RAZ C - Busy at School Quiz
RAZ C - Busy at School Quiz
RAZ C - Busy at School Quiz
3. W
hat do the children
need to share?
a ABCs
b numbers
c toys
4. W
hat is something the children
could not do at school?
a talk to friends
b see
a zebra
c go
to the library
Instructions: Sit next to the student and read the first question as you run your finger under the words. Ask the
student to wait to answer until you have read all the choices. Repeat them if necessary. Have the student choose the
best answer. Repeat with the remaining questions.
© Learning A–Z All rights reserved. www.readinga-z.com
Level C
Quick Check Answer Sheet Busy at School
Main Comprehension Skill: Compare and Contrast
1. c Main
Idea and Details
2. c Compare
and Contrast
3. c Recall
4. b Compare
and Contrast
5. b Vocabulary
6. Answers will vary but should
include a drawing of a school
activity and a dictated sentence
about why it is the student’s
Instructions: Sit next to the student and read the first question as you run your finger under the words. Ask the
student to wait to answer until you have read all the choices. Repeat them if necessary. Have the student choose the
best answer. Repeat with the remaining questions.
© Learning A–Z All rights reserved. www.readinga-z.com