Brigada Pagbasa Reading Report

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Project Kumuztahan sa Pagbasa

I-READ with Project Kumuztahan sa Pagbasa, the school-initiated reading program

which is under the umbrella of I-READ program and Brigada Pagbasa is seen to be the
solution in combatting literacy decline. Challenges were on the way from conceiving the plan
to implementing it but dedicated school reading team and the whole school personnel made
the program possible. Starting from August 02, 2022, the school seriously implemented the
Brigada Pagbasa. After the BE Kick Off, the community had took part in the strong adherence
to Bawat Bata Bumabasa policy. Reading test during the pre-assessment was done during
the enrolment periodStudents’ reading skills were assessed in both English and Filipino
Reading remediation in both English and Filipino subjects were also conducted every
Monday; however, it was hindered again by strict community restrictions. Assessing students
in this distance learning is really a challenge the but Reading team as well as the Grade 7
advisers still reach out those students through the Project Kumustahan.

Home visiting students to make follow-up on their reading skills, project kumustahan moment.

Language teachers specifically the English department conduct one on one reading to Grade
7, Grade 9 and Grade 10 students

Reading Intervention for Grade 7 Struggling Readers


Reading remediation in both English and Filipino subjects were conducted every Monday.
Assessing students in this distance learning is really a challenge the but Reading team as
well as the Grade 7 advisers still reach out those students through the Project Kumustahan.
Those students whose home is difficult to reach agreed to visit the school every Monday.

A grade 7 student whose reading recognition skill is a problem.

He was given activities for beginning reading for a period of two

This was mobile teaching wherein Grade 7 teachers and the

School Reading team visited students who did not responded
our call. Reading test and reading activities were given to
students and as told those should be retrieved after 2 weeks.

Mrs. Arsula who had a non-reader student, the

student sneakily went outside upon seeing that
teachers were coming to visit him. The school reading
coordinators had just instructed the mother on what to
do, and had given reading activities for his child. This
was the real problem when non-reader student would not cooperate in the intervention

Guided reading session with a non-reader

student every Monday at School.

Sir Reymond Adelfa, a grade 10 Mathematics Teacher delivered

Reading Intervention for Grade 7 Struggling Readers

The administration of PHIL-IRI test showed that among Grade 7 entrants, there were 6
non-readers in Filipino and 10 syllabic readers. These students were monitored and were
given personal instructions in reading so they could catch up with the lessons. As planned
these students were to visit the school every Monday for a special reading instructions.

Teacher Jessa Mae U. Felisilda, a reading teacher in Filipino coached her Grade 7 client.
Reading text suited at their instructional level.

Guided reading lesson of teacher

Jessa Mae. This individualized coaching made students learn faster and be and
independent reader in Filipino in just a month.

What went wrong in the program?

Developing students’ reading skill is not as easy as counting 123 especially when they
are in secondary stage and still do not even master the alphabet sounds and worst cannot
even identify what those symbols are in the alphabet. In my 5 years of being the school
reading coordinator, this has been the task which is so heavy on my shoulder. The number of
non-reader kept on increasing. The system of just letting the pupil be promoted to secondary
stage even when a students’ level of knowledge is still on grade 1 or below is ridiculous and
frustrating. Remediating those students in their late stage is so difficult especially if the
students’ personality and ambitions were too blurry, and of course if the parents also do not
support their children and the school’s program on reading. They are ashamed, and tend to
refuse in participating the remediation, they cover up their weaknesses with hardheadedness.
I really believed on the famous saying by F. Douglas that states “It is easier to build strong
children than to repair broken adults”. In my reading remediation classes, those who will
resist in the program are usually ages 13 and up or older than their classmates. When visited
at home, they did not also show up and they did not answer their modules personally. How
can we help them if they themselves refused it? I hope that the higher ups should also noticed
this problem. It really takes a community to educate a child.
Post-assessment schedule will be on April-May 2022.

Prepared by: Jenefer S. Ediang

School Reading Coordinator

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