Unit 2 Financial Planning
Unit 2 Financial Planning
Unit 2 Financial Planning
Prof. Preksha Dattani
For any organization it is very necessary to prepare proper
financial planning. If planning is not done properly then other
activities will not completed properly. There are chances of
mismanagement of finance.
The basic meaning of planning means what to do? How to do?
When to do? Where to do? So this planning now linked with
finance. It consists following.
(i)Determination of amount of finance needed by an enterprise to carry out its
operations smoothly.
The main objective of financial planning is that sufficient fund should be available
in the company for different purposes such as for purchase of long term assets, to
meet day-to- day expenses, etc. It ensures timely availability of finance. Along
with availability financial planning also tries to specify the sources of finance.
Financial Planning includes both short term as well as the long term planning.
Long term planning focuses on capital expenditure plan whereas short term
financial plans are called budgets. Budgets include detailed plan of action for a
period of one year or less.
Time is a game-changing factor in any business venture. Delivering the funds at the
right time at the right place is very much crucial. It is as vital as the generation of
the amount itself. While time is an important factor, the sources of these funds are
necessary as well.
The capital structure is the composition of the capital of a company, that is, the kind
and proportion of capital required in the business. This includes planning of debt-
equity ratio both short-term and long-term.
Financial planning for an organization is the process of determining how they
will fund their activities to ensure they meet their strategic goals and objectives. In
the financial plan, activities are matched with the resources, equipment, and
materials needed for it to be achieved and a time frame is also listed.
Financial planning identifies the risks and issues associated with the business plan.
Once the issues are identified at the planning stage, the counter strategies are
prepared to counter the identified issues. This ensures the smooth completion of
the project and saves a lot of money and time.
Capitalization refers to the valuation of the total business. It is the sum total of
owned capital and borrowed capital. Thus it is nothing but the valuation of
long-term funds invested in the business.
It refers to the way in which its long-term obligations are distributed between
different classes of both owners and creditors. In a broader sense it means the
total fund invested in the business and includes owner’s funds, borrowed
funds, long term loans, any other surplus earning, etc. Symbolically:
The need for capitalization arises in all the phases of a firm’s business cycle.
Virtually capitalization is one of the most important areas of financial man-
A company is said to be overcapitalized when its total capital (both equity
and debt) exceeds the true value of its assets.
It is wrong to identify over capitalization with excess of capital because
most of the overcapitalized firms suffer the problem of the liquidity.
The correct indicator of over capitalization is earning capacity of the firm. If
the earnings of the firm is less than the market expectation.
It will not be in the position to pay dividends to shareholders as per their
This is the sign of overcapitalization. It is also possible that company has
more funds than its requirements based on current operation levels and yet
have low earnings.
Debt and equity > net asset
Company A Company B
Investment 5 lakh 6 lakh
Return 5000 5000
Rate of return 10% - proper capitalized 8% - over capitalized
Over –capitalization may be considered on the account of:
Effects of overcapitalization
Splitting up of the shares which will reduce the dividend per share
Issue of bonus shares, which will reduce both the dividend per share and earning
per share
100000 100000
Under – Capitalization
This can occur when the company is not generating enough cash flow or is
unable to access forms of financing such as debt or equity.
Key points
Young companies that do not fully understand initial costs are sometimes
Causes of undercapitalization
- Under estimation of the future earnings at the time of the promotion of the
- Abnormal increases in earnings from the new economic and the business
- Under estimation of the total funds requirentment.
- Maintaining very high efficiency through improved means of production of
goods or rendering of services.
- Companies which are set up during the recession period will start making
higher earning capacity as soon as the recession is over.
- Purchase of assets at exceptionally low prices during recession.
Effects of undercapitalization
- Splitting up to the shares which will reduce the dividend per share