Write A Short Note On Aristotle

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Write a short note on Aristotle’s views on

Aristotle developed the idea of citizenship and restored the problem of citizenship to the
center of political discussion. Citizenship has’been a persistent social human need. It is as old
as settled human community. It defines those who are and who are not member of a common
society. The social and political ties, which hold an individual in community with his fellows,
is the essence of citizenship. It is a relationship between the individual and the state by which
the former owes allegiance and the later gives protection. The concept of citizenship was
invented by the Greeks and has been defined, redefined and reinvented during the last 2500
years by Romans and the modern nation-state.

The population of Greek city-states was divided into citizens, slaves, women, foreign resident
and plebeians. Aristotle held the view that man is a political animal and he could reach the
full potential of his life and personality only by participation in the affairs of the polis. Hence,
the question was who could participate and who could not. For Aristotle, citizens was man
who enjoys the right of sharing in deliberative of judicial office. Before discussing who is a
citizen, Aristotle clarifies what citizenship is not. He said that mere residence in the polis
does not make a persons a citizen-aliens and slaves reside along with citizens in the same

According to Aristotle, this can be different in different governments such as monarchy,

oligarchy or democracy. But nowhere this power is given to slaves, women, and foreign
residents. Aristotle also excluded manual and menial workers from the pale of citizenship.
And he had solid reasons for this. According to him, participation in the deliberative and
judicial functions of the state demands a high degree of moral and intellectual excellence,
which he termed as ‘virtue’. This is not found in all the inhabitants of the state. The slaves are
not a citizen because they do not have deliberative faculty. Women are not citizen because
they do not possess virtues worth of citizens. The resident aliens cannot be citizen because
they are the citizens of other city-state. The mechanics and laborers are not citizens because
they lead an ignoble life.

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