Grade 8 Study Guides PDF
Grade 8 Study Guides PDF
Grade 8 Study Guides PDF
Note: All the summary sheets and vocab quiz 3 are included for grammar and SAT vocabs.
1. The following chapters with their pages are included.
• Chapter 1/ p 7
• Chapter 2/ pp 13-14-21
• Chapter 3/ pp 24-25-29-30
• Chapter 4/ pp 34-35-36
• Chapter 5/ pp 41-42-43-44-45
• Chapter 6/ pp 49-50-51-52
• Chapter 7/ pp 58-62-63-64
• Chapter 8 /pp 70-71-72-73-74-75
• Chapter 9/ pp 80-81-82
• Chapter 10/ pp 86-88-89-90
• Chapter 11/ pp 95-96-97-99
• Chapter 13/ pp 112-114-115-116
• Chapter 16/ pp 140-148-152-153
• Chapter 18/ pp 173-174-175
• Chapter 19/ p 179
2. Active and passive are included for the following tenses:
(Present simple, past simple, present perfect, future tense, past continuous, present continuous, and past
3. The verb tenses that got covered are:
(Present simple, past simple, present perfect, future simple tense, past continuous, present continuous,
present perfect continuous, and past perfect)
SAT vocabs:
Note: All the definitions, synonyms, antonyms, parts of speech, pictures, and examples are included.
1. Apathy
2. Cursory
3. Eloquent
4. Forlorn
5. Innumerable
6. Murky
7. Ordeal
8. Rebuff
9. Scrupulous
10. Ultimatum
11. Consensus.
12. Arid
13. Deplore
14. Loquacious
15. Petulant
16. Tantalize
17. Urbane
18. Volatile
19. Conciliatory
20. Ludicrous
21. Menial
22. Ransack
23. Yearn
24. Tentative
25. Pessimistic
26. Assuage
27. Heretic
28. Incorrigible
29. Peevish
30. Quash, wrath, turbulent
Midterm Exams 2022-2023
Sheet Type: Study Guide
Subject: PE
Teacher’s Name: Mr. Hayan
* Note: All dates and years mentioned in the summary sheets should be memorized.
o Summary Sheets:
• Summary sheet 1
• Summary sheet 2
• Summary sheet 3
1. Quizzes 1 & 2
2. GHWs 1 & 2
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Midterm Exams 2022-2023
Sheet Type: Study Guide
Subject: Art
Grade: 8
Teacher’s Name: Mr. Hazim
What is included:
What to bring:
Midterm Exams 2022-2023
Sheet Type: Study Guide
Subject: Humanities
Grade: 8
Teacher’s Name: Unified
Study Materials
• The World and its People Student Book Part One.
• The World and its People Student Book Part Two.
• Ch.4 (The United States) & Ch.5 (Canada) Student Book Part One.
• Ch.6 (Mexico) & Ch.7 (Central America and the Caribbean Islands) &Ch.8 (Brazil and Its
Neighbors Brazil and Its Neighbors) Student Book Part Two.
• Important Pictures.
• Geographical Map Skills (Set Locations on Maps):
• The United States and Canada Physical Map p.118
• The United States and Canada Political Map p.119
• United States Ch.4 Assessment and Activates Map p.156
• Canada Ch.5 Assessment and Activates Map p.172
• Mexico Political Map p.191
• Mexico Ch.6 Assessment and Activates Map p.208
• Central America and the Caribbean Islands Political Map p.213
• Central America and the Caribbean Islands Ch.7 Assessment and Activates Map p.226
• Brazil and its Neighbors Physical and Political Map p.232
• Brazil and its Neighbors Ch.8 Assessment and Activities Map p.248
• All the Power Point Slides.
• Student's Notebook.
Ch.5 Canada
• Sec.1 (A Resource-Rich Country).
• Sec.1 Assessment.
• pp. 158-163
• Sec.2 (The Canadians).
• Sec.2 Assessment.
• pp.165-169
• Ch.5 Assessments and Activities p.172
Ch.6 Mexico
• Sec.1 (Mexico's Land and Economy).
• Sec.1 Assessment.
• pp.190-195
• Sec.2 (Mexico's History).
• Sec.2 Assessment.
• pp.197-200
• Sec.3 (Mexico's Today).
• Sec.3 Assessment.
• pp.202-206
• Ch.6 Assessments and Activities p.208
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(4ﺑ�ﮑەس :ﻻپەرە )(١٤٢-١٤١- ١٤٠
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ی (6
Midterm Exams 2022-2023
Sheet Type: Midterm Study Guide
Subject: LA-Literature
Grade: 8
Teacher’s Name: Unified
1. Reading:
Note: All the classroom notes, summaries, quizzes, GCWs and review sheets are included
for ‘The Hobbit’ and ‘Kidnapped’.
a. The Hobbit
• The writer’s life is included
• The characters' external and internal descriptions are included (appearance and
• The comparisons between: (Bilbo at the beginning of the novel and at the end of it), (The
Tookish side vs the Baggins side inside Bilbo), (The way going to the lonely mountain
and the way back). (Thorin vs Himslef)
• The following objects are important (The ring, the map and key, the swords: The Biter,
the Beater and the sting, Barrels, the secret entrance, The Arkenstone)
• The role of the following characters are important (Bilbo, Gandalf, Thorin and the dwarfs,
Elrond, the trolls, goblins and Wargs, Gollum, eagles, Beorn, The Elvenking, The master
of lake town, Bard, The thrush, Roac, Smaug, Dain)
• The relation between the characters.
• All the important places in the novel.
• The map is included:
b. Kidnapped:
• The students must read the whole story (30 chapters) to relate the events with each other.
• The setting, point of view, themes, tone and the genre are included.
• All the themes that are explained in class are included: theme of friendship and loyalty,
duality (in personality, attitude, religion, geography, language, political beliefs…etc),
slavery and salvation, patriotism, materialism, justice, and journey to maturity.
• The characters' external and internal descriptions are included (appearance and
• Comparison between (Alan Breck and David Balfour) (The Two Catechists), (Colin
Campbell and James Stewart), (Mr.Riach and Mr.Shuan) , (Captain Hoseason and
Mr.Riach) , (Whigs and Jacobites)
• David and Alan Relationship (How did it Start / How it develop/ the loyalty they have to
each other.
• The importance of the general background of the novel especially the war between the
Jacobites vs. the army of England and their allies (the Whigs).
• Slavery in the novel.
• The quarrel between David and Alan.
• The importance of the silver button.
• The development of David from a teenager to mature man through the journey.
• Description of key places (House of Shaws - The Covenant - Alan’s country – The
house tower – The isle - the roundhouse) and its influence upon David and David
relationship to those places.
• To know that Alan was a soldier in English army but he left them and joined the
Jacobites (the Scottish people that wanted freedom)
• The Importance of the experience on the islet.
• The corruption of the Red Fox.
• Important quotations: Note: students should know who said the quote, to whom, and in
what occasion, what theme can be detected in it, in addition to its meaning.
2. Academic Writing:
Note: all the classroom notes, HWs given daily, summaries, quizzes, GHWs, GCWs, and
review sheets are included for Academic Writing. The following pages are included for the
Academic Writing book:
Midterm Exams 2022-2023
Sheet Type: Study Guide
Subject: Math
Grade: 8
Teacher’s Name: Mr. Alaa
Materials included:
• Ch1
• Ch2
• Ch3
• Ch4
• Ch5
What to study :
• Everything
Midterm Exam 2022-2023
Sheet Type: Study guide
Subject: Science
Grade: 8
Teacher’s Name: Mr. Alexander
Physics of Grade 8:
Book: Physics
Included chapters:
Chapters (1 to 4)
What to Study:
• Chapters and sections reviews.
• STP questions.
• Notebook
• Assessments: (Quizzes and GCWs)
• Religions
1. Islam
2. Christianity.
• PowerPoint slides
1. Islam :
• Included PowerPoint Slides ( 1 , 2 ,3 , 4, ,5, ,6 ,7,8 ,9,10,11,12, 13)
• 2. Christianity :
• Included PowerPoint Slides ( 1 , 2)
• HW+ KA
1. Islam ( 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
2. Christianity ( 1 , 2)
• Assessments
• Islam
• Quiz1
• Quiz2
• GHW1, 2
• Pictures
• All the pictures that mentioned in the PowerPoint slides , assessments and HW's are included
• PPS1 :
• Q.What does Islam mean?
• Q.What does Islam mean?
• Q.What does Muslim mean
• Q. What does So Monotheism mean?
• Q. Explain the religious phrase (The Day of Judgment)?
• Q. What does (PBUH) stands for?
• Q.Who was the messenger of God and the prophet of Islam? `
• Q.Where and when did Prophet Muhammad ((PBUH) born?
• Q. Describe the Holy sacred book of Islam?
• Q. What are the five pillars in Islam, Explain them in details?
• Q. When did Islam begin?
• Q. What was the primary location of Islam?
• Q. What are the main sects and minors in Islam?
• Q. How did Prophet Muhammad received and announced the Islamic message?
• Q. Relate the phrase (Free from Errors) to Prophet Muhammad?
• Q. Explain with details Prophet Muhammad's Childhood at ages (6, 8, and 12)?
• Q. Relate the phrase (Al-Amin-Al Sadiq ) to prophet Muhammad?
• Q. Write a short paragraph about Khadija bint Khuwaylid “SA”?
• PPS 2:
• Q. How did Muhammad settle the issue of putting the black stone back in its place after the flood?
• Q.What is Hira ? Relate this word to Prophet Muhammad?
• Q. Who were the first people to accept and follow Muhammad’s message?
• Q. Muslims divided themselves into two groups what were they?
• Q. When did the Prophet Muhammad’s sickness begin?
• Q. Where did the Prophet Muhammad tell people to bury him?
• PPS 3:
• Q. How many Surah are in Qur'an?
• Q. Mention the names of Caliph in order according to their Caliphate?
• Q. What does ‘The Muṣḥaf, means?
• Q. Why do sometimes the ayat (verses) of the Qur’an are recite with a special kind of rhythm?
• Q. During the praying , the Qur’an is recite by a language , What is it?
• Q.Define Hadith?What does it contain?
• Q.Define (sharia)?
• Q. What are the most famous and oldest books of hadith? Mention 2 ?
• Q. To which direction do the Muslims pray?
• Q.Mention Shia’s books?
• Q. What are The rituals of worship in Islam?
• Q. Define : (Tarawih , Iftar , Hajj) ?
• Q.What do Ramadan teach Muslims?
• Q. What is the Muslims aim of pilgrimage?
• Q. How many times must Muslim do Al- Hajj?
• PPS4
• Q. Mention the Six Articles of Faith?
• Q. Mention some general beliefs and practices in Muslims daily life?
• Q. List the words or phrases and their meaning that were used to refer to the end of the world?
• Q. Explain the concept of a Mahdi in Islam?
• Q. Explain the concept ‘’life after death’ ’in Islam teaching?
• Q. What will happen to the person after his / her death?
• Q. According to the Qur’an, Paradise or Jannah in Islam has seven distinct levels of heaven, What
are they?
• PPS5:
• Q. Prophet Muhammad said: “The best of the women of the world are four: Who were they?
• Q. List ( 5) facts about Abu Bakr?
• Q. Abu Bakr Known by a name what it was ,what does it mean?
• Q. Prophet Muhammad and Abu Baker were further bound together, How ?
• Q. What were Abu Bakr’s Achievements during his reign?
• Q. List ( 5 ) facts about Umar bin al-Khattab?
• Q. Umar bin al-Khattab was known by many phrases, mention them?
• Q. Mention some of Umar‘s achievements?
• Q. An expert Muslim jurist earning Umar bin al-Khattab a nickname al-Farooq, what does it
• Q. Mention (5 ) points by relating them to Umar bin al-Khattab's achievements?
• Q. Umar bin al-Khattab was a pioneer in some affairs , list 2 points regards to that?
• PPS6:
• Q. Who was the third Caliph? How many years did his caliphate lasted?
• Q. List ( 6 ) facts about Uthman Bin-|Affan?
• Q. Uthman Bin-Affan was earned him the nickname , What it was and what does it mean?
• Q. Mention (5 ) points by relating them to Uthman Bin-Affan's achievements?
• Q. What happened between Egyptians rebels and Uthman Bin-Affan?
• Q. Who was the fourth Caliph?
• Q. How did Ali bin Abi Talib help Prophet Muhammad's safely migrate from Mekkah?
• Q. Mention the names of Ali bin Abi Talib's wife and his sons?
• PPS7:
• Q. ''Al-Zahra'' was related to fatima's name , What does it mean?
• Q. Why do all Muslims respect Fatima?
• Q. Fatimah's descendants are given the honorific titles, What are they and what does each title
• Q. Write a short description about '' Day of Ashura''?
• PPS8:
• Q. Explain the Concept of ‘’Islamic worship ‘’?
• Q. How do Muslim Worship ( Pray )?
• Q. Why ( Friday ) is a sacred day in Islam?
• Q. What does “Al-Jumu’ah,” mean?
• Q. What are the (literal meaning: of the Imam?
• Q. Explain the Title ( Imam)?
• Q. What are the qualifications for person to be Imam?
• Q. Explain the meaning of Ismah?
• Q. What are the roles of the Imam in every Islamic Mosque?
• Q. How do Woman lead other women in prayer?
• Q.Is it allow for woman to call the Adhan?
• Q. In which specific cases are women allowed to lead group worship?
• Q. How have social media been an important factor to more popularity of Imams?
• Q. Which types of clothing for men and women are encouraged in the mosques?
• PPS9:
• Q. Define : Sajjāda ?
• Q. What is Turbah and what does it mean?
• Q. What is a holy city for Shia Muslims? Why it's holy city?
• Q. Explain the Concept of Marriage in Islam?
• Q. What is Mahr?
• Q. Define : khul divorce?
• Q. Mention some of rituals of a Muslim marriage?
• Q. In which case a man is allowed to have more than one wife?
• Q. Mention some rituals after baby born?
• Q. Define Aqiqah and what is the purpose of it?
• Q. Explain Bismillah ceremony?
• Q. List ( 8) points by relate them to the death rituals in Islam?
• PPS10:
• Q. How do Muslim prepare for Eid al-Fitr?
• Q. How do Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fitr? Mention 5 points?
• Q. Why'' Laylat Al-Qadr ''represents as the holiest night of the year?
• Q. In'' Eid Al-Adha'' Muslims around the world slaughter an animal, What that symbolize for?
• Q. Define Dhu al-Hijjah month?
• Q. Why is the day of Arafah so holy?
• Q. What is Mawlid and how is it celebrated? Mention 5 points
• PPS11:
• Q. State the similarities and differences between Sunni and Shia?
• Q. Write in details the total number of Muslims in world additional to the two sects?
• Q. Sunni Islam is separated into four main schools of jurisprudence List them
• Q. There are three main branches of Shia Islam, What are they?
• PPS12:
• Q. Who was the first chosen Caliph , And who followed him?
• Q. How was the Christian’s, situation during ’The Umayyad Caliphate?
• Q. Who were ‘’The Abbasid’s’’descended?
• Q. Which Umayyad dynasty Survived from Abbasids?
• Q. What were ‘’Abd al-Rahman ‘’achievements?
• Q. List ‘’The Abbasid Caliphate’’ achievements?
• Q. What happened under the Abbasid dynasty?
• Q. Who were ‘’The Fāṭimids ‘’ and what was their attitude toward Abbasids?
• Q. Who were’’The Būyids’’?
• Q. How did ‘’The Abbasids’’ regaim some power and replacing the Būyids ?
• Q. What happened in Baghdad in 1258 AD?
• Q. Relate the year 1500 AD to the Ottoman Empire?
• Q. What happened in year 1923 A.D?
• PPS13:
• Q. What are the main elements in every major religion?
• Q. Mention Some Islamic sects and groups date back to the 7th-9th centuries CE?
• Q. Mention some of Islamic sects that were influential for a period of time but do not exist today?
• Q. There are informal movements were driven by ideas, what were they?
• Q. How did Islam spread?
• Q. Islamic state established a new religious and political structure which called what?
• Q. List (6) points that are giving birth to what is referred to as the ‘Golden Age of Islam’?
• Q. List ( 5 ) points by relating them to the achievements during the Golden Age of Islam?
• Q. How was Baghdad's situation during from the 9th to the 13th century, Support your answer with
• Q. What happened in year 825 to Abbasid Caliph Harun al-Rashid?
• Q. What is ‘Translation Movement''?
• Q..Define : Syriac , Pahlavi , Sanskrit ?
• Q. The Muslim world became a major intellectual center, Write five clues regards to that statement?
• PPS1:
• Q. Where did Mary and Joseph live before Jesus was born?
• Q. Who were Magi, and what was their role with Jesus Christ?
• Q. Write three religious statements that stands for the meaning of number (3) in the Bible?
• Q. Many Christians believe that the wise men’s gifts have special meaning, Name and explain
each one of them?
• PPS2:
• Q. What is the connection between Jesus and Number (12)?
• Q. Mention the names of the disciples who carried on the teachings of Jesus after his death?
Q. Create a chart under title (Jesus Disciples), then choose Eight of Jesus Disciples and fill the
chart according to : ( Apostolic Symbols of the Disciple)?
• Q. How many Christians are there now?
• Q. What is the largest branch of Christianity?
• Q. When did Christianity begin?
• Q. What it the sacred text of Christianity?
• Q. What are Christian's sacred writings?