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Experimental investigations on combustion characteristics of fuel

briquettes made from vegetable market waste and saw dust
Asna Afsal a, Robin David b,⇑, V. Baiju c,⇑, N. Muhammed Suhail a, U. Parvathy a, R.B. Rakhi a
Department of Mechanical Engineering, TKM College of Engineering, Kollam 691005, Kerala, India
APJ Abdul Kalam Technological Univerity, Department of Mechanical Engineering, TKM College of Engineering, Kollam 691005, Kerala, India
Energey Research Centre, Department of Mechanical Engineering, TKM College of Engineering, Kollam 691005, Kerala, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The safe and sound disposal of vegetable market waste (VMW) is a major concern of India today. VMW is
Received 27 May 2020 being produced in millions of tonnes in urban areas, which are often deposited in dumpsites, left
Accepted 12 June 2020 untreated, or burned in open fires. A potential remedy for these waste disposal and high fuel dependence
Available online xxxx
on wood as fuel is the conversion of this biomass into high-density briquettes. This paper presents an
experimental exploration of fuel properties of bio-briquettes made from a combination of VMW and saw-
Keywords: dust (SD). In the present work, binary briquettes have been made from VMW in combination with SD in a
ratio of 25, 50, 75, and 100% by weight using bentonite clay as a binder. Furthermore, a comparative study
Proximate analysis
Calorific value
between the VMW based biomass briquettes with firewood, coal, and conventional sawdust briquettes
Combustion are also included in this study. Raw green vegetable wastes were collected from markets and were kept
for open sun drying. The dried matter was then transformed into a pulverized form and eventually con-
verted to briquettes. The percentage of moisture content, percentage volatile matter content, ash content
percentage, fixed carbon content, and calorific values of the briquettes were investigated. The results
showed that the composite briquettes had improved combustion characteristics like higher calorific
value and more volatile matter content compared with pure VMW briquettes. The percentage volatile
matter content of VMW briquette enhanced from 71.72% to 83.2% for the composite briquette of VMW
and SD with the highest percentage at the proportion 25:75 (VMW: SD). The calorific value of bio-
briquettes ranges from 14.002 to 15.721 MJ/kg and the highest heating value was obtained for the com-
posite briquette of VMW and SD with proportion 25:75. Even though lignin contents of vegetable market
waste were lesser (3.23–5.51%) compared to other ligno-cellulosic biomass, good quality biomass bri-
quettes were produced.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Nanotechnology: Ideas, Innovation and Industries.

1. Introduction energy has a lower density which results in its lower heating value
when compared with coal [3]. Although biomass energy is consid-
The major portion of the CO2 emissions are caused due to the ered to be carbon neutral, it releases a certain amount of carbon
combustion of coal and is expected to contribute about 41% upon combustion. In order to maintain the economic balance, this
(43,676 million metric tonnes of CO2) by the year 2030 [1]. Elec- carbon is later reabsorbed by the plants for their static growth [4].
tricity, heat, and steam can be generated from the combustion of As the sulphur and nitrogen content in biomass energy is less, the
forest residues and waste materials from paper industries. Accord- burning of biomass releases lower SO2 and NO2 respectively [5].
ing to Srivastava et al. [2], there is a rapid demand for biomass In India, biomass is available in the form of waste from different
energy due to its prolific availability as agricultural residues and sources such as agriculture, municipal, forest or food processing
CO2 neutral emission as well as low sulphur content. Biomass industries. A major share of these wastes is contributed by veg-
etable and fruit waste. Municipal solid waste landfills and open
⇑ Corresponding authors. dumping sites represent the major disposal sites for vegetable
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (R. David), [email protected] wastes [6]. These, in turn, become potential areas of environmental
(V. Baiju). pollution. Moreover, various health hazards are associated with
2214-7853/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Nanotechnology: Ideas, Innovation and Industries.

Please cite this article as: A. Afsal, R. David, V. Baiju et al., Experimental investigations on combustion characteristics of fuel briquettes made from veg-
etable market waste and saw dust, Materials Today: Proceedings,
2 A. Afsal et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

these improper waste disposals. To account for the conversion of out at the Energy Research Lab of TKM College of Engineering, Kol-
waste to energy, various studies were conducted on solid wastes lam, Kerala. The volatile matter, moisture content, ash content and
such as banana peel [7], vegetable market waste consisting of fixed carbon content were determined according to ASTM method.
beans, carrot, etc. [8], aquatic weeds such as water hyacinth [9], It was noted that the moisture content for vegetable wastes were
sugar mill press mud waste [10], and fruit and vegetable process- reduced to below 10% after drying. Thereafter, the dried vegetable
ing wastes [11,12,13]. Anaerobic digestion is an effective process market wastes were grinded in the form of fine powder for produc-
which can digest the vegetable waste to derive energy. Low pH ing briquettes and stored in plastic containers for further
of wastes and high production of volatile fatty acids (VFA) results processing.
in instantaneous acidification that hinders the methanogenic activ-
ity and is a major drawback of anaerobic digestion of these wastes. 2.2. Development of mould
Unused or decomposing vegetable and fruit wastes in large
quantities can create serious environmental issues. Drying these In order to perform the briquetting process, a cylindrical mould
wastes and converting them into briquettes is a promising solution consisting of cylindrical die, piston and a base plate of required
to the problem of environmental pollution caused by them [14,15]. dimension was fabricated. The mould has a height of 430 mm
The briquetting technology has various uses and advantages such and an inner diameter of 77 mm. The mould was made out of scrap
as flexibility in storage and transportation and also for many other materials such as G.I pipes, gear, rods, etc. from the basic work-
uses. This is one of the most effective solutions to these problems. shop. A locking mechanism with the aid of nuts, bolts and washers
The technique comprises of densification of material for intensify- were provided, to prevent slippage between the base plate and
ing the volumetric calorific value and enhancing the handling fea- cylindrical die during the compaction process.
tures. According to the study conducted by Narnaware et al. [2],
which investigated the use of Vegetable Market Waste (VMW) in 2.3. Briquette production
briquetting, acceptable briquettes with good quality were pro-
duced without using any binder, although lignin contents of The entire processes involved in the preparation of composite
VMW were comparatively lower. Four different types of vegetable briquettes from vegetable market waste and sawdust is as illus-
wastes were used in this study, whose calorific value ranged from trated in Fig. 4. The feedstock materials were weighed according
10.26 to 13.70 MJ kg-1. Akande et al. [16] conducted a study to to the required proportion and mixed with bentonite clay which
identify the potential of briquetting as a waste management acts as a binding agent. The mixture was then fed into the cylindri-
option. In this study, vegetable wastes were converted into bri- cal mould and briquettes were produced at the Energy Research
quettes with waste paper as a binder. Briquettes were produced Lab of TKM College of Engineering, Kollam, Kerala, India by the pro-
in four different ratios of paper: waste, i.e., 10:90, 15:85, 20:80, cess of biomass densification (Fig. 1). The process involved the use
and 25:75, out of which the briquettes in the ratio of 10:90 paper: of high pressure with a dwelling time of about 5 min to prevent the
sun-dried cabbage wastes showed the highest value of ignitability spring back effect of the biomass materials. The briquette thus pro-
of 0.32 min. It was also found out from the study that briquettes duced (Fig. 2) was ejected from the mould and sun dried for seven
made from cabbage and carrot wastes were of good quality. days to reduce the moisture content in it. The briquette was then
According to Zhang et al. [17], bentonite clay as binder had higher stored in a zip-lock bag for characterization. The briquettes were
absorbent ability and higher expandability. In a study conducted made from the binary combination of sawdust and vegetable
by Deshannavar et al. [18], the possibility of using bentonite clay wastes in the ratio of 100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75 and 0:100 using
as binder for rice husk briquettes was investigated. It was observed bentonite clay as the binding agent.
that rice husk char with 6% bentonite clay obtained a calorific value
of 20.1 MJ/Kg. 2.4. Briquette characterization
Even though the increase in sawdust content in biomass, bri-
quettes enhance the combustion characteristics, none of the stud- 2.4.1. Proximate analysis
ies has been reported a VMW-sawdust composite briquettes with Proximate analysis tests were conducted to analyze the com-
varying proportions. Moreover, no studies have been reported on bustion characteristics of the developed bio-briquette. Various
the utilization of bentonite clay as a binder for the briquetting of parameters such as moisture content, volatile matter content, ash
VMW. Consequently, in the current study composite briquettes content and fixed carbon content were determined according to
made from VMW and sawdust using bentonite clay as a binder the ASTM standard E711-87 [19]. The steps for conducting proxi-
and its combustion characteristic were considered. When ben- mate analysis tests of vegetable waste briquettes are explained
tonite clay was used as a binder, briquettes of superior quality below in detail.
could be manufactured from loose dried vegetable market wastes. A. Moisture content: The moisture content is calculated based on
The briquettes thus produced can be used as fuel in boilers, domes- the difference between dry and wet weight of briquette as below:
tic cookstoves, and gasifiers. Furthermore, a comparative study
between the vegetable market waste-based biomass briquettes AB
Percentagemoisturecontentð%Þ ¼  100% ð1Þ
with firewood, coal, and conventional sawdust briquettes are also A
included in this study. where A is 2 g (weight of pulverized briquette sample) and B is the
weight obtained after oven drying at 110℃-120℃ for 2hrs.
B. Volatile matter content: To calculate the percentage of volatile
2. Materials and methods matter content, 2 g of briquette sample was pulverized, oven dried
and kept at a temperature of 550℃ for 10 min in the furnace. It is
2.1. Collection and preparation of raw materials then weighed and the percentage volatile matter content was
found out using the following equation.
Vegetable market wastes were collected from a market near
Karicode, Kollam, Kerala. The wastes which were collected from PercentageVMCð%Þ ¼  100% ð2Þ
various sources were high in moisture content and thus required B
drying to make it suitable for briquetting. The waste material where, B is the oven dried weight and C is the weight of oven dried
was open sun-dried and proximate analysis tests were carried sample after 10 min in the heat treatment furnace at 550℃.

Please cite this article as: A. Afsal, R. David, V. Baiju et al., Experimental investigations on combustion characteristics of fuel briquettes made from veg-
etable market waste and saw dust, Materials Today: Proceedings,
A. Afsal et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 3

Fig. 1. Flowchart illustrating preparation of composite briquettes from vegetable market waste and saw dust.

HHVðMJ=kgÞ ¼ 0 :1846VM þ 0: 0352FC ð5Þ

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Proximate analysis of biomass briquette samples

The proximate analysis of the fuel briquettes were conducted to

determine moisture content (MC), volatile matter (VM), ash (AC)
and fixed carbon content (FC) and the results are shown in Table 1.

3.1.1. Moisture content

The briquettes so produced had moisture content in the range
of 3.4 to 6.8%, as shown in Table 1. For the composition ratio
Fig. 2. Sample briquette. of 100:0 (VMW - SD), lowest moisture content (3.4%) was observed
and for the composition ratio of 0:100, highest moisture content
was recorded (6.8%). The deviation in moisture content for the bri-
C. Ash content: To determine the percentage of ash content in quettes is illustrated in Fig. 3. From the figure, it is quite clear that
the briquette, 2 g of the sample was oven dried first and then kept as the percentage of sawdust increases, the moisture content in
at a temperature of 550℃ for 4 h in the heat treatment furnace. It is briquettes also increases. This might be an indication of the hydro-
then weighed and the percentage ash content was calculated as philic character of sawdust and which could have eventually
below. enhanced the moisture content and porosity of the briquettes.
D Despite this, when compared with the moisture content in bri-
Percentageashcontent ¼  100% ð3Þ quettes made from biomass materials such as water hyacinth and
empty fruit bunch (9.3%) [19], palm oil mill sludge and rice husk
where D is the weight of incombustible material (weight of oven (10.42%) [21], rice husk and starch (7.9%) [23], sawdust charcoal
dried sample after 4 h in the heat treatment furnace at 550℃) and briquette (5.7%) [25]. It is also lower than lignite (4.5%) [27], bitu-
B is the oven dried weight of the sample. minous coal (5.55%) [28] and coal (8–10%) [29], the produced bri-
D. Fixed carbon: The percentage of the fixed carbon content of quettes had lower value of moisture content. Since the moisture
the briquettes is determined by subtracting the sum of percentage content in fuels affect its combustion characteristics, its value must
volatile matter content (VMC %) and percentage ash content (AC %) be as low as possible, since excessive energy is needed for drying
from hundred. and higher moisture content is indeed a challenge while burning.
Percentage fixed carbon100  ðVMC% þ AC %Þ ð4Þ Volatile matter content. In general, biomass is rich in volatile
matter in the range of 70% to 86%. As a result, the biomass is Calorific value. The calorific or heating value (HHV) of each believed to be a highly reactive fuel when compared with other
sample of the briquette was estimated using the model developed fuels like coal, also possessing a faster rate of combustion during
by Nhuch- hen and Afzal [20] which has good prediction accuracy devolatisation phase. Low-grade fuels release tremendous amount
within the error bar of ± 10%. The correlation can be expressed as of smoke and produce toxic gases, which is due to the low volatile
Eq. (5): content in these fuels. Th volatile content of VMW-sawdust bri-

Please cite this article as: A. Afsal, R. David, V. Baiju et al., Experimental investigations on combustion characteristics of fuel briquettes made from veg-
etable market waste and saw dust, Materials Today: Proceedings,
4 A. Afsal et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 1
Proximate and heating value characteristics of vegetable market based briquettes and other energy sources.

Material Proximate analysis Calorific value Reference

Moisture content Volatile matter content Ash content Fixed carbon
(%) (%) (%) (%)
Vegetable market waste + Sawdust (100:0) 3.4 71.72 3.22 21.66 14.002 Present work
Vegetable market waste + Sawdust (75:25) 3.9 74.88 3.15 18.07 14.459 Present work
Vegetable market waste + Sawdust (50:50) 4.1 77.75 3.03 15.12 14.885 Present work
Vegetable market waste + Sawdust (25:75) 4.4 83.2 2.1 10.3 15.721 Present work
Vegetable market waste + Sawdust (0:100) 6.8 78.2 1.4 13.6 14.914 Present work
Water hyacinth + empty fruit bunch (25:75)) 9.3 80.3 3.73 15.97 17.17 [19]
Palm oil mill sludge + rice husk (1:1) 10.42 76.23 15.13 8.64 21.68 [21]
Bean straw + maize cob (25:75) – 79.9 3.0 17.1 17.3 [22]
Rice husk + 6% Starch 7.90 34.38 30.05 27.67 18.57 [23]
Rice straw + sugarcane leaves (50:50) 4.22 74.67 9.07 13.63 17.83 [24]
Sawdust charcoal briquette 5.7 71 2.6 20.7 20.180 [25]
Charcoal briquette
Fire wood – 75–80 0.6–3 20–25 18.5–21 [26]
Lignite 4.5 43.5 44.8 7.2 24.5 [27]
Bituminous coal 5.55 25.95 34.00 34.50 – [28]
Coal 8–10 20–35 5–40 51–53 23–35 [29]

of biomass have a key role on the volatile matter percentage of the

produced briquettes.
The least volatile matter content (71.72%) was obtained from
the pure VMW briquette whereas the highest volatile matter con-
tent (83.2%) was obtained from VMW-SD briquette in the ratio
25:75 (VMW: SD). The result reveals that sawdust increment in
the biomass briquette resulted in the volatile matter percentage
increment of the briquettes. The volatile matter content of VMW-
SD briquette was higher than common biomass briquettes such
as rice husk and starch (34.38%) [23], rice straw with sugarcane
leaves (74.67%) [24] and sawdust charcoal briquette (71%) [25].
The results also show that the composite briquette has volatile
matter content values comparable to firewood (75–80%) [26] and
is greater than conventional fuels sources such as lignite (43.5%)
[27], bituminous coal (25.95%) [28], and coal (20–35%) [29]. The
readiness of the fuel to ignite is indicated by the high volatile mat-
ter content, which makes the briquette contribute towards more
fractional heat, and ultimately make it more reactive compared
Fig. 3. Variation of moisture contents for the briquette samples (%).
to coal. Ash content. The non-combustible component obtained

from biomass is ash. Fig. 5 represents the variation of ash content
for the produced briquette samples. Fig. 5 shows that the ash con-
tent decreased as the amount of sawdust in the composite bri-

Fig. 4. Variation of volatile matter for the briquette samples (%).

quette is higher (71.72% to 83.2%) than the low-grade fuels, which

indicates the easy ignition of briquette and adequate increase in
flame length. The variation in volatile content for the produced bri-
quettes is shown in Fig. 4. It can be observed that the mixing ratios Fig. 5. Variation of ash contents for the produced briquettes (%).

Please cite this article as: A. Afsal, R. David, V. Baiju et al., Experimental investigations on combustion characteristics of fuel briquettes made from veg-
etable market waste and saw dust, Materials Today: Proceedings,
A. Afsal et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 5

quette increased. The ash content ranged from 1.4 to 3.22%. The
highest ash content of 3.22% as obtained from the pure VMW bri-
quette while the lowest ash content of 1.4% for briquette made
from pure sawdust. The ash content of the other mixing ratios
was found to be within the acceptable ash limit (5–40%) for a solid
biomass briquette. The ash content of the developed briquette has
lower ash content compared to other biomass briquettes such as
water hyacinth and empty fruit bunch briquettes (3.73%) [19],
palm oil mill sludge and rice husk (15.13%) [21], rice husk and
starch (30.05%) [23],and rice straw and sugarcane leaves briquettes
(9.07%) [24]. The result shows that the ash content of produced
sample is comparable with that of fire wood (0.6–3%) [26]. How-
ever, all the developed samples exhibited lower ash content than
that of Lignite (44.8%) [27], Bituminous coal (34%) [28] and coal
(5–40%) [29]. Higher value of ash content in the briquette is indica-
tive of the fact that combustion remnant of such fuel is high but
with a lower heating value. It indicates the effect of higher ash con-
tent on transfer of heat and oxygen diffusion to the surface of fuel
Fig. 7. Variation of calorific values for the produced briquettes.
during combustion. Hence, this property is pernicious to its proper
combustion. So, the briquettes produced from sawdust and veg-
etable market wastes shall perform well based on its ash content. from pure sawdust had lower calorific values than that made from
the blend of sawdust and vegetable market waste. Blending them
in the ratio 25:75 yielded the highest calorific value of
3.1.2. Fixed carbon content 15.721 MJ/Kg. However, the results of calorific values were found
Fig. 6. illustrates the impact of varied proportions of the raw to be lower than that of conventional fuels such as firewood
materials on the briquettes’ carbon content. For all the developed (18.5–21 MJ/Kg) [26], lignite (24.5 MJ/Kg) [27] and coal (23–
samples, with a decrease in the share of VMW the percentage of 35 MJ/Kg) [29].
fixed carbon decreases and sawdust has lower fixed carbon content
than VMW. For briquettes made from pure saw dust, the lowest
4. Conclusion
percentage of fixed carbon was attained (13.6%). For the composite
briquette with VMW and sawdust in proportion 25:75, the per-
According to the study carried out at the Energy Research Lab of
centage of fixed carbon was 10.3%. Biomass has a lower fixed car-
TKM College of Engineering, Kollam, Kerala, good quality bri-
bon content, that makes it a highly reactive and better fuel. On the
quettes could be produced from vegetable market wastes. The
other hand, the property makes biomass to burn out faster, hence,
major conclusions that were drawn from the experimental investi-
bio-briquette 25:75 (VMW: SD) was regarded to be the best ratio
gation on conversion of to bio-briquettes are summarized as
for combustion purposes.

3.2. Calorific value & The combustion properties, especially the calorific value, of the
VMW briquettes were enhanced by compositing the sawdust.
The variation in calorific values for pure VMW briquettes and An increase up to 12% in calorific value was observed and the
that produced from various mixing ratios are shown in Fig. 7. It highest heating value was obtained for the composite briquette
is quite evident that as the percentage of sawdust increased, the of VMW and sawdust in the proportion of 25:75.
calorific value also increased. To be precise, composite briquettes & For volatile matter content, which has greater significance in
made from sawdust and vegetable market waste had increased the combustion of densified solid fuels, a significant increment
calorific values. The range of attained calorific values was up to 16% was noticed for composite briquettes in comparison
14.002–15.721 MJ/kg. It was also observed that briquettes made to the briquettes made from VMW alone. The highest value
was recorded for the composite briquette of VMW and sawdust
in the proportion of 25:75.
& The briquetting technique used to convert VMWs proves that
this could be one of the best solutions to restore waste to utiliz-
able energy, instead of disposing the waste into dumpsites.
Thus, the issues related to environmental pollution can be
resolved to a great extent.

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-

cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
to influence the work reported in this paper.


The financial assistant provided by TEQIP-II, TKM College of

Engineering, Kollam, Kerala, for sponsoring this consultancy pro-
Fig. 6. Variation of fixed carbon contents for the produced briquettes (%). ject is gratefully acknowledged.

Please cite this article as: A. Afsal, R. David, V. Baiju et al., Experimental investigations on combustion characteristics of fuel briquettes made from veg-
etable market waste and saw dust, Materials Today: Proceedings,
6 A. Afsal et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

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Please cite this article as: A. Afsal, R. David, V. Baiju et al., Experimental investigations on combustion characteristics of fuel briquettes made from veg-
etable market waste and saw dust, Materials Today: Proceedings,

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