Phy2 11 - 12 Q3 01 PT FD

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Performance Task.   

General Physics 2 
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics   

Performance Task 1 
Electroscope as an Ionizing Radiation Detector  


21st-Century Skills 

The  groups  are  assigned  to  construct  an  Ionizing   

Radiation  Detector.  The  materials  for  creating  the   
detector  are  readily  available  at  home.  A  maximum of 
two  sessions  can  be  used  in  the  creation  of  the   

detector  including  the  testing.  For  the  testing  part,  an 

ionized  material  will  be  put  near  the  detector  and  it 
will  readily  indicate  the  presence  of  a  charged  object. 
The students will be graded using a rubric. 

In a group, the following will be your roles: 
● Nuclear Physicists to provide the source of a nearby ionized/charged object, 
  ● Electrical Engineers to design the electroscope as an ionizing radiation detector, and 
● Quality Assurance Engineers to test the effectiveness of the detector.  
Your audience can be your classmates, teachers, or family members at home. 

Imagine  that  you  are  living  in  a  place  situated near a nuclear power plant. The power plant 
suddenly  experiences  a  system  failure  and  spreads  deadly  nuclear  radiation  throughout 
the  entire  area.  Because  the  government  does  not  want  the  neighboring  areas  to  know of 
the  catastrophe  and  cause  massive  panic,  the  area  is  put  in  lockdown.  You  need  to  know 
immediately  if  your  location  is  far  enough  to  be  considered  safe  from  the  explosion.  You 
need  a  device  to  detect  nuclear  radiation  in  the  air.  Normally,  nuclear  physicists  use  a 
device  known  as  the  Geiger  counter  to  measure  the  amount  of  radiation.  Having  been 

Performance Task 1. Electroscope as an Ionizing Radiation Detector   1 

Performance Task.   

General Physics 2 
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics   
locked  down  in  your  area,  you  cannot  find  any  Geiger  counter  nearby.  Using  the  supplies 
readily available in your home, can you determine if your place is safe? 

  Product, Performance, and Purpose 

● Product:  Design  an  electroscope  to  detect  the  presence  of  a  charged  object  in  a 
nearby  region.  The  sketch  of  the  design  must  be  submitted  to  the  teacher  before 
testing.  The  sketch  should  include  the  materials  needed  for  the  construction  and 
demonstration. The suggested materials needed here are: 
○ glass container with covering 
○ copper wire 
○ electric tapes 
○ aluminum foils 
○ scissors  
○ PVC pipe 
○ silk scarf 
● Performance:  The  electroscope  should  be  tested  with the charged PVC pipe. Since a 
radioactive  object  is  dangerous  to handle, the charged PVC will act as the air ionized 
by  the radiation from the power plant explosion. You should be able to observe how 
the electroscope responds to a presence of a charged object. 
● Purpose:  The  materials  listed  above  can  be  modified  further.  They  should  all  be 
recyclable and not exceed ₱200 

  Standards and Criteria 

Table 1.1. Product criteria 

Criteria  Below  Needs  Meets  Exceeds 

expectations  improvement   expectations  expectations  
1  2  3  4 

Plan (20%)  The plan  The plan  The plan is neat  The plan is neat 
The plan is  includes  includes  and includes  and includes 
detailed and  measurements.  measurements.  measurements.  measurements. 
accurate.   The materials  The materials  The materials  The prices of 
are stated, but  are stated, but  are stated, and  the materials 
there is no  the parts are  parts are  are included, 

Performance Task 1. Electroscope as an Ionizing Radiation Detector   2 

Performance Task.   

General Physics 2 
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics   

label for the  not properly  labeled  and there are 

parts.  labeled.  properly.  proper labels 
for the parts.  

Sturdiness  The structure is  The structure is  The prototype  The prototype 
(30%)  weak and is not  somehow  structure is  structure is 
The prototype is  working.  sturdy and is  strong and is  strong and is 
sturdy enough to  not working  working  working 
be used.  properly.  properly.  exceptionally 
on different 

Product  The  The  The  The 

Execution  electroscope  electroscope  electroscope is  electroscope is 
(30%)  cannot detect  can sometimes  working  working 
The prototype  the presence of  detect the  properly in the  properly in the 
was able to  a charged  presence of a  presence of a  presence of a 
perform all tests  object.  charged object.  charged object.  charged object 
and explanations 
      even at a 
relatively far 

Aesthetic  The  The  The  The 

Appearance  electroscope is  electroscope is  electroscope is  electroscope is 
(20%)  not visually  engaging.  visually  visually 
The prototype’s  appealing.  Some parts of  stimulating,  stimulating, 
appearance is  Many details  the  engaging, and  interesting, 
neat and  need to be r  construction  neat.  engaging, and 
pleasant to the 
are not refined.  very neat. The 
aluminum leaf 
is smoothly cut. 


Performance Task 1. Electroscope as an Ionizing Radiation Detector   3 

Performance Task.   

General Physics 2 
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics   
Table 1.2. Rubric for the integration of 21st-century skills 

Criteria  Below  Needs  Meets  Exceeds 

expectations  improvement   expectations  expectations  
1  2  3  4 

Resourcefuln No recycled  Few parts of  The materials  Recyclable 

ess (30%)  materials were  the project  used in the  materials were 
Recyclable  used.   were recycled.   project were  effectively used 
materials were  mostly  in producing 
effectively used.  recyclable  the output. 

Teamwork  Only one  Some of the  Members in  Members in 

(30%)  person made  members in  the group  the group 
All members of  most of the  the group  equally  exemplary 
the group were  task with  contributed to  contributed to  contributed to 
involved in the  misbehaviors  the planning  the planning  the planning 
observed by  and  and  and 
the whole class  constructing  constructing  constructing 
the prototype  the prototype  the prototype 
while exhibiting  while being in  while being in 
a fair behavior.  their best  their best 
behavior.  behavior. 

Creativity  The plan and  The plan and  The plan and  The plan and 
and  prototype are  prototype have  prototype are  prototype are 
Innovation   similar to a  similar  original, yet  original and are 
(40%)  source.  elements as  there is an  very different 
Plan is creatively  that of another  element of  from the 
done and is  group.  similarity with  design of the 
original.   that of other  other groups. 


Performance Task 1. Electroscope as an Ionizing Radiation Detector   4 

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