Workbook Unit 4-6
Workbook Unit 4-6
Workbook Unit 4-6
Units , ~ra~mar.:& ,?~c~~ula_ry , . " .__.__ '--., ',Q~~i,n~!-_ 2i.~ni~L __ O~!ng ,& , Qran!lndation
1 Name @ T~'n5e re\ i,'w, A u xiliilt) \'l'rb " Q Three n .. wsp.~per s tclri\ls CZJ Fil1in¿:, i11 d torm wl th p er;;on<l l
p ag~ 4 (,m/m, t jo l l S, Que ti,1n, negol h \ e imd IIl fOrmanoll
short t rms, "'ok" / I¡¡oh liJa' O The Sd 1\ ' J u(Id /;:>/
a filmil , Corn ml n ildjl'Cti \ e.,
Shuw ing ¡nb!re"l
2 Place @ Count<lbl~ ~nd Llncounlabll' 110U TlS , An in leres ting place CZJ Wriling ,l \\' '1> po¡¡ting
paga 10 so / ';lId/. 'rl/ ! l oo , <;r~l1iT1g
Qu", n t itv ('xpre~<;i\lIb ! mkin¡.; scntences witll 1111 J, 1!IIt. so ,
(') f' lac\/s in a ci ly .\djed'v ' l describe ¡pillr. ¡"'Cl/WW
pJ acl.!· , C"lmlTies and n.ltiOllil li ri t'~ , Q Vo\\'d ~( U n :\5/;><1/ , l ao/, /el ' /
LOc.l tion , Sm ¡II g wh~ ylltl Me ITom
3 Lave @ Pa.. t simple and pa~t cont1mToll5. ti) Mari.l Callas ® r i t i n~ J ..;[(l f!
pag e 16 Atll' " r'bs oí 1n m1r linki ng SCl1 tl!J1 .€ .. \ '>, ,th Llfit'T ami
(') Rl' lationsh,p e>;pres" it.m ., "'Iore + il1!\
, ilIT.1lwe JlIl kers, ".!/it,...: ,1djectLves, ,ílt!t. O IVu< Jnd {lIal'
I hi 1~ ~ in wmnTl n
4 Shopping @ Adl'erbs u f fr"'llI el'! ', Verbs \ 'Ith l\ 'o -\rrIVilb al ,1 Alm CZJ Descri blfl g .l shop
page 22 ,)bjcch "Crb~ fo llo\\ ed b! i/lg ¡' r pren1Lcrc Organising a texl
tl1 intil1 il i\'~', Pr~en t ~ i m pJ ...1I1J I.inki ng s~ntenLes wi th ((lO, al""
(ontin u o l.l "-" . lb «(lell
(') ColI ,,<:a tions: I1 IJO x!bu /l"J¡ 01 ... , etc Q Vo we l sou nd /e,/ ",d / UI/
( '1 01 hes .1 nd il ccl'~ s() ri es ,
In ,I clo!hl's :ihllp
5 Fit @ o 1 ',Uil tll ' .1nd ~u l'~r l a t , v ~. (i) lymp lC: (ompctitors I!I Descr ibíng a sporring C'VI'nt
page 28 Ph msa ! \'erbs Orgilmsi ng iI l~' t
o ,r01(> + ild jcctiv"; dU 'i' rb. umbers. 1inki n)!; .. en tt.'1K~ with n/tlro"gl/
L; i\'mg i n~tTll tíons. Sport Q Vo wd sou ml 13:1 anJ / :)! /
6 Job @ I'ermh.::;ion <l nd o bli¡Flt i n (':/lll / /tm'e l o). Wh,1t'S m)' ¡ob? (!Z) Wr'iting J le lter o f ('nqu iry
page 34 I're.~t.'nt pt'ríec t , nd pu st s; mp ll' Of'cnfng ,lnd eJ,,!'> in ); le tters
TIm e l'.'1prl! sic 11!:; O Phr.\SI1l¡:;
(') Jobs. L u llueatiuns (\\'ork) , ,IWllld
Officl! el: u ipnlL"n t
7 Eco @ • ubj('(! t¡ u t!stitl n ~ , DJll<l m ic <lnd ~ t¡¡ l i v c (!Z) 'v' ,1kmg ',\Tl ttCIl tJg~est l ons
page 40 t'amngs hüure fo rm:;: (/11') ~oilW lo <lnd Li n ki 1'1 11 ~él1lt'ncto''' wilh IJCl!l I 1."<' ,
proSf!.,l conlil1U ous a~ , ¿;iJIl
o C1i mal h,' " gE' Op'nion-;, Q VOlVl! i ~nu n ds / o:/, / ;)0; /. /A/
lran' ,lJld ¡/¡¡¡te :{ot On Ihe telephnnl!
8 Education @ nuld iln d IlIlri tn, s/lo1l1ld an d 1111/ / . 1c1 1\in¡:, 1l'/l/n;rs (JI (!Z) Wriling il perl' m ll olt..r
page 46 (') Edull tior, , nd lr,lin in¡;. ti G ';-Iur Wri ttl'n stvle (motr, Cb o ns)
Giv ing V(1u r c)p in ion Q SOUllds //1
Jnd /lJ/
9 Smile @ Verb" fullnwed by illg.for i1nd si/m'. Q lllr' MOlln Usa ~ Writi
g" 11':\\ el hlu~
page 52 /,(','11 ilrtd I¡UI1L. Ll.llrr)'!; poin! '
Pre.5en l pt:rf ~ t ~iTllrlt' md Cl)nt j nll ~) u ' Using Jd \'erbs 01 Dttitude
(!i 1he faee , AdJectives ID describe chilract<!r. @ 5ilen t 1.. ltef'S
B"J v i d i (J Ol~
10 Ufestyle @ 111, f utuo.' ll lllF' da "l!::; ln~r ,UIII'II, ~ \o'. riting a n,uriltivc
page 58 if 11' >UO I/ .r" 11"'(/ l o l. inh,ing wnrw, \\ ¡lh «'MIt" dllf;l1.'í
(l) Co ll OCaliLlns, r ood and cOllking. Q 0....- I s l ,md~ ! 1/ , /.,;/ , / L) / , / l,/
el!"!; , ldl( ms w ith f,10d
11 Animals @ O.. fi rti ng rel<1lhe Ll'l s' . Q \lil¡!;ila l L/mco ms ~ G il' in¡;opimOilli
page 64 L nr 'a l wnditiun" ls Lin k ing: gh in: e>.amples
(') Animal", Aúj¡'Lm (' ~ prepo~ i ti\Hl. Q Vuwt'l ,ol1n,1s / e:- / am i / Id/
R~! lI e"t s
1Z Incredible @ ['a~t p erfect, P.1s~ives. Slmnge bclids ® De"'r ibing <l b uilding
page 68 11,,11 and mi,l/M fl11' futu re pllss¡b ilil\ Org¡mising.1 te, t
(') C111¡' ati cm" \, itll.l", gct, ,,(1, /II/t'" lIIake. I'n.'po!>itlllno l phrases
I(/!.:" rhe we;¡lher, Q I'IWflL'Dl iL wrnblJt~
Adjectil'('f, w ith ¡Iery "nJ rrl":"¡IlI<'Í,'
22 , 1I NI T 11 Shopping
6 Underline the correct verb formo 8 Complete the questions with fue present simple or
a) 1 ean 't Land cooking I to cook. present conti nuous form 01 the verbs in brackets.
b) r d idn' t choo e studying I to study English. a) D,} yOlA come (you come)
from a large family?
e) 1 didn' t manage finishing / to finish m y
h omework last nigh t. b) _ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ __ (you listen)
d) 1 enj y spending / to spend time with rny to the radio at the moment?
parents. e) (most
e) 1 never refuse lending / to lend money to my of yom friends work) in an offiee?
friend .
d) (it rain) a lot in
f) J often forgel taking off I to take off m y earrings your town in the winter?
w hen 1 go lO bed.
A: 1wan t (1) la t t é! these on . Do you mind Ves, he does. Yes, 1 amo Ves,I do.
(2) _ _ _ _ after m y bag for a few minutes? Ye , 1 o. Ves, it doe . Ves, ít is. I
B: OK, b u t p lea e don' t spend all afternoon Ves, they are. Ves, they do. --1
(3) a dress . 1 love (4) _ _ _ _
a) Ves, 1 do. e)
time w ith you, my dear, but we agreed
b) f)
(5) to only two or th ree shops.
e) g)
A: 1, but 1want (6) _ _ _ __ something
really n iee. d) h)
B: But like v rything you buy a nd we n eed 10 Write trae anBwers to the questions in Exercise 8.
(7) eareful wíth m oney. a) e)
A: Oh, 1 hate (8) _ _ _ _ about money. Tf b) f)
Shopping 23
1 Match the words on the left with those
on the righl
a) a can of crisps
b) a blmch of fumiture
e) a box of grapes
d ) a paiI' of matche
e) a packet 01 mayonnaise
f) a piece of perfume
g) a bottle of petrol
h) ajar of sciS50rs
al P {!!.!.{'L'l1~ d d) 5 __ _ __ d
e) c _ _ _ __ d c) _ _ __ _ _ __ d) _ _ _
socks suit be tights top waistcoat
24 - UI.Jr"
u ,. J í ~ I Shopping'
4 Cross out fue word Ulat doe tlot go with Pronunciation
the material.
a) ¡7ver b racelet j earring / gkwes / ring 1 Look al the words in fue box. Is the underlined
b) del/im jacket / jean / jumper / skirt sound lev or lru/? Pul the word in the corred
e) calton bracelet / dre s / -hirt / tep
d ) w ¡Jolletl jeans / jumper / scarf / socks
~ brilln Eleeide exc:hªnge gr~t
e) "Y/O ll ramcoat / shirt / hghts / cardigan mind plain right ~e striped
f) silk necklace / pyjamas / searf / tie surpri e WID
~e try: tcoat
g) len tlzer gloves / jacket / shoes / tights
lell lru/
5 Match the questions (a- IT) with their answers (1- 8).
a) Can Jl1 p you? alwalJs decide
b) Whal 50rt of lhing are you looking for?
e) What colours do you have?
d ) How would you like to pay?
e) What size is he?
f) What d you think? Do you like it?
g) Can 1 exchange it .
h) How rnuch is it?
1 By credit card, if that's OK.
a b c d e f g h
r 4
5hopping • UN1T 11 25
Listening Michael: Millionsof movie fans around the world are
waiting fOI the new Spider-Man movie, but
1 n 20 Cover the listening script and listen to here ;n London, we are very lucky. Today is
a news report about the film. premiexe of the European premiere of Splder-Man 3. The
Spider-Mml 3. What are the speakers talking about? fi lm (ost over three hundred million dollars
a) Critical opinions of the film
to make, and the stars are visiting different
cities around tlle world for the premieres.
b) The p]ot (story) of the film
26 :U 'H I T 11 Shopping
Writing 2 Read the rules in the box. Then underline the
correct alternative jn sentences (l--(! below.
Organising a text
Linking sentences with too, also, as weLL rWe us ually put 0150 next to a verb . We u5ually
put too and as well at the end of a pillase.
Describing a shop They have oll fhe j{l/nolls brands, bu! If¡CU1:¡
have less expensive tlling , too I as weU.
1 Read the article and write the topies (a-/) in the
correct order in the paragraph plan below.
They have alf ¡he jal110lls brand, bu t thcy
also have ¡ess cxpel/5ive ¡/¡iI¡gs
My favourite shop
This week, Jo Greig describes
her favo urite shop.
Shopping 27
good bel+er
bes/. ll1e rules of basketball are _ __ _ _ _ __
wet f) Watching a sport is m ore exciting than d oing it.
easy Do ing a sport is not _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __
fa 1"
dilngerous g) Being fit is not as important for oId er peopIe as
.. it 1S for younger peopIe .
Being tit is _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __
2 Salve fue puzzle.
Dan is a bit fitter than Andy, but not as tit as Chris.
Ed is fitter than Dan, but not as fit as Chris. Do you ag:ree with the statements above? Change
Brian is the fittest. them, if necessary, so that they are true for you.
Write the Dame of each person under their picture. 4 Complete each sentence with the superlative form
of an adjective from the box.
28 .- - . u' ti I C
í· 11 fit
5 There is one word missing from each line in tite 7 Rewri te tite sentences by replacing the words in
text below. Insert tite missing words. Choose from ítalics with the peonoun in brackets.
tite words in the box. a) Don 't forget to switch off ¡he Jigll!. (it)
DOII '1 {oroe! lo sw¡¡.cI! ¡I off .
as as as m ore mest
Do you atways _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ th d w k
imme iately? n w ~ t
d ) words up look
H ow often do you _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __
b) 10:1 r -al- -or- -our
in the dietionary? e se sp _ t
Fit 29
Vocabulary 4 Write the numbers as you say them.
a) l/s ~h¡¡l
1 Match the questions (a - II) with the answers (1- 8). b) 5112
a) How far i.s it to fue nearest bus stop from yOill e) 1213
d) 7.5'10
b) How fast can you run 100 metres?
e) How long does it take you to get dressed in the e) 0.675
morning? f) 0.33
d) How many peopIe are there in you r farnily? g) 2,976
e) How much homework do you ha ve loday?
f) How often do you go swimming?
g) How oId is your car? h) 1,500,000
h) How welJ can you speak Chinese?
1 Abou t ten minutes.
5 Cross out the word that is not possibJe.
2 About two hundred metres.
3 Four, bul w ilh me, il 's five. a) He deci d ed to give up coffee / bis neieh:bol1ts I
4 1'm not sure. Filteen seconds, maybe. smoking.
5 ['ve had ít for t1U'ee years. b) Where can 1hang up my coat I c10thes / shoes?
6 Not a loto Two or three exercises. e) He put on a car / suit / tie to go to w ork.
7 N a t as well as my mother.
d ) She got home and swi tdlcd on a novel!
8 Never. 1 can't stand it.
the computer / the TV.
e) She took off her hat I keys / shoes when she
a b e d e f g h
entered the house.
2 1 never throw away old newspapers I
L 1 -L_",,---'---I
plastic bags I the office.
Write true answers to the questions.
6 Complete the de.finitions with the phrasaJ verbs in
the box.
2 Complete the questions.
a) How f'asl can you learn to speak a bring up clear up deal with fill in
foreign language?
ge t on w ith loo k up run alter take atier
b) How can you play goli?
e) How do you go on hoLday? a) Tf you ¡'W1 aHet' someone or something,
d ) llow does it cost? you follow it very
e) How does it lake you to get b) When you something
to SdlOO1?
30 - u Ñ J1 "1) Fit
7 What (ould you say in these situations? Choose an 8 Put the words in the box into the conect group.
expression from tbe box.
athlete ath1etic5 court goggles
Be careful! Be patient. Com back! I golf g Ifer helmel nel pitch
Don 't be l'terrible! Don't worry. Tryagain. 1 skier sk.iing track
a) Sports:
b) Peop!e:
e) PLace:
d ) Equipment:
yousay: ______________________________
Fit 31
Reading 3 Which sportsperson are the following sentences
talking about? Write your answers in the boxes:
1 025 Read the articJe and moose the best tjtle. SK - Shizo Kanaguri; EM - Eric Moussambani;
a) Great Olympie Champions EE - Eddie Edwards
b) Great 01ympic Losers a) He came from Britain. [f EI
e) Great Olympic Records b) He didn' t enjoy taking part in the raee. O
e) He wore glasscs. D
2 Read the artiele again. Write the name of the d ) He took part in the Sydney Olympics. L-]
sportsperson below the corred picture.
e) He stopped in the m iddJe of the raee. ~J
f) He onIy started the sport that year. r 1
g) He took part in the Stockholm Olympics. J
h ) He brokc some bones. , I
11 _ _
There have been many great champions in the history of the Olympic Games. For
example, the American swimmer, Mark Spitz, won seven gold medals in 1972, and
the Hungarian fencer. Aladar Gerevich. won gold medals at six different Olympic
games. But there have also been some great losers. We look at the best of the worst.
.. ~~'" ..
. .......
. '
•• I
:¡; ,¡
-- ~ -
....---- -
'Roland Garros',
although it i oft n call d 'The French Open '.
2 al tho ugh the women's match es are often more
3 although the m st expensi e cost more than 70
4 1 enjoyed th day.
5 it Was a p ity that the v eatheJ· was so bad .
6 she lost in th third ro und .
7 this was m y íirst visit to major championship.
Fit UNIT 11 33
1 Match each group of sentences (1- 2) wifu a job I lnlini tive Pastsimple Past participle
in fue box. be was I /<Iere beCt!
an au p ajI a DJ a Jlighl atten dant a model
She has to wear a uniform at work.
She can travel. free to different countríes.
She doesn' t have to have a lU\.Íversity
educa tion.
She can't sit down much in her jobo
Sheis ________________________________
2 She duesn 't have to pay for sorncwhere
to Uve.
2 Change the eight sentences in Exercise 1 to 5 Complete Ute sentences with the present perfect
questions. form of fue verbs in brackets.
a) Does :,; /t e JUWI;;: tO iVear a IAfII'{CJI'/tI al /lIol'k ? a) Haw many dilieren t jobs has she done
(she do)?
- - - - - - - - ---------------- ? b) She (ha ve) 10ts of differen t
e) jobs in her lile.
d) e) (you ever work)
---- - -- - - - -- -------------7 in a factory?
e) -----------------------------? d) NO, I (never be) in a
f) bakery.
------------------------------ ?
e) What's the worst meal you ______________
g) ----------------~----------------------_? _______ (ever eat)?
h) ------------------------------------------_?
f) (like) mos t of rny jobs and 1
like this one, too.
3 Think of a woman you know. Answer the
questions in Exercise 2. g) Yes, I (always wan t)
to be a ballet dancer.
a) Ye~, ~h e does. I No, she does¡.¡'1.
34 lJ HIT ' El Job
6 Write questions for the answers below. 8 Underline the correct time expression.
a) H ave lfOU ev r Úeetl 011 lelevisi otl ? a) 1 learn t to drive eyer / in rny lile /
0, I've never been on television. when 1 was eighteen.
b) b) 1 haven' t been to the cinema a few weeks ago /
------------------------------------ ?
Jast week I this week.
No, l've never work das an au pairo
e) 1 bought a great CD in my !ife / oyer the years I
e) yesterday.
? d ) 1 didn ' t go to the beach at alllast summer I
No, my parents have never forgolten rny over the years / recenUy .
birthday. e) l've been to a few good resta ura.nts tast Friday I
recently I years ago.
f) l've pent fur too muell money last night /
? today / yesterday.
No, my teamer has never made a joke in c.ld SS . g) l've d one a lo t of illy things in 2006 /
e) ? a few moments ago I oyer the years.
No, l've never seen a ballet.
Change the sentences so they are true for you.
f) ?
No, I've neve!" voted in a poli tical eleclion.
g) 7
o, I've never ridden a motorb ike. 27 Listen to the recording and read the texto Notice
the pauses and how sorne words are Iinked together.
Write true answers to the questions aboye. Then practise reading it while you ti ten to the
7 Complete the text with the past simple or present
fli! 11
perfect fonn of the yerbs in brackets.
My name's Frank, 1land) come from I Bern I
in Switzerland. II
1 work"as .an"artist 1 for,an, advertising company, II
bu t l.also teachJ~nglish. I I
I've been with _the eompany 1 for, a couple, of years 11
and J"enjoy my work. II
1 (1) _ _ -"cc.
/' a I/..:;.
c -,d""o,--, e _ _ (do) 10ts of horrible jobs
to tay in bed .
Job 35
Vocabulary 2 Match the jo bs in the box with the texts a- g.
1 Who d o these things belong to? Labe1 the pictures aáel' archaeologist cook
with the words in the bo", managing director te1esales person
tourist guide vet
au pair butcher DI engineer farmer J
Oight attendant pilaf solctier surgeon a) I've done a few films, but J Iike being on stage in
a theatre best. Last year 1 was in 'Hamlet' and 1
got excellent reviews. aclor
b) A t fus t, this was just a hoUday job, butI realJ y
njoyed it. llove reading history books and J
like show ing peop le the interestin g pilJts of rny
town. _ _ __ _ _ __
El pi/ol
- - -
d) 1 spend most oi my time w ith fanners and 1
work ou tdoors a Jot. But in the village, people
come to see me with their d ogs and cats when
11 they are iJl. _ _ _ _ _ __
e) 1 stuctied it at uruversHy, of course, b ut 1 was
¡ucky to get the jobo1 work for a museum in
York al1d we are studying Roman castJ es in
part of the country. _ _ _ _ _ _ __
f) 1 work in a large faclory and 1 run the kitchens
there. We have to prep are meals far about four
hundred people and ['m responsible for buying
all the food. _ _ __ _ __
a El
a) I'rn going to have (, daU off
tomorrow and go fOI a long walk.
b) 1 asked my boss for to leave
work early.
e) 1 need to m ake abou t m y
future .
d) 1 thi.nk 1'11 have now and
fin ish the w ork latero
5 Match the sentence beginnings (a- h) with their 28 Listen and check.
endings (1-7).
nul'lcr-li ntraY.t
p oli ticians should ~0" '1 \9yó
Job 37
Listening An n: So, do men usua lly do this job?
Bob: Er, yes, meno And women .
1 l' 29 Cover the listening script and listen to two Ann: Okay, do you work indoors or outdoors?
people playing a game. Qne person lhinks of a job Bob: 1 can only say 'yes' or 'no'.
and the otber person has to guess what it is. Ann: Okay, do you work indoors?
Tick (.1) the two jobs that they describe. Bob: Yeso
An n: Do 'ja u use your han ds in t his job?
Bob: Yeso
An n: Do you need any training for this job?
Bab: Yeso Usually.
Ann: Do you work normal offi ce hours?
Bob: No.
Ann: Do yau have to work in the eveni ngs?
Bob: Yeso
Ann: Do 'jou have to wear a uniform?
Bob: Yeso
Ann: Do you ha ve to be strong?
Bob: No , not really.
An n: Do you trave l a lot?
Bob: No. Not at all.
Ann: Is it a hot and smeLLy job?
~~-e Bob:
Er, yes, 1 suppose so.
1 t hink I've got it. Do you work in a restaurant?
Bob: Yeso
Ann: 1 know. You're a waiter?
Bob: Na!
Ann: Okay, so you're a cook?
Bob: Yes, t hat's right.
e) a flight attendan t
Bob: Okay, my turn o15 it a job for men or women?
1 mean, do men usually do this job?
Ann: Yes, men, usua Lly. But women do it too .
Bab: Do you work indo ors?
An n: Mm, we ll, no ... but 1 don't work outdoors!
Bob: Is it a st ressful Job?
Ann: Yes, som etimes. Sometimes very stressful.
Bab: Do you need any training for thi s job?
Ann : YesoA lot.
order that yau hear Ibero. Bob: But do yo u work normal office hours?
b) Dear Mr O'Sulli an
1 Where do the phrases below be long in the letter? Best w ishes / Yours faithflllly, / Yours sin erely,
Write the number in the box. C OSI1IO Bl'ickell
more about ~
3 Read the advertisemeot and notes and write a
leUe.r asking for more information.
17, Sr. Mary's Road
Pidl ingron VV/la f l:Ufld o{ work P T~'m!(:d - who paysP
WE2 71-I H
Vol unrary Work Camps Ine.
PO B x36
MA13PP Work Camps .•
Dear Sir or M adam Learn new skills and a new language at our
intemational voluntary work camps
... (1) ... yo ur advertisement in the newspaper yesrerday.
1 am illrerested in applying fo r a posirion with your
Our volunteer' work programme offers hu ge
organiLarÍon and ' " (2) . . . more informa do n.
range of possibilities to respon sible youn g
... (3) ... your organiza tion . You r adverrisemenr says mar
people who want to cJiscover the world an d
it is for yOllng people . .. . (4) ... how old 1 musr be ro
make ir a better place to live.
ap ply? 1 am go ing ro be 18 nexr monrh.... (5) .. . the
kincls of projeel'ó (har you Sllpporr. Your accommodation will be in our dorm itori es
... (6) ... an application form o and all meals are prov ided .
Job u N .I'T 39
I>SS660 SOI>~8L 6
.-SS66-0S01>- ~ -SL6 N 8 S I