Biology Module Handbook Updated
Biology Module Handbook Updated
Biology Module Handbook Updated
Universitas Brawijaya
Building Up Noble Future
Plant Physiology ......................................................................................................................... 87
Biodiversity Conservation ........................................................................................................... 90
Entrepreneurship ......................................................................................................................... 94
Introduction to Biotechnology ..................................................................................................... 97
Community Service ................................................................................................................... 100
Molecular Biology .................................................................................................................... 103
Practice in Molecular Biology ................................................................................................... 107
Animal Embryology .................................................................................................................. 110
Microtechnique ......................................................................................................................... 113
Method of Bioresearch and Scientific Writing II ........................................................................ 116
Biological Research Design ....................................................................................................... 119
Basic Technique of Cell and Tissue Culture............................................................................... 122
Evolution .................................................................................................................................. 125
Internship .................................................................................................................................. 128
Bachelor’s Thesis Proposal Seminar .......................................................................................... 130
Research Result Seminar ........................................................................................................... 133
Bachelor’s Thesis ...................................................................................................................... 136
ELECTIVE COURSES ...................................................................................................................... 139
FIELD OF INTEREST IN BOTANY ..................................................................................................... 140
Ethnobotany .............................................................................................................................. 141
Plant Tissue Culture .................................................................................................................. 144
Phytohormone ........................................................................................................................... 147
Medicinal Herb ......................................................................................................................... 150
Plant Identification Technique ................................................................................................... 153
Radiation Biology ..................................................................................................................... 157
Biodiversity Survey and Data Management ............................................................................... 160
Plant Biotechnology .................................................................................................................. 163
Plant Reproductive Biology ....................................................................................................... 166
Ecotourism ................................................................................................................................ 169
Horticulture Biology ................................................................................................................. 172
Biomolecular Analysis Technique ............................................................................................. 175
Molecular Fingerprint................................................................................................................ 179
FIELD OF INTEREST IN ZOOLOGY .................................................................................................. 182
Animal Cell and Tissue Culture ................................................................................................. 183
Ornithology ............................................................................................................................... 186
Ichtiology .................................................................................................................................. 189
Herpetology .............................................................................................................................. 192
Animal Reproductive Biology ................................................................................................... 195
Ecotoxicology ........................................................................................................................... 198
Histopathology .......................................................................................................................... 201
Ecotourism ................................................................................................................................ 204
Biomolecular Analysis Technique ............................................................................................. 207
Molecular Fingerprint................................................................................................................ 211
FIELD OF INTEREST IN ECOLOGY .................................................................................................. 214
Biological Control ..................................................................................................................... 215
Aquatic Ecosystem Management ............................................................................................... 218
Biodiversity Survey and Data Management ............................................................................... 221
Computational Ecology ............................................................................................................. 224
Social Ecology .......................................................................................................................... 227
Ecotourism ................................................................................................................................ 229
Ecotoxicology ........................................................................................................................... 232
FIELD OF INTEREST IN MICROBIOLOGY ......................................................................................... 235
Food Microbiology.................................................................................................................... 236
Virology.................................................................................................................................... 239
Medical Microbiology ............................................................................................................... 242
Environmental Microbiology ..................................................................................................... 245
Microbial Diversity ................................................................................................................... 248
Industrial Microbiology ............................................................................................................. 251
Agricultural Microbiology ......................................................................................................... 254
Bioremediation.......................................................................................................................... 257
Molecular Fingerprint................................................................................................................ 260
FIELD OF INTEREST IN BIOMEDIC .................................................................................................. 263
Immunology.............................................................................................................................. 264
Human Genetics ........................................................................................................................ 267
Virology.................................................................................................................................... 270
Radiation Biology ..................................................................................................................... 273
Medical Microbiology ............................................................................................................... 276
Vaccine Engineering ................................................................................................................. 279
Bioinformatics .......................................................................................................................... 282
Cancer Biology ......................................................................................................................... 285
Science Perspective of Traditional Medicine.............................................................................. 287
Histopathology .......................................................................................................................... 289
Molecular Fingerprint................................................................................................................ 292
Parasitology .............................................................................................................................. 295
Microscopic Technique ............................................................................................................. 297
Biomolecular Analysis Technique ............................................................................................. 300
NON-FIELD OF INTEREST ............................................................................................................... 304
Bioentrepreneur......................................................................................................................... 305
Population Genetics................................................................................................................... 308
Special Topics Supporting Thesis .............................................................................................. 311
ENRICHMENT PROGRAM ............................................................................................................... 313
Enrichment Program Information .............................................................................................. 314
Attitude, Ethics, and Leadership ................................................................................................ 315
Research Internship ................................................................................................................... 315
Business Initiation ..................................................................................................................... 315
Community Development .......................................................................................................... 315
Industrial Internship .................................................................................................................. 315
Research Internship Abroad....................................................................................................... 315
Research Management .............................................................................................................. 315
Business Management ............................................................................................................... 315
Community Development Appraisal .......................................................................................... 315
Research and Development ....................................................................................................... 315
Scientific Communication ......................................................................................................... 315
Business Communication .......................................................................................................... 315
Community Communication...................................................................................................... 315
ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to develop themselves through lifelong
ILO 2. Able to understand the biological science principles comprehensively and its supporting basic
sciences, as well as keep updating the modern biology development.
ILO 3. Able to understand the methodology of biological science and its application in a bio-
conservation perspective.
ILO 4. Able to work independently in the laboratory and the field in compliance with the standard
methodology of biology concerning bioethics and safety.
ILO 5. Able to solve problems based on scientific methods by applying biological sciences, biological
analysis methods and technological applications.
ILO 6. Able to demonstrate good communication skills in delivering scientific information both in
Indonesian and English.
ILO 8. Able to understand and has basic entrepreneurship characters relevant to biology.
Module Handbook
General Biology
Lectures 1.7 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
4.0 40
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice 2.8 40
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
Module objective/ intended Intended learning outcomes (ILO) corresponding to this module:
learning outcomes
ILO 2. Able to understand the biological science principles
comprehensively and its supporting basic sciences, as well as keep
updating the modern biology development.
CLO 1. Understand the basic science supporting Biology and success life
skills (ILO 2)
CLO 2. Understand the structure, function and organization of life (ILO 2).
Reading list Madigan et al., 2019, Brock Biology of Microorganisms 15th edition,
Pearson Education.
Reece, JB, Urry, LA, Cain, ML & Wasserman, SA 2019, Campbell
biology, 10th ed, Pearson, Boston.
Reece, JB, Urry, LA, Cain, ML, Wasserman, SA & Minorsky, PV
2017, Campbell biology in focus, Pearson, Boston.
Starr, C, Taggart, R, Evers, C & Lisa, S 2018, Biology: The unity and
diversity of life, 15th ed, Cengage Learning, Boston.
Module Handbook
Basic Physics
Lectures 1.7 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
4.0 40
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice 0 -
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
Module objective/ intended ILO 2. Able to understand the biological science principles
learning outcomes comprehensively and its supporting basic sciences, as well as keep
updating the modern biology development.
Module Handbook
Practice in Basic Physics
Lectures - -
Exercise (structured
assignment &
- -
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice 2.8 40
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
Course learning outcomes (CLO) after completing this module:
CLO 1. Skilled in the basic concepts of Physics and their relevance to
understanding Biological phenomena and following current science and
technology advances.
Content 1. Kinematics
2. Newtonian Dynamics, Rotational Dynamics
3. Impulse and Momentum
4. Effort and Energy
5. Static Fluid
6. Dynamic Fluids
7. Mechanical Wave
8. Electromagnetic Waves
9. Geometric Optics
10. Shadows on optics
Study and examination Form of examination in laboratory practice:
requirements and forms of Report
examination Pre/post-test
Final test
Final score: Report (30%) + Pre/post-test (15%) + Attitude (10%) +
final test (45%).
Media employed LCD, laptop, google classroom, video conference (zoom/gmeet)
Reading list Mansfield, M.M. and O'sullivan, C., 2020. Understanding physics.
John Wiley & Sons.
Resnick, R., Halliday, D. and Walker, J., 2021. Fundamentals of
physics. John Wiley & Sons.
Module Handbook
Basic Chemistry
Lectures 1.7 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
4.0 40
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice 0 -
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
Module objective/ intended ILO 2. Able to understand the biological science principles
learning outcomes comprehensively and its supporting basic sciences, as well as keep
updating the modern biology development.
Module Handbook
Practice in Basic Chemistry
Module Name: Practice in Basic Chemistry
Module Level: Bachelor
Abbreviation, if applicable: MAK61005
Sub-heading, if applicable: -
Courses included in the
module, if applicable:
Semester/term: 1st semester
Person responsible for the Yuniar Ponco Prananto, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D
Lecturer(s): -
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Compulsory Odd
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method:
lecture, lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Lectures - -
Exercise (structured
assignment &
- -
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice 2.8 40
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
Course learning outcomes (CLO) after completing this module:
CLO 1. Skilled in the basic concepts of Chemisty and their relevance to
understanding Biological phenomena and following current science and
technology advances.
Module Handbook
Basic Biocomputation
Lectures 1.7 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
4.0 40
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice 2.8 40
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
ILO 2. Able to understand the biological science principles
comprehensively and its supporting basic sciences, as well as keep
updating the modern biology development.
Class score (CS): Quiz (15%) + Assignment (15%), mid exam (35%),
and final exam (35%)
Practice score (PS): Report (30%) + pre/post-test (25%) + final
practice exam (45%)
Final score: {2 (CS) + 1 (PS)}/3
Media employed LCD, laptop, google classroom, video conference (zoom/gmeet).
Reading list Efendi, A., 2017. Biostatistika dengan R dan MS Excel. UB Press.
Morgan, G.A. Leech, N.L. Gloeckner, G.W. Barret, K.C. 2011. IBM
SPSS for Introductory Statistics: Use and Interpretation. Routledge,
Pardalos, P.M. and Príncipe, J.C. eds., 2013. Biocomputing (Vol. 1).
Springer Science & Business Media.
Zelle, J.M. 2004. Phyton Programming: An Introduction to Computer
Science. Franklin, Beedle and Associate Inc. Oregon, USA.
Module Handbook
Lectures 1.7 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
4.0 40
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice 0 -
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
Module objective/ intended
learning outcomes ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to
develop themselves through lifelong learning.
CLO 2. Able to interpret the concept of the Unitary State of the Republic of
Indonesia and identify and recognize the uniqueness of the Indonesian
legal state which is rooted in the values of Pancasila
CLO 8. Able to show a sense of love for the homeland, have nationalism,
and a sense of responsibility answer to the state and nation.
Content 1. Introduction and Urgency of Citizenship Education
2. Indonesian State and Citizens
3. Constitution and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of
4. National Identity
5. Pancasila Democracy
6. Human Rights
7. Archipelago Insight
8. National Resilience
Study and examination Form of examination in lectures:
requirements and forms of Quiz
examination Assignment
Class participative (during discussion)
Mid and Final Test
Final score: Quiz (10%) + Assignment (15%) + Class participative
(15%) + mid exam (30%) + final exam (30%).
Media employed LCD, laptop, google classroom, video conference (zoom/gmeet)
Reading list Tim Dosen Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Universitas Brawijaya,
2019, Buku Ajar Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi, 2016,
Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan untuk Perguruan Tinggi Jimly
Asshiddiqie, 2010. Konstitusi dan Konstitusionalisme Indonesia.
Jakarta: Sinar Grafika Jimly Asshiddiqie, 2014. Pengantar Ilmu
Hukum Tata Negara. Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada
Mahfud MD, 2010, Politik di Indonesia, Jakarta: Rajawali Press
Muhamad Erwin, 2010. Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Republik
Indonesia. Bandung:
Kaelan, 2013, Negara Kebangsaan Pancasila, Yogyakarta:
Yudi Latief, 2011, Negara Paripurna: Historisitas, Rasionalitas, dan
Aktualitas Pancasila, Jakarta: Gramedia
Yudi Latief, 2014. Mata Air Keteladanan: Pancasila dalam Perbuatan,
Bandung: Mizan
Suseno, Magnis, 2003, Etika Politik, Prinsip-prinsip Moral Dasar
Kenegaraan Modern, Jakarta: Gramedia
Module Handbook
English Language
Module Name: English Language
Module Level: Bachelor
Abbreviation, if applicable: UBU60005
Sub-heading, if applicable: -
Courses included in the
module, if applicable:
Semester/term: 1st semester
Person responsible for the Emy Rahmawati Isfatin K, S.S., M.Hum
Lecturer(s): 1. Emy Rahmawati Isfatin K, S.S., M.Hum
2. Muh. Suluh Jati, S.S., M.A.
Language: Indonesian and English
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Compulsory Odd
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method:
lecture, lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Lectures 1.7 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
4.0 40
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice 0 -
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
Course learning outcomes (CLO) after completing this module:
Module Handbook
Method of Bioresearch and Scientific Writing I
Lectures 1.7 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
4.0 40
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice 0 -
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
Module objective/ intended ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to
learning outcomes develop themselves through lifelong learning.
Media employed LCD, laptop, google classroom, video conference (zoom/gmeet)
Reading list Howard, K and Sharp, J.A., J. Peters dan K. Howard. 2002. The
Management of a Student Research Project. Gower Publ. Cambridge.
Kemendikbud, 2020. Buku Pedoman Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa:
Pedoman Umum. Direktorat Belmawa.
Matthews, J.R. dan R.W. Matthews. 2008. Successful Scientific
Writing. Cambridge Univ. Press. Cambridge;
Nazir, M. 1988. Metode Penelitian. Ghalia Indonesia, Jakarta;
Routledge, P. 2001. Science and technical writing: a manual of style.
Routledge. New York;
Suriasumantri, J.S. 1981. Ilmu dalam Perspektif. Gramedia. Jakarta.
Module Handbook
Religion - Islam
Lectures 1.7 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
4.0 40
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice 0 -
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
Recommended prerequisites -
Module objective/ intended Intended learning outcomes (ILO) corresponding to this module:
learning outcomes
ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to
develop themselves through lifelong learning.
Thohir Luth, dkk. Buku Daras Pendidikan Agama Islam, Malang,
Universitas Brawijaya, 2012.
Module Handbook
Religion - Catholicism
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Compulsory Odd
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Lectures 1.7 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
4.0 40
independent learning/
Laboratory practice 0 -
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including examination
preparation, specified in hours
Course learning outcomes (CLO) after completing this module:
Final score: Quiz (10%) + Assignment
(15%) + Class participation (15%) + mid exam (30%) + final exam (30%).
Media employed LCD, laptop, google classroom, video conference (zoom/gmeet)
Reading list ALKITAB :Kej 2,1-7; Mat 5,1-2.
Franz Dahler, Pijar Peradaban Manusia, Yogyakarta, Kanisius.
Leahy Louis, Siapakah Manusia, Yogyakarta, Kanisius.
PausYohanes Paulus II, Fides et Ratio, Jakarta, Dokpen KWI
Paus Benediktus XVI, Hubungana ntara Ilmu Pengetahuan dan
Kebenaran, PradicamusVol VIII.
Module Handbook
Religion - Protestantism
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Compulsory Odd
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method:
lecture, lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Lectures 1.7 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
4.0 40
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice 0 -
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
Course learning outcomes (CLO) after completing this module:
Module Handbook
Religion - Buddhism
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Compulsory Odd
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method:
lecture, lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Lectures 1.7 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
4.0 40
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice 0 -
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
Course learning outcomes (CLO) after completing this module:
Wowor, Cornelis. 1999. Hukum Kamma Buddhis. Jakarta: Rora
Dirjen Belmawa, Pendidikan Agama Buddha untuk Perguruan Tinggi,
Jakarta. 2016.
Kusaladhamma, Ashin. Kronologi Hidup Buddha. Ehipassiko
Foundation. Jakarta. 2015.
Mahathera, Narada. 1996. Sang Buddha dan Ajaran-
ajaranNya. Jakarta: Dhammadipa Arama
Module Handbook
Lectures 1.7 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
4.0 40
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice 0 -
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
Module objective/ intended ILO 2. Able to understand the biological science principles
learning outcomes comprehensively and its supporting basic sciences, as well as keep
updating the modern biology development.
Futuyma, D.J. 2005. Evolution. Sinauer Associates, Inc. Publisher.
Sunderland USA
Judd,W. S., C. S. Campbell, E. A. Kellog, P. F. Stevens, & M. J.
Donoghue. 2008. Plant Systematics A Phylogenetic Approach Second
Edition. Sinauer Associates. Sunderland.
Margulis, L. and Schwartz, K.V. 1998. Five Kingdoms, an Illustrated Guide
to the Phyla of Life on Earth. 3rd edition. A.W.H. Freeman/Owl Book. New
Mayr, E. 2001. What Evolution Is. Orion Books Ltd. London England
Mayr, G. 2009. Paleogene Fossil Bird. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Heidelberg Germany
Radford, A.E. 1986. Fundamentals of Plant Systematics. Harper & Row
Publisher. NY;
Simpson, M.G. 2011. Plant Systematics. Elsevier. Academic Press. NY.
Tjitrosoepomo, G. 2017. Taksonomi Tumbuhan. Gajah Mada University
Press. Yogyakarta.
Vogel, E.V. 1987. Manual of Herbarium Taxonomy: Theory and Practice.
Rijkherbarium. Leiden.
Module Handbook
Diversity of Flora
Lectures 1.7 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
4.0 40
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice 0 -
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
ILO 2. Able to understand the biological science principles
comprehensively and its supporting basic sciences, as well as keep
updating the modern biology development.
CLO 2. Able to recognize the basic comparison of living things in the world
of flora that are members of the four kingdoms (Monera, Protista, Fungi
and Plantae) through available instruments/libraries.
Elpel, T.J. Botany in a Day: The Pattern Methods of Plant
Identification. Hops Press.
Judd,W. S., C. S. Campbell, E. A. Kellog, P. F. Stevens, & M. J.
Donoghue. 2008. Plant Systematics A Phylogenetic Approach.
Sinauer Associates. Sunderland.
Margulis, L. and Schwartz, K.V. 1998. Five Kingdoms, an Illustrated
Guide to the Phyla of Life on Earth. 3rd edition. A.W.H. Freeman/Owl
Book. New York.
Radford, A.E. 1986. Fundamentals of Plant Systematics. Harper &
Row Publisher. NY;
Singh, G. 2003. Plant Systematics: An Integrated Approach. Science
Publishers. London;
Stace, C.A. 1979. Plant Taxonomy and Biosystematics. Edward
Arnold a Division Holder a Stoughton. London;
Sutiman, B.S., Widyarti, S., Sofy P., 2017. Biologi Sel, UB Press,
Tjitrosoepomo, G. 2005. Taksonomi Tumbuhan: Spermatophyta.
Gajah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta.
Tjitrosoepomo, G. 2005. Taksonomi Tumbuhan: Schizophyta,
Thallophyta, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta. Gajah Mada University Press.
Tjitrosoepomo, G. 2005. Taksonomi Tumbuhan. Gajah Mada
University Press. Yogyakarta.
Van Steenis. Flora Malesiana-serial. Jakarta.
Vogel, E.V. 1987. Manual of Herbarium Taxonomy: Theory and
Practice. Rijkherbarium. Leiden.
Module Handbook
Practice in Diversity of Flora
Lectures - -
Exercise (structured
assignment &
- -
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice 5.7 40
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc) and private/self-study, including examination
preparation, specified in hours
Module objective/ intended Intended learning outcomes (ILO) corresponding to this module:
learning outcomes
ILO 3. Able to understand the methodology of biological science and
its application in a bio-conservation perspective.
Backer, C. A. & R. C. Bakhuizen Van Den Brink. 1965. Flora of
Java. N.V. P. Noordhoff. Groningen. Netherlands.
Elpel, T.J. Botany in a Day: The Pattern Methods of Plant
Identification. Hops Press.
Judd,W. S., C. S. Campbell, E. A. Kellog, P. F. Stevens, & M. J.
Donoghue. 2008. Plant Systematics A Phylogenetic Approach.
Sinauer Associates. Sunderland.
Margulis, L. and Schwartz, K.V. 1998. Five Kingdoms, an Illustrated
Guide to the Phyla of Life on Earth. 3rd edition. A.W.H. Freeman/Owl
Book. New York.
Radford, A.E. 1986. Fundamentals of Plant Systematics. Harper &
Row Publisher. NY;
Singh, G. 2003. Plant Systematics: An Integrated Approach. Science
Publishers. London;
Stace, C.A. 1979. Plant Taxonomy and Biosystematics. Edward
Arnold a Division Holder a Stoughton. London;
Sutiman, B/S., Widyarti, S., Sofy P., 2017. Biologi Sel, UB Press,
Tjitrosoepomo, G. 2005. Taksonomi Tumbuhan: Spermatophyta.
Gajah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta.
Tjitrosoepomo, G. 2005. Taksonomi Tumbuhan: Schizophyta,
Thallophyta, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta. Gajah Mada University Press.
Tjitrosoepomo, G. 2005. Taksonomi Tumbuhan. Gajah Mada
University Press. Yogyakarta.
Van Steenis. Flora Malesiana-serial. Jakarta.
Vogel, E.V. 1987. Manual of Herbarium Taxonomy: Theory and
Practice. Rijkherbarium. Leiden.
Module Handbook
Diversity of Fauna
Lectures 1.7 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
4.0 40
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice 0 -
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
ILO 2. Able to understand the biological science principles
comprehensively and its supporting basic sciences, as well as keep
updating the modern biology development.
Study and examination Form of examination in lectures:
requirements and forms of Quiz
examination Small group presentation
Paper project
Mid and Final Test
Final score: Quiz (10%) + paper project (15%), presentation (15%),
mid exam (30%) and final exam (30%).
Media employed LCD, laptop, google classroom, video conference (zoom/gmeet)
Reading list Barnes, R. 2001. The Invertebrates. Blackwell Science
Beutel, dkk. 2014. Insect Morphology and Phylogeny: A textbook for
students of entomology. Walter de Gruyter. Berlin
Cleveland, dkk. 2002. Animal Diversity 3rd edition. McGraw-Hill.
New York
Das, I. 2014. A Field Guide to the Reptiles of South East Asia.
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. London
Gilliot, C. 2005. Entomology. Springer. Berlin
Glencoe McGraw-Hill. 2004. Glencoe Science: Animal Diversity,
Student Edition. McGraw- Hill. New York
Hastings, dkk. 2015. Fishes: A Guide to Their Diversity. University
of California Press. California
Hickman, dkk. 2017. Integrated Principles of Zoology 17th edition.
McGraw-Hill. New York.
Iskandar, D.T. 1998. The Amphibian of Java and Bali. LIPI. Bogor
Kershaw, D.R. ed., 2012. Animal diversity. Springer Science &
Business Media.
MacKinnon, dkk. 1999. Seri Paduan Lapangan Burung-Burung di
Sumatera, Jawa dan Bali. LIPI. Bogor
Linzey D. 2000. Biology Vertebrate. McGraw-Hill. New York
Vitt & Cadwell. 2014. Herpetology An Introductory Biology of
Amphibians and Reptiles. Academic Press. London.
Module Handbook
Practice in Diversity of Fauna
Lectures - -
Exercise (structured
assignment &
- -
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice 5.7 40
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc) and private/self-study, including examination
preparation, specified in hours
Module objective/ intended Intended learning outcomes (ILO) corresponding to this module:
learning outcomes
ILO 3. Able to understand the methodology of biological science and
its application in a bio-conservation perspective.
Media employed LCD, laptop, google classroom, video conference (zoom/ gmeet)
Reading list Barnes, R. 2001. The Invertebrates. Blackwell Science
Beutel, dkk. 2014. Insect Morphology and Phylogeny: A textbook for
students of entomology. Walter de Gruyter. Berlin
Cleveland, dkk. 2002. Animal Diversity 3rd edition. McGraw-Hill. New
Das, I. 2014. A Field Guide to the Reptiles of South East Asia.
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. London
Gilliot, C. 2005. Entomology. Springer. Berlin
Glencoe McGraw-Hill. 2004. Glencoe Science: Animal Diversity,
Student Edition. McGraw- Hill. New York
Hastings, dkk. 2015. Fishes: A Guide to Their Diversity. University of
California Press. California
Hickman, dkk. 2017. Integrated Principles of Zoology 17th edition.
McGraw-Hill. New York.
Iskandar, D.T. 1998. The Amphibian of Java and Bali. LIPI. Bogor
Kershaw, D.R. ed., 2012. Animal diversity. Springer Science &
Business Media.
MacKinnon, dkk. 1999. Seri Paduan Lapangan Burung-Burung di
Sumatera, Jawa dan Bali. LIPI. Bogor
Linzey D. 2000. Biology Vertebrate. McGraw-Hill. New York
Vitt & Cadwell. 2014. Herpetology An Introductory Biology of
Amphibians and Reptiles. Academic Press. London.
Module Handbook
Plant Structure and Development
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Compulsory Even
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method:
lecture, lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Lectures 2.5 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
6.0 40
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice - -
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
ILO 2. Able to understand the biological science principles
comprehensively and its supporting basic sciences, as well as keep
updating the modern biology development.
Illustrated Glossary. Spring Lake Publication.
Bell, A.D. 1991. Plant Form: An Illustration Guide to Flowering Plant
Morphology. Oxford University Press. New York.
Bhojwani, S.S. &S.P. Bhatnagar. 1974. The Embryology of
Angiosperm. Vikas Publ. House PVT. Ltd. New Delhi.
Bowes, B.G. 1995. A Colour Atlas of Plant Structure. Manson
Cutler, D.F., T. Botha & D.W. Stevenson. 2007. Plant Anatomy: An
Applied Approach. Blackwell Publishing.
Dickison, W.C. 2000. Integrative Plant Anatomy. Harcourt Academic
Press. San Diego.
Essau, K. 1987. Anatomy of Seed Plants. Second Edition. John Wiley
& Sons. New York.
Evert, R.F. 2006. Esau's Plant Anatomy: Meristems, Cells, and
Tissues of the Plant Body-Their Structure, Function, and
Development. Third Edition. A John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Publication.
New Jersey.
Fahn, A. 1974. Plant Anatomy. Second Edition. Pergamon Press.
Harris, J.G. & M.W. Harris. 2001. Plant IdentificationTerminology:
AnIllustratedGlossary. Second Edition. Spring Lake Publishing.
Spring Lake Utah.
Hidayat, E.B. 1995. Anatomi Tumbuhan Berbiji. Penerbit ITB.
Johri, B.M. (Ed.) 1984. Embryology of Angiosperms. Springer-Verlag.
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York-Tokyo.
Lawrence, G.H.M. 1964. Taxonomy of Vascular Plant. The McMillan
Company. New York.
Maheshwari, P. 1950. An Introduction to The Embryology of
Angiosperms. First Edition. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. New
Module Handbook
Practice in Plant Structure and Development
Lectures - -
Exercise (structured
assignment &
- -
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice 5.7 40
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
Module objective/ intended Intended learning outcomes (ILO) corresponding to this module:
learning outcomes
ILO 3. Able to understand the methodology of biological science and
its application in a bio-conservation perspective.
Illustrated Glossary. Spring Lake Publication.
Bell, A.D. 1991. Plant Form: An Illustration Guide to Flowering Plant
Morphology. Oxford University Press. New York.
Bhojwani, S.S. &S.P. Bhatnagar. 1974. The Embryology of
Angiosperm. Vikas Publ. House PVT. Ltd. New Delhi.
Bowes, B.G. 1995. A Colour Atlas of Plant Structure. Manson
Cutler, D.F., T. Botha & D.W. Stevenson. 2007. Plant Anatomy: An
Applied Approach. Blackwell Publishing.
Dickison, W.C. 2000. Integrative Plant Anatomy. Harcourt Academic
Press. San Diego.
Essau, K. 1987. Anatomy of Seed Plants. Second Edition. John Wiley
& Sons. New York.
Evert, R.F. 2006. Esau's Plant Anatomy: Meristems, Cells, and
Tissues of the Plant Body-Their Structure, Function, and
Development. Third Edition. A John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Publication.
New Jersey.
Fahn, A. 1974. Plant Anatomy. Second Edition. Pergamon Press.
Harris, J.G. & M.W. Harris. 2001. Plant IdentificationTerminology:
AnIllustratedGlossary. Second Edition. Spring Lake Publishing.
Spring Lake Utah.
Hidayat, E.B. 1995. Anatomi Tumbuhan Berbiji. Penerbit ITB.
Johri, B.M. (Ed.) 1984. Embryology of Angiosperms. Springer-Verlag.
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York-Tokyo.
Lawrence, G.H.M. 1964. Taxonomy of Vascular Plant. The McMillan
Company. New York.
Maheshwari, P. 1950. An Introduction to The Embryology of
Angiosperms. First Edition. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. New
Module Handbook
Indonesian Language
Lectures 1.7 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
4.0 40
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice 0 -
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
Module objective/ intended
learning outcomes ILO 6. Able to demonstrate good communication skills in delivering
scientific information both in Indonesian and English.
Reading list Andarwulan, Trisna. 2019. Kreatif Berbahasa Indonesia: Acuan
Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Ilmiah di Perguruan Tinggi.
Bandung: Rosda Karya
Tim dosen Pusat MPK. 2019. Bahan Ajar Bahasa Indonesia. Malang.
Pusat MPK UB 3. Suyitno, Imam.2012.Menulis Makalah dan Artikel.
Bandung: Rifeka Aditama
Setyowati, Eti, dkk. 2017. Bahasa Indonesia Berbasis Karakter.
Malang: UB Press
Suwignyo, Heri. 2013.Bahasa Indonesia Keilmuan Perguruan Tinggi.
Malang: Aditya Media Publising 6. Suyono, dkk. 2015. Cerdas
Menulis Karya Ilmiah. Malang: Gunung Samudera
Sukmawan, Sony. 2008. Etika dan Estetika Berbahasa Indonesia
dalam Forum Ilmiah. Makalah, disajikan dalam Seminar Nasional
Menyongsong Kongres Bahasa XI di Semarang.
Suyanto, Edi. 2015. Membina, Memelihara, dan Menggunakan
Bahasa Indonesia Secara Benar. Yogyakarta:Graha Ilmu
Chaer, Abdul dan Agustina, Leoni. 2010. Sosiolinguistik: Perkenalan
Awal. Jakarta: Renika Cipta 4. Pedoman Umum Ejaan Bahasa
KBBI Edisi Kelima Daring
Universitas Negeri Malang. 2015. Pedoman Penulisan Karya Ilmiah.
Malang: UM
Module Handbook
Lectures 1.7 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
4.0 40
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice 0 -
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
Module objective/ intended
learning outcomes ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to
develop themselves through lifelong learning.
CLO1. Able to analyze, compare, and reflect on the function and important
position of Pancasila in the history of the nation.
CLO 4. Able to understand, identify, and account for the analysis of laws
and policies that are idealistic, practical and pragmatic based on Pancasila.
Yudi Latief, 2014. Mata Air Keteladanan: Pancasila dalam Perbuatan,
Bandung: Mizan
Module Handbook
Animal Histology
Lectures 0.8 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
2.0 40
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice 2.8 40
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
ILO 2. Able to understand the biological science principles
comprehensively and its supporting basic sciences, as well as keep
updating the modern biology development.
CLO 1. Understand the basic science supporting Biology and success life
Final score (lectures-A): Quiz (15%) + Assignment (15%), mid exam
(35%) and final exam (35%).
Final score (lab practice-B): pre/post-test (15%) + Lab report (25%) +
final test (60%)
Total score: (A+B)/2
Media employed LCD, laptop, google classroom, video conference (zoom/gmeet)
Reading list Kierszenbaum A.L. and Tres, L.L. 2020. Histology and Cell Biology.
An Introduction to Pathology. 5th ed. Elsevier. Philadelpia.
Liebich, H-G. 2019. Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and
Birds. 5th ed. 5M Publishing Sheffield.
Mescher, A.L. 2018. Junquiera’s Basic Histology. Text and Atlas. 15th
ed. Mc Graw-Hill Educatiuon. New York.
Mills, S.E. 2020. Histology for Pathologist. 5th ed. Wolters Kluwer.
Ross, M.H and Pawlina W. 2016. Histology: a Text and Atlas. With
Correlated Cell and Molecular Biology. 7th ed. Wolters
Kluwer. Philadelphia.
Treuting, P.M.,Dintzis S.M. and Montine, K.S. 2018. Comparative
Anatomy and Histology. A Mouse, Rat and Human Atlas. 2nd Ed.
Elsevier. London.
Module Handbook
Lectures 1.7 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
4.0 40
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice 2.8 40
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
ILO 2. Able to understand the biological science principles
comprehensively and its supporting basic sciences, as well as keep
updating the modern biology development.
CLO 1. Able to understand Biology and its supporting sciences and their
benefits, as well as attitudes and behavior (life skills) as a biologist
Class score (CS): Quiz (15%) + Assignment (15%), mid exam (35%),
and final exam (35%)
Practice score (PS): Report (30%) + pre/post-test (20%) + final
practice exam (50%)
Final score: {2 (CS) + 1 (PS)}/3
Media employed LCD, laptop, google classroom, video conference (zoom/gmeet).
Reading list Efendi, A., 2017. Biostatistika dengan R dan MS Excel. UB Press.
Islam, M.A. and Al-Shiha, A., 2018. Foundations of biostatistics.
Singapore: Springer.
Morgan, G.A. Leech, N.L. Gloeckner, G.W. Barret, K.C. 2011. IBM
SPSS for Introductory Statistics: Use and Interpretation. Routledge,
Rosner, B., 2015. Fundamentals of biostatistics. Cengage learning.
Module Handbook
Animal Anatomy and Physiology
Lectures 2.5 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
6.0 40
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice 2.8 40
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
Module objective/ intended Intended learning outcomes (ILO) corresponding to this module:
learning outcomes
ILO 2. Able to understand the biological science principles
comprehensively and its supporting basic sciences, as well as keep
updating the modern biology development.
5. The role of adrenal hormone, thyroxine, and growth hormone,
calcium and phosphate regulation, thermoregulation.
6. Sexual reproduction, the role of hormones in sexual
reproduction, the female reproductive system, the male
reproductive system, the menstrual cycle, fertilization,
pregnancy, and birth.
7. Digestive system
8. Metabolism
9. Cardiovascular
10. Excretory system and osmoregulation
11. Respiratory system
12. Muscular system
13. Senses
14. Nervous system
Study and examination Form of examination in lectures:
requirements and forms of Quiz
examination Assignment
Mid and Final Test
Form of examination in laboratory practice:
Lab report
Final lab test
Kardong, K.V. 2002. Vertebrates. Comparative Anatomy. Function,
Evolution. McGraw Hill Company. New York;
Kent, G.C & Carr, R.K. 2001. Comparative Anatomy of the
Vertebrates 9th ed. McGraw Hill Company. New York;
Schmidt-Nielsen, K. 1997. Animal Physiology. Adaptation &
environment 5th. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. New York.
Post Chester. Melbourne. Sydney;
Seeley, R.R., Stephens, T.D, & Tate, P. 2003. Anatomy and
Physiology 6th ed. McGraw Hill New York.
Module Handbook
Biochemistry and Instrumentation
Lectures 1.7 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
4.0 40
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice 2.8 40
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
Module objective/ intended Intended learning outcomes (ILO) corresponding to this module:
learning outcomes
ILO 2. Able to understand the biological science principles
comprehensively and its supporting basic sciences, as well as keep
updating the modern biology development.
CLO 1. Able to explain correctly the terms that include the main aspects of
terminology in biochemistry and the division of the organization of living
CLO 2. Know and practice the use of spectroscopy for biological samples.
CLO 3. Students describe the structure, explain the nature and function of
biomolecules (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and enzymes).
5. Peptide formation reactions, peptide bond properties, primary,
secondary, tertiary structures, quaternary protein molecules,
protein properties and determination of the sequence of
protein amino acid residues.
6. Enzymatic reaction kinetics, Michaelis-Menten equation,
Lineweaver-Burk equation, catalytic mechanism, effect of pH,
temperature, reaction time, inhibitors on the rate of enzymatic
7. Fatty acids, triacylglycerols, chemical reactions of
triacylglycerols and fatty acids, phospholipids, sphingolipids,
8. Structure, properties of high-energy phosphate compounds,
energy cycle and ATP cycle in cells.
9. Respiratory chain, electron transport energy and mechanism
of oxidative phosphorylation.
10. The process of glycogenesis, glycolysis and its control
system, the conversion of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA, the TCA
pathway and its control, other carbohydrate metabolism
pathways, the process of gluconeogenesis, and glycogen
11. β-Oxidation process, oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids, fatty
acids with odd number of C atoms, control of fatty acid
oxidation and fatty acid biosynthesis.
12. Transamination reactions, ammonia formation reactions,
degradation of 20 kinds of amino acids, urea cycle and amino
acid biosynthesis.
13. Relationship between carbohydrate, protein, and lipid
metabolism metabolism.
5. Lipid solubility test, saponification reaction, glycerol test,
determination of peroxide value, determination of free fatty
6. Fermentation, Schardinger test, peroxidase test, antioxidant
effect of vitamin C (ascorbic acid).
Study and examination Form of examination in lectures:
requirements and forms of Quiz
examination Assignment
Mid and Final Test
Form of examination in laboratory practice:
Lab report
Final lab test
Module Handbook
Cell Biology
Lectures 1.7 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
4.0 40
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice 2.8 40
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
Module objective/ intended Intended learning outcomes (ILO) corresponding to this module:
learning outcomes
ILO 2. Able to understand the biological science principles
comprehensively and its supporting basic sciences, as well as keep
updating the modern biology development.
Mid and Final Test
Form of examination in laboratory practice:
Lab report
Final practice test
Module Handbook
Lectures 2.5 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
6.0 40
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice 2.8 40
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
4. Practice in Diversity of Fauna (MAB62008)
Module objective/ intended Intended learning outcomes (ILO) corresponding to this module:
learning outcomes
ILO 2. Able to understand the biological science principles
comprehensively and its supporting basic sciences, as well as keep
updating the modern biology development.
CLO 5. Have the skills to search, read, create a resume, share & discuss
some information related to ecology in Indonesian and English in groups
(ILO 2, ILO 4, ILO 6 and ILO 7).
Content 1. Lecture contract and introduction: Scope, objectives, teaching strategy
& evaluation, boundaries and division of Ecology. The concept of
minimum law, limiting factors, limits of tolerance range and its changes
in the era of global warming. Environmental abiotic factors: climate,
edaphic, geographical, waters. Impact of human activities on
environmental abiotic factors
2. Population Ecology: General character of population, growth model,
population density estimation, population distribution
3. Habitat, niche and bioindicators. Intra- and inter-population interactions.
Population regulation and stability
4. The concept of community: Definition of community; Community
characteristics, structure and classification; Similarity-dissimilarity
concept community; Continuity/discontinuity concept, Edge effect and
5. The concept of community change: Types of change in the community.
Characteristics and mechanisms of succession. Climax concept
6. Ecosystem concept and energy flow: Ecosystem concept: boundaries
and components of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Transformation
and energy flow: the role of the I and II laws of thermodynamics in
ecosystems. Trophic levels, concepts of energy flow, energy
conversion and efficiency at each trophic level. The ecological pyramid:
its shape, advantages and disadvantages in describing the flow of
energy. Ecological efficiency. Homeostatic mechanisms and their
interactions with natural sustainability.
7. Evolutionary ecology: Evolution of the biosphere. Natural selection and
adaptation. Speciation and biodiversity. Sympatric and allopatric
8. Animal behavior, territoriality and home range: Behavioral responses
and adaptations of organisms to the environment. Home range and
9. Feeding behavior, food availability and biological control: Diet:
Monophagy, oligophagy and polyphagy. Chain and food web. Food
selection criteria: nutritional value, digestibility, size and availability of
food. Predation, parasitism, parasitoidism and biological control.
10. Application of ecological concepts for ecosystem management and
solving environmental problems
Study and examination Form of examination in lectures:
requirements and forms of Quiz
examination Assignment
Small group presentation
Mid and final test
Form of examination in laboratory practice:
Lab report in form of poster
Small group presentation
Final practice exam
Module Handbook
Lectures 2.5 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
6.0 40
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice 2.8 40
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
ILO 2. Able to understand the biological science principles
comprehensively and its supporting basic sciences, as well as keep
updating the modern biology development.
Lab report
Final practice test
Module Handbook
General Microbiology
Lectures 1.7 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
4.0 40
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice 5.7 40
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
Cell Biology (MAB61015)
Module objective/ intended Intended learning outcomes (ILO) corresponding to this module:
learning outcomes
ILO 2. Able to understand the biological science principles
comprehensively and its supporting basic sciences, as well as keep
updating the modern biology development.
CLO 4. Complete assignments, discuss and present them well (ILO 6, ILO
Content 1. History and scope of microbiology
2. Structure and function: prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
3. Characteristics of bacteria, fungi, protozoa, microalgae, and viruses
4. Microbial culture and growth
5. Transport of nutrients across cell membranes
6. Metabolism in energy conservation and biosynthesis
7. Microbial genetics and genetic engineering
8. Microbial evolution and systematics
9. Application of microbes in the fields of environment, food, and
Study and examination Form of examination in lectures:
requirements and forms of Quiz
examination Small group presentation
Mid and Final Test
Form of examination in laboratory practice:
Lab report
Small group presentation
Final practice exam
Module Handbook
Plant Physiology
Lectures 2.5 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
6.0 40
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice 2.8 40
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
Plant Structure and Development (MAB62009)
Practice in Plant Structure and Development (MAB62010)
Module objective/ intended Intended learning outcomes (ILO) corresponding to this module:
learning outcomes
ILO 2. Able to understand the biological science principles
comprehensively and its supporting basic sciences, as well as keep
updating the modern biology development.
Paper project
Mid and Final Test
Form of examination in laboratory practice:
Lab report
Final practice test
Module Handbook
Biodiversity Conservation
Lectures 1.7 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
4.0 40
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice &
11.3 40
field study
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, mini project etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, self assessment, specified in hours
ILO 2. Able to understand the biological science principles
comprehensively and its supporting basic sciences, as well as keep
updating the modern biology development.
CLO 1. Explain and give examples of the scope, value, quality, role,
mapping, threat and extinction of biodiversity in the modern biology (ILO 2).
CLO 9. Communicate well in Indonesian and English to share science and
technology to mobilize community participation in biodiversity conservation
(ILO 6).
CLO 10. Contribute as a multilayer leader and to build a solid team work in
completing taSCU by respecting biodiversity (ILO 7).
Reading list Main references:
Casetta, E., J. M. da Silva, D. Vecchi. 2019. From Assessing to
Conserving Biodiversity. Conceptual and Practical Challenges.
Springer Open. Cham.
Dodd, C. K. 2016. Reptile Ecology and Conservation. A Handbook of
Techniques. Oxford University Press. Oxford
Foottit, R. G., P. H. Adler. 2017. Insect Biodiversity: Science and
Society. Wiley-Blackwell. New Jersey.
Graney, R.L. 2020. Aquatic Mesocosm Studies in Ecological Risk
Assessment. CRC Press. Boca Raton
Rojas, R. V. 2020. State of Knowledge of Soil Biodiversity. Status,
challenges and potentialities. Food and Agriculture Organization of
the United Nations. Roma.
Additional references:
Yonghong, W. 2017. Periphyton: Functions and Application in
Environmental Remediation. Elsevier. Amsterdam
Tomback, D. F. 2017. Biodiversity and Conservation in Forests.
MDPI. Basel.
Rojas, R. V. 2020. State of Knowledge of Soil Biodiversity. Status,
challenges and potentialities. Food and Agriculture Organization of
the United Nations. Roma.
Module Handbook
Lectures 0.8 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
2.0 40
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice 2.8 40
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to
develop themselves through lifelong learning.
CLO 2. Able to prepare business plans and carry out business simulations
with a modern business management approach.
Final practice test
Module Handbook
Introduction to Biotechnology
Lectures 1.7 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
4.0 40
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice - -
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
ILO 2. Able to understand the biological science principles
comprehensively and its supporting basic sciences, as well as keep
updating the modern biology development.
Abdin, M.Z., Kiran, U. and Ali, A. eds., 2017. Plant biotechnology:
principles and applications. Singapore: Springer.
Renneberg, R. and Loroch, V., 2016. Biotechnology for beginners.
Academic Press.
Das, S. and Dash, H.R., 2014. Microbial biotechnology-a laboratory
manual for bacterial systems. Springer.
Gahlawat, S.K., Duhan, J.S., Salar, R.K., Siwach, P., Kumar, S. and
Kaur, P. eds., 2018. Advances in animal biotechnology and its
applications. Springer.
Renneberg, R. and Loroch, V., 2016. Biotechnology for beginners.
Academic Press.
Slataer A., N.Scott, M. Fowler. 2003. Plant Biotechnology. The
genetic manipulation of plants. Oxford university Press;
Srivastava, P.S., A. Narula, S. Srivastava. 2005. Plant Biotechnology
and Molecular Markers. Kluwer Academic Publishers, New York.
Verma, A.S. and Singh, A. eds., 2013. Animal biotechnology: models
in discovery and translation. Academic Press.
Module Handbook
Community Service
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Compulsory Odd
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method:
lecture, lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Lectures - -
Exercise (structured
assignment &
- -
learning/ self-study)
Community service 11.3 40
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
ILO 5. Able to solve problems based on scientific methods by
applying biological sciences, biological analysis methods and
technological applications.
Media employed LCD, laptop
Reading list Direktorat penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat direktorat
jenderal pendidikan tinggi kementerian pendidikan dan kebudayaan. 2013.
Panduan Pelaksanaan Hibah Kuliah Kerja Nyata -
Pembelajaran Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (KKN-PPM).
Module Handbook
Molecular Biology
Lectures 1.7 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
4.0 40
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice 0 -
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
Module objective/ intended ILO 2. Able to understand the biological science principles
learning outcomes comprehensively and its supporting basic sciences, as well as keep
updating the modern biology development.
Class participation during discussion
Mid and Final Test
Final score: Quiz (10%) + Assignment/ paper project
(10%) + class participation (10%) + mid exam (40%) + final exam
Media employed LCD, laptop, google classroom, video conference (zoom/gmeet)
Reading list Allison, L.A., 2021. Fundamental molecular biology. John Wiley &
Jain, A., Jain, R. and Jain, S., 2020. Basic Techniques in Biochemistry,
Microbiology and Molecular Biology (pp. 235-242). New York, NY,
USA:: Springer.
Twyman, R., 2018. Advanced molecular biology: a concise reference.
Garland Science.
Alberts B. Johnson A, Lewis J., Raff M., Robert K, Walter P. 2002.
Molecular Biology of Cell. 4th Ed. Garland Science.
Collins FS, ED. Green, AE. Guttmacher and MS. Guyer. 2003. A vision
for the future of genomics research : A blueprint for the genomics era.
Nature 422 : 1-13.
Horton HR, LA. Moran, RS. Ochs, JD. Rawn, KG. Scrimngeour. 2002.
Principles of Biochemistry. 3rd Ed. Pearson Education International.
(864 pages)
Lodish H., Berk A., Matsudaira P., Kaiser CA., Krieger M., Scott MT.
Zipursky SL., Darnell J. 2004. Molecular Cell Biology. 5 th Ed. WH.
McKee T. & JR. McKee. 2003. Biochemistry: The molecular Basis of
Life. 3rd Ed. McGraw-Hill. (771 pages)
Nelson, DL. & MM.Cox. 2005. Lehninger : Principles of Biochemistry.
4th Ed. WH. Freeman. (1400 pages)
Strachan T & Read Ap. 2004. Human Molecular Genetics. 3rd Ed.
Garland Science.
Weaver RF. 2003. Molecular Biology. 2nd Ed. McGraw-Hill.
Fatchiyah, Sri Widyarti, Estri Laras Arumingtyas, Sri Rahayu, 2011.
Biologi Molekuler: Prinsip Dasar Analisis. Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta.
Ausubel FM., Brent R., Kingston RE., Moore D., Seidman JG. Smith
JA. Struhl K. 2002. Short Protocols in Molecular Biology. 5rd Ed. John
Wiley & Sons.
GeneBank: NCBI
Innis MA. Gelfand DH., Sninsky JJ. 1999. PCR Application Protocol for
Functional Genomics. Academics Press
Sambrook J. & Russel DW. 2001. Molecular Cloning: A laboratory
manual. Cold Spring Harbor.
Bollag DM., & Edelstein SJ. 1991. Protein Methods. A John Wiley &
Robyt JF & White BJ. 1990. Biochemical Techniques: Theory &
Practice. Brooks/Cole Pub.
Wilson K & Walker J. 2004. Principles & Techniques of Practical
Biochemistry. 4th Ed. Cambridge University Press.
Module Handbook
Practice in Molecular Biology
Bachelor Programme
Compulsory Odd
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact hours:
Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Lectures - -
Exercise (structured
assignment &
- -
independent learning/
Laboratory practice 5.7 40
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc) and private/self-study, including examination
preparation, specified in hours
Module objective/ intended Intended learning outcomes (ILO) corresponding to this module:
learning outcomes
ILO 3. Able to understand the methodology of biological science and its
application in a bio-conservation perspective.
CLO 4. Able to collect and correlate the information obtained and knowing
how to present in the form of a scientific report either individually or in a
Content 1. Briefing and placement test
2. Basic Use of Micropipettes and Sampling Techniques
3. DNA isolation
4. Quantitative and Qualitative Test of DNA
5. Protein Isolation
6. Protein Quantitative Test (Standard curve calculation)
Media employed LCD, laptop, google classroom, video conference (zoom/ gmeet)
Reading list Jain, A., Jain, R. and Jain, S., 2020. Basic Techniques in Biochemistry,
Microbiology and Molecular Biology (pp. 235-242). New York, NY,
USA:: Springer.
Alberts B. Johnson A, Lewis J., Raff M., Robert K, Walter P. 2002.
Molecular Biology of Cell. 4th Ed. Garland Science.
Ausubel F. M., et. al. (Ed), 2002. Short protocols in molecular biology:
a compendium of methods from current protocols in molecular
biology, 5th Ed. (2 volumes), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New Jersey.
Bollag DM., & Edelstein SJ. 1991. Protein Methods. A John Wiley &
Fatchiyah, Sri Widyarti, Estri Laras Arumingtyas, Sri Rahayu, 2011.
Biologi Molekuler: Prinsip Dasar Analisis. Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta.
Innis MA. Gelfand DH., Sninsky JJ. 1999. PCR Application Protocol
for Functional Genomics. Academics Press.
Lodish H., Berk A., Matsudaira P., Kaiser CA., Krieger M., Scott MT.
Zipursky SL., Darnell J. 2004. Molecular Cell Biology. 5th Ed. WH.
McKee T. & JR. McKee. 2003. Biochemistry: The molecular Basis of
Life. 3rd Ed. McGraw-Hill. (771 pages)
Nelson, DL. & MM.Cox. 2005. Lehninger : Principles of Biochemistry.
4th Ed. WH. Freeman. (1400 pages)
Robyt JF & White BJ. 1990. Biochemical Techniques: Theory &
Practice. Brooks/Cole Pub.
Sambrook J. & Russel DW. 2001. Molecular Cloning: A laboratory
manual. Cold Spring Harbor.
Tagu D. & Moussard C., 2006. Techniques for molecular biology.
Taylor and Francis Group, Science Publishers, New Hampshire.
Weaver RF. 2003. Molecular Biology. 2nd Ed. McGraw-Hill.
Wilson K & Walker J. 2004. Principles & Techniques of Practical
Biochemistry. 4th Ed. Cambridge University Press.
Module Handbook
Animal Embryology
Lectures 1.7 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
4.0 40
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice 2.8 40
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
Module objective/ intended Intended learning outcomes (ILO) corresponding to this module:
learning outcomes
ILO 2. Able to understand the biological science principles
comprehensively and its supporting basic sciences, as well as keep
updating the modern biology development.
Final score (lab practice-B): pre/post-test (15%) + Lab report (25%) +
final practice test (60%)
Total score: (2A+B)/3
Media employed LCD, laptop, google classroom, video conference (zoom/gmeet)
Reading list Gilbert, SF and Baarresi, MJM 2018, Developmental Biology. 11th
Edition. Sinaur Associate Inc. Sunderland, USA
Peledri, FJ 2019, Vertebrate Embryogenesis, Second Edition.
Humana Press, USA
Sadler TW 2017, Medical Embryology, 12th Edition, Lippincott
Williams and Wilkins, Tokyo
Slack JMW 2012, Essential Developmental Biology, Second Edition,
Blackwill Publishing. USA
Module Handbook
Lectures 0.8 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
2.0 40
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice 5.7 40
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
Module objective/ intended Intended learning outcomes (ILO) corresponding to this module:
learning outcomes
ILO 2. Able to understand the biological science principles
comprehensively and its supporting basic sciences, as well as keep
updating the modern biology development.
Total score: (1A+2B)/3
Module Handbook
Method of Bioresearch and Scientific Writing II
Lectures 1.7 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
4.0 40
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice 0 -
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
Module objective/ intended ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to
learning outcomes develop themselves through lifelong learning.
CLO 1. Able to fulfill the procedures and attend lectures and complete all
their duties and obligations with full responsibility.
CLO 2. Able to master the nature of science, scientific truth and bioethical
CLO 3. Able to compile draft journal publications and able to formulate self-
profile to get grant.
CLO 6. Able to present data in the right format, interpret data and discuss
based on relevant literature.
Final score: Quiz (20%) + Assignment I (25%) + Assignment II
(25%) + Assignment III (30%).
Media employed LCD, laptop, google classroom, video conference (zoom/gmeet)
Reading list Pant, D, Ram, M, Nautiyal, OP 2020, Scientific Methods Used in
Research and Writing. United States: Taylor & Francis Group.
Thomas, CG, 2021 Research Methodology and Scientific Writing.
Germany: Springer International Publishing.
Module Handbook
Biological Research Design
Lectures 1.7 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
4.0 40
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice 2.8 40
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
ILO 5. Able to solve problems based on scientific methods by
applying biological sciences, biological analysis methods and
technological applications.
Media employed LCD, laptop, google classroom, video conference (zoom/gmeet)
Reading list Creswell, J.W. 2017. Research Design Qualitative, Quantitative, and
Mixed Methods Approaches. SAGE Publications. Thousand Oaks.
Herzog, M.H., G. Francis, A. Clarke. 2019. Understanding Statistics
and Experimental Design. How to Not Lie with Statistics. Springer
International Publishing. Switzerland
Young T.J. 2016. Questionnaires and Surveys. In Zhu Hua, Ed.
Research Methods in Intercultural Communication: A Practical
Guide. Wiley. Oxford.
Module Handbook
Basic Technique of Cell and Tissue Culture
Bachelor Programme
Compulsory Odd
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact hours:
Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Lectures 1.7 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
4.0 40
independent learning/
Laboratory practice 2.8 40
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc) and private/self-study, including examination
preparation, specified in hours
Module objective/ intended Intended learning outcomes (ILO) corresponding to this module:
learning outcomes
ILO 3. Able to understand the methodology of biological science and its
application in a bio-conservation perspective.
CLO 1. Able to understand and explain the basic concepts and principles
of cell and tissue culture techniques (ILO 3)
CLO3 Able to understand and explain the role and application of plant,
animal, and microbial cell culture techniques in basic research and in
agricultural, medical and industrial biotechnology (ILO5).
Study and examination Form of examination in lectures:
requirements and forms of Quiz
examination Assignment
Student presentation
Mid and final exam
Attitude during lab practice
Form of examination in lab practice:
Lab report
Final practice exam
Class score (CS): Quiz (10%) + Assignment (15%), mid exam (30%), and
final exam (30%) + Student presentation (15%)
Practice score (PS): Report (30%) + pre/post-test (15%) + presentation
(15%) + final practice exam (40%)
Final score: {2 (CS) + 1 (PS)}/3
Media employed LCD, laptop, google classroom, video conference (zoom/ gmeet)
Reading list Freshney, R.I., 2015. Culture of animal cells: a manual of basic
technique and specialized applications. John Wiley & Sons.
Jacquelyn G. Black and Laura J. Black, 2017, Microbiology:
Principles and Explorations, 10th Edition, Wiley Publisher.
James G. Cappuccino and Natalie Sherman, 2014, A Laboratory
Manual, 10th edition, Pearson Education.
Neumann KH, A Kumar, J Imani. 2009. Plant Cell and Tissue Culture
- A Tool in Biotechnology. Basics and Application. Springer-Verlag
Berlin Heidelberg.
Madigan et al., 2019, Brock Biology of Microorganisms 15th edition,
Pearson Education.
Meyer HP and DR. Schmidhalter. 2014. Industrial Scale Suspension
Culture of Living Cells. Willey Blackwell Germany.
Park. 2021, Plant Tissue Culture: Techniques and Experiments.
Netherlands: Elsevier Science.
Purohit SD. 2013. Introduction to Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ
Culture. PHI Learning Private Limited Dehli-110092.
Module Handbook
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Compulsory Even
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method:
lecture, lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Lectures 1.7 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
4.0 40
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice 0 -
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
Module objective/ intended Intended learning outcomes (ILO) corresponding to this module:
learning outcomes
ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to
develop themselves through lifelong learning.
(15%) + Presentation (15%) + mid exam (30%) + final exam (30%).
Module Handbook
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Compulsory Odd
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method:
lecture, lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Lectures - -
Exercise (structured
assignment &
- -
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice 8.5 40
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
ILO 3. Able to understand the methodology of biological science and
its application in a bio-conservation perspective.
CLO 1. Able to understand the field work practices and attitudes that must
be possessed as an intern.
Module Handbook
Bachelor’s Thesis Proposal Seminar
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Compulsory Odd
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method:
lecture, lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Lectures - -
Exercise (structured
assignment &
- -
learning/ self-study)
Depend on the
number of students
Seminar 2.8
who enrolled this
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
Module objective/ intended Intended learning outcomes (ILO) corresponding to this module:
learning outcomes
ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to
develop themselves through lifelong learning.
Fakultas MIPA, ---. Pedoman Penulisan Tugas Akhir. FMIPA.
Universitas Brawijaya.
Varies depend on the thesis topics.
Module Handbook
Research Result Seminar
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Compulsory Even
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method:
lecture, lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Lectures - -
Exercise (structured
assignment &
- -
learning/ self-study)
Depend on the
number of students
Seminar 2.8
who enrolled this
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to
develop themselves through lifelong learning.
Media employed LCD, laptop, google classroom, video conference (zoom/gmeet)
Reading list Jurusan Biologi, 2016. Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi. Jurusan Biologi,
FMIPA, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang;
Fakultas MIPA, ---. Pedoman Penulisan Tugas Akhir. FMIPA.
Universitas Brawijaya.
Varies depend on the thesis topics.
Module Handbook
Bachelor’s Thesis
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Compulsory Even
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method:
lecture, lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Lectures - -
Exercise (structured
assignment &
- -
learning/ self-study)
Depend on the
Laboratory practice / number of students
fieldwork who enrolled this
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
Module objective/ intended Intended learning outcomes (ILO) corresponding to this module:
learning outcomes
ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to
develop themselves through lifelong learning.
CLO 1. Understand Biology and its supporting sciences and their benefits,
as well as attitudes and behavior (life skills) as a biologist
2. Research variables and objects to be studied
3. Application of basic science in solving biological problems,
especially those related to the field of research.
4. Research concepts and techniques for obtaining data related
to the thesis theme taken by students.
5. Skills related to the implementation of research and its
implementation to obtain data
6. Elaboration of research results in one form of scientific work in
7. Presentation of research results in seminar forums in
accordance with standards in the Department of Biology.
8. Basic computer application programs, basic instruments,
standard methods for analysis and synthesis in the field of
biology, according to the topic/field of student research
9. Research methods to solve biological problems in certain
areas of interest (student choice).
10. Good knowledge and attitudes/habits regarding scientific and
social attitudes
11. Research group/organization cooperation methods in
laboratories, Working Group or other related research groups.
Study and examination Form of thesis examination:
requirements and forms of Understanding and developing ideas
examination Quality of thesis writing
Delivering research results (presentation, interpretation,
Module Handbook
Bachelor Programme
Elective Odd
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Module objective/ intended Intended learning outcomes (ILO) corresponding to this module:
learning outcomes
ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to develop
themselves through lifelong learning.
Final score: Paper project (10%), quiz (10%), assignment (10%), mid exam
(35%), and final exam (35%)
Media employed LCD, laptop, google classroom, video conference (zoom/gmeet).
Reading list Albuquerque, U.P., Ramos, M.A., Júnior, W.S.F. and De Medeiros,
P.M., 2017. Ethnobotany for beginners. Springer International
Balick, M.J. and Cox, P.A., 2020. Plants, people, and culture: the
science of ethnobotany. Garland Science.
Backer, C.A., & R.C. Bakhuizen Van Den Brink JR. 1963. Flora of
Java. Vol. I, II, III (Spermatophytes Only) N. V. P. Noordhoff.
Groningen- The Netherlands.
Batoro, J. 2015. Pengelolaan lingkungan dengan pendekatan
Etnobiologi-Etnobotani. UB Press.
Cotton, C.M. 1996. Ethnobotany: Principle and Applications. John
Wiley & Sons. Chichester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto, and
Singapore. 424 hlm.
Dharmawan, A. H. 2008. Bahan Kuliah Gerakan Sosial dan Dinamika
Masyarakat Pedesaan. Mayor Sosiologi Pedesaan-Departemen
Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Masyarakat. Institut Pertanian
Johnson, T., 2019. CRC ethnobotany desk reference. CRC Press.
Martin, G.J. 1988. Ethnobotani. Sebuah Manual Pemeliharaan
Manusia dan Tumbuhan. Natural History Publications, Borneo. 309
Purwanto, Y. 2011. Valuasi Hasil Hutan Bukan Kayu (Kawasan
Lindung PT Wirakarya Sakti Jambi). Jakarta LIPI Press. Hlm 121-143.
Primack, R.B, J.M. Supriatna, P. Indrawan, Kramadibrata. 1998.
Biologi Konservasi.Yayasan Obor Indonesia. Jakarta.
Rugayah, E.A. Widjaya, Praptini, editor, 2004. Pedoman
Pengumpulan Data Keanekaragaman Flora. Pusat Penelitian Biologi-
LIPI. Bogor.
Sheil, D., R.K. Puri, I.Basuki, M. van Heiizt, M. Wan, N. Liswanti,
Rukmiyati, M.A. Sardjono, L. samsoedin, K. Sudiyasa, Chrisandini,
E.Permana, E. M. Angi, F. Gatzweiler, B. Johnson & Wijaya. 2004.
Mengeksplorasi keanekaragaman Hayati, Lingkungan dan
Pandangan Masyarakat Lokal Mengenai Lanskap Hutan. Bogor:
Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR). Indonesia.
Soemarwoto, O. 2004. Ekologi, Lingkungan Hidup dan
Pembangunan. Jakarta: Djambatan.
Module Handbook
Plant Tissue Culture
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Elective Odd
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to develop
themselves through lifelong learning.
CLO 1. Able to understand and be able to utilize callus culture and cell
suspensions, in vitro hybridization, protoplast fusion, and meristem cell
cultures in various plant biology studies (ILO 5).
Study and examination Form of examination in lectures:
requirements and forms of Quiz
examination Assignment
Mid and Final Exam
Form of examination in laboratory practice:
Lab report
Small group presentation
Final practice exam
Module Handbook
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Elective Odd
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to develop
themselves through lifelong learning.
Final practice exam
Module Handbook
Medicinal Herb
Bachelor Programme
Elective Odd
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Module objective/ intended Intended learning outcomes (ILO) corresponding to this module:
learning outcomes
ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to develop
themselves through lifelong learning.
Chevallier, A., 2016. Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine: 550 Herbs and
Remedies for Common Ailments. Penguin.
Schulz, V. Haensel, R. Tyler, V.E. Rational Phytotherapy, A Physicians
Guide to Herbal Medicine, Springer Publishers, Berlin, ISBN: 3-540-
Kapoor, L.D., 2018. CRC handbook of Ayurvedic medicinal plants.
CRC press.
McKenna, D.J. Jones, K. Hughes K, 2004. Botanical Medicines, The
Desk Reference for Major Herbal Supplements, The Haworth Herbal
Press, New York, ISBN: 0-7890-1265-0
Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database
Pengelly, A., 2021. The constituents of medicinal plants. Cabi.
Van Wyk, B.E. and Wink, M., 2018. Medicinal plants of the world.
Module Handbook
Plant Identification Technique
Bachelor Programme
Elective Odd
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to develop
themselves through lifelong learning.
Final practice exam
Swofford, D.L. 1993. PAUP. Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parsimony
Version 3.1. Laboratorium Moleculer Sistematics Smithsonian
Institution. Center for Biodiversity Illionis Natural History Survey.
Stace, C.A. 1989. Plant Taxonomy and Biosystematics. Edward
Arnold. London.
Verheij, E. W. M. and R. E. Coronel. 1992. Prosea Plant Resources
of South-East Asia 2 Edible Fruits and Nuts. Indonesia and
Backhuys Publishers. Bogor.
Wesphal, E and P.C.M. Jansen (Editors) 1989. Plant Resources of
south-East Asia A Selection. PudocWageningen.
Module Handbook
Radiation Biology
Module Name: Radiation Biology
Module Level: Bachelor
Abbreviation, if applicable: MAB60106
Sub-heading, if applicable: -
Courses included in the
module, if applicable:
Semester/term: Odd semester
Person responsible for the Dr.Sri Widyarti, M.Si
Lecturer(s): 1. Dr. Sri Widyarti, M.Si
2. Chomsin Sulistya, PhD
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Elective Odd
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Module objective/ intended Intended learning outcomes (ILO) corresponding to this module:
learning outcomes
ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to develop
themselves through lifelong learning.
Joiner, M.C. and van der Kogel, A.J. eds., 2018. Basic clinical
radiobiology. CRC press.
Nias, A.H.W. 1998. An Introduction to Radiobiology. John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., New York.
Module Handbook
Biodiversity Survey and Data Management
Module Name: Biodiversity Survey and Data Management
Module Level: Bachelor
Abbreviation, if applicable: MAB60107
Sub-heading, if applicable: -
Courses included in the
module, if applicable:
Semester/term: Odd semester
Person responsible for the Dr. Endang Arisoesilaningsih, M.S.
Lecturer(s): 1. Dr. Endang Arisoesilaningsih, M.S.
2. Dr. Bagyo Yanuwiadi
3. Prof. Luchman Hakim, S.Si., M.Agr.Sc., Ph.D
4. Rodiyati Azrianingsih, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D
Bachelor Programme
Elective Odd
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Module objective/ intended Intended learning outcomes (ILO) corresponding to this module:
learning outcomes
ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to develop
themselves through lifelong learning.
CLO 3. increase responsibility and teamwork skills for all activities starting
from fundraising, preliminary studies, field surveys, specimen handling and
transportation and data analysis to biological resource data management
using information systems
CLO 4. Able to make decisions based on the data and information obtained
Study and examination Form of examination in lectures:
requirements and forms of Quiz
examination Assignment
Mid and Final Exam
Form of examination in laboratory practice:
Lab report
Small group presentation
Final practice exam
Module Handbook
Plant Biotechnology
Bachelor Programme
Elective Even
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to develop
themselves through lifelong learning.
Form of examination in laboratory practice:
Lab report
Small group presentation (Comprehension, Slide presentation)
Quiz (pre/post-test)
Final test
Class score (CS): paper project (10%), presentation (15%), quiz (15%),
mid test (30%), and final test (30%)
Practice score (PS): quiz (20%), report (30%), presentation (20%), and
final test (30%)
Final score: {2 (CS) + 1 (PS)}/3
Module Handbook
Plant Reproductive Biology
Bachelor Programme
Elective Even
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
ILO 3. Able to understand the methodology of biological science and its
application in a bio-conservation perspective.
Class score (CS): paper project (10%), presentation (15%), quiz (15%),
mid test (30%), and final test (30%)
Practice score (PS): quiz (20%), report (30%), presentation (20%), and
final test (30%)
Final score: {2 (CS) + 1 (PS)}/3
Module Handbook
Module Name: Ecotourism
Module Level: Bachelor
Abbreviation, if applicable: MAB60122
Sub-heading, if applicable: -
Courses included in the
module, if applicable:
Semester/term: Even semester
Person responsible for the
Prof. Luchman Hakim, S.Si., M.Agr.Sc., Ph.D
Lecturer(s): 1. Prof. Luchman Hakim, S.Si., M.Agr.Sc., Ph.D
2. Dr. Bagyo Yanuwiadi
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Elective Even
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
ILO 3. Able to understand the methodology of biological science and its
application in a bio-conservation perspective.
Media employed LCD, laptop, google classroom, video conference (zoom/gmeet).
Reading list Baud-Bovi, M and Lawson, F (2002) Tourism and Recreation:
Handbook of Planning and Design. Architectural Press, Oxford.
Fennell, D.A., 2020. Ecotourism. Routledge.
Fyall, A, Garrod B and Leask A (2005) Managing Visitor Attraction.
Elsevier, Oxford.
Gunn, C A and Var, T (2002) Tourism Planning: Basic, Concepts and
Cases. Roudledge, New York.
Hakim, L. 2004. Dasar-dasar Ekowisata (General Ecotourism). Bayu
Media Press.
Hakim, L.S.K. Hong, J.E. Kim and N. Nakagoshi. 2007. Nature-based
Tourism in Small
Module Handbook
Horticulture Biology
Bachelor Programme
Elective Even
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to develop
themselves through lifelong learning.
CLO 3. Able to design and perform data analysis to solve horticultural crop
Practice score (PS): quiz (20%) + report (30%) + presentation (20%) + final
test (30%)
Final score: {2 (CS) + 1 (PS)}/3
Module Handbook
Biomolecular Analysis Technique
Module Name: Biomolecular Analysis Technique
Module Level: Bachelor
Abbreviation, if applicable: MAB60124
Sub-heading, if applicable: -
Courses included in the
module, if applicable:
Semester/term: Even semester
Person responsible for the
Prof. Fatchiyah, M.Kes., Ph.D
1. Prof. Fatchiyah, M.Kes., Ph.D
2. Prof. Dr. Ir. Estri Laras Arumingtyas, M.Sc.St.
3. Dr. Sri Widyarti, M.Si.
Bachelor Programme
Elective Even
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Lectures 1.7 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
4.0 40
independent learning/
Laboratory practice 5.7 40
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including examination
preparation, specified in hours
Module objective/ intended Intended learning outcomes (ILO) corresponding to this module:
learning outcomes
ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to develop
themselves through lifelong learning.
Study and examination Form of examination in lectures:
requirements and forms of Quiz
examination Paper project
Mid and Final Test
Form of examination in laboratory practice:
Lab report
Placement test
Final practice exam
Class score (CS): paper project (10%), enthusiasm (10%), quiz (10%), mid
test (35%), and final test (35%)
Practice score (PS): Placement test (20%), report (40%), and final practice
exam (40%)
Final score: {(CS) + (PS)}/2
Harbor Konfermann R. &Dubel S. 2001. Antibody Engeneering.
Springer Lab. Manual.
Robyt JF & White BJ. 1990. Biochemical Techniques: Theory &
Practice. Brooks/Cole Pub.
Wilson K & Walker J. 2004. Principles & Techniques of Practical
Biochemistry. 4th Ed. Cambridge University Press.
Module Handbook
Molecular Fingerprint
Bachelor Programme
Elective Even
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Module objective/ intended Intended learning outcomes (ILO) corresponding to this module:
learning outcomes
ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to develop
themselves through lifelong learning.
Quiz (pre/post-test)
Final test
Module Handbook
Animal Cell and Tissue Culture
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Elective Odd
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to develop
themselves through lifelong learning.
CLO 1. Able to explain and analyze cell growth in vitro, and utilize it in
various animal biology studies (ILO 5).
Class score (CS): Presentation (15%) + quiz (10%) + assignment (15%),
mid exam (30%) + final exam (30%)
Practice score (PS): Report (30%) + pre/post-test (15%) + presentation
(15%) + final practice exam (40%)
Final score: {2 (CS) + 1 (PS)}/3
Media employed LCD, laptop, google classroom, video conference (zoom/gmeet).
Reading list Al_Rubeai M. 2015. Animal Cell Culture. 9th ed. Springer
International Publishing. Switzerland
Freshney, I. 2015. Culture of Animal Cells (7th ed.). Wiley.
Retrieved from
animal-cells-pdf (Original work published 2015)
Healy L and Ruban L. 2015. Atlas of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells
in Culture. Springer Science. New York
Module Handbook
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Elective Odd
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to develop
themselves through lifelong learning.
Mid and Final Exam
Form of examination in laboratory practice:
Lab report
Small group presentation
Final practice exam
Module Handbook
Module Name: Ichtiology
Module Level: Bachelor
Abbreviation, if applicable: MAB60126
Sub-heading, if applicable: -
Courses included in the
module, if applicable:
Semester/term: Even semester
Person responsible for the Dr. Agung Pramana Warih M, M.Si.
Lecturer(s): 1. Dr. Agung Pramana Warih M, M.Si.
2. Nia Kurniawan, S.Si., M.P., D.Sc.
3. Drs. Aris Soewondo, M.Si.
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Elective Even
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to develop
themselves through lifelong learning.
Burton, D and Burton, M. 2018. Essential Fish Biology Diversity,
Structure and Function. 1st ed. Oxford University Press. Oxford.
Evans, D.H., Caliborne, J.B.and Currie, S.2014. The Physiology of
Fishes. 4th ed. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis Group,Boca Raton.
Hastings, P.A, Walker, H.J. and Galland, G.A. 2014. Fishes; Guide
to Diversity. University of California Press
Wooton, R.J and Smith, C. 2015. Reproductive Biology of Teleost
Fishes. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Chichester
Module Handbook
Bachelor Programme
Elective Even
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
ILO 3. Able to understand the methodology of biological science and its
application in a bio-conservation perspective.
Reading list Aldridge, R.D. and Sever, D.M. eds., 2016. Reproductive biology and
phylogeny of snakes. CRC Press.
Gale Group; Zug, G.R., Vitt, L.J., and Caldwell, J.P. 2001.
Herpetology: An Introductory Biology of Amphibians and Reptiles.2nd
edition. Academic Press. San Diego;
Hutchins, M. Murphy, J.B. and Schlager, N. 2003. Grzimek’s Animal
Life Encyclopedia: Reptiles. 2nd edition. Volume 7 Farmington Hills,
Harding, J.H. and Mifsud, D.A., 2017. Amphibians and reptiles of the
Great Lakes region. University of Michigan Press.
Vitt, L.J. and Caldwell, J.P., 2013. Herpetology: an introductory
biology of amphibians and reptiles. Academic press.
Module Handbook
Animal Reproductive Biology
Bachelor Programme
Elective Even
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to develop
themselves through lifelong learning.
Quiz (pre/post-test)
Final test
Module Handbook
Bachelor Programme
Elective Even
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
ILO 3. Able to understand the methodology of biological science and its
application in a bio-conservation perspective.
Mid and final test
Form of examination in laboratory practice:
Lab report
Small group presentation (Comprehension, Slide presentation)
Quiz (pre/post-test)
Final test
Module Handbook
Bachelor Programme
Elective Even
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Lectures 1.7 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
4.0 40
independent learning/
Laboratory practice 5.7 40
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including examination
preparation, specified in hours
ILO 3. Able to understand the methodology of biological science and its
application in a bio-conservation perspective.
Class score (CS): Assignment/paper project (20%), quiz (10%), mid test
(35%), and final test (35%)
Practice score (PS): Pre/post-test (20%), report (40%), and final practice
exam (40%)
Final score: {(CS) + (PS)}/2
Module Handbook
Bachelor Programme
Elective Even
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
ILO 3. Able to understand the methodology of biological science and its
application in a bio-conservation perspective.
Final score: {2 (CS) + 1 (PS)}/3
Module Handbook
Biomolecular Analysis Technique
Module Name: Biomolecular Analysis Technique
Module Level: Bachelor
Abbreviation, if applicable: MAB60124
Sub-heading, if applicable: -
Courses included in the
module, if applicable:
Semester/term: Even semester
Person responsible for the
Prof. Fatchiyah, M.Kes., Ph.D
1. Prof. Fatchiyah, M.Kes., Ph.D
2. Prof. Dr. Ir. Estri Laras Arumingtyas, M.Sc.St.
3. Dr. Sri Widyarti, M.Si.
Bachelor Programme
Elective Even
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Lectures 1.7 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
4.0 40
independent learning/
Laboratory practice 5.7 40
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including examination
preparation, specified in hours
Module objective/ intended Intended learning outcomes (ILO) corresponding to this module:
learning outcomes
ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to develop
themselves through lifelong learning.
Study and examination Form of examination in lectures:
requirements and forms of Quiz
examination Paper project
Mid and Final Test
Form of examination in laboratory practice:
Lab report
Placement test
Final practice exam
Class score (CS): paper project (10%), enthusiasm (10%), quiz (10%), mid
test (35%), and final test (35%)
Practice score (PS): Placement test (20%), report (40%), and final practice
exam (40%)
Final score: {(CS) + (PS)}/2
Ausubel FM., Brent R., Kingston RE., Moore D., Seidman JG. Smith
JA. Struhl K. 2002. Short Protocols in Molecular Biology. 5rd Ed. John
Wiley & Sons.
GeneBank: NCBI GeneBank:,5
Innis MA. Gelfand DH., Sninsky JJ. 1999. PCR Application Protocol for
Functional Genomics. Academics Press
Sambrook J. &Russel DW. 2001. Molecular Cloning: A laboratory
manual. Cold Spring Harbor.
Bollag DM., & Edelstein SJ. 1991. Protein Methods. A John Wiley &
Harlow E. & Lane D. 1988. Antibodies: A laboratory manual. Cold
Harbor Konfermann R. &Dubel S. 2001. Antibody Engeneering.
Springer Lab. Manual.
Robyt JF & White BJ. 1990. Biochemical Techniques: Theory &
Practice. Brooks/Cole Pub.
Wilson K & Walker J. 2004. Principles & Techniques of Practical
Biochemistry. 4th Ed. Cambridge University Press.
Module Handbook
Molecular Fingerprint
Module Name: Molecular Fingerprint
Module Level: Bachelor
Abbreviation, if applicable: MAB60125
Sub-heading, if applicable: -
Courses included in the
module, if applicable:
Semester/term: Even semester
Person responsible for the Prof. Fatchiyah, M.Kes., Ph.D
Lecturer(s): 1. Prof. Fatchiyah, M.Kes., Ph.D
2. Prof. Dr. Ir. Estri Laras Arumingtyas, M.Sc.St.
3. Dr. Suharjono, M.Si
4. Nia Kurniawan, S.Si., M.P., D.Sc.
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Elective Even
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Module objective/ intended Intended learning outcomes (ILO) corresponding to this module:
learning outcomes
ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to develop
themselves through lifelong learning.
Small group presentation (Comprehension, Slide presentation)
Quiz (pre/post-test)
Final test
Module Handbook
Biological Control
Bachelor Programme
Elective Odd
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
ILO 3. Able to understand the methodology of biological science and its
application in a bio-conservation perspective.
Reading list Askary, T.H. and Martinelli, P.R.P. eds., 2015. Biocontrol agents of
phytonematodes. CABI.
Barbosa, P.A. ed., 1998. Conservation biological control. Elsevier.
Flint, M.L. and Dreistadt, S.H., 1998. Natural enemies handbook: the
illustrated guide to biological pest control (Vol. 3386). Univ of
California Press.
Hajek, A.E. and Eilenberg, J., 2018. Natural enemies: an introduction
to biological control. Cambridge University Press.
Heimpel, G.E. and Mills, N.J., 2017. Biological control. Cambridge
University Press.
Stirling, G.R., 2018. Biological control of plant-parasitic
nematodes (pp. 103-150). CRC Press.
Shantharam, S., J.F. Montgomery. 1999. Biotechnology, Biosafety and
Biodiversity. Science Publ. USA.
Poinar, G.O., 2018. Nematodes for biological control of insects. CRC
Waage, J., 2012. Biological control: measures of success. Springer
Science & Business Media.
Module Handbook
Aquatic Ecosystem Management
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Elective Odd
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to develop
themselves through lifelong learning.
Small group presentation
Final practice exam
Module Handbook
Biodiversity Survey and Data Management
Module Name: Biodiversity Survey and Data Management
Module Level: Bachelor
Abbreviation, if applicable: MAB60107
Sub-heading, if applicable: -
Courses included in the
module, if applicable:
Semester/term: Odd semester
Person responsible for the Dr. Endang Arisoesilaningsih, M.S.
Lecturer(s): 1. Dr. Endang Arisoesilaningsih, M.S.
2. Dr. Bagyo Yanuwiadi
3. Prof. Luchman Hakim, S.Si., M.Agr.Sc., Ph.D
4. Rodiyati Azrianingsih, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D
Bachelor Programme
Elective Odd
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to develop
themselves through lifelong learning.
CLO 3. increase responsibility and teamwork skills for all activities starting
from fundraising, preliminary studies, field surveys, specimen handling and
transportation and data analysis to biological resource data management
using information systems
CLO 4. Able to make decisions based on the data and information obtained
Mid and Final Exam
Form of examination in laboratory practice:
Lab report
Small group presentation
Final practice exam
Module Handbook
Computational Ecology
Bachelor Programme
Elective Even
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
ILO 3. Able to understand the methodology of biological science and its
application in a bio-conservation perspective.
CLO 2. Able to understand several tools that are often used in ecological
computing either independently or in a collaboration.
CLO 3. Able to design tools according to their analysis needs to give the
alternative solutions of ecological issues.
Content 1. Ecological data management.
2. Ecological data structures and systems,
3. Ecological data analysis,
4. Ecological modeling and simulation.
5. Practice in discriminant analysis, cluster, PCA, factor analysis, growth
curve time series analysis, path analysis, and PLS.
6. Interpretation of computational data analysis results.
Study and examination Form of examination in lectures:
requirements and forms of Quiz
examination Presentation (Comprehension, Slide presentation)
Assignment/ Paper project
Mid and final test
Form of examination in laboratory practice:
Lab report
Small group presentation (Comprehension, Slide presentation)
Final test
Reading list Jørgensen, S.E., Halling-Sørensen, B. and Nielsen, S.N.,
2017. Handbook of environmental and ecological modeling. CRC
McGarigal, K., Cushman, S.A. and Stafford, S., 2013. Multivariate
statistics for wildlife and ecology research. Springer Science &
Business Media.
Michener, W.K. and Brunt, J.W. eds., 2009. Ecological data: Design,
management and processing. John Wiley & Sons.
Plant, R.E., 2018. Spatial data analysis in ecology and agriculture
using R. CRC Press.
Wheater, C.P., Bell, J.R. and Cook, P.A., 2020. Practical field
ecology: a project guide. John Wiley & Sons.
Zhang, W., 2010. Computational ecology: artificial neural networks
and their applications. World Scientific.
Module Handbook
Social Ecology
Module Name: Social Ecology
Module Level: Bachelor
Abbreviation, if applicable: MAB60132
Sub-heading, if applicable: -
Courses included in the
module, if applicable:
Semester/term: Even semester
Person responsible for the Dr. Bagyo Yanuwiadi
Lecturer(s): 1. Dr. Bagyo Yanuwiadi
2. Prof. Luchman Hakim, S.Si., M.Agr.Sc., Ph.D
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Elective Even
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
ILO 2. Able to understand the biological science principles
comprehensively and its supporting basic sciences, as well as keep
updating the modern biology development.
Module Handbook
Module Name: Ecotourism
Module Level: Bachelor
Abbreviation, if applicable: MAB60122
Sub-heading, if applicable: -
Courses included in the
module, if applicable:
Semester/term: Even semester
Person responsible for the
Prof. Luchman Hakim, S.Si., M.Agr.Sc., Ph.D
Lecturer(s): 1. Prof. Luchman Hakim, S.Si., M.Agr.Sc., Ph.D
2. Dr. Bagyo Yanuwiadi
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Elective Even
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
ILO 3. Able to understand the methodology of biological science and its
application in a bio-conservation perspective.
Media employed LCD, laptop, google classroom, video conference (zoom/gmeet).
Reading list Baud-Bovi, M and Lawson, F (2002) Tourism and Recreation:
Handbook of Planning and Design. Architectural Press, Oxford.
Fennell, D.A., 2020. Ecotourism. Routledge.
Fyall, A, Garrod B and Leask A (2005) Managing Visitor Attraction.
Elsevier, Oxford.
Gunn, C A and Var, T (2002) Tourism Planning: Basic, Concepts and
Cases. Roudledge, New York.
Hakim, L. 2004. Dasar-dasar Ekowisata (General Ecotourism). Bayu
Media Press.
Hakim, L.S.K. Hong, J.E. Kim and N. Nakagoshi. 2007. Nature-based
Tourism in Small.
Module Handbook
Module Name: Ecotoxicology
Module Level: Bachelor
Abbreviation, if applicable: MAB60129
Sub-heading, if applicable: -
Courses included in the
module, if applicable:
Semester/term: Even semester
Person responsible for the Dr. Catur Retnaningdyah, M.Si.
Lecturer(s): 1. Dr. Catur Retnaningdyah, M.Si.
2. Dr. Sri Rahayu, M.Kes.
3. Dr. Suharjono, M.Si.
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Elective Even
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
ILO 3. Able to understand the methodology of biological science and its
application in a bio-conservation perspective.
Form of examination in laboratory practice:
Lab report
Small group presentation (Comprehension, Slide presentation)
Quiz (pre/post-test)
Final test
Module Handbook
Food Microbiology
ILO 3. Able to understand the methodology of biological science and
its application in a bio-conservation perspective.
CLO 2. Able to explain the methods used for food preservation through
controlling intrinsic and extrinsic factors.
CLO 3. Able to explain and test the microbiological quality of several types
of food ingredients.
Small group presentation
Final practice exam
Module Handbook
ILO 2. Able to understand the biological science principles
comprehensively and its supporting basic sciences, as well as keep
updating the modern biology development.
Class participation
Module Handbook
Medical Microbiology
ILO 3. Able to understand the methodology of biological science and
its application in a bio-conservation perspective.
CLO 1. Able to analyze the role and interaction of normal flora (disease-
causing microbes) with the body's immune system in causing disease in
humans (ILO 3)
Lab report
Small group presentation (Comprehension, Slide presentation)
Lab performance/ attitudes
Module Handbook
Environmental Microbiology
ILO 3. Able to understand the methodology of biological science and
its application in a bio-conservation perspective.
CLO 6. Able to work and learn effectively independently and work together
in task groups, practicums, and small research projects as a form of caring,
needing each other, and being responsible to others.
CLO 9. Develop microbiology disciplines to improve critical thinking skills,
communicate effectively, ethically, socially, and understand in an
international environment.
Content 1. The role of microbes in the carbon, nitrogen, sulphur, and iron cycles.
2. Energy production in the form of methane gas, microbial fuel cell,
3. The role of microbes in recycled water treatment, bioremediation,
biomediated geomechanical processes, and environmental quality
4. Associations between microbes and microbes with plants and animals.
5. The problem of microbes on the environment in the modern era.
6. International Journal of Microbiology articles with material that is in
accordance with the topic of the lecture.
7. Production of methane gas, manufacture of MFC, biodegradation of
crude oil, and nitrification with biofilm reactors.
Study and examination Form of examination in lectures:
requirements and forms of Quiz
examination Class presentation (Comprehension, Slide presentation)
Journal presentation
Form of examination in laboratory practice:
Small group presentation (Comprehension, Slide presentation)
Lab performance/ attitudes
Module Handbook
Microbial Diversity
ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to
develop themselves through lifelong learning.
CLO 2. Able to plan and apply methods to study the distribution, diversity
and potential of microbes in the environment.
Reading list Bull, A. 2003. Microbial Diversity and Bioprospect. ASM Press,
Washington, DC.
Dash, H.R., & Das, S. 2018. Microbial Diversity in the Genomic Era.
Elsevier Science. UK.
Gunjal, A. & Shinde, S. 2021. Microbial Diversity and Ecology in
Hotspots. Elsevier Science. UK.
Module Handbook
Industrial Microbiology
Module Name: Industrial Microbiology
Module Level: Bachelor
Abbreviation, if applicable: MAB60136
Sub-heading, if applicable: -
Courses included in the
module, if applicable:
Semester/term: Even semester
Person responsible for the Tri Ardyati, M.Agr., Ph.D
Lecturer(s): 1. Tri Ardyati, M.Agr., Ph.D
2. Yoga Dwi Jatmiko, S.Si., M.App.Sc., Ph.D.
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Elective Even
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method:
lecture, lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
ILO 3. Able to understand the methodology of biological science and
its application in a bio-conservation perspective.
CLO 4. Able to understand the quality control and safety carried out by
certain industries which are the objectives of field study activities.
Study and examination Form of examination in lectures:
requirements and forms of Quiz
examination Assignment
Mid and Final Test
Form of examination in laboratory practice:
Lab report
Small group presentation (comprehension, slide presentation)
Module Handbook
Agricultural Microbiology
ILO 3. Able to understand the methodology of biological science and
its application in a bio-conservation perspective.
CLO 1. Able to explain the basic concepts of soil, plant, and microbial
interactions; sustainable farming systems, and identify the factors that
influence them.
CLO 2. Able to explain and identify the types and roles of microbes in the
elemental cycle in soil as well as PGPR and endophytes.
Class score (CS) : (quiz + class presentation + journal presentation) /
Practice score (PS) : (1 quiz + 2 presentation) / 3
Final score : {2 (CS) + 1 (PS)}/3
Media employed LCD, laptop, google classroom, video conference (zoom/gmeet).
Reading list Burlage R.S., Atlas R., Stahl D., Geesey G. & Sayler G. 1998.
Techniques in Microbial Ecology. Oxford University press, Inc.
Christon J.Hurst, Ronald L. Crawford, Jay L. Garland, David A.
Lipson, Aaron L. Mills. 2007. Manual of Environmental Microbiology.
ASM Press
Pareek, R.P. and Pareek, N., 2019. Agricultural microbiology.
Scientific Publishers.
Paul E. A. 2007. Soil Microbiology, Ecology and Biochemistry. 3rdEd.
Academic Press.
Rao, N.S. ed., 2016. Advances in agricultural microbiology. Elsevier.
Singh, D.P., Singh, H.B. and Prabha, R. eds., 2016. Microbial
inoculants in sustainable agricultural productivity (pp. 342-342). New
Delhi: Springer.
Tate III, R.L., 2020. Soil microbiology. John Wiley & Sons.
Van Elsas, J.D., Trevors, J.T., Rosado, A.S. and Nannipieri, P. eds.,
2019. Modern soil microbiology. CRC press.
Varnam A.H. & Evans M.G. 2000. Environmental Microbiology.
Manson Publishing Ltd.
Module Handbook
ILO 3. Able to understand the methodology of biological science and
its application in a bio-conservation perspective.
Final score : {2 (CS) + 1 (PS)}/3
Module Handbook
Molecular Fingerprint
Module objective/ intended Intended learning outcomes (ILO) corresponding to this module:
learning outcomes
ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to
develop themselves through lifelong learning.
Lab report
Small group presentation (Comprehension, Slide presentation)
Quiz (pre/post-test)
Final test
Module Handbook
ILO 3. Able to understand the methodology of biological science and
its application in a bio-conservation perspective.
CLO 3. Able to explain the factors involved in the body's defense system
Mid and Final Exam
Form of examination in laboratory practice:
Lab report
Small group presentation
Final practice exam
Module Handbook
Human Genetics
ILO 2. Able to understand the biological science principles
comprehensively and its supporting basic sciences, as well as keep
updating the modern biology development.
Ricki Lewis. 2011. Human Genetics concepts and application.
McGraw-Hill Education; 10 edition ISBN-13: 978-0073525303, ISBN-
10: 0073525308 or ISBN: 007246268x
Robert Nussbaum, Roderick R. McInnes, and Huntington F Willard.
2007. Genetics in Medicine, 7th Edition. Sounders. ISBN:
Tom Strachan & Andrew Read.2003. Human Molecular genetics.
Garland Science; 3 edition. ISBN-10: 0815341822 . ISBN-13: 978-
Module Handbook
ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to
develop themselves through lifelong learning.
Study and examination Form of examination in lectures:
requirements and forms of Group Assignment
examination Individual Assignment
Understanding level
Class participation
Module Handbook
Module Handbook
Radiation Biology
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Elective Odd
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method:
lecture, lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Module objective/ intended Intended learning outcomes (ILO) corresponding to this module:
learning outcomes
ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to
develop themselves through lifelong learning.
Gunderson, L.L. and Tepper, J.E., 2015. Clinical radiation oncology.
Elsevier Health Sciences.
Joiner, M.C. and van der Kogel, A.J. eds., 2018. Basic clinical
radiobiology. CRC press.
Nias, A.H.W. 1998. An Introduction to Radiobiology. John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., New York.
Module Handbook
Medical Microbiology
ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to
develop themselves through lifelong learning.
CLO 1. Able to analyze the role and interaction of normal flora (disease-
causing microbes) with the body's immune system in causing disease in
humans (ILO 3)
Study and examination Form of examination in lectures:
requirements and forms of Quiz
examination Presentation (Comprehension, Slide presentation)
Final assignment
Form of examination in laboratory practice:
Lab report
Small group presentation (Comprehension, Slide presentation)
Lab performance/ attitudes
Module Handbook
Vaccine Engineering
Module Name: Vaccine Engineering
Module Level: Bachelor
Abbreviation, if applicable: MAB60140
Sub-heading, if applicable: -
Courses included in the
module, if applicable:
Semester/term: Even semester
Person responsible for the
Prof. Muhaimin Rifai, S.Si., Ph.D.Med.Sc.
Lecturer(s): 1. Prof. Widodo, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.Med.Sc
2. Prof. Muhaimin Rifai, S.Si., Ph.D.Med.Sc.
3. Dr. Sri Widyarti, M.Si
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Elective Even
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method:
lecture, lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to
develop themselves through lifelong learning.
Virgil E J.C. Schijns and Derek T. O’hagan, 2006,
immunopotentiators in modern vaccine, Elsevier, USA.
Mark Saltzman, Hong shen and Janet L. Brandsma, DNA Vaccine:
methods and protocols, 2006, Human press, USA.
Flower Darren R. Bioinformatics for Vaccinology Publisher: UK, John
Wiley & Sons Inc. 2008. ISBN: 9780470027110.
Flower Darren R. Immunoinformatics: Predicting Immunogenicity In
Silico Publisher: New Jersey, Humana Press. 2007. ISBN:
Kindt, Thomas J., Osborne Barbara A. Goldsby Richard A. Kuby
Immunology 6th Edition. Publisher: New York, W. H. Freeman. 2007.
ISBN: 9780716785903.
Lund Ole, Nielsen Morten, Lundegaard Claus, Kesmir Can, Brunak
SÃ ̧ren. Immunological Bioinformatics. Publishesr: London, MIT
PRess 2005 ISBN: 0262122804.
Foundation Novartis.Immunoinformatics: Bioinformatic Strategies for
Better Understanding of Immune Function. Publisher: Chichester,
John Wiley & Sons Inc. 2003. ISBN: 0470853565.
Roitt Ivan Delves Peter. Roitt's Essential Immunology 10th
Edition.Publisher: Canada, Blackwell. 2001, ISBN: 0632059028.
Ellis Ronald W. Vaccines: New Approaches to Immunological
Problems. Publisher.
Module Handbook
Module objective/ intended Intended learning outcomes (ILO) corresponding to this module:
learning outcomes
ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to
develop themselves through lifelong learning.
Lab report
Small group presentation (Comprehension, Slide presentation)
Final test
Module Handbook
Cancer Biology
ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to
develop themselves through lifelong learning.
CLO 1. Able to understand the cell cancer phenomena and its preventive
strategies and developing its therapy.
Module Handbook
Science Perspective of Traditional Medicine
ILO 2. Able to understand the biological science principles
comprehensively and its supporting basic sciences, as well as keep
updating the modern biology development.
Module Handbook
Bachelor Programme
Elective Even
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Lectures 1.7 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
4.0 40
independent learning/
Laboratory practice 5.7 40
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including examination
preparation, specified in hours
ILO 3. Able to understand the methodology of biological science and its
application in a bio-conservation perspective.
Class score (CS): Assignment/paper project (20%), quiz (10%), mid test
(35%), and final test (35%)
Practice score (PS): Pre/post-test (20%), report (40%), and final practice
exam (40%)
Final score: {(CS) + (PS)}/2
Module Handbook
Molecular Fingerprint
Module objective/ intended Intended learning outcomes (ILO) corresponding to this module:
learning outcomes
ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to
develop themselves through lifelong learning.
Small group presentation (Comprehension, Slide presentation)
Quiz (pre/post-test)
Final test
Module Handbook
Module Name: Parasitology
Module Level: Bachelor
Abbreviation, if applicable: MAB60145
Sub-heading, if applicable: -
Courses included in the
module, if applicable:
Semester/term: Even semester
Person responsible for the
Dr. Bagyo Yanuwiadi
Lecturer(s): 1. Dr. Bagyo Yanuwiadi
2. Zulfaidah Penata Gama, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Elective Even
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method:
lecture, lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
ILO 2. Able to understand the biological science principles
comprehensively and its supporting basic sciences, as well as keep
updating the modern biology development.
Module Handbook
Microscopic Technique
Module Name: Microscopic Technique
Module Level: Bachelor
Abbreviation, if applicable: MAB60146
Sub-heading, if applicable: -
Courses included in the
module, if applicable:
Semester/term: Even semester
Person responsible for the
Dr. Sri Widyarti, M.Si
Lecturer(s): 1. Dr. Sri Widyarti, M.Si
2. Prof. Sutiman Bambang Sumitro, S.U., D.Sc
3. Sofy Permana, M.Sc., D.Sc.
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Elective Even
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method:
lecture, lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
ILO 3. Able to understand the methodology of biological science and
its application in a bio-conservation perspective.
Class score (CS): Assignment (15%) + Quiz (15%), Mid exam (35%)
+ Final exam (35%)
Practice score (PS): Pe/post-test (20%), report (40%), and final
practice exam (40%)
Final score: {2 (CS) + 1 (PS)}/3
Media employed LCD, laptop, google classroom, video conference (zoom/gmeet).
Reading list Goldstein, J.I., Newbury, D.E., Michael, J.R., Ritchie, N.W., Scott,
J.H.J. and Joy, D.C., 2017. Scanning electron microscopy and X-ray
microanalysis. Springer.
Herman, B., 2020. Fluorescence microscopy. Garland Science.
Jerome, W.G. and Price, R.L., 2018. Basic confocal microscopy.
Berlin: Springer.
Mertz, J., 2019. Introduction to optical microscopy. Cambridge
University Press.
Ratcliff, M.J., 2016. The quest for the invisible: microscopy in the
Enlightenment. Routledge.
Module Handbook
Biomolecular Analysis Technique
Lectures 1.7 40
Exercise (structured
assignment &
4.0 40
learning/ self-study)
Laboratory practice 5.7 40
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including
examination preparation, specified in hours
Genetics (MAB61017)
Molecular Biology (MAB60022)
Practice in Molecular Biology (MAB60023)
Module objective/ intended Intended learning outcomes (ILO) corresponding to this module:
learning outcomes
ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to
develop themselves through lifelong learning.
11. Protein electrophoresis
12. Protein Analysis
13. Immunohistochemistry
Study and examination Form of examination in lectures:
requirements and forms of Quiz
examination Paper project
Mid and Final Test
Form of examination in laboratory practice:
Lab report
Placement test
Final practice exam
Ausubel FM., Brent R., Kingston RE., Moore D., Seidman JG. Smith
JA. Struhl K. 2002. Short Protocols in Molecular Biology. 5rd Ed. John
Wiley & Sons.
GeneBank: NCBI GeneBank:,5
Innis MA. Gelfand DH., Sninsky JJ. 1999. PCR Application Protocol for
Functional Genomics. Academics Press
Sambrook J. &Russel DW. 2001. Molecular Cloning: A laboratory
manual. Cold Spring Harbor.
Bollag DM., & Edelstein SJ. 1991. Protein Methods. A John Wiley &
Harlow E. & Lane D. 1988. Antibodies: A laboratory manual. Cold
Harbor Konfermann R. &Dubel S. 2001. Antibody Engeneering.
Springer Lab. Manual.
Robyt JF & White BJ. 1990. Biochemical Techniques: Theory &
Practice. Brooks/Cole Pub.
Wilson K & Walker J. 2004. Principles & Techniques of Practical
Biochemistry. 4th Ed. Cambridge University Press.
Module Handbook
Module Name: Bioentrepreneur
Module Level: Bachelor
Abbreviation, if applicable: MAB60150
Sub-heading, if applicable: -
Courses included in the
module, if applicable:
Semester/term: Odd semester
Person responsible for the
Prof. Luchman Hakim, M.Agr.Sc.,Ph.D.
Lecturer(s): Prof. Luchman Hakim, M.Agr.Sc.,Ph.D.
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Elective Odd
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact hours:
Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Lectures - -
Exercise (structured
assignment &
- -
independent learning/
Depend on the student
Laboratory practice 8.5 number who enrolled
this course
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including examination
preparation, specified in hours
application in a bio-conservation perspective.
Langer, R., 2018. Mastering Bioentrepreneurship. Innovative
Research in Life Sciences: Pathways to Scientific Impact,
Public Health Improvement, and Economic Progress, p.291.
Drucker, P. 2014. Innovation and entrepreneurship. Routledge.
Schaper, M. (Ed.). 2012. Making ecopreneurs: developing sustainable
entrepreneurship. Gower Publishing, Ltd.
Module Handbook
Population Genetics
Module Name: Population Genetics
Module Level: Bachelor
Abbreviation, if applicable: MAB60151
Sub-heading, if applicable: -
Courses included in the
module, if applicable:
Semester/term: Even semester
Person responsible for the
Prof. Dr. Ir. Estri Laras Arumingtyas, M.Sc.St
Lecturer(s): 1. Prof. Dr. Ir. Estri Laras Arumingtyas, M.Sc.St.
2. Mufidah Afiyanti, S.P., Ph.D
3. Nia Kurniawan, S.Si., M.P., D.Sc.
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Elective Even
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact
hours: Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method:
lecture, lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Module objective/ intended Intended learning outcomes (ILO) corresponding to this module:
learning outcomes
ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to
develop themselves through lifelong learning.
Final score: Presentation (15%) + Quiz (15%), Mid exam (35%) +
Final exam (35%)
Media employed LCD, laptop, google classroom, video conference (zoom/gmeet).
Reading list Crow, J.F., 2017. An introduction to population genetics theory.
Scientific Publishers.
Hamilton, M.B., 2021. Population genetics. John Wiley & Sons.
Hartl DL & Clark AG 2007 Principles of Population Genetics, 4th
Edition. Sinauer Associates: Sunderland, Massachusetts;
Perry GH, Dominy NJ, Claw KG, et al. 2007. Diet and the evolution of
human amylase gene copy number variation. Nature Genetics 39,
Novembre J, Pritchard JK, Coop G. 2007. Adaptive drool in the gene
pool. Nature Genetics 39, 1188-1190.
Module Handbook
Special Topics Supporting Thesis
Module Name: Special Topics Supporting Thesis
Module Level: Bachelor
Abbreviation, if applicable: MAB60152
Sub-heading, if applicable: -
Courses included in the
module, if applicable:
Semester/term: Even semester
Person responsible for the
Ir. Retno Mastuti, M.Agr.Sc., D.Agr.Sc.
Lecturer(s): 1. Ir. Retno Mastuti, M.Agr.Sc., D.Agr.Sc.
2. Dian Siswanto, S.Si., M.Sc., M.Si., Ph.D
3. Undergraduate thesis supervisor candidates
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Elective Even
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact hours:
Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Lectures - -
Exercise (structured
assignment &
- -
independent learning/
Depend on the student
Laboratory practice 8.5 number who enrolled
this course
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including examination
preparation, specified in hours
Seminar (MAB60032)
Module objective/ intended Intended learning outcomes (ILO) corresponding to this module:
learning outcomes
ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to develop
themselves through lifelong learning.
CLO 3. Able to present the preliminary research report and thesis research
proposal draft to get some inputs.
Content 1. Reviewing articles/journals/textbooks to compile a synthesis to
improve the theoretical basis of the proposal draft.
2. Reviewing articles/journals/textbooks to develop research methods to
improve proposal drafts.
3. Reviewing articles/journals/textbooks to make data
analysis/interpretation to improve the proposal draft.
4. Presentation of the undergraduate thesis proposal draft
5. Deepening of laboratory/field work techniques.
Study and examination Final score : discipline and independence (20%), quality of work (25%),
requirements and forms of academic integrity (15%), thesis proposal draft (20%), creativity and idea
examination development (20%).
Enrichment Program Information
The Merdeka-Belajar-Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program launched by the government in 2020 with aim
to develop conditions and provide opportunities for students to learn and self-actualize so that they can
be absorbed into the world of work. One of the strategies for achieving MBKM is the formulation of a
student apprentice system at prospective institutions as their target workplace after graduation.
Students are encouraged to carry out activities both lectures and/or practical internships for 1-3
semesters which are equivalent to 20 credit units/semester.
The flexibility demanded by the MBKM program requires adjustments to the 2019 Bachelor Programme
in Biology (BPB) curriculum so that the integration of Enrichment Program (EP) in the MBKM program
is needed, especially regarding the plan to implement learning rights for a maximum of three semesters
outside the study programme as well as the management and mechanism for implementing the
curriculum. The EP, which is planned to be implemented for the next two years (when the 2019 batch of
students are in semester 7), must be accelerated and implemented this year. The initial step to
integrate EP into MBKM is carried out by creating a linkage matrix (Table 1).
Table 1. The relationship between five learning schemes outside the BPB Enrichment Program (EP)
with eight learning activities launched by the Ministry of Education and Culture
EP Schema/ Community Industrial
Research Entrepreneurship Internship/
MBKM Activities Development Internship
Credit Transfer
Student ✓
Internship ✓
Research ✓ ✓
Independent ✓ ✓ ✓
study/ project
Projects in the ✓
Humanity project ✓
Teaching in ✓
Entrepreneurial ✓
The EP design is an activity with a total load of 17 credits as shown in Table 2.
EP Research Business Research and
Supporting Management Management Development Credit transfer
Course 1 (3 SCU) (3 SCU) (3 SCU) in Indonesian
(3 SCU)
and overseas
EP Scientific Business Community Business university.
Supporting Communication Communication Communication Communication
Course 2 (3 SCU) (3 SCU) (3 SCU) (3 SCU)
Module Handbook
Attitude, Ethics, and Leadership
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Elective Odd
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact hours:
Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Lectures - -
Exercise (structured
assignment &
- -
independent learning/
Depend on the student
Laboratory practice 5.67 number who enrolled
this course
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including examination
preparation, specified in hours
5.67 - 90.7 h 3
Credit point 2 credit units (SCU)
Requirement according to the
In order to pass the course, student must obtain a minimal score of 55%.
examination regulations
Recommended prerequisites The total credit units achieved is more than 90 credit units.
Module objective/ intended Intended learning outcomes (ILO) corresponding to this module:
learning outcomes
ILO 1. Able to demonstrate academic integrity and the ability to develop
themselves through lifelong learning.
ILO 7. Have a capacity for teamwork with respecting biodiversity.
Module Handbook
Research Internship
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Elective Odd
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact hours:
Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Lectures - -
Exercise (structured
assignment &
- -
independent learning/
Depend on the student
Laboratory practice 14.17 number who enrolled
this course
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including examination
preparation, specified in hours
ILO 7. Have a capacity for teamwork with respecting biodiversity.
Module Handbook
Business Initiation
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Elective Odd
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact hours:
Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Lectures - -
Exercise (structured
assignment &
- -
independent learning/
Depend on the student
Laboratory practice 14.17 number who enrolled
this course
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including examination
preparation, specified in hours
ILO 3. Able to understand the methodology of biological science and its
application in a bio-conservation perspective.
The output of this mini project is that one of them can be used as a
preliminary study for the final project (thesis) which in the end can be used
to prepare a thesis proposal.
Module Handbook
Community Development
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Elective Odd
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact hours:
Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Lectures - -
Exercise (structured
assignment &
- -
independent learning/
Depend on the student
Laboratory practice 14.17 number who enrolled
this course
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including examination
preparation, specified in hours
ILO 3. Able to understand the methodology of biological science and its
application in a bio-conservation perspective.
The output of this mini project is that one of them can be used as a
preliminary study for the final project (thesis) which in the end can be used
to prepare a thesis proposal.
Module Handbook
Industrial Internship
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Elective Odd
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact hours:
Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Lectures - -
Exercise (structured
assignment &
- -
independent learning/
Depend on the student
Laboratory practice 14.17 number who enrolled
this course
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including examination
preparation, specified in hours
ILO 3. Able to understand the methodology of biological science and its
application in a bio-conservation perspective.
The output of this mini project is that one of them can be used as a
preliminary study for the final project (thesis) which in the end can be used
to prepare a thesis proposal.
Module Handbook
Research Internship Abroad
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Elective Odd
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact hours:
Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Lectures - -
Exercise (structured
assignment &
- -
independent learning/
Depend on the student
Laboratory practice 14.17 number who enrolled
this course
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including examination
preparation, specified in hours
ILO 3. Able to understand the methodology of biological science and its
application in a bio-conservation perspective.
Module Handbook
Research Management
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Elective Odd
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact hours:
Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Lectures - -
Exercise (structured
assignment &
- -
independent learning/
Depend on the student
Laboratory practice 8.5 number who enrolled
this course
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including examination
preparation, specified in hours
ILO 3. Able to understand the methodology of biological science and its
application in a bio-conservation perspective.
Module Handbook
Business Management
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Elective Odd
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact hours:
Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Lectures - -
Exercise (structured
assignment &
- -
independent learning/
Depend on the student
Laboratory practice 8.5 number who enrolled
this course
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including examination
preparation, specified in hours
ILO 3. Able to understand the methodology of biological science and its
application in a bio-conservation perspective.
Module Handbook
Community Development Appraisal
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Elective Odd
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact hours:
Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Lectures - -
Exercise (structured
assignment &
- -
independent learning/
Depend on the student
Laboratory practice 8.5 number who enrolled
this course
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including examination
preparation, specified in hours
ILO 3. Able to understand the methodology of biological science and its
application in a bio-conservation perspective.
Module Handbook
Research and Development
Module Name: Research and Development
Module Level: Bachelor
Abbreviation, if applicable: MAB60210
Sub-heading, if applicable: -
Courses included in the
module, if applicable:
Semester/term: Odd semester
Person responsible for the
Dian Siswanto, S.Si., M.Sc., M.Si., Ph.D
Lecturer(s): 1. Dian Siswanto, S.Si., M.Sc., M.Si., Ph.D
2. Internship supervisors
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Elective Odd
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact hours:
Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Lectures - -
Exercise (structured
assignment &
- -
independent learning/
Depend on the student
Laboratory practice 8.5 number who enrolled
this course
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including examination
preparation, specified in hours
ILO 3. Able to understand the methodology of biological science and its
application in a bio-conservation perspective.
Module Handbook
Scientific Communication
Module Name: Scientific Communication
Module Level: Bachelor
Abbreviation, if applicable: MAB60211
Sub-heading, if applicable: -
Courses included in the
module, if applicable:
Semester/term: Odd semester
Person responsible for the
Dian Siswanto, S.Si., M.Sc., M.Si., Ph.D
Lecturer(s): 1. Dian Siswanto, S.Si., M.Sc., M.Si., Ph.D
2. Internship supervisors
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Elective Odd
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact hours:
Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Lectures - -
Exercise (structured
assignment &
- -
independent learning/
Depend on the student
Laboratory practice 8.5 number who enrolled
this course
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including examination
preparation, specified in hours
ILO 3. Able to understand the methodology of biological science and its
application in a bio-conservation perspective.
Module Handbook
Business Communication
Module Name: Business Communication
Module Level: Bachelor
Abbreviation, if applicable: MAB60212
Sub-heading, if applicable: -
Courses included in the
module, if applicable:
Semester/term: Odd semester
Person responsible for the
Dian Siswanto, S.Si., M.Sc., M.Si., Ph.D
Lecturer(s): 1. Dian Siswanto, S.Si., M.Sc., M.Si., Ph.D
2. Internship supervisors
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Elective Odd
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact hours:
Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Lectures - -
Exercise (structured
assignment &
- -
independent learning/
Depend on the student
Laboratory practice 8.5 number who enrolled
this course
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including examination
preparation, specified in hours
ILO 3. Able to understand the methodology of biological science and its
application in a bio-conservation perspective.
Module Handbook
Community Communication
Module Name: Community Communication
Module Level: Bachelor
Abbreviation, if applicable: MAB60213
Sub-heading, if applicable: -
Courses included in the
module, if applicable:
Semester/term: Odd semester
Person responsible for the
Dian Siswanto, S.Si., M.Sc., M.Si., Ph.D
Lecturer(s): 1. Dian Siswanto, S.Si., M.Sc., M.Si., Ph.D
2. Internship supervisors
Language: Indonesian
Relation to curriculum
Programme Mode Semester
Bachelor Programme
Elective Odd
in Biology
Type of teaching, contact hours:
Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture,
lesson, practical, project, seminar, etc.
Lectures - -
Exercise (structured
assignment &
- -
independent learning/
Depend on the student
Laboratory practice 8.5 number who enrolled
this course
Workload: (Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise,
laboratory session, etc.) and private/self-study, including examination
preparation, specified in hours
ILO 3. Able to understand the methodology of biological science and its
application in a bio-conservation perspective.