New Exam Field Study 1 & 2
New Exam Field Study 1 & 2
New Exam Field Study 1 & 2
1. Teacher Rose believes that students need to not know the intended learning outcomes of
her lesson. She proceeds to her learning activities at once without letting them know that
they are supposed to learn for the day. Which principle of learning does Teacher Rose
negate? – Effective learning begins with setting clear expectations and learning
2. Teacher Lil avoids drills out of context. She gives real-world Math problems for students
to drill on. Teacher Lil is very much convinced of which principle of learning? –
Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning of ideas.
3. For meaningful teaching and learning, it is best to connect the lesson to the life of
students by integrating a relevant value in the lesson. Which principle is applied? –
Lesson objectives/intended learning outcomes must integrate 2 or 3 domains –
cognitive, skills and affective or skill and affective.
4. Teacher Ruben wanted his students to rate their own work using the scoring rubric which
he explained to the class before the students began with their task. Based on revised
Bloom’s Taxonomy, in which level of cognitive processing are the students? –
5. You are required to formulate your own philosophy of education in the course, The
Teaching Profession. Based on Bloom’s revised Taxonomy, in which level of cognitive
processing are you? – Creating.
6. Learning is an active process. Which is one application of this principle? – Let students
learn the steps in opening a computer by making them follow the steps.
7. The more senses that are involved, the more and the better the learning. Which practice is
aligned with this principle? – Invite parents as resource speakers in class.
8. In OBTL, upon which should my assessment be based? – Teaching and learning
9. Which type of question will least promote interaction among students? - Divergent.
10.To obtain well-thought-out answers, which questioning behavior helps? – Asking open-
ended question.
11.Mrs. Inton is evaluating a website for her Literature class. She is making sure that factual
pieces of information found on the site are well-documented, and pictures and diagrams
are properly labeled. She is also checking that there are no misspelled words nor
grammar errors. Which criterion is she focusing on? – Accuracy.
12.Mrs. Castro is evaluating an early literacy app for her kindergarteners. She is making sure
the app is uncluttered in appearance, is arranged in some order of difficulty, and that
icons represent what they were intended to represent. Which criterion is she focusing on?
– Accuracy.
13.Miss Tanada is evaluating an app for her Grade 8 Science class. She is finding out
whether the app taps the skills found in the Grade 8 standards to ensure that this app will
help meet her objectives. She wants to make sure it is not too easy nor too difficult for
her students. Which criterion is she focusing on? – Organization.
14.A Science Teacher uses a PowerPoint presentation to show the classification in kingdom
Animalia. The teacher then teaches them how to use a software in making graphic
organizers. Students then use this to create their own graphic organizers to classify
animals. This shows technology integration which is ___? – Adoption-constructive.
15.Teacher A how to demonstrates how to work with a math app that provides practice in
adding mixed fractions. The students then work independently with the app to provide
them sufficient practice in adding mixed fractions. This shows technology integration
which is ____? – Entry-active.
16.A Grade 7 Social Studies teacher gave a project where her class in Manila will work
together with other Grade 7 classes in their school campuses in Visayas and Mindanao.
They will create posters and a video clip to communicate a message about piece. They
will use social media to spread their peace campaign. This project involves technology
integration which is ____? – Transformation-constructive.
20.MOOCs are considered massive because ____? – They can accommodate a big
number of learners.
21.MOOCs are open because ____? – Courses can be accessed by anyone anywhere as
long as they are connected to the internet.
22.MOOCs are considered as a course because ____? – They have a guide or a syllabus
that indicates content, objectives, activities and assessment.
23.The primary purpose of assessment is to ensure learning. Which assessments are referred
to? – I and II.
24.Research shows that when students help develop questions for an assessment, and have a
deeper understanding of what they are expected to learn before they take the assessment,
they take a greater responsibility of their own learning. Which assessment is referred to?
– A. Assessment As Learning.
25.DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015 states, “Assessment is a processed that used to keep track of
learners’ progress in relation to learning standards…, to promote self-reflection and
personal accountability among students about their own learning… Which are referred to
by the DepEd memo? – I and II.
26.You check for understanding in the midst of your lesson. In which form/s of assessment
are you engaged? – b. Assessment for learning.
27.Assessment FOR learning is ongoing assessment that allows teachers to monitor students
on a day-to-day basis and modify their teaching based on what the students need to be
successful. Is this statement true? - Yes.
28.It develops and supports students’ metacognitive skills. Which is referred to? – A.
Assessment as learning.
31.Which practices are required for assessment as learning to be effective? – I, II, III, IV
and V.
32.In which type of assessment are students are expected to go beyond completing the tasks
assigned to them by their teacher and so students move from the passive learners to active
owners of their own learning? – A. Assessment as learning.
33.Which assessment is likened to tasting the soup while in the process of cooking the soup?
– B. Assessment for learning.
34.Here is a learning outcome: describe a person by the use of a metaphor here is the test
item: Describe a classmate or teacher by way of metaphor. Is the test item aligned to the
learning outcome? – Yes.
35.Learning outcome: Conduct an investigation to prove that plans can manufacture their
own food. The test: Can plants manufacture their own food? Explain your answer. Is the
test item aligned to the learning outcome? – No.
36.Learning outcome: Demonstrate the inductive method of teaching Test: Outline the steps
of the inductive method of teaching. Is the test aligned to the learning outcome? – No.
37.Which assessment task is aligned to this learning outcome: Compute the mean if the
scores are 50, 50, 50, 48, 47, 46, 44, 43, 43, 42, 41, 40. – What is the mean of 50, 50,
50, 48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43, 43, 42, 41, 40.
38.Learning outcome: To observe subject-verb agreement as one speaks. Test: Give the
correct form of the verb. 1. Dogs (howls) 2. A cat (meow) 3. Birds (fly). Is the test
aligned to the learning outcome? – No. is the lesson objective/intended learning outcome: “illustrate the law of supply and
demand with your original concrete example”. For content validity, which test item is
aligned? – Define the law of supply and demand and illustrate it with an example.
40.Teacher B wrote this learning outcome: “To a given quotation.” For content validity
which should she ask? – Interpret Nietzsche’s statement: “He who has a why to live
for can bear with almost any how.”
41.After teaching them the process of experimenting, Teacher J wanted his students to be
able set up an experiment to find an answer to a scientific problem. Which will he ask his
students to do? – Set up and experiment to find out if aerial plants can also live on
43.Which assessment task is aligned to the learning outcome given below? – Here are 5 test
items. Evaluate them on the basis of established guidelines in test construction.
47.In a multiple choice type of test, one option among 4 was not chosen by any examinee.
What is TRUE of that option. – Implausible.
48.The students were at the loss as to what answer to give a completion type of test since
there were so many blanks. Which is TRUE of the test item? – Over mutilated.
49.To pinpoint which part of the lesson needs more explanation, which scoring rubric can
help? – I only.
50.I want to know how skilled the students have become in research report. Which
assessment task will be valid? – Make students write the research REPORT.
51.I want to get a global view of a student’s performance. Which rubric is most fit? –
52.Which can prove the students are now capable of sewing after a 200-hour course? –
Presentation of a product they have sewn.
53.Which is the most reliable way of determining whether or not the student can now dance
tango? – Performance test.
56.I need to prove that I have fully developed the skill at writing a research report. Which
type of portfolio is MOST APPROPRIATE? – c. development portfolio
57.Which portfolio can prove that an improvement has taken place in the way students
pronounce words? – showcase portfolio
58.I want to know if my students can now focus the microscope properly. With which
portfolio am I concerns? – showcase portfolio
60.Formulate a 5-item imperfect matching type of test, is a test item in the level of which
cognitive process? – Creating
61.Which one demonstrate self-system thinking? – Ask the question “What has this lesson
to do with me?
62.Paraphrase the first stanza of Rizal’s “My Last Farewell” calls for ____? –
63.How would you rate students’ ability to reason out logically is a question to test students’
ability to ____? – do self-system thinking
64.In Teacher R’s Table of Specification (TOS), 60 percent of the 1 st grading test items are
applying questions based on Bloom’s Taxonomy. A review of her test shows that 50%
are remembering item, 20% are analyzing questions and 30% are applying questions. Is
Teacher’s test aligned with her TOS? – No.
67.In a TOS, the number of hours spent on a learning outcome determines the number of test
items to be asked. Is this CORRECT? – Yes.
69.“It’s just not fair. I studied everything we discussed in class about the Philippines and the
things she made a big deal about, like comparing the Philippines And to think all she
asked was “What’s the capital of Singapore? What does the conversation imply about the
kind of test they took? – Lacks content validity.
70.Which is the percentage contribution of quarterly assessment to the grade of the student
from Grades 1 to 10? – 20%.
71.Does quarterly assessment have the same percentage weights for all the subjects, for all
the tracks in Grades 11 to 12? – No.
72.Which is the percentage contribution of written work to the grade of the Grade 1-10
student in Science and Math? – 40%.
73.In MAPEH and TLE, which contribute/s heaviest to the student grade? – Performance
74.Based on percentage contribution to the grade, what can be inferred from the DepEd’s
emphasis on learning and assessment? – The emphasis for all Grades 1-10 subjects is
on performance task.
75.A student gets a numerical grade of 80. What is his descriptor for his level of
proficiency? – Satisfactory.
79.How is the final grade per subject for Grades 11 and 12 obtained? – Get the average of
the grades for the 2 Quarters.
82.At the end of the school year, which is/are TRUE of grades? – I, II and III.
83.Who is retained in the same grade level for Grades 1 to 10? Any students who did not
meet expectations ____? – In three or more learning areas.
84.What happens when a student in Grade 1 to 10 did not meet expectations in two learning
areas? – Promoted to the next grade level after passing remedial classes for learning
areas with failing mark.
90.What must be done to make grades meaningful? – Interpret grades against standards.
93.What statement is TRUE about the spirituality of the teacher? – III only.
94.What could be the best practice of a professional teacher? – Utilizes knowledge of the
learners’ characteristic while teaching.
95.The saying goes, “Many are called, but few are chosen.” How is this directly related to
teachers? – There are many teachers but few are qualified.
96.Anywhere in the world, when you embrace teaching as a professional, you should be
prepared to do _____? – I only.
97.Quality teacher is equipped with personal qualities and attributes that go beyond ordinary
that is why in the Philippines he/she is described as _____? – My Teacher, My Hero.
98.Which one of these descriptors exemplifies a global teacher? – Teacher who teaches in
the community but quality of teaching meets global standards.
100. The new type of teachers in the 21st century are those who are? – II only.
101. In its vision and mission statements, DepEd wants to develop learners…” whose
values and competencies enable them to realize their full potential… “On which
philosophical of education is this mission statement anchored? – Essentialism.
102. Based on the DepEd’s mission statement, “quality basic education mean that
students learn in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe and motivating environment”.
This implies that DepEd believes that environment affects learning. Which philosophy of
education is this? – Behaviorism.
103. Field Study 1 which primarily observation of classes and teachers, is based on
which philosophy of education? – Empiricism.
104. The inclusion of logic and critical thinking as subjects in the curriculum is an
offshoot of which philosophy? – Rationalism.
105. It’s Valentines’ Day. The lesson is a part of human digestive system – the stomach.
Students bargain with teacher and ask if they ca discuss the heart in place in the stomach.
Teacher responds “Let’s talk about the stomach which is the lesson for today then go to
the heart when we are done with stomach. Based on philosophies of education, which is
TRUE of teacher? – Is essentialist in the sense that she sticked to the subject matter
for the day and progressivist since she also considered student’s interest.
106. What do the DepEd vision and mission statements and core values imply about
Philippine Educational system? – I, II and III.
107. For a lesson on developing classifying skills, instead of making students bring
objects to classify, teacher considers it most practical to simply use the students’ body
parts like kinds of ear lobes, kinds of hair line or a lesson on classifying. On which
philosophy is teacher’s practice anchored? – Empiricism.
108. the history of curriculum development in the Philippines shows reduction of units
in the humanities but an increase in the natural and physical sciences. On which thought
is this action based? – Utilitarianism.
109. These are number of laws in the Philippines requiring the teaching of subject
matter such as taxation and agrarian reform, etc. This proves the school must bring about
reform in society. On which philosophy of education is this based? – Reconstructionism.
110. Teacher makes use of moral dilemmas to enable students to make a stand in moral
issues. Which word CORRECTLY applies to teacher’s teaching practice? –
Field Study 2 (Episode 9-19)
2. Why is there a need to make the classroom management plan clear and simple? – For
students to understand and follow easily.
3. Why is there a need to have a classroom structure/layout? – For the safety and security
of the students.
4. When is the best time to make the classroom management/remote plan? – At the
beginning of the school year.
5. Which is the element of the classroom management/remote plan must be given more
emphasis? – Classroom Design, Structure and Arrangement.
9. Which is considered high order thinking skills in the given questions? – How do we take
care of plants?
10.Which of these objectives does NOT belong to the group? – Give the moral lesson of
the story.
12.In which of the lesson does the learner give examples to connect to the broader aspects of
life? – Application.
14.Which of the following principles of learning applies when students’ age is considered in
presenting concepts and ideas in the lessons? – Law of readiness.
15.Which part of the lesson is referred to when students give similarities and differences in
the concepts presented? – Comparison and Abstraction.
16.The Dale Cone of Experience can help a teacher be mindful of the choice of resources or
instructional materials in terms of___? – Extent of being concrete or abstract.
17.Miss Violo told the story of the Giving Tree in her toddler class. She used the book itself
to show the illustration to the two-year-olds and showed all thirty pages of the book. Miss
Violo struggle just to finish the book because the toddlers were not focusing. Some lay on
the floor stretching; other ran around the room. Which criterion did she fail to consider in
choosing a material? – Developmental appropriateness.
18.For a team on careers, Mr. Menggay let his students watch interview clips of successful
people in business who were all males. The clips seemed to send a message that only men
succeed in the business field. Mr. Menggay did have any follow-up discussion on the
clips. Which criterion in selecting resources/materials should the teacher have
considered? – Inclusive and free of cultural bias.
19.Which of the following gives the learners the most concrete experience? – Watching a
Theater Play on the Death March.
20.A teacher should consider all these criteria for choosing a resource or materials,
EXCEPT: - Is the most expensive therefore the most durable.
21.An application (app) can be described by all of the following, EXCEPT, - All need to be
used online.
22.Teacher Ruth is excited to try this preschool math app with her kindergarten students.
She is happy because it has a feature where she can review how each child performed and
give her information about which skills she needs to reinforce more and which skills the
children have already mastered. Teacher Ruth has considered which criteria for selecting
apps? – Instructional design.
23.Ms. Peralta found two apps that were both appropriate for high school students taking
Physics. They both have assessment and feedback and were quite enjoyable to play. She
can use both on a free but limited arrangement but need to choose one that the school will
purchase for premium use. She eventually selected the one that linked Physics with
everyday life like Physics and the Internet or Physics in amusement park rides. She based
her decision on which criteria for selecting apps? – Motivation.
24.From among several apps that focused on grammar, Ms. Tayag chose the one which
helped learners gain mastery through games where players earn tokens when they
succeed. Which criteria did Ms. Tayag consider? – Motivation.
25.The Pedagogy Wheel can help teachers choose apps by all, EXCEPT, - It helps teachers
identify apps for different grade level of the learners.
26.Mr. Mahusay is ensuring using polling feature of the LMS as a strategy to increase
participation of his students in their lesson on qualities of national leaders. He is utilizing
his___? – Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK).
27.Ms. Del Rosario is careful to match the learning outcomes with the content and activities
she is going to do. She also sees to it that the assessment measures the attainment of the
learning outcomes. She is using her___? – Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK).
28.Ms. Juan is utilizing the feature of the LMS to provide regular information updates on the
topic she and her students are exploring. She is using___? – Technological Content
Knowledge (TCK).
29.All are true about learning management system, EXCEPT, - Microsoft office is an
example of this.
30.Through the LMS, the teacher can do the following tasks, EXCEPT, - Meet students
face to face.
31.During an online synchronous class, Ms. Bonifacio greets her students cheerfully. She
allows time for the students to know more about their classmates through interesting
polls. She also provides opportunities for the students work together and collaborate. She
uses the reaction buttons, smiley, heart, or clap to appreciate the students’ effort and
excitement to participate. She was able to attain which essential element? – Social
32.During two-hour online synchronous class, the Science teacher taught about centripetal
and centrifugal forces. She did not introduce the learning goals for the session. She
shared on screen the first Powerpoint she found on the internet and lectured about the
topic to the students with out engaging them to participate. They were passive the whole
time. Some students turned off their cameras. She ended the class with a quiz on the
topic. The teacher did NOT effectively demonstrate which essential element? – Teaching
33.The topic on the online synchronous session for the day was how the Philippines will
attain herd immunity from Covid 19 the fastest way. After introducing the topic, the
teacher explained to the students one learning outcome which for them to analyze the
current situational factors that may impede and hasten the Philippines’ goal of attaining
herd immunity. Another learning outcome was for students to articulate suggestions on
how the Philippines will succeed on this goal. The teacher provided readings ahead of
time and also placed the links on the chatbox. She allotted time for the students to go to
the small group meeting rooms she arranged on the web conferencing app for discussion.
Later, students went back to the big group, and student actively shared their outputs. The
teacher fostered which essential element? – Cognitive presence.
36.Assessment for learning refers to assessment that teachers give during instruction to
ensure that the intended learning outcomes are attained. Is the statement true – Yes.
37.A student monitors his own progress in relation to learning targets which he has set for
himself. Under which type/s of assessment does this fall? – Assessment as learning.
38.To finally determine how well students have attained the learning outcomes by grading,
in which type of assessment/s is teacher engaged? – Assessment of learning.
39.To ensure attainment of learning outcomes, which can teacher do in the process of
instruction? – Do peer tutorial.
40.Which is/are most likely the effect/s of self-assessment and formative assessment? – I
41.Teacher C made her students write a paragraph about their favorite food to check their
ability to pronounce words correctly, her intended learning outcome. Is the assessment
task aligned with the assessment task? – No.
42.Here is an intended learning outcome: “To illustrate the principle of law and demand with
a concrete example.” Which assessment task is aligned with the learning outcome? –
Give a concrete example of illustrate the principle of law and demand.
46.In a test, Teacher A set a score of at least 48 out of 50 as the criterion of mastery or
success: in 2 sections of 100 students, 30 got a score of 48, 10 got a score of 49, 5 got a
score of 50 but all the rest scored from 10 to 47.Which conclusion can b derived? – 45%
met the stablished criterion of mastery.
47.Nachielle, A Grade 5 pupil, got the following scores in Filipino for the first grading
period: 1) Written work – 40/50; 2) Performance task – 60/80 and 3) Quarterly
assessment – 40/50. What is her non-transmuted grade? – 77.5
48.Johann, a Junior high student, got the following scores in Math for the second grading
period: 1) Written work – 30/50; 2) Performance task – 50/80; 3) Quarterly assessment –
30/50. What is his non-transmuted grade? – 65.
49.Kenn, a Senior High Student in STEM, got the following scores in Work Immersion, first
grading period: 1) Written work – 20/30; 2) Performance task – 60/80 and 3) Quarterly
assessment – 15/30. What is his transmuted grade? – 78.
52.In doing action research, continuous reflection in every step of the way should be done. –
This statement is NOT true since reflection has its own time.
53.In looking for an appropriate solution to the identified problem, the main purpose is
to____? – A, B and C.
54.In action research, you should see to it that the intervention____. – Is doable.
55.Planning action research requires a researcher to ____. – Match the solution to the
identified problem.