Belleville Town Council Agenda - Feb. 28, 2023

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‘Township of Belleville Mayor and Municipal Council Regular Meeting February 28, 2023 6:00 p.m, Agenda Call to Order Roll Call Pledge of Allegiance Sunshine Law Pursuant to the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act (Chapter 231, P.L. 1975) known as the Sunshine Law, notice of this meeting was published in the Thursday, December 22, 2022, editions of the Belleville Times and Star Ledger. The Sunshine Law ‘was complied with by adopting and forwarding to press, posting, and filling with the Municipal Clerk the annual resolution showing the date, time, and place of each meeting, ‘A copy of the annual meeting notice has been posted on the Town Hall Bulletin Board. (Please note: The Mayor and Municipal Council’s combined conference and regular ‘meetings are now held in person. Members of the public who cannot attend the meeting in person but would like to attend the meeting may attend by dialing 973-450-0289 enter ID No, "10", PIN 72858") Work Session/Council Discussions: Mayor Melham a) Fee's b.) Audit Findings/Recommendations 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 Report of the Manager Report of the Mayor Approval of Minutes: ‘* Combined Conference & Regular Meeting of February 14, 2023 9. Communications: a.) Clerk’s Office has received a check in the amount of $120,992.51 from Comeast for the Rights-of-Way by Comeast of New Jersey Il, LLC during calendar year 2022. b) The Clerk’s Office will be advertising next week for various RFP’s/RFQ’s 10. Ordinances’ Ordinanee#07: Ordinance for Introduction AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER XXIII, ZONING OF THE TOWNSHIP CODE IN ‘THE TOWNSHIP OF BELLEVILLE, COUNTY OF ESSEX, NEW JERSEY Ordinances on the Table: AN ORDINAN! AGREEMENT BETWEE! URBAN RENEWAL, LLC. ! APPROVING THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO FINANCIAL ‘THE TOWNSHIP OF BELLEVILLE AND R&R BELLEVILLE, 11. Public Comments: 12, Resolutions: Consent Agenda: a.) _ Resolution#47-2023 Resolution of support from Local Government Body authorizing the Sustainable Jersey Grant funded by PSEG. b) _Resolution#48-2023 Authorizing the Belleville Police Department to participate in the Defense Logistics Agency, Law Enforcement Support Office 1033 Program to enable the Belleville Police Department to request and acquire excess Department of Defense Equipment. ©) Resolution#49-2023 Authorizing a refund of tax appeals. 4) f) &) Resolution#50-2023 Resolution of the Township Council of the Township of Belleville authorizing the Planning Board of the Township of Belleville to conduct a preliminary investigation to determine whether certain property within the Township known as 371-411 Main St (Former K-Mart) Block 9701, Lot | is a condemnation area in need of Redevelopment. Resolution#51-2023 Authorizing execution of an escrow agreement with Genuine Properties, LLC, or its Affiliates known as $88 Washington Avenue, Block 9001, Lots 28.01, 29 and 30. Resolution#52-2023 Authorizing execution of an escrow agreement with Premier Developers, LLC or its Affiliates known as 81 Stephens Street, Block 9403, Lot 1. Resolution#/S3-2023 Rescinding in part ABC Resolution#!21-159, removing Licensee +#0701-33-033-007, Caribbean Essence Sport Lounge & Restaurant, LLC as a licensee approved for renewal for the 2021-2022 license term for failure to renew on a timely matter. Resolution#54-2023 Authorizing and approving supplemental application for Green Acres Funding to support improvements to Riffle Range. Resolution#55-2023 Authorizing the Township treasurer to issue checks in payments of bills. Resolution#56-2023 Awarding a contract to McGrath Municipal Equipment LLC, for the purchase of one 4-ton Falcon Asphalt Hot Patch Trailer Hopper utilizing trade in credit of $6,500. Resolution#'57-2023 Authorizing a refund for overpayment of taxes to the below listed individuals. Resolution#58-2023 Authorizing the Township of Belleville to seek Fair and Open process in compliance with the Pay fo Play Statutes for receipt of Proposals and or ‘Qualifications for various services returnable on March 21, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. Resohution#'59-2023 Authorizing the Mayor to execute the Answering Certificate on Case #GOC2021-0778 for the State of New Jersey Board of Public Utilities Division of Reliability & Security. Resolution#60-2023 Awarding a contract to Jaffe Communications for Media Public Information Consulting. Resolution#61-2023 Awarding a contract to Samuel Klein and Company LLP for Auditor Services. Resolution#62-2023 Awarding a contract to Coronis Health (Revenue Guard) for Ambulance Administration Services/EMS Billing. Resolution#63-2023 Awarding a contract to McManimon, Scotland & Baumann, LLC and Wilentz, Goldman & Splitzer, P.A., for Bond Counsel services. Resolution#64-2023 Awarding a contract for provision of General Municipal Engineering Services. Resolution##65-2023 Awarding a contract to NW Financial Group, LLC, for Financial Advisory Services. 1) Resolution#66-2023 Awarding a contract to Millennium Strategies, LLC for Grant Consultant Services. 13. New Business: a.) Resolution#¥67-2023 Rescinding ABC Resolution#21-238 removing licensee#0701- 33-006-011, E Rental Systems, Inc as a approved for renewal for the 2021-2022 license term for failure to renew on a timely matter. b.) Resolutioni#68-2023 Rescinding ABC Resolution#22-3111 removing licensee#0701-33- 006-011, E Rental Systems, Inc as a approved for renewal for the 2022-2023 license term for failure to renew on a timely matter. c.) Executive Session: WHEREAS, N.J.S.A, 10:4-12 allows for a Public Body to go into closed session during a Public Meeting, and WHEREAS, the Governing Body of Township of Belleville has deemed it necessary to go into closed session to discuss certain matters which are exempted from the Public; and WHEREAS, the regular meeting of this Governing Body will reconvene; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Township of Belleville will go into elosed session for the following reason(s) as outlined in N.JS.A. 10:4-12: Any matter which, by express provision of Federal Law, State Statute or Rule of Court shall be rendered confidential or excluded from discussion in public; Any matter in which the release of information would impair a right to receive funds from the federal government; Any matter the disclosure of which constitutes an unwarranted inva individual privacy; ion of Any collective bargaining agreement, or the terms and conditions of which are proposed for inclusion in any collective bargaining agreement, including the negotiation of terms and conditions with employees or representatives of employees of the public body; Any matter involving the purpose, Iease or acquisition of real property with public funds, the setting of bank rates or investment of public funds where it could adversely affect the public interest if discussion of such matters were disclosed; ‘Any tactics and techniques utilized in protecting the safety and property of the public, provided that their disclosure could impair such protection. Any investigations of violations or possible violations of the law, ‘Any pending or anticipated litigation or contract negotiation in which the public body is or may become a party. ‘Any matters falling within the attomey-client privilege, to the extent that confidentiality is required in order for the attorney to exercise his ethical duties as alawyer; Any matter involving the employment, appointment, termination of employment, terms and conditions of employment, evaluation of the performance, promotion or disciplining of any specific prospective public officer or employee or current public officer or employee employed or appointed by the public body, unless all individual employees or appointees whose rights could be adversely affected request in writing that such matter or matters be discussed at a public meeting; Any deliberation of a public body occurring after a public hearing that may result in the imposition of a specific civil penalty upon the responding party or the suspension or loss of a license or permit belonging to the responding party as a result of an act of omission for which the responding party bears responsibility; ‘Any matter involving the employment, appointment, termination of employment, disciplinary action unless individual in writing requests a public meeting Any deliberations of the public body occurring after a public hearing that may result in the imposition of specific civil penalty. ‘The Executive Session shall be to discuss litigation, negotiations and/or personnel, including but not limited to the following: Any matters falling within the attorney-client privilege, to the extent that confidentiality is required in order for the attorney to exercise his ethical duties as a lawyer. © Third party claim for Police Department litigation 14, Adjournment: Note: Public Comment will be limited to five minutes for each. ‘The next Combined Conference/Regular Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 14, 2023.

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