1 s2.0 S0013795220318135 Main
1 s2.0 S0013795220318135 Main
1 s2.0 S0013795220318135 Main
Engineering Geology
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/enggeo
Keywords: This study presents a novel review of seven case histories of Andalusian reservoirs (Southern Spain) affected by
Reservoir failure different hydrological and hydrogeological problems that have led to severe malfunctions. The failures reported
Karst are related to (i) water quality degradation due to salinization and acid mine drainage, (ii) leakage in karstified
terrains, (iii) environmental and hydrogeological impacts associated with an inadequate water planning and (iv)
large evaporative losses from the reservoir. Detailed information on the geological context, hydrological/
Acid mine drainage
Evaporation hydrogeological origin of the problem, repercussions on infrastructure functioning and remedial measures
applied or proposed has been gathered for each case. Results of on-site research carried out by the authors in
some of the locations studied and a comparative analysis of similar case histories at international level are also
included. The purpose of this work is to emphasize the need of learning from past mistakes and provide guidance
for future dam construction works, especially in the Mediterranean region. It also highlights the role of geological
and hydrogeological research in dam sitting and the consequences of inadequate terrain characterisation, biased
hydrological planning and data misinterpretation or undervaluation. This review evidences the need of con
ducting comprehensive studies that do not only focus on the infrastructure itself, but also on non-constructive
aspects (monitoring of geological features and hydrological variables) and relevant processes (e.g. leakage,
salinization and contamination) that might compromise the efficient functioning of the infrastructure.
* Corresponding author at: University of Cádiz, Department of Industrial Engineering and Civil Engineering, Ave. Ramón Puyol s/n 11202 Algeciras, Cádiz, Spain.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (V. Ruiz-Ortiz), [email protected] (S. García-López), [email protected] (M. Vélez-Nicolás), angel.sanchez@uca.
es (Á. Sánchez-Bellón), [email protected] (A. Contreras de Villar), [email protected] (F. Contreras).
Received 13 July 2020; Received in revised form 18 October 2020; Accepted 11 November 2020
Available online 18 November 2020
0013-7952/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
V. Ruiz-Ortiz et al. Engineering Geology 282 (2021) 105916
these large dams are related to water contamination/degradation (Jalali reservoirs with serious problems of water quality degradation due to
et al., 2019; Peng et al., 2020); leakage from the impoundment structure salinization (Guadalhorce (1) and Víboras (2) reservoirs) and mining-
(Turkmen et al., 2002; De Waele, 2008; Dong et al., 2016; Shangxin related contamination (Alcolea reservoir (3)), (ii) infrastructures with
et al., 2020); severe environmental and hydrogeological impacts on the substantial water losses owing to leakage (Montejaque (4) and Benínar
natural system that compel to change the initial hydrological plans (5) reservoirs), iii) a water transfer project with such dramatic envi
(Micklin, 2011), or the inability to store the resource due to high direct ronmental impacts that compelled to modify the projected hydrological
evaporation from the surface (Nguyen et al., 2020). planning (El Portillo-San Clemente system (6)) and iv) excessive evap
Although individualized studies on certain reservoirs and their issues oration losses from the flooded surface of the reservoir (Barbate reser
have been carried out in recent decades, few provide a comprehensive voir (7)). This paper, the first of its kind at national (Spain) and
review of case histories with different problems and the lessons to be international level from a hydrological and hydrogeological perspective,
learned from them. Sojka et al. (2017) provide a classification of the has a twofold purpose. Firstly, to describe the causes and consequences
functioning and operation problems of several dams located in a prov of some of the most notorious dam failures in Andalusia by presenting
ince of Poland. The authors divide them into (i) technical (dam failure, the history of events through an exhaustive bibliographic compilation
water release elements failure, damage of reservoir embankments and (including historical archives of difficult access) and graphic and visual
failure of other structures like hydroplants), (ii) non-technical (loss of material produced by the authors. Secondly, to provide lessons and
water resources, water quality degradation, sediment accumulation, guidance for future dam construction works by highlighting the role of
vegetation growth and cyanobacterial blooms) or administrative geological and hydrogeological research in dam sitting and the conse
(reservoir operation) depending on their origin. Habets et al. (2018) quences of inadequate hydrogeological investigation, planning or data
conduct a review on the cumulative impacts of small reservoirs on water misinterpretation, which may result in severe malfunctions.
resources from a quantitative point of view (seepage, evaporation etc).
In addition, Flagg (1979), Sharma and Kumar (2013) and Talukdar and 2. Andalusian geological context
Dey (2019) report case histories of several dam failures and accidents
motivated by a poor understanding of geology and the conclusions Andalusia, with an area of 87,270 km2, is the southernmost region of
drawn from each of them. the Iberian Peninsula. Most of its surface is occupied by the Betic
Learning from a region’s reservoir history and failures may provide Cordillera, which is the most western stretch of the Alpine orogen. This
valuable insights and tools for a more efficient planning and future dam orogen was formed during the Tertiary period by the folding of
development. For this reason, this study presents for the first time a allochthonous materials caused by the approach of the African plate
comprehensive review of Andalusian reservoirs (Southern Spain) with a towards the southern edge of the European plate. Numerous studies
range of hydrological and hydrogeological problems that resulted in have dealt with the geological configuration of this area, among which it
serious operating deficiencies. The 7 selected case studies include (i) is worth to mention the great synthesis compiled by Vera (2004) (Fig. 1).
V. Ruiz-Ortiz et al. Engineering Geology 282 (2021) 105916
The foreland of the northern edge of the Betic Cordillera is the Ibe structure of imbricated overthrusting belts in a compressive context.
rian Massif, which is made up of three different structural domains With regard to the hydrography, the Andalusian region is structured
(Southportuguese Zone, Ossa-Morena Zone and Centroiberic Zone) in into an extensive fluvial basin that crosses the territory from NE to SW
this region and presents deformed igneous and metamorphic materials (Guadalquivir river) and a set of minor basins that drain either towards
from the Precambrian and Paleozoic periods. In the eastern sector of the the Mediterranean Sea or to the Atlantic Ocean. The basins draining
Iberian Massif outcrops a tabular cover of unfolded Meso-Cenozoic towards the Mediterranean collect runoff from the southern slope of the
sediments. In the Southportuguese Zone, there is an underwater Betic r and present pronounced reliefs. The 24% of the Andalusian area
volcano-sedimentary complex that underwent hydrothermal alteration, is occupied by permeable terrains of which the 60% correspond to
giving rise to one of the most important deposits of polymetallic sul detrital aquifers and 40% to calcareous ones. The latter type coincides
phides in the world. These mineral resources have been exploited from with the reliefs of interior and coastal mountain ranges.
Roman times to the present day and forms the so-called Iberian Pyrite
Belt (hereinafter IPB). The numerous mines located in this complex 3. Summary of the details and problems of the studied reservoirs
profoundly affect the quality of the run-off water and consequently, that
of the planned Alcolea reservoir (3). This research work presents 7 cases of malfunctioning reservoirs
There is a foreland basin located between the Betic Cordillera and the from Andalusia (Southern Spain) (Fig. 1). The studied infrastructures are
Iberian Massif. The basin is associated with the main river valley in the affected by different geological formations and processes. . Except for
region (River Guadalquivir), which was filled with postorogenic sedi one, all the dams are state-owned. The age and typology of these in
ments from the surrounding reliefs during the Neogene and Quaternary. frastructures are diverse, including both embankment dams made of
There are also other important intramountain depressions in the Betic natural materials (earth fill and rock fill) and concrete dams that were
Cordillera, such as that of Granada. built between 1920s and the present time. The dams included in this
Within the Betic Cordillera, three large geological units can be work are of considerable structural height, with values between 30 and
differentiated; the External Zones, the Campo de Gibraltar Complex and 91.5 m from the crest to the foundation, and storage capacities between
the Internal Zones. These are made up of tectonic units that have un 19 and 274 hm3. The main characteristics and type of problems of each
dergone large displacements from their original sedimentation site to case reservoir are detailed in Table 1.
their current position.
The External Zones emerge immediately to the south of the Gua 4. Water quality degradation
dalquivir Depression and are divided into two large domains: the Pre
betic, which is moderately allochthonous and slightly deformed, and the 4.1. Guadalhorce reservoir (Case 1)
Subbetic, which thrusts the Prebetic and is markedly allochthonous and
intensely deformed. Carbonate rocks of Jurassic age are abundant in this The Guadalhorce dam is part of a multi-reservoir system constituted
domain and constitute important aquifers subject to karstification pro by three nearby dams that supply water to the city of Malaga: Conde de
cesses that sometimes seriously affect the local reservoirs; this is the case Guadalhorce (74 hm3) built in 1921 and enlarged in 1947, Guadalteba
of the Montejaque reservoir (4) and El Portillo-San Clemente system (6). (150 hm3) built in 1972 and Guadalhorce (135 hm3) built in 1973. While
In very extensive sectors, the deformation has caused the loss of struc the Guadalteba and Conde de Guadalhorce reservoirs lack significant
tural continuity, brecciation and the mixing of materials, giving rise to a water quality problems, Guadalhorce has undergone a severe saliniza
unit known as the Subbetic Chaotic Complexes (SCC). This unit is tion process that has made its water resources unusable for the intended
basically made up of a clayey matrix that contains large blocks and purposes. The reason is that the tail-end of the reservoir receives hy
olistolites of materials of different ages (Triassic to Miocene) and nature persaline water from a set of springs that belong to one of the most
(gypsum and halite, dolomites, limestone, sandstone and sub-volcanic important evaporite karst complexes in Spain, the aforementioned SCC,
rocks). The dissolution of the soluble minerals (evaporites) of these and more specifically, from the unit known as “Trias de Antequera”
materials degrades the quality of the run-off water (sometimes sub (Vera, 2004).
stantially) and are responsible for the quality problems of the reservoirs These materials have traditionally been considered as aquitards
located above them, as is the case of Guadalhorce (1) and Víboras (2). owing to the low permeability of the matrix, which is made of clay and
The Campo de Gibraltar Complex outcrops in the southwestern fine sand, and contains blocks of various lithologies. However, the
sector and is mainly made up of deep marine sediments (turbidites, clays presence of conduits generated by dissolution processes within the
and loams of Mesozoic and Neogene age) which have been heavily evaporite blocks (gypsum and halite), which are strongly tectonized and
tectonized. They have flysch facies and were deposited in a groove very abundant locally, concentrates and speeds up the water flow, giving
originated during the Mesozoic, between the External and Internal rise to a typically karstic behaviour. The lithological complexity of the
Zones on oceanic crust that subsequently suffered subduction. In this CSC determines its hydrogeological heterogeneity, with groundwater
domain, the Barbate reservoir (7) is located in a mature valley, what pathways of different length and various scales from recharge areas to
conditions its morphology. discharge zones (Andreo et al., 2016).
Finally, the Internal Zones that emerge in the southernmost area, In the study area, numerous ponds, dissolution dolines, collapse
next to the Mediterranean Sea, is the most allochthonous and deformed structures, cavities and chasms have been identified (Fig. 2a). According
geological unit of the mountain range and has also suffered Alpine to geological and hydrogeological evidences, Calaforra and Pulido-
metamorphism. The whole has an antiformal disposition with an alti Bosch (1999), proposed the hypothesis on the existence of two hal
tude of more than 3,400 m and a very complex structure of super okinetic structures with subcircular morphology (diapirs) in both sides
imposed nappes that produce repetitions vertically. The deformation of of the tail-end of the Guadalhorce reservoir. In this context, the above-
the Internal Zones even affects the deep continental crust and the upper mentioned set of hypersaline springs constitute the discharge path
mantle, giving rise to the outcrop of peridotite rocks. The domain is ways of the hydrogeological system. The conceptual model of the
subdivided from bottom to top into three complexes: Nevado-Filábride functioning of this sector considers distinct underground flows with
(high-grade metamorphism), Alpujárride (medium-grade meta different characteristics (Fig. 2b). Local flows are characterised by short
morphism) and Maláguide (low-grade metamorphism) plus a Frontal pathways and are originated by infiltration of recent rainwater through
Unit in contact with the External Areas. The Benínar reservoir (5) is the permeable materials around the springs. Intermediate flows are
located within one of these complexes, concretely in the Alpujárride, preferably developed along the karst network, are fed mainly through
which consists of a powerful Triassic-age limestone formation, with dolines and sinkholes and produce medium-mineralized water and
phyllites, quartzite and gypsum at its base and a complex tectonic sulfated calcium facies. These flows respond quickly to large recharge
V. Ruiz-Ortiz et al. Engineering Geology 282 (2021) 105916
Table 1
Summary of main characteristics, geological context and problems of the studied dams (own elaboration using information from: https://sig.mapama.gob.es/snczi/
and bibliographic research).
(1) (3) (5) CLEMENTE SYSTEM (7)
Geologic SCC, External Zones SCC, External IPB, Sud- Subbetic, External Alpujárride Prebetic, External Zones Campo de
context (Betic Cordillera) Zones (Betic portuguese Zone Zones (Betic Complex, Internal (Betic Cordillera) Gibraltar
Cordillera) (Iberic Massif) Cordillera) Zones (Betic Complex (Betic
Cordillera) Cordillera)
End of works 1973 1997 Under 1924 1983 1999 1990 1992
Tipology Embankment Arch-Gravity Gravity Double curved arch Embankment Embankment Embankment
Ownership Public Public Public Private Public Public Public
Function Water supply; Water supply; Irrigation, safety; Hydroelectric Water supply; Irrigation; Irrigation Irrigation
hydroelectric irrigation environmental irrigation; safety hydroelectric
Height from 75 48.5 61 83.75 87 83 91.5 30
Capacity 126 19 274 36 68 33.5 120 231
Runoff (hm3/ 59 57 31 25 45 115 31 125
Problem Water quality Water quality Water quality Leakage Leakage Environmental and High
degradation degradation degradation hydrogeological impacts evaporation
(salinization) (salinization) (heavy metals)
events. Finally, the deepest flows, have longer residence times and are environmental dating tracers (3H, 3He, 4He, CFC-12, SF6) and hydro
originated in the areas most distant from the springs, producing water of chemical data has been recently proposed to corroborate this conceptual
higher mineralization and temperature with sodium chloride facies. model (Gil-Márquez et al., 2020).
These flows are responsible for the discharge of brines through springs Of the springs associated to the “Trias de Antequera”, Meliones
even during droughts (Andreo et al., 2016). The application of spring (Fig. 2b) is the most important owing to its higher flow and
V. Ruiz-Ortiz et al. Engineering Geology 282 (2021) 105916
salinity. The Meliones spring is located next to the Guadalhorce riverbed the spring. Then, the brine would be stored in the space between both
(345 m.a.s.l), below the maximum normal level and is usually covered dams and subsequently pumped to the sea through a pipeline. This
by the water of the reservoir, what constitutes an important obstacle to scheme was finally rejected owing to the high cost and the uncertain
its management and eradication (Carrasco Cantos, 2018). It has sodium- results it may yield. (v) 2005: Finally, the solution adopted was the
chloride type facies and the electrical conductivity reaches 200 mS/cm combined desalination of groundwater from a coastal aquifer and the
(four times greater than that of the sea) (Andreo et al., 2016). In fact, brackish water from the reservoir in the Atabal water treatment plant,
owing to these characteristics, the springs were traditionally exploited which is located 38 km SE from the Guadalhorce reservoir, in the city of
for the extraction of sodium chloride since ancient times. The amount of Malaga. Water treatment at this facility, which is equipped with reverse
salt evacuated by the set of springs was estimated at 470 t/day on osmosis technology, implied additional energy and economic costs
average for the period 1981–2003 (Durán-Valsero, 2007). This means a (Andreo et al., 2016; Montalván et al., 2017; Carrasco Cantos, 2018).
significant additional salt input (3.7 g/L) that is attributable to the saline
discharge from the springs in that period. 4.2. Víboras reservoir (Case 2)
The existence of the hypersaline springs was already known since the
beginning of the construction of the Guadalhorce dam. Nonetheless, the The Víboras dam (19 hm3) is located in the province of Jaén (see
resolution of the problem was postponed without implementing a Fig. 1) on the river of the same name, which is a tributary of the Gua
corrective measure plan. Once the dam was built, these measures proved dalquivir River. This reservoir receives discharge from four karstic
to be very difficult to apply. In light of the course of events, the project aquifers and from the runoff of the basin (57 hm3/year). The intended
team did not properly assess the impact that this phenomenon would functions of this infrastructure was urban supply and irrigation, how
have on the operation and utility of the infrastructure. ever, severe quality problems were identified after the completion of the
In fact, a major design fault was committed: the vessels of the Gua construction works.
dalteba and Guadalhorce dams, both adjacent and simultaneously built Part of the reservoir vessel and most of its catchment area are located
in the decade of the 60’s, were communicated. Above certain level, due in the outcrops of the SCC, described above (see section 2), where the
to topographic reasons, the saline waters of Guadalhorce overtopped the geological materials are mostly Triassic, contain mainly clays with
reliefs that separate both vessels and entered in Guadalteba. This situ gypsum (locally halite), and olistolites of limestones, subvolcanic rocks,
ation worsened the problem, causing an impoverishment of the water marls and sandstones (Fig. 3). These evaporitic minerals (gypsum and
quality in Guadalteba and compelling to the subsequent construction of halite) undergo dissolution processes when meteoric water and runoff
a separation dyke (see Fig. 2a). Besides, this circumstance hindered the leach the soil and infiltrate through the permeable layers of this for
operation of the reservoirs and the obtention of water of adequate mation, leading to an impoverishment in the quality of its water.
quality to supply the urban areas (Contreras et al., 2016). In fact, while Although the Víboras reservoir was initially conceived as an inde
the water level in the Guadalteba tended to decrease due to urban pendent management system, the poor quality of its resources forced the
consumption (especially during drought periods), the level in the Gua Administration to introduce significant changes in the initial planning
dalhorce reservoir increased because its resources couldn’t be exploited. (González-Ramón et al., 2002). Finally, Víboras reservoir was connected
This situation forced, between 2003 and 2005, to evacuate through the to a nearby system constituted by the Quiebrajano reservoir (which has
river about 100 hm3 of brackish water from the Guadalhorce reservoir to minor leakage problems) and a set of aquifers, through a reversible
the sea. That large volume of water was released during rainy periods to conduction and two Water Treatment Plants (WTP) with osmosis desa
reduce the negative environmental effects of brine on the riparian sys lination (Murillo and Navarro, 2008). Despite these measures and the
tem. One year later, there was a severe drought that led to major re investment made in the Quiebrajano-Víboras system, the optimal
strictions on the supply of the city of Malaga. On the other hand, the operation of the scheme has not yet been achieved (Lechuga et al.,
regulation of the basin and the channelization of the Guadalhorce River 2012). There are several studies that deal with this issue, such as the one
mouth downstream the reservoir carried out in 2003 led to the degra by Murillo and Rubio (2009), who analyzed the system considering two
dation of the aquifer downstream the dam. This aggravated the supply simulation scenarios: In the first scenario, they assumed that both sub
problems in the metropolitan area (Nieto-López et al., 2020) and indi systems, Quiebrajano and Viboras, were independent, and in the second
rectly led to address the issue, as explained below. one, that they were connected. For the second scenario, 3 alternatives
Numerous attempts were made to solve the problem of salinization were considered; (i) A situation in which the Viboras reservoir was not
in the Guadalhorce reservoir. Troyano and Díaz (2006) and Carrasco operating, (ii) To carry out waterproofing works in the Quiebrajano
Cantos (2018) give a detailed description of the measures adopted, reservoir and (iii) Discarding the operation of the Viboras reservoir and
which comprised the following: (i) 1985–1987: Pumping the water of instead, pumping boreholes upstream. The conclusions of the study were
Meliones to evaporation ponds located at a higher site, in the indisputable; the poor quality and high costs associated with pumping to
Cañaveralejo area. This initiative failed because the evaporation ponds the WTP (what implied an elevation of about 190 m ) and desalination
had infiltration problems and part of the water returned to the reservoir. meant that the construction of the Víboras reservoir would not have
(ii) 1993: Collect the brine prior to its entry into the reservoir by been advisable. However, there were other alternatives based on the
isolating the discharge area with a sheet pile screen and pumping it to extraction of groundwater from the upper basin ( carbonate aquifers),
the sea through a pipeline (approximately 50 km long and 300 m which proved to be more advantageous and offered better results from a
elevation). The system could pump up to 75 L/s and came to reduce the technical, economic and environmental point of view.
salt inputs to 1/3 during dry periods, however, this measure was
insufficient during very rainy periods when the discharge from the 4.3. Alcolea reservoir (Case 3)
evaporitic karst increased significantly. This strategy was finally trun
cated by the collapse and subsidence of the immediate surroundings of The future Alcolea reservoir (274 hm3 of capacity) will be located on
the catchment and the breakage of the pipeline owing to landslides. This the Odiel River(province of Huelva, see Fig. 1). From a geological point
last event resulted in large spills of hypersaline water. (iii) 1998: Reduce of view, the projected dam is placed in the south-portuguese Zone of the
the hypersaline discharge by waterproofing the dolines to prevent the Iberic Massif (see section 2) . Its most relevant feature is the predomi
entry of runoff. These works were not concluded due to environmental nance of thick and monotonous detrital series of flyschoid character that
problems and only gave partial results because runoff tended to find new date from the Devonian and Carboniferous ages (Fig. 4). These series
infiltration pathways into the karstic flow network, whose evolution and present a significant acidic and basic volcanism that originated the IPB a
rate of change is very rapid. iv) 2004: Isolating Meliones by constructing formation with one of the highest concentrations of massive sulphides in
one dam (20 m height) upstream and another downstream (30 m height) the Earth’s crust (Almodóvar et al., 2019).
V. Ruiz-Ortiz et al. Engineering Geology 282 (2021) 105916
Fig. 3. Geological map of the Víboras reservoir ( modified from: Continuous Digital Geological Map of Spain (GEODE, 2004).
Fig. 4. Geological map of the Odiel river basin with the location of rivers affected by AMD, mines and dams (own elaboration using information from the Spanish
Mining Geological Institute (http://info.igme.es/visorweb/) and Olías et al. (2011)).
The problem of the future reservoir is that the water inputs from the L of Pb (Olías et al., 2011). These metal concentrations were even higher
local rivers have an extremely poor quality. The water resources from during the hydrological year 2017/2018 (Olías et al., 2020). These
the River Odiel are acidic (pH = 3.4), with detected concentrations of extreme conditions derive from the intense mining activity historically
toxic elements of 74.5 mg/L of Al, 19.6 mg/L of Zn, 12.8 mg/L of Fe, carried out within the IPB area, especially in the 19th and 20th century .
3.2 μg/L of As, 195 μg/L of Cd, 33 μg/L of Cr, 662 μg/L of Ni and 493 μg/ There are currently about 30 abandoned mines within the Odiel basin
V. Ruiz-Ortiz et al. Engineering Geology 282 (2021) 105916
containing large quantities of waste with pyrite and other sulphides was a pioneer structure in its time (year 1924) due to its construction
(Grande et al., 2018). Combined with the atmospheric oxygen, these technique (double curved arch) and dimensions (height from foundation
sulphides produce acid leachates with large amounts of toxic metals that of 83.75 m). The dam sits on the canyon eroded by the Guadares River as
reach the Odiel River network, causing its degradation (Blanco et al., it enters through the massif formed by the Jurassic limestones of the
2013). For instance, in 2017, a spill from a tailing pond resulted in the Libar mountain range (Fig. 5a). Owing to its narrow geometry and the
release of approximately 270,000 m3 of extremely acidic waters to the resistance of the rock, the downstream boundary is suitable for a dam of
Odiel River. Around 53 km of the Odiel River’s main course, which was this type from a technical point of view. Nevertheless, the rock forma
already contaminated by acid mine drainage (AMD), were affected tion that extends through the bottom of the impoundment presents a
(Fig. 4). The spill resulted in a significant degradation of the quality of very high permeability as a result of fracturing and karstification pro
the Odiel River (which was already extremely poor) and led to an in an cesses, which are enhanced by (i) the high solubility of the rock; (ii) its
increase of the dissolved concentrations of some metals (e.g. Fe and As) structural arrangement; (iii) the abundant tectonic fractures and finally;
in the rive of up to 450 times the usual levels (Olías et al., 2019). (iv) the large amounts of rains (1500 mm/year) in this location (Durán-
The objective of the Alcolea reservoir is to guarantee the supply to Valsero, 2007). The area displays numerous exokarst (karren fields,
the city of Huelva, meet the demands of its industrial park and ensure dolines, poljes, sinkholes, blind valleys, ponors, etc.) and endokarst
the irrigation of 20,000 ha in the eastern area of the province. The features (caves, chasms, conduits, speleothems and other cave deposits,
administrative procedure of this project started in 1995. The dam ach etc.) (Fig. 5b). In fact, prior to the construction of the dam, the Guadares
ieved a favourable Environmental Impact Statement based on the fore River infiltrated completely through a ponor called “Hundidero”,
cast of the reduction of contamination by dilution and decantation, located at the end of the limestone blind valley (Lechuga et al., 2016).
which has been questioned by the scientific community (Sarmiento The infiltrated water fed a karstic aquifer that discharges through a
et al., 2009; Olías et al., 2011). The construction of the infrastructure spring in the cave known as “Cueva del Gato”. The karstic network that
was adjudged in 2008. Later in 2010, the Secretary of State for Rural comprises these features is known as the ‘Hundidero-Gato’ speleologic
Environment and Water approved its Feasibility Study without the need network.
of including any type of water treatment system, except for the con Albeit at that time the previous experiences with similar cases were
struction of dykes on specific locations in order to remove contaminated very scarce and knowledge about karst was poorly developed, before the
sediments during the summer period. Despite the strong opposition from construction of the dam, the judgement of renowned geologists and
stakeholders (environmentalist groups, researchers and some politi engineers about the construction of the infrastructure in this area was
cians) the construction works of the Alcolea reservoir began in 2012. very negative (Sánchez and Herreros, 2002).Finally, the energy com
Owing to the acidic environment on which the dam is located, the pany that promoted the project assumed the risk and the works began,
combined use of concrete additives of hydrophobic properties, fly-ash finishing in record time (less than 2 years). It was expected that an
(pozzolanic additive) and microsilica is being necessary. Furthermore, adequate treatment of the rock massif would correct its deficiencies, so
during the construction and concrete watering works, these unfav waterproofing treatments were applied prior to the construction of the
ourable environmental conditions made it impossible to use river water. dyke. The treatments consisted of cement injections through perfora
The planned investment, including the auxiliary works, is approximately tions and sinkhole sealing. Once the dam was built, reservoir tests were
160⋅106 €. conducted yielding very negative results. Sánchez and Herreros (2002)
While the technicians that are currently working on this project and Naranjo (2008) provide an interesting narrative about the subse
argue that the contamination levels in the reservoir will decrease due to quent operations undertaken over more than 15 years aimed at cor
dilution and decantation processes, studies by various authors point out recting the leakage problem. As the authors describe, tracer tests were
the opposite. Cánovas et al. (2016) simulated the foreseeable chemical conducted to define preferential flow paths and waterproofing works
evolution of the reservoir through the software PHREEQC. On the other
hand, Cerón et al. (2014) took as a reference the nearby reservoir “El
Sancho”, which presents a maximum pH value of 4.67, high average
sulphate levels (7937 mg/L), and high concentrations of Fe, Mn, Zn, Pb
and Cu among others. These simulations predicted pH values up to 2.5,
therefore, the water resources of the future reservoir would be unsuit
able for the intended purposes. In line with this, passive or semi-passive
treatments (Caraballo et al., 2011) based on the application of dispersed
alkaline substrates (DAS) have been applied for more than a decade in
the Odiel River basin producing positive, although absolutely insuffi
cient results. Macías et al. (2017), proposed the implementation of 13
DAS treatment plants in specific areas with inputs of mining pollutants.
The objective of these measures is to progressively recover of the Odiel
River basin, in accordance with the provisions of the Water Framework
Directive and the Hydrological Plan for the District of the Tinto, Odiel
and Piedras rivers. As numerous researchers have shown (Olías et al.,
2011; Cerón et al., 2014; Cánovas et al., 2016), the construction of the
Alcolea reservoir before the implementation of the corresponding
corrective measures in its basin is at least a questionable decision and
augurs very negative outcomes. Besides, the potential results are diffi
cult to predict, and in any case, in the very long term.
5. Leakage
V. Ruiz-Ortiz et al. Engineering Geology 282 (2021) 105916
were carried out both from the surface and inner parts of the karst with thickness up to 1,000 m. Both the metapelitic formation and some
massif, taking advantage of the Hundidero-Gato speleologic network. of the carbonate levels presents high gypsum concentrations. As the
The latter required the construction of an interior pathway approxi numerous perforations and surveys conducted for the construction
mately 5 km long whose completion was not exempt from risks and works (around 2,500 linear meters drilled with 60 boreholes between 12
difficulties. Diverse materials were used to seal the conduits and cav and 80 m deep) evidenced, under the recent materials (alluvial and
ities; concrete, asphalt and clay, giving similar results. When the reser colluvial) there are several units of the “Alpujarride Complex”, which
voir was filled, water flowed through alternative flowpaths in a highly are affected by normal faults that sink and put in contact blocks of
permeable medium, with a dense network of fractures and conduits different geological nature. All this confers great geological complexity
widely distributed within the rock. It was also proposed to encase the to the reservoir area.
bottom of the reservoir with an impervious layer, with gunite and even The dam was built upstream of an abrupt canyon eroded by the river
with an iron sheet cover to remediate the leakage problem. Neverthe Adra in the carbonate formations of the lower nappe and floods several
less, these projects were not carried out owing to their high cost. As a outcrops of carbonate that belong to different units and are intercaled
result of the applied treatments the level of the reservoir rose during a with phyllites and locally, with gypsum (Fig. 6a). In the design of the
flood (1930) reaching 30 m from the maximum (dam crest). Despite this infrastructure and in particular, of the impervious core, the contact with
the water drained quickly through the limestones. In subsequent floods the large calcareous outcrop of the lower nappe was avoided. For this
the leakage problem kept progressing and counteracting the aforemen reason, the dam site was located further upstream than the first topo
tioned treatments. Finally, coinciding with the Spanish Civil War graphic closure proposals, and the core was built with a strong upstream
(1936–1939), the works ceased and the dam was abandoned without inclination in order to reach the impervious materials of the closure. An
ever performing the function for which it was built. interesting analysis of the design factors considered by the project team
Since its construction, the infrastructure has only performed as a can be consulted in Álvarez et al. (1976). The mentioned document
recharge element for the underlying aquifer. In a recent study, García- evidences that some geological problems were undervalued in the
López et al. (2018) applied low cost terrestrial photogrammetry tech design stage: Firstly, the calcareous materials of the lower nappe, which
niques to quantify the infiltration from the reservoir and therefore, the play a major role in leakage, were catalogued as “chalcoesquists”, whose
recharge of the aquifer. The authors installed time-lapse cameras over a permeability is significantly lower. This minimized the perception of the
period of 5 weeks to quantify the evolution of the level. Leaks of up to risk of leakage. These materials are of great thickness and highly het
4m3/s were detected when the reservoir level was 665 a.s.l., neverthe erogeneous and, despite having calcareous levels with greater presence
less, when the reservoir had emptied to 25% of its capacity, leakage of siliceous minerals, the permeability of the overall is high owing to
reduced to 0.35m3/s (Video 1). These values are consistent with the intense fracturing of the medium. There are even levels affected by
average infiltrate on of 60 hm3 per year estimated by Durán-Valsero evident karstification processes. As indicated below, this formation
(2007). This evidences a significant deterioration in the sealing of the constitutes the large regional aquifer that receives the aforementioned
reservoir, however, when the stored volume is reduced, this effect is leakage and whose piezometric level is about 150 m below the dam
counteracted by the prolonged deposition of fine fluvial materials that foundation.
cover the bottom of the vessel. Secondly, the tectonics of the thrust sheet complicated the assigna
tion of the lithological sections identified during the geotechnical dril
ling to their corresponding units. In fact, alternating stretches of
5.2. Benínar reservoir (Case 5)
phyllites (impermeable) and dolomites (permeable) were found in many
boreholes, adding confusion to the geological model. Albeit the exis
The Benínar dam is located in the middle course of the Adra River,
tence of large concentrations of gypsum in some sectors was detected,
(province of Almeria, see Fig. 1). The reservoir is placed on very complex
the possibility of development of preferential flows through dissolution
geological structures that belong to the denominated “Alpujarride
conduits (circumstance that ultimately led to significant leaks) was not
Complex” of the Internal Zone of the Betic Cordillera (see section 2).
properly considered. In fact, in the upper part of the reservoir vessel
This complex is structured in tectonic nappes that produced vertical
(known as Peña la Jaca site) there was a karstic sinkhole through which
overlapping of units consisting of two lithological formations: a lower
large volumes of water infiltrated, and whose existence was not detected
metapelitic formation of impervious nature (schists, phyllites, quartz
until a significant flood event in the reservoir.
ites), and an upper carbonate formation (limestones and dolostones)
Fig. 6. a) Geological map of the Benínar reservoir (own elaboration); b) Conceptual model of compartmentalization of the recharge zone associated with the Benínar
Dam (modified from García-López et al. (2009)).
V. Ruiz-Ortiz et al. Engineering Geology 282 (2021) 105916
Downstream from the dam, there is a large carbonate aquifer that is storage blocks for large volumes of water (5–6 hm3). During that period
crossed from N to S by the aforementioned canyon and received the of extraordinary recharge, rises in the piezometric level of the aquifer
river’s seepage under natural regime. The aquifer is drained by a single that received the leakages were detected downstream from the dam.
spring (Fuentes de Marbella) located about 5 km S from the dam, at the This evidenced the existence of at least another low-permeability hy
end of the limestone gorge. The spring is at an altitude of 165 m and had draulic barrier and consequently, the presence of another compartment.
an average flow of 600 L/s under natural regime (García-López et al., Fig. 6b illustrates the interpretative conceptual model of the system’s
2009). Although the carbonate outcrops do not display intense kar functioning deduced from reservoir leakage. With a delay of
stification on the surface, several perforations have revealed the exis 4–6 months, the spring located downstream from the dam (Fuentes de
tence of cavities up to 5 m high. The abundant microfractures in the Marbella) reached a flow of 2,000 L/s that remained stable for months. A
aquifer’s dolomitic materials induce a behaviour that is closer to a high detailed study on the evolution of the reservoir, seepage and response of
permeability diffuse flow than that of a karst formation, except for the underlying aquifer can be found in García-López et al. (2009).
gypsum-rich sectors, where the behaviour is conduit flow type. Owing to the unsuccessful attempts to regulate the contributions of
During the site preparation and excavation works, (several dolines) River Adra, the Public Administration conducted a set of surveys on the
were already detected under recent materials (alluvial and colluvial). calcareous aquifer. The excellent response displayed by the aquifer led
This circumstance compelled to perform filling and coating tasks with to the decision of begining its exploitation. Finally, it should be noted
waterproof materials. Likewise, on the slope next to the left abutment that, whereas the objective of defense against floods was achieved
(which lies on a large fractured carbonate outcrop that belongs to the satisfactorily, the regulation purpose was not accomplished. This
lower nappe), it was necessary to apply a coat of the same impervious resulted in major modifications in the original water planning and the
materials used in the dam core (phyllites) and the corresponding incorporation of groundwater bodies management (García-López et al.,
breakwater material (Fig. 6b), resulting in an important increase of the 2009).
construction costs. The additional waterproofing treatments were
concluded five years after the completion of the dam in 1988. Never 6. Environmental and hydrogeological impacts
theless the leakage problems, although reduced, persisted. Tritium and
others tracing tests were carried out in 1989 by CEDEX (Centro de 6.1. El Portillo-San Clemente system (Case 6)
Estudios y Experimentación de Obras Públicas). Tritium was injected in
several sites of the reservoir area and subsequently collected in a El Portillo-San Clemente system is a two-reservoir system located in
monitoring network that included the Fuentes de Marbella spring. The the north of the province of Granada (see Fig. 1). Both dams are situated
tracer concentration curve obtained at the spring put forward the hy about 13 km away in adjacent subbasins. The Integral Utilisation Plan of
pothesis that part of the tracer had reached that site prior to sampling. In the Castril and Guardal rivers designed in the 1980s, considered the
any case, flow speeds of several hectometres per day that were regulation of the two rivers. The optimal design storage capacity of El
compatible with circulation through karst conduits were detected. These Portillo dam (Castril river) was limited to 33.5 hm3 whereas the annual
data were subsequently reinterpreted through the consideration of a runoff of its basin was estimated at 115 hm3/year approximately. On the
dual mode of aquifer functioning, with preferential flow paths and other hand, the storage capacity of the San Clemente dam (Guardal
diffuse flow. On the one hand, the preferential flow paths would rapidly river), 120 hm3, significantly exceeded the runoff inputs of its basin,
connect the leakage zones with the spring. On the other hand a diffuse which were estimated at 31 hm3. To address this issue, the Public
flow that widely distributes the tracer within a large volume of the Administration initially planned the construction of a 6 km tunnel aimed
calcareous aquifer would explain that the tritium concentration values at transferring water resources from the Castril river to the San Clemente
in the spring were an order of magnitude higher than the natural con reservoir. The water transfer envisaged was about 54 hm3/year, which
centration for several years after the tests were conducted, a large would represent the 47% of the average flow of the Castril river. The
amount of rock affected by diffuse flow (García-López et al., 1994). tunnel would run through Sierra Seca. Sierra Seca is a large asymmetric
Shortly after, during a wet period (hydrological year 1989/90), it anticline fold oriented N30E whose axis dips towards the north, where
was possible to check the response of the reservoir to a large flood event. the most modern materials appear. The eastern flank dips towards the
During the 12 months following that rainy period, the reservoir lost east (30–40◦ ), giving rise to a thick stratigraphic succession of about
about 67 hm3 owing to leakage towards the underlying aquifer. This 2000 m formed by limestones, dolomites and marls of Berriasian to
volume lost exceeds the useful reservoir capacity (60 hm3) and its four Miocene age that is settled on Jurassic limestones. The western flank
times greater than the volume of water supplied to users during that presents important inverse faults and a stratigraphic serie with sub
period. The comparison between the leakage flow and the reservoir level vertical disposition (Moral et al., 2005). The abundance of highly frac
during that event allowed to identify three situations or scenarios: (i) turated and karstified carbonate materials (limestones and dolostones)
When the reservoir level is below 330 m and the leakage flows range of Cretaceous age, , enable the existence of important aquifers within the
between 0.1 and 1.2 m3/s, the relationship between both variables is area affected by the tunnel construction (Fig. 7a and b).
quadratic. This can be interpreted as the progressive increase of the Another aspect that should have been considered is that the Castril
permeable flooded surface of the vessel as the reservoir level rise. (ii) river holds great landscape and ecological values, including diverse ri
Between 330 and 355 m and leakage flows of 1.2–2.3 m3/s, there is a parian ecosystems and numerous flora and fauna endemisms, which led
linear relationship between both variables. This suggests that the to its declaration as Natural Park by the regional government in 1989.
permeable surface remains constant while the reservoir level rises. The The El Portillo and San Clemente dams were finished almost 20 years
increase in the leakage flow is attributable to the rise of the hydraulic after the approval of the Integral Utilisation Plan of the Castril and
head. Therefore, in this range of levels, the impoundment would show a Guardal rivers. Nevertheless, El Portillo dam met strong opposition from
good watertightness. (iii) Finally, when the reservoir level reached different groups of stakeholders, especially ecologists and conserva
355 m, the flow peaked to 3.4 m3/s and gradually decreased over the tionists, owing to the adverse effects of the infrastructure on the Castril
following 10 weeks until its stabilization at 2.3 m3/s. During that period river (Hervás-Gámez and Delgado-Ramos, 2019). In this regard, one of
the reservoir level remained practically constant. This sharp increase in the most noticeable impacts of the reservoir on the river would be the
the leakage flow is related to the action of a karstic conduit associated flooding of more than a half of the riverbed within the protected area.
with the gypsum formations at Peña la Jaca site. The flow decrease is Likewise, the tunnel construction and water transfer plan met a wide
interpreted as the gradual saturation of an underlying hydrogeological spread opposition that resulted in the cancellation of the project), de
compartment. This compartment is partially connected with the rest of cision that was also endorsed by expert reports. Aside from other
the aquifer through a hydraulic barrier of lower permeability and acts as considerations, the water transfer would have had significant impacts on
V. Ruiz-Ortiz et al. Engineering Geology 282 (2021) 105916
V. Ruiz-Ortiz et al. Engineering Geology 282 (2021) 105916
Fig. 8. a) Official aerial ortophotography from the 1980’s decade, prior to dam construction. The limits of the projected reservoir are indicated (modified from:
http://centrodedescargas.cnig.es/CentroDescargas/catalogo.do?Serie=FPNOA). b) Topographic map of the Barbate reservoir area (own elaboration). c) Graph
showing area/volume curves for reservoirs between 150 and 250 hm3 of Andalusia. (own elaboration).
to diapirism through the analysis of radar images and (iv) to charac up to 128 km of streams and reduce the acid inputs into Alcolea reservoir
terize the hypersaline spring’s functioning in terms of hydrodynamics, (3). In relation to the future Alcolea reservoir, it seems daring to post
hydrochemistry and isotopy. pone the challenging task of recovering the environmental quality of the
In the case of Viboras reservoir the results obtained bring into basin, moreover if we consider the negative predictions by the scientific
question the construction of the structure itself, moreover if we consider community and the disastrous results yielded by previous experiences
the existence of calcareous aquifers of good quality in the area. It would such as that in the nearby reservoir “El Sancho”. This case clearly il
have been convenient to reconsider the water scheme by including lustrates the fact that political-social issues are being prioritized over
groundwater and improving the quantitative and qualitative control of technical aspects (geological characteristics of the location, water
aquifers in headwater areas. Likewise, it would have been necessary to chemistry etc.) and manifests the urgent need to take into consideration
have a sound knowledge of the aquifer’s impervious limits, as well as the proposals from the scientific community.
having rigorously monitored the piezometric levels and regulated the The second type of problem reported in this paper is ineffective water
springs to achieve a better exploitation of the resources. storage owing to the lack of watertightness in the vessel produced in
On the other hand, AMD is a major quality issue that affects different karst terrains. The main measures implemented in these cases are
types of water bodies at international scale, e.g.; the Keswick reservoir impermeable blankets, cut-off walls and massive impermeation grout
(California) receives metal-laden AMD from the abandoned mines of ings with different materials (concrete, asphalt and clay). Nevertheless,
Iron Mountain, which presents the most acidic waters described so far in most cases these measures do not yield satisfactory results (Romanov
(− 3.6 pH). Iron Mountain discharges have been treated with costly acid et al., 2003; Ghobadi et al., 2005; Uromeihy and Barzegari, 2007;
neutralization plants, water diversions and through capping of selected Gutiérrez et al., 2015; Milanović, 2018) owing to the rapid evolution of
areas (USGS, 2016), achieving a considerable reduction of metal karstic systems and the development of collapse structures and disso
loading. The Aha reservoir (Guiyang, China), was affected by the ac lution features that may range from minute voids to large openings and
tivity of about 220 small coal mines located in its catchment, resulting in caverns (Ciantia et al., 2015; Nam et al., 2020), making it necessary to
Fe and Mn concentrations that significantly exceeded the drinking water define alternatives for the exploitation of resources (e.g.groundwater)
standards. Although 2 water treatment plants were built to purify the like in the case of Beninar (5). Karstic systems pose major challenges for
inlet water of the reservoir, the SO−4 2 concentration reaches very high many engineering projects. Sometimes after many years of implement
levels (Feng et al., 2011). In Spain, many reservoirs have also been ing corrective measures and large investments that significantly exceed
impacted by mining; in the province of Huelva up to 23 reservoirs the initial budget, the infrastructure has been abandoned like Mon
affected by the IPB present acidic waters and high concentrations of tejaque reservoir (4). On the other hand, there are also examples of dam
metals and sulphates (Santisteban et al., 2015). Natural attenuation sites that had to be abandoned before construction, saving large eco
mechanisms are often insufficient and source control measures based on nomic investments and even preventing from possible catastrophic
excluding air from pyrite sources (e.g. flooding/sealing mines, micro failures if the infrastructures had been built (Johnson, 2008). Cases of
encapsulation or above-ground covers) are not feasible in many loca project relocation have also been documented in literature, such as
tions (Johnson and Hallberg, 2005). However, the application of passive Cedar Ridge dam (Texas) (Johnson and Wilkerson, 2013). In any case,
remediation methods based on dispersed alkaline substrates (DAS) have having a thorough knowledge of the local geomorphology, hydrology
yielded promising results in pilot studies in mines of the IPB, signifi and underlying geology is a priority for an adequate development and
cantly reducing the pH and removing large concentrations of Fe, Zn, Cu, management of hydraulic works in karst areas.
As and Cd (Rötting et al., 2008). Coupled application of natural Fe- In addition to the purely engineering aspects, hydraulic infrastruc
oxidizing lagoons with limestone-DAS treatments have also produced ture projects must comply with the increasingly stringent requirements
good results in the same area, with relative removal of 100% Fe, Al, Cu, imposed by regulatory frameworks and meet the criteria of economic
Pb, and As and 6% of Zn (Macías et al., 2012). After more than 10 years development, social equity and environmental sustainability. The third
testing DAS in the IPB (Huelva, Spain), Macías et al. (2017) propose the deficiency analyzed has been the impossibility of transferring resources
implementation of 13 DAS treatment plants, strategy that could improve between reservoirs owing to great environmental and hydrogeological
V. Ruiz-Ortiz et al. Engineering Geology 282 (2021) 105916
impacts (El Portillo-San Clemente system (6)). In this case, both dams Administration efforts were exclusively focused on the regulation of
were originally conceived under the premise of being exploited jointly, surface water for a long time. This conception was detrimental to the
by transferring 54 hm3/year from El Portillo to the San Clemente joint use of surface/groundwater and made other alternatives that
reservoir through a tunnel that would have crossed important aquifer proved to be technically and economically more adequate to be over
systems in the area, inducing their discharge and consequently, drying looked; (iii) the extraordinary complexity of the technical-
up the springs. In addition, the reduction in the Castril River flow would administrative process associated with dam construction and the long
have severely damaged riparian communities and altered the physical- periods required for their execution and operation, which give rise to
chemical properties of water. In this case, it is evident the need to legislation changes (such as environmental restrictions) that might
deepen the knowledge on the geomorphological and hydrogeological affect the projects; iv) the interests of pressure groups that could even
characteristics of Sierra Seca, as well as the development of resource promote actions against the opinion of experts; v) the Spanish financing
management plans and decision-making tools. As in this project, many policy on this type of investment, which sometimes implies disguised
other examples of large hydraulic schemes had to be canceled by virtue forms of subsidy that are contrary to the Water Framework Directive and
of their possible environmental repercussions. In Australia, the mega requires substantial investment from the State while users only benefit
project of Traveston Crossing dam was halted by the Federal Govern from them.
ment in 2009. If constructed, the dam would have flooded more than Given all these factors, it seems evident the need to conduct
3000 ha of land and would have required the diversion of 4% of annual comprehensive studies on the construction projects that do not focus
flow of the river Mary (Wasimi, 2010). Another gargantuan project that exclusively on the infrastructure itself. Monitoring the geological fea
was abandoned is the Siberian water transfer scheme “Sibaral” (Micklin, tures comprising a possible geohazard or relevant processes is of vital
2011). If carried out, the scheme would have reduced the average importance to ensure the overall safety and reliability of dams and
annual discharge of two rivers by 32%, required the creation of a reservoirs (Sigtryggsdóttir and Snæbjörnsson, 2019). In addition, it is
25,000 km2 reservoir on the West Siberian Plain and flooded forests, also imperative to rigorously consider other aspects such as the hydro
farmland, and swamps. geology of the area, the foreseeable effects on the hydrogeological sys
Finally, the last type of dam failure reported in this paper is related to tems and on the local population, natural environment and biota.
very high evaporative loss from reservoir surface. Several cases of dams For this reason, the present work highlights the need to learn from
with high evaporation have been documented (Gökbulak and Özhan, past mistakes in order to successfully face future water planning works
2006; Martínez-Granados et al., 2011; Zhao and Gao, 2019). To mini and challenges, especially by the Administration. To achieve this, it is
mize evaporation from reservoirs a range of chemical, physical and convenient to conduct systematic research on the functioning of the
biological methods have been developed. Chemical methods consist of reservoirs and their deficiencies, as well as the incorporation of the joint
the application of monolayers (usually long chain alcohols) that produce use of surface-groundwater in hydrological planning and management.
a diffusion barrier on the water surface, however, its application and
maintenance is strongly affected by wind. Physical methods, which Funding
include continuous or modular floating covers, shadecloths, windbreaks,
photovoltaic panel covers or bubble injections, can save up to 70–95% of This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
water in reservoirs (Youssef and Khodzinskaya, 2019). Recent experi agencies in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.
mental studies and simulations have yielded promising and economi
cally efficient results in countries like China (Han et al., 2019), Iran
(Azami et al., 2017; Hashemi Monfared et al., 2019), Brazil (Rodrigues Declaration of Competing Interest
et al., 2020) and Spain (Martinez-Alvarez et al., 2010). Finally, biolog
ical methods comprise tree “shelterbelts” (only effective for small-sized The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
reservoirs), palm frond shading covers or the use of floating aquatic interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
plants, approach that requires previous studies as plants may affect the work reported in this paper.
water quality and biological communities (Youssef and Khodzinskaya, The authors declare the following financial interests/personal re
2019). The aforementioned remedial measures seem difficult to apply in lationships which may be considered as potential competing interests:
the case of Barbate (7) due to its dimensions, climatic conditions (strong
and persistent winds) and the high cost they would entail. Prior to the
construction of the dam, it would have been advisable to analyse po
tential alternative dam sites in the upper basin, where the orography is
The work has been carried out by the research group RNM373-
more abrupt. Once the dam was built, Ruiz-Ortiz et al. (2019) proposed
Geoscience-UCA of Junta de Andalucia.
to modify the reservoir’s management by incorporating groundwater
resources and keeping the reservoir at the lowest level in order to reduce
evaporation. We can conclude that, although the phenomenon of Appendix A. Supplementary data
evaporation in reservoirs has been widely documented, it is not usually
considered as a design factor that restricts the location of reservoirs. In Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
order to choose suitable dam sites in warm climates, it is not only org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2020.105916.
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