Radar Paper
Radar Paper
Radar Paper
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To cite this article: Maher Ibrahim Sameen, Faten Hamed Nahhas, Faez Hussein Buraihi,
Biswajeet Pradhan & Abdul Rashid B. Mohamed Shariff (2016) A refined classification approach
by integrating Landsat Operational Land Imager (OLI) and RADARSAT-2 imagery for land-use
and land-cover mapping in a tropical area, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 37:10,
2358-2375, DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2016.1176273
1. Introduction
Accurate and reliable land-use and land-cover (LULC) classification is essential for a wide
range of applications (Werner, Storie, and Storie 2014). Such a classification has been
adopted for various applications, global change, land monitoring, updating geographi-
cal information databases, prediction of urban expansion, and natural hazard modelling
(Cihlar and Jansen 2001; Sang et al. 2014; Otukei and Blaschke 2010; Lu et al. 2011).
Remote sensing is used to determine LULC with a proper data source and classification
approach. The most common technique for LULC mapping is image classification, which
is a complicated process that considers several factors. The primary procedure in image
classification may include determination of a suitable classification system (Lu and Weng
2007), selection of training samples (Lu and Weng 2007), image pre-processing, feature
extraction, selection of suitable classification approaches, post-classification processing,
and accuracy assessment (Lu and Weng 2007).
Selecting a suitable classification algorithm is critical for achieving accurate LULC
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was evaluated. Their study determined that all fused images had a larger entropy value
than the original multispectral images. Therefore data fusion techniques enhanced the
spatial details, thereby allowing easy identification of the object. The BT image was
extremely dark, in which the ground features could hardly be identified. The HPF image
was exceedingly fuzzy and had a very poor visual effect. The IHS image lost certain
spectral information, IHS-wavelet method being better. The PCA method had some
spectral distortion because it did not extract a component representing the spatial
details from the image. Moreover, the PCA-wavelet technique performed better
than PCA.
SAR-optical data fusion is important for various applications for two main reasons.
First, the data from different parts of the spectrum provide complementary information
and often lead to increased classification accuracy. Second, the timeliness of using SAR
fills information gaps during overcast or hazy periods (Idi and Nejad 2013; Bakirman
et al. 2014; Rahman, Tetuko Sri Sumantyo, and Sadek 2010; Lu et al. 2011; Soria-Ruiz,
Fernandez-Ordonez, and Woodhouse 2010; Werner, Storie, and Storie 2014). Various
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studies have investigated the fusion of SAR and optical data to improve LULC classifica-
tion. Bakirman et al. (2014) explored the fusion and classification of SAR and optical data
for general LULC classification. In particular, that investigation evaluated several fusion
techniques such as BT, HSV, GS, and PCA. The results showed that the highest accuracy
was achieved by the fusion of GS and k-nearest-neighbour classification methods. In a
recent paper, Lu et al. (2011) explored the integration of Landsat thematic mapper (TM)
and SAR data for land-cover mapping in tropical regions, and examined several data
fusion techniques such as PCA, wavelet merging, HPF, and normalized multiplication
(NMM). Their study revealed that data fusion improved the performance of qualitative
analysis, and different polarizations (i.e. HH and HV) work similarly when adopted in the
data fusion process. Landsat TM provided significantly better result than individual SAR
imagery, and the combination of SAR and Landsat TM data did not change the overall
accuracy of LULC classification. The wavelet fusion technique improved the overall
accuracy of the classification by 3.3–5.7%. Moreover, the performance of HPF was the
same, but PCA and NMM reduced overall accuracy by 5.1–6.1%. Finally, their study
recommended the application of wavelet merging techniques in tropical regions. In
another paper, Rahman, Tetuko Sri Sumantyo, and Sadek (2010) concluded that IHS and
PCA performed better than BT and wavelet techniques. Their study also specified that BT
mostly distorted image contrast, while the wavelet technique lost SAR information when
microwave (SIR-C) and Landsat images were used. In vegetation cover mapping, SAR
and optical data are commonly fused because of their efficiency. Soria-Ruiz, Fernandez-
Ordonez, and Woodhouse (2010) assessed the advantages of combining SAR and optical
remote sensing in the production of more accurate LULC maps. Their result demon-
strated that the Landsat sensor must be used to classify crop types during critical crop
growth periods. The LULC classification of vegetated area could be improved with the
application of radar data.
From the aforementioned literature review, it is possible to see that many fusion
techniques have been proposed using optical and RADARSAT images by various scholars
around the world. However, several key questions remain unanswered: (1) Does incor-
porating RADARSAT-2 SAR data into the classification process improve the overall
accuracy of LULC classification? (2) What is the best image fusion technique for fusing
Landsat Operational Land Imager (OLI) panchromatic and multispectral images? (3) What
is the best classification algorithm for LULC mapping with Landsat OLI and RADARSAT-2
SAR data? In order to address these questions, the current research aimed to investigate
the integration of Landsat OLI with the RADARSAT-2 sensor, and to examine several
pixel-based classification techniques to propose a refined classification procedure for
LULC mapping especially suitable for tropical regions. The outcome of this research will
provide a useful contribution to both industry and researchers. The refined classification
is a useful classification tool that could be used for accurate LULC mapping. Researchers
can improve and extend the proposed methodology to work on different data sources
and regions.
(Figure 1), with geographical coordinates 3° 37′ 00″ N and 101° 2′ 30″ E. The selected
subset from the study area occupies an area of 359 km2, and the altitude ranges from 0
to 160 m above mean sea level. The land covers of the area are ocean, coastal land,
paddy field, forest, oil palm, uncultivated land, and grassland. Pasir Panjang was selected
as the study area because of its location in a tropical country (Malaysia). SAR data were
expected to be good supplementary data for optical images. The subset was considered
for exploration because the diversity of LULC can provide a reliable conclusion about
classification accuracy assessment.
Table 2. Characteristics of RADARSAT-2 and Landsat OLI data used in the study.
Dataset Parameter Characteristics
Landsat OLI Date Acquired 24 May 2014
Cloud Cover 2.49%
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2. Methodology
Critical possibilities of data combination and pre-processing should be tested to design
an appropriate methodology for LULC classification with Landsat OLI and RADARSAT-2
data. In this study, the Landsat data were atmospherically corrected via the dark object
subtraction method and were subsequently used to generate an LULC map for the study
area. Consequently, four fusion levels were adopted to produce four different LULC
maps. The first fusion level tested the quality of the map when only the fused Landsat
OLI data (the best fusion technique is analysed prior to use) were utilized. The second
fusion level evaluated the result of the classification when both the original SAR image
and Landsat OLI data were adopted. In the third fusion level, filtered SAR (the best filter
is analysed and then used) and Landsat OLI data were evaluated for LULC mapping. Last,
the combination of filtered SAR and fused Landsat OLI data was tested. Each fusion level
tested a method that could potentially be used. By applying the accuracy assessment
technique using the reference data collected from the 2014 Google map for this
purpose, the best method was then selected. The overall methodology of this study is
shown in Figure 2.
2.1. Pre-processing
High geometric accuracy between images is generally required to perform accurate
sensor fusion (Otukei, Blaschke, and Collins 2015). Ground control points (GCPs) were
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selected on clearly delineated plot corners. For the purpose of resampling, a second-
order transformation and nearest-neighbour resampling approaches were applied for
the transformation, in which the related root mean square error (RMSE) was 1.13 pixels.
The Landsat image was geometrically corrected based on selected ground points from
the Google map. Ten additional, regularly distributed GCPs were selected from different
parts of the image to correct the SAR image. A second-order transformation was also
used for the resampling process. A cubic resampling approach was applied as a resam-
pling technique, and the related RMSE was 1.28 pixels. Both Landsat and RADARSAT-2
data were then projected to UTM system Zone 47 N using the WGS84 reference
ellipsoid. Radiometric correction has proved to be an essential procedure in image
pre-processing because of the effects of sun illumination (Idi and Nejad 2013). Thus,
the Landsat multispectral (MS) and panchromatic (Pan) images were radiometrically
corrected, in which the digital numbers (DNs) of the raw image were converted into
meaningful radiance pixels. Dark object subtraction (Zhang et al. 2014) was performed
to correct the images for atmospheric conditions, and the SAR data were calibrated to
sigma-nought during radiometric correction (Lucas et al. 2014). The most important part
in SAR image pre-processing is the application of speckle reduction filters. These filters
are specially designed to reduce random noises in the SAR image. These noises are
caused by the coherent nature of radar waves, as well as by instructive and destructive
interferences. In this study, five filters (i.e. Lee, enhanced Lee, Frost, Kuan, and Gamma)
were first evaluated before the speckle reduction filter was selected. A subset of Landsat
and SAR images was generated based on the study area.
efficiency (Hong et al. 2014). Forest, local region, Lee sigma, and Gamma-map filters are
the most commonly used for reducing speckle in SAR images (Lu et al. 2011). A filter is
normally selected based on numerous factors, such as data source, application type,
image processing methods, and software availability. Apart from the selection of a
suitable filter, the kernel size of the selected filter is another important aspect that must
be considered in image pre-processing. Although the optimal methodology for selecting
a suitable filter type for speckle reduction has not been specified, the Lee filter is
observed to be widely used in the literature (Idi and Nejad 2013; Jacob and Ban 2014;
Lu et al. 2011; Werner, Storie, and Storie 2014; Li et al. 2012; Shang et al. 2009; Hong
et al. 2014). This filter is proven to be efficient because it preserves the edges important
for urban mapping, and it provides better smoothing while preserving the detail in the
image. In other words, a good speckle filter smooths noise in the homogeneous regions
of a SAR image while preserving the pixel values in its heterogeneous areas. This study
evaluated different types of speckle reduction filter (Figure 3) by testing their perfor-
mance via MLC applied for the integrated Landsat and SAR images.
Based on the accuracy assessment (Table 3) of the classified image via MLC, the SAR
image whose speckle was reduced via the enhanced Lee filter produced the best results.
Quantitative results of accuracy assessment revealed no significance difference between
the performance of speckle filters, and therefore qualitative examination was addition-
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ally performed. This additional examination confirmed that the 5 × 5 enhanced Lee filter
is the best filter for the data set used, and it was selected for further processing.
Figure 3. Different types of speckle filters applied to original SAR image. (a) 5 × 5 Lee filter, (b) raw
SAR data, (c) 5 × 5 Frost filter, (d) 5 × 5 enhanced Lee filter, (e) 5 × 5 Kuan filter, and (f) 5 × 5
Gamma filter.
where σi is the standard deviation in band i, and cj is the correlation coefficient between
any two bands.
In this study, three different fusion techniques (i.e. BT, GS, and modified HIS) were
used to fuse the multispectral and panchromatic bands of Landsat data. These
approaches were employed because of their popularity. SAR data were integrated
with Landsat data via layer stacking.
classification method was used because of its efficiency with low-spatial resolution
data (Taubenböck et al. 2012) . Such an approach was also employed because
adopting an object-based method in designing a methodology for different study
areas is exceedingly complicated. The rationale for this is the fact that object-based
method is subjected to the data source and scale of the study area as well as to other
factors. For that reason, the supervised classification method and four classification
algorithms were evaluated in this research; MD, MLC, SAM, and SVM were the
classification algorithms selected for this study.
Pc Pc
n i¼1 nij ni þ n þi
kappa coefficient ¼ P i¼1 ; (3)
n2 ci¼1 ni þ n þ i
where n is the total number of pixels, nij represents the total number of correctly
classified pixels, and ni is the number of instances, belonging to label (i), that have
been classified into label (j).
3. Results
3.1. Experiment 1: classification of Landsat OLI data
The confusion matrix approach is often used to evaluate LULC classification results.
This method provides a detailed assessment of the agreement between the classified
result and ground truth data, and it presents information on how misclassification
occurs among classes (Li et al. 2012). In the first experiment of this study, such a
matrix was used to evaluate the results of classification techniques applied for
Landsat OLI data. Atmospherically corrected Landsat data, which had a spatial resolu-
tion of 30 m, along with seven multispectral bands were used to produce an LULC
map for the study area. The mechanism of various classification algorithms was
investigated to determine how they work on the data used. Figure 4 shows the
results of LULC classification conducted with ENVI 5.1 software. MLC produced the
best result, both visually and statistically, with an OA of 98.48%. No significant
difference was observed between MLC and SVM algorithms, in which the difference
was 0.20%. However, the results revealed that the classification accuracy was reduced
below 93% when MD or SAM was used.
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Figure 4. LULC maps produced using different classifiers applied to Landsat OLI data. (a) Maximum
likelihood, (b) minimum distance, (c) spectral analysis mapper, and (d) support vector machine.
3.3. Experiment 3: classification of integrated fused Landsat OLI and filtered SAR data
The third experiment aimed to evaluate certain fusion algorithms and to confirm the
role of RADARSAT-2 data in improving LULC accuracy. The best filter type for speckle
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Figure 5. LULC maps produced using different classifiers applied to integrated Landsat OLI and SAR
data. (a) Maximum likelihood, (b) minimum distance, (c) support vector machine, (d) spectral angle
reduction was analysed in Section 2.1.1. A 5 × 5 enhanced Lee filter was determined as
the best type for the data used and study area. This filter was therefore adopted to filter
the RADARSAT-2 data before they were integrated with the fused Landsat images. BT,
modified IHS, and GS were evaluated, and the fused Landsat and filtered RADARSAT-2
data were used. Four classification techniques were again applied for evaluation.
Accordingly, GS was determined as the best fusion algorithm for Landsat data. GS
retained the spectral information and enhanced the spatial resolution. In terms of
classification algorithms, MLC performed better than the other techniques used in the
study. Figure 6 shows the results of image classification of the fusion and classification
techniques used.
4. Discussion
A comparison table was constructed based on the three experiments performed in this
study. The table specifically indicates the overall accuracy (OA) of the classifiers used in
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Figure 6. LULC maps produced using different classifiers and fusion techniques applied to fused
Landsat OLI data. (a) Maximum likelihood and Brovey fusion, (b) minimum distance and Brovey
fusion, (c) support vector machine and Brovey fusion, (d) spectral angle mapper and Brovey fusion,
(e) maximum likelihood and MIHS fusion, (f) minimum distance and MIHS fusion, (g) support vector
machine and MIHS fusion, (h) spectral angle mapper and MIHS fusion, (i) maximum likelihood and
Gram–Schmidt fusion, (j) minimum distance and Gram–Schmidt fusion, (k) support vector machine
and Gram–Schmidt fusion, and (l) spectral angle mapper and Gram–Schmidt fusion.
the study (Table 5). In the table, the highest OA was determined for each classifier
adopted in the classification process. The MD algorithm was determined to work best
when applied for Landsat data fused via the GS algorithm. MLC and SAM performed
extremely well when the enhanced Lee RADARSAT-2 data and fused Landsat with GS
algorithm were used. The results also showed that SVM produced the highest classifica-
tion accuracy when the original SAR or enhanced Lee filtered SAR data were integrated
with Landsat images. In general, MLC performed exceedingly well with most data sets
used in the classification process. SVM produced better results than MLC only when the
Landsat data, which were fused with the modified IHS algorithm and enhanced Lee SAR
as well as with the modified IHS technique, were used in the classification process. The
highest OA was achieved when MLC was applied to the enhanced Lee SAR and fused
Landsat with the GS algorithm data set. These results indicate that SAR data play a role
Table 5. Classification accuracy assessment of different data fusion methods used in the current
study (all values shown are percentages).
Landsat DOS 90.87 98.48 92.96 98.28
Brovey Landsat DOS 95.46 98.00 93.49 97.60
Gram–Schmidt (GS) Landsat DOS 94.78 98.31 94.09 98.03
MIHS Landsat DOS 91.53 97.10 92.38 97.53
Original SAR Landsat DOS 91.31 98.47 93.98 98.35
Enhanced Lee SAR Landsat DOS 91.42 98.49 93.35 98.35
Enhanced Lee SAR Brovey Landsat DOS 83.64 98.03 81.26 97.69
Enhanced Lee SAR MIHS Landsat DOS 92.30 97.07 89.75 97.40
Enhanced Lee SAR GS Landsat DOS 95.29 98.62 95.55 98.10
Table 6. Classification accuracy assessment of different fusion techniques and classifiers used in the
current study.
User’s accuracy (%)
Data set/Method Ocean Grassland Forest Uncultivated Land Oil Palm Paddy Field Coastal Land
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in improving LULC classification accuracy, in which the majority of the highest overall
accuracies were observed when SAR data were integrated with Landsat data.
Furthermore, the user’s accuracy obtained in the classification process was ana-
lysed. This investigation aimed to identify where SAR data have a more significant
role and which combination is optimal for each LULC type. Table 6 reveals that the
ocean class was identified with higher user’s accuracy using MLC and SVM algorithms.
The most suitable data fusion/integration for ocean classification was determined as
the GS and BT techniques. Regarding grassland classification, MLC and SVM were
found to be more appropriate yet again. However, the modified IHS fusion technique
was not satisfactory even when MLC was used. In terms of forest classification, MLC
and GS techniques produced remarkably better accuracy than the others.
Uncultivated land was accurately classified with most techniques applied, except
when the SAM classifier and modified IHS/GS fusion algorithms were adopted in
the classification process. The accuracy assessment of oil palm classification showed
that MLC and GS produced higher accuracy than the other methods used. The
classification of paddy field revealed that GS and SAM were more suitable than the
other methods. Lastly, for the classification of coastal lands, all classification techni-
ques and fusion algorithms produced extremely high user’s accuracy. This analysis
confirms that the GS fusion algorithm, as well as the MLC and SVM classification
techniques, are more suitable than the other methods investigated for LULC classifi-
cation with Landsat OLI and RADARSAT-2 data.
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The technique/algorithm, which showed the best performance based on the analysis
of the results, was used to produce the optimal LULC map for the study area. Figure 7
indicates the LULC map of the study area with an OA of 98.62%. This map was generated
using MLC applied for the fused Landsat data with SAR imagery, where the Landsat
multispectral and panchromatic data fused by the GS fusion method and SAR image
were filtered using the enhanced Lee technique with a filter size of 5 × 5. The refined
classification procedure is shown in Figure 8.
5. Conclusion
This study investigated the use of Landsat OLI and RADARSAT-2 remote-sensing data for
general LULC mapping in tropical regions. The enhanced Lee filter with a kernel size of 5 × 5
was determined as the best filter type for reducing speckle in RADARSAT-2 data. The study
also revealed that SAR data can improve the accuracy of LULC classification when integrated
with Landsat data, particularly when MLC is used. Regarding image fusion, the most appro-
priate fusion technique was determined to be GS for Landsat OLI data and the study area.
Based on these results, a classification procedure for more accurate LULC mapping in tropical
regions is proposed. The refined classification methodology proposed in this study could be
replicated for other tropical regions. Thus, related industries and government organizations
could benefit by using this method as a classification tool. This study recommends that active
and optical data integration for LULC mapping in tropical regions must be further investi-
gated. Object-based classification methods must also be compared to pixel-based classifica-
tion methods with higher-spatial resolution images, such as SPOT, IKONOS, and worldview-3.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
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Figure 8. Refined classification procedure for Landsat OLI and RADARSAT-2 data.
Biswajeet Pradhan http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9863-2054
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