2022 - Pengcheng Du
2022 - Pengcheng Du
2022 - Pengcheng Du
E N E R G Y Mmaterials
State Key Laboratory of Applied Organic Chemistry and Institute of Polymer Science and Engineering, College of Chemistry and
Chemical Engineering, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, People’s Republic of China
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Yantai University, Yantai 264005, People’s Republic of China
State Key Laboratory of Grassland Agro-Ecosystems, Institute of Innovation Ecology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000,
People’s Republic of China
3498 J Mater Sci (2022) 57:3497–3512
diluted KMnO4 solution. The depositing process of Preparation of MnO2-modified ACC (ACC-
MnO2 was monitored by SEM, XPS, Raman spectra MnO2)
and electrochemical measurement. As a result, the
uniform MnO2-modified ACC electrode (ACC- MnO2 can deposit on the surface of ACC via a self-
MnO2) exhibits an optimal areal capacitance of limiting electroless deposition process. The precursor
423.7 mF/cm2 at 0.5 mA/cm2 and also reveals solution was mixed with an equal volume of 0.1 M
excellent cycle stability. Moreover, the FQSASCs are KMnO4 and 1 M Na2SO4 solution. Then one piece of
assembled based on ACC-MnO2 and ACC, which ACC was immersed in the solution for a set time to
possess an extended voltage up to 2.0 V, deliver deposit MnO2 on the surface of ACC. Then, the target
excellent energy density (0.78 mWh/cm3) and largest products were washed with DI-water several times
power density (71.86 mW/cm3), and also exhibit and then dried in an oven.
superior mechanical properties (keeping about 100%
of its initial capacitance after bending at 180° for 500 Assembly of flexible quasi-solid-state
cycles). asymmetric supercapacitors (FQSASCs)
based on ACC-MnO2 and ACC
The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was respectively. Figure 3d shows that the high-resolu-
used to test the electronic state of CC, ACC and ACC- tion Mn 2p spectrum is fitted to two peaks at 642.5 eV
MnO2-2 h, and the chemical composition of ACC- and 654.6 eV assigned to Mn 2p3/2 and Mn 2p1/2
MnO2-2 h. The survey spectra are shown in Fig. 3. energy levels of Mn element, which are correspond-
The ACC exhibits C, N and O elements (Fig. 3a). ing to Mn4? two oxidation states (Fig. 3e) [27, 37]. In
Furthermore, the high-resolution C 1s peak of ACC is addition, an identifiable narrow peak at the top of the
fitted into four peaks of C–C (28.7 eV), C–N Mn 2p3/2 peak also demonstrates the MnO2 state [38].
(281.6 eV), C–O (282.5 eV) and C = O (283.4 eV) This evidence confirms the successful preparation of
groups, respectively (Fig. 3b). The high-resolution N the MnO2-modified flexible electrode material.
1s spectrum consists of three peaks at 395.2 eV (– Furthermore, the specific surface area and pore size
N =), 396.1 eV (–NH–) and 397.2 eV (–N?–), respec- of CC, ACC and ACC-MnO2-2 h were performed by
tively (Fig. 3c). Furthermore, the presence of four BET measurement, and the results are presented in
elements (Mn, C, O and Na) proves that absence of Fig. S3 and Table S1. The specific surface area of ACC
other impurities is presented on the surface of ACC- is 0.24 m2/g, which is higher than the CC due to the
MnO2-2 h. The C element signal is attributed to ACC, surface activation. After the MnO2 is deposited on the
and Na signals come from Na2SO4 precursor, surface of ACC, the specific surface area of ACC-
3502 J Mater Sci (2022) 57:3497–3512
MnO2-2 h increases to 0.38 m2/g. The pore size of and b illustrates the CV curves and GCD curves of
ACC-MnO2-2 h is 18.57 nm obtained from the pore the as-prepared electrodes (ACC, ACC-MnO2-1 h,
size distribution curve through the BJH method ACC-MnO2-1.5 h, ACC-MnO2-2 h and ACC-MnO2-
(Table S1). The introduction of nanoscale MnO2 can 2.5 h, respectively). The electrode of ACC-MnO2-2 h
improve the specific surface area and enhance the exhibits the largest integral area (Fig. 5a) and longest
capacitive property. In addition, Raman spectrums discharge time on one cycle test (Fig. 5b) indicating
were used to estimate the graphitization and lattice the optimal electrochemical performance and perfect
structure of the CC, oxidized CC and ACC, respec- reaction time of ACC-MnO2-2 h. Otherwise, CV
tively. The G band associated with the i2g mode of curves of all ACC-MnO2 electrodes show a larger
graphite is centered at * 1598 cm-1, and the D band area than the ACC, which means that the introduc-
corresponding to the defect-induced mode is pre- tion of MnO2 can improve the capacitance perfor-
sented * 1356 cm-1 [20, 39, 40] as shown in Fig. 4. mance of the flexible electrode. Figure 5c presents CV
Oxidized CC shows a broader characteristic D-band curves of ACC-MnO2-2 h scanned from 5 to 100 mV/
than that of the CC, indicating an increased surface s, and the rectangular CV curves reveal the fast,
disorder induced by the chemical oxidation treat- reversible successive surface redox reactions of the
ment. The peak intensity ratios (ID/IG) based on CC, deposited MnO2 on ACC. Figure 5d shows the GCD
oxidized CC and ACC are calculated to about 0.84, curves of ACC-MnO2-2 h from 0.5 to 20 mA/cm2,
1.91, and 1.78, respectively. The increasing of ID/IG and the areal capacitances (Ca) are obtained from the
indicates a higher degree of disorder of the oxidized GCD data (Fig. 5d and Fig. S4) according to Eq. 1
CC. (S1). As a result, the ACC-MnO2-2 h exhibits excel-
The electrochemical performance of all prepared lent electrochemical performance and the Ca reaches
electrodes was performed to evaluate the perfor- 423.7 mF/cm2 at 0.5 mA/cm2 and 139 mF/cm2 at
mance through cyclic voltammetry (CV) and gal- 20 mA/cm2. In addition, the ACC-MnO2-2.5 h only
vanostatic charge–discharge (GCD) tests using shows 390 mF/cm2 at 0.5 mA/cm2 because of the
3-electrode system (Fig. 5a–d and Fig. S4). Figure 5a broken surfaces and more aggregate particles.
J Mater Sci (2022) 57:3497–3512 3503
Intensity (a.u.)
Intensity (a.u.)
MnO2. e Mn 2p spectrum of
0 200 400 600 800 290 288 286 284 282 280 278 276
Binding Energy (eV) Binding energy (eV)
(c) (d)
Mn 2p2/2
Intensity (a.u.)
Intensity (a.u.)
O 1s Mn 2p1/2
-NH- Mn 2s
C 1s
Mn 3p Na Auger
Mn 3s
404 402 400 398 396 394 392 390 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Binding energy (eV) Binding Energy (eV)
Mn 2p
Mn 2p3/2 (642.85 eV)
Intensity (a.u.)
Moreover, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy thicker uniform MnO2 layer which owns greater
(EIS) is an important parameter to evaluate the elec- resistance to ion/electron transport. Cycle stability is
trochemical behavior and the result is presented in one of the very important evaluation parameters, and
Fig. 5f. Compared with other flexible electrodes, the it is noted that the ACC-MnO2-2 h electrode main-
ACC-MnO2-2 h exhibits small equivalent series tains 85.4% of its initial capacitance at a scan rate of
resistance (ESR) indicating high conductivity. Addi- 100 mV/s after 5000 cycles. When the cycle number
tionally, the lower slope of the ACC-MnO2-2 h in the is extended to 10 000 cycles, the value of capacitance
low-frequency region (Fig. 5f) is caused by the retention also keeps 80.6% (Fig. 6a). The cycle
3504 J Mater Sci (2022) 57:3497–3512
ACC under different reaction 2
Current density (A)
2 mA/cm
0.01 5 mA/cm
modified ACC under different 10 mA/cm
0.00 0.6 15 mA/cm
reaction times. 20 mA/cm
5 mV/s 0.4
10 mV/s
-0.01 20 mV/s
50 mV/s 0.2
80 mV/s
100 mV/s
-0.02 0.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
500 40
100 10 ACC-MnO2-1.5h
0 0
0 4 8 12 16 20 0 10 20 30 40 50
Current density (mA/cm2) Z'/ohm
J Mater Sci (2022) 57:3497–3512 3505
a 120 b
Capacitance Retention (%)
0 0
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Cycle number Cycle numbers
Figure 6 a Cycle stability of ACC-MnO2-2 h at a scan rate of MnO2-2 h after 5000 cycles scanned at 100 mV/s d ACC-MnO2-
100 mV/s. b Cycle stability of ACC-MnO2-2 h at a current 2 h after 10 000 cycles scanned at 100 mV/s e.
density of 8 mA/cm2. SEM images of ACC-MnO2-2 h c ACC-
Figure 7a and Scheme 1 show the schematic dia- ASC with a ratio of 1:1.1 can be expanded to 2.0 V
gram of flexible quasi-solid-state asymmetric super- with no obvious polarization. However, there is an
capacitors (FQSASCs), which are assembled based on obvious polarization phenomenon when the voltage
the flexible positive electrode (ACC-MnO2-2 h), the increases to 2.1 V or 2.2 V (Fig. S6b). Furthermore, the
flexible negative electrode (ACC) and a gel electrolyte electrochemical performance of FQSASCs was eval-
(PVA-LiCl). The cyclic voltammetry (CV), galvanos- uated by CV and GCD tests. Figure 7c shows the CV
tatic charge–discharge (GCD) and cycle stability curves of FQSASCs with a potential range from 1.0 to
scanned at 100 mV/s for 10 000 cycles are used to 2.0 V scanned at 100 mV/s, and the results prove that
measure the electrochemical performance of ACC the potential of FQSASCs can reach as high as 2.0 V.
based on a 3-electrode system. The result is presented In addition, the GCD curves are performed from 1.0
in Fig. S4i-k, and ACC exhibits excellent cycle sta- to 2.0 V at a current density of 1 mA/cm2 shown in
bility with about 91.73% capacitance retention after Fig. 7d, which prove that the FQSASCs can also reach
10 000 cycles. Figure 7b presents the CV curves of a potential of 2.0 V. The detailed CV curves of
ACC-MnO2-2 h and ACC at a scan rate of 20 mV/s, FQSASCs were tested from 0 to 2.0 V at a scan rate
and the total voltage range is up to 2.0 V. In addition, from 5 to 500 mV/s (Fig. 7e). All of the CV curves
the ASCs based on the different ratios of positive display an approximately rectangular shape indicat-
electrode and negative electrode were measured and ing that the FQSASCs own a large operation window
the result is presented in Fig. S6a. Compared with as high as 2.0 V. Furthermore, the GCD curves
other ratios, the ASC based on the ratio of 1:1.1 (Fig. 7f) were performed from 0 to 2.0 V at a current
exhibits maximum integral area, meaning the optimal density from 0.5 to 20 mA/cm2. The energy density
electrochemical performance. The voltage ranges of and power density were calculated based on the GCD
3506 J Mater Sci (2022) 57:3497–3512
-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
Potential (V vs. SCE)
0-1.6 V
0-1.8 V
Voltage (V)
1.5 0-2.0 V
0-1 V
0-1.2 V
0-1.4 V
-0.004 0-1.6 V 0.5
0-1.8 V
-0.006 0-2.0 V
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0 100 200 300 400
Voltage (V) Time (s)
(e) (f)
0.020 2.5 2
0.5 mA/cm
0.015 0.75 mA/cm
2.0 1 mA/cm
Current density (A)
0.010 2 mA/cm
Voltage (V)
0.005 5 mA/cm
1.5 8 mA/cm
0.000 10 mA/cm
-0.005 1.0
40 102
30 101 Ref. 43
Ref. 23
FSSCs-ACC//ACC Ref. 44
Ref. 42
20 1 100
Ref. 20
10 10-1
6 8 10
0 10-2
0 20 40 60 80 100 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101
Z'/ohm Energy density (mWh/cm )
J Mater Sci (2022) 57:3497–3512 3507
b Figure 7 a Schematic illustration of the FQSASCs based on 0.011 mWh/cm3 with a power density of 19 mW/
ACC-MnO2-2 h as the positive electrode and ACC as the negative cm3) [43], FSSCs based on rGO-bridged multifunc-
electrode. b CV curves of ACC-MnO2-2 h with a potential range tional flexible fiber (0.61 mWh/cm3, 4.17 mW/cm3)
from 0 to 1.0 V and ACC with a potential range from -1.0 to 0 V [44].
at a scan rate of 20 mV/s. c CV curves of the FQSASCs with a
The result of electrochemical impedance spec-
voltage range from 1 to 2.0 V with the scan rate at 100 mV/s.
troscopy (EIS) (Fig. 7g) shows that the FQSASCs
d GCD curves of the FQSASCs with a voltage range from 1 to
2.0 V at a current density of 1 mA/cm2. e CV curves of the possess a small electrical conductivity. For instance,
FQSASCs with the scan rate from 5 mV/s to 500 mV/s. f GCD the equivalent series resistance (Rs), observed from
curves of the FQSASCs with the current density from 0.5 mA/cm2 the EIS, is 6.5 X. In addition, the small value of charge
to 10 mA/cm2. g Nyquist plots of FQSASCs, h Ragone plots transfer resistance (RCT) reveals that the FQSASCs
(power density vs energy density) of FQSASCs. have a relatively high-speed charge transfer ability.
Cycle stability of FQSASCs was characterized by 5000
times repetitive GCD testes under 10 mA/cm2, and
data according to Equations S2 and S3, and the Fig. 8a presents the results of cycle stability. As a
Region plot of FQSASCs was presented in Fig. 7h. As result, the capacitance retention can maintain about
a result, the FQSASCs can reach a high energy den- 109.4% of its initial capacitance after 5000 GCD
sity value at 0.78 mWh/cm3 when the power density cycles. The first ten cycles and last ten cycles are
is 6.16 mW/cm3, and the perfect power density can presented in Fig. 8b, which revealed that the shapes
rise to 71.86 mW/cm3 at the power density of 0.050 of GCD cycle also kept its original shape, demon-
mWh/cm3. The FQSASCs exhibit more excellent strating the excellent long-term cycle stability of
properties than the FSSCs based on ACC (0.10 mWh/ FQSASCs.
cm3 when the power density is 3.06 mW/cm3) Mechanical properties appear to be crucial in flex-
(Fig. 7h). This energy density and power density are ible energy storage devices. As for FQSASCs based
comparable or relatively higher than some recent on ACC-MnO2-2 h//ACC, the mechanical properties
flexible SCs (Fig. 7h), such as FSSCs based on fCC- were measured through testing the CV curves and
PANI array-rGO (energy density of 0.22 mWh/cm3 GCD curves under bending different angles (Fig. 9b–
at a power density of 0.50 mW/cm3) [20], FSSCs e) and the mechanical durability was investigated by
based on ZnO@MnO2//rGO (energy density of CV curves through bending different times (Fig. 9f
0.234 mWh/cm3 and volumetric power density of and g). Figure 9a presents the photographs of
3.2 mW/cm3) [42], FSSCs based on aligned CNT FQSASCs under different bending angles. As shown
arrays (energy density of 0.1 mWh/cm3 with a in Fig. 9b, the CV curves of FQSASCs were per-
power density of 14 mW/cm3 [23], FSSCs based on formed in a bending state from 08 to 1808. These CV
TiO2@C core–shell nanowires (energy density of curves are almost overlapped even the FQSASCs
0 0.0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 0 100 200124900 125000 125100
Cycle numbers Time (s)
3508 J Mater Sci (2022) 57:3497–3512
(b) 0.010
140 (d) 2.0
Capacitance retention (%)
120 45°
1.5 135°
Voltage (V)
80 135°
0 0.0
0° 45° 90° 135° 180° 135° 90° 45° 0° 0 100 200 300 400 500
Bent angel Time (s)
(e) (f)
140 0.010
Capacitance retention (%)
120 0
Current density (A)
0.005 50
80 100
40 350
20 450
0 -0.010
0° 45° 90° 135° 180° 135° 90° 45° 0° 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Bent angel Voltage (V)
Capacitance retention (%)
0 100 200 300 400 500
Bent times
J Mater Sci (2022) 57:3497–3512 3509
b Figure 9 a Photographs of FQSASCs under different bending used in potential applications as high-performance
angles. b CV curves of FQSASCs after bending different angles. flexible energy-storage devices.
c Capacitance retention of FQSASCs after bending different
angles. d GCD curves of FQSASCs after bending different angles.
e Capacitance retention of FQSASCs after bending different
angles. f CV curves of FQSASCs while bent under 1808 after
different bending cycles. g Capacitance retention of FQSASCs
In summary, flexible quasi-solid-state asymmetric
after different bending cycles.
supercapacitors (FQSASCs) are fabricated based on
MnO2-modified activated carbon cloth (ACC-MnO2)
and ACC. Compared with CC, activation of CC by
after bending at 1808, and the capacitance can main- Hummers’ method can increase the wettability. After
tain over 93.7% during the bending process (Fig. 9c). that, the ACC is modified by MnO2, the introduction
In addition, the GCD curves also exhibit even over- of MnO2 layer can dramatically enhance the capaci-
lapped after bending at 1808 (Fig. 9d), and the tance of ACC, and the value of Ca reaches 423.4 mF/
capacitance retention can keep about 98.3% during cm2 when the current is 0.5 mA/cm2. Furthermore,
the bending process (Fig. 9e). Furthermore, mechan- the FQSASCs assembled based on ACC-MnO2-2 h//
ical durability was evaluated by CV testes scanned at ACC exhibit a high operation voltage at 2.0 V even
100 mV/s through repeatedly bending the FQSASCs though the current density is low. In addition, the
from 08 to 1808. It is very clear that the CV curves FQSASCs can possess a high energy density at
show approximately overlapped state even though 0.78 mWh/cm3 when the power density is 6.16 mW/
the bend times extended to 500 times (Fig. 9f), and cm3, and the perfect power density can rise to
the value of capacitance retention exhibits over 100% 71.86 mW/cm3 at the power density of 0.050 mWh/
even though the FQSASCs are bent for 500 times cm3. Moreover, the FQSASCs also exhibit extreme
(Fig. 9g), demonstrating that the as-prepared cycle stability (maintain about 109.4% of its initial
FQSASCs possess excellent mechanical properties, capacitance after 5000 GCD cycles) and excellent
flexibility and mechanical durability. mechanical durability (keeping over 100% capaci-
To explore the application, the FQSASCs device tance retention even after bending for 500 times). All
was used to light up a red LED (Fig. 10a, b). Obvi- the excellent electrochemical properties, flexible and
ously, one single FQSASCs device can drive a red mechanical durability reveal that the uniform MnO2
LED (Fig. 10a) indicating that FQSASCs reveal high layer-modified CC can act as a great promising flex-
voltage. Furthermore, two FQSASCs in series can ible electrode for flexible SCs, and the FQSASCs
light up a red LED brighter than a single device based on ACC-MnO2-2 h//ACC have potential
(Fig. 10b). Therefore, the FQSASCs are expected to be applications as flexible energy-storage devices.
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