Colombi, Bassetti, Nussbaumer - 2003 - Analysis of Cracked Steel Members Reinforced by Pre-Stress Composite Patch
Colombi, Bassetti, Nussbaumer - 2003 - Analysis of Cracked Steel Members Reinforced by Pre-Stress Composite Patch
Colombi, Bassetti, Nussbaumer - 2003 - Analysis of Cracked Steel Members Reinforced by Pre-Stress Composite Patch
P. COLOMB I 1 , A . B A SS E T TI 2 a n d A . N U S S B A U M E R 2
Department of Structural Engineering, Milan Technical University, Piazza L. da Vinci, 32, 20133 Milan, Italy, 2Institute of Steel Construction, Swiss
Federal Institute of Technology, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland
Received in final form 6 August 2002
ABSTRACT Pre-stress bonded composite patch is a promising technique to reinforce steel member
damaged by fatigue. The effectiveness of this technique was verified by fatigue tests on
notched steel plates. Results showed that the application of carbon fibre reinforced
plastic (CFRP) strips and, eventually, the introduction of a compressive stress by preten-
sion of the CFRP strips prior to bonding produced a significant increment of the
remaining fatigue life. In this paper, the stress intensity factor in the notched plates is
computed by a two-dimensional finite element model in connection with the three-layer
technique in order to reduce the computational effort. Due to high stress concentration
at the plate crack tip, debond is assumed at the adhesive±plate interface. The goal is to
illustrate the influence of some reinforcement parameters such as the composite strip
stiffness, the pre-stress level, the adhesive layer thickness and the size of the debonded
region on the effectiveness of the composite patch reinforcement.
Keywords composite patch; fatigue crack reinforcement; parametric analysis.
In Bassetti5 a novel technique was proposed to reinforce effectiveness of pre-stress CFRP-strips to stop fatigue
steel member damaged by fatigue. It consists in the crack emanating from the rivet hole or to prevent further
application of carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP) cracking at other locations.
strips and, eventually, the introduction of a compressive The carbon fibre reinforced plastic laminates have
stress by pretension of CFRP strips prior to bonding. physical and mechanical properties particularly interest-
Note that this new methodology applied to riveted steel ing for reinforcement of fatigue damaged steel elements.
members avoids the drawbacks of standard reinforce- The high fatigue resistance of CFRP avoids crack propa-
ment techniques such as hole drilled at crack front, gation from the cracked steel section into the patch. The
cover plates application, replacement of rivets by high high stiffness of CFRP reduces the stress range in the
strength bolts, cold expansion of the rivet hole and cracked steel section and promotes crack bridging. The
welding of the detected cracks.1 As a step towards the high tensile strength of CFRP allows also the application
validation of this technique, fatigue tests on notched steel of a pretension to composite strips in order to increase
plate reinforced by CFRP strips were performed in Bas- the effectiveness of the bonded patch on thicker steel
setti et al.4 This technique is particularly appealing for section. Finally, the low self-weight of CFRP plates
the fatigue life extension of old riveted steel bridges built limits the dead load increment and simplifies the
up at the beginning of the last century by non-weldable strengthening operations. Composite patch reinforce-
steel. Experimental tests were then performed in Bassetti ment technique is a standard and reliable procedure in
et al.4 on a 91-year-old-cross girder in order to prove the different engineering branches to reinforce structural
elements subjected to extreme actions (high fatigue
loads, high temperature ranges and exposure to aggres-
sive agents) and nowadays, is also a standard reinforce-
Correspondence: P. Colombi department of Structural Engineering,
Milan Technical University, Piazza L. da Vinci, 32, 20133 Milan, Italy. ment methodology in aircraft industries.7 In fact the
E-mail: [email protected] CFRP laminates is becoming a familiar procedure for
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60 P. COLOMBI et al.
the strengthening and rehabilitation of the reinforced K sy Y
a p a and the stress ratio R. A lower
concrete bridges (Meier, 1995).8 The CFRP-laminates, stress ratio in fact promotes crack closure that reduces
eventually, could be pre-stressed9 in order to increase the crack growth rate.12 The crack length and the crack
reinforcement effectiveness. Some attempts were also growth measurements were carried out using the
done10 to increase the load carrying capacity of steel electric potential drop method. Results of the fatigue
bridges. tests are shown in the crack length to number of cycles
In this paper, reference is made to the notched steel diagram of Fig. 2 where the reference tests are given
plates tested in Bassetti et al.5 The goal is to investigate by the un-reinforced steel plates. Composite patch acts
numerically the effect of CFRP-strips' stiffness, adhesive on the notched plate in three different ways. First, it
thickness, pre-stress level and debond size region on lessens the stress range Dsy at crack tip, second it reduces
the stress intensity factor, the parameter governing the corrector factor Y(a) by bridging the crack lips
crack propagation rate and then fatigue lifetime. To this
end, a finite element model is developed and is based
on the Mindlin plate theory in order to reduce the com-
putational effort connected to a full three-dimensional Detail B: notch
0.1 mm
The effectiveness of pre-stressed CFRP-plates to arrest
the crack propagation was investigated (Fig. 1) on 10 mm
notched steel plates.4 The central notch consists in a B 5 mm
hole and two initial traversing cracks produced by elec-
troerosion. The plates were reinforced on both sides by a0
two unidirectional pultruded carbon fibre sheets with
width of 50 mm as shown in Fig. 1. A two-component
viscous epoxy was used for bonding the laminate to the
CFRP - laminates
steel plate. All the specimens were tested under constant
amplitude tensile loading (no thermal stresses are then 75 50 50 50 75
considered) using a stress range Dsy 80 MPa and a
stress ratio R sy, min/sy, max 0.4 in the nominal section
of the un-reinforced specimen. Tests were performed on
a hydraulic testing machine with a dynamic capacity of 150 150
800 kN. As is well known, the fatigue crack propagation
is controlled by the stress intensity factor range Fig. 1 Notched steel plate specimen.
Crack length a [mm]
Pre-stress [kN] E [GPa] t [mm]
60 0 174 1.2
a0 ∆s = 80 MPa; R = 0.4
0 106 2·106 3·106 4·106 5·106 6·106 7·106 Fig. 2 Crack length vs. number of cycles
Number of cycles N for different patch configuration.
ß 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct 26, 59±66
and third the compressive stress field produced by technique was proposed to model a composite bonded
the pretension of composite patch reduces the stress reinforcement of a cracked plate. This technique uses
ratio R and then promotes crack closure. two-dimensional finite element analysis, consisting of
By reinforcing the steel plates with non-pre-stress three layers, to model the cracked plate, adhesive and
CFRP strips with mean Young's modulus in the fibres composite patch. It is not required to replace the adhe-
direction E1 174 GPa and thickness hc 1.2 mm, fa- sive layer by shear spring elements (noncontinuum
tigue life of specimens is increased by a factor of about body) since the adhesive is modelled as an elastic con-
three. If the composite strips are pre-stress prior to tinuum medium. In this way the characteristics of
bonding by applying a tensile stress equal to 632 MPa the adhesive required to model nonlinear material behav-
in the CFRP cross-section, the fatigue life is increased iour are also captured. Constraints are used to enforce
by a factor of about five. Even longer fatigue life was the compatibility along the plate-adhesive and the
achieved by stiffer CFRP-strips (E1 216 GPa and adhesive±patch interface based on Mindlin assumptions2
hc 1.4 mm) with the same pre-stress level as before. (Fig. 3).
With this reinforcement, configuration of the fatigue The Mindlin plate theory assumes linear displacement
life is increased by a factor of about 16. As the crack field in the plate thickness. In the three layers technique,
approaches the interior boundary of the patch, high all three layers, cracked plate, adhesive and composite
stress concentration at the crack tip produces debond patch, are assumed to have a linear displacement field
at the plate-adhesive or adhesive±patch interface. along the thickness and they satisfy the relations:16
From the inspection of the failed specimens, it was
uc uP 'Py zc ua uJ 'yJ za us uA 'yA zs
concluded that debond was present between the steel J
plate and the adhesive layer. Debond was also in- vc vP 'Px zc va vJ za
'x vs vA 'xA zs
wc wP wa wJ ws wA
vestigated by Optical Speckle Interferometry tech-
nique.13,6 It was found in Bassetti et al.6 that an
elliptical debond with an aspect ratio c/b equal to 1/5 where the superscript s, a and c are used to denote the
produced a displacement field, which fitted well in the steel plate, adhesive layer and composite patch, respect-
experimental one. ively. The co-ordinates zc, za and zs are measured from
the midplane of each layer. At the plate±adhesive inter-
FINITE ELEMENT MODEL face, where the z co-ordinates for the cracked plate and
the adhesive are equal, and at the adhesive±composite
One of the main aspects of bonded composite reinforce- patch interface, where the z co-ordinates for the adhesive
ment technology is the stress analysis of the reinforced and the composite patch are equal, the constraint equa-
structure and the consequent stress intensity factor tions reduce to:2
evaluation. Three-dimensional finite element analyses11
of composite patch repair have been conducted in the ha hs
ua us ) uJ uA 'yJ 'yA 0
literature. Since the thickness of the adhesive is much 2 2
a s
smaller than the plate and composite patch one, a three J h A h
va vs ) vJ vA 'x 'x 0
dimensional model becomes very expensive due to the 2 2
large number of elements required across the thickness wa ws
to get acceptable aspect ratios in the adhesive layer. at the plate±adhesive interface and:
A number of two-dimensional finite element models
were then employed in the literature to reduce the com-
putational effort.11
In Ratwani et al.14 analyses were conducted by plain P hc
stress two-dimensional elements to model the cracked
plate and composite patch. Shear spring elements were ϕ
used to represent the adhesive. In Sun et al.15 two- J ha
dimensional Mindlin plate elements with transverse
shear deformation capability were used to model both z, w
y, v
the cracked plate and the composite patch. Again shear A hs
spring elements were introduced to represent the
adhesive. The shear springs were connected to the x, u
cracked plate and the composite patch through displace-
ment constraint equations, which satisfy the Mindlin Fig. 3 Modelling of bonded reinforcement and necessary
plate assumptions. In Naboulsi et al.16 the three-layer constraints at the interfaces.
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62 P. COLOMBI et al.
Z b debonding
Steel plate a
Fig. 5 Detail of the finite element model in the debonding region
Fig. 4 1/8 of the three layer finite element model. (a 50 mm).
ß 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct 26, 59±66
1.4 No patch
R = 0.4
Patch s p = 0
Patch s p = 632 MPa
K/(s (pa)1/2) [−]
R = 0.4
R = 0.03
CFRP strip
Fig. 6 Normalised stress intensity factor 0.0
vs. crack length for composite strips with 0 20 40 60 80 100
and without pre-stress. a (mm)
Young’s modulus E1
1.2 100 GPa
174 GPa
1.0 216 GPa
300 GPa
K/(s (pa)1/2) [−]
CFRP strip
Fig. 7 Normalised stress intensity factor 0.0
vs. crack length as function of the patch 0 20 40 60 80 100
Young's modulus. a (mm)
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64 P. COLOMBI et al.
Thickness h c
1.0 1.0 mm
K/(s(pa)1/2) [−]
1.2 mm
1.4 mm
1.7 mm
0.6 2.0 mm
Steel only
CFRP strip
0.0 Fig. 8 Normalised stress intensity factor
0 20 40 60 80 100 vs. crack length as function of the patch
a [mm] thickness.
Thickness h a
1.0 0.15 mm
K/(s (πa)1/2) [−]
0.30 mm
0.8 0.50 mm
0.80 mm
0.6 1.20 mm
Steel only
CFRP strip
0.0 Fig. 9 Normalised stress intensity factor
0 20 40 60 80 100 vs. crack length as function of the adhesive
a [mm] thickness.
R = 0.4 Pre-stress s p
1.2 0
400 MPa
1.0 632 MPa
800 MPa
K /(s (p a)1/2) [−]
R = 0.4
0.8 1000 MPa
R = 0.21 Acier seul
R = 0.03
0.4 R = −0.15
R = −0.5
CFRP strip
0.0 Fig. 10 Normalised stress intensity factor
0 20 40 60 80 100 vs. crack length as function of the
a [mm] pretension level.
a similar effect on the stress intensity factor. Figure 7 The reduction of the stress intensity factor is more
depicts the sensitivity of the stress intensity factor to important for long cracks compared to short cracks.
the composite patch Young's modulus E1 in the fibre For long cracks, partially covered by the patch, CFRP
direction. strips modify the crack geometry by bridging the crack
ß 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct 26, 59±66
lips and this effect is more pronounced for stiff patch. pre-stress value. Note that in this case the stress intensity
For short cracks, the CFRP strips simply produce a factor range remains unchanged but the stress ratio is
reduction of the stress range. Figure 8 depicts the influ- decreased, and even negative stress ratio is achieved as
ence of the composite strip thickness hc. indicated in Fig. 10. This promotes crack closure effects
Note that, in this case, due to patch shear deformation, that reduces the effective stress intensity factor range and
the stress intensity factor decrement is less pronounced then the corresponding crack growth rate.
compared to the one produced by a variation of the The influence of the size of the debonded region is
composite patch Young's modulus E1. Figure 9 illustrates studied with reference to elliptical debond with different
the effect of the adhesive thickness on the stress intensity aspect ratio c/b (Fig. 11).
factor values. Figure 12 illustrates the effect of the size of the
Clearly, the effectiveness of the reinforcement decreases debonded region on the stress intensity factor values.
as the adhesive thickness increases. This is due to shear The effect is more important for long cracks for which
deformation of the adhesive layer. This effect is more the crack bridging effect is reduced by the increment of
important for long cracks where the capacity of the the debonded area. On the contrary, the size of the
CFRP strips to bridge the crack lips is reduced by shear debonded region has no effect on short cracks since, in
deformation of the adhesive layer. On the contrary, the this case, the debonded region does not influence the
adhesive has no influence on short cracks that are outside stress field at crack tip.
the patch area. The effect of the pre-stress level is
reported in Fig. 10.
A pronounced reduction, in particular for short cracks,
of the stress intensity factor is achieved by increasing the Experimental result shows that the application of pre-
stress CFRP strip is a promising technique for the re-
inforcement of fatigue damaged steel section. In particu-
lar, it is appealing for riveted bridges built up at the
beginning of the last century by non-weldable steel.
This technique can be used to reduce or to stop crack
c / b = 1/2 propagation of existing cracks. Moreover, pre-stress of
c / b = 1/5 the CFRP strips prior to bonding introduces compres-
c c / b = 1/10 sive stress, which prevent further cracking by promoting
crack closure effect. Crack closure is a very important
aspect since it reduces the effective stress intensity factor
a range and then decreases significantly the fatigue crack
growth rate. Pre-stressing of the CFRP strips is manda-
tory in order to prevent further crack propagation of
short cracks in steel elements.
CFRP strip Results of the sensitivity analysis clearly indicate a dif-
ferent effect of the pre-stress reinforcement on short
Fig. 11 Elliptical debond used in the parametric analysis. cracks compared to long cracks. They show that the
Aspect ratio c / b
1.2 No debond
1.0 1/5
K/(s ( pa)1/2) [−]
0.8 1/2
Steel only
CFRP strip
Fig. 12 Normalised stress intensity factor
vs. crack length as function of the 0 20 40 60 80 100
debonded area. a [mm]
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