Design: in Situ Thermal Remediation
Design: in Situ Thermal Remediation
Design: in Situ Thermal Remediation
28 August 2009
No. 1110-1-4015 28 August 2009
Engineering and Design
Table of Contents
Paragraph Page
Chapter 1. Introduction
Purpose.................................................................................................................1.1 1-1
Applicability ........................................................................................................1.2 1-1
Distribution Statement .........................................................................................1.3 1-1
References............................................................................................................1.4 1-1
Background ..........................................................................................................1.5 1-1
Scope ...................................................................................................................1.6 1-4
Organization.........................................................................................................1.7 1-4
Chapter 2. Underlying Physical Principles and Technology Descriptions
Fundamental Principles........................................................................................2.1 2-1
Technology Descriptions .....................................................................................2.2 2-21
Unavoidable and Potential Effects.......................................................................2.3 2-38
Chapter 3. Site Characterization for ISTR Technology Screening and Design
Introduction……………………………………………………………………..3.1 3-1
Data Collection Requirements to Support Remedy Selection and Design .........3.2 3-1
Site Physical Properties and Site Conditions.......................................................3.3 3-1
Chemical Analyses and Contaminant Properties.................................................3.4 3-4
Data Needs Specific to each Technology ............................................................3.5 3-5
Evaluation of Biological Degradation Potential ..................................................3.6 3-10
Chapter 4. Technology Screening and Feasibility Studies for ISTR
Introduction..........................................................................................................4.1 4-1
Identify Remedial Action Strategies....................................................................4.2 4-1
Measures of Success for ISTR.............................................................................4.3 4-5
Feasibility Evaluation Flow Charts......................................................................4.4 4-6
Evaluation of Short-Term Impacts of ISTR.........................................................4.5 4-8
Chapter 5. Bench- and Pilot-Scale Studies
Introduction and Considerations in Determining Testing Approaches ...............5.1 5-1
Thermal Conductive Heating...............................................................................5.2 5-3
Electrical Resistivity Heating ..............................................................................5.3 5-7
Steam Enhanced Extraction .................................................................................5.4 5-8
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List of Tables
Table 2-1. Rate of Hydrolysis by Compound and Temperature......................................... 2-6
Table 2-2. Thermal Properties of Representative Materials and Fluids............................. 2-7
Table 2-3. Select NAPL Compounds and Steam Co-Distillation Points............................ 2-9
Table 2-4. Generally Recognized Optimum Growth Range for Various Groups
of Microorganisms...........................................................................................2-18
Table 2-5. Redox Processes that Consume Organic Matter and Reduce Inorganic
Compounds in Groundwater............................................................................ 2-20
Table 2-6. Nominal Upper Bound Temperatures Achieved for Various ISTR
Table 6-1. Groundwater Treatment Technologies............................................................ 6-26
Table 6-2. Vapor Treatment Technologies....................................................................... 6-28
Table 6-3 Applicability of Models to Individual Technologies...................................... 6-35
Table 6-4. Features of numerical modeling codes............................................................ 6-36
Table 7-1. Summary of Completed Thermal ISTD TCH Projects..................................... 7-4
Table 7-2. Summary of Selected ERH Projects.................................................................. 7-5
Table 8-1. ISTR Monitoring Summary............................................................................. 8-10
Table B-1 Summary of Steam Injection Projects.............................................................B-29
List of Figures
Figure 2-1 Aqueous Solubilities of Trichloroethylene and Tetrachloroethylene
as a Function of Temperature........................................................................... 2-1
Figure 2-2 Calculated Aqueous Solubility of Naphthalene as a Function
of Temperature.................................................................................................. 2-2
Figure 2-3 Vapor Pressure of Selected Compounds vs. Temperature ................................2-3
Figure 2-4 Vapor-phase Concentrations of Trichloroethylene and Tetrachloroethylene
as Functions of Temperature............................................................................. 2-4
Figure 2-5 Henry’s Law Constants vs. Temperature for Various Compounds................... 2-5
Figure 2-6 Conductive Heating of 1-, 2-, and 3-m Thick Impermeable Layers
from both Sides..................................................................................................2-7
Figure 2-7 Thermal Conductivity and Specific Heat Capacity of Dry Silty Sand
vs. Temperature..................................................................................................2-8
Figure 2-8 Viscosity vs. Temperature for Liquids............................................................. 2-11
Figure 2-9 Density vs. Temperature for Liquids................................................................2-12
Figure 2-10 Conceptual Diagram of Multiphase Flow at a Dynamic Underground
Stripping Project.......................................................... ................................... 2-13
Figure 2-11 LNAPL in Soil, Saturation vs. Elevation, and Level in Well......................... 2-14
Figure 2-12 Example of Oil Saturation as a Function of Air-NAPL Capillary
Pressure and NAPL-Water Capillary Pressure................................................ 2-15
Figure 2-13 Typical Relationship of Relative Permeability and Saturation
in Soil Partially Saturated with Air and Water.................................... ........... 2-16
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1.1. Purpose. This Engineer Manual (EM) document provides guidance and background for
the appropriate screening and selection of in situ thermal remediation (ISTR) technologies,
including steam enhanced extraction injection, electrical resistivity heating, and thermal
conductive heating. This document is intended to help distinguish proper applications of the
technology and identify important design, operational, and monitoring issues relevant to
Government oversight personnel. It is intended for use by engineers, geologists,
hydrogeologists, soil scientists, chemists, project managers, and others who possess a technical
education but only the broadest familiarity with ISTR technologies. The appropriate Office of
Counsel must be consulted with regard to the proper application of the laws and requirements
under the various regulatory programs and patent law. There may be differences in application
between the various Defense programs.
1.2. Applicability. This EM applies to all USACE commands having Civil Works and/or
Military Programs hazardous, toxic, or radioactive waste (HTRW) project responsibillities.
1.4. References. This EM does not present a detailed, comprehensive discussion of each and
every factor associated with ISTR systems. Such a presentation would require many volumes.
This document does reference additional resources that do provide more detail. A listing of
Government publications, books, and journal articles pertaining to ISTR technologies is
presented in Appendix A. Additional, updated references are available on the internet, including
this Corps of Engineers website: [].
1.5. Background. A significant number of sites are contaminated with high levels of organic
contaminants, including chlorinated solvents, oils and petroleum products, polychlorinated
biphenyls, and wood-preserving compounds above and below the water table. These
contaminated sites include hundreds of Federal installations and thousands of private facilities.
Many of these sites are known or suspected to contain non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPL), either
as mobile or residual immiscible fluids. Some of these compounds have low volatility and
solubility. These contaminants, especially NAPL below the water table, have been difficult to
treat with conventional technologies such as groundwater extraction, bioremediation, and soil
vapor extraction. NAPL often represents a very significant long-term (decades to centuries)
source of dissolved phase contaminants. More aggressive technologies have been sought that
would address these conditions. These aggressive technologies include in situ chemical
oxidation, surfactant/solvent flushing, and ISTR methods. The ISTR methods represent the most
aggressive and effective of these techniques.
1.5.1. ISTR Methods. There are several mechanisms by which heat can be transferred into
the subsurface, including 1) direct conduction of heat away from heaters placed in trenches or
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wells (thermal conductive heating or TCH), 2) electrical resistivity heating (ERH) of the
subsurface by passing electrical currents through the soil, and 3) steam injection or steam
enhanced extraction (SEE). These methods are addressed in this EM. These techniques are
typically applied in conjunction with vapor extraction, and steam injection is typically paired
with both vapor and liquid recovery. The three ISTR methods can be used independently or in
combination to treat both in the vadose zone and below the water table. Further descriptions of
the technologies are provided in Chapter 2. These techniques have been used in full-scale
applications and are covered under a variety of patents, some held by Federal agencies, as
described in Chapter 10. Vendors of the technologies typically operate under a license from the
patent holders. This EM does not address the use of electrical heating for soil melting, also referred
to as in situ vitrification (ISV), the use of steam injection accompanied by the use of soil augers,
or radio frequency (RF) heating. ISV involves the total melting of contaminated soil, with
concomitant destruction of the organic contaminants or containment of inorganic contaminant in
the vitrified mass. Heating for ISV is accomplished using electrical currents passing between
electrodes through the conductive melt. A conductive "starter frit" is placed between the
electrodes to initiate the melting. ISV is a patented technology that was originally developed as
a means to isolate radioactive isotopes for geologically long periods. At least one vendor injects steam into the subsurface via large rotating augers
drilled into the target treatment volume. The soil disruption caused by the augers results in good
contact between the steam and the contaminated soil. The augers are moved around the site to
ultimately treat the entire volume. RF heating involves propagation of radio frequency energy into the soil from
source transmitters and results in the heating of the soil. The use of radio frequency heating of
soil was initially tested at the bench-scale level in the mid-1980s (Dev 1986) and a well-
documented field application was conducted in 1989 at Volk National Guard Base (USEPA
1.5.2. Brief History of ISTR. The origins of several of the ISTR technologies can be traced
back to the oil industry. Steam injection to enhance recovery of high-gravity oils has been used
for several decades (Ramey 1966). The use of steam injection to remediate contaminated soil
and groundwater, however, was developed in the 1980s in the Netherlands (Hilberts 1986), and
in the United States (Udell and Stewart 1989). ERH, as with other thermal technologies, has its
origins in the petroleum industry, where it was developed to heat oil sands and oil shales to
enhance oil recovery. ERH was developed in its six-phase configuration by Battelle Memorial
Institute for the U.S. Department of Energy at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory over a
period from 1988 to 1992 (Hadim et al., 1993). It was field tested and demonstrated at the
Hanford Nuclear Reservation and Savannah River facility in 1993 and the first removal of
DNAPL was demonstrated at Dover Air Force Base in 1996. The technology was first
commercially applied in Illinois in 1996. The use of radio frequency heating of soil was initially
tested at the bench-scale in the mid-1980s (Dev 1986) and a well-documented field application
was conducted in 1989 at Volk Air National Guard Base (USEPA 1997). The use of thermal
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conductive heating for remediation was pioneered by a division of Shell Oil in 1989 (Stegemeier
and Vinegar 1995) based on experience gathered in enhanced oil recovery. More recently, well
publicized successes with ISTR technologies such as those at the Savannah River Site, SC, and
the Visalia Poleyard site in Visalia, CA, have prompted the remediation industry to look closer at
ISTR. There are have been a substantial number of both pilot- and full-scale applications of
ISTR technologies conducted to date and the number of ISTR sites continues to increase.
Appendix C contains information about some of these projects.
1.5.3. Appropriateness of Aggressive Source Removal. The use of the ISTR methods may
represent a significant expenditure. The benefits of this scope of investment have been debated
in the remediation community over the past several years, with much of the discussion centered
on the ability of the ISTR methods to achieve adequate “source” removal to reach strict
remediation objectives. Some segments of the remediation community advocate source
containment, while others promote the removal of the accessible mass (ITRC 2002). The
benefits of the application of ISTR and other aggressive source removal technologies are still
being evaluated. This philosophical issue of the appropriateness of source removal will not be
debated in this EM; rather, the focus will be on the technical issues surrounding the application
of the ISTR technologies.
1.5.4. Advantages of ISTR. Techniques that rely solely on the flow of liquids to deliver
reagents or to remove dissolved contaminants are dependent on (amongst other factors) the
permeability distribution in or around the contaminated volume. Permeability may vary over
many orders of magnitude in natural geological material. As a result, liquid diffusion into and
out of zones of low permeability often limits our ability to deliver reagents and remove
contaminant mass. The effectiveness of heat in the removal of contaminant mass depends, in
part, on the conduction of heat as governed by the thermal conductivity distribution and the
thermal gradient. In most earth materials, thermal conductivities range over less than one order
of magnitude. The relatively small range of thermal conductivities allows much more uniform
heating and treatment within a contaminated zone when compared to delivery of reagents. As
heat is transmitted into the contaminated materials, various processes occur to enhance the
removal of contaminants. The vapor pressure of organic materials increases, viscosity of
separate-phase liquids decreases, diffusion rates and solubility often increase, and rates of abiotic
degradation (e.g., oxidation) may increase. Even biological degradation has been observed to
increase at higher temperatures, up to a point where microbial dormancy (or, at temperatures
well above 100oC, sterilization) occurs. The removal of contaminants using heat can, therefore,
be more complete than is possible with other techniques. Unfortunately, the conduction of heat
in earth materials is relatively slow as these materials are generally good insulators. Efficient in
situ thermal treatment depends on the economical and effective delivery of heat into the
1.5.5. Limitations of ISTR. The ISTR methods discussed in this EM will not remediate
inorganic contaminants (with the probable exception of volatile metals such as mercury). Some
of the ISTR methods may not be appropriate for remediation of very low volatility organics,
such as pesticides, some PAHs, dioxins, and PCBs. Site conditions that may not be conducive to
ISTR include high groundwater fluxes, buried ordnance or explosive containers, or presence of
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critical subsurface facilities or utilities. Chapter 2 discusses these limitations further. Where the
size of the treatment volume is large, the cost of ISTR may also be considered a "limitation,"
depending on financial resources.
1.6. Scope.
1.6.1. General Content. This EM provides guidance on the appropriate use of the ISTR
technologies and information necessary for Government staff to properly plan and oversee the
implementation of ISTR at a site. The EM describes the guiding principles and thought
processes for ISTR, as the numerous site-specific conditions that come into play in any given
ISTR situation preclude a simple cookbook approach. Specifically, the EM describes the
technologies and the fundamental science and engineering behind them. This EM does not
provide detailed guidance on the design of ISTR systems, nor does it provide detailed
information regarding treatment of associated waste streams, such as vapor-phase or wastewater
treatment. The data necessary to decide whether or not ISTR is appropriate, both from site
characterization and bench/pilot-testing, are described, as are the data necessary to monitor
performance of ISTR. Guidance on screening the potential applicability of the technologies,
based on site conditions, is provided. Considerations for review of ISTR designs are presented,
as are the tools for modeling ISTR performance. Major construction and operations and
maintenance (O&M) activities are discussed. The EM also identifies issues related to the
implementation of the technologies, such as regulatory considerations, contracting, safety, cost
and performance, and patent/licensing. Applications of the technologies are summarized where
the specific information is available. A flow chart is provided as a tool for technology selection.
The reader is cautioned that he or she should contact vendors of the various technologies as part
of the selection process to ensure that the most up to date information forms the basis of the
1.6.2. Other Information Sources. This EM was prepared to meet the needs of not only the
USACE, but also other Federal and state agencies. The document was prepared with assistance
from representatives of U.S. EPA, the Navy, the Interstate Technology Regulatory Council, and
the private sector. The electronic version of this document includes links to various documents
and resources from these agencies, organizations, and other sources. A linked subject index is
also provided.
1.7. Organization.
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Underlying Physical Principles and Technology Descriptions
2.1. Fundamental Principles. Organic chemicals released to the subsurface may exist in as
many as four phases: the solid soil matrix, the gas phase, the aqueous phase, and a NAPL phase.
Application of heat to the subsurface can mobilize NAPL phase contaminants from the soil
matrix, allowing them to be removed in the fluid phases via groundwater recovery wells or vapor
collection systems. This section presents a general overview of the processes of multiphase flow
and multi-component mass transfer in the subsurface, and the manner in which elevated
temperatures can enhance those processes for removal of contaminants.
2.1.1. Chemical Principles. Presented in the following sections are chemical, thermal,
hydrogeological, and biological concepts to provide a basis of understanding of the changes that
take place under ISTR. Aqueous Solubility. For hydrocarbons, data on solubility at the temperatures used
during ISTR are scarce. The aqueous solubilities of TCE and PCE as functions of temperature
are presented in Figure 2-1. While the solubilities of the two compounds depicted increase
exponentially with temperature, they do so only at temperatures above the conventional boiling
point of water. A local solubility minimum around 30 to 50ºC has been observed in experiment-
al studies for both TCE and PCE (Imhoff et al. 1997, Knauss et al. 2000, Heron et al. 1998a, b).
EM 1110-1-4015
28 Aug 09 The temperature dependency for large molecules such as the PAH naphthalene is
relatively strong. Figure 2-2 shows the aqueous solubility of solid naphthalene in the
temperature range from 20 to 140oC. The solubility increases about 45 times (from 31 to 1350
mg/L) by heating from 25 to 100oC. The solubility of naphthalene when present in a mixture
such as creosote increases by a factor of 5 to 10 at temperatures typically seen in ISTR (Davis
2003. This helps to explain the dramatic increases seen in dissolved PAH concentrations during
field scale steam remediation at wood-treating sites such as Visalia Pole Yard, and Wyckoff-
Eagle Harbor. An interesting result in investigating the temperature effect on the dissolution rate
for NAPLs into water was that even if the aqueous solubility of PCE did not change dramatically
with temperature, the dissolution rate for the DNAPL increased about five-fold (Imhoff et al.
1997). As a result, for systems with mass-transfer limitations, where the extracted water is
below saturation, heating may increase the mass removal rate in the dissolved phase
substantially. Overall, the increased solubility of the contaminants can lead to enhanced
dissolution, and for PAH’s with low volatility, the aqueous phase removal can become a
substantial component of the remedy. For example, during the SEE extraction at the Skokie,
Illinois, site, it is estimated that 22% of the total hydrocarbon removed was in the dissolved
phase (Smith 2003).
Solubility (mg/L)
20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Temperature (o C) Sorption. Soil-water sorption coefficients affect only the aqueous-phase transport
of compounds. The temperature effect on soil-water sorption coefficients is likely to be most
relevant to those ISTR systems that rely on aqueous-phase transport of the contaminants. In
general, these sorption coefficients will decrease as a function of temperature, increasing the
ability of hot fluids to remove contaminants from the soil. The effect of temperature is specific
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to the contaminant, soil type, and water content. The soil-water sorption coefficient (saturated
conditions) for TCE can theoretically decrease by 50% from 20 to 90°C, while the soil-gas
sorption (dry soil) coefficient for TCE can decrease by an order of magnitude in the same
temperature range (Heron et al. 1998a).
400 300 200 T C 100 25 0
760 mm
1.E+02 TCE
1.E+01 Water
1.E+00 SbCl3
As2O3 n-C16H34
1.E-02 n-C29H60
1.E-03 CdCl2
1.E-04 PCP
PCB 1242
1.E-05 TCDD Dioxin
Figure 2-3. Vapor Pressure of Selected Compounds vs. Temperature . Note that
atmospheric pressure is 760 mm Hg. (From Stegemeier and Vinegar 2001,
copyright, CRC Press, Used with permission.)
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1.E+04 Napthalene
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Temperature (deg C)
Figure 2-5. Henry’s Law Constants vs. Temperature for Various Compounds
(From EPA 1984.) .As can be seen from Table 2-1, the hydrolysis rates for halogenated alkenes (e.g.,
TCE and PCE) tend to be very slow, even at steam temperatures. However, the hydrolysis rates
for halogenated alkanes (e.g., TCA and carbon tetrachloride) tend to be very fast. These
compounds tend to be destroyed as quickly as they dissolve.
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Table 2-1. Rate of Hydrolysis by Compound and Temperature (Weintraub et al. 1986,
Barbash and Reinhard 1989, Jeggers et al. 1989, ETC8 1993).
Half-life Activation Half-life (days)
at 25°C Energy Hydrolysis Temperature (°C)
Compound (years) (kJ/mol) Product 80 100 120
chloroform 1850 123 mineralizes 294 31 4
carbon tetrachloride 41 115 mineralizes 11 1.3 0.2
1,1-DCA 61 110 Vinyl chloride 22 3 0.5
1,1-DCE 1.2×108 130 insignificant 1×107 1×106 1×105
1,2-DCE 2.1×10 130 insignificant 2×109 2×108 2×107
1,1,2-TCA 139 121 DCE 25 3 0.4
1,1,1-TCA 1.1 116 mineralizes or 1,1-DCE 0.3 0.03 0.005
TCE 1.3×106 127 insignificant 2×105 2×104 1960
tetrachloroethane 0.4 92 TCE 0.4 0.1 0.02
tetrachloroethane 47 95 TCE 44 8 1.6
PCE 9.9×108 123 insignificant 2×10 2×10 2×106
8 7
EDB (ethylene
dibromide) 2.5 92 mineralizes 3 0.5 0.1
methylene chloride 1.6 119 mineralizes 0.3 0.04 0.01
1,2-DCA 5.9 104 ethylene glycol 3 0.5 0.1
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capacity; see next section). Heat can migrate relatively quickly through a material with high
thermal conductivity, while heat flow into a material with high thermal diffusivity will result in
a relatively rapid temperature increase. Typical values of thermal conductivity are shown in
Table 2-2.
Temperature (deg C)
1 m thick
40 2 m thick
30 3 m thick
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Tim e (days)
Figure 2-6. Conductive Heating of 1-, 2-, and 3-m-thick Impermeable
Layers From Both Sides. Steam temperature above and below the layer is
120°C, ambient temperature = 10°C, soil diffusivity is 5.82 ×10–7 m2/s.
Table 2-2. Thermal Properties of Representative Materials and Fluids (de Vries 1963,
Incropera and De Witt 1996, USEPA 2002).
Heat capacity Diffusivity Density
Material conductivity
(W/m K) (KJ/m3 K) (m2/s) (g/cm3)
Quartz1 8.79 2008 4.38×10–6 2.66
Clay minerals 2.93 2008 1.46×10–6 2.65
Organic matter 0.25 2510 9.96×10 –8 1.30
2 –7
Silty sand (dry) 1.23 1906 9.76×10 1.52
2 –7
Silty sand (wet) 1.41 4359 5.82×10 1.80
2 –6
Silt (dry) 0.96 1078 1.29×10 1.44
2 –7
Silt (wet) 1.26 5030 4.77×10 1.90
Water1 0.57 4184 1.36×10–7 1.00
Air1 0.0218 1.3 1.68×10–5 0.0013
Engine oil3 0.15 1669 7.71×10–8 0.89
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28 Aug 09 The thermal conductivity of solids and fluids can vary with temperature, and
representative values should be selected for the temperature range of interest (Figure 2-7).
Measured thermal conductivity of porous materials is a combination of conduction and
convection occurring within the pore fluids. The change in measured thermal conductivity may
be influenced by increased convection with temperature. Additional thermal conductivity
values are available in the published literature, for soil materials (Johansen 1997, Sundberg
1988) and for fluids (Poling et al. 2001). Note that the bulk thermal conductivity (kbulk) for a soil
is the combined thermal conductivity of the soil particles and the fluid contained in the pore
kbulk = kparticle(1–n) + kfluid(n) (2-3)
Where n = soil porosity [unitless].
1.30 2800.00
1.20 2400.00
1.10 2000.00
1.00 1600.00
0.90 1200.00
20 40 60 80 100 120
Tem perature (deg C)
Figure 2-7. Thermal Conductivity and Specific Heat Capacity of Dry Silty Sand vs.
Temperature (EPA 2002a). Heat Capacity. The specific heat of a material (KJ•kg–1•K–1) is the energy required
to raise the temperature of a unit mass by one degree (Figure 2-7). The product of the specific
heat and density is referred to as the heat capacity (KJ•m–3•K–1), and provides a measure of the
material’s ability to store heat. The heat capacity of soils and fluids change with temperature;
however the range of variation for heat capacity of different soils is generally small compared to
the variability of other parameters such as permeability. Similar to thermal conductivity, the
bulk heat capacity of a soil is the combined heat capacity of the soil particles and the fluid in the
pore space. Heat of Vaporization. The heat of vaporization (KJ•kg–1) is the amount of energy
required to vaporize a unit mass of material, i.e., to boil a kilogram of liquid until it is entirely
converted to gas. If the conversion takes place at the liquid boiling point, the energy input does
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not result in a temperature increase. The total heat required to vaporize a liquid that is originally
at ambient temperature will be the sum of the heat required to raise the liquid to its boiling point
(product of specific heat, temperature increase, and mass) and the total heat require to vaporize
the liquid (product of heat of vaporization and mass). Thermodynamics of NAPL/Water “Boiling.” The boiling temperature of a liquid
mixture is the temperature at which its total vapor pressure is equal to atmospheric pressure.
Since the total vapor pressure is the sum of partial pressures of all of the components of the
mixture, the boiling point of the mixture (eutectic point of the azeotropic mixture) can be
achieved at a lower temperature than any of the boiling points of any of the separate components
(Lupis 1983). This phenomenon is called co-distillation or steam distillation (Davis 1998). The
implication for ISTR is that many contaminants can be easily removed in vapor at steam
temperatures, even if their boiling temperatures are greater than 100°C. Table 2-3 provides
select NAPL compounds and steam co-distillation boiling points.
Table 2-3. Select NAPL Compounds and Steam Co-Distillation Boiling Points (Lide 1999).
NAPL Mixture Component Boiling Points Co-Distillation Point (oC)
(oC) (eutectic point)
Benzene 80.1 69.4
Water 100
Carbon Tetrachloride 76.8 66.8
Water 100
Chlorobenzene 132 56.3
Water 100
Chloroform 61.2 56.3
Water 100
1,2 Dichloroethane 83.5 72.0
Water 100
Dichloromethane 40.1 <39.9
Water 100
1,4 Dioxane 101.3 87.8
Water 100
Etylbenzene 136.2 92.0
Water 100
Hexane 69.0 61.6
Water 100
Styrene 145.2 93.9
Water 100
Tetrachloroethene 121 88.5
Water 100
Toluene 110.6 85.0
Water 100
1,1,2-Trichloroethane 113.7 86.0
Water 100
Trichloroethene 87.1 73.1
Water 100
Xylene 139.1 94.5
Water 100
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28 Aug 09 Thermodynamics of Steam Stripping via In Situ Steam Generation. Steam stripping
is a process whereby contaminants partition from soil, water, or NAPL phases into the vapor
(steam) phase and are carried away (stripped) from their source areas by vapor flow. The
removal of the vaporized contaminants prevents the liquid or solid phases from reaching
equilibrium with the vapor phase, allowing vaporization to continue at maximum rates. The
stripped contaminants are condensed along with the steam at the edge of the steam zone
(condensation front). When the concentration of a condensing contaminant exceeds its
solubility, NAPL or solid compounds are deposited near the steam front, forming a “contaminant
bank.” Fluid Flow Fundamentals and Impact of Elevated Temperatures. The rate of liquid
flow in a saturated porous medium is proportional to the hydraulic gradient across the medium.
For the one-dimensional case, this relationship is written symbolically as:
Q/A = –K(dh/dL) (2-4)
Q/A = volumetric flow rate of water per unit of surface area [L•T–1]
K = hydraulic conductivity [L•T–1]
dh/dl = hydraulic gradient [L•L–1].
Darcy’s Law is obeyed for liquid flow in fully saturated soils; however, the hydraulic gradient in
partially saturated soil is affected by capillary pressure. Darcy’s Law can also be used to
describe gas flow in soils; however, adjustments must be made for pressure-induced fluid-
density changes. Hydraulic Conductivity. Hydraulic conductivity in liquid-saturated porous media
is dependent on liquid density, liquid viscosity, and soil characteristics including grain size
(Hubbert 1956); that is, hydraulic conductivity (K) is separable into distinct contributions due to
the fluid properties and porous media permeability:
K = kρg/η (2-5)
ρ = density of the liquid [M•L–3]
η = dynamic viscosity of the liquid [M•L–1•T]
g = gravitational constant [L•T–2]
k = intrinsic permeability of the porous matrix [L2] (Table 2-2).
Laboratory testing has not shown significant variations of intrinsic permeability of sands with
temperature (Sageev et al. 1980). Saturated hydraulic conductivity values are not applicable
under partially saturated conditions, i.e., in the vadose zone, or when various combinations of
air, steam, liquid water, or NAPL are present (see Paragraph 3-1.3.2). In general, the
permeability of granular soil is not significantly affected by application of heat; however, ISTR
techniques can improve the permeability of fine-grained materials, either by hydraulic fracturing
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from in situ steam generation, or by desiccation from drying at temperatures above the boiling
point of groundwater. Viscosity. Figure 2-8 shows the temperature dependence of viscosity for different
fluids. NAPL-recovery during ISTR is enhanced by the reduction of liquid viscosities at higher
temperatures. In general, the viscosity of most liquid organic chemicals decreases by about one
percent for a temperature increase of 1ºC (Davis 1997, Poling et al. 2001). Gas viscosities tend
to be one to two orders of magnitude less than liquid viscosities, but increase proportionally with
temperature. Typically, the viscosity of a gas will increase about 30% with a temperature
increase of 100°C (Davis 1997).
10000.00 Engine Oil (Incropera and DeWitt, 1996
Creosote (EPA, 2000)
1000.00 0-Xylene
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
T emperature (deg C )
Figure 2-8. Viscosity vs. Temperature for Liquids (Incropera and DeWitt 1996, EPA
2000a, Poling 2001).. Density. Figure 2-9 shows the variation of density with temperature for different
fluids. In general, hydrocarbon compound densities will decrease about 10% for a temperature
change of 100°C (Davis 1997). The density of water decreases about 4% over the temperature
range from 0 to 100°C. Although these changes are small, they can affect contaminant migration
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because of the more rapid change of NAPL density relative to groundwater density. DNAPLs
with densities close to the density of water, such as creosote or halogenated hydrocarbon and oil
and grease mixtures, can become LNAPLs at elevated temperatures.
Density (g/cc)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
Temperature (deg C)
Figure 2-9. Density vs. Temperature for Liquids (Incropera and DeWitt 1996, Davis 2002).
EM 1110-1-4015
28 Aug 09 Residual Saturation. Residual saturation is the amount of a fluid that remains in
a porous medium after displacement by another fluid. In an air-water system, residual water
content is the amount of water retained after draining the soil. In the context of ISTR, residual
NAPL saturation is the amount of NAPL remaining after drainage of the NAPL by recovery
wells, or displacement of the NAPL by steam, air, or groundwater. Residual NAPL saturations
in unconsolidated sands at ambient conditions typically range from 14 to 30% (Wilson et al.
1990). This has important implications for ISTR because, once residual saturation is achieved,
contaminant recovery can continue only in the dissolved or vapor phases. Experimental studies
have found consistently that residual NAPL saturation decreases with increasing temperature
(Sinnokrot 1969, Sanyal 1972, Davis 1994). The estimated residual saturation of PCE has been
shown to decrease linearly by 67% as the temperature is increased from 20 to 80°C (She and
Soppe 1998. These data indicate favorable conditions for recovery of NAPL contaminants by
ISTR. Interfacial Tension and Capillary Pressure. If two immiscible fluids occupy the
voids of a porous medium, the pressure of the fluid that wets the porous matrix is less than that
of the non-wetting fluid. This pressure difference is made possible by the tension in the
meniscus between the two fluids (interfacial tension), similar to the pressure difference between
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the inside of a balloon and the surrounding atmosphere. Capillary pressure increases as the non-
wetting fluid displaces the wetting fluid, and the degree of saturation by the wetting liquid
decreases (Figures 2-11 and 2-12). Gas and NAPL are expected to be the non-wetting fluids in
most soils; however, geochemical conditions can cause a soil to become NAPL-wet over time.
Because retention of immiscible fluid in soil pore space is partially the result of capillary
pressure, mobility and potential recovery of NAPL could be improved by reducing interfacial
tensions. Although the air-water interfacial tension is known to decrease with increasing
temperature, available data indicate that temperature has only a minor effect on oil-water
interfacial tensions (Davis 1994, 1997 2003).
Figure 2-11. LNAPL in Soil, Saturations vs. Elevation, and Level in a Well.
Figure courtesy of Dr. Ralph Baker, TerraTherm, Inc. Used with
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Relative permeability is a function of the phase saturation, or fraction of the pore space occupied
by the phase. As shown in Figure 2-13, relative permeability approaches 0 at residual saturation
and increases with increasing saturation, approaching 1.0 as saturation approaches 1.0 (Parker et
al. 1987).
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in a conical zone of gas channels extending from the injection screen to the ground surface
(USACE 1997). Introduction of steam into the subsurface, however, from injection wells or the
propagation of steam resulting from in situ electrical or conductive heating, can create a gas-
saturated zone of relatively greater horizontal extent owing to the horizontal flow of condensate.
The condensate heats the media along its flow path toward extraction wells or away from the
heated zone, creating a near-horizontal warm zone that can achieve steam temperature with less
heat input than would be required for steam temperatures at ambient conditions. For typical
ISTR arrays of vertical wells and electrodes installed at similar elevations, the condensate-heated
zone is likely to be elongated in the horizontal direction, and can impart a significant horizontal
component to the expansion of the steam zone. A potential goal in system design might be to
optimize horizontal steam propagation, allowing maximum well spacings to be used (see
Chapter 6). There are several possible effects of thermal remediation on the in situ
biodegradation at a contaminated site. These range from complete inhibition within the heated
zone to enhancement during and after thermal treatment. Neither effect is fully supported by
current research, while there is only anecdotal indirect evidence of enhancement. There exist
several lines of reasoning suggesting that in situ biodegradation should be enhanced by thermal
remediation. It does seem clear, that based on existing data, thermal remediation does not result
in permanently sterile soil conditions. Thermal remediation likely alters the consortia of
microorganisms present and active at a site undergoing thermal treatment.
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Table 2-4. Generally Recognized Optimum Growth Range for Various Groups
of Microorganisms.
Bacterial Classification Optimum Growth Temperature
Psychrophiles < 0 to < 20°C (<32 to 68oF)
Mesophiles 20 to < 45°C (<68 to <113oF)
Thermophiles 45 to 90°C (<113 to <194oF)
Extreme Thermophiles 90 to 110°C (<194 to <230oF) Generally, higher environmental temperatures that do not kill microbes or exceed
the temperature tolerance of the microbial consortia will result in higher metabolic activity. The
increased metabolic activity of enzymatic systems with temperature (Q10) continues up to the
temperature where the enzymes denature or lose the structural stability that enables them to
function. Mesophiles are more efficient at degrading hydrocarbons at temperatures from 30 to
40°C (86 to 104°F) (Bossert and Bartha 1984). Thermophiles actively degrade hydrocarbons
and recalcitrant NAPL constituents (PAHs and high-molecular-weight hydrocarbons) at
temperatures up to 70°C (158°F) (Huesemann et al. 2002). Even though biocatalytic reactions
proceed faster at higher temperatures, the growth rate of thermophiles is often slower than
mesophiles at their optimum growth temperatures. Consequently, degradation reactions at
elevated temperatures found at an ISTR site may progress more rapidly as thermophiles are
capable of mediating degradation reactions at a faster pace without diverting energy to
increasing biomass.
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resulting in greater mass of contaminant in the dissolved phase and, therefore, greater potential
availability to degrading microorganisms. Preliminary data have also shown that the increased
solubility of selected PAHs at temperatures up to 60°C enables thermophiles to degrade the
PAHs at a rate of up to 8 times faster than mesophiles at lower temperatures (Viamajala et al.
(2007). Further studies have also demonstrated that thermophilic degradation of PAHs
and non-volatile hydrocarbons increased at temperatures likely to occur adjacent to the active
treatment zone of an ISTR site (Huesemann et al. 2002). This observation is likely the result of
shifts in the population of microorganisms from predominantly mesophilic to predominantly
thermophilic. This type of community shift is usually associated with a reduction in the diversity
of microorganisms, as the number of different types of organisms is smaller in extreme
environments. As subsurface temperatures cool after active thermal treatment, the consortia
within the heated zone will again shift as conditions become less favorable for thermophiles and
return to the optimum temperatures for mesophiles. The effect these population shifts may have
on the actual make-up of the community of microorganism at an ISTR site, and the resulting
impact on the rate of in situ biodegradation, has not been well quantified. This question remains
an important research topic that needs to be addressed for a more complete understanding of the
fundamental processes that occur following ISTR. While there are limited data to support claims of enhanced bioremediation at
thermal remediation sites, it is possible to infer that in situ biodegradation rates are likely to
increase both following thermal remediation (as the site cools) and adjacent to an ISTR site as
groundwater passes through a heated zone, carrying heat and increased contaminant
concentrations downgradient. The EPA Technology Innovation Office has published a more
detailed review of this topic, available at the website (USEPA 2002b).
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acceptors such as oxygen, nitrate, Fe(III), Mn (IV) sulfate, or carbon dioxide. In some cases,
such as the reductive dechlorination reactions responsible for the degradation of chlorinated
solvents, the organic contaminant acts as an electron acceptor. The release of organic compounds to the subsurface and groundwater flow
systems results in changes to the oxidation-reduction (redox) conditions in groundwater. Under
natural conditions, infiltrating groundwater interacts with soil organic and mineral compounds,
oxidizing the organic material, and, in turn, reducing the minerals. The consortium of
microorganisms present catalyzes these reactions. Oxygen in the groundwater is utilized first as
a terminal electron acceptor in biocatalyzed degradation reactions, because the use of oxygen is
thermodynamically more favorable for aerobic microbes. Once oxygen concentrations decrease,
oxidation can still occur, but the oxidizing agents are NO3, MnO2, Fe(OH)3, and SO4. The
normal progression is from nitrate reducing, to manganese or iron-reducing conditions, to
sulfate-reducing conditions; and may eventually progress to methanogenic conditions, resulting
in the production of methane. As these oxidizing agents are consumed, the groundwater
environment becomes increasingly reduced to the point where methanogenic conditions may
result, if there are: 1) sufficient oxidizeable organics, 2) sufficient nutrients, and 3) temperature
conditions conducive to bacterial growth. These processes are shown in Table 2-5. The role of in situ biodegradation may be evaluated through both primary and
secondary field evidence. Primary evidence includes quantitative evaluation of plume stability,
or whether it is shrinking or growing, based on historical data trends. Secondary evidence
includes indirect indicators of biodegradation such as variations in geochemical parameters
discussed below.
Table 2-5. Redox Processes that Consume Organic Matter and Reduce Inorganic
Compounds in Groundwater (Freeze and Cherry 1979).
Process Equation*
Aerobic Respiration CH2O + O = CO2 + H2O
Denitrification CH2O + 4/5NO3- = 2/5N2(g) + HCO3- + 1/5H+ + 2/5H2O
Manganese Reduction CH2O + 2MnO2(s) + 3H+ = 2Mn2+ + HCO3- + 2H2O
Iron (III) Reduction CH2O + 4Fe(OH)3(s) + 7H+ = 4Fe2+ + HCO3- + 10H2O
Sulfate Reduction CH2O + 1/2SO42- = 1/2HS- + HCO3- +1/2H+
Methane Fermentation CH2O + 1/2H2O = 1/2CH4 + 1/2HCO3- + 1/2H+
* CH2O represents organic matter; other organic compounds can also be oxidized and
substituted in the equations. When oxidizeable organic compounds are released to the subsurface, these
compounds result in the consumption of oxygen. During aerobic respiration, oxygen is the
favored terminal electron acceptor. Anaerobic respiration requires an alternative electron
acceptor to be present, such as nitrate, sulfate, or iron(III). Denitrification, the chemical
reduction of nitrate, occurs once the dissolved oxygen concentrations have been depleted to an
anaerobic level and the nitrate is used as the terminal electron acceptor. Organic carbon may be
biodegraded by anaerobic respiration, if the concentration of nitrate is less than 1.0 mg/L.
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28 Aug 09 Several guidance documents published by EPA (1999a) and DoD (U.S.
Department of the Navy 1998) are available, describing in greater detail the physical, chemical
and biological process involved in situ biodegradation and monitored natural attenuation. These
documents should be consulted during the design and review phases of an ISTR project, and
incorporated into the project’s monitoring program.
2.2. Technology Descriptions. Three main classes of ISTR technologies are discussed in this
a. Conductive heating
b. Electrical resistivity heating
c. Steam enhanced extraction
Experienced vendors, suppliers, and practitioners contributed information for the following
paragraphs. As such, the mention of trade names or commercial products may be made in the
technology descriptions. This EM is intended to assist a project team considering ISTR
applications for a site and does not constitute endorsement or recommended use of a particular
vendor, supplier, or practitioner. Patent issues regarding technologies are further discussed in
Chapter 10.
The three technologies have differing ranges of applicability for contaminants and soil and
groundwater conditions, treatment efficiencies, and cost. While one technology may have the
ability to attain a higher temperature than another, it may not be an efficient form of heating in a
particular range. Table 2-6 shows a general range of upper bound temperatures that can be used
as a preliminary screening to identify an appropriate ISTR technology.
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28 Aug 09 A cross-section of a heater-vacuum well and two heater-only wells, and a plan
view representative of a typical thermal conduction well field layout, are depicted in Figure 2-15.
Conductive heating wells are most efficiently installed in a triangular pattern, which over a large
area makes up a hexagonal “six-spot” of heater-only wells, with a heater-vacuum well in the
center of each hexagon resulting in a 2:1 heater to heater-vacuum well ratio. A number of other
heater/heater-vacuum wells may be used to provide different ratios.
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Heater-only Wells
6-15 ft.
b Vacuum
Well The conductive heating process is relatively uniform in its vertical and horizontal
sweep. This is because: 1) the energy (e.g., in watts) per linear foot input into the soil by thermal
conduction heaters is uniform over each heater’s length, as well as from heater to heater; and 2)
thermal conductivity values vary over a very narrow range (e.g., ± a factor of 2, or a factor of 4
overall) over a wide range of soil types, leading to a relatively predictable rate of heat-front
propagation into the formation around each heater. As neighboring heat fronts overlap, the
entire treatment zone is expected to achieve the target temperature (which varies depending on
the contaminant). In Situ and Aboveground Treatment. During thermal conductive heating, transport
of the vaporized contaminants is improved by an increase in bulk permeability, which results
from drying and shrinking of the superheated soil (i.e., above the boiling point of water) that
develops within a gradually expanding radius around each thermal well. Closely spaced vapor
flow paths may be created even in tight silt and clay layers, allowing capture of the vaporized
contaminants and steam by nearby heater-vacuum wells.
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28 Aug 09 In practice, regardless of the type of COC, most (e.g., >95-99% or more) of the
contaminants may be destroyed as they pass through the superheated soil in proximity to the
heater-vacuum wells, before they arrive at the extraction wells (Stegemeier and Vinegar 2001).
Contaminants that have not been destroyed within the soil may be removed from the produced
vapor stream with the aboveground air quality control (AQC) system, as depicted in Figure 2-16.
Much simpler AQC equipment, such as carbon beds without thermal oxidizers, may be
sufficient in some cases.
Figure 2-16. Air Quality Control (AQC) Components Used in Conjunction with Conductive
Heating. These often include a cyclone separator, thermal oxidizer, heat exchanger, scrubber
beds (e.g., GAC), discharge blowers, and continuous emission monitoring system (CEM).
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28 Aug 09 Technology Status. Several ISTD pilot and field research demonstrations, as well
as four full-scale remediation projects at contaminated sites, were carried between 1995 and
1999 (See Chapter 7 and Appendix B). The ISTD TCH technology was demonstrated to be
effective in removing a variety of contaminants including PCBs, chlorinated solvents (Vinegar et
al. 1999), coal tar products, and heavy and light petroleum hydrocarbons. Additional field-scale
projects are ongoing. Pilot- and bench-scale studies have also demonstrated the potential of
TCH remediation for soil contaminated with polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and explosive
compound residues, including 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT), 2,4-dinitrotoluene (2,4-DNT),
hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX), and nitroglycerin. The soil is heated by the passage of current between the electrodes, not by the
electrodes themselves. Electrical current passes preferentially through the most conductive soil
or groundwater zones initially (e.g., areas having high concentrations of chlorides resulting from
the reductive dehalogenation chlorinated organic compounds). Because the electrical current
naturally seeks pathways to conduct through the subsurface, the more electrically conductive
zones heat first. As water in the more conductive zones heats up and is boiled away, the less
electrically conductive zones subsequently heat up. Further, thermal conduction also plays a role
in the heating of the subsurface, such that at the completion of treatment (and barring the
presence of thermal sinks), a relatively uniform heating of the desired remediation region results.
ERH accelerates VOC remediation by the following principal mechanisms:
a. ERH increases subsurface temperatures beyond the boiling point of most VOCs, causing
them to transition to the vapor phase to be removed through conventional vapor recovery (VR)
b. ERH boils a portion of the pore water in all soil types, regardless of permeability. If
geological conditions are favorable, the resulting steam promotes removal of VOC vapors from
low-permeability soil for collection by the vapor recovery systems.
c. As subsurface temperatures rise, the rates of intrinsic biological activity and chemical
reactions are dramatically increased. These processes are discussed in greater detail in
Paragraph 2.1. From a perspective of basic electrical principles, there is no great distinction
between the two methods (i.e., six or three phase) and it is becoming common practice to use
six-phase heating for a pilot test and then complete the remediation using three-phase heating.
For this reason, this EM will treat the two technologies similarly under the term of electrical
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resistivity heating (ERH). Six-phase heating involves splitting standard line current from three
phases to six phases. When applied to a circular treatment region, the geometry of the six-phase
electrode layout, and the out of phase charging, results in a uniform voltage potential between
the electrodes as illustrated in Figure 2-18. The ratio of distances in a hexagon directly
correlates with the ratio of voltages in six-phase AC. However, this ideal distance-to-voltage
correlation only occurs within a single six-phase heating array, not in situations where there are
adjacent six-phase configurations. A single six-phase array can treat a circular area up to a
diameter of about 60 feet (18.3 m).
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Figure 2-19. Three-Phase Heating Pattern. Figure 2-20. Six-Phase Heating Pattern. When using three-phase heating (Figure 2-19), the current flow and heating
pattern (shown as thin black lines) is relatively simple, uniform, and regular. The electrodes can
be easily “mapped” over the region to be treated. Three-phase heating is balanced electrically,
with similar numbers of electrodes connected to all three phases.
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28 Aug 09 The optimum configuration of six-phase heating to treat the same region is shown
in Figure 2-20, consisting of three complete arrays and seven peripheral electrodes. If an
electrode is adjacent to an electrode that is one different in phase number, normal electrical
current and heating will occur. Normal electrical conduction and heating will occur when an
adjacent electrode: 1) differs by one phase number from the electrode, or 2) the adjacent
electrode is neutral (labeled “N” above). If adjacent electrodes differ by more than one phase
number, excess current will flow and a hot spot will develop as shown between the electrodes
labeled as phases “3” and “5” above. Similarly, if adjacent electrodes are the same phase, no
current flow or heating will occur as shown in the “cold region” above. Vendors of poly-phase
ERH have developed electrical controls to switch configurations or sequences of applying voltages
to compensate for hot spots and cold regions in the six phase geometry. General Description of Treatment Process and Layout. The components required to
implement ERH include:
a. Electrodes.
b. Vapor recovery wells (which are often co-located in the same boreholes as the
c. A steam and vapor collection system, including piping, blower, and condenser.
d. A vapor treatment system.
e. An ERH power control unit to condition power for application to the subsurface.
f. Data acquisition systems.
g. A computer control system with modem for continuous remote monitoring and control
of power. The ERH electrodes conduct electrical energy into the subsurface and can be
designed to allow independent control of the energy input to discrete depth intervals. Electrodes
are typically constructed using either galvanized steel pipe or copper plate to treat distinct zones
in the subsurface, such that multiple electrodes can be installed within the same boring.
Electrodes constructed using galvanized steel pipe are installed in the subsurface in a way
similar to the methods for installing groundwater monitoring wells. In the electrically
conductive intervals, the surrounding borehole annulus is packed with a conductive material,
such as graphite or steel shot, to increase the effective diameter of the electrode. In those
portions of the subsurface where electrical resistivity heating is not desired, the electrode
construction materials are insulated and the surrounding annulus is filled with relatively non-
electrically conductive materials such as sand, bentonite, or cement. Electrode design and
construction is discussed in Paragraph 6-3.1.
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28 Aug 09 The electrodes provide the opportunity to heat discrete subsurface depth intervals.
In applications having layered sequences, it may be desired to treat discrete layers separately or
to create thermal barriers. ERH allows this flexibility by placing electrically conductive
materials at discrete intervals within the same borehole in which the electrode is constructed.
Based on the current state of the technology and experience, the practical minimum thickness of
the discrete zone is 8 feet because of electrical fanning and thermal conduction. An ERH power control unit (PCU) is used to convert standard three-phase
electrical power to six separate electrical phases (if desired) and to adjust the utility voltage to
the appropriate level for subsurface heating. The PCU includes isolation transformers that force
ERH current to flow between the electrodes only, preventing ERH current from flowing to a
distant electrical sink. Isolation transformers are so named because there is no conductive path
between the isolated circuit and the rest of the electrical grid – the energy is transmitted via a
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magnetic field. Because there is no electrical path through the isolation transformer, electricity
cannot leave the ERH field and move away from the site – the current cannot find a return path
to complete the circuit. Resistance by the subsurface environment to this flow of electrical
current uniformly heats the soil and groundwater between the electrodes. Because electrically
conductive intervals can be installed to different depth intervals, and the application of energy to
the different parts of the electrode field can be controlled, it is possible to heat separate
subsurface zones either independently or in unison. The ERH process is typically automated, with an onsite computer equipped with
a modem and appropriate software for remote access and monitoring. Multiple applications can
be monitored and controlled remote from the remediation site or sites, connected via dial-up
modem. Site visits are required for periodic checks of the equipment, maintenance of
mechanical equipment, monitoring, manual adjustments to the electrode configurations, and
troubleshooting equipment malfunctions. The only additive normally required for ERH is a drip source of potable water
that is applied to soil immediately surrounding the operational electrodes. This water addition,
normally incorporated in low permeability environments, prevents the soil adjacent to the
electrodes from drying out and becoming nonconductive. Most aquifers contain sufficient
recharge capacity to keep the electrodes moist and conductive throughout the heating process
and water addition to the deeper sections of the electrodes is typically not required. As the subsurface is resistively heated, contaminants are volatilized and soil
moisture and groundwater are converted to steam. The production of steam during ERH
operations effectively provides for the in situ steam stripping of VOC contaminants from the soil
matrix. By raising subsurface temperatures above the boiling point of the mixture of targeted
contaminants and groundwater, ERH significantly enhances the speed and effectiveness of
physical contaminant removal. On its own, ERH does not necessarily remove contaminants
from the subsurface. Rather, it provides the physical conditions that result in the chemical,
physical, and biological reactions for their removal from the subsurface. The rate of steam formation during ERH is very slow, typically requiring
approximately two weeks to reach the boiling point of water. Once boiling does begin, it is a
very gentle process, comparable to the rate of bubble formation in a glass of carbonated
beverage. The process of in situ steam generation converts groundwater to steam and then
vapor recovery removes the steam from the subsurface. This has the same effect as groundwater
pumping. The net result is a slight drawdown of the water table and some measure of hydraulic
control. Within the vadose zone, some decrease of soil moisture may occur if the site is covered
(preventing rainfall percolation); however, the reduction of moisture observed under ERH
applications has not significantly enhanced the vapor permeability of the soil and to date has not
been observed to adversely affect soil geotechnical characteristics.
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28 Aug 09 After the initial heat up to steam temperature, contaminant concentrations in the
recovered soil vapors decrease. In a remedial cleanup, when these concentrations decrease by
approximately 80% from peak concentrations, electrical resistivity heating typically is stopped
and interim groundwater or soil sampling is performed. The analytical results are then evaluated
to determine if additional treatment is required. Natural attenuation processes (most importantly
intrinsic biodegradation) are also commonly assessed at this time to determine if remediation
goals can be attained under post-thermal treatment conditions. Based upon the results of interim
sampling, heating can be continued or post-remedial sampling can be conducted to document
that the remedial action objectives for soil and groundwater have been met. In Situ and Aboveground Treatment. During heating, pore water increases in
volume 1700-fold as it is converted to steam. This has the potential to create fissures in clayey
and silty soils, facilitating vapor transport. The steam forms very slowly, so that the formation
of fissures is on a very small scale. The high temperatures and application of adequate vacuum
and vapor control should prevent downward migration of liquid contaminant via these small
fractures. The possibility of such migration may need to be considered in assessing the
application of the technology at a subset of sites. Above ground treatment typically involves treating vapors, condensate, and
entrained water. Vapor treatment involves reducing the moisture content, typically through
conventional “knock-out” pot arrangements, followed by appropriate treatment (e.g., granular
activated carbon, combustion, thermal oxidation, etc.) prior to atmospheric discharge. Treatment
of condensate and entrained water involves condensation and cooling through a cooling tower.
The cooling tower in analogous an air stripper, with the vapor fed to the vapor stream treatment
equipment. Typically, the condensate and entrained water makes multiple passes through the
cooling tower, significantly reducing concentrations of volatile constituents. The treated water is
then disposed as appropriate for the site (e.g., offsite treatment and disposal, discharge to the
local POTW, NPDES-permitted discharge, etc.). Technology Status. ERH is currently widely applied at a variety of sites at both
pilot and full-scale. Several vendors offer ERH services, and have the personnel and equipment
to address multiple sites concurrently. Appendix B provides summaries of projects to date. General. Steam injection for hazardous waste site remediation has its background
in the petroleum industry where it has been used for enhanced recovery of crude oil from
reservoirs. In the oil industry, two modes of steam injection were developed: 1) steam soak, and
2) steam drive. The steam soak approach involved injecting steam into a production well, and
holding the steam in the well and formation for a period of time, and then releasing the pressure
to resume production from the well. This had the effect of heating up the formation in the
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vicinity of the well, reducing the viscosity of the oil, and modifying pressures in the oil reservoir
to enhance production. Since the collapse of pressure propagated from the well to the formation,
there is a net increase in pressure gradient from the formation to the well. The steam drive approach involves the use of steam injection wells to “drive” the
oil in the reservoir to production wells as an “oil bank” ahead of the injected steam front. For
this purpose, on the order of one pore volume of steam is injected into the aquifer to drive the oil
to the production wells. Because peak oil production rates may not be observed for years after
the start of injection in a steam drive application, steam soaks have been generally favored over
steam drives for enhanced oil recovery. The petroleum industry has sought to use steam
injection to increase oil production through modifying subsurface pressures, decreasing
viscosity, and mobilizing oil from locations that may not have been accessible through gravity
drainage. For environmental applications, the analogous oil production technique is the
steam drive technology. The major difference between petroleum experience and environmental
restoration is that the petroleum industry deals with deep, confined conditions, whereas
environmental remediation projects typically involve shallower, unconfined conditions. As
such, there are differences in injection pressures and scale of the application, as well as
application goals. The use of steam in the oil industry was typically for reduction of viscosity, to
induce a pressure gradient and increase the mobility of light oils, typically involving the
injection of in the order of one pore volume of steam. In environmental restoration projects,
steam injection is used to create a pressure gradient for recovery of fluids, to reduce viscosity, to
manipulate formation pressures, and to increase the vapor pressure for vapor as well as liquid
recovery. In environmental remediation applications, more than one pore volume of injected
steam may be required to attain the desired cleanup criteria. Because environmental remediation
applications are typically shallow and under unconfined conditions, injected pressures and hence
steam temperatures are typically lower than those used in the petroleum industry. Figure 2-22 presents simplified steam injection in a pool of volatile organic
compounds in the subsurface. The figure illustrates steam injection above the water table for
simplicity, but steam enhanced extraction (SEE) has also been successfully injected below the
water table (Udell and Stewart 1989, Newmark and Aines 1995, Smith et al. 1998, SteamTech
Environmental Services 1999, Southern California Edison 2000, Heron et al. 2002). The initial
injection of steam heats the well bore and the formation immediately surrounding the injection
zone of the well. The steam condenses, transferring the latent heat of condensation from the
steam to the well bore and the groundwater and the matrix of the formation. As steam injection
continues, the hot water (condensate) moves into the formation, pushing the cold (ambient
temperature) formation water in advance of this front. When the material surrounding the steam
injection point has absorbed sufficient heat from the condensate, steam will begin to enter the
formation, pushing ahead of it the cold formation water and hot (condensate) water.
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Lower Aquifer
Figure 2-22. Example Sketch of a Steam Injection Remediation System for a Site
With Both DNAPL and LNAPL, and Multiple Zones of Contamination. From Figure 2-23, the first fluid to come in contact with the compounds of
concern is the cold-water bank, which flushes mobile compounds in groundwater. The hot water
that follows reduces the viscosity of the NAPL, displacing the compounds of concern by viscous
forces, potentially reducing residual saturation and may enhance intrinsic biodegradation of the
compounds in groundwater. When the steam front reaches the zone being remediated, additional
removal occurs through volatilization, evaporation, and or steam distillation of volatile and semi-
volatile compounds (Stewart and Udell 1988).
Figure 2-23. The Three Temperature Zones that Form During a Steam Flood.
(From Wu 1977, copyright Society of Petroleum Engineers, used with
permission.) In some cases where the NAPL saturation is high, and the steam injection rate is
modest, a bank of NAPL or highly concentrated contaminants can be formed in front of the
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steam zone. A NAPL bank forms when fluids flowing from the steam zone have displaced the
contaminants, or those volatilized from the steam zone were then deposited by condensation at
the steam front. The residual compounds volatilized by steam are also added to the bank of
compounds being mobilized and condense in advance of the steam front. Studies at University
of Stuttgart (Schmidt et al. 1998) and University of California at Berkeley have indicated that the
formation of NAPL banks can be eliminated by co-injection of air. Other practitioners use pre-
heating of the highly contaminated zones by ERH prior to steam injection to minimize the
chance of NAPL bank formation. By heating part of the treatment zone prior to injection of
steam, the formation of a cool bank of condensate is prevented. After the target zone is heated to near steam temperature, mass removal has been
increased by inducing pressure cycling between the injection and extraction wells (Udell et al.
1991). This is described in Paragraph Experimental work has shown that liquid phase compounds with boiling points
less than that of water can be completely removed from porous media, except for a small amount
absorbed into the formation matrix (Hunt et al. 1988). Steam is considered effective for liquid
hydrocarbon having boiling points up to 175ºC (approximately 350ºF), and can remove 96.8 to
99.9% of #2 fuel oil and jet fuel, given sufficient number of pore volumes of injected steam
(Hadim et al. 1993). Applications of greater volumes (i.e., greater than one pore volume) of
steam can result in further reduction in concentration in groundwater and the aquifer matrix.
One dimensional laboratory experiments have shown that compounds, or mixtures of compounds
with boiling points of up to 300ºC, were removed by continuing steam injection past its
breakthrough point (i.e., one pore volume) (Udell and McCarter 1997). Continuing steam
injection to 100 pore volumes reduced concentrations of compounds with boiling points of
450ºC by at least one order of magnitude. Injecting 100 pore volumes may not be economically
feasible at many sites, but what this does illustrate is that, with greater effort, further
concentration reductions may be realized. In Situ and Aboveground Treatment. When the pollutants represent a mixture of
volatile and semi-volatile compounds, such as is the case for minerals spirits, gasoline or other
fuels, the compounds with lower boiling points will vaporize first, followed by the lower boiling
point compounds. As a result, there will be a corresponding “dispersion” of the constituents of
the mixture in the bank of condensed compounds moving through the formation in advance of
the injected steam front. This may be critical in the choice of vapor control technology. For
example, if internal combustion engines (ICE) are to be used to destroy gasoline vapors, a
higher- octane mixture will be handled in the earlier stages of the project than in the later stages.
The initial higher-octane fuel mixture, if not adjusted through blending with lower octane fuel,
may damage the ICE. In environmental applications, the pressure of the injected steam may increase
pore pressure, which may also serve to inhibit the volatilization of many compounds. Cycling of
steam injection and vacuum extraction after steam breakthrough can enhance the recovery of
hydrocarbon by creating a thermodynamically unstable condition, in which vaporization is
encouraged as pore fluids boil (Udell et al. 1991). Pressure cycling using steam in a cyclic mode
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is known as “huff and puff” in the oil industry. However, in the oil industry, the goal has been to
use the “collapse” of the formation pressures around the well during a steam soak to create a
higher-pressure gradient around the well to promote flow of oil. For sites contaminated by volatiles, the goal of cyclic steam injection is to create
temperature and pressure changes that promote volatilization of volatile organic compounds, so
the contaminants boil out and are recovered by vacuum extraction. After steam breakthrough,
the steam injection is discontinued, while maintaining vapor and groundwater recovery. This
reduces the effective air pressure in the formation, resulting in rapid evaporation of water and
contaminants, as the formation releases energy by boiling to reach equilibrium at a lower
pressure and temperature.
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28 Aug 09 At some sites, air is injected to create conditions for direct oxidation. After steam
breakthrough, hot air is injected or drawn into the formation by the vapor recovery system.
Many compounds are more susceptible to oxidation at higher concentrations. This provides a
means of in situ destruction of residual compounds that may not be easily removed through
steam injection. In summary, there are four main removal mechanisms employed in steam
injection for which recovery of pollutants can be made:
a. Physical displacement of NAPL as the steam migrates from injection to extraction wells
(the contaminants are mobilized owing to reduction in viscosity and interfacial tension, and
mobilized via hydrodynamic forces).
b. Vaporization and extraction as a vapor phase (boiling of the NAPL or volatilization of
dissolved and adsorbed contaminants).
c. Solubilization and condensation of contaminants with subsequent removal in the
dissolved state by the groundwater extraction system.
d. In-situ destruction attributable to either chemical or biological reactions. At the field scale, the mechanisms listed above may occur simultaneously, and
often cannot be identified individually. However, simple monitoring and sampling can help to
identify the dominant mechanisms, and to optimize the mass removal and remedial results. This
optimization involves adjusting the steam injection strategy, deciding on the duration of pressure
cycling, determining whether to coinject air or oxygen, and adjusting the groundwater and vapor
extraction rates. Technology Status. In 1991, the application for the first patent for steam injection
for environmental restoration was submitted (Udell et al. 1991). It was first applied in the field at
the Solvent Services, Inc., site in San Jose, California, in 1988. This involved a demonstration
using a single recovery well surrounded by six injection wells and was used to remove a wide
variety of compounds. In general, the following statements can be made for the status of steam
injection for remedial purposes:
a. For gasoline and chlorinated solvents such as TCE, and PCE, both pilot tests and full
scale remediation in porous media have shown great promise for increasing mass removal
compared to traditional techniques, and for achieving very low concentrations in soil and
b. For oils such as JP-4, kerosene, and motor oil, removal of the bulk of the mass is
possible. However, the evidence gathered so far indicates that the treatment will be less
effective for the heavier components of the oil, owing to their lower volatility and mobility as a
fluid. Therefore, while the mobile fractions of the oils can be removed, and the groundwater
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quality greatly improved, the soil concentrations of TPH may still be above background
concentrations following treatment (e.g., Alameda Point, CA).
c. For wood-treating chemicals such as creosote and PCP, laboratory studies show that
partial to complete NAPL removal is possible, and that the lower boiling point compounds such
as naphthalene and PCP can be effectively treated using more steam and longer treatment time
than used for chlorinated solvents. Field evidence from Visalia Pole Yard indicates that mass
removal can be highly effective, and that it is possible over several years of treatment to lower
the groundwater concentrations of the risk-driving chemicals (in this case pentachlorophenol
[PCP] and naphthalene), thereby significantly reducing the impact to down-gradient water
d. Fractured rock studies conducted in 2002 indicate that NAPL sources can be eliminated
in relatively weathered rock settings such as Edwards AFB, and that it is possible to accelerate
mass removal from sparsely fractured, complex sites such as the Loring Quarry site, Maine
(Davis 2003). However, so far, steam injection in fractured rock settings have only been tested
at these two locations in the United States, and conclusions regarding remedial end-points are
still not available.
e. Concerns about formation of a NAPL bank, and possible downward migration of
contaminants, have so far been eliminated either by co-injection of air with the steam, or by pre-
heating part of the treatment zone prior to steam injection. Soils have been pre-heated using
ERH techniques. This will increase project costs to some degree, and the economic impacts of
this should be assessed.
f. Steam injection equipment is readily available, and can be rented or purchased based on
the duration of the project.
g. Extraction and treatment systems for vapor and water are relatively straight-forward for
sites with chlorinated solvents, and complex for wood-treating sites where high naphthalene
concentrations, the presence of polar compounds such as PCP, the presence of dioxins and
furans, and the presence of heavy metals such as chromium and arsenic in the extracted fluids,
complicate treatment and separation.
h. Several new areas are being investigated for steam injection as a remedial technique.
These include the use of air and oxygen to enhanced in-situ destruction reactions (biological or
chemical, such as hydrous pyrolysis oxidation), use of single-well treatment schemes for small
sites (Beale AFB) (Yoon et al. 2005) and innovative pressure cycling modes for difficult
fractured rock sites.
2.3. Unavoidable and Potential Effects. The use of ISTR may result in detrimental impacts to
both the treated area and the surrounding vicinity. These impacts may be considered significant
and need to be evaluated on a site-specific basis. At many sites, the potential effects of ISTR are
of little to no significance compared to the ongoing negative impact of site contamination. In
some cases, these potential effects may require engineering controls, mitigation, or modification
of the ISTR approach. In other cases, the economics or logistics of implementing the ISTR
technology may be so profoundly affected by these impacts that ISTR may be inappropriate.
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2.3.1. Ecological Impacts. The use of heat to remediate the undisturbed soil will affect the
biological community within the treated volume and impacts may extend outward from this zone
due to the conduction of heat to surrounding soils. Both microorganisms and larger organisms
may be directly affected in the treatment zone. Impacts on Higher Organisms. Lesser multi-celled organisms, such as worms and
insects, will be killed or driven from the treated volumes and from the surrounding soils that
experience temperature increases to levels outside those tolerated by the species. Burrowing
mammals will be forced from the treated zone, and the noise and activity will further drive them
from the surrounding vicinity. Animals that prey on the lower species may see an impact on
their hunting success. In cases where the impacted species are threatened or endangered, a
biological survey and relocation of at least some of the species may be necessary. However, it
was also observed that, during the steam injection and later ERH applications in Skokie Illinois
(an urban mix of industrial commercial and residential land uses), small mammals and birds
were drawn to the treatment area by the warmth, especially during winter. Vegetation and Habitat Impacts. The heat and construction will destroy vegetation
within and near the treatment area and the site restoration activities may need to include
revegetation for aesthetic or ecological reasons. Site activities may need to avoid certain areas to
protect unique habitat or engineering controls may be needed to prevent heat-related impacts
from propagating into certain areas. However, it has also been observed that vegetation
flourishes at the fringe of ISTR applications and in the treatment area after completion. Weed
control in the fringe of the treatment area may be an issue during longer-term applications of
ISTR. Aquatic Habitat. ISTR applications adjacent to surface water bodies are difficult
owing to the heat losses that would occur. The implementation of ISTR adjacent to or under
aquatic habitat may be particularly disruptive to the ecological community. Many benthic and
free-swimming species are sensitive to water temperatures. The conductive loss of heat to the
water or the discharge of hot groundwater to surface water bodies may result in elimination or
diminishment of certain species, while the heating of the water may enhance the growth of
others. Engineering controls to minimize heat loss may be necessary, ranging from alternate
injection and extraction point layout (that emphasize extraction near the water bodies to be
protected), to barriers for both water and heat flow (low permeability and thermal conductivity
clay barriers) to extreme measures such as soil refrigeration near the water bodies.
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2.3.2. Physical Impacts. The use of heat will also significantly affect the physical
characteristics of the soil, groundwater, and buried objects. Potential impacts and remedies are
discussed below. Soil Impacts. The drying that may occur with electrical resistivity heating * and
thermal conductive heating may affect the engineering properties of the soils. In cases where the
soils are expansive, the drying has the potential to cause shrinkage and desiccation, which may
affect nearby or overlying structures. Dewatering associated with thermal remediation may
result in consolidation of the soils, which also may result in some subsidence, potentially
damaging foundations. Soils may require rewetting following ISTR. Some engineering
properties may not be the same following rewetting. Injection of steam at pressures that
approach the overburden pressure potentially could fracture the soils, possibly causing ground
heaving, structural damage, and steam breakout in unexpected places. Changes in moisture
content may affect the bearing strength of soils, threatening foundation stability. Moisture content was measured in soils prior to and after ERH treatment at a site
containing clay soils in the metropolitan Chicago area, where ERH was used to remove
trichloroethene DNAPL from a dense glacial clay till. The minimum measured moisture content
was reduced from a range of 10 - 11% to 8 - 9%, but the maximum measured moisture content
was actually higher in the set of post-treatment samples compared to the pre-treatment set of
samples. The post-treatment samples with the lowest moisture contents were measured in the
1.5 – 2.7 m (5 to 9 ft) depth interval. Monitoring during remediation showed that this depth
interval was in the vicinity of the water table and was in fact de-watered as part of the
remediation. While hardly a comprehensive study, this data appears to indicate that only soils at
or near the water table experience a reduction in moisture content. Soils in the saturated zone
showed less variability in moisture content compared to the samples obtained from the water
table and above in the post-treatment sampling. Soils in the vadose zone do not appear to
experience significant moisture loss since steam continues to rise from the water table
throughout the treatment period. However, the post-remediation moisture content values show a
greater variability than the pre-remediation values. Therefore, if soil shrinkage were to occur, it
would be in a zone experiencing de-watering in the vicinity of the water table. The project
manager would need to evaluate potential shrinkage at the depth of the water table and capillary
fringe and impacts to foundations also found in the vicinity of the water table. Groundwater and NAPL Impacts. Groundwater withdrawal from the site as part of
ISTR may reduce water resources available to nearby groundwater users. Reinjection of treated
water may be necessary to sustain adequate supply. Groundwater in contact with the treated
zone (both during and following treatment) will transport heat away from the site. These higher
temperatures may persist for some distance down-gradient of the site and affect water resources
used by others. The higher groundwater temperatures can also alter geochemical conditions.
* During the application of ERH methods, the reduction in moisture content appears to be restricted to depths at or
around the water table.
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The solubility of many materials is modified by temperature, which may increase the dissolved
solids, including silica, or may cause others to precipitate near the treated zone. These impacts
are generally unavoidable unless steps are taken to prevent groundwater contact with hot and
warm soils, or unless groundwater does not naturally contact warmed soil. NAPL often
undergoes significant physical change at elevated temperatures, many of which enhance
mobility. .If migration is not controlled adequately by the design of the recovery system, the
NAPL may migrate away from the treated zone. The increased mobility of NAPL outside the
treatment zone (due to heat loss to surrounding soils) may result in unwanted NAPL migrating to
adjacent or deeper soils or to surface water bodies. The recovery system design can be modified
in most cases to assure such migration is controlled. Impacts on Buried Objects and Utilities. Heating soils that contain buried utilities
risks damage to them both from heat and electrical currents and fields. Plastic piping, electrical
lines, and communication cables may be particularly susceptible to damage. Furthermore, the
utilities may be a pathway for steam, vapors, or hot air to migrate to buildings or other facilities
and, as such, may be a safety consideration. All ISTR remediation sites must be carefully
surveyed for buried utilities prior to treatment. Utilities may need to be rerouted prior to
treatment. Subsurface utilities may also allow water to accumulate within sewers or utility
backfill after precipitation events, providing localized cooling of soils, which may result in
condensation of VOCs, in turn providing localized zones for VOC accumulation during
treatment. For example, an application of ERH in the Chicago area involved treating soils in a
sub-grade loading dock. The sub-grade loading dock represented the lowest point onsite, hence
the location to which water drained. Storm sewers were redirected away from the treatment area
prior to the start of treatment. However, the building roof drains and downspouts did not
sufficiently direct water away from the building foundation during precipitation. As a result,
even though drainage within the loading dock was redirected, water infiltrated the area after each
precipitation event. This had the effect of cooling the near surface soils, condensing the vapors,
and creating local zones of accumulation for the condensed VOCs.
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Site Characterization for ISTR
Technology Screening and Design
3.1. Introduction. This chapter describes the site characterization data necessary for screening
and designing remediation systems using the three ISTR technologies that are the subject of this
EM. ISTR techniques can be used for a variety of applications where providing heat accelerates
physical, chemical, and biological reactions to affect remediation. The most common
applications of ISTR technologies to date are for source treatment, where non-aqueous phase
liquids are encountered. As a result, this will be the perspective used in this EM. * This EM does
not focus on describing, or prescribing, the most appropriate investigative techniques, but instead
presents the data requirements for designing and implementing the three ISTR methods. The
project engineer/manager must then determine the most appropriate means to obtain the required
information based on project objectives, site constraints, and budget.
3.2.3. The development of the site conceptual model also involves groundwater flow,
subsurface stratigraphy (boundaries between till units, inter-till deposits), joints and fractures in
tills, mineralogy, and manmade influences (groundwater pumping, artificial conduits or barriers
such as building footings, subsurface fill, abandoned foundations, fill material, proof-rolled soil
surfaces, caissons, sheet piling, and subsurface utilities).
3.3. Site Physical Properties and Site Conditions. As with other in situ technologies, when
evaluating the application of ISTR technologies, one should acquire and evaluate information
* ISTR methods (ERH) have also been used to enhance biodegradation in Alaska, and to reduce aqueous phase
concentrations to facilitate the sale of a commercial property in Washington State. It is also believed that in situ
thermally enhanced hydrolysis represented a significant destruction mechanism for a methylene chloride cleanup in
Waukegan, IL. As well, ISTR methods are also used for in situ destruction through oxidation and hydrolysis
pyrolysis oxidation.
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regarding the physical properties and conditions of the site. Physical site information needs
a. Description of the site and setting, including a scaled site plan.
b. Stratigraphic features.
c. Hydrogeological and hydraulic parameters.
d. Accessibility of the area to be treated.
e. NAPL volume estimates.
f. Evaluation of contaminant mobility to determine cost-effectiveness of ISTR.
3.3.1. Description of Site Including Site Plan. To adequately design a remediation system,
one of the most basic needs is for scalable maps of the site. The maps should have surveyed
locations of site features, including utilities (above and below ground), surface features (e.g.,
paved surfaces, creeks, rivers, overhead lines), natural subsurface features such as bedrock
faulting and joint orientation, neighboring facilities, and locations of buried features
(underground storage tanks, subsurface vaults, abandoned foundations, pipelines, etc.). These
maps are used to present and interpret data from the site characterization, and to lay out the
remedial design. Further, the survey information needs to be field checked for accuracy prior to
or during the design phase.
3.3.2. Stratigraphic Features. Stratigraphic features are typically depicted in boring logs
and or geological cross-sections. Information from these sources should include soil type, rock
type, observations on fractures and joints, mineral infilling of fractures and joints, depth to
groundwater, location of perched zones, piezometric information, contaminant distribution, and
stratigraphic boundaries. Some information may be collected or confirmed as part of the
installation process. Information on stratigraphic boundaries should also carry with it an
understanding of geological history. For settings were there have been multiple glacial advances
and retreats, the stratigraphic boundaries between the till zones may have associated with it thin
layers of ablation material from the glaciers or glacio-fluvial or glacio-lacustrine deposits. These
may provide zones for NAPL accumulation, and may also provide zones to focus treatment,
providing zones of elevated permeability for steam injection in an otherwise clayey sediments.
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3.3.4. Site Accessibility. Site accessibility can determine the ease or difficulty of
implementing an in situ remediation technique, which affects cost and feasibility. These
accessibility issues include obstacles to drilling, such as low overhead clearance because of
ceilings, obstructions, and power lines, or steep slopes that do not allow conventional drilling
rigs that would be used as part of the installation of ISTR systems to safely operate.
3.3.5. NAPL Location and Volume Estimates. Each of the ISTR technologies may be
implemented in a modular fashion, and as a result, it may be only necessary to know the extent
of the zone to be treated relative to the dimensions of the module of the particular technology to
be used. For instance, if using ERH, the distance between electrodes is typically, 2.6 to 6.1 m
(8.5 to 20 ft). * Therefore, the lateral extent of the area containing NAPL need only be defined to
this level of accuracy (i.e., ± 8.5 to 20 ft; ± 2.6 to 6.1 m). In many cases where the extent of the
NAPL is uncertain, it may be less expensive to simply expand the array of heater
wells/electrodes/wells to account for the uncertainty, rather than to further characterize the spill.
It is good practice to sample the soils from the perimeter heater wells/electrodes/wells as
confirmation of adequate coverage of the treatment area.
* At several ERH sites because of site conditions and the compounds being treated, the spacing has been
considerably closer (e.g., 2.74 m at Lowry AFB North Pit, Denver, CO (Beyke, TRS); 4 to 6 meters at ‘Inhabited
Residential Apartment Building’ (McGee 2002); and ~1.5 to 3 m at ICN Pharmaceutical Portland, Oregon (Sutter
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be present that were not identified in the site characterization. This may influence the length of
remediation time and, hence, the budget. If the quantity is significantly less than calculated, the remediation engineer should
evaluate the effectiveness of the recovery technique or techniques. There may be blockages in
the piping and treatment equipment (e.g., condensate buildup in the carbon canisters) that are
affecting the determination of the recovered mass. If poor recovery is taking place, this also
affects the length of remediation time and, hence, the budget.
3.3.6. Evaluation of Contaminant Mobility. ISTR techniques have the potential to mobilize
NAPL. If heating can significantly change the physical characteristics of the NAPL, the
remediation engineer must ensure that it can be captured. Therefore, NAPL characteristics such
as specific gravity and changes in viscosity with temperature should be measured to
appropriately design the recovery system.
3.4. Chemical Analyses and Contaminant Properties. Chemical analyses required for ISTR
techniques include conventional analyses for VOCs and SVOCs (in both soil and groundwater)
to define the extent of the compounds of concern and to estimate the organic loading to the vapor
treatment equipment. Additional analyses should also be done to address issues that may affect
the operation or effectiveness of the remediation system. A parameter that is typically overlooked for active in situ remediation applications
is total organic carbon (TOC). The TOC content of the soil influences lower-temperature
methods of in situ remediation (i.e., ERH and shallow SEE applications) because TOC
preferentially adsorbs VOCs that may be present in the subsurface.
3.4.3. NAPL Characteristics. The characteristics of the NAPL need to be known prior to
selecting and designing an ISTR application. Characteristics include specific gravity, interfacial
tension, viscosity, vapor pressure, and aqueous solubility, including variability with temperature.
Many of these characteristics may be obtained from literature sources.
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3.4.4. Trends in Dissolved Phase Compounds. If the site to be remediated has historical
groundwater monitoring data associated with it, the remediation engineer should evaluate
concentration trends. These concentrations trends can be used to evaluate whether natural
attenuation is taking place, whether investigations have mobilized NAPL, and the effectiveness
of a pre-existing remediation system (which may provide insight into the probability of success
for the ISTR method to be implemented). Further, historical concentration trends may provide
insight into the presence of NAPL (especially at sites where it may not have been physically
observed) to appropriately place the ISTR system. Upon initial heating, concentrations of most VOCs in groundwater will increase in
the zone being heated until the temperature of the water reaches the eutectic point of the
azeotropic mixture. As temperatures increase beyond this point, concentrations will decline.
Therefore, groundwater concentrations can be expected to vary over the period of the ISTR
application and it will be necessary to determine if there will be potential adverse effects and
engineer the remediation system accordingly.
3.5.1. Thermal Conductive Heating. TCH is the least sensitive of any in situ remediation
technology to variations in soil type * and total dissolved solids in groundwater. This is because
thermal conductivity varies by only a factor of ±2 for a wide range of common earth materials.
This lack of variability in soil heat conductivity is one of the key factors in the versatility of
ISTD. There is no practical limitation to the geometry of the TCH treatment zone, i.e., it
can be thin, irregular, or deeper than 30 m. Nor does the presence of subsurface debris, such as
concrete walls, tanks, or landfill debris (including metallic objects), impede thermal conductive
heating. Site characteristics do, however, influence TCH design. For example, treatment of
shallow contamination requires that an insulating surface cover be installed to manage heat
losses. Shallow contamination may be addressed more cost-effectively by using fewer long
horizontal heaters placed in trenches than by employing numerous short vertical heater wells.
Lithology does affect the choice of drilling methods, with direct-push commonly used for heater-
only wells, and auger methods for heater-vacuum wells. Subsurface debris may also affect
drilling methods for the installation of heater wells. High permeability zones can affect the
ability to achieve superheated temperatures, if needed, and may dictate the need to employ
measures to control recharge into the treatment zone. Treatment of VOCs with ISTD TCH, by
contrast, is much less affected by recharge zones, and can be readily performed below the water
table except in highly permeable aquifers. Generally, the upper limit for hydraulic conductivity
is approximately 10–3 cm/s. The electrical load of a thermal conductive heating system is comparable to what is
typically available at industrial or commercial sites.
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28 Aug 09 The overall size of the treatment zone is an important site characteristic. As with
other on-site treatment technologies, economies of scale affect treatment costs, such that large
sites exhibit much lower unit costs, whereas very small sites may be more cost-effectively
addressed by other means such as excavation. As with other ISTR technologies, site information needs for ISTD include:
a. Concentrations and characteristics of COCs.
b. Extent of contamination (lateral and vertical).
c. Approximate location, nature, and extent of free product or “neat” contaminant.
d. Concentrations of non-target contaminants that may contribute to the loading on off-gas
treatment equipment, e.g., granular activated carbon. As a result of the high temperatures achieved using ISTD TCH, inorganic
groundwater chemistry can have significant effects. That is, concentrations of anions, such as
carbonates, can provide in situ buffering capacity, where the in situ destruction of chlorinated
hydrocarbons has the potential to produce hydrochloric acid (HCl). If there is insufficient
buffering capacity, the lowered pH must be considered in the selection of piping and treatment
equipment materials and possibly in the treatment processes. Because ISTD TCH can be used to treat a wide variety of organic (and some
inorganic) contaminants in a range of settings, the data needs vary depending on the remedial
context. Four general categories of applications include:
a. Vadose zone VOCs.
b. Vadose zone SVOCs (may include VOCs).
c. Saturated zone VOCs.
d. Saturated zone SVOCs (may include VOCs). Although soils above the water table (i.e., in the vadose zone) and below it can both
be treated with TCH, measures will need to be taken to control the rate of water recharge into the
thermal treatment zone, particularly below the water table, in the event that the recharge rate is
too high. Such measures can include dewatering with wells or trenches, and installation of
hydraulic barriers, such as steel sheeting, slurry walls, jet-grout walls and freeze walls, keyed
into an underlying aquitard. These actions may have a significant cost impact on the project. A
key information requirement for TCH, especially below the water table, is data allowing
estimation of recharge rates, including permeability and hydraulic gradient, and spatial variations
in the treatment zone. The results of pumping tests are particularly relevant.
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concentration as well as emission standards are of importance as they dictate the selection and
design of aboveground Air Quality Control equipment.
3.5.2. Electrical Resistivity Heating. The application of ERH is not sensitive to variations
in site lithology in achieving even heating. * Some soils or zones of groundwater with total
dissolved solids above background concentrations may heat preferentially to others as the
treatment volume is heated up. However, as the soils tend to warm toward the limiting threshold
of the boiling point of water, soils that may have lagged in the rate of temperature increase also
rise in temperature to the boiling point of water. A key role of site lithology in ERH applications
is the influence on how NAPL migrates and accumulates, which should be evaluated prior to
implementing the remediation. Important information required for site characterization and
technology screening includes:
a. The area and depth of the remediation.
b. The contaminant characteristics—especially boiling point, water solubility, and
hydrolysis rate.
c. The contaminant percent reduction required.
d. The total organic carbon (TOC) content of the soil.
e. The presence of low volatility co-contaminants such as oil and grease.
f. The location of subsurface utilities. Other common site information can refine technology selection and design, but
generally does not affect cost or effectiveness significantly. This information includes:
a. Soil lithology (to identify subsurface features that may retard migration, or accumulate
b. Soil saturation or moisture content.
c. Presence or absence of separate phase NAPL.
d. Soil and groundwater electrical (e.g., specific conductance of groundwater) or thermal
properties (and delineation as to where these may vary). Because the treatment interval is typically uniformly heated, information regarding
the precise distribution of contamination or NAPL is not required. However, it is important to
have enough contaminant distribution information to allow designation of a “box” or boundary
that includes the contaminant mass to be treated. The remediation boundary can be irregular and
the depth interval can vary across the site. If extensive treatment of the upper 2 feet of soil is
required, this adds to the cost owing to heat losses to the atmosphere. If extensive (greater than
90%) reduction of such shallow VOCs is required, an insulating surface blanket is often used to
achieve higher temperatures. An 8-foot thick interval is the thinnest region that can be
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practically treated owing to both vertical fanning of the current as it travels between the
electrodes and thermal conduction of heat out of the target zone. The physical and chemical characteristics of the target contaminant affect the
remediation energy, time, and cost. The percentage of contaminant reduction (as measured by
contaminant mass, before and after soil sampling, or groundwater sampling) is another important
remediation parameter. The percentage of reduction desired might be based on a health risk
assessment or on the dissolved groundwater concentration at a downgradient receptor. For most
VOCs, “adding a nine” to the desired percent contaminant reduction (e.g. changing from 90 to
99% or changing from 99 to 99.9%) will increase the overall project cost by 10 to 20%. If high levels of contamination extend to within 4 feet of the soil surface,
subsurface utilities should be evaluated. Most utilities are not affected by ERH if they are
constructed of metal, vitrified clay, or other temperature-insensitive material. ERH has been
applied in regions that are traversed by metal natural gas pipelines, telephone, fiber optic cables,
water, and sewer lines. Temperature-sensitive utilities include plastic water and natural gas
lines, and electrical cables that carry significant power. The electrical load of an ERH system is relatively small compared to most
industrial and military activities, but significantly larger that most remediation approaches.
Utility locations, age, capacity, and rate structures are important issues to be considered. The
existing utility infrastructure should be evaluated during the technology screening to determine if
it has sufficient capacity to provide power for an ERH system.
3.5.3. Steam Enhanced Extraction. The major design data needs for steam injection
a. The lateral and vertical extent of the treatment zone. This is used to estimate the volume
to be heated, steam need, and overall cost.
b. NAPL presence and contaminants of concern (density, vapor pressure, solubility). This
drives the treatment strategy and effluent treatment system component selection.
c. Target cleanup levels for groundwater and soils. This is used to evaluate feasibility and
treatment duration, and to determine if polishing steps are desirable.
d. eological stratification (affecting steam injection strategy and number of injection
intervals with depth).
e. Horizontal and vertical permeability of target layers (this drives well spacing and
screen length selection).
f. Hydrological data (hydraulic gradients, seepage velocity, hydraulic conductivity). This
affects the necessary pumping rates for maintaining hydraulic control.
g. Obstructions to well installation (buildings, subsurface installations, etc.). This affects
choice of well design and feasibility.
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injection, unless cheaper options such as excavation are ruled out owing to site-specific
constraints such as buildings or underground lines that cannot be removed. The pressure of the
injected steam is limited by the overburden pressure, which is directly related to the thickness of
soil above the injection zone. A general rule-of-thumb is that the injection pressure should not
exceed 0.5 psig per foot of overburden. However, recent field demonstrations have shown that
this value can be exceeded safely at shallow sites with a surface cover (Alameda Point, Pinellas
STAR Center), and at fractured rock size with significant rock strength (Edwards AFB Site 61,
Loring Quarry Site) (Heron 2003). In practice, the injection rates for shallow sites are restricted by the limited weight
of the overburden, and thereby the minimum practical injection pressures that can be attained in
the field. As an example, steam was injected at 10 feet below grade at Alameda Point, and the
pressure was limited to about 8 psig. This limited the achievable steam injection rates to below
200 lb/hr per well, which in turn led to a design with the injection wells less than 30 feet away
from the central extraction well (Udell and Heron 2003). Injection of steam below paved surfaces and concrete floors may allow for
treatment at shallower depths, providing building foundations are not negatively affected.
Generally, steam is effective for treating zones deeper than 1–2 m, making this a highly versatile
method. Given the infrastructure required for steam injection (steam generators, wells,
controls, sources of high quality water, fuel, electricity, etc.), an economy of scale needs to be
realized for treatment. Small quantities may not be economically treated. Higher permeability soils are more conducive to steam injection than lower
permeability soils. The lower the permeability is, the higher the injection pressures required,
resulting in higher steam temperatures. Higher pressures can also result in soil instability.
Higher pressure in turn limits mass flux to the vapor phase, because the vapor pressure of the
compounds of concern must overcome the induced pressures in the soil resulting from the steam
injection. Generally, the lower limit for hydraulic conductivity for steam penetration is
approximately 10–5 cm/s for sites deeper than 30 feet (9.1 m), with higher permeability needed
for shallower sites. For sites less than 20 feet (6.1 m) deep, a practical limit for steam injection
is probably around 10–3 cm/s. However, if the hydraulic conductivity varies around this value,
steam injection can be combined with electrical heating to overcome heat transfer limitations of
the tighter zones. Steam can still be effective in treating low permeability soils when the steam is
injected into adjacent higher permeability lenses and layers (Adams and Smith 1998). Steam has
been injected into gravel-filled inter-till zones to treat clay till with a matrix hydraulic
conductivity in the order of 10–8 cm/s. In that application, steam was injected into a dewatered
thin (0.1 to 0.6 m) sand and gravel zone at the stratigraphic break between two ground moraines.
The steam apparently migrated laterally through the inter-till layer and vertically through the
joints and fractures in the till, which is believed also represented the vertical migration pathways
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for the perchloroethene and mineral spirits that were released at the site, rapidly heating
approximately 40 feet (12 m) of clay till overlying the inter-till unit.
3.6. Evaluation of Biological Degradation Potential. Source removal, reduction, and recovery
achievable using ISTR methods results in a reduction in mass flux to groundwater. At some
sites, sufficient mass removal may occur that the assimilative capacity of the aquifer may play an
important role in attaining remediation goals. As such, depending upon the remediation goal, it
may be appropriate to also evaluate natural attenuation (of which intrinsic biodegradation is
typically a significant component) as a component of the overall remediation. It is beyond the
scope of this EM to provide background on what natural attenuation parameters to analyze for
and how to interpret the data. The reader is referred to the following sources of information:
a. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) (1997a). Standard Guide for
Remediation of Ground Water by Natural Attenuation at Petroleum Release Sites.
b. Committee on Intrinsic Remediation (2000). Natural Attenuation for Groundwater
Remediation. National Academy Press, Washington, DC.
c. USEPA (1999b). Use of Monitored Natural Attenuation at Superfund, RCRA
Corrective Action and Underground Storage Tank Sites. Directive Number 9200.4-17P.
Washington, DC: EPA Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response.
d. ITRC (1999). Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Solvents in Groundwater: Principles
and Practices.
e. Rafai, H.R., Borden, J. Wilson, and C.H. Ward (1995). Intrinsic Bioattenuation for
Subsurface Restoration. pp 1-30 in Hinchee, R.E., J. Wilson, and D. Downey (eds.) Intrinsic
Bioremediation, Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio.
f. Wiedemeier, T.H., J.T. Wilson, D.H. Kampbell, R.N. Miller, and J.E. Hanson (1995).
Technical Protocol for Implementing Intrinsic Remediation With Long Term Monitoring for
Natural Attenuation of Fuel Contamination Dissolved in Groundwater. Vols. 1 and 2. San
Antonio, TX: Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence, Brooks Air Force Base.
g. Wiedemeier, T. H., M. A. Swanson, D. E. Moutoux, E. K. Gordon, J. T. Wilson, B. H.
Wilson, D. H. Kampbell, P. E. Haas, R. N. Miller, J. E. Hansen, and F. G. Chapelle (1998).
Technical Protocol for Evaluating Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Solvents in Groundwater.
General observations regarding the three ISTR technologies follow.
3.6.1. Thermal Conductive Heating. When operated with the aim of having the entire
treatment zone attain temperatures above the boiling point of water (as for treatment of SVOCs),
the temperatures achieved using ISTD TCH effectively sterilizes the soil in the treatment zone.
When operated to accomplish in situ steam distillation of VOCs at temperatures below the
boiling point of water, the sterilization effect may be somewhat lessened. In either case,
however, microbiota are not permanently eradicated from the treated soil, and may repopulate
the soil as it cools. Evidence suggests that a large fraction of the total organic carbon (TOC)
remains after ISTD, probably because very high molecular weight compounds such as humic and
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fulvic acids are not destroyed at such temperatures. This TOC may serve as a carbon source for
re-emerging microbiota. At the same time, ISTD tends to mineralize a certain fraction of the
organic nutrients into inorganic forms which, being more water-soluble, are likely more
bioavailable than prior to thermal treatment. This may help to explain the observation that
vegetation has rapidly invaded and flourished on sites where ISTD had been conducted (Vinegar
and Stegemeier 1999). Therefore, although research is currently lacking, one may expect that in
situ biological degradation can resume after TCH, particularly in fringe zones surrounding the
thermal treatment zone, and in the associated dissolved plume, where hydrocarbons may remain
following thermal treatment of the source zone. In addition to high temperature applications,
TCH may also be used in cold climates to slowly warm soils to accelerate biodegradation of
organic contaminants. Biodegradation was also tracked isotopically at the Skokie Illinois location.
Groundwater impacted by chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbon becomes depleted in 13C and
enriched in 37Cl during evaporation (ISTR operations), while during microbial degradation,
isotopic concentrations in groundwater become enriched in both 13C and 37Cl (Sturchio et al.
2000). This relationship allowed researchers and the remediation engineer or project manager
track the fate of the chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbon and determine the nature of the
remediation taking place. The isotopic data from the Skokie site showed biodegradation to be
taking place during and after treatment.
3.6.3. Steam Enhanced Extraction. Biological degradation potential under steam injection
can be assessed as part of a natural attenuation evaluation. The injection of steam, as described
in Paragraph, creates a steam zone, a variable temperature zone, and an ambient
temperature zone. The variable temperature zone, which may be relatively extensive in lower
permeability settings, provides an environment to enhance biological activity. Biological
activity may increase two- to three-fold for each 10ºC rise in temperature. Nutrients may be
added (if necessary) to enhance bioactivity (Basile et al. 1994). At the first application of this
approach in Skokie, Illinois, it is estimated that approximately 10,400 kg (23,000 lb) of
trichloroethene and 1,1,1-trichloroethane were reductively dehalogenated (biodegraded) as part
of the remediation, representing 36% of the mass removed or destroyed during the application
period (Smith et al. 2000).
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Technology Screening and
Feasibility Studies for ISTR
4.2. Identify Remedial Action Strategies. The ISTR technologies have been most commonly
applied to removal of NAPL. For this reason, this is the focus that this EM will take to describe
various processes. However, ISTR technologies have also been used to enhance biological
processes, volatilize aqueous phase concentrations, and induce oxidation (through cyclic
application of injected steam and air to cause hydrous pyolysis oxidation). The application of
heat modifies chemical, physical, and biological processes and reactions, which play important
roles in environmental remediation.
* Two or more liquids when heated together will boil at a temperature (the eutectic point) below the boiling point of
the individual components of that mixture. For instance, a mixture of trichloroethene in water has an eutectic point
of 73.1oC, while trichloroethene in air at standard atmospheric pressure boils at 87oC.
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At some large or complex sites, it may be appropriate to divide the site into subareas for thermal
treatment. Treatment subareas allow different parts of a site to be prioritized when the entire site
cannot be treated because of implementation constraints or limited funding. The use of treatment
subareas assists the phased implementation of thermal treatment. Treatment subareas may be
identified and prioritized by many different factors, for example:
a. The relative amount of NAPL estimated in each subarea.
b. Relative differences in NAPL mobility, if any, between subareas.
c. The proximity of each NAPL subarea to drinking water sources/risk receptors.
d. The degree of data certainty regarding the presence of mobile NAPL in each subarea.
e. The expected future land use in each subarea.
f. The relative ease of access for implementation in each subarea. Setting Remedial Action Objectives. Although remedial action objectives (RAOs)
are specific to each site and regulatory program, there are several common approaches to
consider in setting RAOs for ISTR. The appropriate Office of Counsel must be consulted with
regard to the proper application of the laws and requirements under the various regulatory
programs and patent law. There may be differences in application between the various Defense
programs. RAOs include general remediation goals and site-specific numerical cleanup
standards that address current and potential groundwater risk pathways at a site. RAOs depend
on the expected future land use of the site and the designated beneficial uses of the groundwater
aquifer beneath the site. For example, when groundwater poses an actual or potential health risk
and is a potential drinking water source or could affect a drinking water source, the National
Contingency Plan (NCP) directs EPA to restore groundwater to Federal and state drinking water
standards whenever possible, in a reasonable time [NCP, 40 CFR 300.430(a)(1)(iii)(F)]. EPA Record of Decision (ROD) guidance (USEPA 1999c) states that “different
remediation objectives should be developed for the NAPL zone and for the portion of the aquifer
outside of the NAPL zone.” This is based on the conclusion in the guidance that, “in general,
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restoration of an aquifer contaminated with NAPLs to ARARs (e.g., Federal and state MCLs) or
other risk-based cleanup levels in a reasonable time frame will not be attainable in the NAPL
zone unless the NAPLs can be removed.” The appropriate Office of Counsel should be
consulted with regard to the application of this EPA guidance to the site in question. In setting the remediation objectives for the NAPL zone, several different
approaches are possible. The remediation objectives for the NAPL zone relevant to in situ
treatment do not need to be numerical standards, but need to be measurable. Examples of non-
numerical remedial goals for ISTR include the following:
a. Remove mobile NAPL.
b. Remove NAPL “to the maximum extent technically feasible.”
c. Remove a specified amount of NAPL based on estimated quantities (as gallons or a
percentage of the estimated total NAPL-e.g. remove 90% of the NAPL or remove 90% of the
most volatile fraction of the NAPL).
d. Achieve an order of magnitude reduction of NAPL.
e. Demonstrate that “significant” NAPL recovery equals real risk reduction (e.g., by
removing 90% of NAPL, the remaining 10% represents only a negligible risk).
f. Achieve a net reduction in flux of contaminant to groundwater that is lower than the
assimilative capacity of the aquifer, allowing natural attenuation processes to achieve water
quality goals at some point of compliance.
g. Achieve specific performance standards (e.g., heating criteria or treatment time periods).
h. Use a goal structure similar to what has been used for SVE-i.e. achieving asymptotic
recovery curves indicating that a well designed, installed, operated, and optimized system has
reached a point of diminishing returns.
i. Achieve indirect goals such as reducing the time or lateral extent of follow-up actions
such as pump-and-treat.
j. Conduct a “cost-effective” removal of NAPL. There are obvious shortcomings to several of these approaches. Remedial goals
based on a specific quantity of NAPL recovery are problematic because of the uncertainty
associated with estimating the initial NAPL volume. It is also difficult to quantify residual risk
(or risk reduction) after ISTR to demonstrate that a specific risk-reduction goal has been
achieved. Demonstrating that NAPL removal has been cost-effective raises the question of what
cost per gallon of NAPL recovered is cost-effective in relation to the total groundwater
remediation costs, including long-term O&M. In the end, RAOs for ISTR must be determined on a site-specific basis and must
fit into the overall, long-term cleanup strategy for the site. Because of the uncertainties currently
associated with ISTR technology, RAOs may need to include contingencies in the event that
sufficient NAPL is not recovered-e.g. contingencies to conduct follow-up actions such as pump
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and treat to contain NAPL sources that cannot be removed and that are considered a continuing
threat to groundwater.
4.2.2. Other Remediation Strategies. As mentioned above, ISTR methods may be used for
a variety of applications to enhance physical, chemical, and biological reactions to effect
remediation. This paragraph is presented to inform the reader about the applications of ISTR
where removal of NAPL has not been the goal. Enhance Physical Changes. Physical changes involve changes in state (i.e.,
changes from solid to liquid to vapor). Thermal methods have been used to vaporize dissolved
compounds in groundwater, which essentially involves boiling the groundwater. At a site in
Washington State, ERH was used to reduce relatively low concentrations of chlorinated solvents
in slow-moving groundwater to rapidly clean up a property for sale. Selling the site with the
groundwater cleaned up would result in a higher sales price than if PCE and TCE were present in
the groundwater. Changing the physical conditions can also result in a change in the physical
property of a particular compound. For instance, the viscosity of many materials is reduced
using heat. This may facilitate the recovery of such materials as lube oils in the subsurface. At
the Yorktown Naval Facility, steam within horizontal stainless steel wells is being used to reduce
the viscosity of Navy Special Fuel Oil to facilitate recovery in a system of trenches. Engineering
studies have also been performed to evaluate the feasibility of using steam, ERH, and TCH at a
number of refineries to enhance the removal of lube materials currently being recovered from the
subsurface using more conventional means.
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preparation of this EM, there had been no known application of ISTR solely for the purpose of
enhancing hydrolysis. However, it is believed that thermally enhanced hydrolysis of methylene
chloride was a significant mechanism in the ERH remediation in Waukegan, Illinois. Further,
upon review of the data from the ERH remediation in Skokie, Illinois, thermally enhanced
hydrolysis may have been significant in the removal of 1,1,1-trichloroethane from the
groundwater (Beyke 2006). It has been observed that biodegradation occurs during ERH, even to the boiling
point of water. At a site where ERH was applied in Skokie, Illinois, (Beyke et al. 2000) cis-1,2-
dichloroethene (a biodegradation daughter compound of trichloroethene) was detected
throughout the treatment period. Further, concentrations of methane were also detected in the
off-gas from the treatment, evidencing biological activity. Steam injection coupled with simultaneous enhanced biodegradation (Basile et al.
1994) was successfully used to clean up two sites in Illinois (Adams and Smith 1998, Smith et al.
2000). At one site, it is estimated that approximately one-third of the released chlorinated
solvents were destroyed by in situ biodegradation.
4.3. Measures of Success for ISTR. If residual NAPL is present, MCLs or other cleanup
standards may not be achieved in groundwater at a site until some time after completion of
thermal treatment. In some cases, natural degradation of the residual NAPL may be adequate to
meet RAOs. At other sites, follow-up activities such as pump-and-treat or enhanced
biodegradation are implemented. Depending on the size of the remediation, the benefits of ISTR
may be realized in as little as 18 months, or it may require years of monitoring to assess the full
benefits at a site. Therefore, different measures of “success” are needed for ISTR technologies.
Success can be defined by mass removal goals, but this approach has limitations, as noted above.
Narrative goals such as reducing the need for long-term pump-and-treat are also measures of
success, but may not be demonstrated in the short-term.
4.3.1. When applying ISTR technologies, it is important to realize that complete removal of
the source area is impractical. For a variety of compounds, reduction of source mass may be
sufficient to reduce the contaminant flux to groundwater to levels that, for instance, do not
represent residual NAPL, or where there is lack of rebound, which would then allow the natural
assimilative capacity of the aquifer to control plume migration. This would involve evaluating
natural attenuation.
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4.3.2. For chlorinated solvents, this may be determined by the organic carbon demand.
Each 1 mg of dissolved organic carbon oxidized via reductive dechlorination, consumes 5.65 mg
of organic chlorine (Wiedemeier et al. 1996). This ratio can be used to determine organic carbon
demand and the change in this organic carbon demand as the compounds degrade. Organic
chlorine can be determined from the following relationship for trichloroethene.
4.3.3. For example, as two moles of TCE are reduced to ethene, six moles of chlorine
(shown below as Cl2 gas) are produced (TCE: 2C2HCl3 + 3H2 → 2C2H4 + 3Cl2).
Molecular weights: TCE 2(12.011) + 3(35.453) + 1.01 = 131.39
Chlorine 3(35.453) = 106.359
Mass Ratio of Chlorine to TCE = 106.359:131.30 = 0.81:1
Therefore, 10 mg/L of TCE would be equivalent to 8.1 mg/L of organic chlorine, which would in
turn represent 1.43 (8.1÷5.65) mg/L of organic carbon demand.
4.3.5. Similarly, for fuels, where the oxygen demand is satisfied by the dissolved oxygen
concentrations or other electron donor sources, the aquifer may assimilate continued flux to
groundwater from the source area.
4.4. Feasibility Evaluation Flow Chart. Once the remediation goal is established, each ISTR
technology has a range of effectiveness, depending on the desired temperature range to be
achieved, the soil * type in which it will be applied, depth of contaminant, setting of contaminant
(e.g., perched on a clay layer, potential for mobilization as a result of heating), and the potential
for vapor recovery (i.e., the feasibility of engineering a cost-effective recovery system). Figure
4-1 presents a flow chart for evaluating site conditions to determine whether ISTR is potentially
applicable for the site given its setting and infrastructure. Conditions to be evaluated include:
delineation of the source area, nature of compounds to be remediated, availability of utilities,
geotechnical issues, drainage in the remediation area, and drilling access issues.
4.4.1. The selection of the appropriate technology for a given site is site specific, dependent
upon a variety of factors such as cost (and cash flow constraints), geology, hydrogeology,
community acceptance, availability of power, depth of treatment, etc. The technologies that are
the subject of this manual have been undergoing continuous improvement as more and more
sites are treated. Engineering solutions have been developed to issues that have been
encountered, providing the knowledge base to expand the settings where the technologies may
* ISTR technologies have seen limited testing in bedrock environments at the time of preparing this manual. As a
result, the experience base does not exist to develop procedures for application in bedrock
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4.4.2. Steam injection temperatures that can be achieved are based on the injection
pressures that can be achieved. Since most environmental restoration projects are typically
performed at depths of less than 30 m (100 feet), the highest temperature that can be reasonably
achieved in soil using steam is approximately 170ºC (~350ºF).
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4.4.3. ERH and thermal conductance methods heat the subsurface relatively evenly. Steam
injection, on the other hand, is susceptible to the steam following zones of higher hydraulic
conductivity. Unfortunately, contaminants in soil can migrate by diffusion into very tight layers
from which they require very long times for removal again by diffusion. In highly anisotropic
conditions (e.g., braided stream deposits, fractured bedrock) injected steam is susceptible to
following paths of least resistance and may not heat the desired zone. Depending upon the
degree to which anisotropy is present, zones where steam is not conveyed will be heated by
conduction and convection.
4.4.4. Depth of treatment is a critical issue. The spacing of heater wells, electrodes, and
injection wells is based on what is known as an aspect ratio. For thermal conduction, the
(heater) well spacing should not exceed the thickness of the heated zone (Stegemeier and
Vinegar 2001). Well spacing, not the thickness of the heated zone, determines the time required
to heat the formation. As such, this is defined as a 1:1 aspect ratio (distance between heater
wells: thickness of zone to be treated). * For ERH, the spacing of the electrodes is based on soil
type, applied voltage, and electrical resistance of the soil/groundwater system to be treated.
Typical spacing between electrodes is 2.6 to 6.1 m (8.5 to 20 feet). Therefore, at depths of
greater than 2.6 to 6.1 m, the ERH aspect ratio is less than 1:1, indicating that significant drilling
is required to treat a large, deep area. For steam injection in the vadose zone, the aspect ratios
that have been used range from 3:1 to 5:1. In the saturated zone, steam sparging aspect ratios
have ranged from 1:1 to 3:1.
4.5. Evaluation of Short-Term Impacts of ISTR. The short-term impacts of a remedial action
are evaluated in terms of the potential effects on human health and the environment during
implementation of the action as well as site issues. The assessment of short-term impacts is
primarily based on four key factors:
a. Potential short-term risks to and protection of the community during implementation
of a remedial action.
b. Potential impacts to and protection of workers during a remedial action, and the
effectiveness and reliability of protective measures.
c. Potential environmental impacts of the remedial action, and the effectiveness and
reliability of mitigation measures during implementation.
d. Impacts to soils and foundations.
4.5.1. As with other remediation technologies, ISTR presents the potential for exposure of
nearby communities to site contaminants via fugitive emissions of vapors, incomplete hydraulic
control and capture of contaminated groundwater and vapors, and on- and off-site management
of process wastes generated by the action. Short-term risks also include dust generated during
construction and noise from equipment operation and drilling. During implementation, access
* It should be noted that most applications of TCH have involved heater well spacings of 6 to 8 ft (1.8 to 2.4 m).
Depending on the desired goal, the heater well spacing can also exceed the thickness of the zone targeted for
treatment. If the objective of TCH is to accomplish in situ steam distillation, rather than to achieve superheated
temperatures, aspect ratios of somewhat greater than 1:1 can be utilized.
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restrictions and engineering controls can be used to protect the public from construction and
O&M-related activities at the site. During active thermal heating and cool-down, engineering
controls would be necessary to control potential exposure routes to the surrounding community.
The controls may include groundwater and vapor extraction; on-site physical and chemical
treatment of vapor, water and air waste streams; and off-site treatment and disposal of process
wastes at permitted disposal facilities.
4.5.3. Short-term impacts on workers associated with ISTR include potential exposures to
construction-related risks (ranging from the risks of working around mobile equipment to trips,
slips and falls), potential worker exposure to NAPL and dissolved-phase contaminants, unique
physical hazards (high temperatures and high-voltage electricity) during installation and O&M
of the remedy, and fugitive air emissions. These risks and the protective measures to address
them are discussed in Paragraph 10.2.
4.5.4. Potential ISTR short-term impacts on the environmental receptors identified at a site
are primarily fugitive emissions from treatment operations and the direct thermal effects of
actively heating soil. Other potential environmental impacts are associated with construction
activities, such as noise, traffic and dust. Mitigation measures include engineering controls
similar to those used for community protection. Sites located near surface water bodies present
special concerns in terms of potential impacts and mitigation measures. Different statutory
requirements exist for conducting ecological assessments at a site. If endangered species have
been identified at a Federal Superfund site, consultation with Federal and state Natural Resource
Trustees is required prior to implementation of a remedy.
4.5.5. TCH and ERH have the ability to reduce soil moisture content. This could have the
potential for soil shrinkage in expansive clays, potentially impacting foundations. Data
evaluations to date have shown that under ERH applications, moisture content is reduced by
approximately 50% in the vicinity of the water table in clay soils. Moisture content above the
water table remains relatively consistent owing to the continued steaming from below during
treatment. The thickness of the zone experiencing reductions in moisture content is believed to
be a factor of the duration of heating and the hydraulic conductivity of the soils.
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Bench- and Pilot-Scale Studies
It is therefore important to define the need for a bench or pilot-scale testing and the goals that are
to be achieved. Bench-scale testing assesses the treatability of a particular compound or suite of
compounds and defines potential chemical reactions (adverse or desired) when heating occurs.
Pilot testing typically confirms design parameters in situations where uncertainty exists about
treatment of compounds of concern or process performance under site-specific conditions. For
large and complex sites, the use of bench- or pilot-scale testing can supplement the modeling and
assist the engineer or scientist in determining if ISTR is an appropriate means to remediate a site.
5.1.2. Bench-scale tests usually consist of column studies. Column tests gauge the
effectiveness of the ISTR technology on specific contaminants existing at the site. ISTR has
been demonstrated to be effective for most VOCs. However, if the chemicals of concern are not
VOCs, or there is a mixture of chemicals of concern, column studies should be performed to
evaluate the feasibility of ISTR technologies. Column studies refer to packing a column with
site soil and site contaminants, applying a representative ISTR technology, and measuring
effluent concentrations as a function of the time. The test results usually cannot be directly
scaled up to the full-scale ISTR system unless the site lithology consists of homogeneous
isotropic soils.
5.1.3. Because pilot testing is expensive, it can be justified if uncertainties arise that (1) are
critical to the success of the project and (2) can be answered by the pilot. Therefore, the pilot
must be carefully designed to obtain critical data and not simply to satisfy curiosity. Pilot-scale
tests are conducted at the site, the location of which is determined by the goals of the pilot test
and site-specific constraints. The pilot should be of sufficient size to encompass a significant
portion of the site variability, or the results from the pilot test may not be applicable to the rest of
the site. A pilot test is usually designed so that the pilot test system can be incorporated into the
full-scale system should a full-scale application of the ISTR be merited. This phased approach
can significantly speed the overall remediation process. The size of the equipment installed for
the pilot test should be carefully considered if such a phased approach is to be used so that, if the
test is successful, the rest of the remediation can be cost-effectively conducted. Mass Removal. A pilot test may be used to demonstrate that the ISTR technology
can remove contaminant mass at sufficient rates and has the potential to achieve the remedial
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goals. It should be kept in mind that the most readily extracted fraction of the contaminant mass
would be removed by advection no matter what ISTR technology is chosen for the pilot test.
The removal rate is expected to decline sharply after a period of time when diffusion-limited
mass transfer ensues (except in the case of thermal conductive heating). When designing the
pilot test, the test should be long enough to accurately capture the long-term contaminant
removal rate. Radius of Influence. The radius of influence of each steam injection well, ERH
electrode, or thermal conduction well can be calculated theoretically. However, a pilot test
should be designed to provide the vadose and saturated zone responses to the application of
heating. The well-field layout in the full-scale system can be adjusted accordingly. Subsurface Characteristics. A pilot test can provide information on the nature and
variability of site-specific subsurface parameters, such as soil permeability, hydraulic
conductivity, soil moisture retention, and contaminant distribution. Design Parameters. A pilot test would provide valuable information on the design
parameters, such as the size of the equipment and treatment system for the full-scale application.
ISTR pilot tests may be designed to meet the remedial goal at a small area of the site; for this
situation, it is relatively simple to scale up the system to remediate the site. The size of the
treatment system can be adjusted if inadequacies are discovered during the pilot test. Cost Estimates. The cost for full-scale system implementation and operation can
be deduced from the pilot test. Some adjustments may need to be made if the well spacing is
found inefficient or if the treatment system size has to be scaled up.
5.1.5. Performing a pilot test in an sub-area of the main portion of the plume risks impacts
from influx of contamination from surrounding areas during and following treatment. This
complicates the interpretation of mass removal rates and the achievable contaminant
concentrations. Several published reports on pilot testing of ISTR methods have noted these
complications. Also, adjustments made to the pattern of the injection and extraction wells or
electrodes to carve out a small section for the pilot may limit the ability of the system to heat the
entire area, or may cause the spread of contaminants.
5.1.6. A pilot-test work plan should be prepared before conducting pilot- or bench-scale
tests. The work plan is crucial for specifying test objectives, the range of operation conditions,
and parameters to be monitored, including the location, methods, and frequency of
measurements to be taken. A Site Safety and Health Plan (SSHP) is also required to assure
safety of all on-site workers. A schedule showing critical tasks and the various phases of the
work should be included. A materials list for necessary equipment and supplies should be
prepared. Necessary permits should be obtained for the pilot system installation and discharge
streams. Refer to EM 1110-1-4001, Paragraph 4.4, for Work Plan Requirement and Preparation.
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5.2.1. Bench-Scale Studies. Two general types of bench-scale thermal conduction studies
can be outlined:
a. Feasibility Demonstration.
b. Process Design Evaluation. Process Design Evaluation. The principal focus of the process design evaluation
is to design and optimize a cost-effective remediation program. The total remediation program
consists of the in situ heating requirements, plus the associated air quality control (AQC) system
for the control of well field emissions. In addition to the fundamental demonstration of the
decontamination of the soil, additional issues that are addressed during a process design
evaluation program are:
a. What contaminants are desorbed from the soil (as opposed to being destroyed in situ)
and at what characteristic temperatures?
b. If there are chlorinated organics present in the soil, does the chlorine exit the soil
matrix as a chlorinated hydrocarbon or as hydrochloric acid (HCl) vapor? And to what extent is
the gaseous HCl neutralized by the buffering capacity of the soils?
c. For the contaminants desorbed from the soil matrix, can the emissions be adsorbed on
activated carbon or is a thermal oxidizer or acid gas scrubber required to reduce the emission
levels to below air discharge limits?
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d. For the contaminants desorbed from the soil matrix, will the hydrocarbons desorb in a
manner such that char (i.e., coke) formation in the vacuum extraction wells is a concern? And
should supplemental precautions, such as air bleeds, be provided to clean the extraction wells in
the event of excessive char deposition? In general, the cost of the process design evaluation is greater than a feasibility
demonstration, with the principal differences being the additional analytical work and the time
required to do two sequential studies. The only circumstance where a feasibility demonstration
should be done before the process design evaluation is where the issue of achievement of
treatment objectives or the appropriateness of TCH for a given COC is in question. PCBs and
dioxins fall within the former category (i.e., contaminants whose treatability with TCH has been
well established) and new applications of TCH, such as mercury removal, are an example of the
latter. To gain insight into the process design issues, several modifications to the
standard feasibility demonstration apparatus and testing procedures are instituted:
a. A custom test chamber is utilized with uniform heating and multiple temperature
measurements in the soil sample.
b. The purge gas flow rate through the test chamber is controlled at a much lower
flow rate.
c. The off-gases pass through a gas cleanup train consisting of a condenser and activated
carbon trap. Additional filtering through a packed bed scrubber is used when the contaminants
of concern include significant concentrations of chlorinated hydrocarbons.
d. The off-gases are monitored for total hydrocarbon level, either by use of an FID
detector or a combustible gas detector.
e. Air sampling and impinger tubes may also be used to examine the loading of a specific
COC or its vapor-phase concentration.
f. The test chamber temperatures are charted to detect short-term transients, in addition to
data-logged temperature data. The data produced during the process design evaluation is analyzed using
procedures appropriate for the COCs in the soil matrix. Further, these data are also used to
select and design the AQC equipment. As such, each process design evaluation effort and
analytical plan is configured for the site-specific requirements of the individual remediation
5.2.2. Pilot-Scale Studies. Thermal conduction pilot tests have been performed at several
sites, including the Missouri Electric Works Superfund Site in Cape Girardeau, Missouri,
(Vinegar et al. 1997) and the BADCAT demonstration at the former Mare Island Naval Shipyard
in Vallejo, California. The following paragraphs describe a recommended approach.
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28 Aug 09 Thermal Wells. Figure 5-1 depicts a typical pilot test in which 13 thermal wells
(one central heater-vacuum well and 12 heater-only wells) are installed in a triangular array at a
spacing of 1.83 m (6 feet). A wider interwell spacing, such as 2.13m, may be called for at full-
scale, but a narrower spacing can save time during the pilot test, with the results being easily
scalable to other spacing following the Inverse Square Law. Suitable electrical distribution
equipment is required to power the thermal wells.
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28 Aug 09 Air Quality Control (AQC) System. The central heater-vacuum well is connected to
a vacuum extraction manifold leading to an AQC system. Depending on the COCs, examples of
AQC systems are: 1) thermal oxidizer, heat exchanger, scrubber and carbon beds, and 2) carbon
bed only. A blower, discharge stack, and air monitoring equipment are also provided
(Figure 5-3). A condenser (not depicted in Figure 5-3) is generally used in these systems. Operation. With the AQC system on, the thermal wells are energized, typically for
a period of 1–2 months, as is needed to achieve target temperatures in the interwell locations
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within the Target Treatment Zone (TTZ), depicted in Figures 5-1 and 5-2. Air emissions are
monitored to ensure compliance with standards, and to evaluate performance. Soil Sampling. Direct-push methods (e.g., hand or power augering; Geo-Probe®)
are used to sample soil prior to and following treatment at representative locations within and
near the TTZ. Because soils treated using ISTD tend to take weeks or months to fully cool, post-
treatment sampling of hot soils is often recommended. Since the core samples are taken from a
very hot environment and may be kept in closed barrels that can be cooled far below their
original temperature, it is unlikely that significant volatile compounds are lost from even warm
cores. One method involves collecting the samples in metal liners, immediately capped upon
retrieval, and cooled with ice to ambient temperatures (Gaberell et al. 2002). Once cooled, the
liners are opened and subsampled for laboratory analysis of all applicable COCs.
5.2.3. Other items that are commonly examined during field-scale pilot (depending on site)
a. Groundwater infiltration/control adequacy/appropriateness.
b. Subsidence.
c. Rate and nature of hydrocarbon off-gassing.
d. Water production rate.
e. Coking.
f. Site-specific thermal conductivity.
5.3.1. Bench-Scale Studies. Bench tests are usually not done prior to electrical resistivity
heating (ERH) projects. Removal of VOCs through steam distillation is a physical process that
is relatively well understood in comparison to the removal processes of most other remediation
techniques. However, an ERH bench test may be warranted under the following circumstances:
a. The treatment region consists of landfill debris or other non-soil material.
b. The treatment region includes peat layers or buried wood debris (the effects of
extremely high TOC levels are not well known at present).
c. The target VOC is dissolved into a greater mass of oil or other low volatility
hydrocarbon (Raoult’s Law effects are difficult to predict).
d. For determining attainable concentrations, where significant groundwater flow exists, or
to evaluate materials of construction (e.g., to determine corrosion potential). For best results, bench testing should be performed in triplicate. An ERH bench test
usually includes the following steps:
a. Pre-test aliquots of soil are analyzed.
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b. Soil is packed into a small sealed reactor vessel and heated, usually by placing the
reactor in a muffle furnace (for the purpose of bench testing, the method of heating is not
c. As the soil is heated, a very small amount of air is injected into the reactor as a carrier
gas and the off-gas from the reactor is condensed.
d. When a target condensate production is reached (typically 10 to 15 volume percent of
the soil sample), heating is terminated and the reactor is cooled to 4°C and a post-test soil sample
is analyzed.
5.3.2. Pilot Tests. Pilot tests may be conducted using either three or six phase modes of
heating. Typically, pilot tests have been conducted to demonstrate feasibility rather than
evaluate a process design or optimization. This is because the process design is relatively
straightforward using ERH. Pilot testing typically involves installing a six phase array of
electrodes to heat a selected portion of the impacted area to be treated. The major difference
between a pilot- and full-scale application is the number of arrays and, hence, the capacity of the
power control unit and ancillary treatment equipment.
5.4. Steam Enhanced Extraction. Laboratory treatability studies for steam injection should be
done when the contaminants are semi-volatile and, thus, some question exists of the amount of
steam or energy that might be needed to achieve the desired residual concentrations of
contaminants in the soil, or to estimate the likely residual concentrations for a given number of
pore volumes of steam injection. When there is a mixture of contaminants present, it may also
be beneficial to determine the physical properties of the non-aqueous phase liquids as a function
of temperature. Brief descriptions of the laboratory experiments follow. Viscosity can be measured by a method similar to ASTM D1296, using a jacketed
beaker to maintain the sample at the desired temperature and allowing measurements to be made
ranging from ambient to steam temperatures. These data demonstrate the increased mobility of
the liquid as the temperature is increased. Generally, contaminants such as creosote or coal tar,
which have relatively high viscosities at ambient temperatures, will show significant increases in
mobility as the temperature is increased. Chlorinated solvents generally have relatively low
viscosities at ambient temperatures, and the increased mobility with temperature is not as great.
Surface and interfacial tension measurements can also be made using ASTM D971 and jacketed
beakers to maintain the samples at the desired temperature. Decreases in surface and interfacial
tension with temperature may reduce residual liquid saturations and allow more of the
contaminants to be collected as a liquid, and, therefore, more of the high boiling point
contaminants may be recovered.
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5.4.2. Steam Injection Experiments. The laboratory setup for a one-dimensional steam
injection experiment is shown in Figure 5-4. Metering pumps are used to deliver a set flow rate
(50–100 mL•hour-1 for the size soil sample used here) of water to the steam generator. The
power input to the steam generator was set to produce steam at a temperature of 150ºC (302ºF).
Steam is injected into the top of the soil column to produce a vertical downward flow through
the column. Galvanized steel columns, approximately 5 cm (2 inches) in diameter and 15 cm (6
inches) long, which are threaded on both ends, and for which endcaps, can be purchased are
convenient for these experiments. Clean sand should be placed in the bottom endpiece of the
column to facilitate collection of the effluent steam and recovered contaminants, and the column
itself is then filled with approximately 600 to 700 g (1.3 to 1.5 pounds) of contaminated soil
from the site. Soil from the most contaminated areas of the site should be used. The top
endpiece of the column is not packed with soil to help distribute steam evenly to the top of the
soil. Thermocouples can be used at the effluent of the steam generator, in the top of the column,
at the midpoint of the column, and in the effluent line. The column is wrapped with heater tape
and then covered with insulation to ensure that the entire column remains at steam temperatures.
Rubber-coated heater tape, 2.5 cm- (1 inch) wide and 1.22 m (4 feet) long, has been used to wrap
the column. The heater tape is plugged into a variable autotransformer to control the heat input
to the column. Column effluent goes through a heat exchanger before being collected in a sample
bottle immersed in an ice bath. For most cases, two to four pore volumes of steam will be
adequate to recover most of the contaminants. Effluent sample containers should be changed
approximately every half pore volume so that approximately how rapidly the contaminants are
recovered as a function of the pore volumes of steam injected can be determined. However,
when determining the sample size, the size needed for the chemical analysis to be performed
should be considered. For some semi-volatile contaminants that are present in the initial soil at
high concentrations, there may be the potential for them to condense and plug the effluent line.
Care should be taken to monitor the sample collection and the pressure in the column to
determine if this is happening. If volatile contaminants are being recovered, collection of the
effluent vapors may be improved by using a solvent, such as dichloromethylene or methanol, in
the sample collection bottle to trap the vapors. During the steam injection, it is important to monitor the amount of steam injected
versus the amount of effluent collected. As a steam front is established in the column, it will
displace in front of it the liquids that were initially present in the soil pores. Thus, the mass of
effluent collected will be greater than the mass of water injected as steam owing to the
significantly greater volume of steam versus that of water. If the soil was packed wet and the
mass of effluent collected is not greater than the mass of water injected during the early stages of
the steam injection, then a steam front has not been established in the column and a hot water
flood is taking place. Temperature in the column should also be monitored to indicate whether
the experiment is a steam flood or a hot water flood. A temperature plateau at 100ºC indicates
that evaporation is occurring in the column and thus a steam front is present and expanding.
Once the water within the column has evaporated, the temperature may increase owing to heat
input from the heater tape. In some cases, the temperature may be above 100ºC, but pressure
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within the column can cause condensation of the steam and thus a hot water flood. For most
types of contaminants, a steam flood is going to recover significantly more of the contaminants
than a hot water flood. Thus, it is important to ensure that a steam front is formed in the column
to get a valid laboratory test of the steam enhanced extraction technology. After a steam front has been established throughout the column, pressure cycling
can be used to increase contaminant recovery rates as a vapor. This is done by closing a valve
on the effluent line of the column (while steam injection continues) allowing pressure to build up
in the column. The pressure should be monitored by a pressure gauge in the effluent line above
the valve. After approximately 70-100 kPa (10-15 psi) of pressure has built up in the column,
the valve is opened and the pressure is allowed to dissipate. This process mimics pressure
cycling that can be done in the field during steam injection to increase the rate of volatile
contaminant recovery. After completion of the steam injection, the column should be taken apart and the
soil divided into two or three samples (for example, top, middle, and bottom of the column) for
analysis. A sample of the initial soil should also be analyzed.
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5.4.3. Pilot Tests. For SEE, pilot tests may be carried out:
a. To confirm design parameters, such as well spacing, injection pressures and rates,
pumping rates, etc.
b. To assess feasibility of technology with respect to site conditions or contaminant-e.g.
applications in bedrock where the technology is less proven, determine feasibility with high
boiling point compounds, soil stability or stratification issues.
c. Where there is uncertainty in the operation of the treatment equipment in dealing with
the ranges of concentrations that may be encountered.
Most of the considerations regarding the approach to pilot tests discussed in Paragraph 5.1 are
applicable to SEE.
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Design Considerations
6.1. Introduction and Overall Design Strategy. Once the overall remediation strategy is
defined (Chapter 4), the area to be treated is defined, and subsurface extent is established, the
design process can begin. What must be kept in mind is that the application of these ISTR
techniques is modular in nature:
a. Thermal conduction is applied using a central vacuum well surrounded by heater wells
and the pattern is repeated to cover the area to be treated. The spacing is determined by the rate
of heat input versus heat losses, the target temperature, desired duration of treatment, and, to a
lesser extent, by the thickness of soil to be treated.
b. ERH, whether applied in six or three phase approaches, involves a regular pattern of
electrodes-hexagonal arrangements for six phase and triangular for three phase. The spacing of
the electrodes is dictated in large part by the effective diameter of the individual electrodes. The
diameter of the electrode array for six-phase heating is typically 5.2 to 12.2 m (17 to 40 feet),
and the distance between electrodes is typically 2.6 to 6.1 m (8.5 to 20 feet) for three-phase
heating. Heat losses are an input parameter for determining treatment time, but do not influence
electrode spacing.
c. Steam is applied in either a 5-spot (four injection wells surrounding a central
groundwater recovery well) or a 7-spot (six injection wells surrounding a central groundwater
recovery well) pattern. The patterns are repeated, if necessary, to treat the area. Well spacing is
determined by both vertical and horizontal hydraulic conductivity, time desired for heating, and
depth and thickness of the zone to be treated. Heat losses are not typically factored into the
The following paragraphs discuss the factors to consider in designing remediation systems using
the individual technologies. The reader is directed to ER 1110-1-8155, Specifications, ER 1110-
345-700, Design Analysis, Drawings, and Specifications, and ER 1180-1-9, Design-Build
Contracting, for the design requirements.
6.2. Thermal Conductive Heating. As with other thermal remediation technologies, design of a
thermal conduction remediation system, whether for an in situ application (ISTD) or an ex-situ
application (e.g., soil pile, in-pile thermal destruction [IPTD]), requires consideration of a
number of site- and contaminant-specific factors. These include, but are not limited to, the target
soil treatment temperature and desired remediation time, heater and extraction well components,
energy and power delivery and distribution, vapor collection/conveyance system configuration,
air quality control system, and other regulatory requirements. These design considerations are
discussed in the following paragraphs.
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6.2.1. Example Calculation. The energy balance for raising the subsurface temperature to
the boiling point of water and boiling off all of the pore water initially present (e.g., to
thoroughly treat SVOCs) is (TerraTherm and Weston 1997)
β tb
⎡⎣ ρ R C R (1 − φ )+ ρ w C w φ S w ⎤⎦ (T b − T i )+ ρ w hw φ S w = (6-1)
A The first term on the left is the energy required to heat the mineral grains, the
middle term is the energy required to heat the water, and the third term is the energy required to
vaporize the water. The right-hand side of the equation is the energy input by a heating well into
the soil volume surrounding it. Note that φ, Sw, Ti, β and A are typically user-specified input
values, while the remaining terms are constants, except for tb (to be solved for). This equation
does not account for conductive heat losses to the adjacent formation and overlying surface, or
for convective heat losses through collected gas and water that originate from outside the treated
volume. Rearranging 6-1 to solve for tb:
tb =
A ⎡⎣ ρ RCR (1 − φ ) + ρwCwφSw ⎤⎦ (Tb − Ti ) + ρw hwφSw } (6-2)
For the values given above, the time tb required to heat the soil and boil off all the water initially
present is approximately 33 days. From the result of equation (6-2), it is seen that over the
thermal treatment period, the amount of electrical power that each thermal well will consume, tb
β = 780 kWhr•m–1 (238 kWhr•ft–1) of heater length. Dividing by the treatment volume, tb β /A
= ~200 kWhr•m–3 treated, which at $0.075/kWhr is about $11/cy of electrical cost.
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28 Aug 09 The impact of water recharge is more complicated and requires numerical
simulation to adequately address. Above the water table, there can still be recharge during
remediation from rain falling directly on the site or seeping in from the subsurface around the
lateral boundaries, and to a lesser extent from capillary rise if the treatment zone is within the
capillary fringe zone. Below the water table, sand or gravel layers that are laterally contiguous
to the targeted interval, or utility trenches, especially, offer possible pathways for subsurface
recharge. The capability of thermal conduction heaters to tolerate recharge of groundwater at a
given site can be estimated by comparing 1) the rate of energy injection per volume of treatment
zone to 2) the energy required to heat soil grains and water within that volume to the treatment
temperature. The following example calculation illustrates this. As a first approximation, the flux of water Qw in L•day–1- that can be heated and
boiled off by a row of n thermal wells, with submerged heaters b m deep may be estimated as
follows (preserving the units given above):
Qw =
( β bn ) (6-3)
⎡⎣ ρwCw (Tb − Ti ) + ρw hw ⎤⎦ (1m3 /1000 ) Thus, continuing the example, a row of 10 thermal wells, the heaters of which are
initially submerged 4 m deep, has the capacity to heat and boil off approximately 1300 L•day–1,
or 0.24 gpm. This equation does not account for the potential of the generated steam to exert a
pressure around each thermal well that diminishes or even opposes the pre-existing hydraulic
gradient, and which may therefore prevent the influx of outside water into the heated zone. Treatment of VOC-contaminated soil and waste located above the water table (i.e.,
in the vadose zone) by conductive heating may be considered a form of thermally enhanced soil
vapor extraction (SVE). As such, the requisite data needs are addressed in large part in other
guidance, such as the EM 1110-1-4001, Soil Vapor Extraction and Bioventing. With the
addition of in situ heating, however, permeability becomes much less of an issue than with SVE
that is not thermally enhanced. Heating soil to raise the formation temperature a modest amount
may substantially increase VOC removal rates, as a 10°C temperature increase results in
approximately a three to four-fold increase in vapor pressure, which in turn results in greater
VOC mass transfer to the vapor phase for removal by the SVE system. Heating of low-
permeability or nearly saturated soil to the boiling point of water creates in situ steam
generation, whereby VOCs can be effectively steam-stripped out of the soil. In the case of non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPL) forming azeotropes with water,
steam distillation can be accomplished at a compound’s eutectic point, which in the case of TCE
in water is 73.1°C (versus the boiling point of TCE of 87.1ºC). Therefore, the water need not be
entirely boiled off to accomplish effective treatment, in contrast to the treatment of higher-
boiling SVOCs. Although steam and organic vapors are readily captured and collected in
moderate–to high-permeability soil, vapor extraction in low-permeability or heterogeneous (e.g.,
sandy till) soil is made possible through appropriate placement and spacing of extraction wells
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and use of surface barriers to prevent fugitive emissions. Even in clay soil that is massive in
structure, in situ steam generation opens up micro-fractures that enable steam and non-
condensable, steam-stripped gases to find their way to nearby heater-vacuum wells. Soil with higher water content requires more energy to reach boiling than drier soil,
therefore knowledge of water content is needed to estimate the heating energy budget and project
duration. Laboratory treatability studies showed that a soil sample heated to a temperature of ≥
300°C for three days was more effectively treated than a sample heated to ≥ 400°C for one day,
all other things being equal (Figure 6-1). Thus, it is not necessary to achieve the boiling point of
the COCs to achieve their full destruction and removal from the soil. Achieving a temperature at which the vapor pressure of the highest–boiling COC
is ≥ 10 mm Hg does, as a rule of thumb, appear to be appropriate. Reaction kinetics also govern
the effectiveness of TCH and vary as a function of temperature (Baker and Kuhlman 2002). The
relationship between vapor pressure of the COCs and temperature (Figure 2-3) determines
whether the COC is amenable to TCH, and provides an initial indication of the temperature to
which the soil must be heated to afford volatilization of the COC. Figure 2-3 shows that the full
range of organic contaminants can be treated by TCH, using thermal wells operating at typical
temperatures of 700–800°C. Past research and TCH field experience with high–boiling
compounds such as PCBs and PAHs suggests, for example, that higher removal rates for these
COCs are achieved after the coolest portions of the soil have achieve the desired temperature
(Uzgiris et al. 1995, Hansen et al. 1998). The presence of neat concentrations of highly halogenated organic liquids may
require thermal wells and collection piping be manufactured of exotic metals such as Hastalloy®.
These types of NAPL, upon heating, tend to hydrolyze or decompose to products such as HCl.
Therefore, data regarding the nature and extent of such liquids are necessary to avoid adverse
effects on materials and equipment.
6.2.2. Subsurface Design. Underlying any thermal conduction soil remediation design are the
contaminants to be remediated and the soil matrix in which they are contained. The site-specific
nature of the contaminants, their concentrations, horizontal and vertical distribution, and the soil
physical properties will determine the design requirements for the other ancillary components,
including component sizing, materials of construction, powerdistribution, and off-gas treatment unit
processes. Careful evaluation of soil and contaminant properties is required to ensure that the
design achieves the remedial goals in a safe, efficient, timely, and cost-effective manner.
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Fraction Remaining
Phenan. 1 Day
1.0E-02 Anthra. 1 Day
Fluoran. 1 Day
1.0E-03 Pyrene 1 Day
Fluoran. 3 Days
Pyrene 3 Days
1.0E-05 <1.57E-
0 100 200 300 400 500
Temperature ( C)
b Time Effect for 360 C, Site 1
Fraction Remaining
1.0E-02 Benzo(a)pyrene
<3.75E-04 I ndenopyrene
1.0E-04 Dibenzoanthr.
0 1 2 3 4
Time (Days) Past research and field demonstrations. (Uzgiris et al. 1995, Hansen et al. 1998,
Stegemeier and Vinegar 2001) have shown that contaminants can be effectively removed from
soils at temperatures considerably below their boiling points. Soil treatment should continue
until the centroids of the triangles formed by the well pattern (i.e., the coolest spots) achieve and
maintain the target temperature for a selected time period. In practice, it is desirable to hold the
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soils in the centroid locations at or above the target treatment temperature for a minimum period
of 2 to 3 days to ensure complete and thorough remediation of the COCs. It should be noted
however, that soils closer to the operating thermal wells will be much hotter, typically on the
order of 500 to 550°C (approx. 900 to 1000°F). As contaminants are desorbed from the soil,
they travel toward the heater-vacuum wells through increasingly hotter soils, over a period of
hours or days. It is the extended residence time at these elevated temperatures that provides
TCH with such high in situ destruction of contaminants. Thermal Well Spacing and Orientation. Once the target treatment temperature has
been selected, it then falls to the designer to determine the appropriate orientation and spacing of
thermal wells to achieve the target temperature in an efficient and cost-effective manner. In
most cases, a hexagonal heater pattern is used, with six heater wells installed around the
perimeter of the hexagon and a single producer (heater-vacuum) well installed at the center of
the pattern. Edge-centered heater patterns (i.e., heaters wells located at the mid-point of the
perimeter segments of the hexagon) typically provide better superposition and less heat loss than
apex patterns (i.e., heater wells located at the points of the hexagon, Figure 6-2). This edge-centered hexagonal pattern results in a greater 3:1 heater to producer
well ratio, as the heaters on the perimeter of the hexagons are each shared by two producers
(refer to Figure 6-2 for an example of such a well pattern). Other patterns and ratios are possible
and may be used by the designer to optimize the site design or to achieve a specific goal (e.g.,
early containment of contaminant vapors). For a given heater power (expressed as W•m-1),
smaller spacing between the thermal wells will result in a shorter remediation period, as there is
a higher energy density per unit volume of soil. Increasing the spacing between thermal wells
will reduce material requirements; however, it will also extend the time required to achieve the
target treatment temperature at the centroids and increase the amount of heat loss to areas above
and below the target zone. Heating duration is proportional to the square of the distance between
thermal wells. As such, there is a tradeoff between the cost of capital equipment (e.g., well
materials, electrical distribution equipment, fume manifold piping, etc.) and operating cost,
which the designer should seek to optimize. Other site-specific factors may also enter into the
selection of appropriate well spacing, including minimizing disturbance to ongoing facility
operations, property clean up or transfer deadlines, or seasonal weather considerations. Another factor to consider in the layout of the well field may be termed “edge
effects.” These edge effects include heat losses along the perimeter of the treatment zone or at
the top and bottom of the treatment zone, where there is no superposition of the heat fronts from
adjacent wells. To counteract the edge effects around the perimeter of the target treatment zone,
the thermal well field typically extends at least 1.5 m (5 feet) laterally beyond the limits of the
delineated target treatment zone. To counteract the heat losses at the top and bottom surfaces of
the target treatment zone, heater elements typically extend at least 0.6 m (2 feet) vertically
beyond the limits of the delineated target treatment zone. In addition, at some sites, the top or
bottom of the heater elements may be boosted to deliver more power to upper or lower zones.
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To minimize heat losses from the top of the treatment zone, thermal insulation may need to be
added in the form of a surface cover (e.g., constructed of mineral board insulation or light-weight
concrete). In addition, vapors and air withdrawn from the producer wells for transmission to
the off-gas treatment system carry away a portion of the heat energy delivered by the producer
wells, reducing their thermal efficiency by approximately 30%. Thus, it may be desirable to
alter the well pattern to minimize or eliminate producer wells along the well field perimeter. In
other cases, where vapor containment along a perimeter is a primary and overriding concern
(e.g., adjacent to residences), it may be necessary to sacrifice thermal efficiency and have an
entire segment of the well field perimeter composed of producer wells. These perimeter heater-
vacuum wells can be switched over to function as heater-only wells once vapor capture at the
edge of the contaminated zone has been achieved.
6.2.3. Thermal Wells. As stated previously, there are two types of wells used for thermal
conductive heating projects: heater-only wells and heater-vacuum (producer) wells. These are
discussed in the following paragraphs.
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of heater can diameter, schedule (wall thickness), and materials of construction will depend upon
the well configuration, installation method and depth, the contaminants of concern, and the
expected operating temperature of the heater elements. Typically, heater cans are constructed of
stainless steel owing to its significantly better corrosion resistance at elevated temperatures than
carbon steel. For sites with particularly heavy corrosive contaminant loading, it may be
necessary to upgrade to a higher-grade corrosion resistant alloy (e.g., Hastelloy C-276, C-22,
Inconel 600, etc.) In most cases, heater cans used by TerraTherm are 7.6 cm (3-inch) schedule
40 stainless steel, although various diameters, wall thicknesses and materials have been used. In
some cases, it is possible to install the heater elements directly into the soil without a can;
however, this makes servicing and replacement of heater elements during operation more
difficult and costly, and is therefore, typically avoided. Thermal Well Installation Methods. Thermal wells may be installed using
conventional hollow stem auger drilling equipment. However, because it is desirable to maintain
close soil to well contact for efficient thermal conductive heating whenever possible, it is
desirable to directly drive the heater-only wells into the soil, thereby locally increasing the
density and effective thermal conductivity (i.e., there is more grain to grain contact) of the soils
around the heater can. Given the relatively large diameter and closed bottom of the heater cans
and the large number of thermal wells typically installed at a site, the rig selected for driving
thermal well cans must have a sufficiently high hammer cycle rate and have sufficient down
force to drive the cans efficiently. Heater-vacuum wells are typically installed in augered holes, as driving screens
can damage the screen and can lead to soil smearing and clogging of the slots. Solid stem augers
may be used if soil conditions are such that the boreholes will not collapse when the auger is
withdrawn to allow installation of the screen. This method offers the advantage of faster
installation and minimizes drill cuttings; however, it is not possible at all sites. Otherwise,
hollow stem augers are typically used.
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28 Aug 09 Rotary sonic installation methods also work well and achieve the goal of
maintaining close contact between vibration driven cans and the surrounding soil. Heater-
vacuum well screens installed by rotary sonic drilling are typically installed in a casing that has
been vibrated into the ground. The casing is then withdrawn as the sandpack is installed. Rotary
sonic methods can achieve good installation production rates (installed meters per day). This
technique works well for sites with a significant amount of debris; however, this method is
substantially more expensive than hollow stem auger installation methods. Heater-vacuum well screens and heater cans may also be installed using angled,
horizontal, or directional drilling methods. In this case, minor modifications are necessary to
ensure that heater elements and producer well cans are centralized. Material selection may also
need to consider the bend radius of the proposed angled or directionally drilled borehole.
Installation in trenches is an additional option.
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28 Aug 09 Quality Control Requirements. Well and screen materials need to be inspected to
ensure that the components are of the desired quality and material composition. In vertical
applications, a maximum tolerance for deviation from verticality, particularly in long or deep
wells, to ensure that the concentric components (e.g., heaters in cans, and cans in heater-vacuum
wells) can be installed after the wells are drilled or driven is necessary. Groundwater Control Systems. At sites where groundwater intersects the target
treatment zone or where water-bearing stringers may transmit groundwater to the treatment zone,
groundwater control may be required. It may not be possible for the thermal wells to deliver
sufficient energy to boil off infiltrating groundwater (or surface water runoff, for that matter) and
still raise the temperature of the target soils above the boiling point of water. Excessive or
uncontrolled groundwater or surface water infiltration may limit the ability of ISTD to achieve
the required target treatment temperature in some or all locations throughout the target treatment
zone. Therefore, it is critically important to identify potential sources of groundwater or surface
water infiltration and take appropriate measures to control them. In the case of groundwater,
these control measures may include sheet pile or jet-grout barrier walls keyed into an aquitard
layer, well-point dewatering systems, trenched or horizontally or directionally drilled dewatering
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wells, or freeze wall barriers. These actions may have a significant cost impact on the project. It
may be cost-effective to remove any recoverable groundwater prior to the start of heating at
those sites where groundwater can be readily contained and pumped out of the target treatment
zone. Energy Requirements. Assuming negligible water infiltration or recharge into the
target treatment zone and neglecting edge losses, a fixed amount of energy is required to raise
the temperature of the soil to the boiling point of water, boil off a single pore volume of soil
moisture and then, for most TCH sites, raise the dried soil to the superheated target treatment
temperature. For sites with relatively low boiling contaminants (e.g., PCE, TCE, benzene,
styrene, etc.), it is not necessary to boil off the soil moisture, provided there is sufficient
permeability in clayey soils to remove contaminants without drying the soil. At these sites it
may be sufficient to simply approach the boiling point of water (100°C, 212°F) to achieve the
desired degree of contaminant removal or destruction. Therefore, the energy required to raise
the soil to the desired temperature can be estimated relatively easily using an analytical
spreadsheet calculation. Numerical modeling may be used to provide a more accurate estimate
of the energy requirements, allowing for the benefits of superposition, convection, edge losses,
heat loss through producer wells, infiltration, and other factors. As a general rule of thumb, most
soils cannot accept more than approximately 985 W•m–1 (300 W•ft–1) of heat input from a line
source (such as a thermal well) (Stefemeier and Vinegar 2001). During the early stage of
heating, when the soil is cool and moist, its thermal conductivity is high and the soil is capable of
absorbing high heat input from the heater with only a moderate increase in temperature. As the
soil is heated and dried, the thermal conductivity decreases, thereby accelerating the natural
temperature rise. Eventually, a stabilized heating rate is attained with relatively small increases
in temperature at the well. Heat Delivery Mechanisms. Energy in the form of heat may be delivered to the soil
using a number of methods, including: electrical, gas combustion, or other methods.
Electrically powered heater elements, proprietary stainless steel elements, and mineral insulated
cable elements have been used in all testing, demonstration, and full-scale projects to date. Gas
combustion soil heaters, which are claimed and protected by early ISTD patents, are currently
under development for specific applications.
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28 Aug 09 Careful consideration of the thermal expansion of the heater element, the heater
can, and for heater-vacuum wells, the well screen, is required. Heater-only cans and heater-
vacuum well screens are constrained at the bottom by the soil matrix and therefore tend to
expand upward when heated. However, the heater elements suspended in the cans and heater
cans suspended in heater-vacuum wells are free hanging and tend to expand downward when
they are heated. Adequate room for thermal expansion is required to prevent damage to the
components. This is critically important on electrically powered systems, where contact between
components during heating could potentially cause damage or, although unlikely, could cause
the heater to ground out on the can. Wellhead Power and Vapor Connections. Wellhead power connections are made
in weatherproof electrical junction boxes that are attached to the heater cans with an electrical
conduit compression fitting. Cold pin conductors welded to the free ends of the heater rods
extend through an electrically insulated bulkhead or support plate at the top of each heater can,
and into the junction box. Mechanical lugs or other suitable terminations are used to attach the
power cables to the heater rods. Heater-vacuum wells are typically completed with a flanged vapor tee, through
which the internal heater can is inserted. The lower flange of the vapor tee mates with the well
screen riser and the upper flange on the vapor tee mates with a plate flange welded on the
internal heater can, thus sealing the well screen annulus. Vapors exit through the branch of the
tee to the piping manifold, under vacuum. The branch of the tee may also be fitted with an
individual flow control valve, sample port or pressure monitoring port where desired. The
internal heater can riser extends above the vapor tee, such that electrical connections for heater-
vacuum wells are similar to those for heater-only wells. Design of TCH vapor conveyance piping should follow existing USACE piping
system design guidance. In selecting and specifying piping system components (including pipe,
fittings, and valves), designers must consider the changing composition and state of the vapor
stream (from relatively cool, moist steam to hot, dry air). Piping system materials of
construction must be sufficient to withstand the nature of the contaminants, the potential acidity
of the vapor stream, and the elevated temperatures to which they will be exposed. Corrosion is
often most troublesome in parts of the system where liquid can collect. Design of the system
should provide against zones of liquid accumulation. Allowance must be made for thermal
expansion as the piping system is heated to operating temperature. Typically, supplemental heat must be added to the piping system to prevent the
extracted vapor stream from condensing in the conveyance piping. Supplemental heat may be
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added either through internal insertion heaters (installed in cans inside the manifold pipe spools)
or through external heat tracing, as appropriate to the particular case. Insulation must be
provided for personnel protection and to minimize heat losses. In some cases it is desirable to
allow vapors to condense in the pipe manifold and withdraw the condensed liquid for treatment
separate from the air stream. In this condensing case, insulation need only provide protection for
personnel exposures. Because the piping systems are typically installed outdoors, external
jacketing must be weatherproof. Manifold piping spool pieces are typically pre-fabricated in standard lengths and
fitted with flanged ends to allow a relatively rapid assembly of the manifold in the field. Since
the TCH piping system is typically a temporary installation (on the order of months), the piping
network is frequently supported on portable jack stands. However, in areas prone to seismic
activity or where the piping system will be in place for an extended period, more elaborate
supports and bracing may be required. Power Distribution. In electrically powered TCH systems, there can be a very
significant power demand, depending upon the volume of contaminant to be remediated. Once a
preliminary estimate of the power requirement is available, designers should consult with the on-
site engineers, infrastructure managers and local utility company representatives to determine
whether there is sufficient power transmission and distribution capacity at the facility or off the
local grid. Designers should weigh the cost and schedule impacts of running new power
transmission lines from a nearby substation versus operating the TCH project in multiple smaller
phases to reduce the overall demand load of a large project. Power is fed from the high-voltage transmission lines to a transformer with a
typical secondary voltage of 480 VAC. Power is fed from the transformer to a fused main
disconnect switch or a main circuit breaker in an electrical switchboard. There may be one or
more switchboards to distribute power to the well heaters, manifold pipe heaters, and vapor
treatment equipment. Vapor treatment equipment may be operated from a packaged motor
control center (MCC) or fed separately through individual motor starters, or variable frequency
drives (VFDs). Well heaters can be designed to operate at a variety of voltages to balance
circuits and obtain the desired power output; therefore, power distribution depends on the site
configuration. Owing to the temporary nature of TCH installations and to speed field
construction, portable power cables (also called mining cables) are typically used to feed power
from the circuit breakers to the well field heaters. Where required by National Electrical Code (NEC, NFPA 70) and local codes,
distribution gear must be provided with ground fault protection. Electrical distribution gear
should be provided with appropriately sized over-current protection. Designers must remember
to consider the length of heater power cable runs as well as the fact that the heaters will operate
continuously once energized, and apply appropriate component size adjustments to comply with
NEC requirements for continuous duty loads and minimizing voltage drops.
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28 Aug 09 Conductive components within the well field should be bonded and grounded. In
addition, transformers, distribution panels, process equipment, trailers, and other conductive
system components should be bonded and grounded in accordance with the National Electrical
Code and any local requirements. Vapor Treatment Systems. Vapor treatment systems for field pilot tests were
discussed in Paragraph 5.2.2 and a typical system is depicted schematically in Figure 5-4. Vapor
treatment systems for full-scale systems are similar to pilot-scale systems, although typically
larger to accept the larger flow rates in full-scale systems. Vapor treatment systems may be as
simple as one or more carbon adsorbers or may require a more comprehensive vapor treatment
system consisting of a thermal oxidizer, heat exchanger, acid gas scrubbers, silt knock outs, and
one or more carbon adsorbers. Selection and sizing of vapor treatment system components will
depend on the expected peak vapor generation rate (typically estimated at a peak of 0.028
standard cubic meters per minute (1 scfm) of vapor per kW of heater power), the projected COC
loading, and the applicable air emission limits. Design Review Checklist. The Design Review Checklist in Appendix C provides a
general guideline for information required to carry a design for an ISTD project from conceptual
level through completion.
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Energy Spread by
Energy to Boil
VOCs Electrodes are usually installed by hollow stem auger or some other conventional
drilling technique and can be installed in angled boreholes. Current is carried down the borehole
by either a steel pipe or a Teflon®-insulated electrical cable that is connected to a metal electrode
element. The region surrounding the pipe or electrode element is backfilled with granular
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graphite or steel shot (or a combination thereof), which conducts the electricity to the soil
surrounding the borehole. Care should be exercised to ensure that the steel shot does not
displace bentonite seals during construction. These backfill materials have a particle size similar
to coarse sand and can be used as a well sand pack. To maintain soil moisture and electrical contact, a ¼-inch Teflon tube is often
inserted into the electrode backfill to provide a method to drip potable water. If the electrode is
completed in geological material that readily transmits water, then a drip system is usually not
required. Electrodes can also have multiple completions, and up to six independent electrode
elements have been installed in a single borehole to allow independent heating of six different
depth zones. Electrodes can also be installed by driving a steel pipe into the ground. This
method of electrode installation is usually reserved for treatment of shallow soils under saturated
water conditions. Electrode boreholes often include one or more co-located vapor recovery wells.
These vapor recovery wells may consist of steam vents that are located below the water table and
operated at negative pressures for vapor capture. Within the vadose zone, there are trade-offs
associated with co-locating a vapor recovery well within the electrically conductive zone of an
electrode: the vapor recovery well tends to desiccate the soils immediately adjacent to the
borehole, resulting in restricted electrical conduction. The purpose of the vapor recovery wells is to collect the produced vapors and
prevent vapor migration. It is not necessary to try to drive airflow through the lithological unit
(as in an SVE system), because it is the uniform in situ steam generation of ERH that produces
the steam carrier gas for removal of VOCs from the soils as vapor. A surface seal is
incorporated into the installation to maintain negative pressure to collect the vapors and to
prevent steam breakthrough or exposure at the surface. If the depth to water is quite shallow (less than 5 feet [1.5 m] below grade), then
horizontal vapor recovery wells or trenches may be preferred. Further, if there is the potential
for a shallow water table to rise above the ground surface during the treatment process as a result
of climatic conditions or generation of steam, controls may be necessary to prevent electrical
hazards or exposure to hot liquids and vapors.
6.3.2. Energy Input and Conveyance Systems. The vapor recovery piping is usually
constructed of chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC), a high temperature version of PVC. This
piping has the advantage of relatively low cost and good chemical and corrosion resistance. Its
low heat conductivity keeps the outer surface sufficiently cool to avoid a burn hazard and no
insulation is required. CPVC expands significantly when heated. This requires some care in piping
design, as the vapor recovery piping will expand by about 0.4% in length. The wells are
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especially rigid locations and the use of piping offsets or expansion loops within the well field is
often required. Below grade piping installations often require expansion joints. CPVC piping
will lose strength and sag as temperatures rise. This must be considered in the design of piping
supports. Although CPVC has been successfully used in thousands of vapor recovery wells
and for miles of recovery piping at thermal remediation sites, it is not recommended for use in
monitoring wells that are screened completely below the water table. The headspace of such a
well does not have free exchange with the vadose zone. During steaming operation, steam and
VOC vapors will collect in the headspace of a submerged screen well. The top of the well will
be a condensation zone and separate phase VOCs are likely to condense there. The combination
of high VOC exposure, high temperature, and slight pressure has caused submerged screen
CPVC monitoring wells to fail and vent steam to the atmosphere. For this reason, stainless steel
is recommended for submerged screen monitoring wells. In an ERH application, care must be
take to ensure that the metal well does not transmit below grade voltage to create a surface
voltage hazard.
6.3.3. Above-Ground Equipment. The vapor recovered from the wells usually consists of
about 75% steam, 25% air, and a small fraction of a percent of the target contaminant. The
CPVC vapor recovery piping is connected to a steam condenser that includes a vapor liquid
separator. A silt knock-out should also be considered in the design. The steam condenser cools
the air and VOC vapors to near ambient temperatures for conventional vapor treatment. The
target VOCs do not condense in the condenser; in fact, a condenser is an ideal application of
Henry’s Law and over 99% of common VOCs remain in the vapor state as they pass through the
condenser. After cooling by the condenser, conventional vacuum blowers and vapor treatment
methods can be used. The vapor treatment process is similar to SVE systems, except that the
typical flow rates are lower (because about 75% of the flow has been condensed and removed)
and the vapor concentrations are much higher. These effects reduce the overall vapor treatment
costs considerably in comparison to conventional SVE systems. Two types of steam condensers are common: air-cooled and water-cooled. Air-
cooled condensers are simpler and less expensive. However, they can only cool the extracted
vapor to a temperature about 20°F above ambient. This leaves about twice as much absolute
humidity in the air as a water-cooled condenser and, thus, reduces GAC loading efficiency. A
water-cooled condenser uses a recirculated water stream and heat is rejected to the atmosphere
via a cooling tower that evaporates a portion of the recirculated water. A water-cooled
condenser can cool the extracted vapor to ambient temperatures; in low humidity environments,
the vapor is cooled a few degrees below ambient temperatures. A water-cooled condenser
requires a source of make-up water to replace the water that is evaporated in the cooling tower.
Typically, the condensed steam is recycled for use as this make-up water. This results in the
emission to the atmosphere of a fraction of 1% of the extracted VOCs (as described above);
however, recycling of the steam condensate eliminates the need for an independent condensate
water treatment system and may eliminate the need for water discharge.
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28 Aug 09 An ERH Power Control Unit (PCU) adjusts the utility voltage to the proper level to
deliver to the electrodes. The electrode voltage inversely varies with soil electrical conductivity.
Soil electrical conductivity usually parallels groundwater total dissolved solids (TDS)
concentrations. The PCU also includes safety interlocks to shut down the ERH system in the
event of an unsafe condition and includes a temperature monitoring system. The PCU should
include a modem connection to allow remote monitoring and control of all aspects of the heating
process. The vapor recovery process can also be automated and remotely monitored; however,
this is generally not cost-effective for simple vapor treatment systems such as GAC. Where required by National Electrical Code (NEC, NFPA 70) and local codes,
distribution gear must be provided with ground fault protection. Electrical distribution gear
should be provided with appropriately sized over-current protection. Designers must remember
to consider the length of heater power cable runs as well as the fact that the heaters will operate
continuously once energized, and apply appropriate component size adjustments to comply with
NEC requirements for continuous duty loads and minimizing voltage drops. Conductive components within the well field should be bonded and grounded. In
addition, transformers, distribution panels, process equipment, trailers, and other conductive
system components should be bonded and grounded in accordance with the National Electrical
Code and any local requirements.
6.3.4. Design Review Checklist. The following ERH design issues should be reviewed:
a. Has the ERH system designer taken measures to protect workers and the general public
from the hazardous voltage that will be applied in the subsurface? Appropriate measures
(1) Physical separation - usually at least 20 feet separation from electrically conductive
components is required for worker safety and at least 30 feet for general public safety.
(2) Electrical insulators - these can include plastic or rubber materials or can include
rounded pea gravel to cover large areas.
(3) Electrically conducting material to create an equipotential surface-an example would be
a metal grid over the site to damp the surface voltage to a low value. Monitoring wells should be
locked shut such that a “danger tag-out” is required to open the well.
b. Has the ERH system designer taken measures to protect workers from steam and high
(1) Monitoring wells provide the greatest risk; if the top of the monitoring well screen is
below the water table, the monitoring well will pressurize during ERH operation.
(2) If a monitoring well is opened under pressure, this can lead to a geyser effect.
c. Has the ERH system designer considered the effects of elevated subsurface
temperatures on underground utilities?
(1) If the top of the heated interval begins 5 feet or more below grade, then utilities at
common burial depths are generally not a concern.
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(2) If utilities are located within the heated volume, the greatest concern relates to plastic
piping and electrical power conductors (which also have internal ohmic heating from the current
they carry).
(3) Metal utilities, fiber optics, and concrete or clay sewer lines are not very temperature-
(4) Utility trenches may have the ability carry vapors and steam away from the treatment
area, which would not only result in a loss of control during treatment, but may represent a
health and safety risk is the steam or vapors are carried offsite.
d. Has the designer considered potential for migration of vapors into basements?
e. Has the designer considered a rising shallow water table to the ground surface from
climatic events or steam generation and the potential for electrical hazards or exposure to hot
liquids and vapors?
f. Are the soils expansive clays and will soil dessication and the resultant shrinkage that
would occur in the vicinity of the water table a concern for foundations and utilities?
g. How will vapor and steam be captured? Within the vadose zone, the application of
vacuum influence will capture the steam and vapor. Within the saturated zone, low permeability
lenses can pool or divert rising steam and VOC vapors.
6.4. Steam Enhanced Extraction.
6.4.1. Subsurface Design. The design of a full-scale steam injection system should
maximize the removal of contaminants from the subsurface in an efficient manner. To achieve
this objective, the design should incorporate thermal modeling, analysis of site hydrogeological
and contaminant distribution data, and analysis of mass movements both above and below the
source zone. To control the migration of the contaminants, steam should be injected outside,
below, and above the source zone. * The injected steam creates a thermodynamic driving force,
moving the contaminants towards the center of the target volume, where liquids and vapors will
be extracted. The success of this strategy depends on the careful delineation of NAPL in the
source zone. The vertical and horizontal extent of the NAPL should be well defined, as
discussed in Chapter 3. In this way, steam will always sweep from the outside in, carrying
NAPL with it and thus preventing NAPL spreading to the surrounding area. Downward NAPL
migration can be prevented by sweeping steam below the source zone first (Heron et al. 1998b,
Gerdes et al. 1998). This creates a steam blanket below the NAPL. Droplets sinking into this
zone will be vaporized and carried with the steam to the extraction well. Research conducted in
Germany has also shown a benefit in the co-injection of air with the steam in preventing
downward migration of NAPL (Betz et al. 1998, Schmidt et al. 1998). The co-injection of air
should be examined through additional design modeling work to determine its feasibility at the
* This assumes a single array of steam injection wells surrounding a vapor and groundwater recovery well. For
applications having multiple arrays of wells, recovery would occur in the middle of each array.
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28 Aug 09 As steam is injected into the subsurface, it will propagate outward and upward from
the injection well screen, in a shape determined by the horizontal and vertical permeabilities of
the soil, and by the steam injection rate. The lateral radius of the steam zone surrounding each
well depends on the soil characteristics (the greater horizontal to vertical permeability typical of
sedimentary deposits helps to spread steam laterally around the well). For steam injected into
the vadose zone, good horizontal sweep is expected, as the steam flow is only mildly affected by
gravity forces. Enough steam injectors should be used to ensure that a very uniform steam zone
develops below the NAPL zone. If multi-level wells are used, steam is typically injected into the NAPL zone only
after the upper and lower zones reach steam temperature. Cyclic steam injection may start when
the entire zone reaches steam temperature, either by varying pressure in a given well, or by
varying the wells where steam is injected. At the same time, the vapor extraction system should
be operated continuously. This will create large pressure changes in the target volume through
time, which has been shown to enhance the removal of contaminants from low permeability
zones (Itamura and Udell 1995). The cycling is expected to: 1) create a condition where the
pressure in the soil pores is less than atmospheric, resulting in “flashing” of residual NAPL, 2)
expand the treated soil layers to include low-permeability regions, and 3) reduce aqueous-phase
concentrations and assist in desorption of contaminants from soil particle surface. Liquid should be extracted from the central well clusters (deep and shallow
groundwater extraction wells and vapor extraction wells) at a rate equal to or greater than the
rate at which groundwater is replaced by the expanding steam zone, or typically between 100
and 300% of the equivalent steam injection rate (expressed as kg•s-1 or lb•hr-1 of water). During
steam zone expansion, extraction should be aggressive to create a driving force towards the
central extraction well clusters. During steam cycling operations, the extraction rates may be
varied to optimize the steam flow, to prevent stagnant zones, and to achieve uniform heating of
the entire source zone. The vacuum pressure is typically 50.7 kPa (0.5 atm), but should be less
than the minimum predicted vacuum during the shut-in portion of pressure cycles. Vapor should be extracted through the whole period of operation using a well-head
vacuum. The actual vacuum depends on the steam injection rate, the observed groundwater level
in the central groundwater extraction well, and the operation of the effluent treatment system.
The applied vacuum will assist in directing vapors towards the center wells, and, thus, control
the heated zone. During the entire operation period, sub-atmospheric pressure should be maintained
in the shallow vadose zone, minimizing the risk of upward migration of contaminants to the soil
surface. Vadose zone air pressure should be monitored, if feasible, based on the operational
conditions. The number and location of extraction and injection wells required is highly site-
specific and depends on many factors, such as extent and depth of the contamination, physical
and chemical properties of the contaminants, soil characteristics, and most important, soil
permeability. The steam zone development can be estimated by a number of mathematical
methods (see Paragraph 6.6).
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28 Aug 09 Typical temperature monitoring detail is presented in Figure 6-6, while a simplified
process and instrumentation diagram for a steam injection system is presented in Figure 6-7.
6.4.2. Energy Input and Conveyance Systems. A typical steam injection system consists of
steam injection wells, groundwater/vapor extraction wells, conveyance piping, NAPL/water
separator, transfer pump, controls, and gas/water treatment equipment. Figure 6-7 shows an
example of process flow diagram of a typical steam injection system. The steam injection
system usually uses steam generated by a mobile industrial steam boiler. Regulated steam is
supplied from the boiler to the main treatment area, where steam pressure and flow rate are
controlled at the wellhead.
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28 Aug 09 Pre-treatment via Heat Exchange. The temperature of the extracted liquid may
affect materials of construction. For example, plastic piping may be chemically resistant, but
high temperatures may cause the piping to expand and become thermally stressed. Therefore,
temperature effects on the materials of construction should be considered to determine and
design the most appropriate treatment method. Extracted liquid from ISTR operations must be
cooled before it can be treated effectively by other methods. This is typically done by passing
the liquid through a heat exchanger, in which the hot extracted liquid is cooled by air or water.
Air-cooling transfers the heat directly to the atmosphere, and generally requires a large flow of
air. Water for water-cooling may come from a supply source such as a well, and may be
discharged, or used as boiler-feed water for steam generation. Closed systems are also used, in
which cooling water is re-circulated through a cooling tower. Pre-treatment via Oil/Water Separators. Oil/water separators are used to remove
NAPL from the groundwater stream prior to physical, chemical, or biological treatment of
dissolved constituents. Gravity separation is typically used, where separation is achieved by the
difference in liquid densities. Pre-treatment via Dissolved Air Flotation. Dissolved air flotation (DAF) devices
may be used to remove NAPL or suspended solids in the groundwater stream by the introduction
of gas bubbles, usually air. Solids and NAPL adhere to the bubbles, float to the water surface,
and are removed by a skimming mechanism. Solids that settle out are conveyed out of the tank
by a screw auger on the bottom of the tank. Pre-treatment via Carbon Adsorption. Carbon adsorption is widely used and is
applicable to a broad range of soluble organic compounds. Dissolved organic compounds adsorb
onto the carbon particles. Typically, configurations are of the fixed-bed type where units are
operated in parallel or series. Operation in series typically uses a secondary unit, which acts as a
backup when the primary unit is out of service. Once carbon adsorption capacity is reached,
carbon is either regenerated or properly disposed of. Carbon adsorption units may also be used
as a polishing step for other treatment methods, prior to discharge. Other media (e.g., sorptive
clays) may also be used. Pre-treatment via Biological Reactors. Biological reactors have typically been
used in municipal wastewater applications. However, this technology can be effectively used to
treat groundwater contaminated with aerobically degradable hydrocarbons such as BTEX and
other fuel components, PCP, and relatively soluble creosote components (e.g., naphthalene).
Biological reactors use microorganisms to degrade organic contaminants to carbon dioxide and
water. Volatile organics are also removed by volatilization as a competing mechanism. Typical
reactor components include an aeration basin, clarifier, and digestion tank where wasted sludge
is further concentrated. Final dewatering of waste sludge is usually accomplished with a filter
press. A properly maintained biological reactor can provide significant cost savings over other
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treatments methods, such as carbon adsorption. However, the microorganisms can be sensitive
to changes in temperature and contaminant concentrations, and may require long periods of
acclimation for operational changes. Bioreactors should be used with caution; as the steam front
propagates, or as the subsurface heats up, NAPL, in significant quantities, can be recovered,
which can upset the treatment systems. Further, the NAPL recovery can occur rapidly, with little
warning from the monitoring data that are typically employed. The microorganisms are also
sensitive to changes in the dissolved oxygen concentration within the aeration basin. Rapid
increases in contaminant concentrations or a malfunction in aeration system can reduce dissolved
oxygen levels in the basin, and result in inadequate removal of contaminants. A functional
biological reactor should be appropriately designed for the anticipated flow rates and
contaminant concentrations. Owing to the potential for highly variable influent concentrations
and the upset of the bioreactor, this treatment technology is not recommended for use during
ISTR applications. At least one SEE site has faced difficulties with the application of
bioreactors to treat creosote-related contaminants. Any use of this technology must consider
mechanisms to address the variability of influent concentrations. Pre-treatment via Air Stripping. Air stripping involves the mass transfer of volatile
contaminants from water to air. This process is typically conducted in a packed tower. The
typical packed tower air stripper includes a spray nozzle at the top of the tower to distribute
contaminated liquid over the packing in the column, a fan to force air countercurrent to the water
flow, and a sump at the bottom of the tower to collect treated liquid. Vapors generated from an
air stripper may require treatment before discharge. Post-Treatment. Primary treatment methods may not always be able to achieve
applicable emissions standards owing to inherent inefficiencies or because of changed influent
characteristics. In these situations, additional treatment methods may be used as a polishing
step. For example, carbon adsorption is often used as a polishing or backup method for a
biological reactor or air stripper. Sand filters may be used to remove suspended solids in the groundwater stream.
Solids build up and the unit is typically backwashed. Frequency of backwash depends on the
solids concentration of the stream entering the filter.
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EM 1110-4015
28 Aug 09 Pretreatment via Heat Exchange. Extracted vapor from ISTR operations must be
cooled before it can be treated effectively by other methods. This is typically done using air or
water as the coolant through a heat exchanger/condenser. Air-cooling transfers the heat directly
to the atmosphere, and generally requires a large flow of air. Water for water-cooling may come
from a supply source such as a well, and may be discharged, or used as boiler-feed water for
steam generation. Closed systems are also used, in which cooling water is re-circulated through
a cooling tower. Condensed vapor is then conveyed to the liquid treatment system. If very high
levels of contaminants are present in the condensate, a pre-treatment step may be required before
the condensate can be introduced into the liquid treatment system.
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28 Aug 09 Treatment via Carbon Adsorption. Vapor phase carbon adsorption is similar to the
liquid treatment application, where compounds adsorb from the vapor stream onto the carbon
particles. Operational configuration may be either in parallel or in series. Carbon can be
regenerated or disposed of off-site. High relative humidity or temperature in the vapor stream
decreases the efficiency of the treatment. Treatment via Thermal/Catalytic Oxidation. Oxidation units are used to destroy
contaminants in the vapor stream. Thermal oxidation units are typically single chamber and
refractory-lined, equipped with a propane or natural gas-fired burner, and a stack. Burner
capacities in the combustion chamber range from 527,000 to 2,100,000 kJ•hr-1 (0.5 to 2 million
Btu) per hour. Operating temperatures range from 760 to 927°C (1400 to 1700°F), and gas
residence times are typically 1 second or less. Catalytic oxidation units use a catalyst to
accelerate the rate of oxidation, which enables the unit to destroy contaminants at a lower
temperature than conventional thermal oxidation units. VOCs are thermally destroyed at
temperatures typically ranging from 320 to 540°C (600 to 1000°F). Thermal oxidizers can often
be converted to catalytic units after initially high influent contaminant concentrations decrease to
less than between 1000 and 5000 ppmv. This method may not be appropriate for treatment of
halogenated compounds, owing to the formation of hydrochloric acid, which could foul the
catalyst. Treatment via Energy Recovery. Energy recovery (i.e., using the extracted vapor as
a fuel) is a vapor treatment alternative to common technologies. Energy recovery is used for in
situ thermal techniques involving steam injection, where the extracted vapor can be introduced to
the fuel stream for a gas or oil-fired boiler. Using extracted contaminant vapors as an energy
source for the boiler will likely require additional monitoring of the stack gases to assure
compliance with air discharge permit or other requirements.
6.5.3. Process Residuals and Offsite Waste Management. Process residuals generated from
the treatment process will need to be managed. Process residuals include spent carbon, filter
material, and sludges. Such residuals should be characterized for proper disposal. Disposal
options depend on cost. The spent granulated carbon may be taken off-site for disposal (landfill
or incineration) or regeneration. Depending on the amount of carbon usage, regeneration on-site
may be more cost-effective. NAPL separated in the DAF or other oil-water separator must be
stored for proper disposal.
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6.6.2. Surface Covers. To control vapor migration, a surface cover or impermeable cap
should be constructed at the site. Soil pore spaces can be filled by water infiltrated from the
surface, which reduces the airflow. If horizontal extraction wells are installed, infiltration water
can fill the trenches. Installation of a surface cover helps minimize infiltration water. In
addition, the radius of influence of the vapor recovery wells may be increased using an
impermeable cap at the surface. Short-circuiting of the surface air will be prevented if a good
surface seal is achieved and forces air to be drawn from a greater distance. Concrete or asphalt is the most common surface cover. If the site has pre-existing
pavement, it may act as the surface cover. The pavement should be sealed so that it is water-
resistant and relatively impervious to airflow.
6.6.3. Noise Control. Sound levels are measured in decibels (dB) using a logarithmic scale.
The standard measure for environmental sound levels is the A-weighted sound pressure level
(dBA). The A-weighting scale was developed to simulate the frequency response of the human
ear to sounds at typical environmental levels. The U.S. EPA has identified yearly day-night average sound levels, Ldn, sufficient
to protect public health and welfare from the effects of environmental noise. The U.S. EPA
emphasizes that since the protective sound levels were derived without concern for technical or
economic feasibility, and contain a margin of safety to ensure their protective value, they must
not be viewed as standards, criteria, regulations, or goals. The U.S. EPA has no authority to
regulate ambient noise levels. The Ldn should be viewed as the level below which there is no
reason to suspect that the general population will be at risk from the effects of noise. According
to the U.S. EPA, levels are sufficient to protect public health and welfare if they do not exceed a
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yearly average Ldn of 55 dBA outdoors and 45 dBA indoors in sensitive area such as residences,
schools, and hospitals (USEPA 1977). OSHA has established maximum permissible worker noise exposure levels to
protect against hearing damage. The level is based on a worker’s noise exposure over a specific
time period. For example, as stipulated in Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part
1910, a worker cannot be exposed to an average sound level in excess of 90 dBA for over an 8-
hour period. When noise exposure exceeds the permissible level, noise must be reduced through
feasible engineering or administrative controls. When such controls fail to reduce the noise
exposure to a permissible level, personal protective equipment must be provided and used to
reduce the noise exposure. In addition, when worker noise exposure exceeds 85 dBA over an 8-
hour period, the employer must provide hearing protection and establish an annual audiometric
testing program to track potential hearing loss. Therefore, OSHA requirements allow areas
within facilities to exceed 85 dBA, provided that feasible noise control has been implemented
and these areas are designated as high noise areas requiring hearing protection at all times.
Compliance with the OSHA noise exposure limits will be achieved by providing equipment
noise mitigation and by identifying the high noise areas with warning signs that prescribe
hearing protection. The construction phases of the ISTR system consist of site preparation,
injection/extraction/heater well or electrode drilling, equipment erection, and startup. Noise
emissions vary with each phase of construction, depending on the activity and the associated
equipment. Construction activities should be scheduled during daytime periods (0700 to 2000)
to the extent possible. Some activities may require extended hours of operation because of
scheduling constraints. Nighttime construction should be limited to low-noise-producing
activities to the extent possible. The primary noise sources anticipated from the treatment site are the steam
generator, the air compressor, the heat exchanger, blowers for vapor recovery and air strippers,
and the thermal oxidizer exhaust stack. Noise reduction design features should be included
where feasible (e.g., stack silencer for the thermal oxidizer stack, low-noise fans on the heat
exchanger, enclosure of the air compressor, blowers, etc.).
6.6.4. Subsurface Barriers. NAPL migration may be contained, and groundwater recharge
may be controlled with the use of subsurface barriers. The type of barrier wall should be
selected based on the specific installation configuration, required installation depth, contaminant
type, and installation cost. Typical subsurface barriers are, but not limited to soil-bentonite (S-
B) slurry, (steel or plastic) sheet piles, pressure-injected grout curtains, or a synthetic material
(e.g., HDPE). Slurry wall barriers are constructed by excavating a relatively narrow vertical
trench, typically 0.6 to 1.5 m (2 to 5 feet) wide, through a previous soil stratum to an underlying
impervious layer. The trench is filled with bentonite-water slurry during excavation to stabilize
the trench walls, allowing excavation to continue through the slurry, to the desired depth. Once
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the desired depth has been reached, the slurry trench is backfilled with a soil/bentonite/water
mixture designed to provide a low-permeability barrier wall (10–7 to 10–8 cm•s–1). Designers
should consult guide specification CEGS 02444, Soil-Bentonite Slurry Trench for HTRW
Projects, and other USACE reference documents if considering use of an S-B cut-off wall.
Subsurface barriers are discussed in more detail in EM 1110-1-4010, Chapter 5-10.
6.7. Modeling.
6.7.1. General. Mathematical models have proven to be useful for simulating and
predicting physical and chemical processes during thermal treatment. Modeling efforts may
utilize a variety of mathematical tools, ranging from simple engineering calculations to
sophisticated numerical modeling codes. The level of detail required for thermal modeling
depends on a number of factors, including site conditions, cleanup objectives, and budgetary
constraints. Always remember that the utility of modeling results depends on the quality of the
input data. In general, appropriately selected and properly implemented modeling procedures
should result in construction and operations cost savings that are much greater than the cost of
the modeling. Previous guidance on modeling for soil vapor extraction systems (USEPA 1995)
is also applicable to ISTR projects. Note that ISTR simulations can yield misleading results unless they are very
carefully performed. Input parameters such as the anisotropy ratio (horizontal to vertical
permeability) and low-permeability lenses can totally control the heating pattern, and should be
captured in the models. Models that are intended for uses other than preliminary design analyses
should incorporate the following features:
a. Geological layering and heterogeneity.
b. Intrinsic permeability (affects injection rates and radius of influence).
c. Anisotropy ratio of major layers (influences the degree of vertical steam rise, and the
ability to heat the base of thick aquifers).
d. Heterogeneity and discontinuities in low-permeability layers (affects upward steam
migration through aquitards).
Ideally, predictive modeling should be done using a model that has been calibrated or verified by
comparison to actual field steam or heat flow (Ochs et al. 2003).
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b. Well or electrode spacing and design — Trials with different well spacings, depths, and
screen lengths can help optimize design for energy or steam distribution, and contaminant
c. Heating duration — Simulations can predict the length of time required to achieve
treatment temperature throughout the target treatment zone for a given well spacing and energy
d. Energy requirements — Electrical power or steam injection requirements must be
predicted to estimate plant capacities, total energy costs, and project duration.
6.7.3. Model Solutions and Codes. Models may be divided into two broad categories:
analytical solutions or numerical modeling codes. Available solutions and codes are listed in
Tables 6-3 and 6-4, along with the processes that can be modeled. Analytical Solutions. Analytical solutions are relatively easy and inexpensive to
use, however the results are subject to uncertainties caused by their inherent assumptions (i.e.,
homogeneous and isotropic media, domains of infinite horizontal extent, steady-state
conditions). The following analytical solutions are applicable to thermal remediation projects.
EM 1110-1-4015
28 Aug 09 Heat flow. A variety of heat-transfer equations are available for estimating the
migration of heat through materials by both conduction and convection (Carslaw and Jaeger
1959, Incropera and DeWitt 1996). Liquid Flow. Well-hydraulics equations are applicable to all in situ thermal
technologies that employ liquid extraction wells. Radial flow solutions such as the Thiem
(1906), Theis (1935), or Jacob (1940) equations may be used to estimate groundwater pumping
rates. If single-phase conditions can be assumed, and if adjustments are made for liquid density
and viscosity, the same equations can also be used to estimate NAPL removal rates for known
NAPL thicknesses. Vapor flow. Well-hydraulics equations that have been adapted for gas flow
(USACE 2002) are applicable to all in situ thermal technologies that employ gas extraction wells
and may be used to estimate gas extraction rates. The same equations may also be used to
estimate steam or air injection rates. Steady-state solutions are applicable to gas extraction and
injection, because underground vapor flow tends to stabilize rapidly. If pressure differentials
greater than 0.2 atm exist within the treatment zone, however, the equations must also be adapted
for compressible fluid flow (Massman 1995). Additional gas-flow equations for planar sinks
(USACE 2002) may be used to estimate non-condensable gas leakage through barrier walls,
from the ground surface, or through low-permeability caps.
6.7.4. Numerical Modeling Codes. Numerical models tend to be more costly and labor-
intensive than analytical solutions, but they can simulate site geometry and stratigraphy,
heterogeneous and anisotropic media, multiple processes, interactions between multiple flow and
energy sources, and time-variable conditions or treatment operations. A distinct advantage of
numerical models is the ability to predict the 3-dimensional shape and migration pattern of steam
zones and NAPL-condensation zones; this capability has proven useful for well design and
selecting well/electrode spacing. In general, numerical simulations are appropriate for projects
with relatively complex site conditions or stringent cleanup objectives. Three broad classes of
modeling codes are listed below, in order of increasing data requirements. Groundwater Models (Single Phase, Isothermal). If control of contaminant
migration is necessary, conventional groundwater models may be used to simulate groundwater
flow patterns during thermal treatment. This is particularly convenient for projects where a site
groundwater model has already been developed. Combined Heat, Groundwater and Gas Flow with Phase Changes (2-Phase,
Thermal). This is the most useful type of model for simulations of steam and heat migration.
Most of the required fluid property data are already contained in the computer code, and typical
design issues involving wells, soil caps, subsurface barriers, and operations scenarios can be
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Table 6-4. Features of Numerical Modeling Codes. Minimum capabilities include simulation of
liquid water, water vapor, and heat flow with water phase changes. In general, codes with pre-
processors and post-processors are easier to use.
Graphical Post-
NAPL Interphase Solute Vapor Chemical Electrical user Pre- processor
Code Flow partitioning transport transport Emulsions reactions fields interface processor
1 2 2 2
STAR X X X 1 3 3 3
TETRAD X X X X X X 3 3 3
TOUGH2 (v.2) X X X X 1 3 3 3
Decay only.
GMS-NUFT only.
Commercially available. Combined Heat, Groundwater, Gas, and NAPL Flow with Phase Changes (3-
Phase, Thermal). Many multiphase-thermal modeling codes can simulate NAPL flow as well as
mass transfer between NAPL, aqueous and gas phase. Some of the codes can simulate separate
contaminant compounds in the NAPL, or “pseudocomponents” with averaged properties for
combined groups of contaminants. The effectiveness of the thermal treatment can be evaluated,
and design parameters such as NAPL recovery rates, contaminant concentrations in recovered
fluids, and cleanup times can be estimated. A few numerical codes can also simulate chemical
reactions involving contaminant constituents.
6.7.5. Input Data. Media or formation data required for modeling include soil physical
properties (density, porosity), thermal properties (heat capacity and conductivity), and hydraulic
properties (permeability, pressure-saturation-permeability characteristics). Groundwater and
steam properties, such as density, viscosity, and thermal characteristics, are temperature-
dependent; this information may be obtained from steam tables, and is generally computed
automatically by the numerical modeling codes. If groundwater and soil contamination are
simulated, chemical transport properties for each component are required (solid-liquid and
liquid-vapor partitioning coefficients, enthalpy, and degradation constants). NAPL flow
simulations require additional NAPL properties, including density, viscosity, and pressure-
saturation-permeability characteristics. Since NAPL physical and chemical properties are
temperature-dependent, care needs to be taken to utilize appropriate data for the required
temperature ranges.
6.7.6. Implementation of Model Results. Models may be used at various stages of project
development. A model may be useful in the feasibility stage to evaluate potential energy costs
or environmental effects for one or several technologies. Models are particularly important
during the design stage, when plant and well-field parameters must be developed. The trade-off
relationship between cost, performance, and project duration can also be evaluated by modeling.
Sensitivity studies, based on known uncertainties in site soil and fluid properties, can be used to
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develop safety factors for equipment design. Models, providing useful information for planning
treatment cycles, treatment zone size, monitoring programs, or project duration, may also
simulate operation strategies. Models that are updated and calibrated during testing and
operations may be used to evaluate operational problems, and to provide refined designs based
on initial or pilot test results. Predictions of cooling rates, contaminant degradation rates, and
required duration for long-term monitoring can by made through the continued use of a project
model, after completion of active thermal treatment. Energy Budget. The energy input requirement for a known treatment volume can
be calculated (example shown in Paragraph 6.2.), based on the required treatment temperature,
thermal capacities of the soil and groundwater, and the latent heat required to convert the
groundwater to steam, as necessary. Additional allowances may be needed for heat lost to the
atmosphere or surrounding soil. Heat Conduction Equations. Heat flow from heater blankets and heater wells can
be simulated with transient solutions for linear heat conduction from a plane source, and radial
conduction from a line source, respectively. A summary of analytical equations used to describe
phenomena in thermal conduction processes is available (Stegemeier and Vinegar 2001). Superposition. Temperatures within an area being treated with multiple heating
wells and blankets can be calculated by superimposing planar and line sources (i.e., summing the
predicted temperature change at a given point attributable to each source, to predict the total
temperature change at the point due to all sources). Gas Flow Equations. As discussed, compressible fluid flow equations may be
used to estimate gas extraction rates for contaminant recovery. Numerical Modeling Codes. All of the numerical modeling codes listed in Tables
6-3 and 6-4 may be used for simulating conduction heat sources. The sources may be
implemented as boundary conditions - for example, the upper model boundary for a heater
blanket, or a column of cells for a heater well. Some of the codes have well options that include
energy input only with no fluid. Sources may be given a specified temperature, or a specified
thermal energy input rate.
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current practice, electrode spacings are determined by the ratio of the diameter of the electrode
array to the diameter of the electrode * (D:d), modified by engineering judgment or “rules of
thumb” based on past experience, rather than with analytical solutions. Numerical Modeling Codes. All of the numerical codes listed in Tables 6-3 and 6-
4 may be used for simulating electrical resistivity heating sources, by using the simplifying
assumption that the input electrical energy is applied uniformly within a finite soil volume
surrounding or between electrodes. Some of the computer codes can also simulate the electrical
field as well as soil heating based on electrical currents and soil resistance. An essential feature
in electrical heating codes is the ability to vary soil resistance with temperature and fluid
saturation; this capability is particularly important near electrodes, where the flow of electrical
current can be impeded by dry soil conditions. Coupled Gas Flow and Steam-Radius Calculations. A steady-state gas flow
equation may be combined with the Marx-Langenheim equation to simulate a variable steam
injection rate with time, as the steam radius increases. The calculation is implemented in a
spreadsheet, over a series of time steps (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 1994). Numerical Modeling Codes. All of the numerical modeling codes listed in Tables
6-1 and 6-2 are capable of simulating steam injection remediation. Most of the codes have well
options that include productivity coefficients, well-efficiency corrections, and pressure control
versus flow control. An important feature provided by some the modeling codes is the ability to
simulate a multiphase well (i.e., pressure-controlled vapor extraction and flow-controlled liquid
extraction from the same well). It should be noted that steam simulations can yield misleading results unless they
are very carefully done. Input parameters such as the anisotropy ratio (horizontal to vertical
* The diameter of the electrode consists of the diameter of the pipe used to construct the electrode plus the added
graphite and/or steel shot.
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permeability) and low-permeability lenses can totally control the heating pattern, and should be
captured in the models. Models that are intended for uses other than preliminary design analyses
should incorporate the following features:
a. Geologic layering and heterogeneity.
b. Intrinsic permeability (affects injection rates and radius of influence).
c. Anisotropy ratio of major layers (influences the degree of vertical steam rise, and the
ability to heat the base of thick aquifers).
d. Heterogeneity and discontinuities in low-permeability layers (affects upward steam
migration through aquitards).
Ideally, a predictive model that has been calibrated or verified by comparison to actual field
steam flow should be used (Ochs et al. 2003).
6.7.10. Checklist for Review of Models for In Situ Thermal Remediation. A checklist for
review of models for ISTR is located in Appendix C of this document. This list is focused on
issues specific to thermal and multiphase modeling. General guidelines for the use of
groundwater models are also applicable (Anderson and Woessner 1992, American Society for
Testing and Materials 1996, 1997b).
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Cost and Performance Results
7.1. Introduction. Pilot-studies and full-scale deployments are increasing our understanding of
the underlying scientific principles and the practical field engineering aspects of ISTR
7.1.1. This chapter provides an overview of case study information. Appendix B provides
the case study information, which includes the types of sites and site conditions (stratigraphy,
permeability, vadose/saturated conditions, depth, etc.) where the technologies are being
employed; cleanup goals and the performance of the technologies in meeting those goals; and
cost information and trends where available.
7.1.2. Sites identified and described in this chapter and the appendix are intended to
illustrate the types and range of deployments rather than give a comprehensive inventory of all
applications. EPA maintains an on-line database of in situ thermal technology deployments.
Projects are organized by technology. The database is at
7.1.3. Upon completion of an ISTR project, a cost and performance remedial action report
should be completed. This includes final actual costs shown to the third level of the HTRW
Remedial Action Work Breakdown Structure. Refer to USACE EP 1110-1-19 on remedial
action reports. “Guide to Preparing Remedial Action Reports of Cost and Performance,” is
available at.
7.2. General Observations. While the experience base is growing, * there is not an extensive
database of projects, thus limiting general insights. It is worthwhile to note that in virtually all
applications of ISTR documented herein, much more contamination was recovered than was
originally thought to be present. At the Visalia wood treater, a SEE project recovered over
1×106 pounds of contamination where a pump and treat system had been operating for over 20
years recovering as little as 10 pounds/week. Based on groundwater concentration data for the
SEE application in Skokie, IL, the site was initially estimated to have in the order of 1000 kg of
trichloroethene and 1,1,1-trichloroethane, based on groundwater concentration data. At the
completion of the project, an estimated 29 metric tons of solvent had been removed or degraded
through biodegradation or hydrolysis using both SEE and ERH. At the most recent application
of SEE at a fractured rock site, a pilot-scale demonstration project at Edwards AFB recovered
910 to 1360 kg (2000 to 3000 pounds) of solvents in an area thought to have on the order of 45
kg (100 pounds) of contamination. Thus, as has been noted elsewhere, in anticipation of
significant recoveries, it is important that contaminant recovery systems be adequately sized.
*EPA TIO’s data base of in situ thermal project currently lists over 60 entries
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7.2.2. Standards of practice are emerging about appropriate materials for various
contaminant and concentration scenarios. Materials of construction are an important
consideration, particularly where corrosive wastes are involved. ERH applications have
experienced failures of CPVC piping in monitoring wells. ISTD TCH has experienced severe
corrosion of piping while treating highly concentrated pesticide wastes. Similarly, it has become
common practice for vendors to identify, locate, and shut in wells whose materials or methods of
construction are not compatible with the expected temperature regimes. It is also common
practice to identify, locate, and cut-off horizontal conduits that could serve as a lateral
preferential pathway for migration of contaminants or steam.
7.2.3. ISTR unit costs are subject to economies of scale and other factors. Subject to
adjustments for factors such as contaminant volatility, treatment requirements, etc., as discussed
below, unit costs (e.g., $/cubic meter) decrease significantly as quantities to be treated increase.
Pilot-scale studies may appear to be disproportionately expensive as many of the
mobilization/demobilization and personnel costs are independent of project size. It is also the
case that, from a total cost standpoint, “ideal“ applications are those involving smaller volumes
of media, with large quantities of waste.
7.2.4. Unit costs for treatment also depend on the depth of the application, the need to treat
various waste streams generated during ISTR, the treatment time and temperatures required for
adequate removal to achieve goals, the availability of fuel or power, the risk allocation between
client and vendor, the level of required monitoring, and the need for engineering controls of
ground water flow, utility protection, etc. As the volume of vapor or liquid streams requiring
treatment increases, treatment costs may significantly increase, depending on the type of
treatment. Sites where vapors may be directly discharged to the atmosphere (rarely the case for
ISTR sites) or where condensate or extracted water will not be generated in significant quantities
will have lower unit costs for ISTR than those sites where elaborate treatment systems for vapors
and liquids must be constructed for the project. Because operating costs, including labor and
power or fuel, are related to operating time, the longer heating is required to achieve the
objective, the more expensive the job. At sites where contaminants are not easily removed by
thermal treatment or where clean-up objectives are stringent, costs may be substantially higher
than for sites with easily removed contaminants and less stringent remedial goals.
7.2.5. Other factors may have a significant impact at some sites. If fuel or power is not
readily available at the site, such as at the Wyckoff Superfund site, the costs for providing the
energy source may significantly increase costs for the project. The more risk the vendor is
allocated by contract mechanism at a site, generally the higher the bid cost, though there may be
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benefits to a risk-averse client for such arrangements. Costs increase somewhat as the amount of
required monitoring increases, both for process control (e.g., stack sampling) or environmental
purposes (e.g., assessment of contaminant migration toward nearby water bodies or structures).
Lastly, the project costs are occasionally influenced by the need to overcome issues such as
protection of utilities, prevention of thermal impacts to water bodies, need for ground water
control through measures such as sheet piling or pumping. In all, the costs for ISTR application
range widely and the estimated cost for a given application must consider the project-specific
conditions and goals.
7.2.6. ISTR technologies have achieved a variety of cleanup goals, ranging from very
stringent residential and MCL-type standards, to state and site-specific industrial/non-residential
standards. In a fair number of cases, the cleanup levels achieved significantly exceeded the
required performance. In at least one case, the Charleston Navy Yard where ERH was
implemented as an Interim Remedial Measure (IRM), significant quantities of contamination
were recovered but the specific percentage reduction goals were not achieved. Waste Types. Many of the initial deployments of thermal conduction addressed
PCBs in soil. Conductive heating has been selected to address manufactured gas plant coal tars,
pesticide residues (hexachloropentadiene), chlorinated solvents, and wood treatment creosote
contamination. It is not necessary to operate conductive heating at maximum temperatures.
Thus, the technology is potentially suitable to the full-spectrum of VOC and SVOC
contaminants as well as the non-volatile contaminants for which it was originally designed.
Other soil contaminants, including metals such as mercury and arsenic have not been tested at
present, but are theoretically volatile enough to be remediated by thermal conductive heating. At the Rocky Mountain Arsenal (RMA) facility near Denver, Colorado,
implementation of ISTD was discontinued following severe corrosion of pipes and equipment.
As heat was applied to the hexachloropentadiene pit, extremely low pH waste streams were
generated, quickly damaging the vendor’s equipment. This problem was not revealed by the lab
scale treatability studies that preceded the deployment. The application was stopped after it was
determined that it would not have been cost-effective to retrofit the entire treatment system with
the necessary hastalloy to withstand the corrosive conditions.
EM 1110-1-4015
28 Aug 09 Cleanup Goals. Table 7-1 compares the initial maximum concentrations and the
final cleanup concentrations for sites where ISTD has been applied. The PCB projects reduced
contamination below 0.033 mg/kg. Cost. Turn-key costs for remediation of 8,400 cubic meters (11,000 cubic yards) of
material at a solvent site in Ohio, being cleaned up under the Ohio Voluntary Cleanup Program,
was reported as $1.3M, yielding a unit cost of $154/cubic meter. The project included a
performance guarantee. These numbers are within the range of general costs provided by the
vendor. Higher (by 2X or more) unit costs for treatment of recalcitrant compounds such as PCBs
have been reported due to the higher temperatures and longer treatment times required. Waste Types. ERH has been used most widely to address VOCs - TCE, PCE,
methylene chloride, etc. As presented in Appendix B, it has also been used to address a diesel
range organic waste at a facility in Atlanta, GA. Contaminants are generally recovered as vapor,
but at least one application (Waukegan, IL) appeared to have experienced a significant amount
of in situ destruction. Site Characteristics/Conditions Affecting Performance and Cost. ERH is
particularly suitable for lower permeability zones. It has been used in fine-grained lacustrine
sand at Skokie, IL, glacial clay tills in Waukegan, Lisle, and Elk Grove Village, IL. ERH has
been used to recover contaminants from sand, silt, clay, and gravel strata, and various
combinations thereof. ERH has been used as deep as 30 m (100 feet) at Paducah, KY. In at least one
application, Fort Wainwright, AK, ERH has been used for the primary purpose of creating
conditions favorable to in situ biodegradation. An important feature of ERH is that the technology can be installed and operated
entirely below grade, if necessary. The first example of such an application was for a
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confidential client at a dry cleaner in western Washington State. An ERH system was installed
beneath the building and adjacent roadways and parking lots so as not to interfere with vehicular
or pedestrian traffic. A subsequent deployment in Portland, OR, involved subgrade installation
of piping and wellheads for a portion of the contamination that extended beneath an adjacent
roadway. Most recently, a full-scale ERH application was completed at Air Force Plant 4 in
Texas. The system was installed in a building where active F-16 jet fighter airplane
manufacturing activities were underway. Cleanup Goals. ERH is reported to have achieved MCL’s for a dry cleaner site in
western Washington State. At the Skokie, IL, ERH project, initial cleanup goals were
established as site-specific Illinois Tier 3 (industrial) criteria. ERH performance was sufficiently
promising that heating was continued after achievement of the Tier 3 standards to ensure that,
after treatment was discontinued, the expected subsequent intrinsic biodegradation did not result
in the production of vinyl chloride in excess of the Tier 3 criteria. When the project was
terminated, 4 of the 13 monitoring wells established for post-treatment monitoring had achieved
the more stringent Tier 1, Illinois Class II Groundwater Standards. Subsequent monitoring
indicated a continuing downward trend in contaminant concentrations, such that, 18 months after
completion of ERH treatment, 11 out of 13 wells had achieved the Class II Groundwater
Standards (Smith et al. 2000). At that time, Illinois EPA approved discontinuing monitoring and
removal of the monitoring wells so that the property could be re-developed. Cost. Table 7-2 provides vendor-supplied information indicating the range of costs
for various contaminants and quantities. Waste Types. Steam Injection has been used to recover a variety of compounds,
such as wood treatment wastes (creosote, pentachlorophenol) Visalia, CA; chlorinated solvents
(TCE, PCE) - Alameda, CA, Skokie, IL and Northlake, IL and Young-Rainey Star Center,
Largo, FL; jet fuel - Lemore, CA; mineral spirits - Northlake, IL; and gasoline range petroleum
hydrocarbons - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Gas Pad. At the Yorktown Naval
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Facility, steam within horizontal stainless steel wells is being used to reduce the viscosity of
Navy Special Fuel Oil to facilitate recovery in a system of trenches. Further work is under way
to use steam to recover diluent from Unocal’s Guadalupe field in California. SEE has been
selected for use at the Port of Ridgefield wood treater, and a pilot study is underway at the
Wyckoff NPL wood treater site on Bainbridge Island, WA. For porous media sites, stratigraphy and the thickness of individual layers is
important for the steam injection approach. For sites with multiple aquifer zones separated by
aquitards, multiple injection and extraction intervals may be necessary (Livermore Gas Pad,
Savannah River Site, SC; Visalia Pole Yard, CA). Sites with a low anisotropy ratio (ratio of
horizontal to vertical permeability) such as Alameda Point, CA, which consisted of fill material
and bay muds, and The Guadalupe Sand Dunes, consisting of wind-deposited sands, must be
carefully designed to prevent excessive steam override. This can involve multiple injection
intervals, shallow vapor extraction systems to capture steam, quenching designs to inject cold
water where steam is undesired, and potentially using air injection to block steam migration into
certain areas. SEE has been used on a site as large as 12,100 square meters (3 acres) (Skokie
and Northlake, IL). It has been used as deep as 41 meters (135 feet) at Visalia and as shallow as
3 meters (10 feet) at Alameda where heating occurred beneath a concrete pad in front of a former
hangar. At a number of sites, SEE was selected owing to the availability of previously
existing on-site steam generation capacity. SEE has been deployed at fractured bedrock sites at Edwards AFB and former
Loring AFB under the auspices of EPA’s Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE)
program. These rock sites were treated to 18 and 27 meters (60 and 90 feet), respectively. Two
additional pilot scale demonstrations are underway in 2003–2004. Case study summaries for these projects are provided in Appendix B.
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28 Aug 09 Cleanup Goals. Provided below is a listing of the cleanup goals that have been put
in place for a variety of SEE applications:
a. Demonstrate that heating can be achieved, and that mass removal can be accelerated
compared to previously deployed methods (Savannah River Site, Edwards AFB Site 61, Loring
Quarry, Beale AFB).
b. Achieve pre-determined numeric standards for soil and groundwater concentrations
(Alameda Point, Young-Rainey Star Center).
c. Remove mobile NAPL and restore groundwater quality at compliance points (Visalia
Pole Yard, Wyckoff-Eagle Harbor, Port of Ridgefield).
d. Eliminate source zone input of COCs to down-gradient dissolved plume (Alameda
e. Meet MDCA standards for soils or MCL for groundwater (Wyckoff-Eagle Harbor).
f. Implement the best available steam technology, operate it until diminishing returns are
achieved, and follow-up by sampling and negotiations with regulators for site closure with or
without alternative contaminant levels. Cost Information. At the Visalia Pole Yard NPL site, Southern California Edison
spent approximately $21.5M to remediate the 8,100 square meter (2-acre) parcel. Cost per
pound or gallon of contaminant information is also available. SCE had been conducting pump
and treat operations at the facility since 1976, recovering approximately 4.5 kg (10 pounds) per
week at a cost of $1M/year. Cost per pound for pump and treat was on the order of $4,400/kg
(2,000/pound). In approximately 3 years of steam heating, SCE recovered or destroyed more
than 590,000 kg (1.3M pounds) of creosote and pentachlorophenol wastes. The cost for SEE
was less than $44/kg ($20/pound) and less than $130/m3. Unit costs at other sites ranged from
$20/m3 at another full-scale project to >$500/m3 at another pilot project. Refer to Table B-1 in
Appendix B for additional information on costs for steam-enhanced extraction.
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Performance Monitoring and
Operations and Maintenance (O&M)
8.1. Subsurface Monitoring for ISTR Technologies. Subsurface monitoring during ISTR
operations is essential for regulation of energy input to the treatment zone, and for measuring
success in terms of subsurface heating and removal of contaminants. In general, instrument data
are reduced and interpreted daily during active thermal treatment to facilitate timely changes in
operational strategy. The frequency for evaluations of other information, such as analytical
chemistry data, may be dictated by budgets and laboratory turn-around time. Monitoring costs
represent a large portion of the ISTR budget; therefore, it is necessary to develop detailed data
quality objectives prior to specifying a monitoring program. Although manually read gauges and
meters are commonly used on ISTR projects, consideration should be given to the use of
electronic transducers, electrical resistance tomography, and data logging equipment, which may
reduce labor costs and provide more efficient data management.
8.1.1. General. Monitoring data can be obtained from instruments installed on or in wells, and
from instruments that are buried at locations of interest. Wellhead instrumentation can be
manual or electronically read devices, while electronic transducers are used for buried
instrumentation. Buried instruments generally consist of instrument strings (i.e., assemblies of
vertically spaced temperature and pressure transducers) installed in a backfilled or grouted
borehole. Instruments that are installed by direct burial should be resistant to both high
temperatures and aggressive fluids that will be present in the subsurface. A table of suggested monitoring requirements for ISTR projects is included at the
end of this chapter. The table is intended to provide information for planning ISTR projects;
actual monitoring will likely vary with site-specific objectives and conditions. In addition,
monitoring practices may be varied through different project phases (i.e., startup, initial heating,
treatment including pressure cycling, post-treatment extraction and monitoring, etc.), or as the
project team gains new insights from the data.
8.1.2. Fluid Pressure. Pressure data has several uses for ISTR:
a. Feedback on subsurface pressure conditions may help to prevent blowouts, leakage, or
fugitive emissions.
b. Pressure data from a sufficient number of measurement points allows interpretation of
subsurface flow patterns.
c. Monitoring of gas pressures may help to evaluate that volatilized contaminants are
being captured.
d. Pressure data may help to evaluate the duration and effectiveness of pressure cycles.
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28 Aug 09 The gas pressure at each steam injection or groundwater extraction well may be
measured by a pressure gauge or transducer on the wellhead or associated piping. If a surface
vapor collector layer is used, gauges or transducers may be installed on the collector pipe risers.
One or more additional pressure transducers can be installed in the filter pack adjacent to well
screens, allowing direct measurement of pressures in the formation without well losses. Gas
pressures away from extraction or injection wells can be measured by installing pressure
monitoring points (PMP). PMP may be pressure transducers at the bottom of buried temperature
instrument strings or they may be small diameter stainless steel wells fitted with either pressure
transducers or magnehelic pressure gauges (USACE 2002). PMP are installed at differing
depths and intervals of interest. Capture of volatilized contaminants is indicated by negative
pressures (vacuum) at PMPs installed at treatment zone boundaries. If steam is not present in the
subsurface, hydraulic head can be measured with a water-level probe in an open well, otherwise
the hydraulic head or fluid level can be estimated from pressure readings. Gas-flow measurements should be taken at every extraction and injection well. It
is also more common to monitor the combined flow rate to track total contaminant removal.
Conventional gas-flow measurement, based on the pressure differentials across orifice plates or
venturis, can be cost-prohibitive if done at every well. A less expensive alternative is to use a
calibrated flow-control valve on each well, with connectors to allow periodic measurements of
the pressure differential with a calibrated portable gage. The mass flow rate can then be
calculated using an estimated specific gravity for the injected steam, or extracted steam-air
8.1.3. Fluid Flow. Fluid flows are monitored during conductive heating and ERH
operations to track removal rates and balance the well field vapor extraction system. During
steam injection, measurements of fluid injection and extraction rates are essential for
management of energy flow in the treatment area, to estimate contaminant removal rates from
each treatment array, and to maintain overall hydraulic control on the project site. Liquid
extraction rates are easily measured using conventional flow meters, or by stroke-counters if
piston pumps are used. As flow meters do not differentiate between groundwater and NAPL, it
may be necessary to estimate the NAPL flow rate at each extraction well as a percentage of the
total extraction rate. This may be done by observations in a sight glass, or periodic collection of
liquid samples from the wellhead.
a. Evaluation of heat migration and distribution, and effectiveness of energy delivery to the
b. Identification of zones where heating has achieved target temperatures, or where thermal
destruction is occurring.
c. Determination of the presence of groundwater (groundwater will be present at locations
where the temperature is below the boiling point).
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d. Estimation of steam pressures and evaluation of steam flow patterns (when the
temperature is above the boiling point, saturated-steam pressure can be calculated directly from
the temperature).
e. Comparison of observed data with predictions from design calculations or modeling.
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created by placing double loops of thin (¼-inch) tubing in wells and backfilled borings, and
pumping the tubing full of an optical fluid. A single, continuous fiber can cover a large area
with many wells and instrument borings, using vertical loops in each well or instrument string.
DTS systems can provide vertically continuous temperature data, but are typically designed to
record temperatures at 1-m vertical intervals. Because the electronic controller is the most
expensive item in the system, DTS is most economical for larger sites.
8.1.5. Chemistry. Chemical testing of extracted fluids provides data for estimating mass-
removal rates, contaminant destruction rates, and the proportion of contaminants recovered in
each operational phase. The analytical data can also be used to evaluate the overall effectiveness
and potential duration of the treatment. Liquid. Liquids may be sampled directly from monitoring points, or extraction
wells, via sampling taps on each wellhead. Many useful parameters, such as pH,
conductivity/TDS, dissolved oxygen, carbon dioxide, and turbidity can be measured daily with
portable instruments and field kits. The frequency of sampling for site COCs, such as PAHs, PCPs, and VOCs, will
depend on treatment progress and laboratory turn-around; typical sampling intervals vary from
72 hours to 2 weeks. Sampling should follow standard operating procedures for handling hot
liquids, including using proper PPE (full-face shield over safety glasses, chemical-protective and
insulating gloves, waterproof suit or rain gear). Ideally, low flow purging and sampling
procedures should be followed. Groundwater being pumped from the well should run through a
cooling coil in an ice bath before reaching the pump, flow through cell, or sampling point.
Immediately capping the jars and immersing them in ice should prevent loss of volatile
components. A submerged screen monitoring well also poses a significant risk to samplers. If
the well is opened while the subsurface is hot, this provides the conditions analogous to a natural
geyser and steam may flash and blow hot water out of the well. Submerged screen wells must
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not be opened when the subsurface is hot. Figure 8-1 depicts a modified monitoring well that
allows safe and accurate sampling of groundwater (provided that the depth to water is less than
25 feet) using a peristaltic pump. The Teflon sample line is connected to a stainless steel cooling
coil that is immersed in ice water. The coiling coil is connected to a peristaltic pump for
sampling. This cools the groundwater to about 4°C before it reaches the sample container. Such
a sample technique protects the worker from hot or pressurized liquids. The cooling technique
prevents loss of VOCs and allows accurate measurements.
3" x 24" CPVC
OVERSLEEVE Vapor. Vapor samples are typically obtained from extraction wellheads, with
vacuum canisters or Tedlar® bags. Because a portion of the hot vapor sample will condense
when it cools, it is necessary to know the contaminant concentrations in both phases of the
cooled sample to determine the original concentrations in the hot extracted vapor. As an
alternative to vapor sampling, vapor concentrations can be estimated from liquid concentrations
by assuming equilibrium partitioning at the original temperature of the extracted fluids. When
interpreting vapor concentration data for steam injection and ERH projects, it is important to
remember that steam and volatilized contaminants tend to condense in and around unheated
extraction wells (see Paragraph 2-1); thus, vapor concentrations derived from vapor or liquid
sampling may underestimate the actual mass of contaminants transported to extraction wells in
the vapor phase.
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28 Aug 09 Electronic Sensors. Electronic sensors may be placed in well discharge lines to
provide continuous readings of chemical parameters, including TOC, pH, conductivity, and
dissolved oxygen. Continuous TOC data are especially useful for tracking contaminant removal
trends throughout each operational phase. Electronic instrumentation for chemical parameters
may be too expensive to be installed at each extraction well, and may be installed in the main
influent lines upstream of the treatment plant. Electronic sensors require periodic calibration and
maintenance, and TOC sensors need to be periodically verified with laboratory testing.
8.1.6. Saturation. At sites that must undergo dewatering prior to application of conductive
heating (e.g., sites where the soil must be superheated to enable treatment of high-boiling
SVOCs), monitoring of saturation during dewatering can aid in minimizing the volume of water
that must be boiled off during heating. For example, heating may best be initiated when,
following drainage, saturation values have diminished and approached asymptotic levels.
Saturation levels can be monitored non-destructively by various methods, including use of a
neutron moisture meter lowered into an access tube, and time-domain reflectometry (TDR)
waveguides pushed into the soil. These methods penetrate deeply into the formation while less
costly methods tend to be biased by density or moisture artifacts immediately adjacent to the
access tube or probe. O&M of subsurface equipment (e.g., thermal wells) is mostly straightforward, and
involves daily monitoring of amperage being delivered to heater circuits, monitoring of
subsurface temperatures and pressures (Section 8-1.1), and occasional repair/replacement of
faulty components, if necessary. Adjustment and balancing of vacuums and flows among heater-
vacuum wells and manifolds is described in the SVE EM (EM 1110-1-4001), except that with
thermal conduction systems, only ~50 cm (~20 inches) water vacuum is typically applied at the
wellhead, which is usually sufficient to ensure capture of vapors at the treatment boundaries.
Toward the end of the heating process, it may be desirable to temporarily convert scattered
heater-vacuum wells into passive air injection wells and thereby introduce air into zones that
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may otherwise be anoxic. Another optional late-term adjustment is to slightly unbalance the
flows at individual wellheads to vary the position of subsurface airflow stagnation zones. Electrical distribution equipment for thermal conductive heating systems typically
includes transformers, distribution panels, and circuit breakers. A backup generator and
automatic or manual transfer switch is often provided to power the off-gas treatment equipment
(although not the thermal wells) in the event of a power outage. Ancillary equipment includes
fuel (e.g., diesel) storage tanks for the generator. The O&M requirements of the electrical
distribution equipment tend to be minimal.
8.2.2. Electrical Resistivity Heating. During a typical VOC remediation, about 20% of the
operating time is spent in heating the site to steady temperatures near 100°C - somewhat less
than 100°C in the vadose zone where the action of the vapor recovery system pulls air through
the site and retards temperatures through evaporative cooling, and somewhat more in the
saturated zone where the hydrostatic pressure and boiling point increase with depth. Note that
the rate of heating varies by vendor. During heat-up, the ERH energy that exceeds the heat loss
rate will result in an increase in subsurface temperatures. When steady-state temperatures have been reached, the ERH power is not reduced.
The ERH energy in excess of the heat loss rate will directly result in the evaporation of soil
moisture and target contaminants.
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28 Aug 09 The most energy and time efficient remediation results from the application of the
greatest practical ERH power. The ERH power can be limited by several factors:
a. The ERH electrodes have a practical power limit that usually is in the range of 0.25 to
1 kW per square foot of electrode borehole surface area. Electrode designs with low electrical
resistance generally allow higher power application rates. Attempts to exceed the electrode limit
will dry (vadose) or steam blanket (saturated zone) the soil adjacent to the electrode and reduce
their electrical conductivity, which results in uneven heating.
b. For planning, assume that the PCU will be operated 80% of the time and that the PCU
will be operated at about 80% of its capacity during periods of operation. This limits the average
ERH power input rate to about 65% of the PCU capacity.
c. The vapor treatment capacity may limit the VOC evaporation rate, especially if an
oxidation technology is used. However, varying the ERH power can control the VOC
evaporation rate. Within the saturated zone, a reduction of ERH power will be reflected in a
reduction of vapor treatment system loading in a few minutes. Within the vadose zone, the
coupling is not as strong because the vapor recovery airflow through the soils will cool the soils
while maintaining a near-constant evaporation rate. Within the vadose zone, ERH power and
vapor recovery flow rates are adjusted to reduce treatment system loading. If the vapor treatment system fails completely, the ERH system is shut down and
the subsurface enters a quiescent state. Steam and VOC vapors will begin to diffuse outward
from the heated zone, condensing as they encounter the surrounding cooler soils. The rate of
outward steam and heat spread is quite slow, usually much less than a foot per day. When vapor
recovery is restored, air is pulled through the expanded warm region and, through evaporation,
cools the newly warmed soils while returning the moisture and VOCs to the treatment region. If
temperature monitoring indicates areas are not reaching the target temperatures, modifications to
the power distribution or the installation of additional electrodes in the cooler areas may be
necessary and should be undertaken by the operator. Various maintenance activities for ERH include those routine activities required
for the power control unit, blowers, and treatment system. Also, there will be maintenance of the
moisture addition system at the electrodes, and regular inspection of the electrical connections
for corrosion and of the piping systems for potential piping failure. The consistent production of
fine materials from the vapor extraction system may be a sign that in-situ moisture content is low
and that significant mobilization and removal of fine materials from the vadose zone may be
occurring. This has happened at least one ERH site.
8.2.3. Steam Enhanced Extraction. This section presents an overview of a general O&M
strategy for steam injection, including operational guidelines, monitoring parameters, and system
modification considerations. The typical field work and O&M procedures will include the
a. Collection of background data (water levels, contaminant concentrations, temperature,
and other parameters expected to be affected).
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b. Maintenance and analysis of water softening and steam generation system (including
monitoring of incoming water quality, water softening efficiency, steam production rate,
pressure and temperature).
c. Maintenance of the vacuum extraction system.
d. Maintenance of the vapor treatment system (including condenser).
e. Liquid treatment system (cooling, gravity separation, water treatment efficacy, discharge
f. Subsurface monitoring and wellhead measurements as described above.
g. Maintenance of the hydraulic control system (including verification of capture or
h. Computation of mass balance (injected steam, water, and air, extracted water and
i. Computation of energy balance (injected as steam, extracted as steam and heated fluids,
heat losses, and calculated average temperatures of treatment zone). Information on subsurface conditions should be updated just prior to the
implementation of steam injection to provide a baseline against which the impact of steam
injection can be compared and evaluated. An efficient way to ensure that the necessary baseline
data are collected is to produce a checklist of parameters to be measured, including measurement
locations and methodology. A good estimate of total mass of contaminants and distribution
among all phases and subsurface treatment zones is critical for measuring the effectiveness of the
steam injection project. The major components of a steam injection system consist of a steam generation
and distribution unit, injection/extraction wells, process controls, and an effluent treatment unit.
Thermal modeling is usually used to determine steam injection parameters. The goal is to
optimize the injection rate and pressure so that maximum heating efficiency, maximum volume
of heated area, and optimized steam front shape can be achieved. The variables that can be
modified to optimize the remediation system include steam pressure, steam flow rate, and
locations of injection and extraction wells. As physical parameters of the steam are
interdependent, setting injection rate, pressure, and steam quality should be enough for the
system operation. Prior to the start-up of the entire ISTR system, equipment and piping should be
inspected and tested. A pre-commissioning/shakedown checklist should be developed and
followed. The site Health and Safety officer should also ensure all safety devices are operable
and that site personnel have all the necessary training and the appropriate personal protective
equipment are available. During operation, particular attention should be paid to the vapor and liquid
recovery systems owing to unanticipated consequences of contaminant removal, including
unwanted condensation or crystallization of contaminants or inorganic materials. Such
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occurrences have caused problems at SEE sites. Piping should be regularly inspected for
potential failures or clogging.
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System Shutdown and Confirmation of Cleanup
9.1. Introduction. Robust remediation systems like ISTR are expensive to operate for extended
periods. Therefore, to ensure efficient remediation operations, it is important to monitor for and
understand the data that are gathered in the context of achieving the remediation goals.
Decisions about the continued operation and eventual shutdown of an ISTR system typically
hinge on whether or not the system has reached a point of diminishing returns with respect to the
anticipated performance.
9.1.1. While performing ISTR, the project manager or engineer is typically monitoring a
number of parameters: subsurface temperature (distribution and trends), concentrations of
organic compounds in the recovered vapor, vapor flow rates, groundwater flow rates, condensate
recovery, steam injection rates, electricity (or fuel) consumption, groundwater concentrations,
and, potentially, periodic soil sampling results. These parameters are used to monitor the system
operations, track treatment progress, and determine when the system should be shutdown.
9.1.2. Operation of an ISTR system should cease when remediation objectives, as
specified for the treatment area, have been met. As described in Paragraph 4-2, remediation
objectives for ISTR can be based on numerical targets (e.g., soil cleanup levels) or other
measurable end-points or narrative goals established prior to treatment (e.g., mass removal
percentage). This paragraph discusses various strategies and protocols used by the industry,
many of which have been accepted by regulators, to confirm and document cleanup using ISTR.
Multiple indicators of ISTR performance (lines of evidence) are used to determine when to
terminate the thermal treatment phase and transition to a more passive polishing stage or to site
9.2. Shutdown Strategy. Before starting an ISTR system, it is important to not only establish
technology-specific objectives for the response action (e.g., numerical cleanup levels or narrative
goals), but to have in hand an overall exit strategy for the site that will guide the project manager
or engineer through subsequent phases of the remediation, including transition and termination.
According to recent DOE guidance on groundwater response strategies (U.S. Department of
Energy 2002), an exit strategy consists of four essential elements:
a. A description of the objective of the activity, i.e., the objective associated with a
technology application or phase of a response.
b. A performance “model” that describes the expected course of the remediation process,
i.e., how conditions are expected to change over time from the current state until the response
objective is attained.
c. A set of the performance metrics, decision criteria, and endpoints that will be used to
assess how the response is progressing, demonstrate when the objective has been reached or an
unacceptable condition or deviation occurs.
d. A contingency plan that will be implemented if data indicate an objective will not be
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9.2.1. With a clear understanding of the expected performance and endpoints established,
decisions about shutdown can be made. It can be difficult, however, to predict the performance
of ISTR systems and come up with reproducible end-points and shutdown criteria because there
are limited performance data from full-scale ISTR deployments. Therefore, expert field
judgment must be relied upon to determine when to shut a system down and a certain amount of
flexibility must be incorporated into the exit strategy.
9.2.2. Shutdown of an ISTR system requires ongoing assimilation of data from the various
lines of evidence, which include subsurface temperature profiles and contaminant removal or
destruction rates, to decide whether remediation objectives have been met. When an assessment
of these lines of evidence tells the project manager or engineer that performance objectives are
not being met, efforts to optimize or enhance the ISTR system in some way should be made. If
the assessment indicates that the system will not likely succeed within the constraints of the
existing design, then it may be necessary to implement a contingency plan.
9.2.3. Routine system monitoring data are collected and used by operators to assess system
performance and make operational adjustments during operation. Details on monitoring for
ISTR were discussed in Paragraph 8-1. System monitoring data, when viewed collectively, are
used to evaluate and optimize system performance, as well as make critical judgments as to the
effectiveness of treatment and help determine if continued operation is warranted.
9.3. Shutdown Criteria. Shutdown criteria are measurable, technology-specific parameters
used by the project manager or engineer to gauge whether or not the current remedial phase is
complete and the system is ready to be shutdown or transitioned to the next phase. Shutdown
criteria for ISTR methods are typically based on numerical targets or endpoints against which
process monitoring data are compared. Establishing shutdown criteria, like RAOs, requires an
understanding of the potential performance capabilities of the selected ISTR technology and the
expected or theoretical behavior, as well as the overall remediation goals. But it also must take
into consideration the practical limitations of verifying the performance of ISTR in the field.
System performance and optimization may focus on optimizing mass removal from the
subsurface, yet remediation goals are typically (soil or groundwater) concentration based.
EM 1110-1-4015
28 Aug 09 A better strategy is to operate the ISTR system until the rate of mass removal,
based on observations of vapor or aqueous-phase concentrations in the extracted fluids, reaches a
point of diminishing returns or until no NAPL product is recovered. Similar to SVE systems,
vapor concentrations often approach an asymptote at some level where increases in the rate of
energy input (in the form of heat for ISTR) fails to result in a higher mass removal rate.
Asymptotic conditions alone may not be reason to shut down an ISTR system, particularly if
there is still significant mass being removed from the ground. A criterion suggested for SVE
system shutdown is “specific energy consumption,” defined as the amount of energy needed to
remove 1 kg of chlorinated hydrocarbons from the unsaturated subsoil using SVE. However, in
taking this approach, a well designed and constructed vapor recovery system is required that one
is confident is being effective. To evaluate that treatment is complete, the rate of removal should
be the result of limited vapor recovery rather than the result of leaks diluting the concentrations.
9.3.2. Temperature Distribution. A measure of performance often used as the initial basis
for shutdown of ISTR systems is temperature distribution and duration. Temperature monitoring
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is integral to any ISTR project, providing a measure of heat distribution and a way to evaluate
the effectiveness of energy delivery to the treatment zone (methods of temperature monitoring
are discussed in Paragraph 8-1.3). Temperature distribution is typically used as a shutdown
criterion in conjunction with other lines of evidence, such as concentrations of VOCs in the
vapor recovery system. If the desired temperature is attained throughout the treatment area, and
concentrations in the vapor recovery system are declining or trending towards an asymptote, then
the system is at or near the end of its useful period of operation. Depending on the particular
ISTR technology and the contaminants to be treated, a target temperature and residence time
required to mobilize or destroy the contaminants would have been established during the design.
Attaining and maintaining this temperature throughout the treatment zone for a specified period
would therefore likely be a performance objective for the ISTR system and a decision criteria
* North Atlantic Treaty Organization/Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society. NATO/CCMS Pilot Study,
Evaluation of Demonstrated and Emerging Technologies for the Treatment of Contaminated Land and Groundwater
(Phase III). EPA 542-R-02-002.
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sampling tools. The plume load is then calculated by multiplying the estimated groundwater
flow velocity by the average groundwater contaminant concentration. This method requires
relatively more sampling costs but allows for more rapid decision-making and analysis.
* Isotopic data are expressed in conventional δ notation, where δ = [(Rsample/Rreference) – 1] × 1000, R= 13C/12C or
Cl/35Cl, and δ values are reported in units of o/oo (per mil)
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-20 12/20/98
C 1/9/98
Reference Isotopic Standard
1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7
δ Cl
9.4. Confirmation of Cleanup. Once shutdown criteria have been reached and a decision to
turn off the system has been made, based on multiple lines of evidence, it is important to
compare the results to remediation objectives and confirm that the cleanup requirements have
been met. This usually entails collection and analysis of environmental media within the
treatment area and a statistical evaluation of the resulting chemical concentration data. The sample collection approach specified in the plan will also depend on the
media-specific remediation objectives. If the RAO was to meet numeric cleanup criteria for soil,
then a soil sampling program must be designed and implemented to demonstrate cleanup. If the
RAO was to reduce the plume load, then measurements of groundwater concentrations at points
along a transect or some other method of measuring mass release rate must be incorporated into
the sampling design.
EM 1110-1-4015
28 Aug 09 When verifying groundwater cleanup, sampling should be spaced temporally over
at least two sampling rounds to check for rebound effects following cessation of heating. For
example, at the Pinellas STAR Center in Largo, FL, the work plan called for sampling
groundwater from select wells every 2 weeks during the operational phase. After shutdown,
three more rounds of sampling were to be conducted after remediation was completed (at 4
weeks, 12 weeks, and 24 weeks).
9.4.2. Sampling Hot Media. One of the problems encountered when attempting to confirm
cleanup at ISTR projects is collecting samples of groundwater or soil that have not yet cooled to
ambient temperatures. Characterizing soil and groundwater contaminated with volatile organic
compounds (VOCs) is challenging because of the difficulties associated with minimizing VOC
loss at ambient temperatures. At elevated temperatures, this problem is exacerbated as heat
enhances volatilization and the potential for VOC loss increases. Sampling hot media also
presents a safety hazard and extreme care should be taken to avoid burns from the unexpected
formation and release of steam (steam flashing). The ISTR treatment needs to be shut down in
advance of sampling to allow pressures in the subsurface to dissipate. Temperature monitoring
as part of the remediation system operations will indicate when sampling may be done. Extreme
caution should still be exercised, especially when sampling wells screened below the water table.
At an ERH project in Portland, OR, a sampling technician was seriously burned when he tried to
collect a groundwater sample with a bailer and steam flashed out of the well onto his neck and
face. The process of collecting and handling samples of hot media can be avoided by
delaying the sampling effort until the subsurface cools to near ambient temperatures. However,
this may not be possible, as it may require waiting up to 12 months for the subsurface to cool
before verifying cleanup. At the DUS/HPO demonstration project conducted at the Savannah
River Site in Aiken, SC, steam injection ceased in September 2001, however, more than 11
months of cooling were required before confirmation sampling could be done using conventional
9.4.3. Collecting Soil Samples. A simple method of minimizing VOC losses during soil
sampling was developed and tested at Launch Complex 34, Cape Canaveral Air Station, FL,
during confirmatory drill-back sampling at the ERH demonstration site (Gaberell et al. 2002).
The method involved the collection of soil cores in metal or acetate sleeves and placement of the
sleeves in an ice bath, after capping both ends, to cool the heated cores to ambient temperatures.
The temperature of each core was monitored using a thermometer; once they reached ambient
groundwater temperature (around 20°C), small aliquots of soil from each core sample were
transferred to jars containing methanol (EPA Method 5030).
9.4.4. Collecting Groundwater Samples. Sampling groundwater while it is still hot can be
dangerous, but can provide another way of monitoring progress. Care must be taken to avoid
getting burned by flashing vapors emanating from monitoring wells. Groundwater samples
should be obtained in a manner consistent with the discussion in Paragraphs 8-1.4.1 and 10-2,
and not be collected from subsurface zones that are not vented to prevent steam from building up
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28 Aug 09
and being released when a well cap is removed. Technicians should wear protective clothing
and goggles whenever working in areas undergoing ISTR. To avoid contact with hot liquids,
and to minimize the loss of volatile contaminants from the water samples, samples should be
collected using low flow sampling methods. Permanent, dedicated tubing, accessible without
opening the well cap, should be installed in each well and run through an ice bath before
collecting the sample.
EM 1110-1-4015
28 Aug 09
Other Issues
10.1. Patent Issues. As a matter of limiting government liability, project managers should
refrain from requiring particular methods or specific technologies in their solicitations for bids.
However, if these technologies or methods must be identified, vendors should be required to (1)
acquire all necessary licenses for patented technologies employed to perform the work, (2)
investigate any licensed patents to verify the absence of Government rights clauses that would
preclude the need for a license or payment of royalties for work done for the Government, and
(3) hold the Government harmless for infringement of patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade
secrets resulting from performance of the work. The appropriate Office of Counsel should be
consulted with regard to the proper application of patent law in these solicitations.
10.2. Safety.
10.2.1. Thermal Conductive Heating. Two specific areas of potential concern are
exposures to high voltages and temperatures. These are addressed separately in the following
paragraphs. Electrical work is performed in accordance with the National Electrical Code
(NEC, NFPA 70). Electrical wiring, including connection to the high voltage (primary) power
supply, wiring from the high voltage supply to the transformer, and from the transformer to the
electrical distribution panels, connecting power wiring to the off-gas treatment equipment, and
wiring of the heaters is performed by a licensed electrician. To protect against worker injury in
the event of an electrical fault with the heater elements, the heater cans, well screens, and
metallic process piping are bonded together with an appropriately sized copper conductor, which
is connected to an earth ground (i.e., ground rod). In addition, metallic instrumentation ports
installed within the soil (e.g., temperature and pressure monitoring ports) are bonded to an earth
ground. The main transformer and electrical distribution gear are connected to an earth ground
as required by the NEC. To minimize the potential for worker exposure to energized electrical
sources, access to the electrical distribution panel and the heater element electrical junction
boxes is restricted to authorized personnel only. Electrical components are equipped with
appropriate warning labels (e.g., high voltage, etc.) as required by the NEC. Appropriate measures are taken to protect on-site workers from incidental
contact with exposed hot surfaces. Exposed hot surfaces may include the process piping and
certain components of the off-gas treatment equipment. Surfaces that are expected to exceed
60°C (140°F) are covered with insulation or otherwise protected with a guard where insulation is
not practical. In addition, personnel working in areas where incidental contact with hot surfaces
60°C (140°F) may be possible, wear leather gloves. In some instances, exposure to hot material
or components is unavoidable. Such circumstances may include, but are not limited to, collection
of soil or groundwater samples during the ISTD heating process (if required), and replacement of
ISTD heater elements (if required) during heating. In these instances, only trained personnel are
allowed in the work area. Worker protective measures are selected in accordance with the
EM 1110-1-4015
28 Aug 09
potential heat exposure. At sites having buried ordnance or sealed vessels, that might generate
explosive pressures when exposed to high temperatures, special precautions are needed to
exclude personnel from the vicinity during heating. These precautions include removing the
UXO (refer to ER 385-1-95, paragraph 6.c), by an UXO qualified contractor, from the known
subsurface footprint of the project prior to installing the equipment or having a UXO qualified
contractor on stand-by and OE Safety Specialist (refer to EM 385-1-97, Chapter I, paragraph
1.A.02.02 and Chapter III), or both. An Explosives Site Safety (ESS) Plan will be required (per
EM 385-1-97, Appendix Y) for UXO contractor support. During equipment installation and
operation it is required to have a UXO qualified contractor support on standby as well as an OE
Safety Specialist. Subsurface intrusive activity can be safely performed during ERH treatment.
Procedures followed involve coordinating with the technology vendor for shutting down the
power 24 hours in advance of the intrusive activity. Electrical current quickly dissipates, but
time should be allotted to dissipate pressures that may have built up in the soil as a result of
heating. Vapor recovery operations are typically maintained to promote dissipation of pressures
in the soil. Vendor lock-out tag-out procedures are followed to ensure no startup of operations
occurs during intrusive activities. Soil sampling equipment and soil cores are handled using
leather gloves.
10.2.3. Steam Enhanced Extraction. Safety concerns in working in and around areas being
treated using SEE methods are similar to TCH and ERH. The major difference is steam is being
distributed to wells rather than electricity being distributed to heater wells or electrodes. The
steam distribution piping represents additional hot surfaces that are under pressure, which in turn
provides greater opportunity for burns and scalds to workers in the area. Further, steam injection
typically involves the use of steam traps in the distribution lines, and blow down points on the
generators and piping to ensure distribution of high quality steam to the subsurface. This
requires workers to interact more with the equipment than is typically required for either TCH or
ERH operations. Site workers need to follow local boiler code requirements, which may require
24-hour oversight of activity. All piping should be labeled. Steam piping is typically insulated
and jacketed.
10.3. Community Acceptance and Education. Implementation of ISTR at a site raises specific
community concerns that are important to address as part of community outreach efforts. The
EM 1110-1-4015
28 Aug 09
responsibility for any outreach efforts rests with the project manager with support from the
Public Affairs Office.
10.3.1. Specific concerns commonly expressed by local communities in relation to ISTR
a. Noise during construction and operation.
b. Odor during construction and operation.
c. Increased traffic in the vicinity of the site.
d. Dust during construction and operation.
e. Emissions from treatment units.
f. Concerns about dioxin creation.
g. Incomplete capture of contaminants.
h. Uncontrolled mobilization of NAPL into previously clean areas (i.e., “making it
worse”) during thermal treatment.
i. Uncertainties associated with the definition of DNAPL areas for treatment.
j. On-site and off-site management of process wastes.
10.3.2. Under regulatory programs such as Superfund, a proposed plan or other decision
document is typically released for public comment prior to selection of a thermal remedy. As a
result, many community concerns related to implementation of the remedy may be known ahead
of time. However, additional community outreach may be conducted during the design phase to
address specific issues raised by the local community before the start of remedial action.
Prevention and mitigation measures can then be targeted toward these concerns.
10.3.3. It is important to determine the most appropriate communication methods for the
local community (e.g., if translation of ISTR technical information for non-English speaking
residents is necessary). It is useful to prepare a community relations plan, or update an existing
one, that outlines a communication strategy specifically applicable for thermal technologies.
10.3.4. Standard community outreach tools that can be used before and during the
remedial action include community interviews, community meetings, workshops, and fact
sheets. Updates to explain air monitoring results are especially important during ISTR
10.3.5. When appropriate, promptly distribute monitoring results to the community for
ISTR applications. Site-specific websites are valuable in providing the community with timely
updates and monitoring data.
10.3.6. A useful EPA resource provides a brief explanation of how thermal treatment
methods work and defines terms associated with the process (USEPA 2001).
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28 Aug 09
10.4. Contracting. An ISTR can be acquired in a number of different ways. The appropriate
means depends on the site conditions, nature of funding, goals and constraints, technical
capabilities of the organization seeking the service, and the wishes of the facility at which the
remediation is done. Site conditions and goals for remediation affect the number of applicable
technologies, which in turn affects the strategy for seeking potential contractors (e.g., sole source
selections vs. multiple proposers). The knowledge of site conditions greatly affects the approach
and cost. Depth, volume, and required temperature drive ISTR costs. The nature of the funding,
such as the amount of available funds at different points in the remediation, can result in a
complete construction and operation contract or individual contracts for pieces of the
remediation. The more technically capable the staff of the organization seeking the ISTR
service, the more detailed or specific the contract can (though not necessarily has to) be. The
needs of the facility at which the remediation is to occur may alter the schedule or sequence of
the remediation to accommodate other industrial activities, property transfer, etc. Additional
considerations are discussed below.
10.4.1. Planning for Contracting. Once it becomes clear that ISTR is at least a possibility,
the planning for the acquisition of these services should begin. The project manager should
include contracting specialists on the project delivery team (PDT). The PDT must develop an
acquisition plan (as part of the project management plan that reflects the specifics of the project)
(U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Regulation, ER 5-1-11). The technical staff for the
project should participate in this planning to assure that the contracting approach accounts for
the complexities inherent in the application of these innovative technologies and to help identify
the realistic goals, schedules, and level of technical detail of the contracting package. A
representative of the installation should also be a member of the PDT and the contract planning
team to assure their needs are addressed and to assess impacts of funding availability. The
appropriate Office of Counsel should always be consulted with regard to the selection and terms
of the proper contract vehicle. The planning should identify the appropriate contracting
approach, schedule, potential bidder lists, identification of funding constraints (including
necessary contingencies given funding uncertainties and potential cost growth), and need for
sequencing of remediation or the use of pilot testing. Invitation for Bid vs. Request for Proposal and Performance: Specifications.
There are many contracting tools available to obtain remediation services. The contract
documents may include highly detailed plans and specifications geared to one specific
technology or may be general, with detail only on the site conditions and goals. A detailed and
specific package would be expected with an invitation for bid (IFB) contract approach and
requires a technical staff with a high degree of familiarity with the engineering of ISTR. A more
general performance specification contract would be issued as a request for proposal (RFP). The
use of a performance specification allows the proposers to use their skills and creativity to
develop an approach to reach the specific goals using their technology or a combination of
technologies. Such a performance specification is more widely applicable for such innovative
technologies such as ISTR, but requires a carefully developed statement of expected
performance. Such a statement would clearly indicate the required depth, volume, temperature,
EM 1110-1-4015
28 Aug 09
duration, and residual concentrations, with clear means to measure and verify achievement of
these requirements. If performance-based contracting for such innovative services fails, it is
often because of the unclear requirements and a lack of quantifiable performance metrics. Construction vs. Service Contracts. Given the fact that in many cases the costs
for operations of ISTR exceed the costs for constructing the relatively fixed features of the
remediation (e.g., piping, wells), the contract may be considered a service contract rather than a
construction contract. The net result of issuing the contract as a service contract is that lower
service labor rates can be used on Federal contracts. Federal construction contracts must use
Davis-Bacon wage rates. Service contracts can only be used where the “preponderance” of the
work is in the operations rather than construction of fixed or permanent features. The
appropriate Office of Counsel should always be consulted with regard to the selection and terms
of the proper contract vehicle
10.5. Equipment Purchase, Operations and Maintenance. The above-ground equipment used
in the ISTR is typically provided by the contractor rather than purchased by the Government
owing to the relatively short time the equipment would be used. In circumstances where the
treatment equipment may be needed for a longer time following cessation of ISTR, such as
EM 1110-1-4015
28 Aug 09
where pump-and-treat may be required for some lengthy time following ISTR, the needed
equipment would be best purchased by the Government. If the ISTR contract was not for a
complete remediation, including operation, or if the operation was bid as a separate item, the
basis for operation costs must be identified. Payment for operation can be based on documented
energy input, mass removed, time of actual and successful operation and diligent effort for
repair, simple time, or actual cost. All these parameters must be quantifiable and clearly defined.
For example “successful operation” can be difficult to define for thermal methods as processes
associated with the high temperatures will persist even when energy input may not be occurring.
The treatment process must meet discharge requirements, usually expressed as concentration or
mass discharge limits. Using time as a sole basis for payment is not recommended, as there is no
incentive to be efficient. Mass removal is difficult (and not recommended) to use as a sole cost
basis, though it is easy to measure, as the initial mass is typically impossible to estimate with any
accuracy and does not reflect costs associated with heating the subsurface. Mass recovery tends
to decline over time, so the payment would decrease as treatment progressed. Costs for
treatment can be based on the mass removed. Energy input is a good measure for costs
associated with subsurface heating, but may not reflect treatment costs. Some combination of
these criteria may be a reasonable approach for paying for operations and maintenance.
Contracting for the entire project, especially as a performance specification, avoids the
difficulties in quantifying and paying costs for operations.
10.6.1. Introduction. There are a variety of regulatory concerns that may be associated with
the implementation of an ISTR project. The introduction of heat, in the form of steam or
electrical energy, into contaminated groundwater can significantly alter the subsurface
biogeochemical conditions. While the injection of steam can enhance recovery of DNAPL and
offers significant benefits, its use may be restricted or prohibited by regulatory or procedural
barriers in certain states. To facilitate regulatory acceptance, it is important for regulators to be
part of the team that originally selects ISTR as a remedy and to remain involved in the design
and implementation phases. If specific permits are not required, review and approval of the
work plans are typically the formal mechanism by which regulatory approval is obtained. The
appropriate Office of Counsel must be consulted with regard to the proper application of the
laws and requirements under the various regulatory programs. There may be differences in
application between the various Defense programs. After consulting with the Office of Counsel and during the planning phase, the
project team should consider and incorporate specific regulatory issues and requirements into the
conceptual design. The most important and contentious issue to be resolved during the early
phases of design is establishing appropriate remedial action objectives. Regulatory agencies
should be involved in the development of RAOs from the outset because they are accountable to
the public for the outcome of the cleanup project as discussed in Paragraph 4-2. The Office of
Counsel should always be consulted closely with regard to compliance issues and regulatory
requirements and should be the lead in dealing with regulatory agencies on such matters as
permitting. This paragraph focuses on other items of concern to regulators including:
EM 1110-1-4015
28 Aug 09 For remedial projects involving discharges to the environment, the regulatory
authority will likely specify limitations on the amount of contamination discharged to the air,
water, or sewers. Permitting varies, as each project site is different. Under CERCLA, permit
requirements are typically waived for remedial activities; however, the substantive technical
requirements as specified by the regulatory authority for that action must be met. Likewise,
permits may not be required for most sites under state oversight, although projects would still
have to meet the substantive technical requirements of state regulations. For ISTR projects, contaminated waste streams and processes that would typically
require some form of discharge limitation include air emissions, surface water discharges, sewer
discharges, and discharges to groundwater for any subsurface injection or activity that raises
groundwater contamination above standards or background concentrations (if higher than
standards). Depending on the regulatory situation, a RCRA permit may be required for
treatment operations that involve managing hazardous waste.
10.6.3. Underground Injection Control (UIC). For CERCLA sites, the remedial alternatives
must satisfy applicable or relevant and appropriate requirements (ARARs). Non-CERCLA sites
(RCRA sites, privates sites, state Superfund sites, Federal facilities, etc.) may also have
potentially applicable regulations at the state and Federal level. In particular, Underground
Injection Control (UIC) regulations may be applicable for both CERCLA and non-CERCLA
sites. The UIC program, under the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act, regulates injection
wells. Under the UIC program, injection of any fluid into a well is prohibited, except as
authorized by permit or rule. The purpose of the UIC program is to protect underground sources
of drinking water by prohibiting injection that may affect water quality. State UIC programs
may be delegated complete or partial enforcement responsibility (or primacy) by USEPA
(1996b). As of June 2001, USEPA had delegated primacy for all well classes to 33 states,
Guam, the Commonwealth of the Marianas Islands, and Puerto Rico. Seven states share primacy
with USEPA, which administers UIC programs for the remaining states, the Virgin Islands,
American Samoa, and Native-American lands.
EM 1110-1-4015
28 Aug 09 USEPA groups underground injection into five classes for regulatory control.
Each class includes wells with similar functions and construction and operating features so that
technical requirements can be applied consistently to the classes. Injection wells utilized for
aquifer remediation and experimental technologies are designated as Class V injections wells.
Class V wells covered by the federal UIC program are authorized by rule and do not require a
separate UIC permit. However, a Class V well regulated by a state UIC program may require a
10.6.4. Air Emissions. Depending on the nature of the contaminants and the method used
to treat the extracted fluids, it may be necessary to obtain an air discharge permit. For example,
highly contaminated vapors extracted directly from the subsurface may require treatment.
Common technologies include thermal or catalytic oxidation and vapor-phase granular activated
carbon. Discharges to the atmosphere and downstream of ISTR operations are monitored and
must comply with regulatory limits. Air or steam stripping may be used to treat the liquid stream
by separating the NAPL or dissolved phase contaminant from the recovered groundwater. An air
discharge permit may be required if the mass emitted exceeds discharge thresholds, as dictated
by local, state or Federal law. Modeling also may be required to demonstrate that air quality at a
potential receptor site is not above allowable standards (AATDF 1997).
EM 1110-1-4015
28 Aug 09
The application of any regulations, policies, or other guidance documents would be done in
consultation with the appropriate Office of Counsel. There may be differences in application
between the various Defense programs.
29 CFR 1910.29.
UFGS-23 08 00.00 10
Commissioning of HVAC Systems, Construction Criteria Base.
ER 5-1-11
Management - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Business Process.
ER 385-1-92
Safety and Occupational Health Document Requirements for HTRW Activities.
ER 385-1-95
Safety and Health Requirements for Munitions and Explosives of Concern (MEC) Operations
ER 1110-1-263
Chemical Data Quality Management for Hazardous Waste Remedial Activities (Appendix D).
EM 1110-1-4015
28 Aug 09
ER 1110-1-1300
Cost Engineering Policy and General Requirements.
ER 1110-3-1301
Cost Engineering Policy and General Requirements for Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive
Waste (HTRW), Remedial Action Cost Estimates.
ER 1110-345-100
Design Policy for Military Construction
ER 1110-345-700
Design Analysis.
ER 1110-345-700
Engineering and Design - Design Analysis, Drawings and Specifications.
ER 1165-2-132
Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste (HTRW) Guidance for Civil Works Projects.
ER 1180-1-6
Construction Quality Management.
EM 200-1-2
Technical Project Planning.
EM 200-1-3
Requirements for the Preparation of Sampling and Analysis Plans.
EM 385-1-1
Safety and Health Requirements.
EM 385-1-97
Explosives Safety and Health Requirements Manual
EM 1110-1-4005
In Situ Air Sparging.
EM 1110-1-4007
Safety and Health Aspects to HTRW Remediation Technologies
EM 1110-1-4001
Soil Vapor Extraction and Bioventing, 3 Jun 3003.
EM 1110-1-4015
28 Aug 09
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Johansen, O. “Thermal Conductivity of Soils.” U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and
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Earth Tech, Inc. and SteamTech Environmental Services, Inc. Site 61 Treatability Study Report,
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EM 1110-1-4015
28 Aug 09
Davis (2002)
Davis, E.L. Steam Injection Treatability Study, Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site.
Robert S. Kerr Research Laboratory, Ada, OK.
Davis (2003)
Davis, E.L. Steam Injection Treatability Study, McCormick and Baxter Superfund Site,
Stockton California. Robert S. Kerr Research Laboratory, Ada, OK.
USEPA (2000)
USEPA. Conceptual Design, Soil and Groundwater Operable Units: Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor
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Engineers. Design by USACE Seattle District.
USEPA (1999)
USEPA. Focused Feasibility Study For Thermal Remediation Technologies For the Wyckoff
Soil and Groundwater Operable Units: Wyckoff/ Eagle Harbor Superfund Site. Bainbridge
Island, Washington. Report to EPA by CH2M Hill Inc.
USEPA (1984)
USEPA, Process Design Manual, 600/2/84/139.
EM 1110-1-4015
28 Aug 09
USEPA (1986)
USEPA. Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods. EPA/SW-846.
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USEPA. Data Quality Objectives for Remedial Response Activities. EPA/540/G-87/003. (NTIS
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USEPA (1991)
USEPA. Guide for Conducting Treatability Studies Under CERCLA, Soil Vapor Extraction.
USEPA (1992)
USEPA. A Technology Assessment of Soil Vapor Extraction and Air Sparging EPA/600/R—
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Cincinnati, OH. 63pp.
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USEPA. Presumptive Remedies, Site Characterization and Technology Selection for CERCLA
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USEPA. Review of Mathematical Modeling for Evaluating Soil Vapor Extraction Systems.
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USEPA (1996a)
USEPA. Presumptive Response Strategy and Ex-Situ Treatment Technologies For
Contaminated Groundwater at CERCLA Sites.
USEPA (1996b)
USEPA. State Policies Concerning the Use of Injectants for In-Situ Ground Water Remediation.
Technology Innovation Office, EPA 542-R-96-001.
USEPA (1997)
USEPA. Analysis of Selected Enhancements for Soil Vapor Extraction. EPA/542/R-97/007.
EM 1110-1-4015
28 Aug 09
USEPA (1999a)
USEPA. Microbial Processes Affecting Monitored Natural Attenuation of Contaminants in the
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USEPA. Use of Monitored Natural Attenuation at Superfund, RCRA Corrective Action, and
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USEPA. Comprehensive Report, Wyckoff NAPL Field Exploration, Soil and Groundwater
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USEPA (2002a)
USEPA. Final Design Analysis, Thermal Remediation Pilot Study, PN C1871, Soil and
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USEPA (2002b)
USEPA. A Discussion of the Thermal Remediation Treatments on Microbial Degradation
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EM 1110-1-4015
28 Aug 09
Remediation Technologies Screening Matrix Reference Guide.
EM 1110-1-4015
28 Aug 09
ANSI A58.1
American National Standards Institute, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other
ANSI C80.1
American National Standards Institute, Rigid Steel Conduit, Zinc Coated.
ANSI C80.5
American National Standards Institute, Rigid Aluminum Conduit.
American National Standards Institute, Test Code for the Measurement of Sound from
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API 650
American Petroleum Institute, Field Erected Tanks.
American Petroleum Institute, Recommended Practice for Classifications of Areas for Electrical
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American Petroleum Institute, Recommended Practice for Classifications of Areas for Electrical
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EM 1110-1-4015
28 Aug 09
American Petroleum Institute, Electrical Installation at Petroleum and Gas Pipeline
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ASTM C150-07
American Society for Testing and Materials, Standard Specification for Portland Cement.
ASTM D698-07e1
American Society for Testing and Materials, Test Method for Laboratory Compaction
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ASTM D1586-08
American Society for Testing and Materials, Standard Method for Penetration Test (SPT) and
Split-Barrel Sampling of Soils.
EM 1110-1-4015
28 Aug 09
ASTM D1785-06
American Society for Testing and Materials, Specifications for Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC)
Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40, 80, and 120.
ASTM D2216-05
American Society for Testing and Materials, Test Methods for Laboratory Determination of
Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock.
ASTM D2241-05
American Society for Testing and Materials, Specifications for Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC)
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ASTM D2321-05
American Society for Testing and Materials, Standard Practice for Underground Installation of
Flexible Thermoplastic Sewer Pipe.
ASTM D2488
American Society for Testing and Materials, Practice for Description and Identification of Soils
(Visual Manual Procedure)
ASTM D2850
American Society for Testing and Materials, Test Method for Unconsolidated, Undrained
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ASTM D3350
American Society for Testing and Materials, Standard Specifications for Polyethylene Plastics
Pipe and Fitting Materials, D3350.
ASTM D3416
American Society for Testing and Materials, Standard Test Method for Total Hydrocarbons,
Methane, and Carbon Monoxide in the Atmosphere (Gas Chromatographic Method), D3416.
ASTM D5092
American Society for Testing and Materials, Practice for Design and Installation of Ground
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EM 1110-1-4015
28 Aug 09
ASTM D5126
American Society for Testing and Materials, Guide for Comparison of Field Methods for
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EM 1110-1-4015
28 Aug 09
EM 1110-1-4015
28 Aug 09
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Hydrocarbon Oil In The Subsurface.” J. Contam. Hydrol., 16, 55-86.
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De Vries, D.A. “Thermal Properties Of Soils.” W.R. van Wijk, Physics of Plant Environment.
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Dullien, F.A.L. Porous Media, Fluid Transport and Pore Structure. Academic Press.
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Faybishenko (1983)
Faybishenko, B. “Effect of Temperature on Moisture Content, Entropy, and Water Pressure in
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Grant (2003)
Grant, S.A., “Extension of a temperature-effects model for capillary-pressure saturation
relations.” Water Resources. Research 39, 1003.
EM 1110-1-4015
28 Aug 09
Hilberts (1986)
Hilberts, B. “In-situ steam stripping”. In Proceedings of the First International TNO Conference
on Contaminated Soil, pp.680-686, Assink and van den Brink, Mortin Nuhoff, Dordrecht, N.L.,
Hubbert (1956)
Hubbert, M.K. “Darcy’s Law and The Field Equations Of The Flow Of Underground Fluids.”
Trans. Am. Min. Met. Engrs. 207, 222-239.
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Jacob (1940)
Jacob, C. E. “On The Flow Of Water In An Elastic Artesian Aquifer” Transactions of The
American Geophysical Union: Reports and Papers. 21, 574-589.
EM 1110-1-4015
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Kersten (1949)
Kersten, M.S. “Thermal Properties of Soils”. Bulletin of the University of Minnesota, Inst.
Tech. Eng. Exp. Sta., 28.
Lide (1999)
Lide, D.R. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Lupis (1983)
Lupis, C.H.P. Chemical Thermodynamics of Materials. Elsevier.
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Massman (1995)
Massman, J. W. “Applying Groundwater Flow Models in Vapor Extraction System Design.”
Journal of Environmental Engineering, 115, N. 1, 129-149.
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NFPA 496
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NFPA 497
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Ramey Jr., H.J. “A Current Review of Oil Recovery By Steam Injection,” Proceedings, Seventh
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Richardson (2002)
Richardson, R. E. Final Report on Post-Steam Microbial Experiments Performed at U.C.
Berkeley for the Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site. Submitted for publication.
Sanyal (1972)
Sanyal, S.K. The Effect of Temperature on Electrical Resistivity and Capillary Pressure
Behavior of Porous Media, Ph.D. Diss. Stanford Univ. DA No. 32/12-B:7079.
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28 Aug 09
Sinnokrot (1969)
Sinnokrot, A.A. The Effect of Temperature on Oil-Water Capillary Pressure Curves of
Limestones and Sandstones. Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford Univ. DA No. 30/12-B:5529.
Sundberg (1988)
Sundberg, J. “Thermal Properties of Soils and Rocks.” Swedish Geotechnical Institute Report
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Theis (1935)
Theis, C.V. “The Relationship Between The Lowering Of The Piezometric Surface and The
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American Geophysical Union Sixteenth Annual Meeting, Part I, 519-524.
Thiem (1906)
Thiem, G. “Hydrologische Methoden.” Leipzig, Gebhardt, as presented in Davis S.N. and
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Udell, K.S. “Heat and Mass Transfer In Clean-Up of Underground Toxic Wastes”. Annual
Review of Heat Transfer, 7, 333–405.
UL-58 (1996)
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Wattiau (2002)
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Wu (1977)
Wu, C.H. “A Critical review of Steam flood Mechanisms”. Society of Petroleum Engineers
Paper SPE 6550.
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Case Studies
Presented herein are case studies, organized by the ISTR technology applied at each location.
Some applications are better documented than others due to a lack of available information at the
time this Appendix was compiled. Dynamic underground stripping case studies are included
with SEE case studies. Case studies for Skokie, Illinois are presented under both SEE and ERH,
since both technologies were applied sequentially at this site. The case studies do not cover
every application of ISTR, but are provided to illustrate the variety of applications that have
been undertaken.
B.1.1.1. Site Information. The site was a 46.5 m2 (500 ft2) area adjacent to a former
electric shop located within the Mare Island Naval Complex.
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B.1.1.4. Approach. The Thermal Well demonstration was conducted using a network of 12
heater-vacuum wells drilled to a depth of 4.27 m (14 ft). The Thermal Blanket test was
conducted using two adjacent 2.44 by 6.1 m (8 by 20 ft) heating units, and treated soils to a
depth of 30.48 cm (12 in.) over a period of 7 days.
B.1.1.5. Operation. Mobilization to the site in July 1997. Site construction was performed
from July 1997 through September 1997. Thermal treatment was started in September 1997 and
was completed in November 1997. Demobilization was completed by mid-December 1997.
B.1.1.6. Results. After reaching an in-situ soil temperature of at least 316°C (600°F) over a
treatment period of 37 days, all post-treatment soil samples collected exhibited non-detectable
Total PCB concentrations (less than 0.033 mg/kg). Prior to de-energizing the heater elements,
the average soil temperature at the centroid of each thermal well pattern and at the base of each
thermal blanket treatment cell exceeded 316°C (600°F). The emission rate limit of 1.81 kg/hr
(4.0 lb/hr) was not exceeded during the demonstrations.
B.1.1.7. Cost. The total demonstration cost for design, permitting, operation,
demobilization, and reporting was $912,500. Unit costs were not available.
B.1.1.8. References.
Conley, D.M., and K. Jenkins. 1998. “Application of ISTD to Remediate PCBs from Soil at the
Former Mare Island Naval Shipyard, Vallejo, CA.” Presented at the 3rd Annual Tri-Service
Conference, San Diego, CA., August 15-17, 1998.
Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center. 1998. Tech Data Sheet: A Demonstration of In-
Situ Thermal Desorption. TDS-2051-ENV, March 1998. Port Hueneme, CA.
TerraTherm Environmental Services Inc. and RT Environmental Services, Inc. 1998. Final
Report for Environmental Technology Partnership (ETP) Demonstrations IN-SITU THERMAL
DESORPTION. Prepared for U.S. Navy and Bay Area Defense Conversion Action Team
(BADCAT). October.
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B.1.2.1. Site Information. The site was located on a 12.1-hectare (30-acre) military base
used for oceanographic research and undersea surveillance that was decommissioned in 1993.
The site consisted of an area measuring 12.2 ×9.14 m (40 ×30 ft) x 4.57 m (15 ft) deep (for
overall volume of 510 m3 or 667 cy), with the contaminated soils under/adjacent to a former
transformer/diesel generator building. The contamination under the building extended from
0.61 - 4.57 m (2.0 - 15 ft) below ground surface (bgs). PCBs outside the building occurred
from 1.52 - 4.57 m (5 - 15 ft) bgs.
B.1.2.2. Hydrogeology. Unsaturated, silty and clayey colluvial soils. Groundwater was
encountered at depths greater than 18.3 m (60 ft).
B.1.2.6. Results. Target treatment area achieved the remedial objectives for all samples.
The temperature in the center of the well patterns ranged from 357oC (2.1 m bgs) to 510oC (4.57
m bgs) (675 to 950°F). CO emissions were below 10 ppmV with a 3-minute lag throughout the soil
treatment, and a mean concentration of approximately 2 ppmV. Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions
were recorded by the CEM system and were observed generally at <2.0%. Total hydrocarbon
(THC) readings observed during the treatment were generally below 10 ppmV or <0.0023 kg/hr
(0.005 lb/hr) as CH4. An in-situ destruction and removal efficiency (DRE) of two-nines (99%)
plus the four-nines DRE of the air quality control unit resulted in a combined DRE of
approximately six-nines (99.9999%),
B.1.2.7. Cost. The total turnkey cost for design, permitting, operation, demobilization, and
reporting was $456,000 or approximately $890/m3 ($680/cy).
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B.1.2.8. References.
Conley, D.M., and C.M. Lonie. 2000. “Field Scale Implementation of In Situ Thermal
Desorption Thermal Well Technology.” pp. 175-182. In: G.D. Wickramanayake and A.R.
Gavaskar (eds.) Physical and Thermal Technologies: Remediation of Chlorinated and
Recalcitrant Compounds. Battelle Press, Columbus, OH.
B.1.3.1. Site Information. The site was a 0.40-hectare (1-acre) site with buildings adjacent
to railroad tracks in a residential and light commercial area of Eugene, Oregon. The site was a
former bulk storage facility for middle and heavy hydrocarbon distillates. The remedial action
was designed to enable closure under the Risk Based Corrective Action (RBCA) Underground
Storage Tank (UST) program with the Oregon Dept. of Environmental Quality (ODEQ).
B.1.3.2. Hydrogeology. The geology consisted primarily of consolidated and semi-
consolidated, marine and non-marine sediments overlain by unconsolidated alluvium. A gravel
layer covers the surface of the site to a depth of 0.30 to 1.22 m bgs. A silt layer underlies the
gravel and extends to approximately 3.35 to 4.88 m bgs. A second hydraulically permeable layer
(4.76 × 10–2 cm/s) consisting of gravels in a sand to clay matrix was present beneath the
impermeable (9.53 × 10–6 cm/s) silt layer. Two water-bearing zones are identified at the site.
Perched groundwater was encountered in the unconfined top gravel and silt layers. A confined
groundwater zone was present in the lower gravel layer.
B.1.3.3. Remediation Objectives. Remove free product (light non-aqueous phase liquid
[LNAPL]) and smear zone hydrocarbons present in soils to a depth of 12 ft, attain groundwater
cleanup standards in down-gradient areas, and enable closure of the site under RBCA UST
program with ODEQ through the application of the thermal well technology.
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B.1.3.4. Approach. Installation of 277 heater-vacuum wells and 484 heater-only wells to
treat approximately 11,430 m3 (14,950 cy). The thermal wells were spaced on 2.13 m (7.0 ft)
centers and installed to a depth of 3.05 - 3.66 m (10.0 - 12.0 ft) bgs.
B.1.3.5. Operations. Site construction was performed from Sept 1997 through May 1998.
Thermal treatment lasted 120 days from June through August 1998. Confirmatory soil samples
were collected between September and October 1998. Demobilization was completed by early
Oct. 1998. Post-remediation groundwater samples were collected quarterly between December
1998 and September 1999 from monitoring wells located within and down gradient of the
treatment area. Site characterization efforts indicated that the treatment zone was below the
water table. A two-phase approach was used to reduce the amount of water in the treatment zone
at the start of thermal treatment, as well as to limit the influence of recharge both from the
surface and from outside the treatment area. First, the heater-vacuum wells were equipped with
ports at the top of the wells to allow for the removal of liquid before the commencement of
thermal operation. This allowed for the removal of 970,000 L (257,000 gal.) from the treatment
zone. Groundwater flow into the treatment area during operations was controlled through a set
of 39 perimeter wells screened from 4.3 to 4.6 m (14 to 15 ft) bgs. The perimeter groundwater
control system depressed the water level by an estimated 1.2 m (4 ft) during operation and
removed approximately 5.7 × 106 liters (1.5 × 106 gallons) of water over a seven-month period
(December 1997 - July 1998).
B.1.3.6. Results. The thermal well system achieved an average in-situ temperature of
approximately 282oC (540oF). An estimated 200,000 lb of hydrocarbons were removed and
treated during the 120-day heating cycle. The LNAPL was removed from the entire site. All
confirmation (post-remediation) soil and groundwater samples were below the DEQ’s Tier 1
Risk-Based Concentrations for both soil and groundwater exposure pathways. Benzene
concentrations in groundwater within the treatment area were reduced from 1200 to 2.14 ug/L.
All post-treatment off-site groundwater samples were below the analytical detection limit (i.e.,
<0.5 ug/L). The Oregon DEQ issued a “no further action” letter for the site in March 2000.
B.1.3.7. Cost. The total turnkey cost for design, permitting, operation, demobilization, and
reporting was $2,971,000 or approximately $260/m3 ($200/cy).
B.1.3.8. References.
Conley, D.M., K.S. Hansen, G.L. Stegemeier, H.J. Vinegar, F.R. Fossati, F.G. Carl, and H.F.
Clough. 2000. “In Situ Thermal Desorption of Refined Petroleum Hydrocarbons from Saturated
Soil.” pp. 197-206. In: G.D. Wickramanayake and A.R. Gavaskar (eds.) Physical and Thermal
Technologies: Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds. Battelle Press,
Columbus, OH.
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B.1.4.1. Site Information. The site was an operating manufacturing facility with
contaminants in two locations on the property, one of which ran alongside the building.
B.1.4.3. Hydrogeology. There was wide variation in the permeabilities across the site, from
tight clays to high permeability fill above the target zone. The fill was a combination of sand,
clayey sand, gravel, and construction debris. The next layer was described as till, which
consisted of moist to damp silty clay that ranged from brown to gray in color and extended down
to depths of 5.5 to 5.8 m (18 to 19 ft) below ground surface (bgs). Running through some parts
of the till were seams of sand that could become saturated during the wetter periods of the year.
Below the tills was a sand and gravel layer, consisting of some sand ranging from fine to coarse,
with some areas of gravel locally. Groundwater was encountered in the sand and gravel layer at
depths of 6.7 - 7.6 m (22–25 ft). The groundwater was not impacted by the vadose-zone
B.1.4.4. Approach. Two areas were treated. The first area had 15 heater-vacuum wells that
were each 3.66 m (12 ft) deep. The second are had 130 heater-vacuum wells that extended 5.8 m
(19 ft) into the subsurface. Secondary and tertiary treatment was accomplished using a flameless
thermal oxidizer and a carbon bed, both of which were situated on a process trailer.
B.1.4.5. Operations. The process was run for approximately nine weeks.
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contaminants in the northern end and the remediation goals were met in spite of not superheating
the soil in that area.
B.1.4.8. Reference.
Vinegar, H.J., G.L. Stegemeier, F.G. Carl, J.D. Stevenson, and R.J. Dudley. 1999. “In Situ
Thermal Desorption of Soils Impacted with Chlorinated Solvents.” Proceedings of the Annual
Meetings of the Air and Waste Management Association, Paper No. 99-450.
B.1.5.1. Site Information. Missouri Electric Works previously sold, serviced, and
remanufactured transformers, electric motors, and electrical equipment. The MEW site included
all areas on and off the MEW property that had been impacted with PCBs above the action limits
of 10 ppm from 0 to 1.22 m (0 to 4 ft) deep and 100 ppm below 1.22 m (4 ft) deep. It was
located on a 2.59-hectare (6.4-acre) tract adjacent to Highway 61 in a commercial/light industrial
area. Additional soil was contaminated in adjacent off site areas.
B.1.5.2. Hydrogeology. The MEW site is underlain by a weathered and unweathered loess
that sits on Ordovician-aged sedimentary formations. The surficial loess deposits are typically
brown, firm, silty clays. The shallow water-bearing zone occurs between 9.14 and 18.29 m (30
and 60 ft) below ground surface (bgs).
B.1.5.5. Operations. Mobilization to the site took place in March '97, with site construction
beginning during the same month. Thermal treatment lasted from 10 - 45 days, depending on the
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thermal configuration for the three different processes, and was completed in June '97.
Demobilization from the site was in July '97.
B.1.5.6. Results. All clean-up goals were met for the thermal well and thermal blanket
applications and pertinent information was produced for the continued development of the ISTD
ex-situ operations. PCBs were reduced from a maximum concentration of about 20,000 ppm and
a mean concentration of 782 ppm (n = 88) to less than 2 mg/kg in all 90 post-treatment samples
within the treatment zone. PCB concentrations were non-detect (<0.033 ppm) in 84 of the post-
treatment soil samples and less than 0.302 mg/kg in the 6 soil samples with detectable levels.
Stack testing showed 99.9999998% Destruction and Removal Efficiency (DRE). Continuous
emission monitoring (CEM) showed the average stack composition contained about 20,000 ppm
CO2, 2 ppm CO, and 1 ppm THC. The peak HCl concentration in the stack was 60 ppm from the
decomposition of the PCBs. All emissions standards were met during the project. There was no
evidence of horizontal or vertical contaminant migration. Dioxins in treated soil were below
background level for North American soil (< 6 ppt). A soil temperature of 482oC (900oF) was
reached in the center of all of the triangular patterns, with the very center of the entire pattern
reaching a temperature of 593oC (1100oF). A comparison of pre- and post-treatment soil
hydraulic characteristics indicated that the soil porosity increased from 30 to 40% and the
horizontal and vertical hydraulic conductivities increased by over 4 orders of magnitude (e.g., 1
× 10–3 to 30 m/d) following treatment.
B.1.5.7. Cost. The total demonstration cost for design, permitting, operation,
demobilization, and reporting was reported to be $2,038,000. Unit costs were not available.
B.1.5.8. References.
Vinegar, H.J., E.P. deRouffignac, R.L. Rosen, G.L Stegemeier, M.M. Bonn, D.M. Conley, S.H.
Phillips, J.M Hirsch, F.G. Carl, J.R. Steed, D.H. Arrington, P.T. Brunette, W.M. Mueller, and
T.E. Siedhoff. 1997. “In Situ Thermal Desorption (ISTD) of PCBs”, Proceedings of the
HazWaste/World Superfund XVIII Conference, Washington, DC, December 2, 1997.
Haley & Aldrich (Nov., 1997). Demonstration Test Report-Thermal Wells, Missouri Electric
Works Site, Cape Girardeau, Missouri. Submitted to Mr. Hiroshi Dodohara, Permit Officer,
USEPA Office of Pollution Prevention & Toxics (OPPT), Washington, D.C. Haley & Aldrich of
New York, Inc.
Haley & Aldrich, Inc. (October, 1997). Demonstration Test Report – Thermal Blanket. In-Situ
Thermal Desorption Technology, Missouri Electric Works Site, Cape Girardeau, Missouri,
Prepared for TerraTherm Environmental Services, Inc.
France–Isetts, P. 1998. “In Situ Thermal Blankets and Wells for PCB Removal in Tight Clay
Soils,” Tech Trends, EPA Region 7. (February, 1998). Available at:
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B.1.6.1. Site Information. A site with an area of approximately 1,858 m2 (20,000 ft2) was
designated as the area for the staging of stockpiled soils, and the installation of TerraTherm’s
treatment cells and associated batch process equipment.
B.1.6.2. Hydrogeology. The treated soils were gathered from multiple sites on the island of
Saipan. Soils consisted of silty sands and crushed coral. There was no groundwater impact
during project duration. Stockpiled soils and treatment cell were subjected, however, to surface-
level water saturation due to five typhoons and additional seasonal rainstorms.
B.1.6.5. Operations. Mobilization to the site occurred in July 1997. Site construction was
performed from July 1997 through August 1997. Thermal treatment began in September 1997
and was completed in August 1998. Demobilization was complete by the end of September
B.1.6.6. Results. 765 m3 (1000 cy) of PCB impacted soil was treated to 10 ppm or less.
The project received a 1998 Merit Award from the US Army Corps of Engineers Chief of
Engineers Design and Environmental Awards Program.
B.1.6.7. Cost. The total turnkey cost for design, permitting, operation, demobilization, and
reporting was $2,805,000.
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B.1.7.2. Hydrogeology. Soils within the treatment area are comprised of surficial fill and
silty sands, inter-bedded with sands, silts, and clays. The average treatment depth is
approximately 6.1 m (20 ft) below ground surface (bgs) and in some areas extends to 27.4 m (90
ft) bgs. The depth to the water table is 82.3 m (270 ft) bgs.
B.1.7.3. Remediation Objectives. The soil remediation standards for PAHs (expressed as
Benzo(a)pyrene toxic equivalents), PCP, and dioxins (expressed as 2,3,7,8-tetrachloro-
dibenzodioxin [TCDD] Toxic Equivalency [TEQ]), are 0.065 mg/kg, 2.5 mg/kg, and 1 μg/kg,
B.1.7.4. Approach. Using a 3:1 edge-centered hexagonal pattern with 2.13 m (7.0 ft) well
spacing, a minimum target temperature of 325oC will be maintained for 3 days; 780 total wells
will be used, with 128 of them being heater-vacuum wells, and the other 652 being heater-only
wells. In-situ thermal oxidation and pyrolysis are predicted to result in an in-situ destruction
efficiency of between 95 and 99%, with the remaining contamination being treated aboveground.
The off-gas treatment will consist of a thermal oxidizer, heat exchanger, and granular activated
carbon (GAC). The estimated dioxin emission rate calculated for the air discharge permit is
0.311 billionths of a kg (0.685 billionths of a lb) TCDD TEQ/hr. This is equal to 0.896
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millionths of a kg (1.97 millionths of a lb) TCDD TEQ over the 120-day life of this project. This
is a very low amount and less than one-thousandth of the annual TCDD TEQ emission from a
typical hazardous waste incinerator. California’s Department of Toxic Substances Control is
overseeing the project, which is being conducted under California’s Expedited Remedial Action
Program (ERAP).
B.1.7.6. Cost. The total turnkey cost for design, permitting, operation, demobilization, and
reporting is projected to be $5,343,500 or approximately $480/m3 ($370/cy).
B.2.1.1. Site Information. Viscous specialty fuel released to soil and groundwater largely
beneath a manufacturing facility.
B.2.1.3. Remediation Objectives. Reduce LNAPL thickness from 10 ft to less that 1/8 inch
on the water table.
B.2.1.4. Approach. ERH operating in a six phase mode was used to treat the soils at this
site. Vapors recovered and treated by thermal oxidation.
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B.2.2.1. Site Information. Site was a former Teletype manufacturing facility closed after
the breakup of the Bell System in 1984. TCE and TCA were discovered beneath the plant floor
with DNAPL measured as thick as 8 ft in several monitoring wells. A combination SEE and
enhanced biodegradation system had been in operation from 1991 to 1998, and was successful in
removing DNAPL and securing a no further remediation letter from Illinois EPA for a portion of
the treatment area. The areas to be treated using ERH had limited success using SEE due to
manmade subsurface features short-circuiting the steam injection.
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B. Due to the success of the first phase of SPH, a second 8500 cy treatment volume
was cleaned to TIER I cleanup levels in 90 days using 85 new electrodes.
B.2.2.5. Operation. Project Timeline:
March 1998 Construction began.
June 1998 Startup of operations.
August 1998 Converted from six phase to three phase mode of operations
October 1998 Major system malfunction, operations down for the entire month.
December 1998 Construction of expanded treatment system.
January 1999 Treatment of expanded area brought on line, with phase
out of treatment in initially treated area.
April 1999 Monitoring shows very low hydrocarbon removal rate and system
May 1999 Post-treatment sampling shows soils at residential standards, 4 out
of 13 monitoring wells below Tier 1 standards.
June 1999 System demob begins.
July 1999 Illinois EPA issues NFR for site.
August 1999 Site redevelopment begins.
December 1999 11 out of 13 wells below Tier 1 standards.
May 2000 Illinois EPA approves no further monitoring required, site
redevelopment complete.
B.2.2.6. Results. Concentrations in groundwater were reduced from indications of residual
DNAPL (the prior SEE applications had removed observable DNAPL in the wells) to less than
Tier 3 criteria and through intrinsic biodegradation to less than Tier 1 standards.
B.2.2.7. Cost. Approximately $1.2 M.
B.2.3. Avery-Dennison.
Project Name: Avery-Dennison
Location: Waukegan, Illinois
Contaminants: Methylene Chloride
Regulatory Program: Illinois Site Remediation Program
Remediation Scale: Full Scale
Site Owner: Avery-Dennison
Consultant: Clayton Environmental
Project Duration: December 1999 to November 2000
B.2.3.1. Site Information. Methylene chloride was used in film coating operations from
1975 to 1992. In 1985, an inventory check indicated that 1585 gal. of methylene chloride were
released from and underground pipe.
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B.2.3.2. Hydrogeology. Silty clay glacial till to a depth of approximately 180 ft bgs.
Discontinuous silty sand stringers also present. Water encountered at depths of 6 to 25 ft bgs.
B.2.3.4. Approach. ERH operating in a six phase mode was used to treat the soils at this
site. An area of 17,000 ft2 was treated to a depth of 25 ft. A total of 95 copper electrodes were
installed with 34 wells for vapor and steam recovery. The goal of the remediation was to heat
the sols to 75oF.
B.2.4.1. Site Information. Former DOE facility. Treatment area was approximately
10,000 ft2.
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B.2.4.4. Approach. A combination of steam and three phase ERH were used, consisting of
36 steam injection wells, 51 electrodes (21 in the upper sands, 30 in the Hawthorn clay) and 28
extraction wells. Well spacing was approximately 15 to 20 ft. Steam was injected at depths of
20 to 30 ft, near the base of the aquifer. ERH was conducted from depths of 10 to 15 ft and from
30 to 35 ft.
B.2.4.5. Operation. Hydraulic and pneumatic control was documented after one week of
operation, and heating began of October 1, 2002 and was completed on February 28, 2003, after
a cool-down mode beginning on February 17, 2003. The deep electrodes were activated first,
forming a heated floor to the aquifer. After one week of heating the floor, stem injection was
initiated in the perimeter wells. After this hot steam barrier was formed (after approximately 3
weeks) around the treatment zone, steam injection and ERH was begun in the central and upper
portions of the treatment volume.
B. Once the desired temperature was reached, pressure cycling was induced for a
period of approximately one month.
B. On January 13, 2003, an area containing sap-like resin was discovered, requiring
a modification in the treatment involving additional injection and extraction wells.
B.2.4.6. Results. Screening and analytical sampling shows that after recovery of 5000 to
9000 lb of VOCs, an asymptotic level of 5 lb per day removal of VOCs was observed.
Approximately 200 gal. of DNAPL were recovered. Groundwater concentrations were reduced
by 3 to 4 orders of magnitude in most wells. Effluent vapor and water concentrations had been
reduced to less than 0.5% of their peak values during treatment.
B.2.4.7. Cost. Turnkey remediation costs, including power were $1.3M or $118/cy.
Contract includes a performance guarantee.
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B.2.5.1. Site Information. Dry Cleaner site in western suburbs of Chicago. Ruptured sewer
line release PCE 300’ down gradient from dry cleaner. Soil contaminated from 4 to 20 ft deep.
B.2.5.4. Approach. Initially involved 70 4-inch diameter SVE wells that operated for
4 years.
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B.2.6.3. Remediation Objectives. Minimum Goal: remove TCE to less than Csat
concentration of 1200 mg/kg; revised goal (achieve IEPA Tier 1 residential soil ingestion
criteria) of 5 mg/kg.
B.2.6.4. Approach. Initially involved 7 electrodes with horizontal vapor recovery system.
Operated from 15 July to 21 September 2002. Confirmation sampling indicated that
groundwater contaminated from previously undiscovered source north of treatment area was
seeping into area already treated through granular sub-base. Second phase involved adding
seven additional electrodes with integrated vapor recovery to treat previously undiscovered
source and to re-treat the initial treatment area. TCE volatilized from soils beneath a catch basin
re-condensed in soils immediately beneath catch basin as a result of catch basin receiving
seepage through treatment; 7 cy of soil excavated from beneath the catch basin and disposed
offsite to complete remediation.
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B.2.7.3. Remediation Objectives. Minimum Goal: remove TCE to less than Csat
concentration of 1200 mg/kg; revised goal (achieve IEPA Tier 1 residential soil ingestion
criteria) of 5 mg/kg.
B.2.7.4. Approach. Involved nine electrodes with horizontal vapor recovery system.
Operated from 2 September 2002 to 6 January 2003.
B.2.8.1. Site Information. Disposal pit for wastes from practice decontamination of
chemical munition-exposed equipment.
B.2.8.2. Hydrogeology. Dense, relatively impermeable poorly sorted silty sandy gravel with
some dense sand, silt or silty sand. Groundwater located at 8 ft bgs.
B.2.8.3. Remediation Objectives. Reduce LNAPL thickness from 10 ft to less that 1/8-inch
on the water table.
B.2.8.4. Approach. ERH operating in a six phase mode was used to treat the soils at this
site. Heating extended from 8 to 40 ft bgs.
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B.2.8.5. Operation. Three six phase arrays. Time to install and reach desired temperature
was 3 weeks per array. Treatment time per array was 6 weeks, 18 weeks total.
B.2.9.1. Site Information. Wastes from laboratory operations were disposed in a 20 ft deep
drywell. Concentrations of TCE in groundwater were indicative of the presence of DNAPL in
an area southwest of the drywell. Groundwater plume size estimated at 120 ft by 80 ft.
B.2.9.3. Remediation Objectives. There were no numerical goals for the pilot test. The
following performance objectives were established:
a. Contaminants must be extracted from the target zone
b. The target zone must be heated to the applied boiling point
c. Air to support HPO must be injected into the treatment area.
B.2.9.4. Approach. Treatment was performed using ERH. Initially 60 electrodes were
installed to a depth of 58 ft. in a six phase heating pattern. Each electrode was capable of
directing power to three zones in the overbank: 20 to 30 ft bgs 34 to 44 ft bgs and 48 to 58 ft bgs.
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Fifty electrode vents were installed along the perimeter and throughout the treatment area in
December 2000 to help control migration of steam and hot water outside the treatment area.
The system was expanded in May 2001 with the installation of 9 electrodes, four electrode vents,
and 2 monitoring wells to address areas where contaminated steam appeared to have migrated
beyond the treatment area.
B.2.9.6. Results. As of June 2002, TCE concentrations reduced from 150 mg/l to 0.008
mg/l; DCE reduced from 370 mg/l to 1.3 mg/l; and vinyl chloride from 24 mg/l to 0.050 mg/l.
B.3. Steam Enhanced Extraction. At the time of preparation of this manual, individual write-
ups were only available for the Visalia Pole Yard project. Table B.1 provides a summary of
other SEE projects.
B.3.1. Southern California Edison Company, Visalia Pole Yard NPL site, Visalia,
B.3.1.2. Technology. In situ steam enhanced extraction with supplemental air injection to
enhance in-situ chemical and metabolic oxidation.
B.3.1.3. History. The Southern California Edison Company operated a wood treating plant
from 1925 to 1980 during which the subsurface soil and groundwater were infiltrated, to a depth
of 120 ft. with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), pentachlorophenol (PCP),
polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-furans (TCDDeqv), and diesel
(wood preservative chemicals). Since 1975, Edison has pumped and subsequently treated
approximately 2.5 billion gallons of groundwater to control gradient and minimize plume
volume of these dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) and the dissolved constituents.
B.3.1.4. Project Goals. The general project objective was to remove the source of
contamination from the subsurface and allow “natural attenuation” to degrade the remaining
aqueous-phase plume. Specific goals are listed in the following table.
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B.3.1.5. Engineered Systems. SCE started with 11 steam injection wells, 7 liquid/vapor
extraction wells, 4 steam boilers, a vacuum system, a two-staged heat exchange system, vapor
treatment system, and a tertiary water treatment system. Electrical Resistance Tomography
(ERT) and thermocouples were deployed via 29 wells to image the subsurface heated zone.
B.3.1.6. The steam generation system had the capability of 200,000 lb/hr, with nominal
injection rates of 80,000 to 120,000 lb/hr. Recovery wells and treatment systems were capable
of removing approximately 140,000 lb (H2O/min.), maintaining overall hydraulic control of the
site at nominal injection rates. Recovered liquids (groundwater and condensate) and vapors were
separated and pumped to respective treatment systems. The non-condensable gases (vapors)
were piped to the steam generators and thermally destroyed in the fire-box of the boiler.
Groundwater and condensate were pumped to head-works of the tertiary water treatment system.
This system consisted of serial separation (gravity and air-flotation), parallel dual media and
polish filtration, and serial treatment by granular activated carbon. The treated effluent was
discharge to the local sewer under an industrial waste discharge permit.
B.3.1.7. Preliminary Results. During May 1997 to June 2000, approximately 660 million
pounds of steam were injected into the subsurface formation. Approximately 1.33 million
pounds of wood preservative chemicals in the formation were mobilized and removed/destroyed.
The following table depicts the wood treating chemical mass removed by free, aqueous, or vapor
phase, and by chemical oxidation.
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B. Southern California Edison designed and built a “carbon tracking” system, which
on a real-time basis accounted for the mass removed in the aqueous and vapor phases. Oxidation
in place was determined from the increase in CO2 and dissolved carbonate over the native
groundwater and injected steam, taking temperature/solubility relationships into account. Free-
phase wood treating chemicals were measured daily from the skimmed volumes emanating from
the gravity separators.
B.3.1.8. Operational Considerations. The system components must be robust and have
inherent flexibility to maintain operational integrity. Strength and material compatibility if not
addressed properly will result in many unforeseen events ranging from significant project delays
to catastrophic failures. The Visalia design was robustly designed, constructed and maintained
96% operational capacity factor during 36 months of steaming operations.
B. The initial target of steam injection focused on the intermediate aquitard, which
is a heterogeneous saturated zone typified by inter-bedded coarse sand and cobble sized material.
This aquitard is about 80 to 100 ft below the ground level (bgl). The steam injection wells were
installed in a circular array around the contaminant mass. The steam was injected to mobilize
the wood preservative chemicals to centrally located liquid and vapor extraction wells. This
operation scheme was a classic “steam flood” of the intermediated aquitard, which relies on the
integrity of the confining formations (shallow and intermediate aquitards) to drive the “steam
chest” horizontally across the intermediate aquifer. Under this scenario, the aquifer is primarily
heated by convection. Portions of the confining shallow and intermediate aquitards would be
conductively heat. Heat transfer modeling indicated that the first 15 ft of the intermediate
aquitard would achieve the desired thermal treatment threshold of 100oC if the leading surface of
this confining layer were exposed to steam temperatures for 140 days.
B. This operational mode continued for approximately 10 months. The recovery
rates of contaminants ranged from 2000 lb to a record high of about 14,000 lb in one day. The
subsurface thermal signature resembled a “donut-shaped” plume of elevated temperatures
approaching the apparent formation boiling point of water.
B. The original design called for three of the extraction wells to be adapted to inject
steam. The second phase of steam injection, which was still based on aquifer steam flood was
initiated to inject steam in the center of the contaminant mass. The electrical resistance
tomography proved to be a valuable tool in managing the duration of steam injection from the
center of the contaminant mass. The treatment of the intermediate aquitard based on steam flood
techniques continued for an additional 8 months. The typical formation heat signature indicated
temperatures approaching the apparent water boiling point from about 95 ft bgl virtually to the
B. Steam flood techniques were not fully successful at conductively heating the
intermediate aquitard. This method suffered from the persistent problem of “steam over-ride”
which has been well documented by the enhanced oil recovery industry. There were two
additional factors that added a cooling effect in the lower reaches of the intermediate aquifer.
The material at 95 ft bgl is described as a 5 ft deposit of cobble size material with an estimated
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horizontal groundwater velocity of greater than 3 ft per day. The second factor was a vertical
connectivity of the “deep aquifer” into the intermediated aquifer. The vertical flux rate was
measured at approximately 3 gpd/ft2. The introduction of native groundwater at ambient
temperature (~16oC) both laterally and vertically imparted sufficient cooling capacity to prevent
the desired heating of this part of the formation.
B. An alternative method relying on injecting steam below the intermediate aquitard
was conceived and subsequently approved by the DTSC. This aquitard is about 100 ft to 125 ft
bgl and is characterized as inter-bedding of sand, fine sand, and silts. This aquitard had been
shown, during the 1991 Remedial Investigation, to have been significantly penetrated with the
wood treating chemicals. It was also obvious that the intermediate aquitard was not impervious
to permeation, based on the stated flux rates from the deep water bearing unit into the
intermediate aquifer.
B. Three injection wells were drilled into the “deep” aquifer to a depth of 145 ft bgl.
Heating the intermediate aquitard from below employed the natural physical character of the
“buoyancy” of steam. Steam injected below this aquitard would take the “path of least
resistance” and travel to the bottom edge of this formation and propagate in a radial fashion
across the bottom of the aquitard. The steam would also take the same pathways through this
aquitard that the native groundwater utilized in the vertical accent from the deeper unit into the
intermediate aquifer. As the steam ascended, the contaminant mass was mobilized ahead of the
steam front and delivered to the extraction wells in the intermediate formation. Steam injection
cycles were virtually continuous to uniformly heat the intermediate aquitard and provide a
thermal barrier for downward migration of the chemicals of concern. Additional extraction wells
were installed into the deep aquifer as a precautionary measure.
B. An additional phenomenon was observed at Visalia that greatly reduced the
possibility of downward migration of the wood treating chemicals. The specific gravity of the
mixture of wood treating chemicals was measured at 1.11. Thus the free-phase mass within the
formation was considered to be a DNAPL. The first 3500 gallons of recovered product
resembled the original mixture, in terms of color, odor, and density. When the wood treating
chemicals were exposed to temperatures in excess of 50oC, and most probably in the presence of
water, there was a dramatic change in the physical and chemical characters of this mixture. The
original mixture was black in color and had a distinct coal-tar odor. After the thermal soak, the
extracted mass, changed in appearance to a tight gray emulsion while retaining a coal-tar odor,
albeit reduced in intensity. Of primary importance, the density of the recovered mass was lighter
than water. Assays performed at LLNL indicate that the mixture of wood treating chemical was
saponified, essentially changing a DNAPL into a Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (LNAPL).
B. Injecting steam into the “deep” aquifer continued for 18 months with
approximately an additional 440,000 lb of wood treating chemical recovered from the
intermediate aquitard.
B.3.2. Groundwater Quality. Pentachlorophenol was considered as the target compound to
be removed in the source area considering that it was the most soluble chemical in the suite of
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wood preservative chemicals use at the Visalia facility. Historically, PCP was detected in
monitoring wells located about 1000 yards from the VPY western property boundary. Through
an aggressive pumping program from 1975 to 1990, the PCP aqueous phase plume was reduced
to area roughly within the property boundary (Graph 1).
B.3.2.1 The following graphs (1, 3-6) describe the groundwater quality for the parameters
listed in the above table. Graphs 1 and 3 present the analytical results in groundwater extracted
from a well in the vicinity of the “point of compliance”. Graphs 4-6 present similar groundwater
assays from a production well in former free-phase hydrocarbon plume (source area). In general,
the graphs for PCP and B(a)P contain approximately 150 data points, and, the TCDDeqv graphs
contain about 20 data points. The data comprehensively describe the trend of improving
groundwater quality from the initiation of steam injection to the present. Similar data sets exist
for 12 additional production wells, all of which exhibit similar trends. The data selected for this
appendix are representative of the improving groundwater quality at the Visalia Pole Yard.
B.3.2.2. The groundwater extracted from EW-4 has shown two orders of PCP mass
reduction since May 1997, which was the on-set of steam injection activities. The May 2003
PCP assay is lower than the Remediation Standard of 1 µg/L. This trend is encouraging;
however, the data may not be entirely representative in light of that these results are from an
extraction well.
500 100
Highest Concentratrion Remediation Standard = 1 ug/L
During Steam Injection
Highest Concentratrion
400 2/99, [PCP] = 371 ug/L 80
Post Steam Injection
2/99, [PCP] = 120 ug/L
300 60
100 20
EM 1110-1-4015
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Graph 3
30 30
Remediation Standard = 30 pg/L
5 5
0 0
6/2000 - End of
Steam Injection
-5 -5
Dec-97 Dec-98 Dec-99 Dec-00 Dec-01 Dec-02 Dec-03
1200 30
Highest Concentration. Remediation Standard = 1 ug/L
During Steam Injection
1000 8/97, [PCP] = 1300 ug/L 25
Highest Concentration
Post Steam Injection
800 8/00, [PCP] = 28 ug/L 20
0 0
6/2000 - End of
Steam Injection
-200 -5
Figure B-3. S-14i, PCP in Groundwater.
EM 1110-1-4015
28 Aug 09
G ra p h 5
800 200
R e m e d ia tio n S ta n d a rd = 0.2 u g /L
700 175
H ig h e st C o n ce n tra tio n H ig h e st C o n ce n tra tio n
[B (a )P ] P o s t S te a m In j. ( u
D u rin g S te a m I n je ctio n P o st S te a m In j e ctio n
600 150
8 /0 0, [B (a )P ] = 1 20 u g /L
[ B ( a ) P ] S te a m In j. (u
8 /0 0, [B (a )P ] = 880 u g / L
500 S te a m P o st S te a m 125
I n je ctio n In je c tio n
400 100
200 50
100 25
0 6/20 00 - En d o f
S te a m In j e ctio n
-1 0 0 -2 5
D e c -9 6 D e c-97 D e c -9 8 De c-99 D e c-0 0 D e c- 0 1 D e c -0 2 D ec-03
Re m e d ia tio n S ta n d a rd = 30 p g /L
P o st S te a m In je ctio n
[P CP ] P o st S team In j. (p g
No TCDD G rou n d w a te r [T CDD(e q v)] = 167,940 p g /L
S a m p le s T a ke n Du rin g
S te a m In je ctio n
Cu rre n t Con ce n tra tio n
L o g S cale
4/03, [T CDD(e q v)] = 280 p g /L
S te a m P o st S te a m
In je ctio n Inje ctio n
6/2000 - En d o f
S te a m In je ctio n
Dec -96 Dec -97 Dec -98 Dec -99 Dec -00 Dec -01 Dec -02 Dec -03
B.3.2.3. The B(a)P and dioxins data indicate that these parameters do not adversely impact
the groundwater in the vicinity of the “compliance point.” During 3 years of active steam
injection cycles and the subsequent 3 years of post-steaming activities, these organic chemical
species have not been detected at concentrations, which exceed the Remediation Standards.
B.3.2.4. In reviewing the quality of the groundwater pumped from the “source area” (see
Figures B-3, B-4, and B-5), it becomes evident there was a considerable mobilization of PCP,
B(a)P, and Dioxins occurred during steam injection cycles.
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B.3.2.5. The highest recorded initial PCP concentration (1300 µg/L) in the groundwater has
been reduced to a concentration below the method detection limit (ND @ < 1 µg/L). Since
December 2000, there has been one time period in which the level of PCP in the groundwater
was assayed in concentrations above the Remediation Standard. During this event (~ Dec.
2000), a cluster of assays recorded concentrations above the detection limit, however, only two
the results were recorded above the remediation standard (1.3 µg/L and 2.1 µg/L, respectively).
Since 12 December 2001 all assays results were reported at concentrations below the regulatory
limit (1.0 µg/L). The two data points above the detection limit in early 2003 were measured at
concentrations about 0.7 µg/L.
B.3.2.6. Pumping of S-14i still produces groundwater with B(a)P concentrations in excess
of the regulatory limit of 0.2 µg/L. However, looking at the body of this data, it becomes clear
that thermal treatment of the groundwater matrix in the vicinity of S-14 has resulted in a
measurable improvement in quality in term of B(a)P. The B(a)P concentration has steady
decreased from a maximum of 880 to 2 µg/L.
B.3.2.7. The same conclusion drawn for B(a)P concentrations in S-14i can be made for the
Dioxins concentrations represented in Graph 6. The highest dioxin concentration was measured
in excess of 160,000 µg/l. The groundwater dioxin content has progressively reduced in mass to
the current measured amount of 280 pg/L.
B.3.2.8. Observations over the past 60 months of the groundwater quality in other wells
located at the site suggests B(a)P and Dioxins have not been mobilized to any degree beyond the
original source area. The observations may not be entirely representative, however, the in the
ensuing time period since the project initiation, the empirical observations of the groundwater
quality have produced encouraging results and achieving the stated goals appears to be certain.
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B.3.3. Future Objectives. The compliance plan negotiated with the California EPA -
Department of Toxic Substances Control calls for the demonstration of compliance at a point
along the western boundary of the Visalia Pole Yard property. The “compliance point” will be
three dedicated monitoring wells, which are scheduled for completion by 3rd quarter of 2003.
Upon completion of these wells, SCE will enter into a regulatory demonstration phase to show
compliance with the remediation standards as listed above. The details of the monitoring
program and data reduction methods have yet to be determined and subsequently approved by
B.3.3.1. The EW-4 groundwater quality continues to improve, and as of May 2003, meets
all of the regulatory objectives. Upon completion of the monitoring wells, SCE will continue
with monthly assays of each of the wells. A representative data-base will be collected and a final
decision will be made to discontinue the operation of the Visalia Water Treatment Plant. The
water treatment plant will held in a “wet” standby status to insure a “back-up” remedy is
available. The duration of the standby status of the water treatment plant has yet to be
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28 Aug 09
Target Chemicals gasoline creosote, PCP JP-5 TCE, diesel, motor TCE chlorinated TCE, TCA TCE, Mineral Fuel Oil
oil solvents spirits
Geology sand, gravel, silt sand, silt and silt and clay fill, silty sand and sand, gravel silt and clay (K10-5 Fine sand, silt and Clay till with sand Sand
and clay (K=2E-4 sand/silt mixture (shallow); sand clay (K=5E-3 cm/sec), to 10-5 cm/s) clay (Clay Till – and gravel seams
to 5E-2 cm/sec) (high pumping (deeper, K=4E-3 to and shale 10-9 cm/s; sand and
rates suggest K 1E-2 cm/sec) Gravel 10-3 cm/s)
approx. 1E-1
Treated Depth 70 to 155 80 to 100 10 to 20 3 to 10 <20 0 to 5 (est.) 5 to 21 ft 5 to 80 ft 5 to 18 ft
Interval (ft, BGS)
Pumping Rate 350 to 400 gpm 260 scfm for vapor, 8-15 gpm water, 3-5 8-
(water/vapor groundwater, 2500 9 gpm for liquid 100-500 scfm gpm/250cfm/300lb 10gpm/350cfm/450
steam) scfm vapor vapors /hr lb/hr
Number of Wells 23 (incl. 6 steam 48 (11 injection, 8 31 (incl. 11 7 24 wells + 23 7 ~115 well points, ~120 gcombined
injection wells, 3 extraction, 29 ERT injection/extraction injection/extraction sample boleholes 15 thermistor, 96 vapor and GW
electrical heating and thermocouple ) wells, 16 well clusters, 11 steam inj., 115 recovery) 90 steam
wells, 3 extraction temperature thermocouple vapor, 15 sampling injection, 120
wells, 1 SVE well, monitoring wells, wells, 11 sampling wells vapor, 8
and 10 MWs) and 4 sample wells thermocouple, gw
boreholes) extraction doubled
as sampling
Well Spacing (ft) 25 57 17 <11 22 3.4 22 22
EM 1110-1-4015
28 Aug 09
Lucent Communication
Lemoore NAS, Alameda NAS, DOE, Solvent Services, Technologies, Systems, Amoco
Site LLNL Gas Pad Visalia Pole Yard CA CA Portsmouth, Ohio San Jose, CA Skokie, IL Northlake, IL Minneapolis, MN
# Wells per Acre 70 14 155 >362 94 3,860 70 70
Mass Removed 115,000 lbs 1.3 million lb total >600 gals est. as approx. 80% >146 kg >38,000 lbs >33,000 lbs
-- 1 million lb in of initial mass; 828
first 1.5 yr; 0.3 lb.
million lb in next
1.5 yr
Volume Removed 7,600 gals gasoline 78,500 - 98,000 6.5 million liters of
gal? (conflicting water extracted
Groundwater several thousands >20,000 ppm <= 970 ppm TCE up to 8 ft of Up to 3 ft of
Concentration ppb benzene DNAPL measured DNAPL measured
(Initial) in wells in wells
Groundwater CA MCLS: 1 ppb IL Class II IL Class II
Concentration benzene; 680 ppb
(Remediation ethyl benzene;
Target) 1,750 total xylenes
Groundwater 200-300 ppb <=2,300 ppb total >20,000 ppm IL Class II IL Class II, one
Concentration benzene creosote area exceeded
(Final) compounds
Soil 5,100 ppm 89,200 mg/kg max. 1,600 approx. max. >1,000 ppm
Soil 20,000 mg/kg max. 450 mg/kg approx. IL Residential
Concentration max. Criteria
Concentration In 1,100 ppm total 50-600 lbs/hr vapor
Extracted Vapor organics per well giving a
total average 2,500
Concentration In 10% of solubility >7.8% JP5 (based
Extracted on 0.76 gpm JP5
Condensate and 8.95 gpm
Temperature > 200 oF 280 o F max (avg. 100-140 oF in most max. approx. 107 80 - 105o C Soil - 84 to 104oF,
Achieved 140oF) extraction wells o
C Groundwater - 68
to 165oF
EM 1110-1-4015
28 Aug 09
Lucent Communication
Lemoore NAS, Alameda NAS, DOE, Solvent Services, Technologies, Systems, Amoco
Site LLNL Gas Pad Visalia Pole Yard CA CA Portsmouth, Ohio San Jose, CA Skokie, IL Northlake, IL Minneapolis, MN
Electrical Power
Additional Dynamic Some soil still No reduction in JP- 4 co-located, pre- Downward Enhanced Enhanced
Findings Underground contaminated 5 conc. in sat'd. and post-treatment mobilization bioactivity bioactivity
Stripping (DUS) below treatment zone; vapor soil samples in observed, post- achieved achieved
=steam zone. Continuing condensation incr. "most contam. treatment conc. in
flushing+electric to pump and treat conc. in previously zone." results: 1 underlying low
heating+electric and sparge without clean areas of decr. by 60%, 2 permeability zone
resistance SVE. unsat. zone. incr., 1 NC. higher than pre-
tomography (ERT) treatment conc.
Total Cost (U.S. $10.4 million $22.5 million $6.2 million $8M $4.9M
Cost/Unit Volume $230/cy $197/cy >$390/cy $100/cy $15/cy
(U.S. dollar/cubic
Total Cost (U.S. Est. future cost
dollar, Vendor $6.4 million for
Estimate) "same site"
Cost/Unit Volume $140/cy
(U.S. dollar/cubic
yard, Vendor
Vendor LLNL/UCB Steam Tech UCB/OHM Steam Tech Steam Tech SIVE Services ENSR ENSR SIVE
Environmental Environmental Environmental
Services Services Services
Vendor Lucent Lucent
Comments/Status Technologies/Bell Technologies/Bell
Laboratories Patent Laboratories Patent
Owner LLNL Southern U.S. Navy U.S. Navy DOE Lucent AG
California Edison Technologies Communication
EM 1110-1-4015
28 Aug 09
Lucent Communication
Lemoore NAS, Alameda NAS, DOE, Solvent Services, Technologies, Systems, Amoco
Site LLNL Gas Pad Visalia Pole Yard CA CA Portsmouth, Ohio San Jose, CA Skokie, IL Northlake, IL Minneapolis, MN
Owner Comments Craig Eaker (SCE): No Further No Further
two of six Remediation Remediation
monitoring wells Determination Determination
remain above received from from IEPA.
cleanup goal. IEPA. Achieved Achieved Tier 3
Thinks two years Teir 1 Criteria - no Criteria. Site
of pump & treat rebound, no redeveloped into
plus sparging may ongoing warehouse
clean them up monitoring. Site distribution center
"enough." has been with soft drink
Believes redeveloped into bottling operations.
compliance point movie cinema. Ongoing
may be approx. 1/2 monitoring
mile off site.
Thinks K=1.0E-3
cm/sec would be
lower limit of
steam feasibility.
EM 1110-1-4015
28 Aug 09
Example Checklists
C.1.3. Bench/Pilot Test Data. May include some or all of the following, depending on site.
Confirm successful application of ISTD
Select target treatment temperature
Predict vapor stream contaminants and loading
Determine acid neutralization/buffering capacity
Evaluate potential coke formation
C.1.4. Simulation Results (where applicable). May include some or all of the following,
depending on site.
Verify selected target treatment temperature
Verify vapor stream contaminants and loading projections
Project duration of heating
Recommend well spacing and well field pattern
Recommend per well power input
Evaluate coke formation and suggest preventative/corrective measures
Determine adjustments/modifications required to address edge effects
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EM 1110-1-4015
28 Aug 09
C.1.10. Cost
Estimate material costs
Estimate construction costs
Estimate operating costs, including supplemental fuel for oxidizer and electricity
Estimate decontamination and decommissioning costs
Compare projected costs with budget allowance
C.2.2. Grid
Is the horizontal grid size or node spacing small enough to provide proper definition of
heat flow, fluid flow, and steam-zone propagation between electrodes, injection wells,
and extraction wells?
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Is the layer thickness or vertical node spacing small enough to allow proper definition of
steam override, saturation changes in the vadose zone, stratigraphic layers, soil caps, and
vapor collectors?
If a variable node-spacing is used, is each increase in node spacing limited to 50% of the
adjacent smaller node spacing?
C.2.3. Boundaries
Are the lateral boundaries distant enough to prevent the boundary conditions from
constraining modeled stresses within the treatment zone?
Do the boundaries properly represent influences of lateral features such as barrier walls
or shorelines?
Does the upper model boundary accurately simulate the effects of atmospheric pressure
and temperature?
If the model simulates only a portion of a well field or array, are the boundaries properly
aligned with axes of symmetry (fluid flow divides)?
Does the lower model boundary accurately reflect recharge from or discharge into
aquifers below the treatment zone?
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Does the model utilize appropriate thermal coefficients for the anticipated temperature
range? Heat capacity and conductivity can both vary as much as 50% between ambient
and operating temperatures.
Are representative pressure-saturation-permeability relationships used for the site soils.
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28 Aug 09
Example Table of Contents for Operations Manual
1.1 Site Description
1.2 Process Description
1.3 Intent of O&M Manual
1.4 Overview of O&M Manual
2.1 Organization Chart
2.2 Vendor Phone List
2.3 Client/Facility Contact List
4.1 In situ Heating System
4.2 Piping Manifolds and Insertion Heaters
4.3 Cyclone Separator
4.4 Thermal Oxidizer
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28 Aug 09
5.1 Overview
5.2 Pre-Start Safety Orientation
5.3 Pre-Start Checklists
5.4 Testing, Balancing, Commissioning
5.4.1 Test System Components for Proper Operation
5.4.2 Test Off-Gas Treatment System Piping for Leaks
5.4.3 System Startup
5.5 Seismic Bracing (if required)
6.1 Overview
6.2 Daily Operations Review
6.3 Outdoor Lighting (optional)
6.4 Process Monitoring and Control
6.4.1 Temperature and Pressure Monitoring Instruments
6.4.2 Pipe Manifold Insertion Heaters
6.4.3 Thermal Oxidizer (if required)
6.4.4 Heat Exchanger
6.4.5 Fume Reheater/Dehumidifier (if required)
6.4.6 Carbon Beds
6.4.7 Main Blowers
6.4.8 Instrument Air Compressor
6.5 Performance Monitoring
6.5.1 Well Field Temperature and Pressure Monitoring
6.5.2 Process System Performance Monitoring
6.5.3 Toxic Emissions Monitoring (e.g., CO, THC, O2, Opacity)
6.5.4 Dust and Odor Monitoring
6.6 General Record Keeping
6.6.1 Personnel Training and Qualifications
6.6.2 Log Books
6.6.3 Electronic Data Back-up
6.7 Monitoring Groundwater Elevations
6.8 Unit Shutdown Procedure
6.9 Emergency Shutdown Policy and Procedure
6.10 Unit Restart Procedure
6.11 Job Shutdown Procedure
7.1 Overview
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8.1 Overview
8.2 In Situ Heating Maintenance
8.3 Maintenance of Vacuum Piping and Manifolds
8.4 Maintenance of Insertion Heaters
8.5 Maintenance of Process Trailers
8.5.1 Cyclone Separator
8.5.2 Thermal Oxidizer
8.5.3 Gas Rack
8.5.4 Heat Exchanger and Cool Air Blower
8.5.5 Carbon Adsorbers
8.5.6 Control Room
8.5.7 Air Compressor
8.5.8 Process Skid Piping System
8.5.9 CEM Samplers
8.5.10 CEM Instrumentation
8.6 Seismic Bracing (if required)
8.7 Emergency Generator and Automatic Transfer Switch
8.8 Natural Gas Supply Line and Appurtenances
8.9 Weekly and Monthly Inspection Checklists
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Appendix A: Checklists
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Acronyms and Abbreviations
AC alternating current
AIME American Institute of Mining Engineers
AQC Air Quality Control
ARAR Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Requirements
ASIL ambient source impact level
BACT best available control technology
bgs below ground surface
BTU British Thermal Unit
CEGS Corps of Engineers Guide Specification (now superseded by UFGS)
CEM Continuous Emission Monitoring
CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation Liability Act
cfm cubic feet per minute
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
COC compound (contaminant or constituent) of concern
cy cubic yard
DAF dissolved air flotation
dB decibels
dBA time weighted average decibel reading
DCE (cis or trans)-1,2-dichloroethane
DNAPL dense non-aqueous phase liquid
DNT 2,4 and 2,6-dinitrotoluene
DO dissolved oxygen
DOE Department of Energy
DTS Distributed Temperature Sensors
DTW depth to water
DUS Dynamic Underground Stripping
EM Engineer Manual
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
ER Engineer Regulation
ERH electrical resistivity heating (three or six phase)
ERT Electrical Resistance Tomography
FID flame Ionization detector
FOA Field Operating Activities
GAC granular activated carbon
GC gas chromatograph
GC/MS gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer
gpm gallons per minute
GW groundwater
HDPE high density polyurethane
HMX octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine
HPO hydrous purolysis oxidation
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