Indonesian Journal of Chemical Research
Indonesian Journal of Chemical Research
Indonesian Journal of Chemical Research
glycosylated phenolics (Verotta, 2001). Pelawan obtain a thick extract. The extract and the three
leaves contain secondary metabolites such as fractions were subjected to FT-IR analysis to
alkaloids, phenol, hydroquinones/tannins, and determine the functional groups in the extract.
flavonoids. Another study found that the total
phenolic content in pelawan leaves was 215.22 mg Antioxidant Testing
GAE/g dry extract and had a strong antioxidant This antioxidant test was carried out based on the
activity with an IC50 value of 22.1454 μg/mL DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) method. First,
(Roanisca, Mahardika, & Sari, 2019; Souhoka, Hattu, a test solution was prepared by weighing each
& Huliselan, 2019)). The research above shows that pelawan stem extract from each solvent as much as
pelawan plants can be a source of antioxidants. 0.005 g dissolved in 50 mL methanol to obtain a
Various studies have been conducted to concentration of 100 ppm. The solution is then
determine plant stems and leaves' antioxidant activity pipetted as much as 0.1; 0.5; 1, 2, and 5 mL and
and toxicity. Based on the results of research on diluted in a 10 mL volumetric flask. Then each of
extracts of karamunting (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa), it these solutions was put into a test tube of 1 mL and
is known that the stems have a lower toxicity value of added 2 mL of methanol, and 1 mL of DPPH (0.005
>500 ppm compared to the leaves of 43.38 ppm. gram in 50 mL of methanol). Then prepare the test
However, for antioxidant activity in stems and leaves tube again for the blank solution, 3 mL of methanol
(Rhodomyrtus tomentosa), both have strong added 1 mL of DPPH. Each solution and blank was
antioxidants with IC50 values of 6-50 ppm (Kusuma, stirred using a vortex for 30 seconds and incubated for
Ainiyati, & Suwinarti, 2016)\. This study showed that 30 minutes at 37oC. After that, the solution and blank
stems have high antioxidant activity with lower were tested using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer at 515
toxicity than leaves. In addition, the choice of solvent nm (Mahardika & Roanisca, 2018; Mahardika,
is important in extracting the active components in Roanisca, & Sari, 2020; Fadiyah, Lestari, &
plants. Therefore this study aims to determine the Mahardika, 2020)).
antioxidant activity of extracts and fractions of
Pelawan stem extract (T. merguensis Grifft.) RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
The Pelawan stems refine using a wood-crushing
METHODOLOGY machine and a blender (Heriani, Sari, & Oktasari,
Materials 2021). In general, extraction is divided into two:
The tools used in this study were measuring single and multilevel. Single extraction can be carried
cups, beaker glasses, Erlenmeyer, dropper pipettes, out using only one solvent, whereas, in multilevel
volume pipettes, test tubes, filter paper, stirring rods, extraction, two or more solvents are used. Stratified
vials, measuring flasks, aluminum foil, vortex, extraction will produce certain compounds extracted
analytical balance, rotary evaporator IKA RV 10 and specifically for each solvent used.
a Shimadzu UV-1800 UV-Vis spectrophotometer, and In contrast, single extraction produces the
an FTIR spectrophotometer. At the same time, the extracted compounds, total extracts that can be
materials used in this study were Pelawan stem extracted with solvents. The solvent used in
Simplicia, technical methanol, technical n-hexane, multilevel extraction uses solvents with different
technical ethyl acetate, distilled water, acetone, 2 N polarity levels. Non-polar solvents can extract
hydrochloric acid, Wagner reagent, Meyer reagent, terpenoid groups, including triterpenoid compounds,
magnesium metal powder, amyl alcohol (a mixture of steroids, and saponins, while polar solvents will
hydrochloric acid 37% and 95% ethanol), ethanol, extract compounds such as alkaloids and phenolic
chloroform, glacial acetic acid, sulfuric acid, 1% groups, including flavonoids and tannins (Gong et al.,
ferric chloride, DPPH (Sigma). 2016). In comparison, semi-polar solvents will attract
compounds such as flavonoids, terpenoids, aglycones,
Extraction and glycosides (Harborne, 1987).
The Pelawan stems fine powder was taken 250 The Pelawan stem maceration using multilevel
grams and then macerated using three solvents,
extraction method. Multilevel extraction was done by
including n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol. 2500 sequentially soaking the sample in different solvents,
mL of each solvent was used, and Pelawan stem
starting from non-polar, semi-polar, and polar
extract from each solvent was macerated for 3 x 24 solvents. The solvents used in the extraction of
hours. Then the filtrate obtained from each solvent Pelawan stems are solvents with increasing polarity,
will then be concentrated using a rotary evaporator to
namely n-hexane (non-polar), ethyl acetate (semi-
polar), and methanol (polar). The first maceration was and saponins. The phenolic group, including
done by soaking Pelawan stem simplicial powder in flavonoids and tannins, and the alkaloid group is an
n-hexane solvent for 3x24 hours. The filtrate is alkaline secondary metabolite compound containing
separated by filtering, while the dregs are macerated one or more nitrogen atoms and usually in a
again with ethyl acetate solvent, and then separation is heterocyclic ring.
carried out again. The same treatment is for methanol FT-IR analysis was carried out to determine the
solvent. All the extracts were then concentrated using functional groups in the Pelawan stem extract as
a rotary evaporator to evaporate the solvent to indicated by the presence of absorption at certain
produce a thick extract. The yield of the Pelawan stem wave numbers by giving different absorptions to each
extract with n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol sample. The FTIR results can be seen in Figure 1.
solvents were 4.232; 3.0917; and 9.7145 grams with a Based on the FTIR results of the Pelawan stem
yield percentage of 1.69; 1.56; and 3.88%. These data extract, the results were analyzed for wave numbers
indicate that the highest extract yield is methanol. It is with functional groups, which are presented in Table
because the active compounds contained in pelawan 2.The results of functional group analysis of Pelawan
stems are polar. stem extract using FTIR spectrophotometry found a
Phytochemical identification was carried out broad absorption at wave numbers 3000-3600 cm-1,
qualitatively on Pelawan stem extract. The results of which indicated the presence of O–H groups. The
identifying secondary metabolites of Pelawan stem stretching C-H group is in the range of 2850-2960
extract are shown in Table 1. The results of the cm-1. The C=O stretch ranges from 1700-1780 cm-1.
phytochemical tests showed that Pelawan stem extract the C=C group stretches 1500-1680 cm-1, the C-H
in each solvent was positive, containing phenolic groups bending 1350-1470 cm-1. The C-O group
compounds and flavonoids. At the same time, the ranges from 1060-1300 cm-1. At the same time, C-H
negative results on the test are alkaloids, steroids, and is aromatic was found at wave numbers 675-995 cm-1.
saponins. Tests on pelawan leaves have been carried Based on the results of functional groups that have
out by Enggiwanto, Istiqomah, Daniati, Roanisca, & been analyzed, pelawan stem extract from n-hexane,
Mahardika, (2018), where the Pelawan leaves were ethyl acetate, and solvents have the C=O functional
positive for alkaloid, flavonoid and phenolic group, which indicates that pelawan stem extract
secondary metabolite compounds. Based on the contains flavonoid compounds and is also supported
biosynthesis of secondary metabolites in plants, they by the presence of O-H groups found in wave
are divided into three main groups: the terpenoid numbers 3000-3600 cm-1,
group, including triterpenoid compounds, steroids,
C=C aromatic at 1500-1680 cm-1, C-O at wave differences in the functional groups found in Pelawan,
number 1060-1300 cm-1 as well as the results of the Pelawan leaves do not have C-H stretch groups which
analysis of pelawan stem extract also contains are in the range of wave numbers 2850-2960 cm-1,
phenolic as indicated by the presence of O-H groups and Pelawan stem extract does not there is a C-H
found at wave numbers 3000-3600 cm-1, C-H at wave group (CH2 (methylene) which is present in wave
numbers 2850-2960 cm-1, C=C aromatic at 1500-1680 number 1450 cm-1 and the aromatic C-H group in the
cm-1, and C-O at wave numbers 1060-1300 cm-1. methanol extract of pelawan stem which is present in
Based on previous research on Pelawan leaves by the absorption wave number between 675-995 cm-1.
Samsiar, Mahardika, & Roanisca, (2021) showed