ARF Climate Risk Into Credit Risk Models

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Climate change is a growing threat to all the financial system and is already considered as a
source of financial risk and then as risk drivers of traditional risk categories. In practice, credit
risk will be one of the classical risk categories strongly impacted by transition and physical risk
drivers. Indeed, it will probably lead to multiples impacts on borrowers’ cash flows, capital and
collateral leading to a change in their financial health and thus in their creditworthiness.

Thanks to the current efforts of working and supervisory groups but also pilot programs among
the banking industry, a number of approaches to quantify the impacts of climate-related risks on
credit risk are under development. Due to the methodological challenges to quantify climate-
related risks and to the diversity between the different climate change pathways, expert
judgment will be highly demanded when adapting the traditional credit risk models.

This opinion paper note intends to describe the emerging practices in terms of integrating
climate risk into credit risk modelling.
Climate change is one of the major challenges of the upcoming decades. Recent years have been marked by a
raising public awareness of global warming as scientists have been sounding bells about current and future
consequences. Several indicators, such as the increase in global temperature, the rise of sea level, melting ice in
Polar Regions and the increase of the frequency and severity of natural disasters highlight the potential devastating
effects of climate change on the planet.

Temperatures are now at least 1.1°C above Global sea average level has risen 9cm between
pre-industrial levels 1993 and 2019
Evolution of the global annual average temperature Evolution of global sea level since 1993 (in cm)
from 1850 to 2019 (in C°)
1,40 10
1,20 8
0,80 6
0,20 2
-0,40 -2













GISS-NASA NOAA E.U. copernicus Marine Service Information / Copernicus
Hadley Center 11 Yr - Moving Average Climate Service

Data source: “Chiffres clés du climat - France, Europe et Monde”, Edition 2021, Service de la donnée et des études statistiques (SDES).

Given the urgency and the growing impacts of the climate change issue, many industries are potentially highly
exposed to physical or transition risks, and from time to time to both. In particular, a number of industry sectors may
have activities, products and services that may be exposed to carbon risk and are expected to experience structural
shifts in their business model. Some have already engaged their transformation to a greener strategy such as the
automotive sector where most major players have already introduced hybrid and electric vehicles to their catalogue.

The banking sector, acting as the primary driver of the global economy, is thus at the forefront of these structural
changes. To resist to the consequences of global warming, banks must take the lead, integrate climate change into
their risk management framework and adapt their systems and reporting to cope with the increasing demands of
banking supervisors. Indeed, these last years have seen several initiatives and efforts from the regulatory and
supervisory bodies such as:

 The establishment in 2015 by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial
Disclosures (TCFD) to help identify the information needed by investors and financial institutions to appropriately
assess and price climate-related risks and opportunities;
 The establishment in 2017 of the Network of Central Banks and Supervisors for Greening the Financial
System (NGFS) to share best practices and contribute to the development of environment and climate risk
management in the financial sector;
 Since 2019, an increase in the initiatives carried out by the various supervisors (PRA, BCE) who offer guidelines
on how to manage climate risks or from banking authorities (e.g. EBA) with the launching of its action plan
on sustainable finance with a 2025 timeline


The banking sector is exposed to climate change through macro- and microeconomic transmission channels that
arise from two distinct types of climate risk drivers. First, they may suffer from the economic costs and financial losses
resulting from the increasing severity and frequency of physical climate risk drivers. Second, as economies seek
to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, which make up the vast majority of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, these
efforts generate transition risk drivers. These arise through changes in government policies, technological
developments, or investor and consumer sentiment. They may also generate significant costs and losses for banks
and the banking system.

The transmission channels of climate change on the economy and the financial system.

Climate risks Economic transition channels Financial risks

Micro (individual businesses and Credit risk

Businesses Households • Businesses and
Acute • Loss of income households
(e.g. Wild fires, • Property and wealth defaults
heat waves, floods, damage (weather • Collateral
storms) • Business disruptions,
Physical risk

disruption health impacts,

• Stranded assets Market Risk
labor market
(real estate,
Chronic frictions) • Repricing of
(e.g. droughts, sea • Property financial assets

Financial system contagion

Capex damage, loss or (equities,IRFX
level rises, changes requirements commodities..)
in precipitations) value
• Changing depreciation •
demand and
costs Operational Risk
Policies and
• Supply chain
regulations disruptions
(e.g. net zero Macro (aggregate macroeconomic impacts)
(triggering of
policies) BCPs)

• Capital depreciation and increased

Technological investments Liquidity Risk

Transition risks

development Shifts in prices (supply shocks)

(e.g. electric cars) • Productivity changes (from severe heat, • Increased demand
diversion of investments to adapt to the for liquidity
• Refinancing risk
transition and higher risk aversion)
• Labour market friction
Market sentiment • Socioeconomic changes (changes in
(e.g. air travel, ESG consumption patterns, migrations, Underwriting
investment) conflicts) losses
• Other impacts on international trade,
government taxes, GDP, interest rates • Greater insured
and exchange rates losses
Reputation • Increase in
indemnity gaps
Climate and economy feedback Economy and financial system
effects feedback effects

While the impact of climate risk drivers on banks can be observed through most of traditional risk categories (credit
risk, market risk, liquidity risk, operational risk and reputational risk), this paper focuses exclusively on the link
between climate-related risks and credit risk. It is however worthwhile noting that climate risks can also be taken
as a separate / new risk category to banks, although there is currently very few literature on this approach.

Section 2 of this note illustrates how climate risks are direct drivers of credit risk, section 3 presents market practices
regarding climate risk modelling within credit risk in the banking industry, while section 4 introduces the main
challenges banks may face to integrate climate-related risks on their credit risk management framework.
As a brief reminder, credit risks are assessed based on the borrower's overall ability to repay a loan in a timely manner
and according to its original terms. Three dimensions play a key role in determining credit risk: the borrowers’
capacity to generate enough income to service and repay its debt, its capital, as well as the collateral available to
back the loan.

1. The first dimension depends on the borrower’s cash flows. Financial institutions review the company’s
past cash flow statements to determine how much income is expected from operations. This takes into
account several elements such as the borrower’s level of profitability, the management of its working capital,
or its financial capacity to manage operations and growth.
2. The second dimension depends on the borrowers’ financial wealth, it consists in assessing the financial
structure of the business, the weight of its equity, as well as its ability to raise additional equity, if required.
3. The third dimensions depends on the type and value of the collateral.

Although credit risk is inherent in lending, taking into account all material risk drivers is necessary as an incomplete
assessment would result in an understatement of credit risk and its related losses. Climate-related risks are becoming
material risk drivers as they affect all three dimensions described above and may thus lead to both higher
probabilities of default (PDs) and higher loss given defaults (LGDs). Having in mind these potential repercussions of
climate change on the creditworthiness of borrowers, whether they are companies or individuals, the question that
naturally arises is how financial institutions can integrate these climate risks into their credit risk modeling.

The table hereafter describes the impacts of both transition and physical climate related risks on the three
dimensions presented above, i.e. cash flows, capital and collateral:

Transition risks Physical risks

Transition risks can also affect cash flows in Physical risks can have a negative impact
several ways, including, for example: through several channels such as:

- R&D expenditures in new and alternative - Reduced revenue from decreased

technologies. production capacity (e.g. due to supply chain
- Costs to adopt and deploy new practices interruptions and worker absenteeism) and
On firms’ and processes. lower sales (e.g. due to demand shocks and
cash flows
- Reduced demand for carbon-intensive transport difficulties),
products and services. - Increased operating costs (e.g. due to the
- Increased production costs due to need to source inputs from alternative more
changing input prices (e.g. for energy and expensive supplies) and increased capital
water) and output requirements (e.g. for costs (e.g. due to damage to facilities).
carbon emissions and waste treatment).

The transition to a low-carbon economy can also Physical risks can reduce the value of
significantly affect the value of households’ and households’ and firms’ assets both through:
firms’ assets through:
On capital - Direct damages on assets (e.g. to houses
- Potential re-pricing of stranded fossil fuel and factories during extreme weather
assets events)
- Changes in real estate valuation (e.g. due - Write-offs of assets situated in high-risk
to stricter energy efficiency standards). locations.


The tools and methodologies to assess the credit risk impact of climate change are at an early stage of
development. However, the actual market’s practices are framed on the common following building blocks in a
three steps approach such as described below:

Block 1 Block 2 Block 3

Defining climate scenarios Estimating economic and Translating financial impacts
financial impacts into credit risk measures
Define the set of physical climate change The impacts of climate change on the Once the assessment of financial impacts
scenarios and the measures that will be variables relevant for the economic on the economic agents is finished, it is
taken to manage the transition to a low- activities are then required to be translated then necessary to compute how changes in
carbon economy. into economic terms. cash flows and balance sheets will affect
borrower’s creditworthiness.
These scenarios will be used to estimate This requires to identify the economic
the impact of climate change on credit risk agents (e.g. firms and households) that will This can be measured in terms of the
through variables that are relevant for the be affected by the climate change probability of default (PD), the loss given
economic activities of the borrower. scenarios, to then assess the direct and default (LGD) and the credit ratings.
indirect economic impacts. At the end,
these impacts will be reflected on the
borrower’s cash flows and balance sheets.

When implementing this approach, banks have to overcome to the following five key methodological challenges:

Lack of historical data to assess the impact of climate change on credit risk losses. Past data is a poor predictor of
future evolutions of physical risks. Similarly, no long-term transition policy experiments have been tested or observed. As a
Limitations of
result, methodologies to evaluate climate-related risks rely heavily on expert judgement, on specific economic variables
Historical Data
(e.g. assets’ write-off, change in firms’ costs) and on scenarios that estimate the impact of different GHG pathways and
the associated mitigation measures on temperatures or other physical indicators (e.g. sea level rise).

Long-time horizons for climate-related risks challenge the way banks usually manage risks. Assessing climate risks
requires to extend the traditional horizon of credit risk analysis.
Expanding the
horizon of
Physical and transition risks may not materialize over the traditional analysis horizon of one to three years. Climate change
credit risk
impacts will be likely experienced over intergenerational time horizons (over 30 to 100 years) and the transition to a
low-carbon economy will not be a short-term exercise. Then, an adequate assessment of climate risk should go beyond the
short-term and extend the analysis to a horizon of at least 15 years.

Access to firm and household-level data is limited. Firms and households are differently affected by physical and
transition risks.

Physical risks depend on the geographical location of firm’s factories or household’s physical assets, while transition
risks depend on the ability of firm’s business models and household’s income to align with the transition to a low-carbon
Finding the
economy. As a result, the assessment of climate credit risk must be ideally based on firm and household-level data.
right level of
Unfortunately, climate risks are generally assessed at industry and regional levels. Transition risk assessment do not
consider winners and losers within a specific sector (e.g. early producers of low-carbon electric vehicles), while physical risk
estimations do not generally reflect the different degrees of resilience of assets within a specific region (e.g. various
degrees of resilience to hurricanes in buildings). Granular data remains a challenge as there is a trade-off to gauge
between model’s accuracy and the costs associated to obtain the data. Consequently, some methodological
approaches rely on granular data for a sample of firms and households within a specific sector or geography, that is then
extrapolated at an aggregate, economic-wide level.

Providers of climate risk analytics may integrate further metrics into their methodologies. There is a wide number of
metrics to assess climate risk.

Identifying the For transition risks, current carbon emissions give an insight of the exposure to climate risk but do not reveal how firms
relevant and households will reduce their emissions, neither reflect their level of preparedness to adapt to the low-carbon economy.
climate risk These emissions are usually assessed through carbon footprints considering Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions (the firm’s
exposure direct emissions and the emissions for the energy it uses, respectively), excluding the emissions of the entire value chain
metric and Scope 3 emissions (including the emissions of suppliers and customers). Regarding physical risks, the location of firm’s
manufactories and household assets give an initial insight of the exposure but do not provide information on the resilience
of those assets to climate change. To tackle this problem, providers of climate risk analytics have started to integrate
additional metrics into their methodologies such as firm’s climate change investment strategies or green technology patents.

Translating Estimating financial data resulting from the economic costs of climate change. Another challenge is to translate the
economic economic impacts of climate change into concrete credit risk measures such as PD, LGD, or credit ratings. To do this, banks
impact into need to estimate the financial consequences (e.g. changes in client’s cash flows or in collateral asset values) resulting from
financial risk the economic costs of climate change. Once the financial impact is estimated, traditional credit assessment tools can be used
metrics to measure changes in credit risk.



During the last two decades banks have improved considerably their risk management framework, developing a
variety of methodologies and tools to quantify and manage the principal risks they are exposed to. Integrating climate
risk into credit risk management requires banks to adapt the actual tools for credit risk modelling. The methodologies
should be based on forward-looking scenarios and longer-term modelling horizons, on complex cause and effect
linkages and on data that has not observed in the past.

Even though transitional and physical risks are linked, as the former determines the magnitude of the latter, the
approaches to assess the credit risk impacts are different. These methodological approaches are at the initial phase
of development in the banking industry but are going at a fast pace. This section describes some of the actual
methodologies to assess the credit risks associated with the transition to a low-carbon economy and with
the physical effects of climate change. In particular, the approach framed through three key steps described before
is more detailed in this section.


The main objective to integrate transition risk drivers into credit risk modelling methodology is to estimate the effects
of low-carbon policies, consumer’s preferences changes, and technological transitions on the banks’ credit
risk exposure notably regarding asset quality and portfolio concentration composition as well as on their strategic
planning and global risk profile.

3.1.1 Block – 1: Transition risk scenarios. Transition scenarios are used by researchers, policymakers and
corporations to describe explore the different possible low-carbon transitions by describing changes in socio-
economic systems that are compatible with achieving a climate target. Scenarios are the result of integrated energy-
economy-climate models developed by the scientific community that define forward-looking pathways towards a low-
carbon transition, describing plausible hypothetical interactions across time between energy use, production
technologies, policies, economic sectors, geographies and sociodemographic factors. To identify the most useful
scenario sources for financial assessments of transition risk, the transition scenarios must notably integrate the
following considerations:

 The level of ambition in terms of emission reduction and limiting global warming: Widely global goals
include an increase in global temperatures of 1.5°C (IPCC1 2018) or of 2.0°C (Paris Agreement 2015), while
some others are in line with individual’s reduction pledges as defined in the Paris Agreement or according to
individual countries’ emission reduction targets.
 The speed of the transition: Despite the fact that the level of cumulative emission reductions may be identical
for two transition paths, the transition risk is lower when the transition path is early and smooth, in comparison
to a late and sudden transition strategy.
 The key drivers of the transition: The following three drivers may be usually considered:
- Policy change: Policy measures such as higher carbon prices, limits on emissions, subsidies for low-
carbon technologies or bans for certain products and technologies.

According to the studies from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
- Technological change: Low-carbon technologies’ demand and/or write-offs of carbon-intensive
- Preference change: Reduced demand and market prices due to shifts in consumer preferences towards
low-carbon products and services.

3.1.2 Block – 2: Estimating economic and financial impacts. Climate change transition scenarios are
mainly developed for macro prudential policy or research purposes rather than to estimate the economic impacts on
debtor’s creditworthiness. Consequently, transition scenarios outputs need to be financially interpreted. It is first
convenient to define the geographies, sectors or segments within sectors relevant for the bank’s exposures, to then
identify the risk factors that will drive the creditworthiness of borrowers over time (risk factor pathways). The main
drivers of borrower’s cash flows and creditworthiness arising from transition risks are described below:

 Direct emissions cost resulting from higher costs for CO2 and other greenhouse gases emissions. These
costs depend on the amount of the firm’s emissions and the associated carbon-equivalent price (e.g. direct tax
on emitters or regulations to limit the level of emissions of industrial activities).
 Indirect emissions cost resulting from the supply chain. During a low-carbon transition, carbon-intensive fuels
will increase in price due to pass-through of direct emissions costs. Therefore, higher carbon prices will induce
indirect costs associated with increases in intermediate goods costs by firm’s suppliers.
 Capital expenditures resulting from the costs associated with the required investments to reduce emissions
and to adapt the production processes, the products and services to stricter low-carbon standards. The
magnitude of these costs will depend on the price of those technologies and on the firm’s capital costs.
 Changes in revenues resulting from changes in prices and consumer demand. The higher carbon prices on
emissions is expected to be passed on to consumers. Consequently, the impact on the firm’s margin will depend
on the extent to which firms can pass the transition costs to their clients. Consumers, in turn, will respond to the
price increase by modifying their demand. The higher the price elasticity of demand, the higher the negative
impact on the firm’s revenues is expected to be. In addition, other negative impacts on firm’s revenues will occur
for some economic activities that will not be profitable anymore, expanding the notion of “stranded assets” to
“stranded business plans”. To sum up, important components for estimating changes in firm’s revenues are the
effects of the price elasticity on sales and the sustainability of the firms’ business model and product or services
offer to the transition.

3.1.3 Block – 3: Translating financial impacts into credit risk measures. The risk factor pathways of
the transition to low-carbon economy impact borrowers’ cash flows and consequently, their capacity to service their
financial obligations. In consequence, it is necessary to determine the magnitude of the impact of the climate
transition risk scenarios on the borrowers’ future cash flows, to then translate these results into credit risk

In this context, the Expected loss (EL) is a key metric to consider as it estimates the amount of money that a bank
expects to loss over a specific period of time. It is calculated as the product of its three determining components: the
exposure amount of the loan at the time of default (EAD), the probability that the borrower will default over the
specified period of time (PD) and the fraction of the exposure amount that will be lost in the event of default (LGD).
For each borrower, the EL is calculated as follows:

𝑬𝑳 = 𝑬𝑨𝑫 × 𝑷𝑫 × 𝑳𝑮𝑫.


The objective is to calculate the expected losses conditional on a given climate transition scenario. This requires
to translate the impacts of the scenarios into the three determinant components of the EL described above.
Nevertheless, for the moment the more matured studies have been principally focused on the PD modelling. This
section presents an example of a common approach used by the banking industry to capture the transition risk
impacts on the credit quality of the portfolio of loans through shifts in the probability of default. The approach
is based on the following modules:

1) “Bottom-up” module or borrower-level calibration: Banks are interested in understanding their credit risk
exposure at a granular segment (borrower-level). Unfortunately, scenario models provide a high-level overview
of transition risk impacts at sector or geographical level. Considering the complexity of this exercise, a
representative sample of borrowers with homogeneous exposures to transition risk drivers is selected.
Based on expert judgement and tailored credit analysis, the relationship between transition risk scenarios and
credit risk assessment is estimated at a borrower-level.

To translate scenarios into credit risk measures, quantitative and qualitative considerations must be considered.
For example, the probability of default can be impacted by quantitative factors, such as the impact on cash flows
of emission costs, but also by qualitative factors, such as the borrower’s adaptability to the new low-carbon
environment. Scenario models provide a high-level overview of these drivers but do not specify the impact on
costs/revenues for borrowers relative to their overall financial performance, neither provide information about the
borrower’s adaptability to the new environment. Therefore, using their experience and analytical tools, credit
risk and sustainability experts within the bank play a crucial role, estimating the borrower’s creditworthiness
sensitivities to the risk factors pathways provided in the scenarios.

2) “Top-down” module or portfolio impact assessment: As described above, for the sample of borrowers,
quantitative and qualitative methods may be used for assessing the changes in PD derived from the transition
risk. The credit risk assessment at the sample-borrower-level is extrapolated to the whole portfolio through
calibrated parameters and expert judgement, reducing the requirements in terms of time and resources, while
maintaining the accuracy of the results.


Illustration of the proposed climate transition / credit risk methodology

1) Defining Climate Scenarios 2) Estimating economic and financial impacts

1) Defining Climate Scenarios

Each transition scenario helps to assess the 2) Estimating economic
Risk factor pathwaysand financial impacts
by sector/geography
economic impacts on sectors
Interptreting economic scenario impacts in
corporate financial terms
Transition Scenarios
Pathways Direct Level of Sector Sector
cost Impact h h
Policy change Direct High Low
Indirect emissions cost
cost Indirect Moderate
Technology change emissions cost High

Capex Low-carbon Moderate Moderate

Revenue Capex
Preference change Change in Moderate High
2020 2030 2050 revenue

3) Translating financial impacts into credit risk measures

Borrower-level Calibration Porfolio Impact Assessment
Bottom-Up Approach Top-Down Approach

Sample of representatice borrowers: Changes in the creditworthiness of the borrowers in the

by sectors / geography sample are extrapolated to the overall portfolio using
calibrated parameters and expert judgement.
Borrower’s characteristics: financial
profile, business model, credit rating...

Risk factor Financial B
pathways Impacts Borrower i BB
Borrower i BB

 Sector/geogra Borrower i
phy-level  Borrower’s cashflows and AA
 Sensitivities to balance sheet structure AA
risk factors A
 Sector-level
 Relative PD
Credit risk modelling (borrower i) Systematic and repeatable approach for the rest of
sensitivities the borrowers in the portfolio

 Sector-level
Quantitative and qualitative assessment
 Relative Parameters Internal Rating
Internal Credit Risk
Tools For ex: The Climate Climate-adjusted
Internal Credit
 Sector-level
(e.g. Merton Credit Quality Index internal credit
Rating Models
 Relative
Distance to Default for the Merton Model rating score

Stressed parameters: Impact on Expected Losses


3.1.4 Dedicated focus on quantitative models for the expected losses calculation

In this section, addtional details on the quantitative modeling of adjusted credit risk parameters (PD and LGD) is
shared to better understand the modeling component in the translation of financial imapcts into credit risk metrics. As
described previously, the PD and the LGD are important parameters used to estimate portfolio’s expected losses.
We present some of the actual modelling approaches to assess these parameters under different transition scenarios.

a) Assessing the probability of default (PD) Illustration of the Merton model

(adjusted for climate transition risk)
The Merton Model
Distribution of asset value

of a borrower at horizon
For the quantitative assessment in the PD changes due to (assumed normal)
transition risk, the most common approach used in the
banking industry is based on the well-known Merton
Distance to Default (DtD) model (based on Robert Merton’s
bond pricing model, 1974). This model links the PD to the Distribution of
asset value
likelihood that the future value of the firm’s assets falls after impact of
below a threshold limit defined by the firm’s liabilities, climate
transition risk
preventing the firm to repay its financial obligations and
hence, triggering the default.

The Merton model is adapted to assess transition risks by Debt

subtracting the net present value of all transition costs Original
(e.g. cash-flows and business write-offs) from the current
valuation of the firm’s assets. To estimate the shift in the
asset value distribution of a borrower due to the transition
costs, an additional systemic risk factor related to the Climate-
adjusted PD
transition scenario is introduced into the model. Letting
idiosyncratic and other systemic factors unchanged, the
shift in the distribution of the asset value will enable to Today 1yr Time

estimate the PD variations resulting from the transition risk.

There are several quantitative approaches to assess these PD shifts using the Merton PD original formula. Some
of them adjust the formula with the amount of a firm’s carbon footprint (measured as the amount of CO2 emissions)
and the carbon intensity (measured as the ratio of C02 emissions and firm’s revenues), while other ones adjust the
original formula by a “Climate Credit Quality Index”. This last approach is going to be detailed below.

1 𝑟 Climate Credit
𝑃𝐷𝑖 |𝑠 = 𝑁 [𝑁 −1 (𝑃𝐷𝑖,𝑇𝑇𝐶 ) − ∑(𝑠𝑗,h ⋅ 𝑓h𝑟 ) ] Quality Index
𝑟 (For sector-geography j)
𝑵: Standard Normal Distribution Climate Credit
Quality Index
𝑷𝑫𝒊 |𝒔 : PD for borrower i under a climate scenario s (For segment-geography
𝑷𝑫𝒊,𝑻𝑻𝑪 : Original through-the-cycle PD for borrower i
Climate Credit
𝜶𝐡 : Calibration factor for the sector h Quality Index
𝒔𝒓𝒋,𝐡 : (For segment-geography
Calibrated sensitivity to the risk factor r in segment-geography j and sector h
𝒇𝒓𝐡 : Risk factor pathway r in sector h
Climate Credit
Quality Index - PAGE 10
(For segment-geography
The “Climat Credit Qualitiy Index” is the result of a calibration factor (𝜶𝐡 ) multiplied by the sum of the products of the
risk factor pathways (𝒇𝒓𝐡 ) and segment sensitivities (𝒔𝒓𝒋,𝐡 ). The risk factor pathways (𝒇𝒓𝐡 ) determine how risk factors
evolve over time, the calibration factors (𝜶𝐡 ) estimate the overall magnitude of climate risk impacts in a given sector
h, while the calibrated sensitivity parameters (𝒔𝒓𝒋,𝐡 ) reflect the relative contribution of each risk factor at each sector-
level. Both calibrated factors and sensitivity parameters are fit to calibration points. The first one is calculated using
a least-squares optimization that fits the risk factor pathways to the calibration points, while the second one is
specified by experts, reflecting their qualitative assessment of the relative ranking of risk factor impacts on
segments/geographies in a given sector. With this approach, probabilities of default resulting from a low-carbon
transition can be estimated for defined sectors/segments within sectors or geographies and transition scenarios. It is
important to highlight that the calibration process allows for customizations defined by bank experts, such as
the definition of sensitivities, segments and calibration points.

Adjustments to Internal Credit Rating Models

Banks also leverage on existing internal rating models to assess the expected changes in PDs related to a low-carbon
transition. Scenario models provide insights of carbon prices, costs and demand, as well as low-carbon technology
costs. Bank credit experts can then estimate the impact of these variables into the financials of the selected borrower,
to then calculate financial performance ratios such as debt service ratios (Cash flows / Net Debt) or leverage ratios
(Net Debt / EBITDA). Even with this quantitative approach, the expert judgement is necessary to re estimate the
borrower’s PD or internal credit rating, as assumptions about the borrower’s behaviour should be considered (e.g.
future firm’s investments in low-carbon technologies), as well as the firm’s competitive position, the industry
characteristics, the country risk outlook and other qualitative elements.

Scenario-adjusted analysis
Transition Scenarios Quantitative and - Revenues: reduced demand for
qualitative assessment goods due to shift in preferences
of scenario’s impact on - Costs: shifts in energy costs
individual borrowers’ - Capex: Investments in low-
Policy change credit risk profile carbon technologies

Technology Business Risk Financial Risk


Preference Country / Geography Profitability Ratios


Sector / Industry Coverage Ratios

- Carbon or fuel prices
- Electricity demand by
Peer group comparison Liquidity Ratios

Scenario-implied credit rating


B Borrower i
A Borrower i
AA Scenario-implied PD
Borrower i


b) Assessing the Loss Given Default (LGD)

The LGD generally depends on the value and type of collateral available to back the loan. The methodological
approaches to assess the LGD impacts in the context of the transition to a low-carbon economy are immature and
under development. A simple approach linking the borrower’s LGD to a sector specific LGD level will be a pragmatic
solution. This approach may require expert customized assessments to determine the sector-specific LGDs. For
instance, the analysis of “stranded” or unexploitable assets (e.g. for major oil and gas counterparties) should be
considered when determining the effects of climate change on collateral assets. On the other hand, more rigorous
approaches will be based on the observed correlations between the PDs and the LGDs. Thus, the forecasted LGD
will depend on those correlations and the stressed PDs estimated as detailed in the previous section.


As outlined in the first section of this paper, physical risks can affect borrowers in several ways. This may be for
instance through increased operating costs due to more expensive supplies, a change in revenues due to decreased
production capacity after damages caused by extreme events, or decreased property value of assets situated in
high-risk locations. The common consequence to all these risks is a change in borrowers’ financial health and
thus their creditworthiness.

Physical risks can be acute, i.e. be event-driven with an increase in the severity of extreme weather events such as
typhoons and floods; or chronic, i.e. related to more progressive and longer-term shifts in climate patterns that may
cause a rise in sea level and increase in heat waves frequency for instance.

Similarly to transition risks, the main objective of the physical risk and credit risk modelling methodology is to estimate
the effects on the bank’s credit risk exposure at borrower and portfolio level.

3.2.1 Physical risk scenarios. To identify the most useful scenario sources for financial assessments of
physical risk, banks should ideally consider four different components2:

- The type of climate hazard: floods, wildfires, cyclones and hurricanes, seal level rise, etc.
- The region of the analysis: this can be worldwide or focused on a specific geographical area (e.g. worldwide,
to analyse multinational companies with a global presence or focused on a geographical area, to analyse
households of a specific city, for instance).
- The regional granularity to use: For the most accurate analysis, and assuming that the required data is
available, analysis should be performed at a disaggregated level within the considered geographical area.
- The climate change severity and trajectory considered.

Although tools and methodologies to assess physical risks are still at an early stage, initial frameworks and studies
have been introduced by working groups and pilot exercises, some of them focusing on specific economic sectors
that are particularly vulnerable to physical risks. Indeed, for sectors such as agriculture or energy which are
exposed to both chronic and acute events, physical risks will impact revenues mainly through the production process
resulting in a change in their cost of goods sold. For other sectors such as the real-estate which are more vulnerable
to extreme events, the impact on revenues will mainly come from a change in their property value.

2 Integrating Climate Risks into Credit Risk Assessment – Council on Economic Policies.
Thus, as highlighted by initial works on this topic, the methodology to estimate climate physical risk’s impact does
not necessarily have to be unique and universal. It could on the opposite be adjustable to fit the segment of
companies under assessment and the sector in which they operate. While a couple of methodologies and frameworks
have been introduced these last years, the next section presents two of these methodologies that are sector-specific:

- A first methodology focusing on sectors such as the agriculture and energy to analyse climate-related
impacts on borrower revenues and estimate changes in probability of default.
- A second methodology, for sectors such as real-estate, to assess the potential changes in property values
and loan-to-value ratios due to extreme climate events.

The following section gives more details on both of these two methodologies.

3.2.2 Physical risk impacts on probability of default and Loan-to-Value ratios

a) Physical risk impacts on probability of default

This first methodology to assess impact of physical risks on borrowers’ probability of default follows three steps. First,
it assesses the impact of both incremental climate changes and extreme climate events on the sector productivity.
Second, the resulting impacts are translated into a change in the borrower’s revenues and costs of goods sold.
Finally, the resulting metrics are incorporated into the bank’s internal rating models in order to assess the revised
probability of default.

Chronic physical risks

(incremental climate changes) Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Sector Revenues & costs Probability of

productivity of goods sold default
Acute physical risks
(extreme climate events)

Step 1. Assessing changes in sector productivity. The first step of this methodology is to assess the changes in
sector productivity that should be analysed through both types of physical risks:

- Incremental climate changes (chronic) such as the rise in temperatures and change in precipitation patterns
that can have considerable impacts on the productivity of several sectors, and more generally on the broader
economic activity. Although vulnerabilities to these changes vary from a sector to another, making it difficult to
build a common and multi-sectoral approach, the assessment of the impacts on productivity can be estimated
based on peer-reviews and published literature related to climate change impact assessment.
- Regarding extreme climate events (acute), the impact on productivity is to a certain extent simpler to assess
as it can be estimated based on “real” productivity losses experienced during past climate extreme events (e.g.
for agriculture, this could be the proportion of production lost after crop damage resulting from drought or
hurricane damages – For energy, this could be the downtime of power plant during an extreme weather event).


Step 2. Adjusting income statement metrics. Once the impact of both incremental climate changes and
extreme climate events on future sector / sub-sector productivity have been estimated, the next step is to translate
these impacts at a borrower level through adjustments to its future revenues and costs of goods sold (COGS).

For most sectors, changes in revenues are driven by two main parameters which are productivity and prices. The
main assumption in this second step is that the percentage changes in productivity and price for industry sub-sectors
in a specific world region are assumed to translate into equivalent percentage changes in annual revenue for all
borrowers in that industry sub-sector and region.
As some sectors may be able compensate a decrease in productivity by an increase in prices, while other sectors
may not, this methodology assumes a couple of considerations and simplifying assumptions that are detailed below
through the example of agriculture and energy sectors:

- For the agriculture sector (or businesses in similar sectors), changes in revenue take into account the
changes of both the productivity and prices. This could eventually result in smaller revenue movements if the
decrease in productivity is compensated by an increase in prices.
- For the energy sector, the ability to pass the decrease in productivity to customers through an increase in
prices is less straightforward as this depends on whether the utility is regulated or not. Thus, a simplifying
assumption for the energy sector could be to exclude price movements and only consider the changes in

Step 3. Determining changes in probability of default. Once income statement metrics are adjusted with both
chronic and acute climate events, the next and final step is to incorporate the resulting “stressed” revenues and costs
of goods sold (COGS) in the bank’s internal rating models, the objective being to assess the revised probability of
default. This process should be performed for each time period and climate change scenario considered in Block-1.
To be noted that for practical reasons, while parameters other than revenues and COGS may also vary and affect
borrower’s financial performance, a simplifying assumption could be to consider that those remain constant.

Depending on each bank and the composition of its lending portfolio and exposure across sectors, this 3-steps
process can be applied to a specific sample of borrowers that are sufficiently representative of the bank’s global
portfolio, and then extrapolate the outcomes to the rest of borrowers in similar sectors. This will allow to have a global
view of the impact of climate physical risks on the bank’s credit risk.

b) Physical risk impacts on Loan-to-Value ratios

This second methodology focuses on the impact of physical risks, and more specifically acute risks (i.e. extreme
weather events), on property values and thus on the Loan-to-Value ratios. This two-steps methodology is applicable
to retail mortgages and income-producing real estate.

Step 1 Step 2

Acute physical risks Property values Loan-to value ratios

(extreme climate events)


Step 1. Estimating impacts of extreme events on property values. Property values can be influenced by a wide
range of parameters such as the location of the property, its size, the rental income, the offer and supply demand,
etc. Today, in addition to these parameters, the exposure to extreme weather events is also a key driver of property
values as it directly impacts the owner’s perception of risk.

These last years, identification of risky zones in terms of exposure to extreme events has been simplified mainly
thanks to the publication by government agencies of documents such as flood risk maps whose aim is to help real-
estate investors and future homeowners take fully informed decisions. This only strengthens investor’s perception of
risk as they place more emphasis on climate physical risk in their decision making process, translating eventually into
an impact on property values.

The purpose of this first step is for banks to perform a high-level estimation of extreme events impacts on the
value of properties they have exposures on. Price reduction of properties that have experienced extreme events in
the past is estimated to be in a range between 5% and 20%. Banks can however perform a more detailed analysis
on their own portfolio to refine this estimation and obtain a more accurate impact assessment.
Others factors such as market conditions, changes in weather-related design standards, etc. may also have an impact
on property value. A simplifying assumption could be to exclude these other drivers and only consider the exposure
to extreme events.

Step 2. Translating the impact on property values into change in loan-to value ratios. Once the high level
impacts on property values are estimated, the next step is to identify the properties that are at risk and to calculate a
revised Loan-to-Value ratios.

To this end, the resulting outcomes of scenarios defined in block-1 are translated into probabilities that properties
experience extreme climate events over the average remaining mortgage term of the bank’s portfolio. These
probabilities are then, for each extreme event, multiplied by the high-level estimates of changes in property values
(as defined in step 1) and the results are aggregated, to calculate the ‘risk to property value’ for each climate scenario
and time period, across all relevant extreme events. The final step is to derive the revised LTV ratios by adjusting
the original property values by the risk to property value.



For the past years, central banks, supervisors, working groups and the banking industry have been working together
to promote the contribution of the financial system in the global fight against climate change. As exposed in this
document, transition and physical risks are a source of structural changes that will affect the global economy and the
financial system stability. As stated before, climate-related risks impact the traditional financial risks and as a result,
should be treated as key drivers of the existing categories such as credit risk, market risk, liquidity risk and
operational risks. Moreover, banks should integrate climate risks into their business model analysis, strategy
definition, financial planning, governance, risk appetite definition and disclosures.

Regarding the integration of climate risks into credit risk modelling, as is the focus of this document, banks will need
to account for climate-related risks at all stages of the lending process, from the granting and pricing of loans, to the
collateral valuation, the quantification of credit risk metrics, the monitoring of exposures and limits and the credit risk
policies and procedures. Related to the quantification part, the methodological approaches to quantify the impacts of
climate risks on borrower’s creditworthiness are still at an early stage of development and further analysis and
improvements are required and expected for the coming years. Some challenges such as expanding the horizon
of the models, designing climate scenarios for financial risk analysis, solving the problems related to the lack of
granular data, identifying the relevant climate risk exposure metrics or adapting the actual risk tools for climate risk
modeling need to be addressed. Due to the complexity of the methodologies and the high degree of diversity between
the physical and transition scenarios, expert judgment will be highly demanded when assessing the economic
and financial impacts of climate risks.

Finally, the transition to a low-carbon economy will take time as number of unknowns are remaining. Nevertheless,
the early banks will start to adapt their actual business model and risk management frameworks, the better they will
be prepared to mitigate the transition and physical risks of climate change. Besides, once the potential risks and
opportunities posed by climate change will be better assessed and understood by banks it will be easier for them to
adapt and provide the adequate support to their clients.


Avantage Reply (a member of the Reply Group) is a pan-European specialized management consultancy delivering
change initiatives in Risk, Finance, ALM, Treasury and Compliance within the Financial Services industry. Founded
in 2004, Avantage Reply provides subject matter expert advisory for key ALM, Finance & Risk hot topics on CFO and
CROs agendas. Our service offer regarding climate risk management notably covers:

Topic Description

Business &  Advice and support to integrate climate-related issues into business planning and risk strategy (RAF)
Risk Strategy  Advice and support on embedding climate risk management into strategic processes (ICAAP…)

Governance  Design and implementation of a climate risk management governance framework

Risk  Integration of climate risk components into Material Risk Identification processes (climate risk driver
identification identification and assessment, carbon asset risk assessment framework)

 Portfolio analysis and sensitivity to transition and physical risk (incl. sector/geographic exposures)
Risk  Integration of climate risk components into Operational and Financial Risk Management frameworks
management  Design and implementation of “climate quality index” into existing credit risk models
 Design and implementation of green/brown scorecard approach / green weighting factor

testing /  Design and implementation of a climate risk stress testing framework (interpreting and applying
scenario prescribed methodology, scenario generation linked to risks and business drivers, models/projections)

Supervisory  Gap analysis or action plan to design a climate risk management framework in line with supervisory
compliance expectations and market practices



Nathanael Sebbag Andrea Cruz Ahmed Benchekroun

Partner Avantage Reply France Manager Avantage Reply France Manager Avantage Reply France
Mail: [email protected] Mail: [email protected] Mail: [email protected]

Services: Services: Services:

- Transversal SME support - Modeling and risk management - Risk and Finance management
- Complex program management - Program management - Program management
- Regulatory transformation - Regulatory remediation - Regulatory remediation

Expertise areas: Expertise areas: Expertise areas:

- Stress testing frameworks - Stress testing frameworks - ALM
- Recovery and resolution - Climate risk management and - Climate risk management and
- Climate risk management and stress testing stress testing
stress testing


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