Grade 5 DLL ENGLISH 5 Q3 Week 2
Grade 5 DLL ENGLISH 5 Q3 Week 2
Grade 5 DLL ENGLISH 5 Q3 Week 2
Teaching Dates and Time FEBRUARY 20-24, 2023 (WEEK 2) Quarter III
listens critically to different text types; listens critically to different text types; listens critically to different listens critically to different text
expresses ideas logically in oral and expresses ideas logically in oral and text types; expresses ideas types; expresses ideas logically
written forms; needs. written forms; needs. logically in oral and written in oral and written forms; needs.
forms; needs.
B. Performance Standards The learner... The learner... The learner... The learner...
demonstrates interest in reading to demonstrates interest in reading to demonstrates interest in demonstrates interest in reading
meet various meet various reading to meet various to meet various
C. Learning EN5LC-IIIc-2.15 EN5LC-IIIc-2.15 EN5V-IIIb-20.3 EN5V-IIIb-20.3
Competencies/Objectives Provide evidence to support Provide evidence to support Infer the meaning of Infer the meaning of
Write the LC code for each understanding understanding unfamiliar words unfamiliar words (compound,
(compound, affixed) based affixed) based on
on EN5V-IIIb-20.4
EN5V-IIIb-20.4 given context clues
given context clues (Synonyms
(Synonyms Antonyms
Antonyms word parts) and
word parts) and EN5V-IIIb-20.5
EN5V-IIIb-20.5 other strategies
other strategies
II. CONTENT Identifying Conclusions ( Listening) Identifying Conclusions ( Listening) Inferring the meaning of Inferring the meaning of
unfamiliar words (affixes) unfamiliar words (affixes)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Lesson Guide in English 5 pp. 22-25 Lesson Guide in English 5 pp. 22-25 Lesson Guide in English 5 pp. Lesson Guide in English 5 pp.
105-108 105-108
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages EN5LC-IIIb-2.15 EN5LC-IIIb-2.15 Developing Reading Power 5 Developing Reading Power 5 pp.
pp. 1-10 1-10
EN5V-IIIb-20.3 EN5V-IIIb-20.3
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources news clippings, pictures, charts, copy of news clippings, pictures, charts, copy of chart, drawings, meta cards, chart, drawings, meta cards,
song song pentel pen pentel pen
A. Reviewing previous Introduce to the pupils an action song. Introduce to the pupils an action song. The teacher will provide The teacher will provide meta
lesson or presenting the
“Every single cell of my body is happy “Every single cell of my body is happy meta cards in which the cards in which the pupils must
new lesson
Every single cell of my body is well. (2x) Every single cell of my body is well. (2x) pupils must form complete form complete words with three
Thank you Lord, I feel so good Thank you Lord, I feel so good words with three cards: a cards: a prefix, a root word, and
Every single cell of my body is well. Every single cell of my body is well. (2x)” prefix, a root word, and a a suffix.
(2x)” suffix.
B. Establishing a purpose for Identify conclusions to situations Identify conclusions to situations Infer the meaning of Infer the meaning of unfamiliar
the lesson unfamiliar words (affixes) words (affixes)
C. Presenting Read aloud the situation below to the Read aloud the situation below to the The teacher will provide The teacher will provide words
examples/instances of the
pupils. Let them answer each question pupils. Let them answer each question words and ask the pupils to and ask the pupils to group
new lesson
about the paragraph. about the paragraph. group those having the suffix those having the suffix or prefix.
or prefix.
The LRT is considered safe to ride. But The LRT is considered safe to ride. But as
as the saying goes, “accidents happen the saying goes, “accidents happen
when least expected”. Most often, the when least expected”. Most often, the
commuters themselves fail to follow commuters themselves fail to follow
regulation or heed warnings. Their regulation or heed warnings. Their being
being unmindful of the precautions unmindful of the precautions causes
causes them harm or even death. them harm or even death.
1. What kind of accidents 1. What kind of accidents usually
usually happen to commuters happen to commuters of LRT?
of LRT? – Stampede, got – Stampede, got caught by a
caught by a closing door closing door
2. How can we avoid getting 2. How can we avoid getting hurt
hurt or meeting an accident or meeting an accident on the
on the LRT? – Follow rules LRT? – Follow rules and
and regulations being regulations being imposed.
imposed. 3. What safety precautions
3. What safety precautions should be observed? – Do not
should be observed? – Do not lean on the door, do not push
lean on the door, do not push one another, wait for you turn
one another, wait for you turn at the ticket booth
at the ticket booth Note: Let them answer in paragraph
Note: Let them answer in paragraph form to be able to draw conclusions.
form to be able to draw conclusions.
D. Discussing new concepts and The teacher will ask the pupils to draw The teacher will ask the pupils to draw a The teacher will discuss the The teacher will discuss the use
practicing new skills #1
a conclusion from these situations conclusion from these situations use and meaning of each and meaning of each suffix and
suffix and prefix prefix
Mrs. Lobres frown at the children and Mrs. Lobres frown at the children and
pointed at the stove. “Look at that! The pointed at the stove. “Look at that! The
whole pot of adobo was full, but now whole pot of adobo was full, but now
almost half of it has been eaten.” almost half of it has been eaten.”
Vashni and Vincent kept their eyes Vashni and Vincent kept their eyes firmly
firmly glued to the floor. They did not glued to the floor. They did not say a
say a word. word.
1. What do you think happened 1. What do you think happened
to the adobo? to the adobo?
2. Experience clues 2. Experience clues
*Conclusion – a statement *Conclusion – a statement
readers make after reading a readers make after reading a
passage or a story. To draw a passage or a story. To draw a
conclusion, use story clues conclusion, use story clues and
and your experience to figure your experience to figure out
out things that were not things that were not stated in
stated in the story. the story.
E. Discussing new concepts and Group Activity Group Activity The pupils will make new The pupils will make new words
practicing new skills #2
1. The pupils will form 5 groups 1. The pupils will form 5 groups words by adding prefix and by adding prefix and suffix to the
2. The teacher will explain the 2. The teacher will explain the suffix to the base. They will base. They will write the new
directions of the activity directions of the activity write the new word on the word on the meta card.
3. Each group will be given a 3. Each group will be given a meta card. Please refer to LM Week 2-Day
situation. situation. Please refer to LM Week 2- 2(Learn Some More)
4. From the situation, the group 4. From the situation, the group Day 2(Learn Some More)
will give their conclusion. will give their conclusion.
What do you think the eight people are What do you think the eight people are
doing? doing?
2. Lucy was furious about her spelling 2. Lucy was furious about her spelling
grade. She kicked her desk and ran out grade. She kicked her desk and ran out
of the classroom. of the classroom.
Why does the author use the word Why does the author use the word
furious instead of mad in the example furious instead of mad in the example
above? above?
a. Furious is a fancier word than a.Furious is a fancier word than mad.
mad. b.Lucy was really upset.
b. Lucy was really upset. c.Lucy wasn't that mad after all.
c. Lucy wasn't that mad after all. d.Lucy was going home.
d. Lucy was going home. 3. Yoshi was in her room reading a book.
3. Yoshi was in her room reading a Her mom called her to come downstairs
book. Her mom called her to come and help. As Yoshi entered the kitchen,
downstairs and help. As Yoshi entered her mom handed her a pile of plates.
the kitchen, her mom handed her a pile Yoshi put them on the table and went to
of plates. Yoshi put them on the table get the silverware and glasses.
and went to get the silverware and
glasses. You can conclude that it is _________. .
You can conclude that it is _________. . b.bedtime
a. dinnertime c.time for school
b. bedtime
c. time for school
G. Finding practical applications Group Activity Group Activity The teacher will call 5 pupils. The teacher will call 5 pupils.
of concepts and skills in daily
Each pupil will give at least 3 Each pupil will give at least 3
words with affixes and use words with affixes and use those
those in a sentence. in a sentence.
H. Making generalizations and What do you consider when drawing What do you consider when drawing What are affixes? What are affixes?
abstractions about the lesson
conclusion to the given situation? conclusion to the given situation?
I. Evaluating learning Directions: Let the pupils listen to the Directions: Let the pupils listen to the Encircle the affixes used in Encircle the affixes used in the
the sentences. sentences.
selection. Let them identify the story selection. Let them identify the story
clues that will help them give the clues that will help them give the
conclusion. conclusion.
Julio and his father had been Julio and his father had been
looking forward to their fishing trip for looking forward to their fishing trip for
weeks. They didn't take much food with weeks. They didn't take much food with
them on the trip. When they started them on the trip. When they started
fishing they were quickly approached fishing they were quickly approached by
by a forest ranger. He asked Julio's a forest ranger. He asked Julio's father if
father if he had a fishing license. Julio's he had a fishing license. Julio's father
father reached into his wallet and reached into his wallet and suddenly
suddenly got a terrified look on his face. Julio was
got a terrified look on his face. Julio was disappointed that night as he ate dinner.
disappointed that night as he ate
dinner. 1.Why did Julio and his father not take
much food with them on the trip?
1.Why did Julio and his father not take a. they didn't want to eat too much
much food with them on the trip? b. they didn't have any food at their
a. they didn't want to eat too much house
b. they didn't have any food at their c. they were planning on eating the fish
house that they caught
c. they were planning on eating the fish d. they don't like to eat fish
that they caught 2. Which of the following is a conclusion
d. they don't like to eat fish that can be drawn about the story?
2. Which of the following is a a. Julio was disappointed at dinner
conclusion that can be drawn about the because he was hoping to have fish for
story? dinner.
a. Julio was disappointed at dinner b. Julio's mother doesn't like fish
because he was hoping to have fish for c. It takes a long time to catch fish
dinner. d. Julio's father is a better fisherman
b. Julio's mother doesn't like fish than Julio
c. It takes a long time to catch fish
d. Julio's father is a better fisherman
than Julio
J. Additional activities for Refer to LM _______. Refer to LM _______. Write 5 sentences with 5 Write 5 sentences with 5 affixes.
application or remediation affixes.
Prepared by:
Adviser/ Teacher I NOTED:
School Principal I