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APPENDIX 2: KINGDOMS ‘The PCs don create their kingdom at the start of emake. Instead they begin this process ar the start fof Chaprer 4, alter their vierory over the Stag Lord mavinces the leaders of Brevoy to grant the PCs a charter to establish their own kingdom in the Stolen Lands. so to ensure thar your gaming, group has plenty of ‘uninterrupted rime tor more traditional adventaring, the rules presented in this append rake place entirely in wwntime, The mechanics tecat the kingdom itslf as a sort of additional character in th > players who [know how to navigate and level up theie own characters should find managing a kingdom relatively easy. Mons of the kine re of the Kingdom Creation pecially fromthe stant cri (pare 5 )rhrengh the cenul of the Sesleents section (page 993) are frm the ‘quest sidebars —are written for the playe ‘GM, and should be shared with them. The quest sidebars and the Kingdom Events that concludes the appendix (page 553) are for the GM only. A spoiler-free version of ese rules (along rates Grn Append 8) ane available fr Freed along with the Kingmaker P a paiencom, Though these rules use by the sn't need to be a monarchy. Likewise, titles like or “king” may differ from the terms the PCs choose for their leaders (and in any ease, genuler has no ‘mechanical role in the kingdom ils as well asthe ial Ue wat mle as a PDR, Guide, both available‘These rules are focused specitcally onthe Kingmaker Adventure Path and so. include only elements appropriate for its setting and storyline, You won't find cules for building kingdams in the desert ae on the acean, nor wall yon find events involving, monsters thar don’t make sense in the Stolen Lands of buildings that aren't thematically appropriate for the storyline. If you wish to use these rules to run kingdoms outside ‘of Kingmakes, you may need to adjust these rules to fit your pate. CITIZEN QUESTS The PCs will encounter plenty of opportunities for quests throughout the Kingmaker Adventure Path, As thet kingdoms reavhes specific mslestoues, citizens ome forwa These citizen quests appear as sidehars throughout this appendix, bur consider introducing some of the quirky NPC citizens associated with them early in your game! KINGDOM CREATION The processes of creating, and rimming, « kingdom are similar to creating and playing a character. A kingdom has several different mechanical systems that define and describe it, including ability scores, skill, and feats. “These develop throughout the campaign, so you should track them ona kingdom sheet like the one on page 629 ‘The GM and other players shold work ragethor to determine how best to keep track of theie kingdom, Should the GM keep track of everything? Should cone player (perhaps the one in the Ruler leadership sole—page 514) always be responsible for filling out the kingslam sheet, while ether players are rexpunmable for different sertlements’ Urban Grids (page 540)? Should the kingdom shect pass trom one player to the next each session or each time the kingdom levels up? As long as all of the kingdom’s stats are available to everyone during play, there's no one right answes, so tase the sofuion that works best for your group, KINGDOM ABILITY SCORES A kingdom has four ability scores: Culeure, Economy, Loyalty, and Stability. These function like the ability scores of a character, providing wodiiers on die culls anal checks. As the kingdom praspers and pros, these scores can increase. And it the narion falls on hard rime or gies throngh corruption, scandal, defen, or disaster, Ruin will accrue thar degrades these abilities (see Ruin, page 533), tas ask their heroic leaclers for aid Culture won and st people ro the arts and sciences, nl dedication af vyonr na APPENDICES WORKING TOGETHER More sothan typical Pathfinder camalans, Kingmaker assumes that the FCs work together, These rules secure that alate Pe have ols as Ines in the retin, sed Ul yt al sea cn king tas kingsiom prosperous and stable, rather than stealing from the treasury, opoessing the citizens for each othe o striking out on thelr own to start competing kingdoms, Before starting this campaign, you should make sure your players understand this assumption i bull pauper. to religion and reason, and to the subjects that yo soxiety houses leat sbuvut aad teach Ave yo rele well-versed in rhetoric an pilsorpy? Das the value learning an research, music and dance? Do they embeace society in all is diverse splondar? It chey do, your kingdom likely has a robust Culture score. Economy : emmy measures the practical day-to-day workings of your woe ws it come together wo do tela ot making and boiling, buying and selling. Ho industrious are your citzeney? Are they devoted to building more, higher, and better, trading in goods, services, and ideas? I's, your kingdown likely has Siete Loyalty Loyalty measures the collective will, spirit, and sense of. camaraderie the citizens of your nation possess. [low ‘much do they trust and depend on one another? How dinthey eespemd wher rst seminal a nace new laws? How do they react when other nations send spies or provocatcurs into your lands to make trouble? If they support the kingdom’s leadership, the kingdom itself has a robust Loyalty score. Stability Stability measures the physical health and well-being of your nation, This includes its infrastructure and buildings, the welfare of its peopley and how well things are protected and maintained under your tule, How eavefully da you ausinwin your stares and reserves, repr things thar are hroken, andl provide for the necessities of lite? How quickly ean you mobilize ti shield your ciriwns from harm? A kingglam thar can handle both prosperity and disaster efiiently and effctively has a robust Stability core KINGDOM ABILITY SCORE OVERVIEW Fach Kingalon ability scone starts at 10, representing, the average, horas a player makes kingdom creationKINGDOM IN THE BACKGROUND Not every group will be interested in the details ot how a kingdom is built and managed. In such a ase, the GM can allow the PCs! kingdom to develop sl go i Hackney. Resnce encounters during hexsloration came ley Nayar discoveries in tis case, and while you can stl run Kingdom events as they occur during the campaign their mechanical effects and repercussions should Jit themselves to those tha affect the PCs ect oer es choices in the following steps, they'll adjust these scores. Apply ability boosts (which increase a score by 2) ut ability faws (which deuease a score by 2), iw the same way that boosts snd flaws are applied 1 character ability scores (Pathfinder Core Rulebook 20), Kingdom abilicy scores give the same ability modifiers as character ability scores, as summarized on Table 1-1 ‘on page 20 of the Ruuhfinser Core Rulebook, STEP 1: KINGDOM CONCEPT tiling 2 kingdom isa cooperative experience that is enhanced by having the entire group engaged. By the time the PCs are granted a charter to explore and settle 4 portion of the Stolen Lands, the players should be fiiven the kingdom cules and should work together 10 dlevide the sort af kingdom they want to establish, STEP 2: SELECT A CHARTER Starting a new kingdom is a daunting challenge, requiring, ‘jgnifcant amounts of funding and support to get everything started. A charter granted by an established enuty gives the neem ight ot the sts vec en eee reek rypically manifesting as boosts ro wo af the keingelom’s ability scores and a flaw to a third score. In effect, a charter bolsters two aspects of a kingdom, but one other aspect is Ineld back tothe benefit of the charters holder Most charters apply a flaw to one specific ability, a Ibowse to another specific ability, and a “free” host which can be applied to any score thar the charter docsn’t specifically affect. For example, the conquest charter specifically gives a boost to Loyalty and a flaw: to Culture, so the free boost can be applied to either Feonony Stability In Kingmaker, the PCs earn theircharrer from Jamandh [Midori as thanks tor dealing with the rhrear posed by the Seay Tord (Ounce af Kiygmaker, rhe method by which a kingdom sccures a charter can vary, but the most ‘organic method is for the GM to grant one in the form ‘of a quest reward.) In any case, the PCs choose one of five forms for their charter detailed below. Over time the PCS” kingdom may grow more independent or they could secure addirional aid and support rom other nations. None ofthose developments will replace or adjust the important initial boosts and flaw they'll earn at the very start of their kingdom's Iistory—once the PCs have chosen their chartes, the Jhonsts andl flaw ir grants are permanent. On the kingdom sheer, record the type of charter the PCs chose. On a separate shect, ecord which three kingdom abilities received boosts or flaw in this step; refer to it when finalizing ability scores in step 5. CONQUEST CHARTER Your sponsors have conquered! an arca and its former leaders have been routed or even killed This charter places Yyou in charge of some portion ofthis conquered territory (or land abandoned by the defeated enemy) and commands yu ta hold and pacify it in the name of your patron, The eople are particularly devoted and supportive of your rule Gt partially out offer), but the eorstant threat of potential war hinders the arts and makes it difcut for ctizens to truly relax. If you opt for this charter, you are asked to set up your kingdom against Pitax. ‘Ability Boosts Loyalty plus a tree ability boost Ability Flaw Clr EXPANSION CHARTER Your patron places you In charge of a domain adjacent to already settled lands with the expectation that your nation will remain a strong ally. The greater support from your patrons nation helps tabalster your awn kingelon's ancy, but this increased reliance means that fluctuations in your allys fortunes can impede your own kingdom's security. If you selec this charter, Lady Jamandi expects you to remain strong allies with Restov. Ability Boosts Citure, pis. fre ality bone Ability Flaw Stailily EXPLORATION CHARTER Your sponsor wants you to explore, dear, and sette a vwldemess area along the border ofthe sponsors oun testy Your chart helps ta secre intial structures (or supplies. ta tne ths) te os of rig sal deb Ability Boosts Stability, usa re ality boost Ability Flaw Economy GRANT Your patron grants a Tage amount of fond resmurces wilhoul restriction an the CHARTER an aller e of your Kingdom's leelopment=but they da reir you to employ ‘many of their citizens and allies, Your nation’s wealth and supplies are secure, but a portion of your kingdom's residents have split alleglances between your nation and that of our sponsor, Ability Bousts Ecnwny, pls a ewe ability st Ability Flaw loyallyOPEN CHARTER If you would prefer to be truly free agents and tralblazers staking your vm claim, you can simply choose an open charter With ne estritions-and no diet upp. In thie cate, Lady noe aplals you bravery ad sellecoeidence bt wees that establishing a Kiri fs no smal task, An open charter rants a single ability boost to anv ability score, and the new nation has no bulc-In ably Naw. Ability Boosts one fre ability boost Ability Flaw none STEP 3: CHOOSE A HEARTLAND The new kingdom consists of a single hex. The PCs «can choose any hex (subject to GM approval) that they Ihave Revonmitered. Tell the players dat i's wisest realy since their frst their capital will be locate inthis initial hex. Note that terrain features can gran other benefits to the kingdom when claimed; sce Terrain Features on page 535. The hearthind grants an additional boost w one cf the kingdom's abulty scores based on a sipiicant terrain Fearuce present in thar hese IE the hex has more than one terrain feature, the PCs should choose only cone of them to provide the boost. The choice of certain made here influences how the Favored Land kingdom ability functions (page 512). ‘On the kingdom sheet, record the heartland terrain the PCs chase. On a separate sheet, record which kingdom ability received a boost in this stop; rote to it when finalizing ability scores in step 5. FOREST OR SWAMP. HEARTLAND. Yur natin hegine in wnnlanls or awamplants, there sre shar ayes in maul esurces or wore ta bolster ‘your citizens imagination and mood, Ability Boost Culture HILLOR PLAIN HEARTLAND Your nation stars in an area that is easy Ta traverse. This is reflected in your citizens? tem hey apreca that your choice makes their ives abit easier. Ability Boost Loyalty selec a hex ty siructu APPENDICES MAKING BIG CHANGES In Kingmaker, a kingdoris government type cannot be altered once chasen. Should tho GM wash to allow 2 fl egime change it shoul cause signiticant events io an yo wy should free the PC leaders to endure several King tums of anarchy. A full exsloration of the story potential of regime changes are beyond the scope of thes rules and ofthe Kinamaker Adventure Pat, That said i the PCs are seriously unhappy with a doce they made euler eyaning thie kings frovernment or their sponsor or intial caital for that matter-you should consider simply letting the players retcon their choices and rebuild the kingdom With 2 new choice of government forthe sake of ing your cana going! araificial features to bolster defense. Your citizens tend to be hale and hardy if not stubborn to a faut. Ability Boost Stability STEP 4: CHOOSE A GOVERNMENT ‘Though the terminology used in Kingmaker pees the PCs establish a feudal monarchy in which a queen and/or king ules the land, feudalism isn’t the only fom of goverment to choose from. Ifthe PCs decide upon a different type of government, adjust the nam cf certain leadership roles a3 you wish, The mechatl fof ehese rules romain the same. ‘The choice of government grants three boosts to the Kingdom's ability scores. Two boost specific abilities, while the thied isa free boost that can be applied to any bulity score either than the two that were sperifienly boosted, The government rype also gives the kingdom the trained protcicncy rank in two specific skills and grants a bonus Kingdom feat (page 513) ‘Ontthe kingdom sheet, record the type of government the PCs chose, which to skills received training, and which Kinggdim feat the PCs received. On a separate sheer, record which three kingdom abilities received a boost in this step; reler to it when finalizing ability scores in step 5. LAKE ORRIVER HEARTLAND — DESPOTISM By establishing your nafion on theshowss ofa lake oc iver, ESTERS you ensure a builtin mechanism for (rade. Even belore Your nalion’s rule is centered around a single individ coat is ut, merchants and travelers can reach your settlement with relative ease via boat Ability Boost Economy MOUNTAIN OR RUINS HEARTLAND Your nation is founded iv Ue mountains ow includes a Sight euinedllurtion, and ib usa: these neural ar wha seized a inherited command ard whe authority is absolute. The ruler of this kingdom sill rlainsadvisos and assistants, but only when they obey the rule's whims. ‘Ability Boosts Stablty and Economy, plus a free ability boost ‘Skil Proficioncios In igu aid Wa fare Bons Feat Cail MissenlFEUDALISM rn Your nations rule is vested in a dynastic royal family, though much ofthe real pnwer is distributed armnng their vassals an ifm ‘Ability Boosts Stability and Culture, plusa tree abi ‘Skill Proficiencies Defense and Trade Bonus Feat Fortified iets OLIGARCHY ro Your nations rule fs determined by a council of influential leaders who make decisions for all others. ‘Ability Boosts Loyalty and Economy, plus a free ability boost ‘Skill Prficiencies Arts and Industry Bonus Feat Insider Irading Tost Your nation draws its leadership from its own citizens. Elected representatives meet in parliamentary bodies to idle the nation Ability Boosts Stability and Loyalty, plusa free abiity boost ‘Skill Proficiencies Engineering and Politics Bonus Feat Pll Together THAUMOCRACY co Your nation's governed by those most skilled in magic, using, their knowledge and power to determine the best ways 10 rule. While the type of magic wielded by the nation's rulers can adjusts themes (or even its name-a thaumocracy run hy divine spelleastars would he a theneracy, ar example) Uwe details below remain the sme whet divine, occult, orimal, or any combination ofthe four. Ability Boosts Economy and Culture, plus a free ability boost ‘Skill Proficencies Folklore and Magic Bonus Feat Practical Magic no Your nation is decentralized and relies on local leaders and citizens to handle goverriment issues, sending reqresentatives tn each other as needa to eal wih ses Uhal eancorn one than one locally Ability BoestsLinylly aval Cull, wa Tem ay Tw ‘Skill Poficiencies Azriculture andl Wilderness Bonus Feat Muddle Through STEP 5: FINALIZE ABILITY SCORES ‘Once the players have chosen their kinglown’s chante, heartland, and government, finalize the kingdom's ability scores. Fiest, choose two different kingdom abilities to receive additional boosts. Then, total the boosts and flaws the kingdom has received for each ability, and cecard the final ability scare and its associated moxhfier on the kingdom sheer, Remember that ability scores start at 10, boosts add 2, and flaws subtract 2. For example, if a kingdom's Loyalty received two boosts and a flaw its Loyalty ability score is 12 (10+4-2}, so its Loyalty modifies +1. STEP 6: RECORD KINGDOM DETAILS ‘The PCs should choose a name for their kingdom, Record it on their kingdom shect slong with the following initial statistics. # The kingdom's level (see Leveling Up Your Kingdom page 511) is 1, anal ts maaxinnum level is equal ro the party level += The kingdom's Size (page 533) is 1 *# The kingdom's Resource Die (page $33) is a d4, and its Resource Dice total is 5. The kingdoms Control DC (page 512) is 4. The kingdom's Consumption (page 938) 15 U. he kingelom’s Linrest (pap S44) is 0 ‘©All four Ruins (page $33) start at 0, and each Ruin’s initial threshold is 10. # The kingdom's intial commodity stores (page $35) ‘ve 0, and its maximum storage Tint for each is 4 STEP 7: CHOOSE LEADERS. Every kingdom needs leaders, and in Kingmaker, the assumption is that those leaders include the PCs (though if the party has more than eight PCs, not all PCs will have leadership roles). Full rules for leadership eee si Firs, assign each PC roa different leadership roe. I's best ifthe party works together to assign these roles, ‘Then, assign any remaining roles to NPCs whom the PCs have allied with and who are capable and willing to seeve in a leadership sole, Newt, chose four leadership roles ro invest. Investing, 4 role provides a srarus bonus ro Kingdom skill checks based on that rol’ key ability (see Key Ability on page $14 and table on $16). Invest roles assigned to PCs frst {so if your party has fewer than four PCs, you'll invest ‘nly enough NPC roles 10 ake up the difference). hese initial leadership assignments happen as part of the founding of the kingdom and do nor require A Kingsdam activity ro accent. Once the kingalom is established, adjusting leadership requires using the ‘New Leadership kingdom activity (page $20). Then, each of the four invested leaders chooses to apply the trained proficiency rank to a different Kingalown skill (page 515). You may not chovose skills thar already received reaining, from your choice ofgovernment type. These proficiency ranks cannot he reassigned later On the kingdom sheet, record the leader you scigued Lo each cole aud indicate tle nus ses yoy invested. Record a 41 status bonus tothe skill associated with each invested role’s key ability, and record the four skills that your nation received training in. STEP 8: FIRST VILLAGE Somewhere in that heartland hhex lies the kingdom’s firs village founding settlements begin on page $42, but the players can skiphtep 1 and Step 2 of thar process when fonnding this village. Since this is their frst village, the PCs gain 40 kingdom XP as a milestone award (page the kingdom sheet, along with the capital’s name. Ifthe site the PCs have chosen has aff established structures listed in the hex’s resources in Chapter 2, place them in blacks af the PCS choice on ‘an Urban Grid (see page 540). (The PCs won'c acd new structures to the settlement before thet frst Kingdom the capital. Rules for 38); record it on STEP 9: CALCULATE SKILL MODIFIERS With the big decisions made, it’s time to calculate modifiers for each of the kingdom's skills. Fach skill is associated with a specific ability (se page 516), and the initial modifier for each skill consists of the ability modifier for the associated ability, plus a proficiency bonus, plus a status bonus for skills that receive them from invested leadership roles. (There are several other types of bonuses and penalties that can affect skill rmolifers later in the campaign; leave those hoxes empty for now.) fice ~ modifier of the skill’ key ability score + proticieney bonus + status bonus If a kingdom is not proficient in a skill, the proficiency honns is 40; iF kingdom is trained in a ski, dhe proficiency bonus is shat kingdom’ level plus 2. (’s not possible to attain proficiency ranks beyond trained until 3rd level.) For example, the Agriculture skill is associated with Loyalty. If the kingdom's Loyalty modifier is +1, and it is untrained in Agriculture, then irs Agriculrure skill tmifer ig +1. I dae Astlevel kingdom is rained i Agriculture, though, add to that a proficiency bonus of 3 (the kingdom's level plas 2). Ifa leadership role that provides a starus bonus to Loyalty-based checks (Ruler far Emissary) is invested, add another 1 Caleulate the initial modifiers forall skills and record them on the kingdom sheet. STEP 10; FAME OR INFAMY? Finally the PCs should decide if they want their kingdom to aspire to fame or infamy. A famous kingdom seeks to holster its citizens, forge alliances with neighbors, ‘or oppose the rise of ccuelly, while an infamous kingdom uses its citizens as resources, undermines and rarfare. I's an sabotages its neighbors, or actively seek ‘oversimplification to call a famous kingdom a “good” and kingdom or an infamous kingdom an disruptive elements like crime or corruption will harm an infamous kingdam as surely as a famous one. As such, kingdoms dey not have aliguonents oo tack, The choice here solely determines whether the kingdom uses Tame or Infamy points (page 537) and the influence certain structures might have on the kingdom. Fill in the 8 LEVELING UP YOUR KINGDOM Kingdoms increase in level by gaining kingdom experience points (XP), At each new level, a kingdom improves attributes and focus areas beyond those provided by its basic background and the specific box for the type of points you won't be tra choices made at the time ofits founding, Ar the end of a Kingdom turn, ifthe kingdom has at least 1,000 > level (see below), increase the kingdom's level by 1 and deduct 1,000 from its current XP total (The kingdom's Pa as oe yer veacied is saninaaneLevel Control DC_ Kingdom features Kingdom fest Expansion expert, ine living, Kinga feat Abiity boosts, ui resistance skill increase Kingdom teat Sul inerease Aniity boosts, Kinrom feat, ife of koury Rui tesstans, skill inease Civic planing, Kingdom feat Suillincreace Kingdom feat, ruin resistance Experienced leadership «3, Kingdom fat Ruin resistance, skill inease Kingdom feat Sullincrease level cant increase by more than 1 on single Kingdom Inn | Note the kingdam’s new level an the kingdom sheet. If the kingdom has any leftover XP, they are retained and count roward gaining the next level The kingdom's maximum level is equal tothe party's level; 1 can never exceed the level ofthe Ps themselves. So, for example, if the PCs are still Ist level when the ngdom reaches 1,000 XP, the kingdom cannot level up yer: it will evel up at the end af the frst Kingdom uta after the PCs have reached 2nd level. (I's possible for a kingdom to accumulate a large reserve of XP, at which point the partys level effectively determines ‘when that kingdom levels up rather than yust_ XP accumulation. This is fine.) When your kingdom gains a level, each army you have gains a level as well. See Appendix 3 for additional ails on aemies. ‘As the kingdom advances, it gains che abilities slescribed on these two pages. Abiltics gained at levels higher than first lst the level at which they are gained next to their name, CONTROL OC “The more powerful a kingdom grows, the more difficult it becomes to contro it. The base Control DC for your kingdom is set by the kingdom's level—fortunately, as you increase in level, your ability to successfully utilize ‘your skills grows as well. CHARTER, GOVERNMENT, AND HEARTLAND Your kingdom gains the benefits of your selected chartes, government, and heartland (pages 508-510), Charter, government, heartland intial profcencies favored land, setement construction lage) Settlement construction (tow), ski increase Cxperienced leadership +2, Kingdom feat, run resistance Expansion expert (Claim Hex 3 times/tutn, settlement construction (cy), sil increase Abiity boosts, settlement construction (metropolis skil increase ALi Wuosts envy OF ke worl, Kingdon feat, ln resistance INITIAL PROFICIENCIES Ar It level, a kingdom raceives the trained proficiency sank in wo Kingdom skills gained from your initial choice of government (page 509) and in up to four additional Kingdom skills determined by your invested leaders (page 514), giving you a proficiency bonus to checks using these skills equal to your kingdom level plus 2. Proficiencies cannot be changed, even if the kingdem’s government or leaders later change. FAVORED LAND Your heartland’s terrain becomes your kingdom's favored land—the wilderness terrain that your people feel the strongest emotional ties to and to which yout resource gatherers tend to flock. Once per Kingdom turn, daring the Region Activities step of the Activity phase, you can attempt two Region activities simultaneously as long as both activities take place in the same her and that hex contains the seme terrain as your heartland, You take a -2 penalty to Kingdom skill chocke made during these two activities. SETTLEMENT CONSTRUCTION “You can establish villages in your kingdon inediately (age 542). At 3rd level, you can expand villages into towns. At 9th level, you can expand towns into cities. And at 15th level, you can expand metropolis Ac villages grow into larger settlements, you not only gain ure rout wo build, but die maxima ites bonus you can gain from that setlement’s structures increases as well (see table on page 541).KINGDOM FEATS. 2ND Ar 2nd level, and then every 2 levels thereafter, che kingdom gains a Kingdom feat (page 531) SKILLINCREASE 3RD At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, your kingdom gains a skill increase You can use this to increase your rank to trained in one skill in which youy kingdom is untrained, or to increas your rank to expert in one skill which vour kingdom is trained Starting at can use your skill increases your kingdom's proficiency to master in a skill in which yomr kingdom is! already an expert. Beginning at 1Sth level, you can use them to increase your proficiency to legendary in a skill in which your kingdom is already a master. 7th level, you EXPANSION EXPERT 4TH Your kingdom is better at expanding its tetsitory. You ain a (Claim Hex and can attempt to Claim Hex up to twice dung a Kingdom turn, Ar Sth level, you can attempt to Claim Hex up to three times during a Kingdom tur, FINE LIVING 4TH Your people celebrate your leadership by indulging you with feasts and finery. All kingdom enjoy a Fine standaed of living (Pathfinder Core Rulebo kingdom. Any PCsin hostile wilderness,a monstersilled dungeon, or otherwise cut off from their citizens mast provide their own sustenance as usual even if they axe within the boundaries oftheir kingdom, You iccumstance bonus t skill checks made to °s associated with the 194) at no cast whenever they're in the ain a v1 circumstance bonus to all checks made to Craft or Earn Income while in your kingdom. ABILITY BOOSTS STH Ar Sth level and every ‘wo uifferent kingdom ability scores. You eit use dese ability boosts to increase your kingdom's ability scores above 18, Boosting an ability score increases i by 2 fit levels thereafter, yon host starts out below 18, of by 1 if its already 18 or above RUIN RESISTANCE STH ‘At Sl evel ann every 3 levels chereaties, your kingdom, becomes more resistant to Ruin. Choose one of the four Ruin categories and increase its threshold by 2. APPENDIX 1: BEYOND THE KINGDOMS ‘APPENDIX 5: MPS AND When you do so, reset thar Ruin’s penalty t0 0. See age $33 far mare information about Ruin EXPERIENCED LEADERSHIP 8TH Invested leadership roles in your kingdom now grant 142 status bonus to kingdom checks assoctated with their leadership roles key ability. At 16th level, this increases to a +3 status bonus. LIFE OF LUXURY 10TH Your people lavish you with every creature coméort This is identical to Fine Living, but all PC leaders enjoy an Extravagant standard of living (Core Rulebook 294) at no cost whenever they're in the kingdom You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to all. checks made to Craft or Farm Income while in your kingdom, CIVIC PLANNING 12TH During the Civic Activities step of the Activitice phase cof a Kingdom turn, one settlement ofthe party's choice can attempt two Ci second Civie activity occurs afterall other settlements ic activites rather than one, The have taken their individinal Civic activities. ENVY OF THE WORLD 20TH Your kingdom 1s one of the world’s prominent nations The fist time in a Kingdom eurn when your kingdom would gain Unrest or Ruin, ignore that increase. You can ignore additional ine Jn dhe same wri as well, but you must spend a Fame or Infamy point each time you do so. Your maximum Fame of Infamy point total increases by ro Unrest oF Risin laterLEADERSHIP ROLES All kingdoms have leaders who fil roles tending to the economy, defense, and health of its citizens, Each tole grants the kingdom different henefts, provided a character—he ira PC or an NPC—rakees np the of serving in that role. \ character can only fill one leadership role at a time, but it’s important to have all eight roles filled, for when a kingdom goes without a leader, problems arse. Te unexpected events (such character) remove a leader from a leadership role, the New Leadership kingdom activity (page 520) may immediately be used to assign a new leader to that role—even outside of a Kingdom turn. Bach character iu a leadership sole (whether PC ur KNPC) must spend a week of downtime sti month their duties (though these seven days iced nos be consecutive). This downtime works just the ‘same as time spent retraining a feat or skill; a character «can (ake multiple downtime activities duting the course fof a month as time allows. A character can attend 1 their duties even af they take on a downline activity ‘ith a longer time requirement (such as retraining, a class feature, which requires at least a month}; in this ‘case, simply break up the time required for that longer activity over the course of consecutive months, leaving seven days dusing each month for leads NPCs assigned to leadership roles are presumed to meet the downtime ree vane the death of a yy ech frement automatically unless the PCs deliberately have chem step away from the job (likely to accompany them on adventures). IF a character does not spend this downtime, at the start ‘of the Upkeep phase of the next Kingdom turn (page 547), they eather muse their ral’s vacancy penalty (we below) ar lose one of their leadership activities for thar ‘There is an advantage to assigning a leadership role to a PC rather than an NPC. Tach kingdom event specifies a leader, and if that leader is a PC who is not incurring, wy penalty, the kingdom receives 9 bonus ra the kingdom check thar determines the event's ‘outcome (see page $54) Some benefits require that a role be invested. In step 7 of Kingdom Creation (page 510), the players select 4 leadership roles wo be invested a che sare of Kingylom urn, they may reselecr the roles thar are invested (sce Assign Leadership Roles on page $37). Nore thar when certain companions derailed i the Kingmaker Companion Guide hold the leadership roles listed in their entry in that book, those roles are automatically invested; this is in addition to the four roles the players choose to invest, Statistics for leadership roles are presered following formar. LEADERSHIP ROLE NAME ‘A description ofthe leader's ole Is provided here Key Ability Tis ists the kingdom ability score that is most impacted by the leader. When this ele is invested, all Kingdom hl ccs hse on this billy gana +1 stats bonus This bonus inereases to. whan the kiniom reaches 8th level, and then to 13 when the kinedom reaches 16th evel Since status bonuses dont stack (see Atempting Kingdom Skill Checks on page 513). you may want to ‘one role thot benefits wach of the 4 kingdom abiliies-but since cach leadership role offers olher unique benefts tothe kingdom, spreading out the roles inthat way may not always be the best choc! Vacancy Penalty At the start of each Kingdom tur, if any leader has nat spent the required waek of downtime in thal tole (see above) since the end of te last Kingdon tora they must eithor give upon a the Une aetivites they would take during the Leadership Activities stop of the Activity phase. or apply this penalty unt the start of the next Kingdom turn. (When the vacancy penalty ends, any Unrest generated by the vacancy remains in pace andl snst he amotiorated inthe normal fash) ‘Vacancy penalties also apply to leadership roles that are unassigned. RULER The Ruler performs the kingdoms most important veemanies i the kingdoms chit diplomatic fice, serves a5 the signatory for al laws affecting the entre kingdom, pardons criminals when appropriate. and is responsible for appointing characters taal other high positions inthe kingdoms government. Key Ability loyalty Vacaney Penalty 10 all ies (this stacks with any ol vacancy penal gain 144 Unrest at the start of the Gngdom turn: Control DC increases by 2 COUNSELOR The Counselr is laison between gavernment and citizens, They stun issues with aaa analysts bu aku interpre the desires ofthe citizenry and present proclamations to the people in understandable ways. They also serve as an advisor to the other leaders, particularly to the Ruler. Key Ability Culture Vacancy Penalty -1 10 il Cultural checks, GENERAL The General leads the kingiums military, heading its armies and managing subordinate military commanders. ‘The General is responsible for looking after the needs of the kingdoms military and directing thom in times of wat. Key Ability Slailty Vacancy Penalty -4 1 Warfare tivities (see Appentix 3)erels, oversees clandestine intrigues. and deals with criminal elements within the kingdom. They manage foreign policy and interactions with other kingdoms, as well as the interactions of political organizations and power brokers at home. Whether or not your emissary isa public figure or someone who manipulates events Dohind the scenes, their vole in thw Kingdon remains the same, Key Ability Loyalty Vacancy Penalty Ito all Lovaty-based check MAGISTER The Magister is in charge of all things ‘magical inthe kingdom, attending to hay the supernatural affects arinary citi They promote higher learning in t arts of magic, whether arcane, divine, ‘occult, or primal, They oversee ans} aspects ot governmental bureaucrat in which magic can be of service ta tha kingdom's needs and interests Key Ability Clie Vacancy Penalty ~4 to Warfare activites (see Appendix 3) TREASURER The Treasufer monitors the kingdoms tunds and the state of business and industry, as well as the citizens confidence in the economy and the growth of the nation’s ‘manufacturing capacity. They work ta ensure a fair market forall, investigate those who take advantage ofthe system, and handle taxation issues. Vacancy Penalty ~ to all Economy-based checks VICEROY The Vicerny plans and implements the kingdoms expansion and development, both in its territories and its settlements They manage the infrastructure of the nation, overseeing major capital improvements and growing the networks that connect the hinterlands with the cites atthe nation’ heart, helping koop the kingdom moving and growing. Key Ability Economy Vacancy Penalty -1 in Stailty-hased cherks, WARDEN The Warden monitors the safety, security, and overall health of the kingdom, its lands, and its borders. They manage scouts and patrols in the countryside, respond to local threats and menaces as needed, and aversee the inglons uverall Uefeise ad heal Key Ability Stability Vacancy Penalty 4 to Region actvitios KINGDOM SKILLS Evety nation has its own distinct areas of specialization, the things in which i invests its time, talent, and treasure, and the pursuits and features for which the nation becomes renowned for—these are tracked as a kingdom's skills. At Ist level, the maximum number of skills in which @ kingdom can have trained proficiency mined by the kingdam’s initial choice cf government (see page $09) and up co four others determined by leadership roles (page 510). As a kingdom levels up, it can acquire training in additional skills and increase profciencies to expert, master, or legendary: Choices about proficiencics cannot be changed after they have been made, ATTEMPTING KINGDOM SKILL CHECKS During a Kingdom turn, the PCs attempt Kingdom skill checks. Such checks determine the effects of many. things that affect the kingdom, including enduring a hardship, completing a task, impressing a visiting band of dignitaries, fighting off monsters, building a ssrucruee, or expanding into a new hex ‘A shill cieuk for & Kingdon works just like a skill check for a PC. One of the players—typically the one playing the PC whose key attribute or role 1s most appropriate—rolls 1420 and adds the appropriate skill modifies, which consists of the kingdom's ability modifier for the ability associated with the skill plus any vier applicable wdlifers including the Kinngdons's proficiency bonus in that skill and any other situational bonuses and penaltics that might arse f) areenon BEYOND THE KINGDOMS ‘APPENDIX 5: MPS ANDSkil ‘Agicuture Ate Hating § Dofonse gineering Exploration Falkore Industry Intrigue Magic Palitics Scholarship Statecraft Ware dens Any Sul KINGDOM SKILLS, KEY ABILITIES, AND ACTIVITIES r Stability Caltore Franny stability Stability Economy Culture Econcmy Loyalty Culture Loyalty alture Loyalty Econuny Loyalty es Establish Farmland Harvest Crops Crt Hci Rest and Relax* Quel Unrest” Fstalish Trade Agreement” Go Fishing Rest and Relax” Forty Hox Prev Care Build Roads Clear Hox" Desmolts Establish Settlement’ Establish Work Site Abandon ex’ Claim Hex” Clear Hox Hire Adventurers Celebrate Holiday Quel Unrest” Establish Sotloment™ Twat Connnetiios ofitration Now Leadership Quel Unrest” Quel Une Supernatural Solution Establish Setlement™ Improve Lifestyle New Letdership" ut Unrest Creative Solution Estas Set” Rest and Relax” New Leadership* Tap Treasury Copia aves Establish Trade Agreement” Manage Trade Agreements Purchase Commodities Rest and Relax” New Leadership" Quel Unrest™ Alsnan Hex Claim Hex’ Gather Livestock Rest and Relax” Focused Artenton® Create Masterpiece Repair Reputation (Coruption)” Irigation Repair Reputation (Decay) Relocate Capital Clandestine Business Pledge of Falty’ Repair Reputation (serie) Establish Trade Agreement” [master] Prognaticalion Pledge of Fealty* Request Foreign Ald Sond Diplomatic Envoy hcl Tans Repar Reputation (Cre) Pledge of Falty”‘Check result = 20 roll + skill modifier ‘Skill modifier = key ability score moditer + Proficiency bonus + other bonuses — penalties Ifthe check result equals or exceeds the Difficulty Cass (DC) of ehe cheek, itis a success. If it exceeds the DC by 10 oF more it’s a critical sucess. Ifthe check result is less than the DG, it isa failure, If it misses the DC by 10 o more, it evitica failure. Critically auceveing, (or failing) sail counts as swecceding (OF failing), but it the situation that required the check describes specific results for criicals, apply only the more specific result, Is player solls « atural 20, ce result is improved cone dere for example, uri fora success into a eriical snecess, Also it the player rolls a narural 1, the result is worsened one degece, tumming a success into a failure or failure into a critical failute. (The result cannot be improved or worsened Deyond critial,) Whenever a Ku son shall check results wa exatical success, the kingglam grins 1 Fameftnfamy paint (page '537)..\ kingdom cannot acquire Fame/Intamy beyond its maximum allotment. The five different types of modifiers (bonuses or penalties) dnat can apply 0 described below. When diferent types of mexifier apply tothe same check, add them all Rut when multiple modifiers af the same type apply, use only the highest bonus and the worst penalty of that type—in other words, modifiers of the same type (except bonuses granted by structures—see below) don't stack. For Beaters if nh tte eee cond apply to a check, add borh to the die res, bur if two item bonuscs could apply, add only the higher of the two. Proficiency bonuses are modifiers determined by a Kingdom's proficiency with a skill, using the Proficiency Bouse able in the right-hand corner of cis pape. Circumstance modifiers are the result of something, that happens during a kingdom event, of an activity, or cof an ability granted by the kingdom's level. Item modifiers are granted by settlement structures ‘or Ruin penalties. Tem bonuses granted by structures are typically very specific in their apphieation and only apply to events that take place within the influence aren of the serrlement in which they are located, although structures in a capital apply theit item bonuses to the entire kingdom. Item bonuses granted by structures have special rules for stacking; see the Settlement Types table on page 541 and Item Bonus om page 544. Ruin (page 533) can inflict long, lasting rem penalries ro a kingdom. don skill checks are APPENDICES PROFICIENCY BONUSES si Po Untrained A Trained kingdom level +2 Boert kingdom’ level +4 Master kingdom's level | 6 Lage Ings eel Status modifiers come from leadership expertise in skills relave ca their rae, fron Knglo Geas aud from long, term events Unrest (page 384) 6 the mane common status penalty fora kingdom. ‘Vacaney modifiers arc always penalties. They occur when leadership soles are left vacant, or when leade don't spend the necessary Gime attending wo diet Guten (pane 515), BASIC SKILL CHECKS Many activities call for a basic skill check—a skill check where the DC is your kingdom's Conttol DC, SKILL DESCRIPTIONS The fn activity. Genceal skill activities (activities that associated with multiple skills) are listed fist. After that activities are grouped by the skill they use. Lach skill rouping bens with the name of dhe skill, followed tm parentheses by that ski's key ability. Then a brie deseriprion of the sil is provided! Within each sll grouping, uneeained activities (activities that can be u even if the kingdom doesn’t have proficieney ranks in the associated skill) are listed before trained activities (activities that cannot be used until the kingdom has at lost the resin praiceney rank i the assented lal In each entry, the name of each activity i followed by a lise oF es traits, with the most notable being Civie, Commerce, Leadership, Region, and Upkeep. Activities can be undertaken only during the steps of the Activity phase that correspond with these traits. The trait list is followed hy a descriprion af the action(s) tha rust be completed ro undertake the scrivity inclnding (but nor limited to} a skill check. Each entry ends with a list of possible results for the skill check and any additional information unique to that activity. Some of dese activities require the expendicure or yenerarion of resources using the kingdom's Resonree Dice and irs resource points (RP). Sce page 533 tor more information abot Resonnce Dice and RP. ovring, entries describe each Kingdom GENERAL SKILL ACTIVITIES Most skill activities are associated with only one skill general skill activities are associated with more than incites which skills may he sed with i‘ABANDON HEX nan Requirements The hex tobe abandoned must be controled After careful consideration, you decide that you would father nat hn ont a particular hea as pat of your claim lerritury. You renounce your claim to it and pull back any settlers or exalorers.Attemat a basic Exploration or Wilderness check. You can abandon more than one Rex at time, but each adeitional hex you abandon increases the DC of this check by 1. Critical Success You abandon the hex or hoxes, decreasing your kingun’s Size by 1 per hex abandoned (his affects al statistics determined by Size ee pape 522) Settlers and explorers return and resettle elsewhere in your kingdom, bringing with them bits of salvage from the abanslaned hexes. Gain 1 RP per abanelaned hex. Success As critic bout_you gain na RP and increase Unrest by 1 Fallure You abandon the hex or hexes, decreasing your kingdoms Size by | per hex abandoned (this affects all statistics determined by Size: see page 532). Some citizens become disgruntled retugees who refuse fo Ieave the hex lnerenee Unrest by 2 an then attempt a DC 6 flat check. If you fal, the refugees ‘become bandits, and during your next Event phase, your kingdom experiences a Squatters kingdom event automatically in addition to any other event that might occur Coitical Failure As take, but increase Uorest hy 3 and automatically experience a Bandit Activity kingdom event instead of @ Squatters event. Special The Unrest gained from abandoning @ hex doubles if it includes a settlement, A settlement in an shanrinned hex herames a Ereaald (nage 3) BUILD STRUCTURE Gen You attompt to build a structure in tho settlement that’ granting the Civic activity. You may choose any structure for which you mast the requirements. Select Ube appropriate umber of contigguns builds lots in a single block as specified by the structure's entry and spend the specified RP and Commodity cost. Then attempt the structures skill check. You can also use this activity to attempt to repair a structure that was damage as the resull nf an event bat hase been replaced by Rubble To da this, ist sen hall the structures Fisted RP and Comwoexity erst, and then altempl the specified check. The existing structure Rives ‘you a 12 item bonus to the check. (On a success, record the new construction on the Urban Grid, Unless the structures entry states otherwise, ts effets nw inna, ifthe structure ajusts 4 Rus pint aljst i! upun constuction Critical Success You constructor repair the structure with areat efficiency and get back half ofthe Commodities spent in construction or repair. ‘Success You constrictor repair the structure Failure You fail to construct separ the struct, You ‘an tr to complete it next Kingdom turf you doo, you donot need tore pay the RP and Commodity cost. Critical Fallure You fal to construct the structure if you wore attempting to repair a damaged structure, itis reduced to Rubble. In either event, Rubble now fills the structures lot, which must be cleared with the Demolish activity before you can attempt to Build a Structure in them again, ‘CLAIM HEX, Ia Requirements You have Reconnoitered the hee to be aimed during exploralian, This hex murat be adjacent to at least one hex that’s already part of your kingdom, If the hex to be claimed contains dangerous hazards ‘or monsters, they must frst be cleared out-either via standard adventuring or the Clear Hex activity. Yar surveyars fully expleve the hex and attempt ta ad Into your kingdom's domain. Spend 1 RP and then attempt ‘basic Exploration, Intrigue, Magic, or Wilderness check. Critical Success You claim the hex and immediately add it to your territory, increasing your kingdamis Size by 1 (this atfects all statistics determined by Size see page $32) Your acrupation af the hex goes a smoothly that you can immediately attempt another Region activity ‘Success You claim the hex and add it to your territory increasing your kingdom's Size by 1 (this affects all statis determined hy Sire see page 532) Failure Yu fl Wo clit the hex Critical Failure You fal to claim the hex, and a number of early settlers and explorers are lost, causing you to take a -I circumstance penalty to Stabilty-based checks unt the end of your next Kingdom turn. Special Arts level, when selecting the theee activities you lake during the Rein Activ vl the Activity phase ofthe Kingdom tun, you may select ths activity no more than once, Once your kingdom reaches Ath evel, ‘you may select it upto twice per turn and after reaching ‘Sth level you may select it up to three times per turn. When you sucessfully claim x, gain 10 kingdom XP Gee page S4Q0, Many hex have | that grant benefits to your kingdom when claimed; see Terrain Features on pare 538. CLEAR HEX Fo a | Enginows ane mercanaries allompl ta prepare a hex to so ts we sie far a sellloment, oF they wat reve in fealnesan existing improvement, a dangerous hazard, or an If you're trying to prepare a hex for a settlement or demolish an improvement you previously built (or that was already present in the hex], spend RP as determined by the hes most inhospitable teran feature ere the Bung on Rovgh Terain sidebar nearby). Then attempt a basic Engineering check Ifyou eying remove aaa a enn stead attempt an Exploration check. The DC of this check is set by the highest level creature or haar in the hex (a set by Table 10-5 DCs by Level on page 503 of the Pathinder Core Rulebook) ifthe hex you attempting to Clear has existing Ruins oF ancxistingStractre, your action doesnt physialy move the butings rom the area and you can later incorporate ‘hese hiltings lr rena ving oneint a Setioment yu build here later (see page 542). Regardless of the skill used, increase the basi by 2 the hex tobe cleared isnot vet part of yur kingdom Cntieal Success You successtlly clear the hex. It you spent RP to attempt ths act, you'e refunded half of the RP cost. It you were remving dangerous crostrn tantra rom the, oiler and mercenaries ecover 2 Luxury Commodities as treasure Success You successfully clear the ho Failure You tal to clear the hex. Critical Failure You eatastophically fait clear the hex and several workers lose thei lve. Gan Unrest. ESTABLISH SETTLEMENT ELL Requirement The hex in which you'ro establishing the ‘settlement has been Cleared and doesnt curently have a sottlomont [including a Freahol) init You draw up plans, gather resources, entice citizens, and establish boundaries to found a brand new settlement in the hex. Attempt a basic Engineering, Industry, Politics, or Scholarship check. I vou cannot pa the RP required by the eau of this cheek, treat your result 9 0 ertieal failure. A settlement always starts as a village. See page S4U for further details about building sottlomonts. Criteal Suecess You establish the settlement largely with the aid af enthusiastic valuntees. Spend 146 RP Suuaess Yuu eslablish le selene, Spent U0 RP. Failure You establish the settlement, but inefficiently and at great expense. Spend 6d RE. Critical Failure You fail to establish the settlement. ESTABLISH TRADE AGREEMENT Ea Requirement You have dislomatic relations (nage 534] with the group you wish to establish an agreement with, BUILDING ON ROUGH TERRAIN Certain Region attivdes (Clear Hex, Fortily. Hex, Build Roads, Establish Work Site Irigatio) require the PCs to spend an ammount of RP determined by the most inhospitable terain feature contained within the hox. Use the highest RP cost given forthe hex’ terrain types in the lst below (50 ifthe hex contains ‘swamps and fess, use the cost fr swamps) Mountains: 12 RP ‘Swamps: 8 RP Forests: 4 RP Hills: 2 RP Plains: RP f) areenon BEYOND THE ‘APPENDIX 2: KINGDOMS we You send a band of merchant out to catublish a trade agreement between your kingdom and a group with whom you've established diplomatic relations. I a navigable river connects your kingdom with the other groups territory, you ean attempt a Boating check to Establish the Trade Agreement. IF yuur Kinguuis prficienty rank i Mai fs Master or higher, vou can attempt a Magic check. Otherwise, attempt a Trade check. The check’s DC is either the group's Negotiation DC (see sidebar) or your kingdom's Control DC, whichever Is higher. Critical Success You successfully establish a trade ayjeetat with your Large, ind your welts return with gifts! Immediately roll 2 Resource Dice, then gain RP cqual tothe result of rolSuccess You successfully establish a trade agreement Fallure Your traders reach their destination but need to swooten the deal to secure the trade agreement Immediately roll 2 Rescurce Dice, and then spend RP equal ta the res of this rol If you da sa, yon successtlly establish a trade aggvement, otherwise the attempt fails. Critical Fallure Your trade agreement isa total loss and ‘yur traders donot return, Gain 1 Unrest, and until the fend of the next Kingdom turn, take a =f ciumstance penalty to all Economy elated chucks, FOCUSED ATTENTION Nou set aside time to focus attention on aiding another Tear in an activity. Choose another leader anda Kingdom skill, then ater a UL 20 chek using he chosen kl, Un at succers, you want thal leader a 12 creumance bors te one kingdom check using that kil provided that leader tempt the ski check during the same Kingdom tun The Cooperative Leadership Kingdom feat (page 531) increases the eticiency of ths activity. NEW LEADERSHIP You announce the promotion of a character into a leadership. cole, whether theyre a ney appointed leader or just shifting fom one leadership role to another Berry perform ts octet otto Kingdom turn, but if unexpected events (such as the death of the character) remove leader from a esership role ‘you may immediately use the New Leadership activity to attempt to asign a ne leader to that cle, even ouside tx King tum (plying the vacancy peat feta tole as appropriate) Alten hic hie, Pls Statecraft or Warfare skill check while en ofthese skis can be used. each ski is particularly sited to esieing ‘vo speci leadership oles. + Intrigue: Grant a +2 circumstance bons to check to assign Eiscries and Treasurers «Polit Grants a+? circumstance bors to checks assign Counselors and Roles. + Statecraft Grants a2 cicumstace bonus to checks toassgn Magisters and Vieeroys + Warfare: Grants a #2 circumstance bonus to checks to assign Generals al Wen Rulers me vartctny dill to osian when you take this acy tn assign anew Rue, yo Take a 4 sircamstance penalty to the kil cc, and unless you achieve crite! success, you gant atonal Urest. Whether of not you are simultaneously assigning a leader, you may also use this activity to attempt to reselect Ahr lah es thal yu haves Ay sl ‘ther thn etc aire allows this Critical Suecess The peonle love the new leader. The leader immediately provides the benefits tied to ‘occupying the now role and gains a +1 circumstance anus to al Kingda skill cheeks they attempt before the endl of the next Kingda tn, Success The people accent the new leader. The leader immediately provides the benefits tied to occupying the new role. Failure The people are unsure about the new leader, The leader takes a -1 circumstance penalty to all checks they attempt as part of their activities during the Activity phase of each Kingtom turn, AL the end of the newt Kingdom tur, the leader can attempt any Loyalty-based basic skill check to ingratiate themselves with the populace. The leader may attempt this check atthe end af each Kingdom turn until they ‘aueneed Suncess removes this penalty, but a riical failure results in the devel Fallure below. Critical Failure The people reject the new leader. The leadership role is treated as vacant and you must attempt to reassign it using the New Leadership ttiviy at the start af the next Kinga ton Une increases by 1 PLEDGE OF FEALTY (TRAINED) Ce When your representative encounter freholders refuges independent groupe, rer hand of vial gathewd in the wilderness who arent already part fa ration, you can fer them pace in your kingdom. granting them the benefits of protection, security, and prosperity in exchange for their fealty. The Benes granted to your kingdom can vary lly hit offn manifest. as aneime bon yr Comins or na bose aginst ein ys events. The edventuretextin this campaiznoffersrumerous fxamples of grouns who could accent a Pledge of Fly You can atom this sil eheck with Inrgue,Stateeat, ‘or Warfare; however, certain groups will respond better (or worse) to spf skls. The DC isthe groups Negation 1 (the sidebar on ge 9) (tical Success The group becomes part aur kingdom, ranting the specific boon or advantage listed in that group's entry. If you haven't already claimed the hex in which the group dwels, you immediatly do so, ening 10 king XP ainsi yn ingens Sic by 1 (islet al lati dtl by Si son page 59) the he dst shave te wh your kidom, it ome a secondary terior an checks inaling this location take a Control neal Sueeess As sucess, but you dont lam the hex the ‘ups in, Immediately rol 1 Resource Do, You must spend RP gual to te asl tinge the gop iy kn nent lal! in CriticalThe group refuses to pledge to you at this time, You ean allempl to get then Wo Pledge Fealty next tum. ncrease Unrest by 1. Grtical Failure The group refuses to pledge to yo furthermore, it will never Pledge Fealty to yo kingdom, barring significant in-lay changes off actions by the PCS (subject to the GMs approval, The group’ potentially violent rebut of yuur offer increases Unrest by, and increases a Ruin of our choice by 1 QUELL UNREST Ea You send your agents among the citizenry wii the charge of suppressing dissent and cal Unrest. You can altempt a basic Arts, Fulk Intrigue, Magie. Politics, or Warfare cherk to Unrest, but you can never use the same skill activity in conseeutive Kingdom turns. Th activity cannot be attempted more than ‘once per kingdom turn Critical Sueeess Reduce Unrest by 146. ‘Success Reiuce Unrest by 1 Failure Vous fil to cecire Incest Critical Failure You not only fal to reduce Unrest, but actually incite further anger among the citizenry Choose one ofthe following: increase Unrest by 1d4 or increase two Ruins of your choice by REPAIR REPUTATION (TRAINED) When things have gotten out of hand in the kingdom and the nation’s reputation has become damaged, you can focus efforts on a campaign to reascure the ctizons and bring them closer together, stamp down crime, organize repairs and maintenance of public structures, or strive to adjust oor public opinions. The skill used to Repair Reputation depends an which Ruin total you wish to reduce. If you wish to reduce your Corruption, you attempt an Arts check. If you wish to reduce your Crime, you attempt a Trade check. If you wish to reduce your Uecay, you attempt an Engineering check If you wish to reduce your Strife, you attompt an Intrigue check. In all cases, the DC is your Control DC + 2. Critical Suecess Vou cerure the targeted Ruin hy 2 ancl reduerils current int penalty by 1 tu inna uf 0. ‘Success You reduce the targeted Ruin by 1. Failure You tal to reduce the targeted Run. You cannot attempt to Repair Reputation on this Ruin for 1 kingdom tun. Critical Failure You fil to reduce the targeted Ruin in 4 paitiuulaly publi. ann embarrassing way. intease Unrest by 1d4, and you cannot attempt to Repair Reputation for 3 Kingdom turns REST AND RELAX TTT TN Working non-stop can burn out even the most devoted and dedicated individual. As such, i's important to take time for yourself, and thus seta good example forthe nation. You take time to relax, and you extend the chance to Unwind ta your citizens as well. The Kingdm skill you use ta determine the effectiveness of your time off depends fn how you want to spend it Use a basic Arts check ta spend the time engaged in entertainment or the pursuit ofa hobby. Use a basic Boating check to enjy tins on the lakes. and rivers of your kingdom. Use a basic Scholarship check. ta spend the time reading or studying a topic ot personal interest beyond your daily duties, Use a basi Trade check ta spend your time shopping or feasting. Use a. basic Wilderness check to get away from the bustle and relax in the countryside. If your kingdom Rested and Relaxed the previous Kingdom tum, the DC increases by 4, as your kingdom's production and output hasnt had a chance to catch upto all those vacation days. Critical Success Tho citizons enjoy the time off and are ready to get back ta work. Reduce Unrest by 1 and the next Leatership activity you take gains a +2 Gruman Lunn Success The time spent relaxing has calmed nerves reduce Unrest by 1 Failure The rest is welcome, but not particularly beneficial n the lang term. Critical Failure The time is wasted, and when you get Lack (u work, yuu lave ty span walt Gite Caching ua, Take a-2 circumstance penalty to your next skill check made as a Leadership activity, f) areenon BEYOND THE KINGDOMS ‘APPENDIX 5: MPS ANDAGRICULTURE (STABILITY) Agriculture measures the kingdom's ability to cultivate the land, bringing forth crops, flocks, and livestock, ESTABLISH FARMLAND | ownring recon J Requirement Plains or hills are the predominant terrain feature in the hex: the hex isin the influence of one of your settlements, You plant crops and establish livestock in permanent farms, fanches, and olher growing operations ta cate Farmland (pare 935). 1f you're attempting to Establish Farmland ina hex that Is predominantly plains, you must spend | RP and the check is against your Control DC. If you're targeting a hex that is predaminanty hills, you must spend 2 RP and the check is against your Control DC + 5 Critical Success You establish [wn adjacent Farmland hoses instead a one. your target hex was ills he, the additional hex may be a hills hex ora plans hex: otherwise, the additional hex must be a plains hex. If ‘no appropriate hex is available, treat this result as a regular success instead. Success Vou establish ene Faveland hex Failure You fall to establish a Farmland how. Critical Fallure You fall to establish a Farmland hex, and your attempt potentially causes the soread of blight, At the start of each of the next twa Event phases, attempt a OC 6 flat check; on a failure, your ingen exporionces a CaepFaihie event in this and all adjacent hoxes HARVEST CROPS Foor Attempt a hasr cheek tn forage far wild eins or gather exes ros Inf Critical Success Gain 1d4 Food commodities, ‘Success Cain t Food commodity. Failure Gain no Food commodities, Critical Failure Lose 14 Food commodities to spoilage; if you have no Food ta lose, you instead gain 1 Unrest ARTS (CULTURE) ‘Arts mearure the kingdoms devotion to entertainment, artwork, and public works such as monuments, CRAFT LUXURIES Yur ence age yor artisans a exaft haxary goes an may ‘even aid them inthis pursuit, Rol 1 Resource Dic and spend RP equal tothe result. Then attempt a basic check. Critical Suecess Your artisans exceed expectations and craft extravagant goods, Gain 1d Luxury Commodities Suceans Your attisans prodaue some delightful gous Goin 1 Luxury Commit. Failure Your artisans fail to produce anything noteworthy. Critical Fallure Your artisans not only fail to produce anything noteworthy, but some took advantage of the fonpactunity tn push theie awn agendas ar earn mare for thanselves by selling to undergrounal markets Increase une of your Ruins by 1. Trained Arts Activity CREATE A MASTERPIECE ano You encuurage your kingomis artists to create: andl display a masterful work of art to bolster your kingdom's reputation. Attempt a basic check: the result atfects either Fame or Infamy (depending on the type of kingdom you're running). Create a Masterpiece may be attempted only ‘once per Kingdom turn regardless of the number at leaders pursing activities Critical Success Gain 1 Fame or Infamy point immediately, and at the start of your next Kingdom turn, gain | additional Fame or Infamy point. Immediately rll 2 Resource Lice. ain KP equal to the result. Suess Gin 1 Fame ar Infamy point imaecliately Fallure Your attempt to erate a masterpicee fail Criteal Fallure Not only does your attempt to create ‘a masterpiece fall. it does so in a dramatic and humiliating way. Lose { Fame or Infamy point; if you have no Fame or Infamy points to lose, instead ein Wd Lowest BOATING (ECONOMY) Boating reflects the kingdom's affinity for navigating avers and lakes, or for using waterways to bolster Fear eet ren ere GO FISHING Requirement Must have at least one claimed hox that includes river or lake terrain ‘Attempt a basic check to fish for fond fram the Hvers and fakes in your kings Critical Success Cain td Food commatites. ‘Success Gain i Food commodity. Failure Gain no Food commodities. (Critical Failure You lose some fishers to tragic accidents, in 1 Unvest DEFENSE (STABILITY) Defense measures the kingdom's ability o police and protect itself and its citizens from bandits, monsters,
and Eeonomy-based skill checks gain 442 circumstance bonus. When a kingdom claims tty fist Landmark hexy i games 40 kangdom XP as a a Refuges \ Refuge isa place where people can shelter Jn safety, such asa hidden valley, a cave system, an isle in the middle ofa rives, or similar naturally defensible location that can be used as a safe fallback point, storage location, or ever a guard post ar prt. At the GM'S option, creature lnirs may function as potential Refuges when claimed, provided the creatures that ddwell there are defeated or allied with. When you claim a Refuge hex, reduce one of the kingdom's Ruins by 1, and until the end of your next Kingdom turn, all Layalty- circumstance bonus. When a kingdom claim its firs Refuge hex, it gains 40 kingdom XP as a milestone award (page 538) esource: Any hex indicated as being a particularly dense or lucrative source of Lumber, Ore, oF Stone es for a excellent (page 524) f the PCs Establish « Work Site in such a hhex that focuses on the appropriate type of Commodity {as indicated in the encounter text), all Commodities produced are doubled, Rin: Ruins it hex consist of a parcally Uestroyedl sracture, often one that has heen claimed by hanchirs, monsters, or other inhabitants It you Claim and Clear a hew with Ruins init, you ean thereafter use what remains of the Ruins a te basis of an appropriate rype of Settlement structure (as indicated by the encounter text), reducing the cost ofthat structure by half. Settlement: A Settlement can be a village, town, sity ‘or metropolig see Seslements starting on page 540 for fall derail tun, 1 Stablty-hawel skill checks gain 12
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