Sec. 26 of NCBA-lending Bank Shall Require The Philippines

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BSP’s supervisory and regulatory powers:

1. Conduct of examination to determine Requirements to be complied with if any director,

compliance with laws and regulations if the officer or stockholder contracts a loan or any financial
circumstances so warrant as determined by accommodation from his bank:
2. Overseeing to ascertain that laws and 1. Approval requirement- the loan must be
regulations are complied with; approved by at least majority of the entire
3. Regular investigation which shall not be board excluding the borrowing director;
oftener than once a year from the last date 2. Reportorial requirement- the loan must be
of examination to determine whether an reported to BSP and entered into the books
institution is conducting its business on a and records of the bank; and
safe or sound basis; and 3. Unless non risk, loan shall not exceed the
4. Inquiring into the solvency and liquidity of book value of the paid-up contribution and
the institution. amount of his unencumbered deposit.
5. If any irregularity is discovered in the 4. Sec. 26 of NCBA- lending bank shall require
process, the MB may impose appropriate the borrowing DOSRI to waive secrecy of his
sanctions such as suspending the offender deposits in whatever nature in all banks in
from holding office or from being employed the Philippines.
with CB

NOTE: RTC has no jurisdiction to hear and decide a

suit that seeks to place a bank under receivership or
under management committee. Such authority is
lodged with BSP. Court’s jurisdiction could only be
invoked after MB has taken action and only on the
ground of in excess of jurisdiction or with grave abuse
of discretion as to amount to lack or excess of


- A conservator, once appointed merely takes over the

management of the bank and assumes exclusive
REMEDIES OF A BANK: powers to oversee the bank’s operations and affairs.
However, the bank retains its juridical personality.
- The remedy of the bank is not prior to but after - A conservator cannot revoke a VALID contract of the
issuance of the order by the BSP. bank. The powers of the conservator must be related
- Injunction does not lie against the authority of BSP to to the preservation of the assets of the bank,
appoint a conservator, or designate receiver or direct reorganization of management and restoration of
the closure of a financially distressed bank, viability.
- Appeal is not the remedy -Powers of conservator cannot extend to the post-
- The decision of the BSP MB cannot be a proper facto repudiation of perfected transactions, otherwise
subject matter for a petition for declaratory relief since they would infringe against the non-impairment
it was issued by the BSP MB in the exercise of its quasi- clause of the Constitution.
judicial power or functions.
- The remedy available to the bank is to file petition for
certiorari with the Court of Appeals subject to the
requisites in Section 30 of NCBA.

- A bank receiver only has powers of administration, it

cannot exercise acts of strict ownership. The properties of
the bank may be sold only to pay its debts.
- a rule that allows the BSP to order closure of the bank even
- Receiver cannot pay or commit any act that will involve
without prior notice and hearing. BSP may rely on the report
transfer or disposition of any asset of the institution.
of the head of its SED or of the conservator if one is
-The appointment of a receiver operates to suspend the
authority of the bank and of its directors and officers over
- BSP is not required to conduct an audit of the bank before
its property and effects.
ordering the closure. Only a report of the head of the SED is
-The bank placed under receivership shall be forbidden to
do business. As such, it is not liable to pay interest on
- The bank is not entitled to a copy of the report of
deposits. It is however liable for obligations that accrued
examination that the SED of BSP has prepared nor can the
before the order forbidding it to do business.
bank validly entitled to injunction to restrain BSP from
- The period during which the bank cannot do business due
adopting such report.
to insolvency is NOT a fortuitous event, unless it is shown
- Due process does not necessarily require a prior hearing; a
that the government’s action to place a bank under
hearing or an opportunity to be heard may be subsequent to
receivership or liquidation is tainted with arbitrariness or it
the closure.
acted without jurisdiction.
- A criminal case for violation of BP 22 against a bank placed
under receivership by the MB may be dismissed for the
demandability of the obligation is suspended.
- The receiver cannot confirm or ratify an option to purchase
real property because it is an act of dominion.
-*Under RA 11211, upon the appointment for any statutory
grounds, the receiver must proceed with the liquidation of
the closed bank. The foregoing law has removed the
authority of the receiver to rehabilitate the closed bank.
- A closed bank under receivership can only sue or be sued
through its receiver, the PDIC. Hence, a petition filed by a
closed bank without joining the PDIC as a party is
- The designation of a conservator or appointment of a
receiver shall be vested exclusively with the MB. Hence, the
court cannot designate a conservator or appoint a receiver
for a financially distressed bank.

- All disputed claims against the bank should be filed before
the liquidation proceeding.
- The liquidation of a bank may be carried out despite lack of
tax clearance unlike in voluntary dissolution of a corporation.
To require a tax clearance before distribution of assets of a
bank would give absolute preference to the tax liabilities of
the bank which is contrary to the rules on concurrence and
preference of credits.
- The exclusive jurisdiction of the liquidation court pertains
only to the adjudication of claims AGAINST the bank. It does
not cover the reverse situation where it is the bank which
files a claim against another person or legal entity.

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