948te Zf9hp48 Zip in

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identify castings

PBW (Park By Wire) PBC (Park By Cable)

10 Solenoids 9 Solenoids


Front View Front View

Park Extra Chrysler No Extra Chrysler
Cylinder Boss Identification Boss Identification

Back View Back View

10 Solenoids

(Park By Wire)


©2022 Sonnax Transmission Company, Inc. • A Marmon / Berkshire Hathaway Company 948TE-ZF9HP48-ZIP-Identify 07-28-22

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 9-SPEED; Quick Guide
Identification Guide

Valve body Identification

There are two variations of the 948TE valve body. The main differences are how the Park position is selected.

Park By Wire (PBW)

The first variation is referred to as Park By Wire. This type has full electronic control. There is an external cable
that connects to the Park release lever, but it is only used for emergency use or for towing. There is an emergency
pull inside the vehicle that releases the parking pawl manually when this cable is engaged.

Park By Cable (PBC)

The second variation is referred to as Park By Cable. This type utilizes a cable to move the manual valve, from the
driver, input to engage or disengage the parking pawl.
The simplest way to ID them is to count the solenoids, note the PBW has 10 and the PBC has 9. The pictures
also show differences in the manual valve and the cover that is used in the PBC.
The PBW and PBC valve bodies are not interchangeable as the solenoid configuration is different as well as the
internal components and small parts.
The Honda applications use the ZF9HP48 PBW design.

©2022 Sonnax Transmission Company, Inc. • A Marmon / Berkshire Hathaway Company 948TE-ZF9HP48-ZIP-Identify 07-28-22

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Parts are labeled here in order of installation. See other side of sheet for details on kit contents.

installation Diagram
Inner Valve Body Inner Valve Body

1 1
1 NOTE: These two locations
are not applicable to the
1 PBC Inner Valve Body.

5 5

4 4


Outer Valve Body Outer Valve Body

3 3

3 3
2 2
2 2

1 1

In addition to general rebuilding tips and technical information, the technical booklet included in this kit contains vacuum
testing and additional repair options for higher mileage units or for repairing specific complaints which are beyond the
scope of this kit.

©2022 Sonnax Transmission Company, Inc. • A Marmon / Berkshire Hathaway Company 948TE-ZF9HP48-ZIP-Guide 07-28-22

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Kit Contents & Installation Steps

Step 1 Replace OE End Plugs Step 5a B
 lock Solenoid Pressure
PBW: Three in inner valve body and one in outer valve body. Regulator Balance Port
PBC: One in inner valve body and one in outer valve body.
Drill indicated separator plate orifice with included .062" dia. drill bit.
Place O-rings into shallow groove on end plugs. Lubricate with Remove any burrs. If using straight plug, insert into orifice and peen
Sonnax slippery stick O-LUBE. Roll on bench to size. Install end plugs on both sides of plate. If using optional small rivet, insert into orifice
with small stem outboard. and using wire cutters, snip the stem end of the rivet if/as necessary
NOTE: Two are not required with the PBC style valve body. to provide for a small head once peened in place. Peen the rivet in
place on head side of plate also. After peening on both sides of the
Packaging Pocket 1 plate, ensure plate will still sit flush on mating cast surfaces.

• End Plugs (4) • O-Rings (6) 2 Extra Packaging Pocket 5

• Drill Bit .062" dia. (Not Shown)
• Aluminum Plug .062" dia. (Not Shown)
Step 2 Replace Internal • Rivet (Not Shown)
OE End Plugs
Figure 1
PBW: Two in outer valve body.
PBC: Two in outer valve body.
Place O-rings into shallow grooves on end plugs. Lubricate with Sonnax
slippery stick O-LUBE. Roll on bench to size. For installation or removal
ease, install with threaded end outboard.

Packaging Pocket 2
• End Plugs (2) • O-Rings (6) 2 Extra

3 R
Step  eplace OE A & F Dog Clutch
Sleeve & Plunger Valve
PBW: Two in outer valve body.
PBC: Two in outer valve body. Enlarge this hole with the .062" drill bit and install aluminum plug.

Install plunger valve into dog clutch sleeve and install the assembly
into bore.
CAUTION! Fits units with .227" dia. plunger valve only. Step 5b R
 eplace OE Solenoid
Do not use if original plunger dia. measures .196".
Pressure Regulator
Packaging Pocket 3
Valve Lineup
• Sleeves (2) • Valves (2)
PBW: One in outer valve body.
PBC: One in outer valve body.
Remove and discard all OE bore components except retainer and end
Step 4 Replace OE Shift Valve plug. Insert Sonnax sleeve/valve assembly into bore. Sleeve should
be be installed with open end outboard. Valve should be installed with
System Pressure Valve spring stem outboard. Insert sleeve extension into bore with chamfer
and lube hole end inboard. Insert spring over valve spring stem.
Lineup Reinstall OE end plug and retainer.
PBW: One in inner valve body. NOTE: In some instances it may be necessary to remove a small
PBC: One in inner valve body. amount of material from the end of the sleeve extension to ensure
Remove and discard all OE bore components except the retainer. proper fit when installing OE end plug and retainer.
Insert Sonnax sleeve fully into bore with rounded end face slots facing
Packaging Pocket 6
outboard. Install Sonnax valve into sleeve with spring pocket facing
outboard. Install Sonnax spring and endplug. Secure with OE retainer. • Sleeve • Sleeve Extension • Valve • Spring
Packaging Pocket 4
The parts listed here may be protected by
• Sleeve • Valve • Spring • End Plug patent number 8,919,381.

©2022 Sonnax Transmission Company, Inc. • A Marmon / Berkshire Hathaway Company 948TE-ZF9HP48-ZIP-Guide 07-28-22

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Technical Tips PBW (Park by Wire) Solenoid ID Figure 1

Park C F Dog
Reprogramming Mechanical Clutch Clutch Control E Clutch TCC
Solenoid Solenoid Solenoid Solenoid Solenoid
Many transmission drivability complaints related to harsh shifts and downshift
clunks have been addressed with software updates. It is highly recommended to
check and verify the latest software is installed in the PCM/TCM. Refer to OE
reflashing procedure for further information.

Solenoid Identification
PBC and PBW solenoid configurations are different (Figure 1 & 2). The system Park D A Dog B System
Control Clutch Clutch Control Clutch Pressure
pressure solenoid on both valve bodies is normally high and has a white cap. The Solenoid Solenoid Solenoid Solenoid Solenoid
clutch pack control solenoids are normally low and have orange caps.
NOTE: These white and orange cap solenoids have the same snouts and can be PBC (Park by Cable) Solenoid ID Figure 2
installed in the wrong locations. The Dog Clutch Control solenoids are on-off
C F Dog
solenoids. The Park Control solenoid PBW and Limp Home solenoid PBC are Clutch Clutch Control E Clutch TCC
on-off solenoids. The Park Mechanical solenoid PBW is an on-off solenoid. Solenoid Solenoid Solenoid Solenoid

Transmission Fluid
1. The transmission fluid must be checked only when temperatures are between
37°C (99°F) and 45°C (113°F). See fluid check location (Figure 3).
2. Fill transmission with Mopar ZF 8 and fluid. Dry fill is 6.5L.
3. After filling, drive the vehicle as follows: Limp Home D A Dog B System
Mode Clutch Clutch Control Clutch Pressure
Solenoid Solenoid Solenoid Solenoid Solenoid
a. Apply the brakes.
b. Shift the transmission from Park to Reverse and Reverse to Drive 4- 5 times
Check the fluid level at the location shown or with Miller tool 10323A. Figure 3
See factory fill infomation for use.
c. Disable stop-start function.
d. Drive the vehicle up to minimum 45 mph then back to a stop 4-to-5
times. This way all gear changes can be achieved.
e. Connect the scan tool and select quick learn procedure and follow the
screen prompts to relearn and reset the clutch adaptive tables.
f. Refer to OE service bulletin 21-013-16-REVB for further instructions of Fluid check location

quick learn and adaptive reset additional information.

Solenoid Apply Chart Figure 5
Clutch Application Chart Figure 4
Gear A Dog B C Brake D Brake E F Dog Ratio Gear Dog Sol. Sol. Sol. Sol. Dog
P/N X X Park
Rev. X X X 3.805:1 Reverse X X
1 X X X 4.700:1 Neutral X
2 X X X 2.824:1 1st Gear X X
3 X X X 1.909:1 2nd Gear X X X
4 X X X 1.382:1 3rd Gear X X X
5 X X X 1:1 4th Gear X X X
6 X X X 0.808:1 5th Gear X X X
7 X X X 0.699:1 6th Gear X X X
8 X X X 0.580:1 7th Gear X X X
9 X X X 0.479:1 8th Gear X X X
Limp* X 9th Gear X X X
*Limp Home (4th Gear) default gear used on Park-By-Cable systems only.
©2022 Sonnax Transmission Company, Inc. • A Marmon / Berkshire Hathaway Company 948TE-ZF9HP48-ZIP-Booklet 07-28-22
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CHRYSLER 948TE; HONDA/ACURA, 9-SPEED; Installation & Testing Booklet

Figure 6 Solenoid Terminals Ohm Valve

1 4
12 B Clutch Solenoid 4&3 5–6 ohms
C Clutch Solenoid 4&5 5–6 ohms
5 D Clutch Soleniod 4&6 5–6 ohms
E Clutch Solenoid 4&7 5–6 ohms

16 A Dog Solenoid 1&2 10–12 ohms

F Dog Solenoid 1&8 10–12 ohms
22 Pressure Control Solenoid 1&9 5–6 ohms
TCC Solenoid 1 & 10 5–6 ohms
Limp Home Mode (PBC)
13 15 1 & 11 10–12 ohms
Hydralic Park Solenoid (PBW)
23 26
Mechanical Park Solenoid (PBW) 1 & 12 24–26 ohms

Figure 7 NOTE: Valve lineups and

Zip Kit Instructions

names differ between PBW
and PBC. See exploded
views on page 9 & 10 for more info.
1. Valve Body Removal from Case
a. R
 emove 10 valve body-to-case bolts with Torx® T40 (Figure 7).

b. Gently pry valve body from case at two points shown with red arrows (Figure 7).
5 3
NOTE: There are numerous feed tubes which connect the valve body to the case
passages that are snug.

6 c. Once the valve body is free from the case, set it aside so the wiring harness
9 2 1 can be removed from internal case components.
Remove 10 valve body-to-case bolts from case d. Remove the 27 Torx bolt retaining the input and output speed sensors. Remove
using Torx 40. the 27 Torx bolt retaining the range sensor. Once these bolts are removed, the
harness and valve body can then be completely removed from the case (Figure 8).

Figure 8 2. V
 alve Body Disassembly
a. Remove three 27 Torx bolts shown with the blue arrows. Remove the tan connector
shown from the dog clutch pressure sensor. Once these items are removed, gently
lift the harness up away from the solenoids. Gently pry all eight (A–H) of the feed
tubes from the valve body and set aside for reuse (Figure 9 & 10).
NOTE: Some of the feed tubes may be in the case.
Range Sensor

= 27 Figure 9 Figure 10
Torx Bolts F
Feed Tube


Speed Sensors


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CHRYSLER 948TE; HONDA/ACURA, 9-SPEED; Installation & Testing Booklet

Remove 13 bolts to separate Figure 11

2. Valve Body Disassembly (continued)
valve bodies, using Torx 27. b. Remove the thirteen 27 Torx bolts (Figure 11).
c. Separate the inner valve body from the separator plate and outer valve body.
NOTE: It may be necessary to pry the valve body casting away from the beaded
separator plate.
1 2 3 4
d. Once the inner valve body has been removed, then remove the beaded separator
plate and alignment pins (Figures 12).
6 7 NOTE: Locations for inner valve body small parts differs between PBW and PBC
applications (Figures 13 & 14).
12 13
e. The separator plate should be replaced with a new one, using the same identi-
fication stamping number (Figures 15).
f. Remove four solenoids in outer valve body (Figures 16 & 17).
Remove alignment pins. Figure 12
3. Installation
Install Zip Kit parts as shown in diagram of separate quick guide sheet included
in this Zip Kit.
Sonnax recommends vacuum testting critical wear areas not covered by this kit
to determine whether additional Sonnax parts are required (see pages 5–6).

4. Reassembly
a. Verify small parts are installed in the correct location based on whether it is a
Separator plate ID location
PBC or PBW type valve body (Figures 12, 13 & 14).
b. Reinstall four solenoids into the valve body as well as reinstalling
Figure 13 Figure 14 the solenoid retaining bracket and four bolts and torque to
6Nm (53 in-lb) (Figures 16).
c. Verify the alignment pins are in the right location (Figures 12).
 NOTE: The smaller diameter goes into the inner valve body first.

Solenoid Bracket & 4 Bolts, Torque Spec 6Nm/53in-lb Figure 16

Remove these
Outer PBW Valve Body four solenoids
PBW (Park By Wire) PBC (Park By Cable)
Small part ID, Inner Valve Body Small part ID, Inner Valve Body
Outer PBW Valve Body Figure 17
Figure 15
Park By Wire: Park By Cable:
1094 327 118 1094 327 073

Internal End Plug

Retainer Locations

©2022 Sonnax Transmission Company, Inc. • A Marmon / Berkshire Hathaway Company 948TE-ZF9HP48-ZIP-Booklet 07-28-22

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CHRYSLER 948TE; HONDA/ACURA, 9-SPEED; Installation & Testing Booklet
4. Reassembly (continued) Wire harness should Figure 18
d. Install separator plate onto the inner valve body over top of the check valves sit at dashed line upon
and springs (Figure 12). reinstallation.

e. Install outer valve body over the alignment pins until it is flush with the
Range Sensor
separator plate.
f. Install the thirteen 27 Torx bolts and torque to 6Nm (53 in-lb) (Figure 11).
g. F
 lip valve body assembly over and install wire harness over the solenoid
terminals. Install the three 27 Torx retaining bolts and torque to 5.7Nm (50
in-lb) (blue arrows) (Figure 9). Wire Harness

h. Install the 8 feed tubes into the locations shown with the red arrows
(Figures 9 & 10). Plug in the harness connector for the Dog pressure switch
as shown with the green arrow.
i. Once the tubes are installed into the valve body lubricate the O-rings where
Speed Sensors
they will be installed into the case.
5. Valve Body Reinstall Into Case Guide the linkage arm Figure 19
a. Install the range sensor and secure with 27 Torx bolt. Install the input and output into the park cylinder.
sensors and secure with 27 Torx bolt. Torque both of these bolts to 5.7Nm
(50 in-lb) (Figure 18).
b. Before installing the valve body onto the case be sure that the wiring harness sits
in the area with the dashed line so the harness does not get pinched (Figure 18).
c. Install the valve body onto the case, while guiding the linkage arm into the
park cylinder as shown with the blue arrow (Figure 19).
NOTE: It may be necessary to apply gentle force when mounting the valve body to
the case as the O-rings on the tubes may create some resistance.

d. Install the ten 40 Torx bolts (light blue arrows) and torque to 8Nm (71 in-lb)
(Figure 19).
e. Install the harness connector into the front valve body cover and install the
cover onto the case. Install the seven 40 Torx bolts and torque to 9.5Nm
(84 in-lb) (Figure 20).

Install seven 40 Torx bolts. Figure 20

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CHRYSLER 948TE; HONDA/ACURA, 9-SPEED; Installation & Testing Booklet

Critical Wear Areas & Vacuum Test Locations

Drop-In Zip Valve™
Parts Available
NOTE: OE valves are shown in rest position and should be tested in rest position unless otherwise indicated. Test locations are pointed to with an arrow.
Springs are not shown for visual clarity. Low vacuum reading indicates wear and Sonnax parts are noted for replacement.
For specific vacuum test information, refer to individual part
PBC (Park by Cable) Valve Bodies
20 10
25 5
30 0
instructions included in kits and available at www.sonnax.com.
• 948TE Shown

*Part numbers with an asterisk (*) are

included in this Zip Kit.
Upper Valve Body
F Dog Clutch
Plunger Valve
• Loss of higher gears A Dog Clutch
• Damaged F dog clutch Plunger Valve
Replace with Sonnax Part No. • Loss of higher gears
• Damaged A dog clutch
Replace with Sonnax Part No.
E Clutch Valve (CV-E)
• No 3-4  Converter Switch Valve
• Gear ratio errors
• Loss of higher gears (SP-V)
 • TCC slip codes • TCC lining failure
• TCC apply & release codes
Lockup Clutch Valve (LC-V)
• TCC slip codes Lubrication Valve (LU-V)
• Overheating
• Low cooler flow
• TCC lining failure  • Overheating
• Low converter & lube flow

System Pressure Valve

(SP-V) End Plugs
• Low line pressure • Soft shifts • Flare shifts • Harsh shifts
• High line pressure • Burnt Clutches
• Harsh shifts/downshifts Lower Valve Body • Pressure Loss
Replace with Sonnax Part No. Replace with Sonnax Part No.
85740-15K Requires F-85740-TL15 & VB-FIX 85740-01K*
End Plugs (4) =

Internal End Plugs (2) =

Limp Home Valve

• 4th Gear starts  C Clutch Valve (CV-C)
• Stuck in limp mode • 1-2 Flare
• No 6th
• Gear ratio errors
B Clutch Valve (CV-B)
• No Reverse • 2-3 Flare D Clutch Valve (CV-D)
• No 5th • Gear ratio errors • No Forward • No Reverse
• Loss of higher gears
• Reverse slip • Forward slip
Solenoid Pressure
Regulator Valve (PR-V)
Shift Valve System
• Solenoid performance codes
• Low solenoid feed pressure
Pressure (SV-SP)
• Poor line pressure control
Replace with Sonnax Part Nos.
85740-09K* or • Poor shift quality
85740-11K Requires F-68942-TL14 & VB-FIX • Gear ratio errors
Replace with Sonnax Part No.

©2022 Sonnax Transmission Company, Inc. • A Marmon / Berkshire Hathaway Company 948TE-ZF9HP48-ZIP-Booklet 07-28-22

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CHRYSLER 948TE; HONDA/ACURA, 9-SPEED; Installation & Testing Booklet

Critical Wear Areas & Vacuum Test Locations

Drop-In Zip Valve™
Parts Available
NOTE: OE valves are shown in rest position and should be tested in rest position unless otherwise indicated. Test locations are pointed to with an arrow.
Springs are not shown for visual clarity. Low vacuum reading indicates wear and Sonnax parts are noted for replacement.

PBW (Park by Wire) Valve Bodies

For specific vacuum test information, refer to individual part
30 0
instructions included in kits and available at www.sonnax.com.
• 948TE Shown

*Part numbers with an asterisk (*) are Upper Valve Body

included in this Zip Kit.
Park Cylinder Valves
F Dog Clutch 1 (PCV-1) & 2 (PCV-2)
Plunger Valve • Park position release & apply concerns
• Loss of higher gears
• Damaged F dog clutch A Dog Clutch
Replace with Sonnax Part No. Plunger Valve
• Loss of higher gears
• Damaged A dog clutch
E Clutch Valve (CV-E)  Replace with Sonnax Part No.
• No 3-4 85740-05K*
• Gear ratio errors
• Loss of higher gears  Converter Switch Valve
B Clutch Valve (CV-B) • TCC slip codes • TCC lining failure
• No Reverse • TCC apply & release codes
• 2-3 Flare 
• No 5th Lubrication Valve (LU-V)
• Low cooler flow
System Pressure Valve • Overheating
(SP-V) • Low converter & lube flow
• Low line pressure
• High line pressure
• Harsh shifts/downshifs End Plugs
Lower Valve Body
Replace with Sonnax Part No. • Soft shifts • Flare shifts • Harsh shifts
85740-15K Requires F-85740-TL15 & VB-FIX
• Burnt Clutches
• Pressure Loss
Replace with Sonnax Part No.
D Clutch Valve (CV-D) 85740-01K*
• No Engagement 
End Plugs (4) =
• Slips in Reverse & 1st  
Internal End Plugs (2) =
• Loss of higher gears

Lockup Clutch Valve (LC-V) C Clutch Valve (CV-C)
• TCC slip codes

• 1-2 Flare
• Overheating • No 6th
• TCC lining failure • Gear ratio errors

Solenoid Pressure Shift Valve System

Regulator Valve (PR-V) Pressure (SV-SP)
• Solenoid performance codes • Poor line pressure control
• Low solenoid feed pressure • Poor shift quality
Replace with Sonnax Part Nos. • Gear ratio errors
85740-09K* or Replace with Sonnax Part No.
85740-11K Requires F-68942-TL14 & VB-FIX 85740-07K*

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OE Exploded View
Outer Valve Body • 948TE, PBC Shown
NOTE: Depending upon vehicle application, the OE springs shown may not be present.
Upper Valve Body Descriptions

I.D. No. Description

101 Converter Switch Valve (SP-V)
102 Lubrication Valve (LU-V)
103 System Pressure Valve (SP-V)
104 Manual Valve
105 105 F Dog Clutch Valve (CV-F)
106 A Dog Clutch Valve (CV-A)
106 107 E Clutch Valve (CV-E)
107 108 Lockup Clutch Valve (LC-V)**
** Valve location is different between PBC and PBW




Lower Valve Body • 948TE, PBC Shown

101* Upper Valve Body Descriptions

I.D. No. Description

102 101 Limp Home Valve*
102 C Clutch Valve (CV-C)
103 D Clutch Valve (CV-D)
104** 104 B Clutch Valve (CV-B)**
105 Solenoid Pressure Regulator Valve (PR-V)
106 Shift Valve System Pressure (SV-SP)
* PBW does not have this valve.
** Valve location is different between PBC and PBW



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CHRYSLER 948TE; HONDA/ACURA, 9-SPEED; Installation & Testing Booklet

OE Exploded View
Outer Valve Body • 948TE, PBW Shown
NOTE: Depending upon vehicle application, the OE springs shown may not be present. Upper Valve Body Descriptions

I.D. No. Description

101 Converter Switch Valve (SP-V)
102 Lubrication Valve (LU-V)
104* 103 System Pressure Valve (SP-V)
104 Park Cylinder (PCYL)*
105* 105 Park Cylinder Valve (PCV-1, -2)*
106 F Dog Clutch Valve (CV-F)
107 A Dog Clutch Valve (CV-A)
107 108 E Clutch Valve (CV-E)
109 B Clutch Valve (CV-B)**
108 * PBC does not have this valve.
** Valve location is different between PBC and PBW




Lower Valve Body • 948TE, PBW Shown

Lower Valve Body Descriptions

I.D. No. Description

101 C Clutch Valve (CV-C)
102 D Clutch Valve (CV-D)
103 Lockup Clutch Valve (LC-V)**
101* 104 Solenoid Pressure Regulator Valve (PR-V)
105 Shift Valve System Pressure (SV-SP)
** Valve location is different between PBC and PBW




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