Phy Notes

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Stelan Boltzmann lau

2 Newlon's lao of Cooln

3 Black bady na.diakon
gnengy specthum
4 ien's displaument &
5 Rayleiqh-Jean
6 Planck's bupothe.sis
7 Denivation

RadiahOD pMeSSUHe_

Solan constz
Hngsthom's pyhtheliometen

Sunkaca temp o sun

TCof bad conedluton
12 (Lee
Chou Ito n)

3Te of g0od

4. 0U codostHope
Stelan Bsl zmaren law
Statemu nt The Hate at which a penle ctly black body emits
tbtal Hadiation is to the ounth poweM
dinecty proporional
of absolute tempenatume
Le E a T E E T+ whene g: 5.67 x 10-* Wm 2K*
shePan's const)

E (T T") T Suthoun de d by To

DHOwback: Doesn't specify about dis tibuion of nadohion in eleclromagher

Newlon's low oP cooing
E T+ -J.")
E T * -T)'] E r i T2+ T.)( T*- To?)
E T- ToT+ To)(T*+ To)
E a(T- I)(T3 TT +ToT?+ T.3)
meglechng the powens of T8 To
E T -To)
The heat manse pen unit anea of the body is dinecly
pHopontional to the excess of tempHaBune ove i suHHaunding
pHOv ded the excess et he tempy. is small.

Theony of the expt to detemine specific heot of lig by Newlon's la

of coolinq methoo
-d o T-To -ve
symbol indic ales loss of heat
dt T To

d =
kT-T) whene k is a conSt. depending on anea &
dt natune of gunface.
d k Pndt 0
cl- m s dT
Equating O e
kfTdt msdT

dt msdT dt t- ToSmsdT
s F1)- F(T)]
k fCD K
Experiment No.
Name of the Experiment Date
P'age N 2

Procedurei- he mas mply. alorlnutarm)

faucd ueg a mugh AalanceT hd withhot rann
a aboul lsrd af lcapauy Ih talarhote placus!
h henlnsy box. a2br2huJmpakatene ie abous
h2alkd fan
ACCa dihal_elazk Raloawtid end t m e
henh calartenetu i t h a2oln Lnsifpund.
maus a ih
s ha! autd lakoand
_candikans. h u n h e
2znLlLc. epeated Andis h aam
hLzutl i fauadLns
hcalortoaues arli
mau 9 r 1euld and 2ater s n h -
Caalieg ww.
by laking_tmi
= a r 2

4mm rauiued for
E x a m h u L cuunL he
c04L hmugh hu
f a k u aa t t 4 A ) a n d _ l a l e h ) a r e h a a a
L e m p a M a u r e a t e 0ater
h kgutd aod
icaleutated zubg
l e p e u i f b e a t _ a 1 h u

h e abon zermula-
unDuBIS s,Joyooe


k kiaHea Ke adiahon pOwenOkL_lamne
M2 masA of calottimatru
mS meSe be gpeci_ot Calonimeteh_
Mw Su tmc Se
t ML S+ eSc

SL (mwSwtmcSe) - M cSe
Rlack boduy 1adialion & distzibuion ak enenqy in is Spectnum
Scienhs Lumm@ & Punqsh@im intensiy of tadiation
Obgenval ions
)Distubuion: Enenqy is not unifoHmly _dig rubuted
among die wavelengths ot a given temp
) Peak: At a qiven temp in of Hodialion
incHeases wth inCHeaSe in uavelengh, Heaches a max int SS
decHuaSes titr cecrttose
Gi) Temp _oaissi0n epgy: AS femp inCHaases emission en ngu.
As Émtspandinq As termp incMRe the aax ialeasBy
avelength cOHUSpondinq to mox intdeckaoses

Arua undex Cunve: s femp_in(UaARs_O a _unde the cunve

ihcuas eg

ON dxg

oN 38ed
wtb's displacement lau&&witn's distnibution law
Displace ment lau Am T: k

AmT . 9 3 x 103 mk
m avelength comesponding to mox enengy
TAbsolute temp
.2 as temp increases the wovelenq th at which
emmisbion is max deeneases at absolute temp
Distribution law Em T
ie Em kT* Em k OH EmT= k
AKA: Hh powen la
Combining displacement lauw 8 th powen law
Em kA3 P(AT)
Assuminq facts abouts the mechonism of tadiatien emmissio
&Cbsonplion o Hadiation
Em K5 eAT dA
k&a ane consts

2uleigh-eans au
Applied the principle of
EadA 21KI dà
eleclrodunamics& stalisfics of mechantcs
kBoltzmann Const
DHow back Couldn't exploin exptr tusults in shonten wavelenqth
oncks hynothesis
Exploins he disthibulion of
wOwelenqth ene9y oven
entine oP
Hange of
eunoubis s,aypo®

uantum theomus: Radiahons ane emi Hed on absonbed in dischele

packets otoneuQu
Enhy whene n:1,2.3
h L25x 10-3 Ts y>frequency of hadialfon_
Planck's constr.
Packets of eneHQU_aHe called quonta on phoDn
Penmitied encagu slales ate_called quantum gtale

Dehivation of Dlancks lau

Acc n lanck a black bods Hadialion chambe has o
no_ofOSsilaons each havinQ its ouwn naButal hequencu
Censidena black bods Containinq N no/oossilatons

ahase N assilatons let No have 0 enengu N have hV

£ N have 2hV etc.
N Ne+N Na
E Nol0) +_NihV) +Nal2h))+-
N N 1g + Na3£-
£CN+2N +3N a+ hv

Acc to boltz.mann distibuton la he pHobabilihu thal a

ossilaho will have On enehayhV whene_n: L,2,3 is
N.Na e
Sub e ARS Nn Noy-
No Noe
in NaNo tNay' +Noy'+Nou+

O Nd e

ON d
E CNe y Nes 3N.y
NoyE(2y+ 3y
Noy&-u Noy
Avenaqe enenoy pe oscallafo

u ()-ekT e e
(en/u1 1)
boltzmann statishice is
The tol al enengy acc to moxwell
tre uftY)dy d

einDuBIS S,jeyode1

u)dy: Qiv hv d

utd 81g
h d

adioh on Ohe3SuMe
Quanlun adialion is Sinalah to as th vdume v to
Meuculea had
otems & nadatiny hakphotons
uat lik gas _Daolaculzs
phobs albo excut pskun1 on u a a o
fon unonm al inudu nca iHs_contount
Madiofion phbauh pu
Gi) DRuAed hodialion_
eneqy dinsity land ol Hadiahon pe unit uolume)_

Solan Constant (9) lhe femp_o9un is

deten min ed by the
Amt af adioionsetkive0 Dyeauth Solon co ngt iSis deteHmnai-
to doso
Delo: 1 is ha amto Hadiakon abso thed_pen mi nute Dy
Sm of_apenlectlyblack boduplace a a mean distote
heeanth MOm Sun in obsense o
ig o|lon to the
atmosphen, £ the suHlece
SunHays S: L35 kwm3
Tast Humen sed o dete HMine is pu hheliometex
2T elinaihate thettectS obsonD toh
plon constis undot heafm he
unden SiMoh_Conds_
aliades_onhe Sme_0gy

ON 3ed ON
Angstak cOmpena aled pymehlionatent, PYREHELIOHETER:
hyrahalinaaten s_a Iatnununt_ud fo oletonaiM Hu soloconst
Lokich is ko h altennsika Hu Lemp of tu _un.
nincipleAer Jola a y btotho q a_nabl ship is l a n ud iy L

-oMO Uut oeletrsica enoyy upplicd o_an idunhtal u h

lips A 2 Madu
n d idh ky s i l
blacknedl plahiaun;ai Tu uipd oi o u
bbulole wL scna 8 ACH
insid a h canyi a
HaaliaHon. Appacofari
CA LA to Ahield eitunkan 8 n
Jpusik be gaduanabasteh k A_ unahon
henMocoupls hauinq a
unchion S ok lu stup R can kaah
&Ba _andRaun
iagtas is asshon in
aluetnicolly A schum aic

Pracsdluru: Oue ha
bemp a A i £ R
pola kooliata g nuOsutad wsinga
heumocouph Tus e
ghsnafel in s
hieh shieHe oas u haokahn
h Mrip R
paAihaaAuitabla _cuhuut Ita
nau electuicaly uatd gerenmgaluacan
ollLekin ih a
uitabluallans _ Aa ta H sanu eap odA
hsated eleetuicely to H
hat B_i_
is 2A1e Tus inuplies
RaAun's aalaon
s heateg

a u h g y - 1 , m o H a A u a b l a n k d
by*S S aa
A_Aea a a ateip A_
T_ab Somphon allitin
S- Sbla con
Buppiedo strip Bis VI
Eudita ehey

SoA-VI oh

Sunfau kmp a Rau Aun:

Considain R pAnac hlatk hacdy 4R p h u Aun Can

an helt zm ana lao t

hadiatd Anit anLa

a aT I4 Ris Ra
hoodius HunAotta o cnis IR
Eangy RLaoliat ed Aun rATYpe e
Tlusen.ungy s aali ated fo an
x 7RT
h olun IS)Td eney
Toal oua

wAng Hu vedu as,h £R Tascalelad &fndt

DLAnata ka 5 700k
tunp a H Aun Can alas k dteindbaing ai.tns law
e o seas laLom=kon T:k 2xIO -6o0ok mis/mm
m 43 S3Xo-o
u a i aios i H value aktainad Hu abrue
hoo ekcds PHeve uAun aclusllyda.csn aaiah_lkebleck
bocly mon conupt)

ok021/2021 Londuchvihs_oa bol

Exnk b deteenaine he mal thuorus
és£_Chedlbn mutaod wi thno tu
Conduch by

Heat concluched bu a bad conducton in Ateady state

na quo Lenduetoaticcntact i t
is odared
ie huat candutloo u
ba Condu iseaual h hal Hadiakedy gecd

lugu Ac hfouu hat_concducbed a bedy_at

Atoadlustate is
do kACG-O) U k> coelluciea a tamal
dt d
AaAua oheal
(e 0 - skeaoy temp_di bl hao
wnlaa obad (onduckn
c Rucknuss a ad
Lal uadialed 4 Ra gcod ccnduth
beit bad cndultn conduck olucl iikin
i n contact

dt dt Mmss mASS Sgasd canduclo

S specilic huat af qaod condubn
tauakin0 2 2) de-changa in emp
ms[d kAO,9) ie k
d e d MSa
A CG-0) d t e
1.e kmsd ld
olt,T Wm'k
Procedure: The thermal conductioity of a poorly conducting material like ebonite can be
determined as follows A thin disc of ebonite is placed in between a

thick copper disc of nearty the radius and a hollow cylindrical metal vessel (steam chest)
provided with an inlet and an outlet for steam. The system is suspended horizontally from a
stand by means of three strings attached to three small hooks provided symmetrically along the
circumference of the lower disc. Thermometers are inserted in the sides of the steam chest and
the lower disc, into the holes provided for the purpose, so that they lie close to the faces of the
ebonite disc. Steam is passed through the chest. While the upper thermometer will indicate
throughout the temperature of steam 8, the temperature indicated by the lower disc
(thermometer) will gradually increase till the steady state is achieved at
The ebonite disc is then removed and the steam chest is placed in direct contact
with the copper disc. The temperature of the disc rapidly rises. When the temperature of this
disc rises by 7C above the steady temperature , the steam chest is taken away. The metallic
disc is now allowed to cool with the ebonite disc placed on it. stop clock
A is started at a

until it falls to 5"C below @, A

temperature 5 C above 8. The time is noted for every %°C fall,
and temperature along the y-axis. From this
cooling curve is drawn with time along the x-axis
determined by finding the slope of the
graph, the rate of cooiing (d8/dt) at temperature B is
to 6a. The thickness of the ebonite bad conductor is
curve at the point corresponding
the radius by vernier calipers. The thermai
determined with the help of a screw gauge and
conductivityK of the bad conductor is found by using the following


MS d
K ar(0,-8,) Wm 'K
ncluctivityof good conducon

102 /2021 heuma

*Expt lo delenmine

fombes method.
Oolid sunfac is

conductas acHOSS
Pninciple heat
:AA dI he atua ef
ac HoSS
c e d pe
p e

a gcond

huat condu by
lheo Hu
hepmy Tha am o point B sgiven
CHOSS sectn A' h e boh at a

Q Ad
o_fhenmal conductiviy
QLA/dIhene k- coellicient
tlsee Az anea o CMess
sec Hod at ptt

d lep qhadient
A-hea Conducted
This uankty aheat lauing acxoss B_pe sec qual fo ho
4uanhity ohaat tadialed pet secondkom fhe Aunlate o the
Hod bluB£he end o Hhe hod
haat Hadioted Qe_ms ldI peH dec whane m- mass otd at B
Ssp hiat q pmotexi
d-nateol Caoling
m- moss
o elemunt vol o ebunt x danaily d hu
Anua v tickru
ss dnsiky
Ax dLx dunaiky
e haat est by f
oReook is ponhDndha beh blu B & ui todden
dden eend

QAA3dz s[dI|
KS d

Kthermal conductivity of the metal Wm-'K

p density of the metal bar =

7860 Kg/m3
S specific heat capacity of the metal bar = 490J/Kg

( is calculated from Graph 1 (K/m)

cend dT under the curve in Graph 3.

dx is calculated from the area
its one end is heated
experimental rod is mounted horizontally, and
(1) Static Part: The
holes are drilled at regular
intervals along the length of the rod
electrically. Anumber of time until the
thermometers are inserted in these holes.
The rod is heated for considerable
state, the reading
temperatures at different points
of the rod reach steady values. At the steady
distances from the hot end of the rod are
of the thermometers and their corresponding
thermometers from the hot end along the
x-axis and the|
Graph1 is drawn taking distances ofthe to
A tangent is drawn to the graph corresponding
corresponding temperature along the y-axis.
the point B (B is a point near the hot end). is is determined


X (cm)

Graph 1

(i) Dynamic part: A sample of the rod of convenient length is taken and a thermometer is placed
at the hole drilled at the centre of the rod. The rod is heated to a temperature above the
and the time-
temperature of the point B of the static part. The rod is then allowed to cool
temperature observation noted for every 60 seconds from a temperature above that of B to a
temperature below that of G. A cooling curve is drawn connecting time along x-axis and
temperature along y-3xis.(Graph 2). Mark the points B, C, D, E, F, G IN THE GRAPH Ccorresponding
to their temperature and the slope at these points are determined. The rate of cooling at points
along the bar in the static part of the experiment is found by drawing tangents to the above curve
at those points. The slope of the curve at these points gives corresponding rate of cooling,


Graph 2

Graph 3 is drawn with distance of the point along x-axis andalong

y-axis. The shaded area
e n d dT
gives the value

X (em}

Graph 3
Nel:ula voelralaio4le dee to Raylieg kan laus
as Adeneases E Lneeatei
Futda wliralg Raylesk Jean ejualien /w oésn
Aund lacept At t:o Ele Total energ

A-V. CAlailrMan

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