HRMS Teoriya CHast 2 R
HRMS Teoriya CHast 2 R
HRMS Teoriya CHast 2 R
• Atomic mass: The number that represents the element’s mass based on the
weighted average of the masses of its naturally occurring stable isotopes. For
example, the integer atomic mass of bromine is 80 Da. This is because there are
only two naturally occurring stable isotopes of bromine, 79Br and 81Br, which
exist in nature in about equal amounts. When the relative mass (Mr) of an ion,
molecule, or radical is reported, it is based on the atomic masses of its elements.
• Nominal mass: Mass of a molecular ion or molecule calculated using the isotope
mass of the most abundant constituent element isotope of each element
(Table 1.1) rounded to the nearest integer value and multiplied by the number
of atoms of each element. Example: nominal mass of H2O ¼ (2 1 þ 1 16)
u ¼ 18 u.
• Monoisotopic mass: Exact mass of an ion or molecule calculated using the mass
of the most abundant isotope of each element. Example: monoisotopic mass of
H2O ¼ (2 1.007825 þ 1 15.994915) u ¼ 18.010565 u. The exact mass of
the common elements and their isotopes are provided in Table 1.1.
• Exact mass: Calculated mass of an ion or molecule with specified isotopic
• Mass defect: Difference between the nominal mass and the monoisotopic mass of
an atom, molecule, or ion. It can be a positive or negative value.
• Relative isotopic mass defect (RDm): It is the mass defect between the mono-
isotopic mass of an element and the mass of its Aþ1 or its Aþ2 isotopic cluster
(Thurman & Ferrer, 2010). For instance, RDm for the pair 35Cl:37Cl is
0.0030 Da.
• Average mass: Mass of an ion or molecule weighted for its isotopic composition,
i.e., the average of the isotopic masses of each element, weighted for isotopic
abundance (Table 1.1). Example: average mass of
H2O ¼ (2 1.00794 þ 1 15.9994) u ¼ 18.01528 u.
• Accurate mass: Experimentally determined mass of an ion of known charge.
• Mass accuracy: Difference between the mass measured by the mass analyzer and
theoretical value.
• Resolution or mass resolving power: Measure of the ability of a mass analyzer to
distinguish two signals of slightly different m/z ratios.
• Mass calibration: Means of determining m/z values of ions from experimentally
detected signals using a theoretical or empirical relational equation. In general,
this is accomplished using a computer-based data system and a calibration file
obtained from a mass spectrum of a compound that produces ions of known m/z
• Mass limit: Value of m/z above or below which ions cannot be detected in a mass
• Mass number: The sum of the protons and neutrons in an atom, molecule, or ion.
If the mass is expressed in u, mass number is similar to nominal mass.
• Most abundant ion mass: The mass that corresponds to the most abundant peak
in the isotopic cluster of the ion of a given empirical formula.
1.1 Introduction (To High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry) 3
Table 1.1 Nominal, Isotopic, and Average Masses of Some Common Stable
Nominal Isotopic Average
Element Isotope Abundance Mass Mass Mass
H H 99.9885 1 1.007825 1.00794
H 0.0115 2 2.014102
C C 98.93 12 12.000000 12.0110
C 1.08 13 13.003355
N N 99.632 14 14.003074 14.00674
N 0.368 15 15.000109
O O 99.757 16 15.994915 15.9994
O 0.038 17 16.999131
O 0.205 18 17.999160
F F 100 19 18.998403 18.9984
Na Na 100 23 22.989770 22.9898
Si Si 92.2297 28 27.976927 28.0855
Si 4.6832 29 28.976495
Si 3.0872 30 29.973770
P P 100 31 30.973762 30.9738
S S 94.93 32 31.972072 32.0660
S 0.76 33 32.971459
S 4.29 34 33.967868
Cl Cl 75.78 35 34.968853 35.4527
Cl 24.22 37 36.965903
Br Br 50.69 79 78.918336 79.9094
Br 49.32 81 80.916289
I I 100 127 126.904476 126.9045
6 CHAPTER 1 HRMS: Fundamentals and Basic Concepts
Methods of calculating mass resolving power.
Reprinted from Picó, Y. (2015). Advanced mass spectrometry. In Y. Picó (Ed.), Comprehensive analytical
chemistry, Vol. 68. Amsterdam: Elsevier, with permission from Elsevier.
Fragmentation pattern for the flonicamid pesticide (TFNA: 4-trifluoromethylnicotinic acid;
TFNA-AM: 4-trifluoromethilnicotinamide).
1.4 Mass Calibration in High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry 9
Internal mass calibration and target mass detection during a multiple ion detection (MID)
process in a double focusing system (DFS) instrument: A, magnet locking and lock mass
sweep. Mass calibration and resolution determination; B, electrical jump to calibration
mass; C, calibration mass sweep and mass calibration; D, electrical jumps to target
masses; E, electrical jump to calibration mass for mass calibration.
12 CHAPTER 1 HRMS: Fundamentals and Basic Concepts
wer of at least 5500 is needed to separate C13 H16 eC2 H4 þ and C13 H16 eCOþ ions,
even if the difference between both masses is 0.036385 u. Another difficulty is that
the possible elemental composition becomes quite larger as the mass increases.
Full scan can be one of the simplest acquisition modes to obtain an accurate mass
value when an internal mass calibration is carried out. Accurate masses of all ions
can be determined in one single chromatographic run, and elemental composition
can be achieved with an adequate accuracy of less than 5 ppm. Peak-matching
mode is a more accurate mass measurement technique with a typical accuracy lower
than 0.3 ppm. For that, only one ion is determined at a time, for example, using the
MID technique described earlier. It is recommended that the mass of the mass cali-
bration ion must be within 2% of the unknown mass to give the highest accuracy. A
combination of slow scanning of the accelerating voltage and computer programs
that improve signal averaging, smoothing, and peak centroiding improves mass ac-
curacy (Hammar, Pettersson, & Carpenter, 1974).
A nominal mass may result from several combinations of elements, but only one
composition can match an accurate mass. Nevertheless, more possible combinations
can occur with an increased number of atoms in a molecule. A list of potential mo-
lecular formulas for various masses has been proposed (Beynon & Williams, 1963).
Diverse algorithms and computer programs are available for elemental composition;
many of them are available online.
Finally, it should be mentioned that RDm is also a valuable tool for confirmation
purposes. The sum of RDm of all isotopes of the molecule is defined as the isotopic
mass average (IMA), and Padilla-Sánchez et al. (2012) used this approach for the
reliable identification of small pesticides such as ethephon and N-acetyl-glufosinate,
obtaining an experimental IMA(Aþ2) value of 0.00286 Da for ethephon, which was
within the theoretical interval of 0.0029 0.0001 Da.
References 13
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Innovation, Science, and Enterprise) and FEDER for financial support (Project Ref. P-12-
FQM 1838).
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14 CHAPTER 1 HRMS: Fundamentals and Basic Concepts