GCSE - Food Prep - Flashcards - 9780008166342

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Food Preparation Skills: Food Preparation Skills: Food Preparation Skills:

Food Preparation Skills: Food Preparation Skills: Food Preparation Skills:

GCSE Revision • AQA Food
Knife Skills Preparation and Nutrition

Knife Skills
Name the type of knife you You would use a palette knife
would use for icing cakes, and for icing cakes, and moulding
moulding and smoothing food. and smoothing food.

1 1

GCSE Revision • AQA Food

Preparation and Nutrition

The two main classifications


What are the two main
of shellfish are crustaceans
classifications of shellfish?
and molluscs.

2 2

GCSE Revision • AQA Food

Preparation and Nutrition

Between what temperatures



Chilled meat should be stored

should chilled meat be
between 1°C and 5°C.

3 3
Prepare, Combine and Shape

Prepare, Combine and Shape

Food Preparation Skills:

Food Preparation Skills:

GCSE Revision • AQA Food

Preparation and Nutrition

What would you use to give a You would use milk to give a
golden-brown glaze to pastry, golden-brown glaze to pastry,
scones and biscuits? scones and biscuits.

4 4
Prepare, Combine and Shape

Prepare, Combine and Shape

Food Preparation Skills:

Food Preparation Skills:

GCSE Revision • AQA Food

Preparation and Nutrition
Blanching is placing food
into boiling water for a few
What is blanching? minutes to quickly cook,
soften and inhibit enzymic

5 5
Food Preparation Skills:

Food Preparation Skills:

GCSE Revision • AQA Food
Dough Preparation and Nutrition

Why is strong flour Strong flour is traditionally
traditionally used to make used to make bread because
bread? it has a high gluten content.

6 6
Health: Protein and Fat

Health: Protein and Fat

Food Nutrition and

Food Nutrition and

GCSE Revision • AQA Food
Preparation and Nutrition

Biological value of protein

What is meant by ‘biological
means the quality of essential
value of protein’?
amino acids present.

7 7
Health: Protein and Fat

Health: Protein and Fat

Food Nutrition and

Food Nutrition and

GCSE Revision • AQA Food

Preparation and Nutrition

Fat is a source of which four Fat is a source of vitamins A,

vitamins? D, E and K.

8 8
Health: Carbohydrate

Health: Carbohydrate
Food Nutrition and

Food Nutrition and

GCSE Revision • AQA Food

Preparation and Nutrition

Name two conditions that Constipation and diverticular

can be caused by lack of disease can be caused by lack
dietary fibre. of dietary fibre.

9 9
Food Nutrition and

Food Nutrition and

Health: Vitamins

Health: Vitamins

GCSE Revision • AQA Food

Preparation and Nutrition

Beri-beri can be caused by

Beri-beri can be caused by a
a deficiency in Vitamin B1
deficiency in which vitamin?

10 10
Food Nutrition and

Food Nutrition and

Health: Vitamins

Health: Vitamins
GCSE Revision • AQA Food
Preparation and Nutrition
Vitamins A, C and E contain
antioxidants, which work
Which vitamins contain
together to protect cells
against damage from free

11 11
Food Nutrition and Health:

Food Nutrition and Health:

Minerals and Water

Minerals and Water

GCSE Revision • AQA Food
Preparation and Nutrition

Calcium, fluoride, sodium,

iron, iodine, phosphorus,
Name five minerals.
magnesium and potassium
are all minerals.

12 12
Food Nutrition and Health:

Food Nutrition and Health:

Minerals and Water

Minerals and Water

GCSE Revision • AQA Food

Preparation and Nutrition

What proportion of the body Nearly two-thirds of the body

is made up of water? is made up of water.

13 13
Food Nutrition and Health:

Food Nutrition and Health:

Making Informed Choices

Making Informed Choices

GCSE Revision • AQA Food

Preparation and Nutrition

What is the maximum amount

6g of salt is the maximum that
of salt that an adult should
an adult should eat in a day.
eat in a day?

14 14
Food Nutrition and Health:

Food Nutrition and Health:

Making Informed Choices

Making Informed Choices

GCSE Revision • AQA Food

Preparation and Nutrition

Why is folate (folic acid) Folate (folic acid) helps the

needed before and during healthy development of the
early pregnancy? neural tube of the foetus.

15 15
Food Nutrition and Health:

Food Nutrition and Health:

Diet, Nutrition and Health

Diet, Nutrition and Health

GCSE Revision • AQA Food
Preparation and Nutrition
BMR stands for Basal
Metabolic Rate. It is the
What does BMR stand for,
energy needed to power the
and what does it mean?
internal organs when the
body is completely at rest.

16 16
Food Nutrition and Health:

Food Nutrition and Health:

Diet, Nutrition and Health

Diet, Nutrition and Health

GCSE Revision • AQA Food
Preparation and Nutrition

A healthy BMI is between

What range is a healthy BMI?
18.5 and 25.

17 17
Food Science: Cooking of Food, Food Science: Cooking of Food,

Food Science: Cooking of Food, Food Science: Cooking of Food,

Appropriate Cooking Methods Appropriate Cooking Methods

Appropriate Cooking Methods Appropriate Cooking Methods

Heat Transfer and Selecting

Heat Transfer and Selecting

GCSE Revision • AQA Food

Preparation and Nutrition

Boiling, simmering, poaching,

Name five water-based braising and steaming are
methods of cooking. water-based methods of

18 18
Heat Transfer and Selecting

Heat Transfer and Selecting

GCSE Revision • AQA Food

Preparation and Nutrition

What are the three ways in Heat can be transferred

which heat can be transferred through food by conduction,
through food? convection or radiation.

19 19
and Enzymic Browning

and Enzymic Browning

Food Science: Proteins

Food Science: Proteins

GCSE Revision • AQA Food

Preparation and Nutrition

Which is more acidic – a pH of A pH of 3 is more acidic than

3 or a pH of 12? a pH of 12.

20 20

GCSE Revision • AQA Food
Food Science:

Food Science:
Preparation and Nutrition

Caramelisation is the
What is caramelisation? browning of sugars, caused
by dry heat.

21 21
Food Science: Fats

Food Science: Fats

GCSE Revision • AQA Food
Preparation and Nutrition

Two types of food emulsions

and Oils

and Oils
Describe two types of food
are an oil-in-water emulsion
emulsions. Give an example
(milk) or a water-in-oil
of each.
emulsion (butter).

22 22
Food Science: Raising

Food Science: Raising

GCSE Revision • AQA Food

Preparation and Nutrition


Name one biological raising Yeast is a biological raising

agent. agent.

23 23
Food Safety: Microorganisms Food Safety: Microorganisms,

Food Safety: Microorganisms Food Safety: Microorganisms,

Enzymes and Food Spoilage

Enzymes and Food Spoilage

GCSE Revision • AQA Food

Preparation and Nutrition

Moulds can survive in the False. Moulds can survive

fridge and freezer. True or in the fridge but not in the
false? freezer.

24 24

Microbes are used in the

in Food Production

in Food Production

GCSE Revision • AQA Food

Preparation and Nutrition
production of cheese,
Name three types of foods yoghurt and bread. (They are
that use microbes in their also used in the production
production. of mycoprotein, fermented
meats, e.g. Salami, chorizo)
and fermented vegetables.
25 25
Food Safety: Preparing Food Safety: Buying and Food Safety: Bacterial

Food Safety: Preparing Food Safety: Buying and Food Safety: Bacterial

GCSE Revision • AQA Food
Preparation and Nutrition

Common sources of
What foods are common salmonella include raw
sources of salmonella? poultry and meat, eggs,
seafood and dairy products.

26 26

GCSE Revision • AQA Food

Storing Food

Storing Food
Preparation and Nutrition

A fridge should be kept at

What temperature should a
a temperature between 1°C
fridge be kept at?
and 4°C.

27 27
and Cooking Food

and Cooking Food

GCSE Revision • AQA Food

Preparation and Nutrition

Microbiological contamination,
Name the three types of
physical contamination and
contamination that can cause
chemical contamination can
food poisoning.
cause food poisoning.

28 28
Food Choices: Food

Food Choices: Food

Many people choose GCSE Revision • AQA Food

Preparation and Nutrition

to eat or avoid


Religions that have vegetarian

certain foods according to
or vegan diets are Buddhism
their religious beliefs. Name
and Rastafarianism.
two which choose vegetarian
or vegan diets?
29 29
Food Choices: Food

Food Choices: Food

GCSE Revision • AQA Food

Preparation and Nutrition


Lactose is a sugar found in

What is lactose?
milk and dairy products.

30 30
Food Choices: Sensory Food Choices: British and

Food Choices: Sensory Food Choices: British and

International Cuisines

International Cuisines
GCSE Revision • AQA Food
Preparation and Nutrition

Seafood, rice, noodles, miso

Name some popular foods in soup, meat and pickled
Japanese cuisine. vegetables are all popular
foods in Japanese cuisine.

31 31

GCSE Revision • AQA Food

Preparation and Nutrition
Triangle testing is when three

samples are tested but two
What is triangle testing? are the same, to see if the
tester can pick out which one
is different.

32 32
Food Choices: Food

Food Choices: Food

GCSE Revision • AQA Food

Preparation and Nutrition
Traffic light labelling is


nutritional information given

What is traffic light labelling? in a visual way, using colour
to show high (red), medium
(amber) and low (green)
33 33
Affecting Food Choice

Affecting Food Choice

Food Choices: Factors

Food Choices: Factors

GCSE Revision • AQA Food

Preparation and Nutrition

How many minutes Government guidelines

of daily physical activity recommend at least 60
are recommended by the minutes of physical activity
government? per day.

34 34
Food Provenance: Food

Food Provenance: Food

and the Environment

and the Environment

GCSE Revision • AQA Food

Preparation and Nutrition

Sustainable food is food that

What is meant by ‘sustainable
will continue to be available
for a long time to come.

35 35
Provenance and Production

Provenance and Production

Food Provenance: Food

Food Provenance: Food

GCSE Revision • AQA Food
Preparation and Nutrition

Organic foods are grown


naturally, without any help
What are organic foods?
from chemical or synthetic

36 36
Provenance and Production

Provenance and Production

Food Provenance: Food

Food Provenance: Food

GCSE Revision • AQA Food
Preparation and Nutrition

Cheaper foods are


True. Genetically modified/
ones that are genetically
Intensive farming produces
modified or intensively
large scale, low cost products.
farmed. True or false?

37 37
Sustainability of Food

Sustainability of Food
Food Provenance:

Food Provenance:

GCSE Revision • AQA Food

Preparation and Nutrition

What gas is produced by Methane gas is produced by

livestock? livestock.

38 38
Food Provenance: Food Food Provenance: Food

Food Provenance: Food Food Provenance: Food

GCSE Revision • AQA Food

Preparation and Nutrition


Cream, butter, cheese and

What dairy products can be
yoghurt can be made from
made from the secondary
the secondary processing of
processing of milk?

39 39

GCSE Revision • AQA Food

Preparation and Nutrition
What advantages Vacuum packaging and


are there to the MAP (modified atmosphere

chemical preservation packaging) both result in
methods of vacuum long shelf life, and a fresh
packaging and MAP? appearance and taste.

40 40

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