Elmag Seminar Tikz Ver1.2

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Graphics in LATEX

An introduction into TikZ and pgfplots package

Michal Mašek

Department of Electromagnetic Field,

Czech Technical University in Prague

Departmental seminars
May 7 and 14, 2019

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1. Introduction
2. Figures with TikZ
3. Graphs in LATEX- pgfplots
4. Drawing in Graphs

Why to do graphics in LATEX?

To avoid this1 !

1 M. Masek, “Coaxial Cable,” Bachelor Thesis, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic, 2013.
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Use Google!
Every problem you have, someone else already solved...

From many results,

try to find a simple, understandable, and general solution.

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How to prepare figures n LATEX

Draw figures with tikz package2 . Plot graphs with pgfplot package2 .

characteristic angle δ n (deg)

ψ2 A1
ψ1 210 A2

ψ3 σvxz 180

ψ4 120
σvyz 1 3 5 7 9
electrical size ka
11 13 15

I Combine both together!

2 M. Masek, M. Capek, L. Jelinek, and K. Schab, “Modal Tracking Based on Group Theory,” submited to

IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., 2018.

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Figures with TikZ


1. Introduction
2. Figures with TikZ
3. Graphs in LATEX- pgfplots
4. Drawing in Graphs

PIFA structure3 .
3 M. Masek, J. Rymus, P. Hazdra and M. Capek, “Implementation of the Theory of Characteristic Modes

into Antenna Modeling Tools and Their Benchmarking,” 8th Microwave and Radar Week, Poznan, Poland,
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Figures with TikZ

TikZ – How to start

I TikZ: the LATEXpackage for vector graphic

developed by Till Tantau.
I Tikz + PGF manual
I Minimal introduction to TikZ

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Figures with TikZ

TikZ – How to start

I TikZ: the LAT
EXpackage for vector graphic
developed by Till Tantau.
I Tikz + PGF manual
I Minimal introduction to TikZ

I Load the package.

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Figures with TikZ

TikZ – How to start

I TikZ: the LAT
EXpackage for vector graphic
developed by Till Tantau. \begin{tikzpicture}
I Tikz + PGF manual Your code
I Minimal introduction to TikZ

I Load the package.

I TikZ environment: tikzpicture.

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Figures with TikZ

TikZ – How to start

I TikZ: the LAT
EXpackage for vector graphic
developed by Till Tantau. \begin{figure}
I Tikz + PGF manual \begin{tikzpicture}
I Minimal introduction to TikZ
Your code
I Load the package. \caption{Caption of the figure...}
I TikZ environment: tikzpicture. \begin{figure}
I In the document, can be included into
figure environment.

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Figures with TikZ

TikZ – Basic Commands I.

I Basic command for drawing: \draw. \draw (0,0) -- (1,2);

The solution.
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Figures with TikZ

TikZ – Basic Commands I.

I Basic command for drawing: \draw. \draw (0,0) -- (1,2);
I Every command has to be ended \end{tikzpicture}
with semicolon!

The solution.
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Figures with TikZ

TikZ – Basic Commands I.

I Basic command for drawing: \draw. \draw (0,0) -- (1,2);
I Every command has to be ended \end{tikzpicture}
with semicolon!
I Default units are centimeters.

The solution.
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Figures with TikZ

TikZ – Basic Commands I.

I Basic command for drawing: \draw. \draw (0,0) -- (1,2) -- (2,1.7) -- (1,0);
I Every command has to be ended \end{tikzpicture}
with semicolon!
I Default units are centimeters.

The solution.
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Figures with TikZ

TikZ – Basic Commands I.

I Basic command for drawing: \draw. \draw (0,0) -- (1,2) -- (2,1.7) -- (1,0);
I Every command has to be ended \draw (2,0) -- (-0.5,1.5);
with semicolon! \end{tikzpicture}
I Default units are centimeters.

The solution.
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Figures with TikZ

TikZ – Basic Commands I.

I Basic command for drawing: \draw. \draw (0,0) -- ++ (1,0) -- ++ (1,1);
I Every command has to be ended \end{tikzpicture}
with semicolon!
I Default units are centimeters.
I Relative increasing: ++.

The solution.
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Figures with TikZ

TikZ – Basic Commands I.

I Basic command for drawing: \draw. \draw[thick, rounded corners] (0,0) -- (1,2)
I Every command has to be ended -- (2,1.7) -- (1,0);
with semicolon! \draw[->, red, dashed] (2,0) -- (-0.5,1.5);
\draw[ultra thick, green] (0,0) -- ++ (1,0) --
I Default units are centimeters. ++ (1,1);
I Relative increasing: ++. \end{tikzpicture}
I Specifications are in [].

The solution.
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Figures with TikZ

TikZ – Basic Commands I.

I Basic command for drawing: \draw. \draw [blue] (0,0) rectangle (2,1.5);
I Every command has to be ended \draw [purple, dashed] (-0.2,1.2) circle
with semicolon! [radius=0.7];
\draw [gray, ultra thick] (1.5,1) arc
I Default units are centimeters. [radius=1, start angle=0, end angle= 90];
I Relative increasing: ++. \end{tikzpicture}
I Specifications are in [].
I Other shapes: rectangle, circle,
arc, plot.

The solution.
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Figures with TikZ

TikZ – Basic Commands I.

I Basic command for drawing: \draw. \draw [stealth-stealth] (0,2) -- (0,0) --
I Every command has to be ended (2,0);
with semicolon! \draw[green, ultra thick, domain=-1.4:1.4]
plot (\x+1, 0.01+\x*\x);
I Default units are centimeters. \end{tikzpicture}
I Relative increasing: ++.
I Specifications are in [].
I Other shapes: rectangle, circle,
arc, plot.

The solution.
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Figures with TikZ

TikZ – Basic Commands I.

I Basic command for drawing: \draw. \draw[red, thick, fill = red!30] (-1,0)
I Every command has to be ended rectangle (2.5,2.2);
with semicolon! \draw [blue, ultra thick] (0.5,0.5) arc
[radius=1, start angle=0, end angle= 90];
I Default units are centimeters. \draw [black, ultra thick, fill = black!30]
I Relative increasing: ++. (1.5,0.5) arc [radius=1, start angle=0, end
I Specifications are in []. angle= 90];
I Other shapes: rectangle, circle,
arc, plot.
I fill.

The solution.
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Figures with TikZ

TikZ – Basic commands II.

I Text: \node. \draw [thick, <->] (0,2) -- (0,0) -- (2,0);
\node at (1,1) {text};


The solution.

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Figures with TikZ

TikZ – Basic commands II.

I Text: \node. \draw [thick, <->] (0,2) -- (0,0) -- (2,0);
\draw[fill] (1,1) circle [radius=0.025];
I Position of text at node. \node [below, red] at (1,1) {below};
\node [above, blue] at (1,1) {above};
\node [left, green] at (1,1) {left};
\node [right, purple] at (1,1) {right};

left right

The solution.

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Figures with TikZ

TikZ – Basic commands II.

I Text: \node. \draw [thick, <->] (0,2) -- (0,0) -- (2,0);
\draw[fill] (1,1) circle [radius=0.025];
I Position of text at node. \node [below right, red] at (1,1) {below right};
\node [above left, blue] at (1,1) {above left};
\node [below left, green] at (1,1) {below left};
\node [above right, purple] at (1,1) {above

above left above right

below left below right

The solution.

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Figures with TikZ

TikZ – Basic commands II.

I Text: \node. \node [draw = red, fill = blue!20, circle] at
(-0.2, 1.5) {circ};
I Position of text at node. \node [draw = red, fill = blue!20, circle] at
I \draw + \node. (1.5,1) {circ XXX};

circ XXX

The solution.

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Figures with TikZ

TikZ – Basic commands II.

I Text: \node. \tikzstyle{myCircle}=[draw = red, fill = blue!20,
I Position of text at node. \node [myCircle] at (-0.2,1.5) {circ};
I \draw + \node. \node [myCircle] at (1.5,1) {circ XXX};
I Styles: \tikzstyle. \end{tikzpicture}

circ XXX

The solution.

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Figures with TikZ

TikZ – Basic commands II.

I Text: \node. \tikzstyle{myCircle}=[draw = red, fill = blue!20,
I Position of text at node. \coordinate (center1) at (-0.2,1.5);
I \draw + \node. \coordinate (center2) at (1.5,1);
\node [myCircle] at (center1) {circ};
I Styles: \tikzstyle.
\node [myCircle] at (center2) {circ XXX};
I Coordinations: \coordinate. \end{tikzpicture}

circ XXX

The solution.

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Figures with TikZ

TikZ – Basic commands II.

I Text: \node. \tikzstyle{myCircle}=[draw = red, fill = blue!20,
I Position of text at node. \coordinate (center1) at (-0.2,1.5);
I \draw + \node. \coordinate (center2) at (1.5,1);
\node (circ1) [myCircle] at (center1) {circ};
I Styles: \tikzstyle.
\node (circ2) [myCircle] at (center2) {circ XXX};
I Coordinations: \coordinate. \end{tikzpicture}
I Naming nodes.

circ XXX

The solution.

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Figures with TikZ

TikZ – Basic commands II.

I Text: \node. \node (sq) [draw = black, fill = black!20,
minimum height = 2cm, minimum width = 2cm] at (1,1)
I Position of text at node. {AAA};
I \draw + \node. \draw[fill = red] (sq.north) circle [radius=0.1];
\draw[fill = blue] (sq.west) circle [radius=0.1];
I Styles: \tikzstyle.
\draw[fill = green] (sq.south) circle
I Coordinations: \coordinate. [radius=0.1];
I Naming nodes. \draw[fill = purple] (sq.east) circle
I Anchors of nodes. \draw[fill = cyan] (sq.north west) circle
\draw[fill = yellow] (sq.north east) circle
AAA \draw[fill = orange] (sq.south west) circle
\draw[fill = magenta] (sq.south east) circle
The solution. \end{tikzpicture}

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Figures with TikZ

TikZ – Basic commands II.

I Text: \node. \tikzstyle{myCircle}=[draw = red, fill = blue!20,
I Position of text at node. \coordinate (center1) at (-0.2,1.5);
I \draw + \node. \coordinate (center2) at (1.5,1);
\node (circ1) [myCircle] at (center1) {circ};
I Styles: \tikzstyle.
\node (circ2) [myCircle] at (center2) {circ XXX};
I Coordinations: \coordinate. \draw[->, thick] (circ1.south) -- (circ2.south);
I Naming nodes. \end{tikzpicture}
I Anchors of nodes.

circ XXX

The solution.

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Figures with TikZ

TikZ – Basic Commands III.

I The calculation of coords: \coordinate (a) at (-0.5, 0.5);
\coordinate (b) at (2.5, 0.5);
\coordinate (c) at ($(a) !0.5! (b)$);
I Notation: \coordinate (d) at ($(a) !1/3! (c)$);
!0.5! at 1/2 between given \coordinate (e) at ($(a) + (0, 1)$);
points, \coordinate (f) at ($(b) + (-0.5, 0.5)$);
!1/3! at 1/3 between given \coordinate (g) at ($(b) + 2*(-0.5, 0.5)$);
points, \coordinate (h) at ($(g) + -1*(0.5, 0.5)$);
+ adding of two vectors. \tikzstyle{myPoint} = [draw = black, fill = black];
subtraction also with +, see (h). \tikzstyle{myCirc} = [radius = 0.05];
\draw[<->, gray] (0, 2) -- (0,0) -- (2,0);
\draw[myPoint] (a) circle [myCirc] node[above] {A};
E G \draw[myPoint] (b) circle [myCirc] node[above] {B};
\draw[myPoint] (c) circle [myCirc] node[above] {C};
H F \draw[myPoint] (d) circle [myCirc] node[above] {D};
A D C B \draw[myPoint] (e) circle [myCirc] node[above] {E};
\draw[myPoint] (f) circle [myCirc] node[above] {F};
\draw[myPoint] (g) circle [myCirc] node[above] {G};
The solution. \draw[myPoint] (h) circle [myCirc] node[above] {H};
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Figures with TikZ

TikZ – Basic Commands IV.

% line
I Text (not only) above line: \draw (0,0) -- (5,0);
% text above ending point:
\draw and \node combination.
\draw[red] (0,1) -- (5,1) node[above] {a};
I Both commands can be % text above line
combined, position of node \draw[green] (0,2) -- node[above] {a} (5,2);
command affect position of text. % text above starting point:
\draw[blue] (0,3) node[above] {a} -- (5,3);
a % text at specified position:
\draw[cyan] (0,4) -- node[above, pos=0.2] {a} (5,4);

The solution.

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Figures with TikZ

TikZ – Complex example I.

I Generator – modulator – transmitting antenna – free space – receiving antenna –

demodulator – receiver.

Free space


The block diagram of signal transfer.

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Figures with TikZ

TikZ – Complex example I. – Source Code I.

% LaTeX definitions of dimensions % Transmitting antenna
\newlength{\blockHeight} % height of block \coordinate (ant1A) at ($(mod.east) + (\blockSeparator,
\setlength{\blockHeight}{1.2cm} 0) + -0.5*(\blockWidth, 0)$);
\newlength{\blockWidth} % width of block \coordinate (ant1B) at ($(ant1A) + (0,
\setlength{\blockWidth}{1.5cm} 3/2*\blockHeight)$);
\newlength{\blockSeparator} % space between blocks \draw[antenna] (ant1A) -- (ant1B);
\setlength{\blockSeparator}{1cm} \draw[antenna] ($(ant1B)+(-\antennaX, 0)$) --
\newlength{\antennaX} % antenna fork - X ($(ant1B)+(0, -\antennaY)$) -- ($(ant1B)+(\antennaX,
\setlength{\antennaX}{0.2cm} 0)$);
\newlength{\antennaY} % antenna fork - Y
\setlength{\antennaY}{0.4cm} % Receiving antenna
\begin{tikzpicture} \coordinate (ant2A) at ($(ant1A) + (3*\blockSeparator,
% My stylles - block, antenna and arrow 0)$);
\tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw = black, minimum \coordinate (ant2B) at ($(ant2A) + (0,
height = \blockHeight, minimum width = \blockWidth, 3/2*\blockHeight)$);
inner sep = 0pt]; \draw[antenna] (ant2A) -- (ant2B);
\tikzstyle{antenna} = [draw = black, thick]; \draw[antenna] ($(ant2B)+(-\antennaX, 0)$) --
\tikzstyle{arrow} = [->, thick]; ($(ant2B)+(0, -\antennaY)$) -- ($(ant2B)+(\antennaX,
% Generator
\coordinate (genCoord) at (0,0); % demodulator
\node[block, circle, minimum width = \blockHeight] \coordinate (demodCenter) at ($(ant2A) +
(gen) at (genCoord) {GEN}; (\blockSeparator, 0)$);
\node[block] (demod) at (demodCenter) {DEMOD};
% Modulator
\coordinate (modCenter) at ($(gen.east) +
(\blockSeparator, 0) + 0.5*(\blockWidth, 0)$);
\node[block] (mod) at (modCenter) {MOD};
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Figures with TikZ

TikZ – Complex example I. – Source Code II.

% Receiver
\coordinate (recCenter) at ($(demod.east) + (\blockSeparator, 0) + 0.5*(\blockWidth, 0)$);
\node[block] (rec) at (recCenter) {P\v{r}ij\’{i}ma\v{c}};
% Propojen blok
\draw[arrow] (gen.east) -- (mod.west);
\draw[arrow, -] (mod.east) -- (ant1A);
\draw[arrow] (ant2A) -- (demod.west);
\draw[arrow] (demod.east) -- (rec.west);

% Free space
\coordinate (air1) at ($(ant1B) + (2* \antennaX, 0)$);
\coordinate (air2) at ($(ant2B) + (-2* \antennaX, 0)$);
\draw[arrow, cyan, dashed] (air1) -- (air2);
\node[cyan, below] at ($(air1) !0.5! (air2)$) {Free space};

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Figures with TikZ

TikZ – Complex example II.

r ra

r ab
a b

r rr0
r br0

Vectors adding.

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Figures with TikZ

TikZ – Complex example II. – Source Code

\documentclass[12pt]{standalone} % arrows
\usepackage{tikz} \draw[myArrow] (r1) -- node [right, midway]
\usetikzlibrary{calc} {$\V{r} {br’}$} (b);
\usepackage{amsmath} \draw[myArrow] (b) -- node [above, pos = 0.3]
\usepackage{amsfonts} {$\V{r} {ab}$} (a);
\draw[myArrow] (a) -- node [left, midway] {$\V{r} {ra}$}
\newcommand{\V}[1]{\boldsymbol{#1}} % vector (r);
\newcommand{\circleRad}{1.5pt} \draw[myArrow, thick, style = densely dashed, red] (r1)
\newcommand{\fWidth}{7cm} -- node[below left, pos = 0.35] {$\V{r} {rr’}$} (r);
% points
\tikzstyle{myPoint} = [radius = \circleRad, \draw[myPoint] (r1) circle node [right] {$\V{r}’$};
black, fill = black] \draw[myPoint] (b) circle node [right] {$\V{b}$};
\tikzstyle{myArrow} = [->, >=stealth, shorten >= \draw[myPoint] (a) circle node [left] {$\V{a}$};
\circleRad] \draw[myPoint] (r) circle node [left] {$\V{r}$};
\begin{document} \end{document}
\coordinate (r1) at (\fWidth, 0cm);
\coordinate (b) at (\fWidth, 0.5*\fHeight);
\coordinate (a) at (0, 0.5*\fHeight);
\coordinate (r) at (0, \fHeight);

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Figures with TikZ

GeoGebra: Online Application

I Browser application to draw

I GeoGebra

I Can be downloaded as TikZ code.

Menu - Save as - PGF/TikZ.
I It is automatic code.
I It requires user’s updates and

GeoGebra application.

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Figures with TikZ

I Documentation: I circuitikz % ...
I Predefined styles for electrical and
electronic networks.

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Figures with TikZ

I Documentation: I circuitikz % ...
I Predefined styles for electrical and \end{circuitikz}
electronic networks.
I circuitikz environment.

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Figures with TikZ

I Documentation: I circuitikz % ...
I Predefined styles for electrical and \draw (0, 0) to[R=$R 0$] (2, 0);
electronic networks. \end{circuitikz}
I circuitikz environment.
I \to command.


The solution.

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Figures with TikZ

I Documentation: I circuitikz % ...
I Predefined styles for electrical and \draw (0, 0) to[short, o-] (0, 0);
electronic networks. \draw (0, 0) to[R=$R 0$] (2, 0);
I circuitikz environment. \draw (2, 0) to[short,-*] ++(0,0);
I \to command. \end{circuitikz}


The solution.

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Figures with TikZ

I Documentation: I circuitikz % ...
I Predefined styles for electrical and \draw (0, 0) to[short, o-] (0, 0);
electronic networks. \draw (0, 0) to[R=$R 0$] (2, 0);
I circuitikz environment. \draw (2, 0) to[short,-*] ++(0,0);
I \to command. \draw (2, 0) to[R=$R 1$] ++(2, 0);
\draw (4, 0) to[short,-*] ++(0,0);

R0 R1

The solution.

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Figures with TikZ

I Documentation: I circuitikz % ...
I Predefined styles for electrical and \draw (0, 0) to[short, o-] (0, 0);
electronic networks. \draw (0, 0) to[R=$R 0$] (2, 0);
I circuitikz environment. \draw (2, 0) to[short,-*] ++(0,0);
I \to command. \draw (2, 0) to[R=$R 1$] ++(2, 0);
\draw (4, 0) to[short,-*] ++(0,0);
C \draw (2, 0) --++ (0, 1.2) to[C=$C$]
++(2, 0) --++ (0, -1.2);
\draw (2, 0) --++ (0, -1.2) to[L=$L$]
++(2, 0) --++ (0, 1.2);
R0 R1 \draw (4, 0) to[short,-o] ++(0.5,0);

The solution.

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Figures with TikZ

circuitikz – Block Diagram

LS tunning of antenna – block diagram.

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Figures with TikZ

circuitikz – Block Diagram – Source Code

\documentclass[tikz]{standalone} % second LC block
\usepackage[]{circuitikz} \node[myBlock] (recB) at (5,-1.6) {
\begin{document} \begin{circuitikz}
\draw (0,0) to[L] (0,2);
\tikzstyle{myBlock} = [draw, black, line width=0.5, \draw (1,0) to[C] (1,2);
scale=0.85, fill=black!5!white, minimum width=2.4cm, minimum \end{circuitikz}
height=2.8cm] };
% antenna
% surrounding rectangle \node[myBlock] (recC) at (8,-1.6) {
\draw[black, fill=white, line width=0.25pt] (0.2, 1.32) \begin{circuitikz}
rectangle (9.32,-3.5); \node[antenna]{};
% connection lines };
\draw (0.5,0) to[short, o-] ++(4.5,0) to[short, *-] ++(3,0)
to (8,-3.2); \end{tikzpicture}
\draw (0.5,-3.2) to[short, o-] ++(4.5,0) to[short, *-] \end{document}
++(3,0) to (8,0);
\draw (5,0) to (5,-3.2);

% first LC block
\node[myBlock, rotate=270] (recA) at (2.25,0) {
\draw (0,0) to[L] (0,2);
\draw (1,0) to[C] (1,2);

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Graphs in LATEX- pgfplots


1. Introduction
2. Figures with TikZ
3. Graphs in LATEX- pgfplots
4. Drawing in Graphs


modes 1 – 3
modes 4 – 6
modes 7 – 11
modes 12 – 16
higher modes
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Characteristic numbers of spherical shell3 .
3 M. Masek, J. Rymus, P. Hazdra and M. Capek, “Implementation of the Theory of Characteristic Modes

into Antenna Modeling Tools and Their Benchmarking,” 8th Microwave and Radar Week, Poznan, Poland,
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Graphs in LATEX- pgfplots

Why and How to Do That?

I pdfplot: A package for graphs in LATEX.

I pgfplot manual

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Graphs in LATEX- pgfplots

Why and How to Do That?

I pdfplot: A package for graphs in LATEX.

I pgfplot manual

I Perfectly complements Matlab:

I Plot in Matlab:
x = linspace(0, 2*pi, 101);
plot(x, sin(x), x, cos(x));
xlabel(’x’), ylabel(’sin(x),

Printscreen of figure from Matlab.

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Graphs in LATEX- pgfplots

Why and How to Do That?

I pdfplot: A package for graphs in LATEX.

I pgfplot manual

I Perfectly complements Matlab: 0.4

I Plot in Matlab:

sin(x), cos(x)

x = linspace(0, 2*pi, 101); 0

plot(x, sin(x), x, cos(x)); -0.2

xlabel(’x’), ylabel(’sin(x), -0.4

cos(x)’) -0.6


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Graph in Matlab exported as eps.

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Graphs in LATEX- pgfplots

Why and How to Do That?

I pdfplot: A package for graphs in LATEX.

I pgfplot manual

I Perfectly complements Matlab: 0.5

sin(x), cos(x)
I Plot in Matlab:
x = linspace(0, 2*pi, 101);
plot(x, sin(x), x, cos(x));
xlabel(’x’), ylabel(’sin(x),
cos(x)’) −0.5
I Export to tex tex.
I matlab2tikz 0 2 4 6
I The content of the .tex file can be: x
I inserted into thesis / paper /
I used in standalone document → get Graph exported to LATEX.
the graph as pdf → insert it as image.

Michal Mašek Graphics in LATEX 21 / 30

Graphs in LATEX- pgfplots

I What is in the File? height=3cm,
I Axis setting. at={(0.758in,0.481in)},
scale only axis,
xlabel style={font=\color{white!15!black}},
ylabel style={font=\color{white!15!black}},
ylabel={sin(x), cos(x)},
axis background/.style={fill=white}

% ... other code ...


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Graphs in LATEX- pgfplots

\addplot [color=mycolor1, forget plot]
I What is in the File? table[row sep=crcr]{%
I Axis setting. 0 0\\
I Curves setting and data. 0.0628318530717959 0.0627905195293134\\
0.125663706143592 0.125333233564304\\
0.188495559215388 0.187381314585725\\
0.251327412287183 0.248689887164855\\
0.314159265358979 0.309016994374947\\
% ... 101 points of the first curve ...

\addplot [color=mycolor2, forget plot]
table[row sep=crcr]{%
0 1\\
0.0628318530717959 0.998026728428272\\
0.125663706143592 0.992114701314478\\
0.188495559215388 0.982287250728689\\
0.251327412287183 0.968583161128631\\
0.314159265358979 0.951056516295154\\
% ... 101 points of the second curve ...

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Graphs in LATEX- pgfplots


I What is in the File?

I Axis setting.
I Curves setting and data.
I Hot to improve it?

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Graphs in LATEX- pgfplots

% ... some packages imported ...
I What is in the File? \begin{document}
I Axis setting. \definecolor{mycolor1}{rgb}{0.12157,0.47059,0.70588}
I Curves setting and data. \definecolor{mycolor2}{rgb}{0.20000,0.62745,0.17255}
I Hot to improve it? \begin{tikzpicture}
I standalone class – \begin{axis}[%
minimalistic document, pdf % ... axis setting as before ...
only with the figure. ]
I Externalize – data are saved \addplot [color=mycolor1, line width=2.0pt]
in extenal .tsv ASCI files,
’standalone’, true, \addplot [color=mycolor2, line width=2.0pt]
’externalData’, true); \addlegendentry{data2}

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Graphs in LATEX- pgfplots

Practical Usage – How to Make It better

\tikzstyle{linesAll} = [thick, line join = round, mark
I Generalize as much as possible phase=1, mark repeat=5]
I general tikzstyle for lines,

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Graphs in LATEX- pgfplots

Practical Usage – How to Make It better

I Generalize as much as possible \def\myMarkSize{1.4}
I general tikzstyle for lines, \def\myMarkSizeD{0.2}
I tikzstyle for markers, \tikzstyle{markerCirc} = [mark size=\myMarkSize pt,
mark=*, mark options={solid, draw=black, line
width=\myMarkerLineWidth pt}]
\tikzstyle{markerTria} = [mark
size=\myMarkSize+2*\myMarkSizeD pt, mark=triangle*,
mark options={solid, draw=black, line
width=\myMarkerLineWidth pt}]
\tikzstyle{markerSquare} = [mark
size=\myMarkSize-\myMarkSizeD pt, mark=square*, mark
options={solid, draw=black, line
width=\myMarkerLineWidth pt}]
\tikzstyle{markerDiam} = [mark
size=\myMarkSize+\myMarkSizeD pt, mark=diamond*, mark
options={solid, draw=black, line
width=\myMarkerLineWidth pt}]

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Graphs in LATEX- pgfplots

Practical Usage – How to Make It better

I Generalize as much as possible width=8 cm,
I general tikzstyle for lines, height=4.5cm,
I tikzstyle for markers, scale only axis,
I Have pre-defined axis. xmin=0,
ylabel={$\sin x$, $\cos x$},
legend style={at={(axis cs:3,0.45)}, anchor=south west}

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Graphs in LATEX- pgfplots

Practical Usage – How to Make It better

I Generalize as much as possible width=8 cm,
I general tikzstyle for lines, height=4.5cm,
I tikzstyle for markers, scale only axis,
I Have pre-defined axis. xmin=0,
I Load external data. xlabel={$x$},
ylabel={$\sin x$, $\cos x$},
legend style={at={(axis cs:3,0.45)}, anchor=south
grid = major]
\addplot [linesAll, markerCirc, PairedB]
table[x index=0,y index=1]{mySinAndCos.tsv};

\addplot [linesAll, markerTria, PairedH]

table[x index=0,y index=2]{mySinAndCos.tsv};

\legend{$\sin x$, $\cos x$}

Michal Mašek Graphics in LATEX 23 / 30
Graphs in LATEX- pgfplots

Practical Usage – How to Make It better

I Generalize as much as possible width=8 cm,
I general tikzstyle for lines, height=4.5cm,
I tikzstyle for markers, scale only axis,
I Have pre-defined axis. xmin=0,
I Load external data. xlabel={$x$},
I Only files with data are changing. ymin=-1,
ylabel={$\sin x$, $\cos x$},
legend style={at={(axis cs:3,0.45)}, anchor=south
grid = major]
\addplot [linesAll, markerCirc, PairedB]
table[x index=0,y index=1]{mySinAndCos.tsv};

\addplot [linesAll, markerTria, PairedH]

table[x index=0,y index=2]{mySinAndCos.tsv};

\legend{$\sin x$, $\cos x$}

Michal Mašek Graphics in LATEX 23 / 30
Graphs in LATEX- pgfplots

Practical Usage – How to Make It better

I Generalize as much as possible

I general tikzstyle for lines,
I tikzstyle for markers, sin x
cos x
I Have pre-defined axis. 0.5

sin x, cos x
I Load external data.
I Only files with data are changing. 0

I matlab2tikz is not needed

anymore: −0.5
x = linspace(0, 2*pi, 101).’;
Data = [x, sin(x), cos(x)]; −1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
’Data’, ’-ascii’);
The solution.

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Drawing in Graphs


1. Introduction

characteristic angle δ n (deg)

2. Figures with TikZ
3. Graphs in LATEX- pgfplots 240

4. Drawing in Graphs 210

180 d W


1 2 3 4 5
electrical size ka
Comparison of two tracking methods4 .

4 M. Masek, M. Capek, L. Jelinek and K. Schab, “Modal Crossing Treatment Using Group Theory,” 2019

13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Krakow, Poland, 2019.
Michal Mašek Graphics in LATEX 24 / 30
Drawing in Graphs

Drawing in Plots

I Both methods, TikZ and PGF, can be combined.

Michal Mašek Graphics in LATEX 25 / 30

Drawing in Graphs

Drawing in Plots

I Both methods, TikZ and PGF, can be combined.

I Draw outside axis environment:
I Standard coordinate notation (X, Y).

Michal Mašek Graphics in LATEX 25 / 30

Drawing in Graphs

Drawing in Plots

I Both methods, TikZ and PGF, can be combined.

I Draw outside axis environment:
I Standard coordinate notation (X, Y).
I Draw inside axis environment:
I Axis coordinate system can be used: (axis cs: X, Y)

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Drawing in Graphs

Drawing in Plots

I Both methods, TikZ and PGF, can be combined.

I Draw outside axis environment:
I Standard coordinate notation (X, Y).
I Draw inside axis environment:
I Axis coordinate system can be used: (axis cs: X, Y)
I This is default notation since pgfplots version 1.11 (Aug 2014).
I Use: \pgfplotsset{compat=newest} for the newest version in header,
then axis cs: can be omitted.

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Drawing in Graphs

Drawing in Plots

I Both methods, TikZ and PGF, can be combined.

I Draw outside axis environment:
I Standard coordinate notation (X, Y).
I Draw inside axis environment:
I Axis coordinate system can be used: (axis cs: X, Y)
I This is default notation since pgfplots version 1.11 (Aug 2014).
I Use: \pgfplotsset{compat=newest} for the newest version in header,
then axis cs: can be omitted.
I Relative axis coordinate system:
I (rel axis cs: 0, 0) bottom left corner of axis,
I (rel axis cs: 1, 1) top right corner of axis.

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Drawing in Graphs

Drawing in Plots – Example I.

% ... styles defined on previous slides ...
\begin{axis}[ 1
% ... axis settings ... sin x
] cos x

sin x, cos x
\addplot [linesAll, markerCirc, PairedB]
table[x index=0,y index=1]{mySinAndCos.tsv}; 0
\addplot [linesAll, markerTria, PairedH]
table[x index=0,y index=2]{mySinAndCos.tsv};
\legend{$\sin x$, $\cos x$} −0.5

\draw[red, ->, thick] (0,0) -- (1,1); −1

\draw[green, ->, dashed, thick] (axis cs: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0,0) -- (axis cs: 1,1); x
\draw[cyan, ->, thick] (rel axis cs: 0,0) --
Previously described plot with arrows.
(rel axis cs: 1,1);
\draw[magenta, ->, thick] (0,0) -- (1,1);

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Drawing in Graphs

Drawing in Plots – Example II.

% ... styles defined on previous slides ...
\begin{axis}[ 1
% ... axis settings ... sin x
] cos x
% ... add plots as before ...

sin x, cos x
\tikzstyle{highlight} = [fill = red, fill 0
opacity = 0.3, inner sep = 0cm, circle, minimum
size = 0.5cm]
\node[highlight] (A) at (0.7854, 0.7071) {}; −0.5
\node[highlight] (B) at (3.9270, -0.7071) {}; crossing
\node[red, fill = white] (C) at (1, -0.75) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
{crossing}; x

Previously described plot with arrows.

\draw[->, red, thick] (C.north) -- (A.south);
\draw[->, red, thick] (C.east) -- (B.west);

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Drawing in Graphs

Advance TikZ – Preview for Nex LATEX Semminar

y x

Six bowtie antennas arranged into cubic array2 .

2 M. Masek, M. Capek, L. Jelinek, and K. Schab, “Modal Tracking Based on Group Theory,” submited to

IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., 2018.

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Drawing in Graphs

Advance TikZ – Preview for Nex LATEX Semminar

Far-field of radiated structure5 . It requires media9 package, data in u3D.

5 M. Capek, “Source Concept and Its Utilization for the Analysis of Electrically Small

Antennas,” Habilitation lecture, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic, 2017.
Michal Mašek Graphics in LATEX 28 / 30
Source codes

Source codes

I Memory problems with pdflatex in TeXstudio:

Settings – Build – field with pdflatex:
pdflatex --enable-write18 --extra-mem-bot=10000000 --synctex=1
I Source codes6 of figures used in the presentation:

Cz2 270

characteristic angle δ n (deg)

ψ2 240
ψ1 210
sin x
cos x
ψ3 σvxz s

sin x, cos x
180 d W
d L
ψ4 120 −0.5
ψ5 crossing
σvyz 1 2 3 4 5 −1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
h electrical size ka x

I source code I source code I source code I source code

6 Note that the code is not as perfect as possible. Sometimes a quick result was required instead of making

the code more general.

Michal Mašek Graphics in LATEX 29 / 30

Michal Mašek

Departmental seminars
May 7 and 14, 2019

version: 1.2, last edit: May 14, 2019

The presentation is downloadable at
I michal-masek.cz

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