Module 3 Values Education
Module 3 Values Education
Module 3 Values Education
Using “po” and “opo” and kissing hands of elders should be preserved (5pts)
These are the words that Filipinos are using to show their respect when talking to elders and/or to someone
that they respect
is a common tagalog quote where it conveniently generalizes one cause and its effect. The line states that if
a person is bad, evil, impure, or immoral in character when he produces an offspring, they too, will become
bad, evil, impure, or immoral in character as they grow. The same suggest for a person who is good, pure,
and moral in character.
4. Cite an incident when you experienced intrapersonal and interpersonal conflict. How did you solve each conflict?
(10 pts)
My friend and I had a disagreement regarding the video game GTAV ONLINE; I argued that roleplaying is the best,
and my friend said that roleplaying is not fun since you can't do anything, whereas playing online allows you to do
whatever you want. I simply listen to him and demonstrate that I am listening, even if I disagree with what he is
saying, in order to end this disagreement.
5. Cite examples of Filipino actions that you consider as negative and positive values. Give three examples for each (6
Negative values
Gossiping - Gossiping is the bad thing that most Filipino especially women do in their free time. They do a lot of
gossip about their neighbor’s life and tell everybody about it but the worst things are that telling bad things about
the life of a person without knowing the truth first. Gossiping or (tsismis) is not helpful to the community or society.
“Pakikisama” or Pleasing people - This kind of attitude is sometimes good but it also bad if they use it always to
people. Because we all know that Filipino people want to please everybody even if the situation is dangerous or
Social Climber - Most Filipino has an attitude to become a social climber. This you will notice that some Filipino
people pretend to belong to a group of rich people that can buy things in their own money because they are rich
Positive values
Hospitable - This is one of the most popular qualities of Filipinos. Foreigners who have gone to the Philippines
find themselves falling in love with the warm hospitality they are shown.
Respect and Courtesy - Children respect elders by saying "po" and "opo," which mean "yes," when answering
their elders.
Strong Work Ethic - Yes, we are hardworking people to the point that we are willing to work almost the whole
day just to feed our families. That's how Filipinos are
6. Select Five favourite lines in the poem by Dr. Dorothy Nolte and explain them. (10 pts)
If children live with acceptance, they learn to love - Unconditional acceptance is a concept that's tantalizing
but very rarely realized. To be consistently civil, there must be love abounding – love for self, others and country.
If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves. - Let your child follow his dreams. Do not burden
him with your expectations. Never force him to do something in life to satisfy your own ego. Only then your child
can live his life to the fullest and learn to like himself.
If children live with shame, they learn to feel guilty. - Children are innocent; they do not know the difference
between the right and wrong. Due to constant shaming they will develop a guilt which will never let them live
peacefully. Guilt may be responsible for stress and tension in them which may also affect their health.
If children live with honesty, they learn truthfulness. - Loving and caring atmosphere is what children need to
grow-up into well-balanced individuals. If they are surrounded with hostility, they may not be able to develop the
qualities like empathy, friendliness and caring attitude. Hostility will make children aggressive and they will learn
to fight without thinking what is right and what is wrong.
If a Child Lives with Security He Learns to Have Faith - When you always standby your child, he will develop a
sense of security. In future when he has to take any important decision or if he is in distress he will surely have
faith in you. He will have faith that you have solutions to all his problems.