Dengue Math Biol 35
Dengue Math Biol 35
Dengue Math Biol 35
1 Introduction
Dengue fever is a viral disease endemic in many areas of the world that is
invading and recolonizing regions where either it was absent or it had been
eradicated. The dengue virus has 4 different serotypes. We construct and
analyze a mathematical model for its transmission dynamics. The model is
Present address: Biometrics Unit, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
14853—7801, USA
524 Z. Feng, J. X. Velasco-Hernández
Table 1. Absolute numbers of dengue hemorrhagic fever cases and deaths reported to the
World Health Organization regional offices. NR: not reported. (From Halstead,1992)
where Aedes aegypti densities are high and dengue virus of multiple types are
endemic. Moreover, DHF-DSS is associated with individuals older than
1 year with a secondary type antibody response and with primary infections in
newborn babies whose mother were immune to dengue [8, 10]. These facts led
to the formulation of the secondary infection or immune enhancement hy-
pothesis to explain it [8]. This hypothesis states that only those persons
experiencing a second infection with heterologous dengue serotype present
DHF-DSS. In particular it has been found that only secondary dengue-2
disease is immunologically enhanced and that infection with this virus sero-
type cause the majority of DSS cases [11]. Other factors are also associ-
ated with DHF-DSS. These are sex (more frequent infections in females),
nutritional status (higher incidence in well-nourished babies of middle
and upper socioeconomic class), and the interval between first and second
To conclude this brief review of the epidemiology of dengue, we show in
Table 1 a summary of dengue epidemic in several countries of the world.
Previous models for dengue fever are reported in [26, 20]. The former is
a cost-effectiveness model for the management of dengue. It addresses socio-
logical-epidemiological issues that we do not consider here. The second model
follows the same basic methodology that we adopt. This model [20] incorpo-
rates an incubation or latent period for both mosquitoes and humans. Both
528 Z. Feng, J. X. Velasco-Hernández
total populations of hosts and vectors are considered constant. The model
predicts an asymptotically stable endemic state if the basic reproductive
number is greater than one.
In the model that we analyze here, we consider variable population sizes of
both hosts and vector populations, we do not incorporate the exposed
compartment, but include instead the existence of a second co-circulating
strain that can produce secondary infections in those individuals either
susceptible or already recovered from a primary infection with a different
Table 2. Parameter definitions and values used in the simulations illuestrated in the figures
X"M(S, I , I , ½ , ½ , R, » , » ) :
1 2 1 2 1 2
S#I #I #½ #½ #R6h/u,
1 2 1 2
» #» 6q/dN
1 2
be the set bounded by the total host and vector population in the absence of
disease. We can immediately identify three equilibrium solutions to (1—2), the
disease-free equilibrium E*"(S*, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) and the two (boundary)
S"h/(u#B #B ) ,
1 2
I "B S/(u#p B ), iOj, i, j"1, 2 ,
i i j j
½ "p B I /(u#e #r), iOj, i, j"1, 2 ,
i i i j j
R"r(½ #½ ) /u ,
1 2
» "qA /(d#A #A ) ,
1 1 1 2
» "qA /(d#A #A ) .
2 2 1 2
Let K"(B , B , A , A )@ (@ denotes transpose). Substituting the above expres-
1 2 1 2
sions into the definition of B and A we obtain a system of four non-linear
i i
algebraic equations in terms of B and A . We denote this system by U(K) . The
i i
solutions of K"U(K) give, by construction, all the equilibrium points of
(1—2). This equation also allows an easy computation of the next generation
operator [7] and the associated basic reproduction number. By construction,
Competitive exclusion in dengue 531
b h
0 0 1 0
u2(c#hu /u) b h
h 2
0 0 0
DU(0)" a q u2(c#hu /u) .
1 h
0 0 0
d2(c#hu /u) a q
v 2
0 0 0
d2(c#hu /u)
The basic reproduction number is therefore
R "maxMJR , JR N
0 1 2
a b hq/du
R" i i .
i ud(c#hu /u) (c#hu /u)
h v
This formula is a generalization of the Ross-Macdonald basic reproductive
number to the case of multiple strains, frequency-dependent contact rates and
variable population size in both host and vector.
It follows then that if R '1, then the disease is able to invade the host
population. Otherwise, if R 61 the virus eventually disappears from the host
population (local result).
3 Equilibrium points
J(E*)" 1 2 ,
1 0 G
!d!a I* a (¹] !»*)
G " 1 1 1 1 ,
1 b (N] !I*) !u!b »*
1 1 1 1
!d a (¹] !»*) 0 a (¹] !»*) 0
2 1 2 1
b (N] !I*) !u!p b »* 0 0 0
2 1 1 1 1
G " 0 p b »* !(u#r) 0 0 .
4 1 1 1
p b I* 0 0 !(u#r) 0
2 2 1
0 0 r r !u
R d#a N]
p*"max 0, 2!1 1 ,
1 R d(R !1)
1 1
d(u#r) u R
p*" f (p )" 1! 2 . (5)
2 1 a b I* (¹K !» *) u#p b » * R
2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
Then the following hold
Lemma 1.
1. p 'p* implies p*'0 ;
1 1 2
2. p 'p* and p (p* implies A'0, B'0, C'0 and AB'C ;
1 1 2 2
3. p (p* or p 'p* imply C(0.
1 1 2 2
534 Z. Feng, J. X. Velasco-Hernández
B(u#p b » *)
1 1 1
7(u#d) (u#p b »*) d!(u#p b »*) p!2a b I* (¹] !»*)
1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1
7C ,
u#r R
p a b I* (¹] !»*)6d(u#r)!ud 2.
2 2 2 1 1 u#p b » * R
1 1 1 1
It follows then that
1 1 1 A
AB7(2u#p b »*#r#d) · (u#r) (u#p b » *#d)#d(u#p b »*)
1 1 1 1 1 1
R u#r R
!ud 2!d(u#r)#ud 2
R u#p b »* R
1 1 1 1 1
'(u#r) d(u#p b »*)!ud 2 .
1 1 1 R
C(d(u#p b »*) (u#r)!(u#r) ud 2 ,
1 1 1 R
it follows that
AB'C .
Fig. 1. Graph on the parameter space (p , p ) for case 1 of Lemma 1. In this case R (R ,
1 2 1 2
f (0)"0. The shaded area corresponds to parameters values that render the boundary
equilibrium for strain 1 locally asymptotically stable
Fig. 2. Graph on the parameter space (p , p ) for case 2 of Lemma 1. In this case R (R ,
1 2 1 2
f (0)"0. The shaded area corresponds to parameters values that render the boundary
equilibrium for strain 1 locally asymptotically stable.
Lemma 2.
1. If R (R , then p*"0, f (p*)"f (0) '0, f @(p )'0 .
2 1 1 1 1
2. If R 'R , then p*'0, f (p*)"0, f (0)(0 and f @(p )'0 .
2 1 1 1 1
Define D "limp f (p ). Then the region of stability of E* given by
1 1?= 1 1
Lemma 2 is shown in Figures 1 and 2 for both cases ( f (0) '0 and f (0) (0).
Using the symmetry between the two dengue strains, we can perform
a similar analysis for the other boundary equilibrium E* (where the second
strain wins). In this case we have »*'0 and I*'0, and we can define
2 2
R d#a N]
p f "max 0, 1!1 2 ,
2 R d(R !1)
2 2
d(u#r) u R
p f "g(p )" 1! 1 . (6)
1 2 a b I* (¹K !»*) u#p b »* R
1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2
536 Z. Feng, J. X. Velasco-Hernández
Fig. 3. Region of parameter space (p , p ) where both boundary equilibria are locally
1 2
asymptotically stable. Fixed parameter values are r"0.71/day, k"0.000039/day,
d"0.71/day, h"0.9775, a "0.002, a "0.015, b "0.001, b "0.001, c"10,
1 2 1 2
¹] "50 000, N] "25 000. The corresponding basic reproduction numbers are R "2.4 and
R "2.08
Without loss of generality assume R 'R '1. Then we can draw a bifurca-
1 2
tion diagram in parameter space (p , p ). See Fig. 3.
1 2
Putting together the three lemmas and the corollary above, we summarize
our results in the following lemma about the local stability properties of both
boundary equilibria (where we use the definition of g given in (6)):
Lemma 3.
1. E* is locally asymptotically stable if p (f (p ) for every p '0, and
1 2 1 1
unstable if p 'f (p ).
2 1
2. E* is locally asymptotically stable if p 'g~1(p ) for every p '0, and
2 2 1 1
unstable if p (g~1(p ).
2 1
3. E* and E* are locally asymptotically stable if g~1 (p ) (p (f (p ).
1 2 1 2 1
Fig. 4. Phase plot in the space (I , I ) for values of the superinfection indices outside the
1 2
shaded area shown in Fig. 3. The graph was computed with the same parameter values
shown in Fig. 3 but with p "5, p "0.05, and positive disease-induced death rates
1 2
e "0.0001/day, e "0.0005/day. These parameter values give p (g~1(p )"0.1. In this
1 2 2 1
case strain 1 competitively excludes strain 2. The final outcome of the disease (which strains
wins) is independent of initial conditions. The black square indicates the boundary equilib-
rium point. The unit of measurement of I and I is number of cases
1 2
Fig. 5. Phase plot in the space (I , I ) for values of the superinfection indices outside
1 2
the shaded area shown in Fig. 3. The graph was computed with the same parameter values
shown in Fig. 3 but with p "1, p "4.2, and positive disease-induced death
1 2
rates e "0.0001/day, e "0.0005/day. The presence of a saddle point in the interior of
1 2
the region and the existence of a separatrix may be conjectured. Note that the final
outcome of the disease (which strains wins) depends on initial conditions. The circle
indicates the endemic equilibrium point. The unit of measurement of I and I is number of
1 2
540 Z. Feng, J. X. Velasco-Hernández
Fig. 6. Time plot of model (1—2) for a period of 5 years. The graph shows the total numbers
of infected individuals for each strain I #½ and I #½ . Parameter values are the same
1 1 2 2
as for Fig. 3 except for the following: a "0.005, a "0.005, b "0.005, b "0.007, p "4,
1 2 1 2 1
p "1.2. There are two curves, one for each strain. For about 3 years both strains seem to
increase and coexist. Only in the fourth year strain 1 clearly wins over strain 2. Note that
strain 2 increases faster at the beginning of the epidemic but it is this strain the one that goes
4 Discussion
model all infected individuals are infectious; thus there are no refuges. Also, by
definition, we take virulence as extra mortality induced by the disease. This
prevents the existence of a constant population size for the host. We do not
define the recruitment rate for the total population so as to balance disease
mortality losses (and therefore achieve a constant size in the host population).
This would be equivalent, in our case, to require that the extra-mortality rate
is compensated exactly by the cure rate of the disease and, therefore, popula-
tion variability would be independent of disease dynamics. However, even in
this case (no virulence) our model predicts competitive exclusion of one of the
The main reason that explains why in our model coexistence is an improb-
able outcome resides, we believe, in the coupling of two populations, each with
a different pattern of disease progression.
The structure of the equations that describe the transmission dynamics in
the host population is that of an SIR model with superinfection and variable
population size. In a directly transmitted disease with this structure and no
virulence one would expect analogous results to those of Nowak and May
[21]: coexistence of both strains as a rule. Our model also incorporates an SI
model without superinfection in the vector population. In a directly transmit-
ted disease this structure would predict competitive exclusion of the strain
with lower basic reproductive number [2].
When we couple both of these types of epidemics into one, our host-vector
model (1—2), the outcome is competitive exclusion of one of the strains if at
least one of the basic reproductive numbers is greater than one. In a sense, the
vector dynamics dominates the dynamics of the coupled system. The reason
for this is that the vector-host relationship is asymmetric. The vector chooses
the host. In this case we have modeled the contact rates according to
a generalization of the Ross-Macdonald model: the contact rate is frequency
dependent [6] (depends on the ratios of vector numbers to host numbers for
both types of strains). Thus, what our results show is that coexistence pro-
moted by superinfection in the host population is ‘broken’ by frequency dependent
dynamics in the biting (contact) rates, thus resulting in the competitive exclusion
of one strain even when an interior steady-state exists.
Other models that incorporate cross-immunity and multiple strains have
been studied [12, 14, 17]. We compare our results with the original one that
introduced this idea of competition of multiple strains in epidemic models,
namely the Levin and Pimentel paper [12]. In summary, the conclusions of
[12] are that in a variable host population system coexistence is possible in
a bounded region of parameter space. Outside this region, depending on the
relative magnitudes of parameter values one of the two strains wins and
competitively excludes the other. This model was originally designed for the
theoretical study of myxomatosis as a control factor of an exponentially
growing population. The fact that virulence is the growth regulatory factor
in this model determines the existence of a coexistence region in parameter
space. In the dengue model that we analyze here, the disease is not the
unique factor that regulates growth. Permanent immunity is also explicitly
Competitive exclusion in dengue 543
introduced into the model. Even in the case when virulence is negligible
competitive exclusion is the rule. The existence of frequency-dependent con-
tact rates closes the window of coexistence.
The model analyzed here does not incorporate the effects of age structure.
Dengue in tropical Asia affects particularly children with ages between 5 and
15 years old, with a modal age of 5 years [26]. The same reference indicates
that in 1987 more than 600 000 cases of dengue were reported in Southeast
Asia with 24 000 deaths: 90% of both cases and deaths were children. The risk
of infection is obviously an age dependent factor. Moreover, the influence of
physiological structure into the dynamics of dengue may have an influence in
the likelihood of coexistence of both strains. The need for a model that
incorporates age structure into the dengue population dynamics is thus
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