Introduction To MCN Prof. Dymphna Casquejo: Framework For Maternal and Child Nursing

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Introduction to MCN
Prof. Dymphna Casquejo

Framework for Maternal and Child Nursing Four Phases of Health Care:
1. health promotion – educating clients to be
Goals of Maternal and Child Health Nursing aware of good health through teaching and
- promotion and maintenance of optimal family role modelling
health to ensure cycles of optimal childbearing o ex. family planning, teach the
and childrearing importance of safe sex practice,
importance of immunizations
The Range/Scope of Practice Includes: 2. health maintenance – intervening to maintain
1. pre-conceptual health care health when risk of illness is present
2. care of women during the 3 trimesters of o ex. encouraging prenatal care,
pregnancy importance of safeguarding homes by
a. 1st trimester (1st – 3rd month) childproofing it against poisoning/falls
b. 2nd trimester (4th – 6th month) 3. health restoration – promptly diagnosing and
c. 3rd trimester (7th – 9th month) treating illness using interventions that will
3. care of women during puerperium or 4th return clients to wellness most rapidly
trimester (6 weeks after childbirth) o ex. care of child during illness, care of
4. care of children during the perinatal period (6 woman during pregnancy
weeks before conception to 6 weeks after complications
birth) 4. health rehabilitation – preventing further
5. care of children from birth to adolescence complications from illness; bringing ill client
a. neonatal (28 days of life); back to optimal state of wellness or helping
b. infancy (1 – 12 months); client to accept inevitable death
c. adolescence (after 18 y/o) o ex. encouraging continuous therapies
6. care in varied settings: the birthing room, the and medications
PICU, and the home

Philosophies of MCHN Framework for Maternal & Child Health Care Nursing
1. maternal and child health nursing is family- 1. nursing process (ADPIE)
centered; assessment data must include a 2. evidence-based practice/nursing research
family and individual assessment 3. nursing theoru
2. Maternal and child health nursing is
community-centered Steps of the Nursing Process (ADPIE)
3. Maternal and child health nursing is research 1. Assessment
oriented because research is the means o family/community assessment
whereby critical knowledge increases provides information on the meaning
4. Nursing theory and evidenced-based practice of a current health situation or the
provide a foundation for nursing care ability to remain well to a family and
5. Health Promotion is an important nursing role the emotional support that the
because this protects the health of the next individual can expect from the family
generation or community
6. Maternal and child health nursing is a 2. Nursing Diagnosis
challenging role for nurses and is a major o used in connection with families and
factor in promoting high-level wellness in communities generally relate to the
families family’s ability to handle stress and to
provide a positive environment for
Remember: individual growth and development
- in all settings and types of care, keeping the
family at the center of care or considering the Sample Nursing Diagnoses:
family as the primary unit of care is an - parental role conflict related to prolonged
essential goal because the level of a family’s separation from child during long hospital stay
functioning affects the health status of its - interrupted family processes related to
members. A family- centered approach emergency hospital admission of oldest child
enables nurses to better understand - impaired parenting related to unplanned
individuals and their effect on others, and in pregnancy
turn, to provide holistic care
o family – basic unit of society
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[NCM 107] 1. The Human Anatomy: An Overview – Prof. Dymphna Casquejo

- ineffective family coping related to inability to terms of ability to complete self-care.

adjust with child’s illness Care given may be wholly
- readiness for enhanced family coping related compensatory (client has no role);
to improved perception of child’s capabilities partly compensatory ( client
- health-seeking behaviors related to birth of first participates in care); or supportive-
child educational ( client performs own care)

3. Outcome Identification and Planning Advanced Practice Roles of Nurses in Maternal and
o planning for nursing care must include Child Health
a design that is family-centered and 1. women’s health nurse practitioner
appropriate and desired by the o is a nurse with advance study in the
majority of family members; otherwise, promotion of health and prevention of
family may have difficulty following the illness in women. Such a nurse plays a
plan vital role in educating women about
4. Implementation their bodies and sharing with them
o a plan for improving family/community methods to prevent illness; they care
health should flow smoothly if for women with illnesses such as
members have agreed on it out of sexually transmitted diseases and
support for one another. It may be counsel them about anf offer
necessary in some instances to information regarding reproductive life
encourage family members on a plan planning
or abide by a chosen plan 2. family nurse practitioner, FNP
o is an advanced practice role that
5. Outcome Evaluation provides health care not only to
o evaluation should reveal not only that women but also to all persons
a goal was achieved but also that the throughout the age span. In
family feels more cohesive after conjunction with a physician, an FNP
working together toward the goal can provide prenatal care for the
woman with an uncomplicated
Evidence-Based Practice pregnancy
- involves the use of research or controlled 3. neonatal nurse practitioner, NNP
investigation of a problem using a scientific o is skilled in the care of newborns, both
method in conjunction with clinical expertise as well and ill. NNPs may work in level 1,
acquired through experience and practice as a 2 or 3 newborn nurseries. neonatal
foundation for action intensive care units, neonatal follow-up
clinics, or physician groups or
Nursing Theory transporting the infants. The NNP’s
- one of the requirements of a profession responsibilities include managing
(together with other determinants, such as patient care in an intensive care unit,
members who set their own standards, conducting newborn assessments and
monitoring of practice quality, and participation physical examinations, and providing
in research) is that a discipline’s knowledge high-risk follow-up discharge planning
flows from a base of established theory 4. pediatric nurse practitioner (PNP
o is a nurse prepared with extensive
Nursing Theorists: skills in physical assessment,
1. florence nightingale interviewing, and well-child counselling
o the role of the nurse is viewed as and care. In this role, a nurse
changing or structuring elements of interviews parents as part of an
the environment such as ventilation, extensive health history and performs
temperature, odors. Noise, and light to a physical assessment of the child
put the clients into the best opportunity 5. nurse-midwife
for recovery. o an individual educated in the discipline
2. betty neuman of nursing and midwifery and licensed
o a person is an open system that according to the requirements of the
interacts with the environment; nursing American College of Nurse-Midwives
is aimed at reducing stressors through (ACNM), has played an important role
primary, secondary, and tertiary in assisting women with pregnancy
prevention and child bearing
3. dorothea orem 6. clinical nurse specialist
o the focus of nursing is on the o are nurses prepared at the master-
individual; clients are assessed in degree level who are capable of acting

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as consultants in their area of

expertise, as well as serving the role
models, researchers, and teachers of
quality nursing care
7. case manager
o is a graduate-level nurse who
supervises a group of patients from the
time they enter a health care setting
until they are discharged from the
setting, monitoring the effectiveness
and cost and satisfaction of their
health care.

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