Factors Influencing Online Customer Buying Behavior: April 2022
Factors Influencing Online Customer Buying Behavior: April 2022
Factors Influencing Online Customer Buying Behavior: April 2022
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All content following this page was uploaded by P. Mohammed Buhari Saleem on 28 October 2022.
Volume-56, No.1 (III) 2022
Journal of the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda ISSN: 0025-0422
Pratminingsih, S. A.,(2013) et al revealed that e results of the study, all six hypotheses are
supported. Satisfaction has a positive relationship with trust, commitment, and loyalty. Trust also
has a significant positive relationship with loyalty and commitment, and commitment has an
impact on loyalty
Jadhav, V., (2016) concluded that Flipkart.com, Myntra.com were the most preferred option of
online retailers mentioned by the students to shop from the online stores. Electronic goods,
footwear, e-Tickets, electronic goods accessories, apparel, books, instant recharge of cell phone,
gifting items, were the major categories of products/services bought by most of the students.
Cash on delivery(COD) was the most preferred mode of payment expressed by the students
while doing online shopping
Adnan, H. (2014) indicated that the perceived risks, perceived advantages and, psychological
factors were the most significant variables. The factors such as Perceived advantages,
psychological factors had a positive impact on consumer attitudes and buying behavior.
Nevertheless, perceived risks had a negative impact on consumer buying behavior. Website
design and hedonic motivation were found out to be the unimportant variables
Hasan, H. H., (2008) suggested by Krugman‟s Low Involvement theory, high involvement
products and attitude towards Internet contributed significantly to the purchasing behavior
through cyber advertising. Therefore, it was indicated the Internet to be better suited for high
involvement products and services as well as assist increase the tendency to purchase products
and services online. Besides, the study also showed that the convenience dimension of the
customer personality variable formed a powerful relationship with purchasing behavior through
cyber advertising.
Jusoh, Z. M., et al(2012) investigated that how socio and demographic factors such as age,
income, and occupation and the pattern of online buying such as types of goods, e-commerce
experience, and hours spent on the internet), and purchase perception such as product perception,
customers’ service, and consumers’ risk) affect consumers’ attitudes towards online shopping.
Aghdaie, S. F. A., et al (2011) suggested that twelve factors are associated with consumer
purchase behavior in three stages of the decision-making process. The results showed valuable
insights into understanding the factors that affect the trusting attitude after then affect the
purchase and purchase repeat behavior
Bagga, T., et al (2013) identified that seven factors as Convenience, Information Search, need
for Recreation, Website Attributes, Online Advertising, Social Communication, Security, and
Volume-56, No.1 (III) 2022
Journal of the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda ISSN: 0025-0422
privacy concerns. The importance of these factors differs across different demographic variables
such as age, income group of consumers, and gender.
Raman, P. (2014) showed that convenience to shop online came out to be the most important
factor for the female shoppers to shop online while the risk of doing transactions along with
preference towards the traditional way of shopping and reliability issues acted as the most
significant impediment towards the growth of online shopping in India.
Pi, S. M., et al(2011) investigated that 3 perspectives as sociology, psychology economics, to
analyze the factors influencing the behavior of online group buying. Especially in Taiwan, group
buying is a significant online business norm with great potential for influencing e-business. The
results indicated that reciprocal and conformism of social perspective have the most powerful
impact on group-buying intentions, followed by the factor of trust from the psychological
perspective and demand externalities and the factor of price consciousness from the economic
perspective. Nevertheless, the consumers’ actual behavior is not affected by their intentions.
Reliability and validity assessment
The Cronbach's Alpha statistic was used to check the reliability of the scale developed for
evaluations statements used in the questionnaire. The Cronbach's alpha value for the 9 factors of
questionnaire is following.
Table No.1
Reliability Statistics
Quality of Product
.803 4 Good
Categorization of
.716 4 Acceptable
New Products
Volume-56, No.1 (III) 2022
Journal of the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda ISSN: 0025-0422
Time Management .777 4 Acceptable
Table No.2
Chi-Square Tests
Frequency of Shopping * Gender Hypothesis
Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 1.031 4 .905 Accepted
Table No.3
Frequency of Shopping * Age Hypothesis
Pearson Chi-Square 24.216 16 .085 Accepted
Volume-56, No.1 (III) 2022
Journal of the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda ISSN: 0025-0422
The internet is a play important role in every sense. Practically every aspect of modern
life is changed a lot through the inclusion of internet functionality. In particular, Businesses and
Marketing, gone are the days of spending a more amount of cash and time on traditional
marketing efforts. The pandemic has forced businesses to be more attuned to their consumers’
unique needs and consider their operations from a different lens. It is positively possible that in
the future, pandemic or not, online buying will be the tradition for everyone.
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Volume-56, No.1 (III) 2022
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Volume-56, No.1 (III) 2022