01 Basics
01 Basics
01 Basics
Welcome to the Dutch course! Dutch is a Germanic language, with grammar and vocabulary
similar to other European languages. You might recognize some words from English as well!
Even so, Dutch is a language with grammatical genders. These genders have influence on
endings on words, for example.
De words:
Het is always used for diminutives. Diminutives can be recognised by their suffix; they end in
-je, -tje, -etje, -pje, or -mpje.
Het is always used for words consisting of two syllables and starting with be-, ge-, ver-, and
Het is always used for verbs used as nouns. When the infinitive form of a verb is used as a
noun (e.g. 'the walking of the dog'), Dutch uses het (het lopen van de hond).
Het is always used for languages and names of metals
Het is also used for names of compass points: het noorden (‘the North’)
Het is used for names of sports and games: het schaken (‘chess’), het voetbal
Furthermore, het is used for words ending on -isme and -ment
Basics 1
Dutch speakers actually never tend to think about the gender of words. Rather than knowing
whether a word is originally feminine or masculine, the only distinction that has to be
remembered is the difference between the de words and het words. This is because it has
grammatical consequences (in terms of possessives, question words, demonstratives,
adjectives, and even relative pronouns). This is why when you learn a new noun, it is very
important to memorize whether it is a de or het word.
The Dutch pronouns are as follows:
English Dutch
I Ik
You (formal) U
We Wij (We*)
*Je, ze and we are un-emphasized forms of jij, zij and wij. The difference will be taught in
another skill.
Verb conjugation
In Dutch, verbs can be recognised by the ending -en. For example, eten (‘to eat’) and drinken
(‘to drink’). Verb conjugation in Dutch can get rather difficult, since there are lots of exceptions
(welcome to Dutch, where exceptions are the rule!). The most basic rule is: find the stem and
add the right ending to it. To find the stem of the word, you take the infinitive of the word – the
basic form that you can find in the dictionary – and take off the ending, i.e. -en. So in the
example of 'drinken', (to drink), the stem would be drink-. For the simple present, the
Basics 1
conjugation is as follows: