Bmo 6511 SM
Bmo 6511 SM
Bmo 6511 SM
Prerequisite: Nil
Subject Aims:
Subject Objectives:
Subject Content
Victoria University,
BMO 6511 Strategic Management
E-mail: [email protected]
The subject is principally taught through case studies. The initial lectures will cover
the main aspects of strategic analysis which form the focus of all the assessment.
Workshops will consist of two parts :-
b) analysis of text-book cases. Students should read relevant chapters and cases
before each workshop
Victoria University,
BMO 6511 Strategic Management
Students are required to purchase the text which forms the basis for the subject:
-G. Johnson & K. Scholes, 1993 Exploring Corporate Strategy: text and cases,
3rd edition, Prentice Hall.
-Lewis, Morkel,, Cases in Strategic Management: Australia & New Zealand,
(Prentice Hall)
-Mintzberg H. and Quinn J. 1991, The Strategy Process, concepts, contexts, cases,
Prentice Hall.
-Thompson A.A., Strickland A.J. and Kramer T., 1995, Readings in Strategic
Management, 5th edition, Irwin
Victoria University,
BMO 6511 Strategic Management
Case Study 1.
The purpose of this exercise is for students to address aspects of strategic analysis
in a specific case.
Students will be required to answer the set question and lead discussion around it.
These questions appear in the detailed lecture programme section. The presentation
will be done as a group exercise (up to 3) depending on class size. The length of the
presentation should be no more than 30-45 minutes. Students should speak (not
read) from notes and answer questions. Overheads and power point displays may be
used. But students should give close attention to the effective use of such media. 10
marks will be awarded for the presentation itself (items 1 &2) and 10 marks will be
awarded on the basis of the materials used in the presentation (items 3&4). For this
purpose the overheads used or photocopies of power point frames should be handed
in at the end of the class in which the presentation is held.
Victoria University,
BMO 6511 Strategic Management
1.Macro-Environmental analysis:-
a) Specify the political, legal, economic, social etc factors which impact on the
industry your company is in.
b) Analyse these factors and how they determine the key driving forces affecting
the industry in general.
c) Summarise what strategic issues the macro-environment entails for your company
in general terms. (6 marks)
2. Micro-environmental analysis:-
a) apply the 5 forces model to the industry your company is in. Describe, using this
model the competitive dynamics within the industry.
b) Explain what competitive threats and opportunities your company would need to
address in order to gain competitive advantage.
a) Based on your analysis in 1 and 2. explain what the key success factors are likely
to be in your companies industry.
Victoria University,
BMO 6511 Strategic Management
b) compare this to what you think their existing strategy is. Should the company
change strategy or not? Evaluate your recommendations in relation to what you
think the company’s major competitors are doing or may do?
In addition 6 marks will be awarded for .the quality of the written presentation.
These will be awarded on the following basis:-
In selecting a company students may select a company they work for or another
company. But companies which appear as case studies in the course are not
permitted. Students should inform their lecturer of the case they are doing by week
4. No students are permitted to do the same case. Cases will be allowed on a first
come first served basis..
Two copies of this assignment must be submitted on the due date. The assessed
copy will be returned to the student, and the other copy will be retained by the tutor.
Assessment: 30%
Victoria University,
BMO 6511 Strategic Management
General topics:
Students are to read the case and answer 2 (two) questions. Both
questions are worth 10 (ten ) marks each. Section A is worth (10X2) =20
marks. Your workshop leader will inform you of the case later in the
course. It will not be a case you have studied in class.
There will be one question covering five force analysis and one question
on analysis of the company’s strategy compared to its rivals.
Material allowed in exam room is your textbook only. Copies of the major
case are included with the exam paper.
Victoria University,
BMO 6511 Strategic Management
Students need to achieve at least 40% in the examination in order to pass the
Victoria University,
BMO 6511 Strategic Management
Students are to read the BRIGGS & STRATTON case and answer 2 (two)
questions. Both questions are worth 10 (ten ) marks each. Section A is
worth (10X2) =20 marks.
10. Compare Briggs and Stratton’s current strategy with its rivals. To
what extent does it address the strategic issues you have detailed
above. How should Briggs and Stratton evolve its strategy if it is to
deal with the threat from Honda?
Victoria University,
BMO 6511 Strategic Management
• What is Strategy?
• The function of the business strategy
• Business strategy and functional strategy.
• The 5 tasks of strategic management
• Vision & Mission Statements
• Setting Objectives
• Crafting, Implementing and Evaluating strategy
• Whose responsibility is the business strategy?
Workshop 1:
2) What are the key elements entailed in a well-conceived strategic vision. Describe
the strategic vision of your company.
3) What are the elements of a well crafted mission-statement. If your company has a
mission statement bring a copy to class. How well does it exemplify the elements of
a good mission statement outlined in chapter 2? How could it be improved?
Victoria University,
BMO 6511 Strategic Management
Case Questions:
a) What is Andy Grove’s strategic vision for Intel as of 1997? Has the vision
changed? How would you assess the CEO’s performance as a strategist?
b) What is Intel’s strategy as of 1997? Has the strategy helped the company build
competitive advantage? Is the strategy working? How is it evolving?
• Strategic analysis of the internal/external environment
• Environmental scanning/Driving Forces
• Five Forces Model
• Key success Factors
• Competitive Strength Assessment
Workshop 2:
b) Identify the conditions which make the elements of the model strong or weak
competitive forces.
Victoria University,
BMO 6511 Strategic Management
c) Attempt to define a 5 force analysis of your own company’s industry. What does this
suggest about the strength or weakness of your company’s competitive position?
Case Questions:
a) What are the distinguishing features of the golf equipment industry? What are
the key driving forces which are affecting the industry?
b)What does a five forces analysis reveal about the intensity of competition and overall
industry attractiveness? Which competitive forces are strongest, weakest? What does
this tell us about the factors which are critical to success in this industry?
c) What is Callaway’s strategy? Does it address the factors for success in its industry? Does
it deliver competitive advantage? Does it build on the company’s internal strengths,
Workshop 3:
a) Why is important that there is alignment between a company’s strategy and its core
competencies? How can knowledge of a company’s competencies help the crafting of
b) What is the relationship between strategy (implicit or explicit) and your company’s
core competencies?
Case presentation 2
a) What are the driving forces affecting the mountain bike industry? Using the five forces
Victoria University,
BMO 6511 Strategic Management
b) What are the key success factors in the mountain bike industry? How would
you rate Cannondale on these compared to its rivals.
• The Generic Business Strategies
• Low Cost Leadership
• Differentiation Strategies
• Focus Strategies
• Strategies in Different Market Situations
• Global Strategy.
Workshop 4:
a) Describe and compare the advantages and disadvantages of a low cost broad
differentiation and focused approach. Under what circumstances would you adopt one
or the other?
b) Define your own company’s strategy in terms of the 3 generic strategies. Is it clear
Victoria University,
BMO 6511 Strategic Management
what business strategy is being adopted? What are the pro’s and con’s in your case?
Case Questions:
a) Do a five force analysis of the video game industry. Which of the five competitive
forces is strongest? weakest? What are the key success factors in the video game
c) Do a competitive strength assessment of Nintendo and Sega. How does this suggest
the two companies are situated in relation to the key success factors affecting the
video-game industry?
c) Compare the key features of Nintendo and Sega's strategies. How do these represent
different generic business strategies? What do they tell us about the advantages and
disadvantages of the generic business strategies.
Workshop 5:
Case Questions:
a) What is your competitive assessment of the rivalry and positions of FedEx and UPS?
Profile their strategies and market positions. Compare their resource strengths and
weaknesses, their competitive styles and their global strategies.
Victoria University,
BMO 6511 Strategic Management
b) Has FedEx been successful in competing with UPS? How well does its financial
performance compare with UPS? Has UPS been successful in competing with FedEx?
c) Recommend how should UPS and Fedex respond to each other in the future
• Single business versus multi-business strategy.
• Diversification strategy
• Related diversification
• Unrelated diversification
• Evaluating Diversification strategy: 9 cell matrix
• Evaluating Diversification: BCG matrix
Workshop 6:
b) What is meant by the term strategic fit? What are the advantages of pursuing
strategic fit in a diversification programme?
Victoria University,
BMO 6511 Strategic Management
Case Questions:
a) What kind of corporate diversification strategy is Pepsico employing? What are the
key elements of Pepsico’s corporate strategy? Identify the strategies being pursued in
each of its business segments.
b)Assess the attractiveness of the industries Pepsico has diversified into using a
9 cell matrix. Assess the competitive strength of the business units.What does a BCG
matrix for Pepsico’s business units look like? What do we learn from using these
• The eight components of strategy implementation
Workshop 7:
a) What are the broad implications of the different generic business strategies for
organisational structure?
Victoria University,
BMO 6511 Strategic Management
c) What are the eight components of strategy implementation. Why are they so
important in strategy implementation? What is the relationship between these
components and your own company’s strategy?
Case Questions:
a) Compare the strategy of Walmart and K-mart. How do they differ? Is one more
successful that the other? What competitive advantage are the two companies trying
to achieve?
b) How have Walmart and K-mart implemented their strategies? Assess the extent
to which either strategy addresses the eight components for successful
Victoria University,