use problem
16. √ -
solving strategy
17. Teacher determines grouping activity √ -
Most of the learning activities
18. Students are kept on-task √ were the students doing
Teacher 2 played learning
Teacher uses additional media to provide audio which had been
19. √
learning activity connected to the students’ E-
The Classroom as a Learning Environment
There was distraction such as
sound of whistle, teacher 2
20. Teacher keeps the classroom conducive √
immediately reprimanded those
who made the noise.

While opening the class,
teacher 2 had conversation with
Teacher interacts with students
21. √ several students. She also
always asked the students one
by one.
Teacher makes sure the students obey
22. √ -
classroom’s rules
Some students were late joining
the class, then teacher 2
addressed their mistakes and
Teacher handles students’ undisciplined took note for reports. She
23. √
behavior always reminded students to
turn their camera on, if they did
not obey, she would take them
as absent.
Teacher and students show respect to
24. √ -
each other
Management of Time
Teacher maximizes the learning time to
25. √ -
engage students to the learning activity
Teacher used exercises from
students’ E-book (Pearson’s
Gold Experience) in the form
Teacher uses appropriate assignment to of fill in the blank question
26. √
examine students’ knowledge and skills based on picture or audio, and
asked the students to make list
of foods which were good and
bad for them.
Teacher assess students’ individual and
27. √ -
group works

If the students could not answer
the question which addressed to
Teacher provides opportunity for
28. √ them, teacher 2 would give
students who have low score
them more hint so that they
could answer.


Setting : 7T and 7B Online Teacher : Teacher 1

Classroom Activity : Teaching-Learning Activity
Date : Monday, February 15th 2021 Time/Duration : 40 minutes
Observer : Cita Purnamaning Pertiwi

No Factors Comments
Yes No

1. Teacher states the purpose of study √ -
Teacher makes sure the students Teacher 1 kept repeating the
2. √
recognize the purpose of learning activity adjective words
Teacher gives brief review of the
3. √ -
previous material
4. Teacher checks on students’ homework √ -
Teacher delivers the material according
5. √ -
to the topic
Teacher 1 started the class by
Teacher builds transitions from
playing guessing game with
6. delivering material to another learning √
students then providing
Teacher 1 always asked the
Teacher asks for students’ attention
7. √ students one by one to get
during material delivery
students’ attention.
Teacher 1 always asked the
students one by one to interact
with them individually, get
8. Teacher provides questions √
their attention, stimulate them
to answer questions, and check
their comprehension.
Kinds of questions that raised
Teacher raises different types of “What did you learn last
9. √
questions Wednesday?”
“Are you sure?”
“Are you there?”

Due to the limited of time
10. Teacher gives students time to answer √ teacher 1 always hurried the
students to answer.
11. Teacher stimulates students to answer √ -
Teacher 1 always said “thank
you” whenever students gave
responses, and praised them.
She also gave plus points for
12. Teacher responds to students’ answer √
those who voluntarily read the
passage and answered her
questions correctly without
needed to be mentioned first.

13. Teacher stimulates students to ask √ -

14. Teacher responds to students’ questions √ -

15. Teacher responds to students’ request √ -
Teaching Modelling
Teacher and students use problem
16. √ -
solving strategy
17. Teacher determines grouping activity √ -
Most of the learning activities
18. Students are kept on-task √ were the students doing
Teacher uses additional media to provide
19. √ -
learning activity
The Classroom as a Learning Environment
20. Teacher keeps the classroom conducive √ -
Teacher interacts with students Teacher 1 always asked the
21. √
individually students one by one.
Teacher makes sure the students obey
22. √ -
classroom’s rules

Some students were late joining
the class, then teacher 1 said
“Next week no one coming late
Teacher handles students’ undisciplined
23. √ anymore”. She always
reminded students to turn their
camera on, if they did not obey,
she would take them as absent.
Teacher and students show respect to
24. √ -
each other
Management of Time
Teacher maximizes the learning time to
25. √ -
engage students to the learning activity
Teacher used exercises from
students’ E-book (Pearson’s
Teacher uses appropriate assignment to
26. √ Gold Experience) in the form
examine students’ knowledge and skills
of fill in the blank question
based on passage.
Teacher assess students’ individual and
27. √ -
group works
If the students could not answer
Teacher provides opportunity for the question which addressed to
28. √
students who have low score them, teacher 1 would give
them more hint to help them.

Setting : 7T and 7B Online Classroom Teacher : Teacher 2

Date : Wednesday, February 17th 2021 Activity : Teaching-Learning Activity
Observer : Cita Purnamaning Pertiwi Duration : 40 minutes

No Factors Checklist Comments

Yes No
Teacher 2 explained the
1. Teacher states the purpose of study √
function of present continuous.
Teacher 2 kept giving example
Teacher makes sure the students
2. √ by using picture related with
recognize the purpose of learning activity
present continuous.
Teacher gives brief review of the
3. √ -
previous material
4. Teacher checks on students’ homework √ -
Teacher delivers the material according
5. √ -
to the topic
Teacher 2 started the class by
Teacher builds transitions from giving stimulation to students
6. delivering material to another learning √ about the topic then explained
activity the material and provided
Teacher 2 always asked the
Teacher asks for students’ attention
7. √ students one by one to get
during material delivery
students’ attention.
Teacher 2 always asked the
students one by one to interact
with them individually, get
8. Teacher provides questions √
their attention, stimulate them
to answer questions, and check
their comprehension.
Kinds of questions that raised
Teacher raises different types of
9. √ were:
“who can answer this?”

“Do you understand so far?”
“do you guys know what is
present continuous?”
Due to the limited of time
10. Teacher gives students time to answer √ teacher 2 always hurried the
students to answer.
11. Teacher stimulates students to answer √ -
Teacher 2 always said “thank
12. Teacher responds to students’ answer √ you” whenever students gave
responses, and praised them.

13. Teacher stimulates students to ask √ -

14. Teacher responds to students’ questions √ -

When some students asked
teacher 2 to repeat her
15. Teacher responds to students’ request √
explanations, she repeated it
right away.
Teaching Modelling
Teacher and students use problem
16. √ -
solving strategy
17. Teacher determines grouping activity √ -
Most of the learning activities
18. Students are kept on-task √ were the students doing
Teacher uses additional media to provide
19. √ -
learning activity
The Classroom as a Learning Environment
20. Teacher keeps the classroom conducive √ -
While opening the class,
Teacher interacts with students
21. √ teacher 2 had conversation with
several students. She also

always asked the students one
by one.
Teacher makes sure the students obey
22. √ -
classroom’s rules
Teacher 2 disciplined students
who came late. She always
Teacher handles students’ undisciplined
23. √ reminded students to turn their
camera on, if they did not obey,
she would take them as absent.
Teacher and students show respect to
24. √ -
each other
Management of Time
Teacher maximizes the learning time to
25. √ -
engage students to the learning activity
Teacher used exercises from
students’ E-book (Pearson’s
Teacher uses appropriate assignment to
26. √ Gold Experience) in the form
examine students’ knowledge and skills
of fill in the blank question
based on passage.
Teacher assess students’ individual and
27. √ -
group works
If the students could not answer
the question which addressed to
Teacher provides opportunity for
28. √ them, teacher 2 would give
students who have low score
them more hint so that they
could answer.


Setting : 7T and 7B Online Teacher : Teacher 1

Classroom Activity : Teaching-Learning Activity
Date : Monday, February 22nd 2021 Time/Duration : 40 minutes
Observer : Cita Purnamaning Pertiwi

No Factors Comments
Yes No
1. Teacher states the purpose of study √ -
Teacher 1 gave students
Teacher makes sure the students example and pictures about
2. √
recognize the purpose of learning activity electronics that the students
usually use.
Teacher gives brief review of the
3. √ -
previous material
Teacher 1 opened the LMS
then mentioned students who
4. Teacher checks on students’ homework √
had not submitted the
assignment yet.
Teacher delivers the material according
5. √ -
to the topic
Teacher 1 started the class by
Teacher builds transitions from
showing pictures about
6. delivering material to another learning √
electronics to stimulate students
then gave them exercises.
Teacher 1 always asked the
Teacher asks for students’ attention
7. √ students one by one to get
during material delivery
students’ attention.
Teacher 1 always asked the
students one by one to interact
with them individually, get
8. Teacher provides questions √
their attention, stimulate them
to answer questions, and check
their comprehension.

Kinds of questions that raised
Teacher raises different types of
9. √ “any questions?”
“who wants to answer?”
“how about the others?”
Due to the limited of time
10. Teacher gives students time to answer √ teacher 1 always hurried the
students to answer.
11. Teacher stimulates students to answer √ -
Teacher 1 always said “thank
12. Teacher responds to students’ answer √ you” whenever students gave
responses, and praised them.

13. Teacher stimulates students to ask √ -

14. Teacher responds to students’ questions √ -

Students could not hear the
15. Teacher responds to students’ request √ audio clearly, then teacher 1
repeated the audio.
Teaching Modelling
Teacher and students use problem
16. √ -
solving strategy
17. Teacher determines grouping activity √ -
Most of the learning activities
18. Students are kept on-task √ were the students doing
Teacher 1 played learning
Teacher uses additional media to provide audio which had been
19. √
learning activity connected to the students’ E-
The Classroom as a Learning Environment
20. Teacher keeps the classroom conducive √ -

Teacher interacts with students Teacher 1 always asked the
21. √
individually students one by one.
Teacher makes sure the students obey
22. √ -
classroom’s rules
Teacher 1 reprimanded students
who came late. She always
Teacher handles students’ undisciplined
23. √ reminded students to turn their
camera on, if they did not obey,
she would take them as absent.
Teacher and students show respect to
24. √ -
each other
Management of Time
Teacher maximizes the learning time to
25. √ -
engage students to the learning activity
Teacher used exercises from
students’ E-book (Pearson’s
Gold Experience) in the form
Teacher uses appropriate assignment to of fill in the blank question
26. √
examine students’ knowledge and skills based on passage and listening
audio. She also asked students
to mention electronic that they
wished to have.
Teacher assess students’ individual and
27. √ -
group works
If the students could not answer
the question which addressed to
Teacher provides opportunity for
28. √ them, teacher 1 would give
students who have low score
them more hint so that they
could answer.

Appendix 7. Lesson Plan

ACADEMIC YEAR : 2020/2021

1. Students are OPENING (5”) MEDIA: Oral and Communicative Worksheet
able to  Teacher starts the class by greeting Zoom written practice
recognize kinds students Meeting questions
of food 
Students are ACTIVITY (30”) RESOURCE:
able to  Teacher starts the material by telling Pearson Book
differentiate students that they will be learning (Gold
kinds of food about food Experience
Students are Edition)
 Teacher shows the picture of foods
able to talk
about food and asks the students to mention the
 Teacher asks students to listen to
audio which talks about the words,

then students have to match the word
according to the audio
 Teacher checks on students’ works by
asking them one by one
 Teacher gives fill in the blank
question about food
 Teacher plays audio about
conversation which describe picture
then students are asked to guess what
food is being described
 Teacher asks students to list the food
which is good and bad for them

 Teacher gives conclusion then
dismisses the class


ACADEMIC YEAR : 2020/2021

2. Students are able OPENING (5”) MEDIA: Oral and Communicative Worksheet
to recognize  Teacher starts the class by greeting Zoom written practice
kinds of food students Meeting questions
Students are able  Teacher gives guessing game as the
to differentiate ice breaker RESOURCE:
kinds of food  Teacher tells students about mid-term Pearson Book
Students are able project (Gold
to talk about  Experience
food ACTIVITY (30”) Edition)
 Teacher asks students to read passage
about food
 Teacher asks students to find
unfamiliar word

 Teacher and students discuss about
the word
 Teacher gives fill in the blank
exercise related to the text
 Teacher asks students to read passage
 Teacher gives audio and ask students
to answer fill in the blank questions

 Teacher gives conclusion then
dismisses the class


ACADEMIC YEAR : 2020/2021

2. Students are able OPENING (5”) MEDIA: Oral and Communicative Worksheet
to apply social  Teacher starts the class by greeting Zoom written practice
functions, text students Meeting questions
structure, and 
linguistic ACTIVITY (30”) RESOURCE:
elements to the  Teacher asks students if they know Pearson Book
present about present continuous (Gold
continuous tense  Teacher explains briefly the definition Experience
according to the Edition)
about present continuous and the
context of its use

 Teacher starts introducing the verb +
 Teacher asks students one by one
about the example of verb + ing
 Teacher starts introducing to be
 Teacher gives fill in the blank
question about to be + verb ing
 Teacher asks students to make
question form based on picture
 Teacher asks students to answer
question through Zoom direct
 Teacher explains the answer

 Teacher gives conclusion then
dismisses the class


ACADEMIC YEAR : 2020/2021

3. Students are OPENING (5”) MEDIA: Oral and Communicative Worksheet
able to  Teacher starts the class by greeting Zoom written practice
recognize old students Meeting questions
electronics 
Students are ACTIVITY (30”) RESOURCE:
able to  Teacher shows picture and asks Pearson Book
differentiate the students what is that (Gold
use of the  Teacher gives fill in the blank Experience
electronic question about adjective Edition)

Students are  Teacher shows picture about
able to talk electronics
about the  Teacher plays audio about the
electronic pronunciation of year and asks
students to repeat it
 Teacher asks students to mention
gadget that they want through Zoom
chat box
 Teacher plays audio the students have
to answer fill in the blank questions

 Teacher gives conclusion then
dismisses the class

Appendix 8. Fotoes Documentation of Online Classroom

Appendix 9. Surat Bimbingan Siti Nurul Azkiyah, M.Sc., Ph.D.

Appendix 10. Surat Bimbingan Atik Yuliyani, S.Pd., M.A. TESOL

Appendix 11. Surat Izin Penelitian

Appendix 12. Surat Keterangan Penelitian

Appendix 13. Reference Examination Paper

References Examination Paper

Name : Cita Purnamaning Pertiwi

NIM : 11160140000096
Title : Investigating EFL Teachers’ Classroom Management
during COVID-19 Pandemic (A Qualitative Descriptive

No. References Advisor 1 Advisor 2
1. Yuliana, I. (2018). The effectiveness of moodle e-learning as
media in teaching reading at the first grade students of
SMAN Colomadu in academic year 2017/2018 (The State
Islamic Institute of Surakarta). Retrieved from
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Advisor I Advisor II

Siti Nurul Azkiyah, M.Sc., Ph.D. Atik Yuliyani, S.Pd., M.A. TESOL.
NIP. 19760511 200501 2 003 NIP. 19840410 201503 2 003


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