Case Protocol Panambulan, Raihanah
Case Protocol Panambulan, Raihanah
Case Protocol Panambulan, Raihanah
1. To present a case of a 62-year-old female who came in due to right flank pain
2. To briefly discuss the clinical presentation, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of a
patient with complicated Urinary Tract Infection
This is a case of A.D, 62-year-old, female, widowed, Filipino, Muslim, from Piagapo,
Lanao del Sur, who was admitted for the first time in our institution last Nov. 25, 2022.
Right flank pain
No known heredo-familial diseases such as hypertension, Diabetes mellitus, bronchial
asthma, cancer, thyroid disorders, malignancy in the family.
General: (-) loss of appetite, (+) easy fatigability (-) fever (-) weight loss, (-) chills
Skin: (-) pruritus, (-) rashes, (-) jaundice
HEENT: (-) headache, (-) dizziness, (-) blurring of vision (-) nasal discharges, (-) hearing difficulty,
(-) epistaxis, (-) sore throat, (-) hoarseness of voice
Respiratory: (-) cough, (-) pleuritic chest pain, (-) hemoptysis, (-) shortness of breath, (-)
Cardiovascular: (-) chest pain, (-) paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, (-) orthopnea
Gastrointestinal: (-) dysphagia, (+) nausea, (+) vomiting, (+) abdominal pain, (-) melena, (-)
change in bowel movement
Genitourinary: (-) oliguria, (-) hematuria, (+) dysuria, (-) incontinence
Musculoskeletal: (-) muscle pains, (-) stiffness, (-) joints pains
Hematologic: (-) easy bleeding, (-) easy bruising
Neurologic: (-) altered sensorium, (-) seizures, (-) syncope
Endocrine: (-) heat/cold intolerance, (-) polydipsia, (-) polyphagia, (-) polyuria
GENERAL SURVEY: ambulatory, conscious, coherent, not in respiratory disease
VITAL SIGNS: BP: 120/70, HR 87, RR 21, TEMP 36.7, O2 SAT 98% at room air, weight 47 kg, height
145cm BMI 22.4kg/m2
SKIN: warm to touch, senile skin turgor, no rashes
HEAD: normocephalic, no masses
EYES: anicteric sclerae, pale palpebral conjunctiva,
EARS: no aural discharge, intact tympanic membrane
NOSE: nasal septum at midline, no nasal flaring
THROAT: no tonsillopharyngeal enlargement, no masses
CHEST and LUNGS: equal chest expansion, no retractions, equal tactile fremitus, clear breath
CARDIOVASCULAR: adynamic precordium, PMI at 5 th ICS left clavicular line, no heaves, no thrills,
normal rate and regular rhythm, no murmur
ABDOMEN: flat, normoactive bowel sounds, soft tender at left lower quadrant, no
EXTREMITIES: full pulses, no edema, CRT <2 secs
NEUROLOGICAL: GCS 15, oriented to time, place and person, no sensory and motor deficits
Day 0-1: patient was admitted, hooked to PNSS. Initial diagnostics were requested: CBC w/ PLT,
BUN, creatinine, SGPT, SGOT, urinalysis, 12L ECG, urine culture, HBA1c, Lipid profile, RBS, WAB
UTZ and CT stonogram and chest x-ray PA view. Patient was started on ceftriaxone 2 gm IV
q24H, HNBB 10mg IV q8, Paracetamol 300mg IV q4 for fever, Metoclopromide 10mg IV q8, HRI
rescue doses, Vitamin B complex, 1 tab OD and ferrous sulfate 300mg/tab, 1 tab OD.
Day 1-2: patient had right flank pain, no fever and chills. CBG was taken which revealed 281.
Glargine 12 “u” SL OD was started. Still awaiting for the chest x-ray, CT stonogram and WAB UTZ.
Day 2-3: patient had decrease right flank pain with no fever, chills, and no dyspnea. CBC
revealed hemoglobin of 8.9, was secured and transfused with 1 “u” PRBC. Urine culture was
Day 3-4: patient had decrease abdominal pain, no other subjective complaints. For repeat CBC
after transfused with 1 unit PRBC. Continued present management.
Day 4-5: patient still at the ward. No abdominal pain, dysuria and fever. Repeat chest x-ray was
URINALYSIS 11/25/2022
Color Pale yellow
Transparency Cloudy
Reaction pH 6.0
Specific gravity 1.030
Sugar 1+
Protein 3+
Pus cells 25088 H
RBC 643 H
Epithelial cells 16 H
Bacteria 234000 H
Whole abdomen ultrasound Hepatic steatosis
right pelvocaliectasia with nephrolithiasis
underfilled urinary bladder precluding
evaluation and its surrounding structures
sonographicalyy unremarkable gallbladder,
pancreas, spleen, abdominal aorta and left