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Article  in  The Journal of ethnic studies · September 2022

DOI: 10.54163/0866-773X/590


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1 author:

Huy Thanh Nguyen

Dong Thap University


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Nguyen Thanh Huy

Dong Thap University

Email: [email protected]

Received: 04/9/2021
Reviewed: 13/9/2021
Revised: 19/9/2021
Accepted: 25/9/2021
Released: 30/9/2021


R esearchers have found that teaching reading strategies is the key element in developing student’s
comprehension. Learning reading skill plays a vital role to English major students at Dong Thap
University since it has been one of the compulsory requirements for them to get graduation certificate.
The study is an action research applied to a number of 20 students in an intermediate level intergrated
skills course (including 5 ethnic minority students). The main questions of the study are what difficulties
students have in learning reading skills? And what strategies should be applied to improve this skill? The
results of the study indicate that student encoutered many problems in studying reading skills like lack
of knowledge and practice in reading strategies and some solutions have been proposed such as COR
Framework and Reading Comprehension Framework.
Keywords: Framework; Dong Thap University; Reading skills; Strategies; Students.

1. Introduction reading for gists and for detail information because

Learning reading skills has played a vital role they do not know how to read effectively and
to English major students at Dong Thap University appropriately. Besides, students lack vocabulary
because this is an important requirement for students and grammatical structures to deal with a reading
to get certificate of graduation. Being good at reading passage in particular and to reading tests in general.
comprehension also helps students improve other Especially, they lack effective strategies to improve
English’s skills and support other comprehension, their reading comprehension.
such as reading articles, newspapers, or consulting The research project aims to investigate the
research to get information and background difficulties students have in the process of learning
knowledge. reading skills and to suggest some effective
Students have been encouraged and instructed strategies for improving reading comprehension
studying reading skills since they were freshman for second year English major students at Dong
at Dong Thap University because reading is one Thap University. Also, interviewing 10 students
of the important and essential skills in studying (including 5 ethnic minority students) will be
English, which needs a long process of investment conducted to find their perceptions about skimming
and pratice from the students and is one of the key and scanning, two typical and major techniques in
factors to achieve succesful outcomes in university. reading. Two research questions are arisen: 1) What
Nevertheless, many students haven’t had good difficulties students have in learning reading skills?
awareness on the importance of learning reading. and 2) What strategies should be applied to improve
On the other hand, most of them meet difficulties in students’ reading skills?

Volume 10, Issue 3 93


2. Literature review comprehension competence. They illustrate

According to the research of Alvermann & significant enhancement in reading comprehension
Earle (2003), reading comprehension is the basis for language groups in low and pre-intermediate
and foundation for learning at all educational level. level, these improvements are resulted from
Lipka & Siegel (2011) indicates that reading skills applying Reciprocal Teaching method, one of
is a complex progress that relating to readers, the the most effective strategies to increase reading
reading context and reader’s background knowledge. competence. They emphasizes that finding
They also states that reading comprehension is the strategies for reading skills is necessary for students
primary goal of reading and students can be failed at all educational level.
at learning courses if they fail in the comprehension Gina (2010) conducted a reading comprehension
ability. Moreover, basing on the research of program that facilitate minority adults from
National Reading Panel (2000) and Snow (2011), disadvantage background of education. During
reading comprehension is one of the critical skills the course, students were recommmended and
in daily lives, but many people are unsuccessful in instructed variety of effective reading strategies,
obtaining and getting good competence on it. They and they were asked to use these strategies in
states that comprehensing text is quite difficult reading passages and longer texts. The results were
and challenging because it relates many aspects, fantastic because most students have increased
such as inference, word background resources, vocabulary knowledge, critical thinking as well as
lexical access…Many readers may encounter many improve reading comprehension. In this research,
difficulties in reading texts if they lack knowledge the researcher will suggest some strategies for
and vocabulary resources related to certain topics. reading skills for university students which taken
Perfetti & Hart (2001) states that students meet from this program. These will develop both
many difficulties in lexical skills with low level students’ background knowledege and raise their
like vocabulary resources and words for reading awareness in learning reading skills.
proficiency, lexical skills with sentence level like Oxford (1990) lists out 12 key features of
grammatical structure competence and lexical skills language learning strategies which can be helpful
with high level like comprehension and inference. for teachers in teaching’s progress, these features
Besides, Duke and Pearson (2001) illustrates that can be considered as main factors affecting to the
there are seven main factors that affect people’s reading strategies’ investigation. Ellis (1994) in
competence in reading comprehension: the reviewing the factors that have been found to affect
purposes or motivation, knowledge on vocabulary, strategy choice indicates to beliefs of learners about
understanding and strategies’s use employed by language learning, motivation types and goals, age,
effective readers, text’s nature, genre’s types and motivation strength, learner’s personal background.
the time readers spent for reading. Barnett (1988) investigated and taught reading
Martha (1972) demonstrates that skimming strategies used by French’s university students,
and scanning are indispensable skills for students students are divided into two different groups: one
to deal with long and complex reading texts, and group was instructed reading strategies and other
they recommends teachers should pay much time group was asked to do reading tests without being
to guide students on how to use these techniques instructed reading strategies. Research shown that
to improve reading comprehension. She conducted the group was taught reading strategies have better
a study on students’ use of skimming and scanning competence in reading comprehension and spend
in reading comprehension and found that most less time in dealing with reading texts or longer
students denied or paid little attention to using text. Barnett concluded there was a correlation
skimming and scanning when they deal with between students’ competence and use of strategies.
reading passages. As a results, most of them faced Schueller (1999) evaluated the impacts of reading
many problems in reading and got low grades in strategies instruction on the comprehension of two
doing reading exercises. It is clearly seen that different literary texts. There were 128 second-year
students do not have good background knowledge English major students in Germany (78 females
and perception on using these techniques and this and 50 males). The findings indicated that female
impacts negatively to their learning results. students have better reading comprehension than
Therefore, it is important to find efficient male students. Schueller states that teachers should
reading strategies to help students improve reading spend more time teaching reading strategies in order
comprehension and get better achievements in to improve reading’s competence for both male and
learning at university. Basing on the research of female stduents.
National Reading Panel (2000), the main objective With ethnic minority students, Cynthia (1992)
of research on reading comprehension is finding indicates that limited educational opportunities,
effective reading strategies to enhance student’s often coupled with ineffective learning strategies,



have restricted the educational attainment of 3.3.1. Data collection instruments

many ethnic minority students, especially African- a. The interview
American and Hispanic female in the United States,
The interview in this study includes seven
this lead to the fact that these students seem to have
questions with three questions for students and
negative attitude towards reading skills although
four questions for lecturers. The researcher will
they give positive feedback such as reading is
execute in-depth interviews with students who are
relevant to our life, is a subsistence skill, facilitate
in different learning background. These interviews
will be recorded to analyze. These are the questions
3. Research questions and methodology researcher used to ask students:
3.1. Research method 1: What do you know about skimming and
3.1.1. Research objective scanning? Do you usually use these techniques in
The study analyses students’ perceptions on reading?
skimming and scanning, two basic and significant 2: Have you ever met difficulties in reading
techniques to have better understanding on how texts? If Yes, what do you do to solve this problem?
students deal with reading skills and the difficulties 3: What difficulties do you have in learning
they usually meet in learning reading skills as well. reading skills?
Hence, the researcher analyses reading materials
The researcher also conducts the interview with
and answers from interviews to investigate
two lecturers in order to have broader view about
reading’s strategies to help students improve their
the reality of learning reading among students,
reading comprehension
students’ perception in using skimming and
3.1.2. Research questions scanning, the problems they usually encounter in
1. What difficulties students have in learning learning reading skills. In addition, lecturers are
reading skills? suggested to give some strategies or solutions to
2. What strategies should be applied to improve help students improve their reading comprehension.
student’s reading skills? The interview questions for teachers are listed
3.2. Methodology below
The researcher decided to carry out in-depth 1: What problems do you have in teaching
interview with students to have better understanding reading skills?
about their viewpoints on skimming and scanning, 2: Do you think all students have good
the two important techniques in reading skills. In background knowledge about skimming and
addition, students’ difficulties in the process of scanning? Why/ Why not?
learning reading skills are also addressed so that 3: What difficulties do students usually have in
the researcher can find out effective strategies to reading skills from your teaching experience?
help them overcome the problems and have better
4: Can you suggest some strategies/ solutions to
methods in learning reading comprehension. Levi
improve their reading skills?
(2010) carried out the research about students’
problems in reading comprehension and he also b. Survey
conducted a survey to investigate the difficulties The researcher designs 15 question-survey to
students may deal with in learning reading skills. investigate techniques students use in dealing with
The researcher also conducts interview with reading texts. Therefore, suggesting some useful
lecturers to get information on difficulties they have and effective techniques to improve students’
had in the process of teaching this skill. Besides, reading competence. They will choose from 1 to
their viewpoints on how students use skimming 5 in accordance with the frequency of using these
and scanning are pointed out. The lecturers are techniques. The researcher will take pre-reading
also asked to suggest some strategies to improve pratice before giving students survey, that means to
students’ reading competence. help students understand clearly the contents of the
The data will be divided into three main sentences in the survey.
parts: students’ interview, lecturers’ interview Table 1. A 15 question-survey
and students’ survey. These data will be analyzed 5=ALWAYS, 4=USUALLY, 3=SOMETIMES,
to answer two main research questions: 1) What 2=RARELY, 1=NEVER.
difficulties students have in learning reading skills?
2) What strategies should be applied to improve # Statements 5 4 3 2 1
student’s reading skill? I skim reading texts, then
3.3. Data collection 1 read again and try to read

Volume 10, Issue 3 95


I read carefully to get c. Material analysis

2 specific and detail The researcher uses materials from books and
information. Internet to get background knowledge on reading
I try to investigate comprehension as well as investigate effective
3 new ideas based on the
strategies to support the research questions. Besides,
analyzing many documents relate to reading skills
knowledge I have
will also be a good method to enhance teaching’s
I try to guess the meaning background knowledge.
4 of difficult words or
3.3.2. The participants of the study
phrases used in context
The particpants of the study are 20 second-
I highlight important year English major students of Foreign Languages
information in the text to Faculty at Dong Thap University, Vietnam. The
get better understanding subject consists of ten students in class Bachelor
on the texts of Arts in English Education 19 (DHSANH19),
When I deal with difficult five students in class Bachelor of Arts in English
text, I try to read many Language 19 (ĐHANH19A) and five students
times to have good in class Bachelor of Arts in English Business
answer (DHTAKD19). Among them, there are five students
After reading a text, I try who come from Khme and Cham areas in Ninh
7 to take notes the main
Thuan and Tra Vinh provinces. The reason why
I choose these ethnic minority students for my
research is because I want to find out if they have
I use reference materials the same difficulties in learning reading skills with
such as glossaries/ other students, so that I can provide them some
dictionaries to understand appropriate strategies. All of them are twenty years
the text better. old. They have two reading classes per week (each
When reading, I try to class takes 50 minutes); and their reading class lasts
9 stay focused on text and 8 weeks in total.
skip unimportant parts. Also, the participants of the study are two
After I read, I check lecturers who are teaching reading skills at Dong
all the information to Thap University. The female lecturer has more than
10 twenty-year experience in teaching English and
guarantee my answer are
corrects the male lecturer has taught English for ten years.
The researcher hopes that the young lecturer will
I work with my support many effective strategies relates to applying
11 classmates to solve information and technology in teaching reading
reading problems. because he is so professional in using information
I ask my teacher to and technology for teaching process.
paraphrase/explain In order to guarantee the comparable data, the
12 something that is not researcher decides to select 20 students with different
clear or does not make learning level. The researcher decides to conduct
sense to me. in-depth interview to get their perception on using
I try to relax whenever skimming and scanning, the difficulties students
13 I feel anxious about have in learning reading skills. The researcher
reading texts. also asks lecturers who are teaching reading skills
at Dong Thap University on problems they have
I try to consult English
in the process of teaching, their perceptions on
14 newspaper and books to student’s background knowledge on skimming
read effectively and scanning, the difficulties students may face in
I spend much time a day learning reading skills according to their teaching
to read information on progress and experience. Therefore, they suggest
Internet in variety aspects some effective strategies that help students improve
to have more knowledge reading proficiency.
and improve my reading Before conducting the interview, the researcher
competence will take some reading activities for students. For
example, facilitating students to understand the



questions given. The purpose of this was to ensure that the students answer the questions completely
without feeling shy or fear. Moreover, because of doing secondary research, the researcher send consent
forms to students.
3.3. The framework for analyzing data
Daniella et al (2006) conducted a research on reading comprehension strategies basing on a framework
called 4-pronged comprehension strategy framework which including Monitoring Comprehension
and Reading Strategies and four significant factors which building the framework: Preparing to Read,
Interpreting Words Sentences and Ideas in branches, Going Beyond the text, and Organizing, Restructuring,
and Synthesizing Information in the Text (see figure 1). The framework is very necessary and vital for the
researcher in the process of consulting documents and investigating strategies for reading comprehension.
Danielle et al (2006) recommend that the framework should be applied in classroom in order to improve
students’s reading competence as well as facilitate teacher in teaching reading skills.

Figure 1. 4 Pronged comprehension strategy framework

Woolley (2009) suggested COR framework which allow students to be active and enhance cognitive
thinking while reading and comprehending texts. This framework is based on Bloom’s Taxonomy which
building students’ comprehension competence gradually in three main stages: Before, During and After.
In Before stage, Consider, Conceptualise, Contrive are applied step by step, whereas in During stage,
Overview, Organize and Observe are main activities for students. In After stage, students are asked to
Review, Relate and Revise the texts or passages that they have done in the previous stages to develop
metacognitive thinking and memorising ability (see table 1).
Table 2. COR Framework

In 2001, Wren from the Southwest Educational Development Laboratory (SEDL) designed the
framework for reading comprehension. The framework provides a basic foundation that allows educators
and teachers access valuable resources relating to reading’s background competence. Wren also consulted
opinions and perspectives from many scientics and educators who had many years experience in teaching
and conducting scientific research to design the framework which is the solid foundation for teaching and
learning reading skills. The main features of the framework are language comprehension and decoding
skills and they have mutual relation which develop students’ cognitive thinking and improve competence
in reading skills. (see figure 2)

Volume 10, Issue 3 97


The researcher will mainly base on the When I deal with

framework of Woolley, Danielle et al and Wren to difficult text, I try to
give appropriate questions for teachers and students 6
read many times to
8 6 4 2 0
to find their perceptions on reading’s difficulties have good answer
and strategies for teaching and learning’ process.
Besides, The researcher will design a survey to After reading a text,
investigate the factors affect to students’ learning 7 I try to take notes the 0 0 11 5 4
reading skills base on the framework of Wren. main ideas
These frameworks are also main foundation for I use reference
analyzing the data which collected from teachers materials such as
and students 8 glossaries/dictionaries 5 6 5 4 0
to understand the text
When reading, I try to
stay focused on text
9 1 6 7 3 3
and skip unimportant
After I read, I check
all the information to
10 0 6 6 6 2
guarantee my answer
are corrects
I work with my
11 classmates to solve 14 5 1 0 0
reading problems.
I ask my teacher to
12 something that is 4 4 8 4 0
not clear or does not
Figure 2. Reading Comprehension Framework
make sense to me.
4. Result and discussion I try to relax
Table 3. Results of the survey 13
whenever I feel
15 5 0 0 0
anxious about reading
# Statements 5 4 3 2 1 texts.
I try to consult
I skim reading texts, English newspaper
1 then read again and 12 5 3 0 0 14 4 5 5 6 0
and books to read
try to read carefully. effectively
I read carefully to get I spend much
2 specific and detail 7 6 7 0 0 time a day to read
information. information on
I try to investigate Internet in variety
15 5 4 6 5 0
3 new ideas based on 0 2 8 5 5 aspects to have more
the knowledge I have knowledge and
I try to guess the improve my reading
meaning of difficult competence
4 5 6 7 2 0
words or phrases used The survey illustrates that students have applied
in context some techniques in reading passages, most of them
I highlight important try to skim reading the text to find out the specific
information in the
and general information. Besides, most students
5 text to get better 16 4 0 0 0
also highlight important information to get better
understanding about the contents and organization
understanding on the
of the reading passages. Also, students use
reference materials such as glossaries/ dictionary
to understand the text better. These are essential



techniques that students should use in reading (2009) suggested some strategies with specific
because they can help students locate and find out examples, including comprehension monitoring,
information effectively and scientifically. paraphrasing, elaboration, using logic, prediction,
However, it is clear that most students sometimes and bridging inference. Comprehension monitoring
or rarely spend much time a day to read information is the process of being aware of understanding. In
on Internet in variety aspects in order to have more effect, the process of comprehension monitoring
background knowledge and improves reading falls out of using effective reading strategies
competences. Lack of specific vocabulary is also because to use a strategy the readers must be at least
one of the most significant difficulties students have somewhat aware of their level of understanding.
when dealing with the reading texts according to Paraphrasing is the process of restating the text
the interview. More than half of students spend little in different words, or in the reader’s own words. It
time or rarely consult English newspaper and books doesn’t go beyond the information in the text, so
to read effectively. In fact, when being asked, the it’s not an explanation of the text. In the reading
lecturers agreed that students lack vocabulary and strategy literature, paraphrasing is often not
specialized knowledge in variety of fields, this lead recognized as an effective strategy. Paraphrases are
to the fact that students get low results when dealing important because they help the reader, particularly
with the academic topics such as: technology, less skilled readers, to better understand the explicit
environment, science, ocean life or planets, etc. information contained in the words and sentences
of a text.
Another obstacle that hinders students from
getting better reading capacity is the lack of Elaboration is the process of making inferences
effective reading techniques. We can see clearly that link what is in the text or sentence to related
from the survey that most students occasionally knowledge. For example, when reading the
or even never try to guess the meanings of words following sentence about corona virus, “coronavirus
or phrases used in context, and they don’t take is spread through droplets and virus particles
notes the main ideas after reading the text. These released into the air when an infected person
breathes, talks, laughs, sings, coughs or sneezes”
explains for the fact that students mainly dependant
the reader might make the link to prior knowledge
on dictionary and technological devices to look up
that corona virus has widely spread in different
words meaning, and rarely apply guessing meaning
situations. Thus, the two strategies, elaboration and
words/ phrases in context when they encounter a
logic are quite similar, but when learning to use
hard reading text. On the other hand, more than half
the strategy, logic or common sense, the reader is
of students haven’t asked teachers to paraphrase
encouraged to use whatever knowledge is available,
or explain something that is not clear or does not
because readers often don’t have enough domain
make sense to them, this shows students shyness knowledge or directly related knowledge. The
and inactive in learning. prediction strategy involves thinking about what
Especially, when being asked about the difficulties might be coming next in the text. For the most
ethnic minority students meet in study and deal part, predictions are relatively uncommon and may
with reading skills. All lecturers demonstrate that be more useful and more common when reading
these students lack necessary techniques and useful narrative texts than when reading science texts.
materials for learning because they mostly come Predictions are also more common and useful when
from rural areas and lack of learning conditions. the predicted outcomes are highly constrained
These students even had a lot of problems studying or highly probable. On the other hand, making
reading when they were freshman due to the lack of bridging inferences is the process of linking ideas
effective learning methods and appropriate reading and understanding the relations between separate
techniques for different types of reading texts. sentences in the text. Deep comprehension
In order to improve reading skills for requires more than merely interpreting individual
second year English major students, I have sentences; the reader must also be able to integrate
conducted some synthesis materials to investigate individual sentence meanings into a coherent text
appropriate strategies for learning reading. level representation.
According to Kucukoglu (2013), there are 6 From the in-depth interview with lecturers,
strategies that learners can use to improve reading they suggest some strategies to improve student
comprehension, namely: predicting, visualizing, reading comprehension. Firstly, students should
making connections, summarizing, questioning read articles and model essays to get the ideas,
and inferring. She also suggested that teachers vocabulary and learn how to express ideas in
should give instructions of these strategies to help English as a second language. Secondly, reading
students have general knowledge and be more English newspaper and glossaries every day is
confident when using these techniques. McNamara also a good solution to improve reading skills

Volume 10, Issue 3 99


because students can enhance their competence in 5. Conclusion

organizing ideas, increasing vocabulary and getting Nowadays, English is becoming more and
more knowledge. Thirdly, teachers should let more popular and has been one of the compulsory
students brainstorm prior to reading a text because requirements for students, including those who get
brainstorming is a good way that helps students higher education and go to work. Research has
develops ideas and outline of passages as well. revealed common difficulties that students often
Especially, they suggest some website that help face, leading to unsatisfactory reading results.
students practice reading and acquire vocabulary Therefore, we see the need to focus on improving
knowledge such as:, Go4English. and enhancing reading skills for students. Thereby,
com, VocabSushi, BBC Learning English and forming the habit of reading English and contributing
some English funny game sites for both relaxation to improving the quality of English teaching and
and review knowledge, namely: ESL Game Plus, learning in general and reading comprehension, skills in particular at Dong Thap University will be
critical to improve student learning results.

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Nguyễn Thanh Huy

Đại học Đồng Tháp

Email: [email protected]

Ngày nhận bài: 04/9/2021

Ngày phản biện: 13/9/2021
Ngày tác giả sửa: 19/9/2021
Ngày duyệt đăng: 25/9/2021
Ngày phát hành: 30/9/2021


Các nhà nghiên cứu đã phát hiện ra rằng việc dạy các chiến lược đọc là yếu tố quan trọng trong việc
phát triển khả năng đọc hiểu của sinh viên. Việc học kỹ năng đọc đóng một vai trò quan trọng đối
với sinh viên chuyên ngành tiếng Anh tại Trường Đại học Đồng Tháp vì đây là một trong những yêu cầu
bắt buộc để họ được cấp chứng chỉ tốt nghiệp. Nghiên cứu này được áp dụng cho 20 sinh viên trong một
khóa học kỹ năng tích hợp trình độ trung cấp (trong đó có 5 sinh viên là người dân tộc thiểu số). Các câu
hỏi chính của nghiên cứu là sinh viên gặp những khó khăn gì trong việc học kỹ năng đọc? Và những chiến
lược nào nên được áp dụng để cải thiện kỹ năng này? Kết quả của nghiên cứu chỉ ra rằng sinh viên đã gặp
phải nhiều vấn đề trong việc học kỹ năng đọc như thiếu kiến thức và thực hành các chiến lược. Do đó, tác
giả đã để xuất một số giải pháp như sử dụng Khung COR và Khung kỹ năng đọc hiểu.
Từ khóa: Chiến lược; Đại học Đồng Tháp; Khung; Kỹ năng đọc hiểu; Sinh viên.

Volume 10, Issue 3 101

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