JocelynPrieto OBGyne
JocelynPrieto OBGyne
JocelynPrieto OBGyne
This is also called lysis of adhesions. Cutting of adhesions (scar tissue).
Surgical repair of the vaginal wall. Used to repair enteroceles (hernias).
Endometrial ablation
This procedure is used to treat abnormal bleeding in women who do not plan to
become pregnant but may not need a hysterectomy. A hysteroscope is passed through the
cervix into the uterus and one of a number of types of energy—electrical, laser or thermal
—is used to destroy the endometrial layer of the uterus.
This procedure is removal of the uterus. It can be:
A partial hysterectomy—removal of the upper portion of the uterus, leaving the cervix)
A total hysterectomy—removal of the entire uterus and cervix.
A radical hysterectomy—removal of the uterus, the tissue on both sides of the cervix, and
the upper part of the vagina.
This procedure is done to remove uterine fibroids without hysterectomy for women who
wish to become pregnant or do not want to lose their uterus. Myomectomies may be performed
through a conventional open abdominal surgery, with laparoscopic techniques or
hysteroscopically, depending on the location of the fibroids.
Oophorectomy is the surgical removal of one ovary, both ovaries or a part of an ovary. It
is performed to treat ovarian cancer, pelvic inflammatory disease and endometriosis or remove
cysts or abscess. It may also be done to remove the main source of estrogens that stimulate the
growth of some breast cancers. If one ovary is removed, a woman may continue to menstruate
and have children. If both ovaries are removed, menstruation stops and a woman loses the ability
to bear children.
Surgical removal of the cervix (but not the rest of the uterus). A radical trachelectomy is
when the cervix and surrounding tissue is removed, along with some pelvic lymph nodes.
Vaginal Vault
Tubal Surgeries
Removal of Fallopian tubes
Tubal ligation
Correction of tubal pregnancy
Reanastomosis - reconnection of the Fallopian tubes
Wire guide cannulation to open a blocked tube
Uterine fibroid embolization (UFE)
This procedure blocks the arteries carrying blood to the fibroids.
Simple or radical