Identification Verification Idv Certification

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Identification and

Verification (ID&V) Certification

Acceptable documents for verification of your Business The verification of the residential address shall be
/ Entity carried out by making reference to any one of the
following documents, provided that the residential
• Certificate of Incorporation/ Constitutional Decree
address and the full name of the involved/connected
• Articles of Association / Partnership Deed / Charter person are referred to in a clear and unequivocal manner
of Foundation in the document itself:
• Annual Audited Accounts (dates within 2 years) • A recent Credit Card Statement (non-HSBC)
• Ownership Structure Chart for the Business (on a • A recent Bank Account Statement (non-HSBC)
company letter head and including all the company/
• A recent Reference Letter issued by a recognised
ies registered name/s, registration numbers, country
Credit Institution
of registration as well as the percentage of ownership
of each layer until all the natural person/s underlying • A recent utility bill (where the residential address is
beneficial ownership is/are identified) verified through reference to a utility bill, the subject
person should ensure that such utility bill was
• Certificate of Incumbency or equivalent e.g. extracts
issued in relation to services linked to that residential
from a Company Registry
property. Therefore, a bill issued in relation to a fixed
• List of Key Controllers line telephone service installed on that property
• VAT Registration Certificate would be acceptable, but mobile telephony bills,
• Business Registration Certificate / Trade Licence which are not linked to a fixed premises, would not be
(Issued by a Regulator)
• A rent contract
NOTE: Please upload a clear copy of the document.
• A Driving Licence
• An identification document listed (Passport; National
Acceptable documents for underlying Corporate Identity Card; Malta Residence Permit) where a clear
Beneficial Ownership indication of the residential address is provided

• Certificate of Incumbency or equivalent e.g. extracts • An official conduct certificate

from a Company Registry • Any correspondence from a central or local
and where applicable: government authority, department or agency

• Business Registration Certificate / Trade Licence • Any other government-issued document not
(Issued by a Regulator) mentioned above

NOTE: Please upload a copy of the document. In case where the involved/connected person can
provide us with two different identification documents
plus two different verification of address documents,
Acceptable documents for Owners and Key Controllers there is no requirement to get these documents
who are Individuals certified.

Identification Document (valid unexpired & with As an example, customer may provide us with a
photo) passport, a national identity card, a bank statement and
• Passport a utility bill. If the national identity card includes also
the address, then this can be used also for address
• National or other government-issued Identity Card
verification purposes. All these documents will need to
• Malta Residence Permit be provided together.
Documents containing photographic evidence of However if involved/connected person cannot provide
identity that are not government-issued but which such documentation, the document/s provided need to
are nonetheless recognised as a legal means of be certified. Please refer to Certification Requirements.
identification by the national law of an EU or a reputable
jurisdiction may also be used to verify the identity of Documents emanating from High Risk Jurisdictions are
the involved/connected person, provided that such to be certified, notarised and apostilled.
documents are valid and unexpired.

Verification Document (must be dated within the

last four months)
Certification Requirements 1 and 2 shall not be considered to meet the criteria of
a reputable jurisdiction as they do not have adequate
Certification of documents is required as independent legislative measures for the prevention of ML/FT and
confirmation of authentication. Please see below for a clear and unequivocal declaration has been issued by
details of what documentation is required, wording for the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) in that respect.
the certification and who is authorised to complete this. Those jurisdictions falling within Category 3 shall
Documents need to be certified by: not automatically be considered to be non-reputable
and subject persons are required to determine the
• a legal professional,
reputability of each jurisdiction on the basis of the
• an accountancy professional, deficiencies identified by the FATF.
• a notary,
Common Understanding
• a person undertaking relevant financial business or
• a person undertaking an activity equivalent to Common Understanding between Member States
relevant financial business carried out in a Reputable on third country equivalence1,2 under the Anti-Money
Jurisdiction Laundering Directive (Directive 2005/60/EC) June 2012

and such certification should be evidenced by writing: These third countries are currently considered as
• the document is a true copy of the original document; having equivalent AML/CFT systems to the EU. The
list may be reviewed, in particular in the light of public
• the document has been seen and verified by the
evaluation reports adopted by the FATF, FSRBs, the IMF
certifier; and
or the World Bank according to the revised 2003 FATF
• the photo is a true likeness of < insert person’s name > Recommendations and Methodology.
The certifier must also sign and date the copy document It should be noted that the list does not override the
(indicating his name, profession and warrant number need to continue to operate the risk-based approach.
and his designation or capacity and provide contact The fact that a financial institution is based in a 3rd
details). country featuring on the list only constitutes a refutable
presumption of the application of simplified CDD.
Additionally, any documentation which is in a foreign
Moreover, the list does not override the obligation under
language, should be translated in English. Translation
article 13 of the Directive to apply enhanced customer
should be dated, signed and certified by an independent
due diligence measures in all situations which by their
person of proven competence confirming that it is
nature can present a higher risk of money laundering or
a faithful translation of the original. If obtained from
terrorist financing, when dealing with credit and financial
overseas the document must be apostilled.
institutions, as customers, based in an equivalent
The Reputability of a Jurisdiction
List after the Meeting on 26 June 2012
The Malta Financial Intelligence & Analysis Unit (FIAU)
Regulation 2 defines a reputable jurisdiction as any
country having legislative measures for the prevention
of Money Laundering/Funding of Terrorism (ML/FT),
Hong Kong
taking into account that country’s membership of, or
any declaration or accreditation by, any international
organisation recognised as laying down internationally
South Korea
accepted standards for the prevention of money
laundering and for combating the funding of terrorism,
and which supervises natural and legal persons subject
to such legislative measures for compliance therewith.
South Africa
Hence, for the purpose of the Prevention of Money
The United States of America
Laundering and Funding of Terrorism Regulations
(PMLFTR), the jurisdictions falling within Categories

Directive 2005/60/EC does not grant the European Commission a mandate to establish a positive list of equivalent third countries. The Common Understanding between
EU Member States on Third Country Equivalence is drafted, managed and agreed by the EU Member States.

The list does not apply to Member States of the EU/EEA which benefit de jure from mutual recognition through the implementation of the 3rd AML Directive. The list also
includes the French overseas territories (Mayotte, New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Saint Pierre and Miquelon and Wallis and Futuna) and Aruba, Curacao, Sint Maarten,
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba. Those countries and territories are not members of the EU/EEA but are part of the membership of France and the Kingdom of the Netherlands
of the FATF. The UK Crown Dependencies (Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man) may also be considered as equivalent by Member States.

Approved and issued by HSBC Bank Malta p.l.c., 116, Archbishop Street, Valletta VLT1444 99040-10/2017

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