The document appears to be a quotation or proposal from G Sons Power for electrical panel components and equipment for a sewage treatment plant project. It includes item descriptions, quantities, manufacturers, and model numbers for the components of an LT PCC panel, DG panel incomer, bus coupler, and outgoing MCCB feeders. The total number of items quoted is provided.
The document appears to be a quotation or proposal from G Sons Power for electrical panel components and equipment for a sewage treatment plant project. It includes item descriptions, quantities, manufacturers, and model numbers for the components of an LT PCC panel, DG panel incomer, bus coupler, and outgoing MCCB feeders. The total number of items quoted is provided.
The document appears to be a quotation or proposal from G Sons Power for electrical panel components and equipment for a sewage treatment plant project. It includes item descriptions, quantities, manufacturers, and model numbers for the components of an LT PCC panel, DG panel incomer, bus coupler, and outgoing MCCB feeders. The total number of items quoted is provided.
The document appears to be a quotation or proposal from G Sons Power for electrical panel components and equipment for a sewage treatment plant project. It includes item descriptions, quantities, manufacturers, and model numbers for the components of an LT PCC panel, DG panel incomer, bus coupler, and outgoing MCCB feeders. The total number of items quoted is provided.