Journalism Es1

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Yellow Journalism Today

Words: 1442 Pages: 5 7819

The word ‘Yellow Journalism’ was first heard in the 1890s to describe the methods and styles
used by Joseph Pulitzer concerning the New York City newspaper. His competitor in the field
of print media was William Randolph Hearst. Both authors were covering the exclamations
of the war that created a lot of alarm among the people. They used powerful words on their
headlines such as glory, slaughter, and death on the front page whenever possible to create
curiosity and interest. […]

Topics: Communication, Journalism, Mass Media, News, Yellow Journalism

Social Media Addiction Essay

Words: 1037 Pages: 3 17118

“78.8% of traditional media reporters polled used social media to check for breaking news.”
Social media has a huge impact on society today and is one of the best ways to stay updated.
It has become a part of our everyday life. Nothing spreads information faster than social
media. Social helps many people stay updated on real world situations. It has changed the
way the world interacts with people and lets us use many useful tools, Twitter, Instagram,
Facebook, Snapchat, […]

Topics: Addiction, Communication, Crime, , Facebook, News, Social Media, Social

Social Media and Politics. Democracy

Words: 1040 Pages: 3 8883

The social media age has completely dominated current day society. This time twenty years
ago, information simply could not be accessed and spread in the instantaneous manner it is
now. Social media has done great things for democracy: access to social media aids in
obtaining educational information, increases voter activity, and it also promotes collectivity.
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Topics: Bias, Democracy, Facebook, News, Social Media

Corporate Monopolization of Media Ownership Represents a Threat to Democracy

Words: 2188 Pages: 7 4096

Everywhere throughout the country, nearby media outlets are losing their autonomy. Since
loose controls on media proprietorship opened the entryway for a progression of corporate
buyouts and mergers, a contracting number of companies have unbalanced impact over the
stories and suppositions heard by a larger part of Americans. This has upsetting results for
our majority rule arrangement of administration, which works best when individuals have
precise data alongside access to an assortment of perspectives on essential issues. Need a
custom […]

Topics: Democracy, News

News and Democracy in Different Media Systems

Words: 2919 Pages: 10 4780

Many decades ago, Siebert, Peterson, and Schramm (1959) posed a question related to the
concepts of the press and its role in society, “Why is the press as it is? Why does it apparently
serve different purposes and appear in widely different forms in different countries?” The
answers to these questions led the authors to present the Authoritarian, the Soviet communist,
the Libertarian, and the Social Responsibility models, which explain what the press should be
and do in different countries. […]

Topics: Communication, Democracy, Freedom Of Speech, Journalism, Mass Media, News,

Policy, Social Media
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Wake up its 1984 again

Words: 927 Pages: 3 4802

War is peace; freedom is slavery; ignorance is strength In the book 1984 by George Orwell,
Big brother is an omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent dictator of Oceania. Big Brother
symbolizes the face of the Party and its public manifestation, which controlled people’s
thoughts, actions, knowledge and way of living. By using secret police, surveillance, torture,
propaganda, misinformation, and corrupted languages to control all aspects of one’s life.
Even though the book was meant to be fictional, there is some elements […]

Topics: Facebook, George Orwell, George Orwells 1984, News, Social Media, Surveillance

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