K3 To Bring Down The Sky

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An adventure for level 4 characters
Pathfinder/5e compatible with conversion notes for OSR

Ben Gibson
With maps by Dyson Logos
© Ben Gibson 2018
Coldlight Press

With Cartography by Dyson Logos

Special thanks to play testers:

Ben A, Karen, and Katie

This module is compliant with the Open Game License (OGL) and is suitable for use with The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game,
with conversion notes for using it with the 5th edition of the world’s oldest fantasy roleplaying game.
The OGL can be found below.
Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Inc.. See http://
paizo.com/pathfinderRPG for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Inc. does not guarantee compatibility,
and does not endorse this product.

Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Inc., and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Inc., and are used under the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License.
See http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/compatibility for more information on the compatibility license.
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3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE
of the terms of this License. Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the System Reference Document. Copyright 2000. Wizards of the Coast, Inc; Authors:
Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave
exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. Arneson
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Inc.; Author: Jason
as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License. The Book of Experimental Might. Copyright 2008, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.
Tome of Horrors. Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott Greene, with
Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson, Lance Hawvermale,
Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, and Bill Webb; Based on original content from TSR.
The overcast sky and dusty road are working in concert to make for a truly dismal
day. It’s almost a relief to hear something out of the ordinary, like a wailing cry of panic
and a harsh, coughing roar. Looking up to the clouds, a thin human figure hurtles down,
chased by a savage beast with reptilian wings. But looking up past the two is an even
stranger sight...three mighty isles loom out of clouds, impossible and yet somehow real.

Adventure Introduction About ONE SESSION© kits

To Bring Down the Sky is a site-base adventure built Sometimes, you just need an instant adventure.
for characters of 4th level, where the players roam three Perhaps your usual GM got sick. Perhaps you are
small islands in the sky formerly owned by powerful introducing new friends to the game. Perhaps you want
wizard, Gerlia of the Winds. As the players travel they to try out a new system, to shake things up a bit, or
are witness to a wyvern savaging the wizard’s maybe just blow off some steam. That calls for a one
apprentice as he falls. Either talking to the apprentice shot; a self-contained adventure where people can sit
Hugo or looting his corpse brings the players up to the down at the table with no prior knowledge of the setting
sky. The islands there are slowly coming down, or plot, and wrap up after four hours satisfied with the
panicking the servants of the wizard as her machines ending of their story. That’s what the adventures in the
and former allies run rampant. ONE SESSION series are designed for; insert them into
If the players want to get down from the sky islands your ongoing game or play them with strangers at a con.
safely, they will need to recharge the artifact that has Bring your own ideas, equipment, and props into them
come into their possession, the Sky Feather. To do so, and mix and match all you like. But ONE SESSION kits
they will first have to uncover the secrets of the islands are designed to give you not just an adventure, but also
and how to unlock the full powers of the artifact. everything you need to run the adventure besides the
However, while they explore the falling isles the players dice.
must not only dodge the Wizard Gerlia’s traps and The map(s) where the adventure takes place are
constructs and an angry pack of wyverns, but also deal provided at the end of this PDF broken up into 11x8.5
with the emergence of one of Gerlia’s worst enemies, sections designed to fit into the PF/5e 1 inch=5ft scale,
the two-headed ogre sorcerer Pogwog, who has long either pre-gridded or with handy 30/20ft rulers provided
been trapped in a horrifying state of unreality. for tactical maneuvers. Pregenerated characters are
Pogwog the Quantum Ogre will offer the players given on printable sheets with all their abilities and
advice on how to empower the Sky Feather while spells outlined, while another sheet is provided with
keeping back the fact that each time the players drain print-and-play miniatures for characters and monsters
energies from the sky islands’ arcane machinery the appearing in the adventure. Handouts, notes, and item
isles further destabilize and Pogwog himself comes cards are printed as player aids. An optional sheet holds
closer to freedom. Upon fully charging the Sky Feather quick-reference rules explaining the basics of d20
the mad ogre breaks free and will attempt to slay the resolution, action economy, and other common play
players for the artifact. This final battle takes place terms, designed for the new player or GM’s convenience
while the land beneath everyone’s feet begins to shred to at a home table or at a con, or even online imported to
bits and fall to the ground. your virtual tabletop of choice.
Although designed as a one-shot this adventure is Even if you intend to use your own aids or just run a
setting-agnostic and can be added to almost any game entirely theatre-of-mind, Coldlight Press is
campaign in the midpoint of some travel. Granting the committed to designing adventures that are easy to run
players a powerful artifact that allows party-wide flight at the table; the game master should never have to have
can open up the world, and rather than make the hook more than two pages open at a time, with everything
coincidental the sky isles can be used as a foreshadowed needed to run the game seen on those two pages.
place within the world specifically sought out as the Sky Character sheets and stats are likewise designed so that
Feather’s location. either in combat or just having tea, all the role player
Regardless of the outcome of the final battle the needs to look at is a single piece of paper. Naturally,
islands’ break-up should be a spectacular set-piece at the given the amount of rules even the simplest versions of
end of the session, as glowing crystals shatter out of the the world’s oldest roleplaying game has, we’re not about
ground and players desperately attempt to survive their to attempt to replace a core rulebook, but as long as at
downfall. The last few servants of the wizard will seek least one person at the table has a good handle on the
rescue from the players as everything falls, giving the game being played, printouts of the ONE SESSION kit
party a chance for heroism. should be all you need to look at for the session.
The Sky Islands

The adventure begins with the players in cavalcade on a cloudy day when Hugo Wyvern:
the apprentice makes his appearance, hurtling down to the earth holding on to the 7HD Dragon 19AC, 72hp
Sky Feather while a brutal wyvern toys with him. The players are to be put into 20ft move, 60ft fly (poor, +5 Fly)
initiative order immediately; Hugo is 240ft up and descends at a rate of 60ft per sting tail +10 (1d6+4 plus poison)
round. The wyvern will just seek to sting the apprentice at first but if the players bite +10 (2d6+4 plus grab)
challenge it the wyvern will turn to hunt the players with swift flyby attacks at first, 2 wings +5 (1d6+2)
only landing to full attack if it is confident of killing one. The wyvern will seek to Special: rake (2 talons +10, 1d6+4)
flee at 20% health, leaving to warn the pack. Hugo, if he survives, begs the players’ Poison: Fortitude DC17, 1d4 Con
aid with his master’s realm, currently falling from the sky and overrun by his Flyby Attack: Can make standard
enemies. With the Sky Feather, players are transported to the entry hole in the sky... attack in the middle of a move.

100ft The Sky Feather:

E.2 This pinion feather from a phoenix is
enchanted; a single creature holding on
E.1 to it can fall from any height taking no
more damage than a 10ft fall. Fully
A charged, it can cast mass Air Walk.
Farm Isle


Entry Hole
E D I.1

Main Isle

E.3 Least Isle


G.2 Jim and Ertha: Dour, scared, nostalgic
Apprentice Hugo: Helpful, curious, panicky
Tocktick: Calculating, curt, megalomaniacal
G.1 Pog: Desperate, cynical, fearful
Wog: Unhinged, nihilistic, sadistic
Disk Swarm: Key: 5
Swarm (tiny); 18AC, 18hp
hardness 5. 30ft fly (perfect, +8 fly) Farm Isle: This isle is reached by the bridge, but is drifting slowly away.
swarm (2d6) A. The Farm -This is the most stable of the isles, occupied by the kindly old
This swarm of magically animated halfling couple, Jim and Ertha Kneebles. They’re barricaded within their farmhouse
disks bashes intruders without the as two wyverns sleep in the barn, gorged on four cows. A terrified and adorable
command words “Tali bless you.”
calf, Bessie, hides in the corner. The Kneebles won’t want to leave without Bessie.
Clockwork Servant: B. Bridge -The stone bridge here is windy and cracking. Within half an hour of the
Medium Construct; 15AC, 12hp players’ arrival the bridge begins to fall, leading to the farm island spinning away.
Hardness 5
slam: +4 (1d6+4) Main Isle: This isle is slowly descending through the clouds, taking the others
down with it. Clouds cover the place (as fog cloud) for a few minutes each hour.
Tocktick, Clockwork Familiar C. Copse of Trees -This peaceful little copse of thick trees protects from large
Tiny Construct; 18AC, 33hp
DR5/adamantine, Resist 10 cold, fire flyers like wyverns, the only such safe place outdoors.
Slam: +9 (1d3+1d6 electric) D. Levitation Crystals -Erupting from the ground, these crystals hold up the isles,
Cantrips: and are pulsing in slow time. The Sky Feather will take energy from the crystals to
Detect Magic: Can see magic in 30ft become empowered, but once it draws it in the isles will begin regular shaking.
Mending: Repairs object 1d4 hp E. Gerlia’s Keep -This big stone keep was the main residence of the Skymage.
Scrolls (treasure and cast):
Make Whole: Repairs object 5d6 hp E1. Entry -The little gatehouse is wrecked. The door is locked with a good-quality
Control Construct: Can control a lock and the entryway is empty. Two malfunctioning clockwork servants twitch
construct or disk swarm once. within the waiting room to the right while a disk swarm sits on the stairway.
Admonishing Ray: Two rays of E2. Quarters -These tastefully appointed rooms have velvet and silk carpets and
nonlethal force, 30ft range, 4d6 each. tapestries, bulky but worth 2d100gp per room larger than 10ft2.
Stoneskin: Gain DR10/adamantine.
E3. Wrecked Roost -This level is filled with a reptilian stench; a massive pile of
Pogwog, the Quantum Ogre shiny loot, covered in wyvern urine, sits in the central room. Most of it is worthless
Sorcerer 4; 14AC 98hp bits of glass and frippery, but searching through pile yields 1,000 gp in various
+1 scythe (medium): +9 (1d6+3) coins and gems. The searcher(s), covered in stink, enrage any wyverns who smell
wand of acid splash: +5 (1d4+1)
2nd level spells (3/day): them. Each minute spent in this level, there is a 5% chance a wyvern flies in.
Mirror Image: Creates 1d4+1 decoy E4. Prison -Each door has an arcane lock that the Sky Feather fits in like a key, and
duplicates of self. locked within are ghostly captives trapped in quantum states. The captives are
Create Pit: A 20ft deep, 10ft wide human and make ghostly whisper sounds, not understandable. Draining the locks
interdimensional pit forms, DC16 makes each captive disappear with peaceful looks on their faces.
Reflex to avoid. Lasts 4 rounds.
1st level spells (5/day): F. Skymage’s Watch -This tower here has vivid splashes of blood visible outside
Glue Seal: 5ft square or one object. of the windows. A disk swarm and a hostile clockwork servant patrol from door
DC15 Reflex or become stuck. to door. Within the tower itself two disk swarms guards the stair, while Tocktick,
Shield: +4 AC for 4 minutes. Gerlia’s old clockwork familiar, is assisted by two more clockwork servants in the
Quantum Escape: React to an attack upstairs room trying to reconstruct the Skymage’s old cloak of featherfall. The
by phasing, gaining DR10/-
Supernatural Ability: familiar knows the command words for the disk swarms.
Displacement: As a swift action, G. Docks -The Skymage’s flying allies and visitors arrived and stayed here.
Pogwog can set himself up to displace G1. Skydock -Two wyverns have claimed the main dock as their roost. Three
into one of three locations, which gryphon skeletons lie scattered; a wand of cat’s grace (14) lies amidst the bones.
show as shimmering ghostly images. G2. Quarters -These abandoned guest quarters are echoing and cold. Each room
A swift action teleports to an image.
Two headed: has a 10% chance of containing an active disk swarm.
Pog and Wog, the two heads of the Least Isle: Reaching this island requires climb checks on the ropes, DC varies
ogre, each get an initiative count. between 5-15 as this island goes up and down relative to the other two.
Hugo, Lost Apprentice H. High Church -This crumbling chapel is at the confluence of a minor ley line.
Wizard 2; 12AC, 18hp (9 temporary) The church is empty, formerly dedicated to Tali, minor god of air. Murals show a
Ray of Frost: +3 (1d3 cold) dying phoenix shedding a single feather, the Sky Feather, which is then blessed by
1st level spells:
Burning Hands: 15ft cone does 2d4 the god Tali. Texts in the chapel indicate the graveyard is the confluence; planting
fire damage. DC12 Reflex halves. the Sky Feather will drain the ley line, which stops this isle from floating entirely.
Magic Missile: Missile does 14+1 I. Old Tower -This old tower has two paranoid and glitchy clockwork servants
force damage. guarding it’s door. The middle level was Hugo’s own lab, where two scrolls of
False Life: Already cast* infernal healing and a scroll of scorching ray are stowed. A very gravid wyvern in
Read Magic: Can read magic scrolls the top level working on making herself a nest using two smashed clockwork
Mage Hand: Telekinetic hand servants (her eggs worth 1,000gp). Pass to second isle exit is behind secret door.
Venturing in the Sky

Hugo’s Request Charging the Sky Feather

The poor apprentice Hugo is hapless and desperate. The Sky Feather after transporting the party to the sky
It’s been the worst day. First his mistress dies. Then his isles is completely drained, appearing dull and faded. To
home begins to fall. Finally, as the sky islands descend empower the Sky Feather the players will need to bring
to the level of the clouds a rowdy pack of wyverns the artifact to several different locations; draining power
investigate the strange intrusion into their hunting from each will further destabilize things on the isles but
territory. bringing it back to full is the ticket to getting off the
If Hugo survives his introduction to the players, he’ll isles safely. Four of the potential charges must be
implore them to return to the sky isles to rescue the drained to re-empower the feather:
Skymage’s servants, Jim and Ertha Kneebles. He’ll · The crystals naturally running through the isles
promise more mercenary characters the impressive levitate by their nature, and the biggest outcropping
magical possessions of the wizard if their rend aid. (D) can be drained for power.
If Hugo is slain by the wyvern, upon his corpse along · The bottom level of the keep (E4) has the prison
with the Sky Feather there is a hastily scrawled note: locks heavily enchanted; four of them channeled into
“My mistress, Gerlia of the Winds, has died, and her the Sky Feather will count as one of the power-ups.
home is slowly falling. Please use this feather to reach · Going to the upper room of the tower (F) grants
her home and rescue her faithful servants; help yourself players access to the cloak of featherfall. The Sky
to her magics by all means but please help them.” Feather can be wrapped within the cloak to be
-Hugo, Apprentice to Gerlia further empowered.
Touching the Sky Feather manifests powerful winds · The ley-line alongside the chapel (H) can empower
that transport all creatures up to the sky islands; players the feather if the artifact is buried in the ground.
should be given the map handout as they see all of the · Draining three of the four releases Pogwog, who
three isles. Upon arriving at the Entry Hole the winds assaults the players for the Sky Feather. If he is
dissipate and the players are free to move around. Noisy slain, his corpse twists and warps; bathing Sky
or colorful displayed out in the open on the isles have a Feather in his energetic blood empowers it.
5% chance of attracting the attention of a wandering The methods of charging the artifact are not supposed
wyvern. to be hidden from the players. Hugo should know about
the methods, if he survives he can guide them. Pogwog,
Where do we go from here?
As this adventure is designed to be played as a one shot, appears as a ghostly specter and will also advise the
the players can leave afterward without any lasting players, growing more substantial each time they
repercussions. But if the players wanted further empower the artifact, confusing Hugo, who has never
adventures to follow up: seen the orge. Of the NPCs that the players will meet:
· The Sky Feather is from a fallen phoenix. Now
reborn, and the vast fiery bird will hunt down those Interaction Map
who possess its lost plumage.
· More subtle than Pogwog, the fallen wizard

Geverlosh the Sanguine was also freed from his

W ress


Long imprisoned,
ar ’ o

ethereal entrapment. He’s been impressed watching

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of r

both heads are


the heroes, and now he wants them to help him

th iv

concerned with
ol a

e al
Co o r t

plunder other caches of the dead Skymage.

fo hat

nt he

· Hugo isn’t very magical, but that may change if he escape.


em m

can retrieve the Skymage’s backup spellbook,

hidden in a vault within the Iron Bank of Cairnvale. Tocktick The Kneebles
As rumors of the Skymage’s death spread, however, Reality has Amused by his antics
Both are sad to
other parties race to retrieve the fabled book. no hold leave their
upon the “Serve me now, clods!”
Once the Sky Feather is repowered, the levitating longtime home.
energies that hold of the islands together begin to fail.
Fi im py

n te

The isles shake and slew as they each begin crumbling;


s o oga




every round standing on the isles requires acrobatics or


The apprentice

nt te

other justifiable skill checks to maintain balance and not is on the ragged
re ga

pa rro

fall prone, with a DC beginning at 5 but incrementing by edge of panic.


1 more per round. After two minutes, the islands shatter.

Generally at the low levels seen here, Pathfinder monsters can be directly put in to 5e without things
completely breaking. A rule of thumb would be to drop the Pathfinder AC by -1 per 2x challenge rating,
upping the HP by 50% at the same time; this brings combat in line with the “hit more, more hits” shift
between versions. Saves should be assumed to drop at about -1 per 2 CR, with Fortitude, Will, and
Reflex going to roughly Con, Wis, and Dex. Common sense can be used, and given the levels covered
here, not changing the numbers at all for DCs should be perfectly fine.
Example quick-converted statblocks:
Tocktick, Clockwork Familiar Pogwog, the Quantum Ogre
Tiny Construct; 14AC, 50hp Sorcerer 4; 12AC 150hp
Resists cold, fire, piercing scythe (medium): +7 (1d6+3)
Slam: +9 (1d3+1d6 electric) wand of acid splash: +7 (1d4+1)
Cantrips: 2nd level spells (3/day):
Detect Magic: Can see magic in 30ft Mirror Image: Creates 1d4 decoy duplicates of
Mending: Repairs object 1d4 hp self.
Scrolls (treasure and cast): Create Pit: A 20ft deep, 10ft wide
Make Whole: Repairs object 5d8 hp interdimensional pit forms, DC13 DEX to
Control Construct: Control a construct. avoid. Lasts 4 rounds.
Admonishing Ray: Two rays of nonlethal force, 1st level spells (5/day):
30ft range, 4d8 each. Glue Seal: 5ft square or one object. DC12
Stoneskin: Gain resistance to all physical DEX or become stuck.
damage. Shield: +4 AC for 4 minutes.
Quantum Escape: React to an attack by
Wyvern: phasing, gaining resistance to physical damage
7HD Dragon 16AC, 110hp Supernatural Ability:
20ft move, 60ft fly (poor, +5 Fly) Displacement: As a bonus action, Pogwog can
sting tail +8 (1d6+4 plus poison) set himself up to displace into one of three
bite +8 (2d6+4 plus grab) locations, which show as shimmering ghostly
2 wings +5 (1d6+2) images. A bonus action teleports to an image.
Poison: DC13 CON or poisoned Two headed:
Flyby Attack: Can make sting or bite attack Pog and Wog, the two heads of the ogre, each
in the middle of a move. get an initiative count.

Clockwork Servant: Disk Swarm:

Medium Construct; 13AC, 20hp Swarm (tiny); 14AC, 30hp
Resists piercing, cold 30ft fly (perfect, +8 fly)
slam: +4 (1d6+4) swarm damage (2d6)


Confident game masters versed in the old school should have little difficulty converting hit boni and AC
numbers to THAC0 and descending AC; hit die totals for most of the monsters included in this adventure
correspond to class levels. So for example:

Disk Swarm - AC 4 (15), HD 1, #AT 1, D 1-6

Clockwork Servant - AC 5 (14), HD 1, #AT 1, D 1-6

Wyvern - AC 2 (17), HD 5, #AT 2, D 2-7 / D 1-4

Tocktick - AC 6 (13), HD 4, #AT 1, D 1-6, Spells

Pogwog - AC 8 (12), HD 4, #AT 2, D 1-4, Spells


Printouts and Aides

· Player Handout – page 9
· Rules Reference – page 10
· Assumed Gear List – page 11
· Printable Minis – pages 11, 13
· Character Sheets – pages 15-16
· Pre-generated Characters – pages 17-24
Isles in
the Sky

Quick Rules Reference

D20 Resolution: The basic resolution mechanic for Rounds of Combat: Timekeeping in d20 games is
Pathfinder and all modern editions of D&D is the generally performed by the game master, who
d20 mechanic; basically, to perform any action that decides how long a given action should take. In
has a chance of both success and failure, the player combat, though, the game is broken into rounds;
rolls a twenty-sided die (d20) against a given each round is assumed to be about six seconds. In
number. If the roll matches the number, the action each round, every individual involved goes in turn
succeeds, and if it is less than the number, the and gets single a standard action, a move action,
action fails. Various bonuses and negatives apply to and a swift action (action, move, and bonus action
each roll based on the character’s skill and abilities, in 5e parlance) each.
and the target number changes based on how · Standard Actions (5e, action) are things like
difficult the action is. Thus, to climb a ladder the casting a spell or making an attack.
difficulty class (DC) is 5, while to hit a knight in · Move Actions (5e, move) are things like
plate armor his armor class (AC) is 20. In both moving up to your speed in feet or standing up
cases, having a higher strength adds to the roll to from prone.
climb or to attack. All skill checks, saving throws, · Swift Actions (5e, bonus) are typically called
and attacks resolve using this single mechanic. out as character skills or abilities done quickly.
Ability Scores: From the first edition of D&D and Each individual also has a single reaction, typically
onward characters have been defined by six main used for things like making an attack of opportunity
“ability scores”, numbers that represent the against an adjacent enemy casting a spell.
character’s innate capabilities. In all cases, a score Finally, some actions are so minor as to be
of ten is considered to be “average”. For every two considered free actions, like making a 5-foot step
points lower or higher than ten, the character gains (PF) or reloading a bow (PF, 5e)
a penalty or and bonus while performing an action TURN ACTIONS
related to the score. The scores are described
typically as follows:
· Strength: The character’s muscular might; Standard
strength is what you use to lift a giant tomato.
· Dexterity: The character’s agility and fine Lesser
control; dexterity is used to accurately throw a
tomato. Move actions can
· Constitution: The character’s toughness and be subbed in
ability to resist damage and disease; constitution Full-Round for greater; for
is how to survive eating a rotten tomato. actions take up Swift example, instead
· Intelligence: The character’s knowledgeable- all of your turn. of attacking (standard)
ness; intelligence is knowing a tomato is a fruit.
· Wisdom: The character’s good sense and you can move twice.
perception; wisdom is knowing a tomato doesn’t
belong in a fruit salad. Flanking and Conditions: In combat both sides
· Charisma: The character’s force of personality
will maneuver to gain advantage. Although there is
and attractiveness: charisma is the ability to sell no facing in d20 combats when a participant is
a tomato-based fruit salad. flanked (enemies on both sides) the flankers gain
advantages on their attack rolls to hit the victim.
Initiative and Combat Rounds: When combat or Numerous spells and conditions also impose
other conflicts are begun, the game master will call penalties or boons upon combatants.
for an initiative roll; all actors in the combat will Combat Maneuvers: Combatants will often
roll a d20 and add their modifier(s); highest result attempt to grapple, trip, or otherwise impede one
goes first, then the next highest, and so on until the another during combat. To attempt a maneuver, roll
lowest result plays. Then the next round begins and a check adding combat maneuver bonus against a
the highest initiative result takes another turn. This defense number (PF) or an opposed strength roll
continues until there is no longer a conflict at hand, (5e). Success means the winner inflicts the chosen
typically when one side is defeated or flees. condition upon the loser.
PF Sheet
5e Sheet
Coldlight Press
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Try some of our other products,
like Assault on Mistrunner Village

The thunder of the falls

is nearly deafening; the mist is nearly
blinding. Even so, your mules seem cheerful
as they pick their way up the narrow stone path.
Another turn around the canyon, .
and before you stretch the great .
Mistrun Falls. It’s a breathtaking .
sight. But out of the houses’ .
windows, there is smoke .
curling. And over the roar .
of the falls suddenly .
you hear screams. .

K1: Assault on Mistrunner Village

is a One Session Kit ©, designed to be all
you need for a single night of play, with a
dark adventure set in a remote manor and
a complete set of printable maps, tokens,
pregens, and handouts ideal for a game at
the con or at home with your friends.

“Everything for a night of fun”

-Bryce Lynch, Tenfootpole.

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